James May roasts Richard Hammond's new workshop!

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[Music] the first thing i've noticed is that hammond has lavished a lot of time and love on his sign look at that sign there he's thought about that for hours meanwhile this whatever this is is it a rolls or a bentley or something it is a bentley i can tell by braille nothing's happening nothing's happening there my first observation um it is currently january the 18th 19th this which is a space heater should be on it is completely useless off all it does is take up valuable space that could be occupied by a car that no one's working on [Music] oh there's a man over here look morning what's this a morris morris it's a maurice eight my dad had one of these and i rode in the back of it when i was a kid nice pillar drill two speeds tapping speed very useful feature this english wheel is a thing of great beauty and this was expensive that was very expensive this was expensive and this is new he's bought everything new this is new this was very expensive worth more than the car that's on it i'd say let's have a look in these booths because i know i know each one of these represents a well-loved car from richard hammond's personal collection i've seen the videos where he sells them and it's to fund this so let's have a look at what he's swapped them for before james does any more roasting we've put a link in the description below so you can check out more content from richard hammond's workshop on discovery plus there's six full episodes waiting there for you to watch okay back to james wow this is a wonderful booth i mean this is really really quality stuff and that is it's an elvis good i think the next one i think the next one is the paint booth oh my god wow can you see in this light i've been in one like this before i think this is the oh that's better thank you whoever that was i think this is a floor extraction system so the air comes in through the top and then goes to the floor and i believe this might be heated as well not that it's on of course so it's chuffing freezing still this is a fantastic again all all new i'm beginning to wonder if hammond is one of those people who's better at spending money than making it oh this is the paint store is this like a dust free environment or can i go in i can go in look at all those colors and you can mix all those so every color imaginable is available here i think oh this is this some sort of spectral analyzer for matching paint this is fantastic equipment look at it all this is very optimistic if you can see in here this is is the uh this is like the car restoration and repair equivalent of those charts you get in diy stores where you can mix your own paint for your bathroom in a mediterranean theme potentially hammond's business could paint all of these makes in all of these colors i assume all of these can be produced from the the base paints that are in the cupboards over there what percentage of these will ever be made a handful it's lovely though isn't it i mean look i suppose if his business fails he could sell this for up to 30 percent of what he paid for it there's more the question i have i'm not i'm not trying to diss hammond's efforts because i think this is really admirable what he's doing but am i looking at a very well-funded hobby or a business hammond's scooter yeah i was with him when he bought that it was getting on for five years ago he still hasn't cleaned it look at this [Music] that's the air compressor it's named after his favorite progressive rock band that's a nice touch no let's move on from that [Music] [Applause] well it is it's fabulous it's a paradise for for meddling and mending and doing great stuff well actually there's a bit in here do you want to go and look in here we haven't looked in here yet i presume this is the office block that's reception i think oh hello is that dog allowed out no dog oh sorry matey sorry i let the dog out soon after i'm just going to have a look in your house that's all right sorry oh warmth is that the kitchen i mean i'm not fussy it's you know it's a workshop you need a basic kitchen but even so it's a bit i can make my contribution to the welfare of the workforce by turning this up there you go oh oh that's a jammy dodger um bit soft do you want to put the dog away again sorry about that i didn't expect a dog sorry mate she loves you she likes me yeah oh he likes you that's why he's humping your leg you could get in a custom cream i knew you'd be traveling i thought i stole that there's no denying it and they filmed it i just stole your biscuit which is bad oh was that yeah all right thank you thank you that was bad form though just taking the biscuit i imagine this is where hammond can come out i'm assuming that's his office because that's the only bits i've not been in you can walk out here stand on the balcony and address his people like a roman emperor or somebody from the weimar republic maybe and what do we know about the roman empire and the weimar republic oh yeah they collapsed didn't they [Music]
Views: 2,035,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, james may, cars, top gear, the grand tour
Id: ZoY7rrTHnvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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