Jerma Gets Scammed on Stream - Jerma Streams Monster Lab, Cabela's 2005, and Elebits (Long Edit)

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we've been duped dealt bamboozled we've been smackdorfed that's not even a word and i agree with you [Music] oops okay hi hi there i'm here now i gave there's a spoiler there but it's okay that happens when you have the wrong scene selected when you start your live stream but hi guys how are you uh we're gonna go back to the wii today we're gonna play a game called monster lab will you create the ultimate monster perform outrageous experiments build your very own mad monsters face creepy quests and challenges in the eerie uncanny valley and picture ultimate creations in fierce combat against the super evil baron and his grotesque army of monsters the back of the box says he's finally playing spore oh this is kind of like spore but probably really really really dumb down the voice is normal today what the i don't know i did i didn't do it i didn't whatever wait it's because i are you sh wait do you think that this is normal hey the voice is normal today this is how i talk for real wait the fake voice is the real voice i'm confused you just confused the [ __ ] out of me it's a podcast voice podcast voice tuber voice you call it whatever you want it is what it is pog cast how has nobody done that yet how is it possible that no one on twitch has done a pog cast why it's so easy somebody has done that oh welcome to the podcast but how the [ __ ] is that not like one of the most popular podcasts on twitch oh it does exist it does exist all right well whatever we're going to do this is monster lab for the nintendo wiimote monster lab hurry up hurry up and go we have to go where do you have to go right now where are you going hurry up go go i have to go where you going this game is like this look at the title of the stream it's like battling mr potato heads this was a requested video game from the discord channel the requested recommended discord channel i recommend if you have anything that you'd like to see i always give it a look tm and it's something that i think would be fun i play it on stream secure the strap now i don't need this i don't have a strap this doesn't have a strap science alliance who made this alliance [Music] who made this [ __ ] game idose hello what the [ __ ] happened all right well that was weird reset stream for vaude chat please i just did i just turned off the stream and i turned it back on so this is this is technically a new stream uh welcome to the stream hey what's going on this is uh professor fuseless this is uh the wii playing the week welcome to the vaud everybody hi there two streams in one [ __ ] day all right we gotta take this a monster fighting game you make your own [ __ ] monster you missed the intro okay i'll give you the intro uh think of every saturday morning cartoon from 1988 to 1992. that's not very much time 1988 to like 2010 that's not very much time that was like three years actually you know what that's probably accurate why does my village get all the monsters this guy's face looks like one of the many photoshops you guys make every [ __ ] stream of my face in fact i'm i may in fact believe that somebody made this out this is me this is what you guys do you like drag my nose up and like pull my mouth down every string yeah here it comes i know i know i know it's gonna come i know i can't wait to make my own [ __ ] monster this is the tutorial defeat the monsters blocking the path you got it is this knack no this is not knack this is monster lab warblock versus mongor hey why are the robots monsters that's is that accurate oh [ __ ] this is just the surge it's the surge too i wanna make my own monster i wanna make i'm gonna have a lizard head i'm gonna have [ __ ] pirate legs why would i skip the tutorial i have no idea how to play i'm not skipping the [ __ ] tutorial remote and press the a button oh you actually have to point at [ __ ] with the wii mode this is their motion controls okay it's like an attack action [Music] all right so low squeeze hook punch oh i'm selecting the arm okay the head i can do chomp or roar left arm is auto fire legs we're going with leg sweep all right this is pretty cool it looks like your opponent has a strong right hand space find an action that targets the right all right find an action target the right arm so this is low squeeze is just going for his legs i squeeze his legs that's not what i want don't wait his right arm so that means his right right his right arm oh auto fire does could i bite his arm face him his left arm okay i'm just gonna fight him all right i'm gonna fight him i'm gonna fight if it does everything bite all right i just bit his arm off good but you can grow you can you brought arms back it's actually during combat remember this when you face dangerous enemies legs legs become useless instead of being knocked off you can't run what happens you can no longer flee from combat base cam [ __ ] face cam from what [ __ ] reason you want why is everything to be a face cam energy to perform actions [Music] hey you want to face cam fine everything's got to have a face cam these days you get it okay you get it for like 20 minutes gain more energy select the dodge or recharge all right so you have to re yeah you have to actually have to spend a turn recharging it's just like magic the [ __ ] gathering that is like magic the gathering don't you dare minus to that all right that's it oh wait now you just knew how to win simply knock off the opponent's torso dewey are you gonna destroy the opponent's torso all right here we go uh just gonna bite bite him in his just bite him bite is the best move in the whole game so far he's got no arms what are you gonna do oh [ __ ] he can spit he can still spit all right just bite him again put your face on the monster's face it's a half second sound delay it's not even how my mic is being delayed by a thousand milliseconds and my cam is being delayed by a thousand milliseconds doesn't make it doesn't make any sense it's not one guy oh [ __ ] one guy of course this one guy all right let's go gorbach wins they tell it it is actually delayed what do you want to do this guy's an overbite what are you talking about what are you talking about you are freaking me out man why are you wearing a kevlar vest i have whatever bingo i can't wait to make my own monster what are we gonna name it you guys gonna think of some good names you guys can get on here it's a backpack yeah it's a backpack i'm getting ready for school early i have to go to school in like 12 hours but i'm ready my backpack's [ __ ] ready i'd sleep with this on low squeeze now let's let's let's low squeeze his legs good call he just kicked me in the [ __ ] head take out that arm see you later all right what are you gonna do with no legs in one arm nothing roar i don't have enough energy all right we're gonna dodge why do we both have the same idea every time oh right it's like sorcery optical beam oh [ __ ] i'm almost dead all right uh dodge you're gonna love he's a low energy streamer chomp dead holy [ __ ] wait what happened this game rules i'm playing it on the nintendo ds thank you you could call it a hidden gem [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] no that's not funny that's not funny except my thanks feel free to return and explore our beautiful village oh god that's disgusting oh my god no you're the one laughing because that's insane all right i'm back it's like it's like segmented it's like separated oh [ __ ] you it's coffee now i can't even drink it it's coffee relax master of mechanical mad sciences challenge you are stop uh mad scientist look at him oh here we go what's my name oh it is important make it poop wine no oh my god are we how old are we how old are we how old are you how old am i that's more important forget about you forget about [ __ ] how old you are how old am i this is like this is my stream and and a 30 [ __ ] plus year old man is going to make his character name poop wine just be clear about this if this is my responsibility me showing this oh my god no i can't that's like i'm i'm 30 plus a 5 over 30. you can't make these jokes anymore when you turn 35 but i'm not that yet i'm 30 plus okay oh my [ __ ] i don't care welcome to the mad science alliance apprentice oop i'm speaking i'm speaking with was pig latin poop wine pay hey hey this is a [ __ ] 15 or this is like a 13 year old string seriously seriously say is i know he's not speaking in tongues that's big latin it's like a 12 year old thing how many of you guys are 12. you don't know how to speak pig latin that was like a 12 year old thing remember those ingredients you received exactly in tongues i can't i can't get over this you [ __ ] me up for life you [ __ ] me up for life every time i drink a coffee that gets separated like this but no ice in it of all i'm gonna hear is yours you're screaming you [ __ ] me up for life why am i desynced it's off the audio is early oh we gotta do something here okay ready hey one two one two hey hey hey hey hey so my audio me saying a is early it's literally perfect uh my audio's early hold on are you [ __ ] with me it's this is not one guy this is like [ __ ] half the chat this is a lot of one guy so my audio is early you hear me first how's this how does this sound are we good to go how does this sound are you seeing this sync up okay good you yo shut the [ __ ] up chad you're still ugly you may use my equipment to perform blame god okay that's not my fault you couldn't holy [ __ ] i've really seen that tiny arm fail the experiments and your ingredients will be destroyed i gotta keep this together i can't point the wii mode and hold the b button to weld fill the entire seam for the highest quality what the gun overheats if you weld outside the seam shake the nunchuck to fix the gun what am i welding this is operation oh shit's tiny oh my god why do they have to make it like a tracing game the my the worst thing you could possibly do for me is make this be a tracing game you guys know how much i [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] awful is this the game uh i don't think so wait we got a buckler shield speak with fuseless in the lightning tower there's a lot in this game it's it's this is very very deep i'm taking my monster back you have to make your own monster no it's not a pog moment no i was thinking about it it was close the panel's on the left should i make it all blizzard information make your first sona we only have two choices for head right now get out of the way i don't i have two options one plated jaw leopard skull or none i think i only have two so far all right leopard skull ogre arm and uh buckler shield no and stone hacker all right now we're gonna do three legs the last thing to do monster in name every monster needs a good name like mango well i'm not gonna name it mongor all right i'm not gonna keep this one this is this this is the shitty tutorial monster uh how about how about um how about mr recycle cause he's just i'm just gonna recycle him and i'm gonna take all those parts and stuff mr poopster but he's not getting a poop not no why would i name everything a poop related thing in this stream it doesn't even matter i could name him just like tim or like i don't know like paul or like him paul because none of this matters matters how david david good enough there he is there's david actually pretty intimidating looking look at his health his uh mana his attack and his defense not bad it's pretty good for a monster that this is what there's only like five combinations i can't wait to make the most boring [ __ ] monster ever you can use the interlab link scientists there was internet on this you could actually fight over the internet well it's too bad that nintendo shut literally all servers down permanently [Music] all right that was like a loud cat noise this is a cat oh it's david versus the insane [ __ ] that's not good not good uh i'm not going to flee god nice good work all right this is where we end it uh fight him it doesn't matter he's dead fully recharged fight him he's not dead yet uh just his arm [ __ ] okay uh the new monster rancher sucks this isn't even monster rancho wins three losses zero that's the first fight i got a bent screw so i skipped the [ __ ] rewards whoops go back and get the stuff what how much stuff did i miss there's nothing even here i didn't miss anything this has all the this is a mobile game before it's time yeah like the circles yeah get it there's nothing there's nothing there how do i breathe how do i repair myself i'm gonna die was like the repair was that that repair minigame remember you missed a tinted rock rewarded you gotta prepare the home base so okay complete buried treasure challenge electro trace challenge oh i got it what point of the line wait electro trace not another [ __ ] trace point at the line with the wii remote and hold down a and b a or b to trace oh no why no what the [ __ ] no i did it okay [ __ ] why it's like almost like they're making them they're mocking me he's playing webkinz i can't sorry why does it have to be a tracing game i thought i was supposed to make monster parts and [ __ ] have you ever welded something before no i've never welded something before why would i have ever welded something there goes the rest of the poop wine this is why i don't have the face game on because every 15 minutes of every like 10 minutes there's gonna be another 20 comments about why is this guy wearing a backpack because i'm preventing it from happening enjoying your little break hurry back with what you found you got it oh battle time bubbles versus david uh diagonal chop sidekick knock that arm off do it again there goes the arm laughing my ass off what the [ __ ] is this why is this music from battlefield is it actually from what you're gonna lose i'm not gonna lose i'm gonna optical beam him right in this sternum oh my god i'm going to lose i'm actually going to lose i'm going to lose uh all right here we go all right we're good i'm going to lose to a kids game this is not even a kids game this is a [ __ ] rated m alright here we go knock his head off how did that not do more damage than that dodge again [ __ ] he recharged and i didn't the crickets and dog barking sounds i know i don't understand it either try blah i'm gonna put okay i gotta go for a block i'll go for a block block it yep that's the right call bottom [ __ ] so smart all right now we dodge dodge it dodge nice all right this is where we ended right here got a hammer piston [Music] [ __ ] you still dodge again i'm not gonna if i lose the tutorial i'm taking the disc out and playing something else dodge again okay all right now bite them look at this why is this guy this guy like three levels higher than me i don't understand he's kicking the [ __ ] out of me go for the bite again what is he like organic it's like organic right i need alchemy versus organic you got to step it up i would i'm stepping it up all right cut his arm up [ __ ] this is bad this is actually really bad uh recharge his chest is alchemical is it spike all right i win we're good i don't we did it's not over but it will be in a second all right but losing to bubbles i i did i because i just won by playing this shitty game um it looked interesting this game is pretty fun actually you don't know until you try how many how many games that were shitty games have we played that turned out to be [ __ ] phenomenal you got to give him a chance you can't just write him off immediately you can't just write him off at least one okay you gotta give it like at least 45 minutes so it's been an hour okay you got to give it at least like you're gonna give it at least like an hour and a half before i put in ellie bits you have one life until i have to change games that's not fair at least say something funny i i i'm not a [ __ ] woody doll you don't pull the back of the string and expect uh there's a string on the back of me that's terrifying that was scary good why does he have that pro it's just an easy button to press i'm going to the workshop and i'm going to make a new [ __ ] robot part all right the reverb was so high on that ingredient that was all almost all the way that that was very very very insane i didn't even know oh well we are aware but you can evolve this really is a [ __ ] mobile game [ __ ] [ __ ] this is a [ __ ] mobile game it's like robots with the control stick swing the remote to smash smash all the robots that show the wrong symbol complete as many rounds as possible to earn quality give me the wrong symbol [Music] move over why can i not move it no move i've moved to the left i'm trying the guys are the wrong symbols okay i gotta i gotta smash this guy and the guy over there and the guy over there how do i move it [Music] why can i move it [Applause] how do i move the [ __ ] thing you're killing them i'm trying to [ __ ] use the stick i'm pressing everything okay there we go this thing's gonna be very low quality woody doll oh sick a new helmet watch the clip hold on let me see what the [ __ ] this looks like never welded before hold on look at a lot of new materials it's [ __ ] up is it that [ __ ] up hold on i want to see how [ __ ] bad this sounds i i'm not a [ __ ] woody doll you don't pull the back of the string and expect uh it's that that's pretty accurate to what they actually sound like so they're not that cursed yes they are hey butt sniffing george thanks for the fifty dollars butt sniffing joys that's five thousand bits for mr butt sniffing gorge derma it's my 21st birthday today could you please get me in contact with bugleberry so i can ask him to wish so i can ask him to wish a happy birthday to george [Laughter] i just want to say what a very special happy birthday to george is that your name happy birthday there he was he just ran in here all right do i want to continue playing this or i want to put in like alibits or like raving rabbits you gotta give these games a chance you can't just [ __ ] we're going raving rabbits all right i'm pulling plug i'm pulling i'm selling i'm selling it all right i'll pull the plug on it it's fun it's fun it's fun i like it i don't i don't hate it but it's a little too slow i thought we're going to make a robot it's a little too slow it's gonna take us probably six hours to get to the point where it's like the things that i want to do we're gonna we're gonna pivot we're gonna play raving rabbits because wow that's gonna be a pog experience i don't even own it i don't need to own that game i don't own raving rabbits no no i just i i just i just owned the raving rabbits [ __ ] ultimate party collection which is every single video game they made [Laughter] oh come on what that's not even that's not even remotely accurate this is it for a different system it doesn't fit in the same tray why did you [ __ ] this up how did you [ __ ] that up how did you [ __ ] this up it's impossible it's not even the same size of this right [ __ ] trade fight big game hunter 2005 oh [ __ ] god damn it put it in let's i want to see what i want to see this game is all about what is this [ __ ] game put it in put this [ __ ] in let's have a look unfucking believable i can't even believe it that's like that's impossible to make that mistake 2004 oh my god it wasn't a mistake it was deliberate they deliberately put that [ __ ] game in there like what i'm not gonna know it's not even close i can understand okay maybe if it was like if if that was loud if it was like raving rabbids the first one or something right or like raving rabbits two you're like okay like you [ __ ] up it's a gamecube game for a [ __ ] big game hunter 2005. oh this i don't even wanna i'm gonna play this game for [ __ ] ten minutes not even this is gonna be this game's gonna suck oh my god male 18 male 30 kills 60. wait why do you have to be was this this is our presets these are ages i was gonna say why did we skip like 30 male 60 i'm so [ __ ] angry right now even though i do this is tony hawk accuracy strength accuracy strength stealth resilience you fire a gun at something i don't i don't unders strength this makes sense and this should be one stat in this game it should be accuracy and stealth resilience what resilience for what how many like cans of soup you're gonna eat while you wait for the deer i don't understand this all right we're just gonna go we're gonna go all strength we're gonna we're gonna [ __ ] 100 oh [ __ ] accuracy who cares we're going strength only strength and and and resilience i'm going unarmed i'm gonna be fist fighting like a bear all right i can't take these down anymore i can't believe this okay edit the name no no no no no backspace there you go scam sean sean the scammer scam sam don't keep getting [ __ ] scammed with these games is this actually like fist fighting okay who you still have cares points i don't give a [ __ ] play on easy trust me wait uh is this a play on easy why do you know this start a new career i when i was a young boy my dad pete took me along as he embarked on a great quest that he had dreamed of all his life to qualify for the hunters hall of fame and hang their plaque on his wall it is an admirable accomplishment that few have completed crossing all the land types of this great country braving a range of weather but taking one for each animal awaken one of each animal in all regions 65 and all he took me through with forests and grasslands mountains and deserts as he cracked the great trophy animals of north america he came so close to completing his gold he was just three animals short when he slipped down a nice hill and broke his leg fortunately we weren't farm from the lodge and the warden called the rescue helicopter for us my dad always said we would finish one day and get that black but he never can you slow down the teleprompter please he did now and i follow his footsteps on the quest for my place in that hunter's hall of fame and a plaque that i will give to my dad in honor of all the memories he gave to me i gotta change the [ __ ] name of this stream this is not even accurate this is this game's not even going to be on twitch this this is such a strange cabela's hunt 2004 i don't even know but it's first person oh wait hold on do i just run around and f first person all right where's there a bear do i even have any supplies or anything okay why is this like a shotgun uh why don't i feel like i'm playing the thing you won't find any animals on hard is that true i have to go to the lodge in case you're already in there let's see if i get it go back on restart put it on easy pick easy please okay all right all right all right go back and do easy easy okay we'll do i'm just gonna do easy cause like people said like this could be [ __ ] impossible i can't believe i'm playing this right now i'm i'm so let's do a quick hunt in the in the desert uh the in the raspy gulch easy what are your control pad to navigate inventory all right i want to uh spray hydration plastic ui pee in this hydration bladder if i pee in this and then drink it yeah it's not how do i put it on easy is it just on what difficult difficulties on bella 2005 the title's not even accurate all right so what do what what didn't give me an option this time this is [ __ ] ridiculous on easy mode you can see every animal on the map something over here something over here put it on easy stephen put it on easy uh i don't i don't want to make a new profile i have to make a [ __ ] profile all right i don't care about the guy's name i just want to see one animal before i take this out and never play it again and just throw i i'm gonna throw it away i'm gonna throw this away right like i'm gonna throw this disc away i'm gonna recycle the disc all right career no don't continue my career career no no career options quit tournament how do i make a quick career great profile oh it doesn't matter 48 points um hold on it's so loud there you go fixed it okay let's go easy save all right i'm ready battling mr potato heads doesn't make any [ __ ] sense well yeah when i was i'm just gonna title it i got scammed no i have no idea whatever how much was this i don't know because this is not the game that i purchased all right go to the lodge phone talk to region warden um oh plus one letter grade it's a full letter grade that's from an f to a d did i just buy this all right [ __ ] i just i gotta see one animal oh there he is so try not to break any of our hunting regulations i won't why don't you visit my office in the lodge later hunting packs give you some hunting the region all right visit the warden in the lounge for tags and hunting regulations this is a 100 game you are the scammer what what's this game called cabela's big game hunter 2005. it's 106 new uh unfortunately it is uh it's like 5.89 used i i think i paid more for the rabbids game i got yeah i got scammed how much is that rabbit's game rabbids uh party pack for the wii how much was this yeah we're at a net loss we're at a net loss of three dollars and twelve cents it's eight dollars and fifty two cents used and five dollars and eighty nine cents for this scammed out of three dollars no scammed out of what i wanted to i just can't even [ __ ] understand play super paper mario i don't have that i have to find one animal i have to get my [ __ ] five dollars and 89 cents worth go back to the monster lab game wait what the this map is tiny this map is like this is like a parking lot what okay it's lit okay visit the guy right here okay what shoot something already what i'm trying got it all right did it read [ __ ] i'm i'm adjusting it to hit this thing game sucks play something up that was corrected all right that was fun oh you missed i i just hit directly in the middle just go back and play binding of isaac all right let's go find let's go find an animal about to track an animal let's go let's just get out into the wilderness i have to go back to the lodge why don't i have to go back to the lodge i already got it i got it i got everything let's go there's an animal no that's i thought that was like a bear on all fours that's my car [ __ ] give me the car i'm gonna go to needle leaf neatly all right i'm gonna need a leak and i'm gonna find an animal and then i'm gonna rip the disc out of the [ __ ] tray it's supposed to be [ __ ] braving rabbits here we go time to actually play the game i can't wait for the third pivot to elevate so it's gonna be great wait open the elephant's disc and [ __ ] make sure it's in there all right take a we need to find a wolverine how do i go into sight mode [Applause] nice stormtrooper training that's like a [ __ ] mile away just catch your breath for a little bit [ __ ] dark souls meter huge bits are you serious holy [ __ ] freddie dredd came in with 250 [ __ ] dollars all right claim the trophy you've just values free hundred dollars oh cool i don't give a [ __ ] about my mail it's way too [ __ ] much [ __ ] goddammit reload what's going on what what freddie dredd gave 250 freddie thanks for the [ __ ] 250 goddamn dollars a lot of money that's a shitload of [ __ ] money 25 000 [ __ ] bits here we go [Applause] [Applause] all right go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go right now no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm not right there right there right there [ __ ] treat all right i gotta take this disc out i'm done i'm done i'm playing elephants this is like hitting a golf ball i am at the driving range hitting golf balls at these [ __ ] poor animals i don't want to do this anymore these [ __ ] things this is so stupid i have to turn this off i have to turn this [ __ ] off i can't keep doing this just tear it out now hold on one more all right that's it no matter what one more after that are they fighting where's my car the car is so far away hold on wait wait just wait a minute you have to have some self-respect get closer i know i know i just i can't believe i got one get i know i'm gonna i gotta get the [ __ ] car and get closer oh we're gonna i don't i promise we're gonna play elevates i swear to play whisper i don't have ways for it sometimes it's gonna turn into shoot where's the all right how do i not have that i don't know i know look there i know there are more copies of wii sports out in the wild and there are ants i know but why why i didn't want one [Applause] two hundred dollars yeah i've wasted like [ __ ] five grand of ammo this is even the same one all right i'm gonna get close do not hit wildlife with your vehicles giant raccoons these are giant raccoons all right i won't i want i want i want i won't i won't hundred dollars for a new copy yeah what this what uh what hunting this is we use atvs and lawn scope rifles and like armor-piercing [ __ ] ammo no you get out there with two [ __ ] oven mitts on and we'll let's see what happens two oven mitts and a stick look at all this technology we're using this isn't an mmo all right i'm out i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done oh my god stick aiming is so hard to use i oh no i'm done get it out get it out of the car i'm not doing it oh [ __ ] what happened all right hold on get it open risk of suffocation oh thank god it's elibus is actually in here oh thank god all right goodness imagine if it wasn't okay all right let's go okay elevates you're gonna like this one i don't know what am i title stream now like [ __ ] magical creatures uh finding magical creatures you like clean a house in this game i'm gonna love this i was gonna save this for like tomorrow because this is what i'm thinking about doing tomorrow but we're doing it today because uh [ __ ] video games i'm lied to scam recovery go rabbits again i have let's halibuts is such a good game oh i know sometimes you gotta pull out the uh the big ones searching for magical creatures there you go new face cam [Music] this game is actually like the ultimate pog champ you guys are gonna love this game all right story mode multiplayer extras we're gonna do story in the tutorial you can learn how to play the game and view advanced tips would you like to start the tutorial yes oh [ __ ] hold on this is searching for magical creatures with cabela's deer hunt still on the the game title uh how about i don't know clean your room clean your room done here we go with the remote pointing at the sensor bar slowly move it left and right to look stop being so tangled or i'll bite it okay you can also look up and down look up and down left and right let's give it a try let's try it's really it's really like high quality fluid game too this is really really fluid and high quality next step try slowly moving the cursor up down left and right you move the camera this is a really high quality fluid [ __ ] experience this is an incredible game yeah i know it was either this or i was going to put in a beautiful joe i had i got to pull out all the stops here the thing to remember here is to point the weir mode the direction you wish to move this is vr movement you guys don't understand this game is one of this is probably the best game probably like one of the top 10 games on the week and you're about to see it live and in person on german 985 i'm selling this game up so high because the last hour and 40 minutes has been a disaster so i'm trying to just keep you here live from las vegas and i got a face cam on he's serious what a day to stick around on the stream he's god don't [ __ ] leave this is not a title against a cleaning game which means i'm gonna i'm gonna play mall i'm gonna have to back up a little bit i think here which means i have to have to put pants on i'm gonna have to take a break and i'm gonna put like [ __ ] pants in like underwear on stuff like uh that's just i'm just giving you real look at these little things an elephant is a living entity with a mysterious energy you capture one that energy will cause various things to happen after an elephant point to the recursive and push the a button the element enters your capture gun and hank as watts want to the game's unit of energy collect watts to fill the light bulb gauge which will turn blacked out lights back on got it he's gonna get banned one day i've gotten all right that's it i'm gonna take a break here in a second and i'm gonna put on clothes i have clothes on but i need more appropriate clothes because i'm gonna have to [ __ ] move back for this you search for these things through the whole house and you get them all and you can use them to turn on stuff this game sucks no it does not that's that's so so unbelievably wrong this is such a good game yes it is you're trying to hype this game let's see we'll see how you feel about 15 minutes let's make a good vr game it would i'm not gonna have to stand up for this you're gonna see the fall boom of race this is i think this might turn into a stand-up stream pants on don't worry i'm gonna all right now the lights turn back on would you like to do the next tutorial yeah this river stands for the first time in six years this is a pikmin ripoff oh that's no that's not even remote that's not you just just wait just wait 10 minutes this is a stand-up comedy stream this game sucks oh man imagine if you just didn't know imagine if you didn't know you know what i mean i can't imagine not knowing this would be a wicked fun vr game i know it would all right we got it this is whisper cleanup details but worse well what's with you guys today only giving games like 12 seconds before you want to change what's going on with you guys today this is like one of the best wii games to to release we can smell when a game sucks oh no you cannot no you cannot i refuse to have you guys say this game sucks like saying that like mario sunshine sucks i mean no it doesn't now this is my dopamine levels just exploded yeah eat this cookie just one more story all right watch the [ __ ] opening cut scene while i go put on pants okay i'll read you one more but then it's off to sleep my name is and i hate elevens my mom and dad study ella bit and they love them even more than me alibits came from a great big bolt of lightning it struck years and years before you were even born kai they've been friends with people for a long long time i wish there was no such thing as lightning then i bet the elephants would never have shown up and if there were no elements mom and dad would take me out to an amusement park or something right hey everything's gone dark what do i do now i don't know what happened but the whole town is in a panic mom and dad rushed over to the research lab and left me at home but i don't care my favorite show will be on tv soon huh why doesn't the tv work oh that's right electricity and cars only work because of elements you know you wouldn't even be able to watch tv without so i guess this is all the yellow bits fault but i don't want to pick them up with my bare hands i know i'll use dad's capture gun hey look we're in my room i can choose the music he went to go buy raving rapids what music do i want no [ __ ] no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm not ready pause it pause it pause it i can't you can't pause the game all right screenshot right here now i can move back a little bit with the mic remove the camera full backpack cam incoming he's wearing overalls no i've got my [ __ ] like bionic chest plate i've got my i've got my carapace on level one armor yeah this is this is like fighting game person armor you know what i mean this is like the oh yeah i don't know i'm protected just don't hit me here here here here here here here here or anywhere anywhere else in my whole body pub g armor all right i'm ready i'm ready to [ __ ] play this game oh the camera's not even in the right spot the [ __ ] big ass huh wait a minute wait a minute [Music] why does that look like that [Music] [Laughter] i'm changing the angle [Music] all right we're good are you ready for this [ __ ] game i'm ready here we go 350 watch tv [ __ ] igor tv turned on we got ready i have enough right no no i don't have enough [ __ ] how do i leave the hell can i leave the room not yet i got level two power turn it on get in there smash the tv no no no no yeah not yet [ __ ] out of the way rip it off the [ __ ] wall why why am i doing this kid's room holy [ __ ] what's in there blue rc car has been energized where is it oh i am the kid with the blue rc car all right i just like it's like a [ __ ] robbery all right where's the rc car there it is what how much do i need 1200 watts [ __ ] come on this is literally the opposite of cleaning oh there's the car there's a car oh there it is okay it's over here level three finally all right we can pick up the bed look at the desk um come here [Music] got them all you can clear the mission without you can clear the mission without completing continue i mean i did it right wait i don't understand you can clear the mission without complete just keep going just say yes no total capture 97 i gotta [ __ ] see you you have to clean everything no i don't you can keep powering up right mission two play normal missions you proceed through the game here we go we're in the hallway this game is unnerving why you like collect little creatures ella bits in the closet capture a thousand watts of elevates in 10 minutes here they come ready [Music] i don't want to like wake the ball up there we go i don't want to make everybody freak out air dryer has been energized all right where's the hair dryer where's the hair dryer oh [ __ ] there's a cookie okay hold on i don't want to use these cookies yet wait wait hold on get this out here [Music] yeah the music's [ __ ] good flashlight's energized keep that open flashlight [ __ ] flashlight come on flashlight [Music] floor lamp all right full here we go turn it on let's go wait they're stressed they're stressed out i don't want to capture them when they're stressed all right look at 475 what else was it most subs five subs from you posted cringe bro 10 subs from you cope you posted cringe bro i'm sorry about that i didn't mean to oh [ __ ] they're on they're up right down here on the stairs why is everyone dead it took too long so he died oh [ __ ] okay why do you have a [ __ ] urinal in your house why is here why is there actually that's pretty [ __ ] that's incredibly smart i would love to have a urinal in my house you can't hide from me urinal this is like superman's piss talk to manhattan there we go i'm blocking myself in the bathroom no get the [ __ ] out of my way go out the bathroom nose i'm staying i'm staying i'm staying look at all these things energized over here now i can open this all right i'm gonna throw the cookie i'm gonna i'm gonna turn on a bunch of [ __ ] and i'm gonna here we go you ready i want that cookie i'm gonna get the cookie ready already check this out let's get this open i know i know people i know they like the cookies i get it everybody loves [ __ ] cookies there we go 30 seconds for the cookie put it all on turn everything on quick go get the cookies that's it 30 seconds turn this on legendary i got the legendary honey what's going on upstairs sorry sweetheart [Music] i was gonna find these little weird [ __ ] creatures and pick them up honey there's nothing up here yes there is you don't see them honey you're just pissing all over the place sorry i'm not really talking but i'm using my ellie [ __ ] radar get this out oh okay it's just shaking [ __ ] all right move it out get it out of the way i've destroyed everything what else is there to [ __ ] break oh yeah the screen title is clean your room this is not how you clean a room that's yes i am yeah chibi robo prequel come on wait i can i could go down the stairs i thought i couldn't go downstairs i thought it was just the closets hey that isn't a are you drinking windex sure windex is blue people can it's a [ __ ] fiji whatever i don't care if people are gonna make fun of me at all the grocery stores all the [ __ ] water is gone and sometimes in some of them what's left is like the expensive stuff so this is all that was available to buy at the grocery store because all the [ __ ] other water is gone just boil the water all right mom and dad's room 1500 watts of elevates for mom and dad's room music number three let's go make this one clean i made you a little [ __ ] all right here we go [Music] sorry fun another one level two level two hurry up just lost that [ __ ] under the bed just turn the lamp on just pissing on the lamp all right i just locked myself in here i actually did i don't think i can leave [Music] antique radio i gotta get the [ __ ] out of the bedroom let me out of the bedroom please [ __ ] i can't move the books one two three four five one four three four i don't know what this is no what do you mean grandpa oh it hurts turn the [ __ ] thing on for god turn it on what the [ __ ] yeah i got it [Music] i went [Music] i'm gonna stick around i'm gonna destroy all these books it's a good this is the satisfying part of the whole mission watch the police are coming nothing behind the [ __ ] painting what there are there's like a like there's like a piss joke here with like the sith kiss versus [ __ ] luke skywalker piss i don't know if i can make it right now though they just pee into each other whatever it's there somewhere oh that's cringe bro oh i might need to tighten this he's not even making jokes no i'm not i might have to actually tighten this what's the vest for uh there's a whole lot of it you would like a new tutorial what's this what is this for this is an improved boomer brace kind of all right i'll give you the tldr i have really bad pain in my ribs in my spine i might have rheumatoid arthritis uh costochondritis and i have to wear this sometimes because my whole body hurts there you go there's the tldr breakable objects have a mark on the lower right be careful when handling these objects if you drop or throw these objects they will break gently put them back down else keep in mind that fleeing elevates can crash into objects and knock them down so be careful in such situations look around before turning appliances on okay looks like life is actually pain and what kind of so i can't like just smash stuff anymore i can't break anything how am i am i going to be able to do this don't break seven objects i have been just whipping [ __ ] around oh my god okay don't break anything i haven't broken anything good what the [ __ ] i didn't break what if i break what do i break what i break what i break when i break i didn't break anything what did i break and break [ __ ] oh this vase is everywhere all right put them down right are these bottles of water gonna break no they're made of plastic right [Music] ah don't break anything all right we're okay i have 15 minutes to do this i can slow down why am i going this fast this is it's going to shatter this encounters me breaking something right all right good go downstairs see i see you can't go downstairs the music's tight yeah the music is really good all right don't break anything just slowly do it [Music] oh don't break it don't worry this is slow slow slow i have 12 minutes all right now what careful careful god i can lift [ __ ] up now okay it didn't break gamer posture oh i can have to tighten myself though it's starting to this doesn't hurt i think it's the way that i'm holding the wemo maybe and like going like this and just tensing up a little it's kind of annoying but we'll see i'm alright i'll tighten it a little bit at the next version jesus christ i love elephants i know it's great somebody in here i lost control of the stream on that one what else is new i've lost control of the stream yeah it's a typical saturday then one sec he's killing them hold on where am i going i'm just i'm just tightening the back don't hurt yourself playing the game no i'm alright i'm just this morning too i was it was actually i woke up worse this morning but i'll be fine invite bugle larry to play with you yeah no i'm not giving up there you go that's better a quick invite frog detective let bugleberry play instead no if i if i you guys know me man if it gets to be too much for me i'll just i'll see you tomorrow you know that it's happened once before beautiful very hit no beautiful he's not gonna play this he's not even girth this game [Music] that was like angry how hard i threw that i picked that up over my head and [ __ ] just whipped it into the wall all right nothing breakable in there it's fine oh [ __ ] they're on the walls come on do it where are the ellie bits oh no get me back out there i just heard it where are they i'm not i'm not trying to i'm trying to pull it off never stop you're breaking our marriage [Music] i it's the worst thing to do right now is like sneeze getting sicker i'm fine i sneezed once i was here because he sneezed i still didn't beat the [ __ ] level no i'm saying it's bad because like that like contracts my chest muscles and chest and [ __ ] i'm pregnant why it's so hard for me to open a door we're done for dory kevlar i'm gonna i'm gonna lose sometimes you gotta you gotta crack a few [ __ ] eggs to make um your breakfast in the morning whatever it is whatever you know what i'm saying 30 seconds [ __ ] i'm gonna lose any three thousand right [Music] where are they get out of there what the [ __ ] what i think i lose oh i got it thank god [Music] hey i'm from the future germa doesn't do it well you must be from the wrong future i'll get what i can in 15 seconds at least i got to go in the bathroom wrong timeline germa i beat mario are you proud of me of course i am it's a really hard game keep touching your face well i'm like i know i really shouldn't be doing that but i i've been washing my hands all right we get to do the kitchen i'm gonna do the kitchen mission sure i'll do it tutorial quick you're losing them more piss jokes so you can make you make noises you don't make too much noise the volume gauge will feel as you make noise when a certain line is passed the count will decrease zero is a mission failure so don't make noise okay i get it hey we got a customer oh it's dad kind are you okay your mom and i are looking into what has been happening around the world whatever it is it's causing all the elevators to act pretty strangely it's not safe you'd better take my capture gun i [Music] gotta go dad isn't going to come home isn't he worried about me huh what's that sound be careful with that gun it was like the dad was just doing a tuber voice okay be sure when you have that early bits thing you don't fire it too quickly i gotta go see you in the next episode this tts voice that is tts voice all right the silent kitchen after 4 000 watts this is bread man why would it take but it's not that loud why is bread this loud oh i dropped won't hear noises okay i have an idea homing laser yeah here we go oh [ __ ] they can hear noises again i i just i was passing out and you know when you're passing the [ __ ] out and then you lie down for a second and the world starts to come back that's just what that felt like we have to insert what insert coffee is there toast insert toast in the toaster is it not toast where's the coffee maker [ __ ] all right here oh this is going to be insanely difficult to do this got it all right i can't get the [ __ ] toast in there it's gonna take too long what do i need to put in the oven insert what this is there's already a turkey in there put a potato in there still can't get this [ __ ] toast in here dude there's no way you're gonna get this toast in there cancel all sounds okay throw the pizza [ __ ] everywhere break everything i'm gonna beat it right here what's the goal of this game is to get capture ellie bits and transfer them into energy and then use the energy to open doors in your house and turn your lights back on take this ready five four three two one [Music] that's all [ __ ] good level three don't make noise all right what needs to go in here what do you put in the microwave uh what goes in the microwave what kind of food is in the onion apple bread metal no no no stop aluminum foil [Music] it's like a front loading dishwasher mustard [ __ ] open and stay open stay open oh my [ __ ] god stay open stay open every microwave does this [ __ ] and it's so irritating this is actually what happens when you have a real microwave but this is a wrist really happens stop doing that why do they does it do that [ __ ] this is not a game problem this is like that's a real world problem oh [ __ ] i can't make noise it's upside down what the [ __ ] do i put in here bread what about the turkey should i put the turkey in there how long would it take to microwave a full turkey okay it takes it takes like four and a half hours to bake a turkey in the oven if you microwave to turkey from raw what how long would it take i i can't move otherwise i'm gonna fail the mission wait mr bean did that wait mr bean really did that he microwaved the whole turkey that's that's very very that's very funny that's very funny link the funny turkey video wait it's real oh it's real all right after this after this level i'm gonna watch the mr being funny turkey video and take a second yeah we're gonna do a react to the mr bean video [Music] yes it's bothering me it's actually bothering me that's why i was wearing it today move movie night take a break yeah that don't we will i'm not i won't push it this game's fun though but it's something about this like the way i'm holding it i don't know i've had issues this morning so let's watch the mr bean [ __ ] turkey video that sounds like fun to me right now okay hold on let me get it where is it this looks like it's going to be very funny this is 12 minutes thanksgiving bean mr bean wait what this is 12 minute video hold on bean crew we get this on the screen for us to watch mr bean thanksgiving how are we watching it's all around each other's tv there is something we have to talk about this looks new i don't quite know how to put this [Music] what i am concerned about is new whoever that is i am getting rid of them that's the guy from ghostbusters too there he is i love this guy terrible you couldn't believe everything worse and worse this is this front this is wait this is from a movie the good news is that dr bean and i will be cooking oh sure doctor is he that's dr bean it is what the hell are we going to give them what are we gonna do yes i think they may be expecting something slightly more formal don't be ridiculous for thanksgiving allison would kill me microwave the raw turkey [Music] what why how long did they do this for 20 minutes i don't know no i'm not hungry okay you're the chef just put on some vegetables holy [ __ ] that's disgusting play the mr bean game oh no thanks i would actually eat those i would eat those they look good i actually kind of like raw onions i'm a [ __ ] weirdo let's see what it looks like [Applause] what is he all right is mr bean okay and i would just like to ask you some direct oh i questions number one okay i can't do that why are you watching mr bean this is a fake gamer stream i get i i gotta say i gotta take a break man i'm [ __ ] i'm in pain watch the whole movie i can't watch this whole movie on stream i'll get removed from twitch fake react channel just watch all the clips in order no you can't do that i can't just watch every scene from mr bean the movie in separate youtube videos back to back i mean that's like that's skirting the rules a little and i would probably get some appropriate reprimanded for something like that give me like give me one i'll give you another mr bean clip i want to watch like a funny mystery clip any other funny missed like classic mr bean clips all right here we go you got one here what's this one no that's that's a i know i know that's that's a gnome here comes a bean stream this is the crispest turkey funny clip wait wait wait wait wait a second wait a minute wait wait wait wait there's more than one mr bean funny like thanks for getting turkey hold on there's more than one it's just classic just being comedy there's a classic [ __ ] [Applause] is he feeding the most christmas cheese oh holy [ __ ] mr bean that looks like a [ __ ] folded up person that's a that's a human this is a human holy [ __ ] that's a huge [ __ ] person mr penis [ __ ] any more mr bean turkey videos that we haven't seen was he taking it out he lost his watch oh he lost his watch in the turkey i knew it was gonna happen of course he's gonna walk walk it's [ __ ] a head crap it's one of those scientists from half-life holy [ __ ] that's what it would look like if it was in real life holy [ __ ] that's terrifying all right any more i want more mr bean food related videos uh turkey related videos is there another mr bean turkey video sandwich there are hundreds of mr bean turkey related mishap videos this one one last one this one this one just found it found and found it you guys are all linking such random [ __ ] these have these not even mr bean this is the one this is the best one this one is a french restaurant i love this one no it's gotta be food related seafood is the best one all right all right every time half of these okay somebody just linked the scene where ace ventura comes out of the rhino's ass that has nothing to do with mr bean it's like honest to god what the [ __ ] are you talking about okay here we go somebody got it somebody got it somebody got it thank you so much thank you here we go he lost his voice it's the same video wow oh you know maybe i should just go in and hell no please sit down the doctor is in complete control of the see situation the problem with the mayor is that well how can i put this kindly he's a total idiot what this city needs is leadership vision vision which is why george should be running for all me this is a german stream hold on your second microwave isn't the same [Music] this is the same one you found another turkey one is this a is this actually another turkey one that's not it [Laughter] hmm three surges stuff in the turkey separate two eggs please go on his head please go on his head go on his head and have him look around and hit walls and [ __ ] please oh they forgot to clean this one what the [ __ ] is he doing look it's a german stream a can of peace this is german stream we just say things that we're doing and then we do the same thing over and over again oh canopies a couple of oysters dozen oysters caterpie it's classic humor it worked oh my god he's gonna get stuck that's it that can't be it i mean that's it there's another classic turkey one phoebe what's going on get off the screen oh my god okay well it smells really bad in here of course it smells really bad you have your head up a dead animal okay this little this is going to be this is going to be [Music] it's going to be the exact same thing oh [ __ ] that was pretty sick down french fries and turkey but it didn't go on his head this isn't funny i don't find this humorous it's not on his head wrought i swear to god i [ __ ] promise you it will be a time not today not tomorrow not next week i will do a [ __ ] look at how funny it is the turkey's on his head i'm going to stuff a turkey joke i promise aurora borealis smithers whatever whatever your [ __ ] name is it's not even supposed to be as funny as the actual turkey joke he's breathing in the smoke that wasn't even like funny yeah that like that that i kind of that kind of sucked be honest with you okay that's enough uh that's enough uh turkey videos for now that's enough no more turkeys no no no more turkeys no i'm not playing the other one i've no this one i don't want to play this one no more no he doesn't even do anything funny with this he just i he's just holding in his hands oh watch this please watch this this is toilet humor mr b no no we're not watching like mr bean piss it into a urinal ugh the last one please uh hold on oh okay fine [Music] people still think that's fun how many of you guys do people still think that that's funny though the turkey joke oh it's just like a germa stream he does like kind of the same [ __ ] every time let's link the streamer the [ __ ] gnome video every stream you and i are not so different hey click this link it's the it's the i think this is funny still we're not so different you and i no i'm not watching any more turkey videos that was a good break now what do i want to know no no more chicken videos cleaned your room let me let me stand up for a second let's actually take a just an actual brb i want to stand up and like move around just a little bit i think i'm going to take the brace off and just move around a little give me one second i will be right back i'm gonna take this off all right i've moved up and down a little um i don't want to say this but i'm going to i'm gonna have to call it here i'm sorry i gotta like i don't know what i'm gonna do go lie down or something this is uh hopefully not gonna start happening more frequently because this happened like a few weeks ago where it just like it i couldn't do anything it was uncomfortable uh so i'm just gonna call it i'm not gonna push it i don't want to sorry we only have like a three and a half hour we'll probably four hour stream but um we'll i'll be back tomorrow tomorrow is gonna be an interesting day because i'm going to play a game that is on the gamecube that is a microphone game i don't know if you want to miss this one it's a microphone based video game does he know that he needs a mic oh i have a mic actually you know let me see make sure it's in here well let's actually want to show this here is the gamecube nintendo microphone it's in the package still okay let's take it up there you go hello and apparently this does work in here did i just ruin this like by putting my dirty fingers all over what else can you use this with i don't know apparently it works in the wii i know i'm gonna make sure it works before i turn the stream on check the disc check the disc check the disco [ __ ] why does this have to be a thing why do i have to like make sure this shit's in here here it is odama oh yeah it's in there it looks pretty this is like a really sleek case too live unboxing here you go there it is it's a nice case take a look in here it's like a like a really nice case it's got the manual too pretty nice case looks this looks big for a gamecube game doesn't look kind of big this is like does it look bigger i don't know maybe but that's the plan tomorrow uh everything's in here so that's good uh if you missed the stream today uh my body hurt i got scammed and uh we watched mr bean stuff his head in the turkey four times um pretty pretty good saturday pretty good saturday stream i think so thanks for the ketchup sorry for rick rolling you uh the classic [ __ ] food mishap video i love it so much when can we expect more cabela's never i followed just for cabela's well i'm sorry you probably should unfollow if you followed for cabela's because that is the first and only time you will ever see a cabela's video game streamed on this stream it's not gonna happen probably ever again unless unless i get scammed again and somebody puts the wrong disc into a game that i purchased so if i buy like braving rabbids again and there's a cabela's 2006 disc in there sure [ __ ] got scammed well i keep getting scammed with these used games and that was live that was a live i got [ __ ] scammed i can't believe it i'm so annoyed by that send up a cabinet what a sucker hey smelly boy thanks for the 250 i'm not kidding when i say big game hunter 2005 was the first time i ever played when i was like seven on my playstation 2 it made me so happy when you started playing it it made me so happy when you got scammed can you imagine sitting here watching a stream and it's like hey i'm gonna play raving rabbids it's like oh okay i guess that's what he's gonna play and i opened the case and it's holy [ __ ] it's the first game you've ever played like tricked you we're on egypt and i'm playing cabela's and it's like whoa that's the first thing i've ever done that's just weird isn't it that's like a moment for one person that's the one guy uh 10 mario or 10 mari 10 thanks to 300 bits i had a dream that you were streaming some game when your cam accidentally turned on and you were standing fully nude in the shower jack kept saying tos and penis but you didn't notice i feel like this is an omen um i've had that dream twice so trust me i'm aware of it uh you posted cringe bro gave another 25 and they say germa you're worried about the coronavirus with you being a boomer cringe and they just say cringe which one of us is posting the cringe sure it's me oof no it's me it's me uh thanks for the 25 [ __ ] dolls and bits though dude seriously apollyon abaddon thanks for the 500 bits can we talk for a second about how bugleberry is the best character i hope you think that i really do i really do boyky thanks for the 500 bits hope your pain goes away soon germa also [ __ ] the bean team what's wrong with you how could you say something like that he's a classic comedian i do too it's uh getting to the point where this is actually starting to i went back to the doctor and i had more tests done and i have like my [ __ ] rheumatoid factor is high and trying some new stuff and this costochondritis might be i it might not just be costa chondritis i might have like rheumatoid [ __ ] arthritis or something it's still we're just still on the [ __ ] train and i want to get off you know i want to like get off the damn train it's just almost it's like yeah it's been like almost two [ __ ] years of this [ __ ] i just want to know what the hell is wrong with me and just start treating the [ __ ] thing uh i'm just being totally honest with you you know i'm not gonna pretend or anything like this is just me talking to you real like i'm just just me stop pretending stop for stop pretending unfortunately uh funny stream room memes do not uh work in the world of potential medical issues imagine like going to the doctor and he's just like ah so what are your symptoms yeah they still have like this kind of like spinal like chest like poor pain stop pretending monkey yes okay oh there it is jeremy talks about the doctor the doctor has a funny voice put the turkey on your head here's the german goes to the doctor and the doctor goes oh what's wrong with you oh there's another stupid there's a laugh track with the turkey oh it just bumped into the wall anyways yeah i just want to get it taken care of and the problem is like the medical the medical like world just moves so slowly it's like okay so here we're going to do this test and all right see in like two or three weeks but can we just can i just come in [ __ ] tomorrow like can i just come in for the next eight straight days and just do everything you've ever wanted to do to me like everything that you could even imagine just do it all like oh we'll see we'll we'll catch back up with you uh in april like no no no can i can i can you just like do all this [ __ ] now like well we're gonna give you we're gonna do an mri or let's set the mri up oh this is the thing you're trying to get uh figured out we want to figure this out uh so when are you available in in four and a half weeks well i guess on tuesday the [ __ ] the twelfth that's my bang bang let's go let's go let's go let's get it done it's like let's a lot of hurry up and wait and here's the thing i also i kind of get it too though because there's a lot of like processing and a lot of trying to i've had a bunch of [ __ ] done already and we're just bouncing around with these different ideas of what could be [ __ ] wrong with me i did like a rheumatoid test and it's high and it's like okay well what the [ __ ] does that mean fringe healthcare bail country all right j bum bum 7723 i remember you but i i don't want to have this is the problem that i don't want to have lead into the live streams i don't want to have this be a problem for me to bring into the streams i don't want to affect the streams i don't want to have it be a situation where i'm just this is something i'm complaining about a lot or every stream i'm like this is [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] this so i don't want it to be like that and although this is an annoying problem i it's not it's not like debilitating to me it's just there and it's annoying and i'll figure it out but i don't want it to create this like aura of just negativity around me on the stream because i wanna have fun and like in that and look 98 times out of a hundred this is not a problem on stream but sometimes it comes up and it's just like okay what the what do i do now like what what should i do now and i know that it's like no don't like a lot of you guys are saying like don't worry about it it's fine like we get it and everything and i i really appreciate that but remember i want to be here like i want to do this i want to be live i want to hang out i want to like laugh and have a [ __ ] good time i mean like i don't want to be like it's been three hours my back hurts by so it's you know it's frustrating i'll be honest with you it is but i don't want it to be a thing that's because it's not really that in the grand scheme of things it's not that big of a deal because it eventually long term i'll probably have a solution for it it's just kind of short term is annoying there you go laying it out there right what a mega [ __ ] maniac so we get we're gonna keep walking down the road until uh until i actually get the exact thing that's really wrong and that's pretty much it i i'm probably not going to address it too much more on stream because i also don't want it to turn into a thing where it's like oh german something's wrong with you something's wrong with germa something's wrong with him oh man it's all right jeremy there's something wrong with you you're okay well don't worry i don't want to turn to like a there's something wrong with germa and oh no you know what i mean i don't want it to be like that something's always been wrong with you yeah but i'm talking about in a medical sense sometimes [Music] there's always something wrong with you dude but anyways that's pretty much it just want to talk to you guys and be realistic and really sometimes it's all fun and games until somebody wears a [ __ ] boomer brace you know what i'm saying clean your room title is just so [ __ ] wrong god damn it clean your room playing elevates and mr bean is the thumbnail eating raw turkey jesus what the hell it's all funny games until somebody puts on a turkey head video mr bean headcrab edit oh come on don't i gotta watch this you see the the problem with the mayor is that how can i put this kindly he's a total idiot vision vision that's quick that's real that you gotta you remember keep in mind you gotta render this [ __ ] that it takes a little bit to render you have to make this render it and upload it damn that's [ __ ] pretty good i can hear myself talking because this thing is plugged in and it's speech jamming me so let me just turn that off there we go that's better okay i can hear myself talking in my own ears do a speech jammer stream that wouldn't last very long i'd throw up i could try it i could try it for fun for like maybe half an hour or something at the end of a stream snooze and comfort thanks for the 250. hey germa long time no bits please don't tell me elvis is going to get the god hand treatment will you play the beginning as part of a shitstorm crack stream and forget about it forever no it was just it was kind of the catalyst to my pain it was the way it was i had to hold the wiimote and move it around and just the i don't know something about it uh by the way the director that made beautiful joe also made god hand i knew you're going to talk about god hand at some point put it on the list jeremy jeremy put it on the list albertson jeremy push every new stream week a day and put it on the list albertson 985. i will play godhand i i will play godhand i will it's not today not today not tomorrow dark soul thanks for the 250 here's drink bits johnny blue tastes like cigars and [ __ ] shout out to my boy near all of fury warzone good me drunk thank you cutie i'm sorry that i'm sorry that you have an opinion that is not correct sorry that you feel wrongly about something this tastes like cigars an [ __ ] well do you even okay do you like whiskey do you like whiskey because if you don't like whiskey then don't take my recommendations for whiskey right that's like dude i i hate uh hot sauce i hate it i think it's disgusting yeah you should try tabasco sauce oh should i let me try that i hate hot sauce let me try it oh this tastes like [ __ ] [ __ ] he likes whiskey he likes good whiskey johnny walker blue is is good it's very very smooth it's light whatever whatever maybe you should try poo wine oh [ __ ] don't do that don't do that don't do this to me that was the [ __ ] craziest thing man this is this is a weird stream what a [ __ ] up stream the pooh wine thing was so ridiculous and it [ __ ] me up for life i didn't think i was ever gonna do a stream that was gonna [ __ ] me up for life and here i am completely corrected and it was it was it was ridiculous it was exactly the way that it would look it was that person that said that originally holy [ __ ] you have messed me up permanently hey machine nation thanks for the three dollars hey jeremy i just wanted to point out something when you played asura's wrath you mentioned it was highly recommended and i found it was mentioned nine times in the recommendation channel today you played monster lab which you also mentioned you got from the recommendations and that was only mentioned once meanwhile the game fury has been recommended 12 times since december 2018 it's not been played at all well that's not that's not accurate just want to put that out there well you got to get your facts right i streamed fury already a whole stream your facts are incorrect make sure you come in here with real facts because i streamed the video game fury already when it came out i got like 60 50 60 of the way through the game if you're gonna you're gonna come after the king what's that line if you're gonna come after the king make sure you bring sweets and give them to me by the way just want to make this really clear just because somebody writes something in the recommended channel even if it's a hundred times doesn't mean i will ever play it the reason why i played monster lab is because it was recommended and i looked at it and i said hey this looks like it could be interesting everyone's a big fan of monster rancher it's like a back and forth you have a monster that you grow and level up and turns out when it was actually played it wasn't really that like didn't i went into it and it had tracing in it so i wasn't gonna play it but the recommended channel is not about how many people recommend something it's about do i think it's interesting enough for me to want to stream it like do i want to play it and that's it's a recommendation it's not a demand but to answer your question i've already streamed fury come on come on come on i did when when when the when the game like came out i'm gonna look this up i'm gonna stop it germa fury is it archived i think it might be maybe it's the one of the streams that never got archived now does not there's not even a single clip of me playing this game huh i love fury i had no idea he streamed it if you google germa fury this is the second result and it is the reddit thread asking if i've ever streamed fury there's no evidence that it was ever streamed that's so funny no i did i did i did i swear to god people were here i didn't imagine this i've actually i swear you can't prove that you did yes i did it's a lost episode whoa whoa wait wait wait what's this wait wait wait wait we got a clip somebody has somebody has a clip whoops get that back in there this is me playing fury but it's me changing games okay get in there [Music] there we go there we go was trying to stay with you no idea i was your only hope i told you stay with her it's real i told you the lies are activated [Music] what the [ __ ] am i doing like a oh [ __ ] tactical eyes are activated oh it's mercy and soldier 76 combined whoa new hero announced all right no no no no no no excuse me excuse me excuse me nobody don't you dare minus two that that was an incredibly relevant [ __ ] joke because overwatch was in beta and it was like the biggest [ __ ] thing in the world okay sorry four years ago i made a a jokey reference to like one of the biggest video game releases in 10 years it was four years ago i didn't just say that last weekend at least a stream overwatch and then i just didn't think it was fun anymore dude cringe ages like fine wine get out of here get up get out of here get out of here get out of here hey thanks off butts for the 500 bids off says hi germa i hope you have a good day please read the following before you read it out loud oh okay on uh temperature does influence joint pain it's the barometric pressure i have rheumatoid arthritis and any major change in temperature really messes me up cold rainy humid weather makes my joints tendons muscles tight while hot weather ups pain that's just me and i'm obviously not your doctor but hope this information helps you find some answers because vegas is really really dry and i mean obviously it's been cold recently because it's been the winter time but when hot weather ups pain i don't know let me this is very very good information and i will take it absolutely but let me get that like a confirmation that that's what's really going on because that's another thing too with obviously me talking about some of this stuff on stream i don't want to come here with inaccurate information and stuff that might not be true like oh guys i have rheumatoid arthritis like i don't like i don't that's not confirmed i have this i don't want to have you guys i don't want to talk about something that i have when i might not even have it you know i want to be certain and not just like throw out nonsense that could be not even true as much as i talk about it i don't really want to give you diagnostic stuff because i've done that in the past before and i don't i just don't really want to do that anymore i'd like to just keep it just private until i have a certain answer but on the other side of that coin it's like hard to not because if i'm having like a problem and i have to like stop a stream or something it's like why are you stopping the stream it's like i have uh this problem and then i have to talk about it and you know what i'm saying it's like a just try to balance it out a little bit they say health problems yeah and like whenever that's like when i wear like the brace it's like i know we i know a lot of people [ __ ] around and i do i think it's funny i do think it's funny so you're not like hurting my feelings when it's like he's got overalls on like why does he have a backpack on like that's humorous it's funny to me it is but there are people that actually come in and they're like why is he wearing that like is he was it for it's like well it's his backpack right that's the that's it so you know it's i'm trying to find like a healthy balance as to what it even is and finally we had free dolls from ozal's which will take us to the end of the stream thank you ozales for the three bucks it's a relevant video there's a relevant video here and then turn it into wine turn that poop into wine turn that poop into wine turn that poop into what take a poop in front of us prove it take a poop in front of us what's that even supposed to mean oh that's eric andre is [ __ ] hilarious you should watch more eric andre well i can't watch more eric andre because i've seen all eric andre i've seen it all all of his show all of his extended new year's eve celebrations i've seen them all there about raid raid ray joel ray joel raid ray joel what's jill doing right now all right that's not a three what the heck grand theft auto three somebody just did an uptime in this stream and i thought it said 20 hours like holy [ __ ] it's been going for a long [ __ ] time so i want everybody to remember that the employee of the parking lot you know what's better than this besides everything a burger with a crispy wheel of cheese on it is it weird that i i this is an ad but i wasn't looking and i thought that was joel doing like a voice for a second i was like wait this is a no it's a carl's jr ad [Laughter] all right i'll see i'll see you guys tomorrow have a good night again sorry for the ending of the stream but you know you gotta do what you gotta do good night take care have a good one blueberry juice thanks for the 250 hey cool i love monster lab so glad you're playing the oops never mind hey how was rabbits i love that game it's so oh whoops scammed hey well cabello 2005 was the first game i ever played oh he hates it well okay i love alibits that might be fun oh he's just watching mr bean now [Laughter] it's so true it hurts it's perfect what a perfect way to end this stream that's perfect oh i love that guy woof scammed god damn it's all good though whatever it's all good
Channel: Skye4
Views: 83,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma, Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures, Jerma Cabela's, Cabela's, Jerma Cabela's 2005, Cabela's 2005, Jerma Elebits, Elebits, Monster Lab, Jerma Monster Lab
Id: xCNL2t37mc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 14sec (6554 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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