Jeremy Clarkson reveals the car he regrets selling the most

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[Music] can i just say it works 20 minutes ago a woman parked her little fiat 500 in a parking spot there didn't buy a ticket but just put our hazard warning lights on and she still hasn't got a ticket so that's a top tip isn't it you don't want to pay any parking charges just put your hazards on anything james may owns [Music] i'm i'm told i've watched it but i'm told top gear is very good in this in its current incarnation but um you know we did 26 series and um you know you have to really work your socks off for a long time to um to get to where we got to [Music] the worst car purchasing decision i ever made wasn't a car purchasing decision at all i don't think i've ever bought a car i didn't like but i sold a bmw three liter csl for i don't know next to nothing i think three thousand pounds and that was idiotic absolutely idiotic [Music] i lived up there in 1982 and every single morning without fail my car was or had been broken into in the night there would be shattered glass and something missing from the dashboard and um i got so fed up with it that those ultrasonic alarms had just come out you know poked out of the dashboard like et's head and they were 200 quid which is a lot of money then but i thought well it's worth it because it will stop it happening so i bought one came out the following morning car broken into they'd stolen the alarm that was ledbury road in 1982. very different now very different i'm a grand tour presenter first and foremost but in the gaps the grand tour is the bricks and then the mortar is uh is my farm up in that in oxfordshire which um yeah we're going to start in that in september i'm it's going to be i was going to make it a fooling around program who knew look the tractors fallen over who know i'm on fire but actually farming is such a fascinating topic how do you feed 10 billion people in the world then i'm going to make it um more serious that noise that was a maserati quattroporte i suspect the gts model such a cool noise sorry what was your question [Music] badly continental does that count my my favorite non-performance car i'm not sure you could eventually continental counts but that would be up there range rover always up there they're just so damn good um i mean they're stolen a lot friend of mine who lives not half a mile over there he's on his third this year but they are very good when you have them outside your house where they are when you left them they're brilliant [Music] i did sell my gti and and i would replace it with a range rover you don't want to hear that i know you just you want me to have a maserati quattroporte gts but i also have an alfa romeo gt v6 when i'm not in london i drive that most of the time yeah no i will miss the studio enormously i love interacting i don't think james and richard enjoyed it very much but i used to love having a studio audience that you could bounce off that you could play with that they could say something and you had to think of something quickly to say back and it was just because i used to do a chat show years ago and it was i i developed a love for studio shows back then and um and so i will miss i will miss having that but it does free us up to do a lot more travelling stuff which is i know what uh viewers like and um other projects so um you know richard can do britain's heaviest paving stone and james can do the history of knitting machines and that'll be great [Music] i will nev i will never have an electric car yeah i can see that there you know people like them that they're interesting and i just like the sound of a v8 and i i i don't ever want to drive a car that hasn't got a nice sound coming out of the front or the back and petrol does that i'm nearly 60 so i can drive petrol cars till i die oh james is hilarious james wants the world to think that he's in tune with the times you know brown beer brown furniture really wants her over 90. but you know he goes and buys it what's he brought to tesla bless it so but he has a rolls royce and a ferrari porsche i don't know know i'm each to his own i just wouldn't buy an electric car i mean i've driven them i can see that there is an appeal and quite like the bmw i8 which i know isn't truly electric but it's i'm sorry i'm just i'd call me a dinosaur but you know i prefer um i prefer pink floyd to stormzy i prefer a ford mustang to a tesla if you've enjoyed something you've seen on drivetribe press like like something just press like why do they have to do that you
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Keywords: jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, james may, cars, top gear, the grand tour
Id: lKdY1OoCZ4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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