Jeremy Clarkson Reveals What He Thinks of the New Top Gear! | The Jonathan Ross Show | ITV

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jadhak 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Did you write the title? Or grab it from online. Coz this is written like a journalist’s headline piece.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KcR6 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
doesn't gummy look very well ladies gentlemen and you've lost a load of whale stone in the last two months Wow what are you doing I'm on a gap year to Indochina they've just got better dough out there plus I had a bicycle rather than a car Wow well actually see this is the way forward well isn't it terrible not a good thing to do because I've come I've cut my arm all broken as a result of it but dad did lose the loss of weight so you were cycling everywhere you were there with where I was staying was separated from the small town by this mountain but it was much bigger than Everest was only three kilometers I cycled over every day Wow so sad I can't have a drink and that's a cycle into town only who enforced that wall for me you say you decide my own rule kind of kind of a beer unless I've cycled into town so is this a conscious effort to say okay I'd like to live a little bit longer I want to get fit and I wanna [Music] just got a tube up your nose your position to your family to the state nobody wants to live longer well if you could live longer and be 14 yeah then that would be great but you're not you're living longer you're 85 nothing worked you're 59 59 and you look old I've gotta be honest this was a holiday it was a bike yeah went off to Indochina and it was fantastic Vietnamese and Lao and Cambodia all just absolutely fun came back when my wrist was full no I've got a lot of bracelets I bet come on I hope you didn't get a little tattoo on your hand cord no this clothes really this actually went past that our suitcases thought come on come on but then I went wrong I've got I've got an illness I had an abscess here okay and he said what had happened and no we don't know what it was suddenly infection do too much exercise us as prey but a skin disease as well we're not designed British people not designed to go to temperatures other than 57 degrees in drizzling it so I came out of the sea one day while I was working and there was this Italian guy coming out same - he's about the same age as yeah didn't look like me yeah he looked Rahm's that his hair was immaculate and perfect and his chiseled jaw and his stubble you keep it like that all the time and no mosquitoes bitten him good-looking people never get bitten covered in mosquito bite I've going in the head up to here and then bright whites see where the skin disease and then every wave knocked me over so are you are you a new man over you come back a new man are you refresh your we're punish your we first I'm definitely refreshing yes and presumably you're doing more because the Grand Tour has been a huge success on a scale of one to ten how filled are you that top gear is nowhere near as successful now that you're not it's a hard face to pull this well that time the other guys are always very generous than though it's a shame and wish them all the belt [Laughter] now I do eighteen years I've been working together 17 years yeah but we're carrying on I mean we're off with filming the next special that start so we're off to what you know there will come a time what's your plan going forward how much time do you think you do this for and how will you prepare for the massive hole in your life emotionally what I love James May in is yes come to the party I know I tell you what I think what's lovely about the show is this there's a bond and I would call it lasts between three hey you uncomfortable this but it's true I think there's a yeah a pure and very lovely relationship of three men and it's not it's obviously not sexual but female I do like their company ridiculous you do though I think you love them one day you'll come on in you will admit you love me and say you know what you've got a raving go no nothing to do with sex I mean if you want is what's happening here is you're you're trying to drive a story out of no I'm not really it's a beautiful thing and I think it would be nice if you could celebrate that and we could enjoy it with you yet no we are deeply in love with each other I'm not in mid working we can live with missin the point button I was distracted by how your hair hasn't gone great no it's going a bit quite on the side said what were you haven't dyed it [Applause] you [Music] you
Channel: ITV
Views: 10,703,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top gear, jeremy clarkson, jeremy clarkson jonathan ross, jeremy clarkson on the new top gear, jonathan ross, the jonathan ross show, jonathan ross chat show, james may, richard hammond, the grand tour, the grand tour interview, jeremy clarkson funny, jeremy clarkson the grand tour, jeremy clarkson who wants to be a millionaire, jeremy clarkson funny interview
Id: hIbi2RHK1Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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