Mike Parsons - A shattering new move of God!

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[Music] I don't have any books or anything to to show but I do have a couple of her friends books when I was in when I was in Winnipeg the lady there Helen Hayes she's written two children's books they're sort of children's books but I love reading them I've read them to my grandchildren once called Jacob's Ladder and it's all about the adventures Kingdom Adventures of Jake and Jenny and it's about going up in heaven engage in the river of life finding their scroll fantastic you know really really good and the other ones heavens quartz how to use heavens courts to deal with issues and the little boy in there deals with issues so if you're interested you can get them online in Amazon us that come see me I can I can give you the details they're really really good for actually even anyone who was just starting out in the basics and actually likes to read in that sort of way so those are something I would encourage you if we particularly got children or grandchildren they're a fantastic introduction to this whole area of engaging God intimately and relationally okay well this is this is my last session and I've been so blessed by being with you all and the conversations that Brett first the dinner tables you've asked some fantastic questions you know I've loved all the hugs and the conversations with people so it's been a is a real privilege to be here with you and share things with you and Michael Danforth and so afternoon changed the name of the conference which was which was great and so I am going to now call it the shattering gathering the name as we get it forward because we're gonna do some shattering of some mindsets and deconstruction tonight and the musicians are all geared up to release some sounds and frequencies that if you're open for God to deconstruct some of those mindsets and I know I've rattled a few of your mindsets this week and we've been talking about some of those things as I say do not believe anything I say on face value take it back to God and ask God about it because if it's just information that's all it is it will never become revelation until it's yours with God so anything that stirs anything you resonate take it back with God and you'll find that he will reveal to you in the way you need to receive it whatever you need to know but you have to be open you can't go with a closed mind expecting God to reconfirm what you might already believe that was what I did and what happened to me he was highly traumatic in my process of him having to demolish some of my thinking now I want to I want to put this in context of sometimes we talk about all the revelation the engagements in heaven and it can seem like how you're doing all these amazing things the reality of it I believe God is raising up a generation of sons and daughters who are forerunners like Joshua and Caleb they spied out the land they went over beyond the veil if you like and they said it's amazing over here come on we can take this possession this belongs to all of us they had a different spirit and they gave a good report of this New Covenant reality we have to be ready to bring the next generation in if we don't have storehouses for a harvest that's coming where are they going to go how you do not want people to come out of the wilderness and go through the out of Egypt and come into the wilderness I want them to go straight into the Promised Land for that we have to have places who are living this revelation and have a discipleship ability to engage people 8th of August 1975 there was a prophecy that went out by Bob Jones of a billion-fold harvest of harvesters and that was an amazing prophecy but I don't think the generation that followed really got the point and I think they decided that they were going to reach a harvest and produce that DIY harvest of young people because that's what they interpreted it as and they failed to provide the father's mother as mentors for the harvest which is what God was calling them to do a whole generation has gone past since then and God is now wanting to introduce that same thing to a new generation on the 8th of August 2015 which was 8 8 8 if you had the numbers up 8 is the number of new beginnings it was a triple new beginnings that government three government of a new beginning we're in a new day there's new opportunities to embrace what God's doing I am totally committed to the ecclesia that God is building and establishing being a storehouse to receive a harvest of souls that billion-fold harvest is just the harvesters for the next generation so I want to see that release and it was very interesting in August 2015 that month had three days that added up to eight eight eight it was it was a powerful demonstration that God was saying this is a new day a new beginning God is wanting to raise up that Joshua notification to actually be mandated as sons to reach the next generation and it was interesting Michael Danforth said about well we don't want to pass the baton no we don't we don't want to pass the baton and stand back and look god wants three generations to work together in harmony it's never happened because usually what happens is the mantle of the one generation passes to the next because the previous generation won't give it and eventually they die and that's what happened to the Moses generation that died in the wilderness the mantle passed anyway but they didn't Moses didn't go in it's like if we have a mantle we want to equip the next generation to have their mantle and we want to work together and then we want to reach the next generation so we can work together three generations and I think if we see that we will see a powerful change and transformation in our planet every move of God has ended up with the next move let's not be that way if God does something new we need to be flexible and ready to move when the cloud moves not staying we're not building where we are were being flexible to follow God so actually this is a word for a most of us here or some of us Joshua and Caleb were actually in their 80s you know they weren't young people they were young people once but they were in their 80s and they had a different spirit they were still not suffering from decay as Michael would say and they took the land by taking the next generation in and you know where the next generation were from naught to 59 yeah they weren't yes young people and actually the ladies were not - I won't even want to imagine how old some of them were because they didn't die in the wilderness only the men of the age of responsibility died of the army so there was a whole other people who went in and some people say we'll a lot of the people who engage this stuff seem to be older well that's because a lot of us are actually have lived a lot of things in our lives have got more life experience and we're able to mature we reach the next generation and be those who can help support and encourage them the next generation could be a 90 year old who gets born again tomorrow that could be the next generation it isn't a bad age I would love for lots of young people to come into that Kingdom and I would learn all the old people to come in so that we can together reach the next the next generation that's coming so that's my desire you know I want to see two generations cooperating together to reach another one because we have to reach answer creations grown this is not about well it wouldn't it be nice to have church it's like the world and the cosmos is looking at us and it's waiting for us to come into our sonship to answer that grown and bring change and transformation so my journey as and God spoke to me about this and said I want you to go beyond beyond well I didn't even know where beyond was to go beyond it yeah and all of us are like that where are we what's next well whatever's next I'm gonna tell you this next and the next and a next because there is an inexhaustible supply of Revelation of who God is coming so whatever you are on your journey wherever bran beyond this for you there's more beyond and Beyond and beyond it's waiting for you to go deeper and deeper and deeper into the heart and mind of God which will bring you deeper and deeper into the revelation of who you are as sons and creation will respond to you if I was here longer I could tell you numerous testimonies of creation responding to sonship in miraculous ways but haven't got time but I can tell you that those Testaments are out there and you will have your own testimonies of creation responding to you when you know your identity you know where you're positioned in authority and you begin to exercise that in sonship which is a demonstration of love God whose manifold I love the sort of thing the manifold wisdom and the manifold grace of God and that means multifaceted multi-coloured multi-dimensional multi everything God is so inexhaustible in his who he is in his nature in character that will have ages to come to explore it and we probably still won't get to the bottom of it so they'll still be more and God is inviting us into the excitement of that journey it's a quest for me it's a journey it's an adventure every day is an adventure you know some of those adventures have done off into translation in time-space and everywhere else and some of them have done hear me in you and engaging with you everyday in a day-to-day lifestyle everything is an opportunity that we have available for us if we really really press in and see the reality of God so I shared that I went through this experience that God began to engage my mind and began to change my thinking and reveal who I was so I went through this experience where I began to realize who I was before I was and that I and I'm just sharing some of the things I wrote in my journal I said I saw my position within the mind of God in pre-eternal sonship I am as I have always been known now I could spend the whole evening just going into that and I would encourage you to engage that for yourself know some of you I know a taking notes yeah I will let all these slides available as part of the button the DVDs or whatever they are doing so they're all be available for you if you just want to look I'm gonna try and get through a hundred and thirty nine slides well you might as well be optimistic so I saw the light I saw a change in energy a changing atmosphere I saw myself as light rather than who I always see myself in this sort of vestigial image I saw new paths were connecting areas of my consciousness my memory that revealed who I was you know and it wasn't about doing it wasn't all I did all this in eternity sometime it was about who I am and who I still am and that was the reality of it I began to have access to the reality of who I was made in the desire of God's heart and spoken into being with the wonderful thoughts he has about me what it did it deepened by identity and reveal the destiny that spans the ages I know that I have things to do beyond this age I don't really intend dying in this age because I believe the Word of God says and Jesus said you don't need to die so I'm holding to that I take communion every day I'm getting younger so decay is an end as far as I'm concerned so you know I think I totally resonate with that and the stuff that's been shared of this week you know resonate with stuff you know don't just think oh well yeah well that would be nice but that won't work for me it won't work for you unless you believe it you know I believe it I accept it if I've done everything in this age that I need to do then I'm gonna be translated to the next one you know without having to die I'm really hoping that I don't need to be translated and I get to see the end and everything fulfilled but who knows no so you know my desire when I began to realize who I was in association with creation it just intensified my whole desire to see the restoration of it r1 to see it restored not just back to what it was but back to what it would have been had it not of fallen now that goes beyond beyond so father said to me said come and walk with me now I love when the father says that because we're going on a journey and I know that we're gonna see something or do something that he's gonna just go beyond so we began to walk in it was this dimly lit place now I have never walked with the father in a dimly lit place before just seriously haven't and it took some time for my eyes to adjust but they began to adjust to where I was and there were all these pathways and they were crossing and connecting and it was just like a maze of stuff it was it was quite an interesting place so I said well where are he said we're walking in your mind so I thought well no wonder it's dimly lit and seriously we were walking in my mind because my mind's a dimensional place I'm a dimensional being I can engage there and God was walking with me and we would continue to walk along and never cease paths of light and we were go and I came to this gulf and it was just like whoa and there was beyond it some doors you know I like they weren't they were long they were close but they weren't locked I knew they weren't locked but I'm standing there with the father knees you know and I'm just waiting hoping he's gonna say something because I didn't know what to do but he basically said well do you want me to bridge the gulf to one of these doors just once he said so I'm thinkin if he's gonna do it just once then that must be a possibility of doing it more than once once I learned how to do it okay so this path goes across we go over there and yeah immediately it was like the possibility went across my mind there are doors in my mind that go to places that I've never been and I'm sort of like well I'm getting excited seriously yeah at this point now yeah I didn't know what they were gonna go into but I had an inkling that they were gonna be beyond anything that I've been beyond before so I walked we walked across I'm standing now I'm waiting for the father to open the door and he's not doing anything so I think so I look up and he's like this is your mind you know you have to open it so I've basically open this door and then I'm this is weird innit I mean haven't you ever seen this film Inception it's like dreams within dreams within dreams I am in my mind reaching out with my mind to open the door in my mind no it's just like weird stuff but as I opened it I just gazed in amazement and I saw now I'm seeing in my mind outside a time in space all the possible creative choices I could make I'm like looking at them I'm just like wow my first reaction was which one which choice do I make I don't get it wrong that was a fear of base mindset so in my mind I'm having fear about how I reach things in my mind so it gets quite interesting when you start engaging with your mind at this sort of level and the lies and all the stuff that's in here get unveiled so immediately I'm with the father and I felt the fear melt away and it that every choice that I'm making whilst walking with Him in heart-to-heart with him are all good I made as a son I get to choose I'm creative we were talking about this today about you know Adams creativity God's breathed into him he breathes out and he is involved in the life that comes into the animals because God made Adam in His image and there's some very interesting things when you look at who were made to be how we create reality and what we're called to do so I'm there I'm thinking wow it's like every one of these choices is all good I'm gonna have so much fun because I'm gonna be able to create so many things and they're all gonna be good and they're all going to be an expression of my sonship and exactly the same applies to every one of you every one of you is created as a son of God to operate in Co airship with God to bring creative and to bring things into order you know there was no independence in my choice I was not going to choose according to the DIY tree this was sonship this is Coe airship I am walking with God the Father I'm not here independently on my own so I saw these creative possibilities and they were all good I mean it was like and I could see this was gonna be positive and so I saw right okay I'm gonna yield everything that I am possibly could do to just be Who I am in him so I'm a son this is gonna release sonship into the earth and then I thought I've got the mind of Christ do we not all have the mind of Christ well what do you think the mind of Christ is going to give you the capacity to do what do you think he did greatest things no I have birth some things in that creativity and God has taken me and show me out of birth things out into space and birth galaxies and things I was taking that one day and I'm out in the Stars I'm looking at the stars on the edge of the galaxy and there was this star system there which looked pretty odd to me and my spirit said that isn't right that doesn't look right so immediately something rose up in me which was sonship and it spoke to the Stars and they begin to shift when we were drumming in the things what they were drumming and I was enjoying the drumming on the first evening things were shifting out in the stars it slightly this goes beyond what you can imagine or think of the limitations that you have here on earth because sonship will go beyond not into just stars and galaxies and things like that but dimensions you know there is something about dimensions that we will have involvement in so you know I saw that the boundaries and the limitations of my consciousness the way I think were now disconnected and I was able to engage a true reality so I come out of this encounter and basically I am no longer thinking nonlinearly particularly when I engage in the realms of heaven so my mind got remapped things open to remap to access to areas of my mind which changed my thinking and literally it changed my thinking not just renewed to something that I had before but actually something completely new I saw all these possibilities now the technical term is popping a quiff sounds a bit weird but it's actually a quantum physics term when you choose to collapse a mystery a possibility into a reality that's what you're doing now when we are engaging in the things of God we haven't access to things which are hidden we cannot necessarily see them here but they're called mysteries hidden in darkness they're not hidden from us they hidden for us to discover and I've seen some of those mysteries hidden in darkness I've been in some of the houses and the chancellor's houses in heaven one of them is called the discovery house I've seen things in there that are not even for this age they're for the ages to come there's organics there's power sources there's ways of doing things which there's a restoration of things we've lost use in light and sound to move things make things when we're going to establish embassies of heaven on earth we're not going to use bricks and mortar necessarily we're going to use the creative power of our minds to create things yeah there we just operate so much in normalcy it means that we think everything isn't going to be much the same as they it might increase a little bit in technology but it's going to be much the same I can tell you it is not going to be much the same there is radical shifts coming of complete change in transformation both in US and in the way we do things and in the world to bring a new reality into being so I actually got to practice some of these things of choosing a reality and I shared one of them yesterday when I shared what happened when I came out of this encounter and I ended up having 15 minutes to do everything and get to work which is going to take me 45 minutes and the clock stopped on my watch and kept going around and when I got where I was going my watch then ticked and I was back and I did a 3/4 an hour in 15 minutes or less it's like there were lots of opportunities I went to a trip to New Zealand and I got some opportunites to practice so I get on the plane and we take off an hour late now God keeps doing this to me to give me an opportunity to change things now I wish I could just get a flight that carried on or normal but I have to keep operating to change the reality so I get there I think oh wait I've got an hour stopover in Hong Kong and we take off an hour late well that doesn't add up so I'm totally at peace I said I'm gonna choose the reality that enables me to catch my connecting flight so again on the plane about an hour later guy comes on the copilot well we'd really like to make up time but we've got a strong headwind and we're going to actually lose more time so we're probably going to be two hours late so I thought no we're not so this is to do with the wind I've got a really good buddy he's one of them is standing over there it's caught winds of change so they see safes of my buddy winds of change can he shift the wind and actually can he give us a really strong tailwind so we can get there early about an hour later the guy comes over the thing we've had a remarkable change in wind with we now have a strong tailwind and we're gonna get there and we actually got there early now I could have sat there and panicked and thought oh no I'm gonna miss my connection I better try and contact the people to make sure to know that I'm gonna have to catch another flight know my destiny was to be there on time to do what I needed to do in New Zealand I'm in New Zealand and yeah I'm in Auckland and we have a first meeting and it goes on a little bit and so by the time we got out of it that janitor had actually locked the gate to the carpark and no one could get out I mean so we're all there is absolutely hammering down with rain so we're there and there's the two people at the very front car trying to get out they weren't believers yet and they'd been invited to the knee and I was talking a lot about the angelic so they smiled at me and said oh you better call your angels to open the gate so I thought so I said to them no I don't need my angels in this case I'll do it because I chose the reality that I could open the gate no his pad locked tight so I walked up to the padlock I opened it and I opened the gate and they looked at me like how did you do that and I said well I chose to see the reality of me opening the gate simple as that but yeah you have to think in alignment with that creative way and choose realities which reflect what God's purpose is God didn't want everyone stuck there or having to call the janitor right to come and open it but the ways of doing it are multiple I could have chosen an angel and asked the angel to open it but actually I actually saw myself open it I went and did it nothing is impossible when we were singing that today I mean it was just letting Mike always lead it it's like nothing's impossible when you see things from the perspective of sonship when we are co-heirs with Jesus or our brother then nothing is impossible for us and when you're looking at your life you're looking at your destiny and you're looking at all the impossibilities oh well I haven't got enough finance oh I haven't got this I don't know anybody I can't do this I got what item got any of the contacts what boy three years ago God told me to reach out to people around the world I didn't know anyone around the world seriously I didn't know anybody so I said well what do you want me to do first of all I said well like well I don't know anybody I can't do it then God said well I've told you to do it so so oh okay then so you better open some doors and let me do it and so basically I I found that three or four people emailed me and I started this little forum that said ask me any questions about weird things and I'll try and answer them yeah it was called preparing for destiny this forum so eventually I said okay God's really said to me that I would he would like me to connect with you if you'd like to connect sort of face to face in any way and at that point in time Google in their infinite wisdom and generosity decided to create Google has which meant I could not only actually see people all over the world that I could record it and then make them available for other people the see now since then I'm here and engaging with people all over the world and the engaging God program is engaging with people from New Zealand at one end right up to Washington State or the other don't thing is anyone in Hawaii yet but working on it you know oh yeah there is there you go yeah so in a sense nothing is impossible if we choose to see ourselves as the creators of our reality and not be subject to the things that are around us but we have to choose to see it we need to engage with God heart-to-heart it's the relationship thing it's not all I'm just gonna fancy doing anything I like it's I am in the lamed arrangement in this relationship with God I'm heart-to-heart I know his heart my desires to do his Sara so we begin to see things from our Destiny's perspective that eternal perspective of limitless potential possibilities and start choosing some of them to see our destiny fulfilled not sitting back and hoping God might do something he's saying to us well actually I've called you to do it your sons so let's choose to create reality from the intimacy of relationship and then we can see all those amazing spiritual blessings that are available to us in the heavenly realms manifested in this realm because we choose to manifest that reality by calling into being now I told you that that was my experience when I went through this thing my head was exploding literally everything I believed got absolutely traumatized and I'm honest when I say traumatized I was feeling traumatized by the process that God took me through to dismantle my mind because I had a heavy-duty framework within my head and probably most of us do some of them are filled with lies some of the filter belief systems most of mine were filled with doctrines and theology and a few scientific things thrown in there for good measure so God says son walk with me so it's like again we start walking in my mind and we're walking in recesses of mine why I'm wandering around and God says son look at the dysfunction of all these broken paths at the distorted mindsets that are blocking all the paths for creation and I'm thinking ah what are all those things I'd never looked up now I'm going to look too but I just kept following the path I looked up and there's this framework oh then he says son look at all the rigid networks and I'm just writing what God said to me in my journals conforming and framing in the pathways within your mind now he showed me something different now see the fluo tea and the beauty of the pathways that can be formed by my mind through renewal of yours so I saw that then through his eyes I saw as possible within my mind which again is a freaky thing when you're in your head with God and you see through his eyes and see things can be different this is this the simple see the simplicity of truth now compare it to the construction of the interpretation of truth that arises from the religious doctrines and theology cultural paradigms that form the construct of your mind now it took me a while to sort of think what was interesting on about you know because God says things that I don't understand which means I have to go back and find out what he means and sometimes I ask him and sometimes I google it you know cuz sometimes I think ah Google's mr. Google's very helpful yeah so son let me renew your mind to a new level Zhaan's oh yeah open up your mind to me let the truth which is a person remove the cages constructed by the following pathways of you following the pathway the knowledge of good and evil so I've done a lot of DIY in my life and I've constructed in my home pint burries systems that I'm now trapped him so it's like there's a lot of construction that went on in my mind and it wasn't good and it caged me in with this framework so I saw it all I saw this framework I saw pillars holding it up and it was this crib grid system of connections and they were they were obviously lies and in there all connected in and belief systems and then he started to shine a spotlight on the pillars and I what are they now some of the way I understood I saw them and some of them might to go and Google to find out what they meant first pillars were like he said son these are the pillars upon which your paradigms are built so the first one was evangelicalism and Sola scriptura Sola scriptura means scripture alone now I was heavily believing in that and evangelicalism I was steeped in it and brought up in it even though I don't believe it is still frame my mind I gave up on believing what most of it was there's a few good bits in there but the system itself is a system of religious control sorry for anyone who is still in that but get out of it as soon as you can and tonight let that construct come down in your mind because you'll have much less problems in engaging the truth once that's gone then it focused on the pillars of Greek and Hebrew thought I thought it's a good thing innit not so not in my mind anyway Augustine ISM I had no idea what that was I guessed it wasn't too good so when I looked it up my Sunday it really wasn't too good and actually it's one of the problems of most of the things we believe today comes from Augustine introducing dualism Platonism Greek thought into the Christian thing and he introduced the angry mad God who was angry at us and is a punishing God he introduced the lot of that then it was Protestantism both Calvinism and Arminianism because I had looked at both of them in the past and probably had constructs that came out of both and then on some scientific rationalism cultural Revit ISM and humanism so I'm thinking oh man what am I gonna do now it's like this stuff and it's created conformational bias I'm having these concocted dissonant things God is revealing himself to me in encounter my mind is saying no you can't believe that sorry and literally my mind was screaming at me no no no seriously and I was I was really struggling with this process but God loves me so I'm okay so here's my nine pillars now you may have nine you may have 99 I don't know this was me I hope you haven't got you know because you know you got less than nine but for me these were actually constructed belief systems paradigms mindsets worldviews whatever you want to call them which shaped how I think and whenever God did something whenever God showed me something they were framed with that now the more intimate I got with God the less and less that that frame would actually contain what went on so these mindsets were established from my beliefs mostly what someone else taught me well they were all actually what someone else taught me and some of them I looked at and thought oh yeah I agree with that they were revelation from an old theological truth meant for a previous day some of them not for today even if they were meant for them I'm not sure all probably weren't so they were a resting place for words that frame my belief system and we need a real revelation for today and tomorrow and the next day from that so literally my mind was full of other people's books basically no sorry for those who write books nothing against the books themselves but if you read a book and you just put it in your head and say oh that's good I'll accept that without getting it from God it will just be information and that information you may be able to quote you may be able to teach you may be able to preach from but actually it will form a framework which actually restricts you rather than helps you when you get revelation and truth from God it comes relationally not structurally so God wants us to have a mind which is living which is active which is expanding which is growing and isn't constricted or framed by anything other than the truth in relationship so Scott said this son do you want me to deconstruct your mind I'm like absolutely I do you know and I said this this is what I said Lord deconstruct the frameworks of my mind strip every a presumption and assumption of my thinking away I discovered and what came after is I had presumed and assumed 90% of what I was doing the other 10% was pretty good but the 90% was really a problem son I can continue dismantling this from the outside in so that was the process I was going through or I can remove the foundations of the pillars of dogma that support these constructs that they collapse so I'm like that sounds like a better deal because it's gonna be quicker now if you go for the head I I am all for I want to get this done you know I went through in Clayton's cleansing the gateways in three weeks it took him three years it was really hard and I would encourage no one to do it in three weeks but I was on a fast so hey let's go for it you know when I go for things I go for things but it was traumatic you know I've got to be honest it was a traumatic disorientating process for a short while but actually it will it was the most effective and quickest way to free our minds from that constants consciousness and the restraints and constraints that was what went on so a father I said remove these dogmatic foundations and release restore the true foundations of eternal truth unlike yeah and then I actually thought yeah pull these things out and I actually thought for a sweet in second I'm gonna lose my mind if he does it all in one go what will I have left and I saw I asked him well please do it one at a time which were actually not too bad because then at least when he pulled one out I actually got to see all the rubbish that I was believing before because suddenly I was seeing this is rubbish why did I believe that why could I possibly believe that and yeah I did and it guarded my whole belief systems so I'm I'm in this process and it's like pillars started getting it was like a earthquake him I might I called it a mind quake thing I was wobbling now unintel ania I was going through this process because I thought they'll think I'm gone mad yeah I'm gonna do it myself and then when I'm not mad then they'll be okay and so I was thinking like this everything started to chebychev's my oh it was it was a real challenge and it was like that's what I felt like and literally for three weeks I went around with a steel band like screw to my head tightening and tightening and tightening particularly when I got challenged with the whole issues of what happens after we die and various things that we talked about this morning because I was like I am NOT going there I am NOT going there I know or happen if I go there I'm gonna be in trouble yeah and I was serious about it you know I was saying over lunch dinner actually I said I went to our bench of three two of them the other two and I said look I need to tell you some things I need to tell you please have mercy and grace on me and I told them and they said oh that's right we believed that I thought well why didn't you tell me because they were born again ten years ago without any religious background whatsoever and they had none of the junk that I carried so I was worried that they were was gonna think I was a heretic and they actually said well we thought you're a heretic all along the opposite you know they never said so Einstein said this no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it we are not going to change the world the way we have conformed the world through our DIY chaos we have to create it with a different level of consciousness of sonship Thomas Carlyle said this when your mind is stretched by a big idea or will never return to its original shape it's like blowing up a balloon you blow it out too expands if you let the air out it never goes back to its original shape you're spoiled when you engage God and intimacy and he reveals himself you just can't go back I can't go back I've burned all the bridges I don't want to go back I'm going forward you know when that first pillar of evangelicalism came out all the other theological belief systems started to crumble all the things that I believed were which were lies which were theology which wasn't coming from God all started to crumble away doctrines theological positions but didn't reflect the love of God and this was the everything has to reflect God's love because he is love they were lies and I believe those lies I'd preached those lies I would have sworn that those lives were truth that's how strong these mindsets can be when we believe the truth everything we see confirms what we already believe is so difficult for our minds to begin constructed without a radical impact of the love of God and the person and relationship you can do it or get or sort of deconstruct in a technology sort of way it has to come through relationship the light of the truth who's the person reveals these things to you and then you've got a choice well my choice was get rid of them just like pull him down deconstruct them in whatever way you can now I began to see things that I never saw before I began to meet people that I've never met before on Facebook I don't I use Facebook to post things and to keep up-to-date with the latest trends generally and there were people that I were posting things on my wall all the time and they were oblivious to me I couldn't see them because they're what they were posting I didn't believe so I didn't even see it it wasn't I rejected them I didn't even see them at all as soon as these things got disconnected in my mind I'm seeing things and other people who believe the same things and I'm like whoa why didn't I see this before so I started chatting to this all yeah we've been through that process it's hard isn't it I so tell me about it it's so hard to let go of things you thought were true but when you do you come into the truth and the truth so radically changes your minds so all these long-held beliefs that I were challenged by the experiences of God's love I just so love the love of God I love the fact that he loves me I love the fact that when I meet him he hugs me that he he loves me in spite of me you know it doesn't matter what I've done what I can do what I will do it will never change the way he loves me he accepts me he affirms me everything about him is the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced my life and it's like and when I started I didn't experience anything you know my belief system was I got a fire insurance from that fiery place which I'm not going to name yes because I don't believe it anymore so my whole relationship with God began to change and all these filters that I saw the world through and people particularly because I would get frustrated with people so come on why didn't you get this this is simple so how many more times I've got to tell you the same thing oh well and then saw them through the eyes of the lens of love and I have as much patience for people who ask the same question over and over and over again because I love them and you know there are no stupid questions if you don't know something ask you may feel stupid but that's a lie to keep you from asking the truth for the truth and so many people don't ask questions as they think they're going to be think their questions are stupid there are no stupid questions and I will accept any questions about anything because I love talking about things like that so then I said to God well what are you gonna replace this thing with you know eNOS like if this construct is come down and I've got no framework for my thinking what are you going to do I'm starting to read the Word of God in English and realize that actually a lot of it isn't what it says in Greek so I'm like ah my framework and the plumb line of everything I believed was the Word of God now I can't even trust that well of course I can trust the Living Word of God I just can't trust all our English translations I discovered when I actually looked and see what the framework that translated them which was the framework same framework that was in my mind from an evangelical perspective a lot of it that frame dear I believed it yet her loop when you get stuck in this loop so now all of a sudden what are you going to replace this with so God said well let me form pathways from the Tree of Life in your mind let it be organic now if you see a brain and you sort of see some pictures where they pump things into the brain you can see it looks like a tree so I'm like wow I'm gonna get the source of life forming roots and trunks and branches in my brain I thought man I'm gonna have that mind of Christ thus that's where I saw it so God said let me reform him connect the reconnect the ancient pathways within your brain so that your consciousness will become unrestricted and your creative potential will not be limited well that was a good statement that God made it took me a while to think what does that mean but I'm saying right I man I am going to be a totally different person and actually that's exactly what I feel I feel like a new creation because actually that's what a hand we all are but actually we live in old creation realities because we don't think like a new creation we need to have our minds renewed to the truth of who we really are rather than the lies which we've believed about ourselves and religion has a lot of lies to tell so God said I must plant new roots within your mind that will be able to flow from the eternal source let them be entwined in the pathways to bring truth that was essentially it's unlikely yes so I want a relationship with the Living Word now I love the Word of God that's written I just don't love the religious system that's behind a lot of it and how I now realize that it's actually deceived me into believing things because I believe those constructs so this root system actually I felt it going into my mind I felt these roots going in and I felt there's access to things I've never seen before there's access to truth I never saw before this is so different from where I've been and it's just like whoohoo the lights have come on it's just like that's what it felt like it felt like I have a new head I have a new mind I have a lot a new consciousness I am seeing reality in such a difference now it was fun but it was based in the relationship of love that's where it all comes from what my mind is now frame doing and I ask God this now I cannot believe the Word of God that I used as a problem what am I going to use he said love love is your plumb line if it's not love it's not me simple as that I thought why didn't I think of that before couldn't because I was framed with everything at to be Sola scriptura the word alone so it was it was a really interesting journey so why is this whole deconstruction for a know so important well ax 3 2021 the restoration of all things I could not see the restoration of all things like all things because all things were restricted to what my mind said they could be so I had limit limited possibilities now those limits are removed so now I have unlimited possibilities well that's pretty good when you think there's no limits nothing's impossible then you look around and think this can change this can be restored this can be made new the whole of creation could be restored the whole of the cosmos can be restored and every other dimension that's out there can be restored there's no limits and actually as the son of God I get to be part of the restoration process because guess what who gets restored first me and you and then a sons whole of creation will start to come into agreement and begin to change and then people will actually see the light that we're transfigured to radiate and the river of living water that's flowing floors to touch their lives with the love of God and this angry distant deity that's put in a gun to their head and saying choose me or else spend eternity in eternal conscious torment that God the world has declined doesn't want to know I've been listening to some of the new atheist debate some Christians and I agree with them I'm an atheist too that God as well the God who punishes his children forever I do not believe in because he is not the God that I've met the God I've met is a loving God whose love will never ever give up whose love is higher wider deeper stronger even creative things cannot separate us from the love of God and you know what that means that's me I'm a creative thing and I cannot separate me from the love of God and neither can you other than in your mind if you believe that you're separated you will live a separated life but when you betray that God's love and how inclusively is and how he's drawn us back into relationship it changes everything I see the world in a totally different way I see people in a totally different way I see what's in people the light that's in there because the Holy Spirit is in everybody God is in and through and above all things so he's in everybody people just don't know it does say in acts of the Holy Spirit's poured out on all flesh how much is all or does say that all are made alive in Christ in 1 Corinthians 15 how much is all the same all that all died in Adam are all made alive in Christ just most people just don't know it yet why because religion is hidden the fact from them we have to demonstrate the truth of God's love so the world actually will want that God Jesus will if he's lifted up in other words if he's presented as the true son of God he will draw all men to himself how many's all all no I do believe they do have a choice you know but God's never going to give up on us or anyone so we're not going to fix the problems that we created with our D or Highness's we can't do it we have to have a new reality to be able to create it so if we're gonna build embassies of heaven on earth we're not going to build them like Babel monuments to our own ego sorry if you've got ministries that are monuments to your own ego because God is going to demolish them and reestablish the truth that you can build according to a new reality because they built for a name for themselves not for the glory of God and you know we're going to have the ability to construct things organically using quantum reality we're not going to be using bricks and mortar or even tar to build something we will have a whole new way of creation we able to create things the way God did his sons I love this scripture from Romans 8 the Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God if children heirs also heirs of God fellow heirs with Christ for the anxious longing of creation waits eagerly for the revealing of you and me they're waiting anxiously longing eager for you and me having us exciting creation is waiting for us are we waiting for it or we're even interested in him we need to get a hold of the reality of how God sees creation you know he has reconciled the whole cosmos to himself that's what he's done and he's given us guess what a Ministry of reconciliation as ambassadors an ambassador lives from one country in another and the place he lives in that country is the occupies the land of the country sent from not the land of the country that it's in so we our embassies and ambassadors of heaven and we're gonna States established embassies on the earth guess what they're gonna live under the government of heaven and not earth so when the mountain of the house the law gets lifted up all the other little Hills out there all the other systems that are in the world are gonna stream to the revelation and the truth of our sonship in the mountain house of the Lord and say teach us we have no answers there is no governmental answer out there in any earthly government although God's established government and I'm not saying that and I would pray for rose in government but the reality is they're not going to solve our problems nor does the Health Service or sorry you don't have one of them do shame you should live over here we have a fantastic health service in the UK I'm not going to go into that political debate I'll leave that to Dave but all the systems none of them have the answer you know when a plague arises as they call it a zombie plague and we're the only ones who are not suffering where do you think people are going to go for safety cities of huge embassies are heaven when we're not living in sickness and we're living in total health which is our inheritance in Christ as sons of God and everyone is sick and dying where do you think they're going to be queuing up to go to us now I love David stuff he's teaching what we're gonna do but we're gonna be living in health we're not gonna be healing ourselves anymore because we're living health when we're living in an embassy heaven the world is going to be what's needing the healing of God and to be honest most of the healing that people like Dave does often is the church now I know he gets out in them community because that's where healing should be ministered that's where we should be prophesying and teaching and preaching and sharing the good news to people who really need it none of us actually should need it but we do because we're in transformation so creation itself will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God I mean where are the glories our glory it's us in sonship radiating the light which is our transformation into that image from glory to glory and the world needs to see it we've hidden our light under a basket where we should be a city on a hill and that includes every individual one of us should be so radiating light that the world is like moths drawn to a flame and when they come they don't get scorched they get healed and made whole and saved and delivered and brought into the fullness of their sonship - this is what it says in the mirror version his spirit resonates within our spirit to confirm the fact that we originate in God because we are his offspring we qualify to be heirs God Himself is our portion we co inherit with Christ since we were represented and included in his suffering no we don't have to go through any more suffering because he did it for us we're included equally participate in the glory of his resurrection if we just got hold of that living in the glory of his resurrection we are resurrected for our lives now represent the one event every creature anticipates with held breath standing on tiptoe as it were to witness the unveiling of the sons of God can you hear the drum roll hey we're gonna hear it tonight all creation knows that the glorious liberty of the sons of God sets the stage for their own release from decay this is what it's looking for it's looking for us to release the whole thing from the decay it's suffering by creating a totally new reality which is life absolutely abundant overflowing lavish you can't say any more extreme words than life that we have in Christ we sense the universal agony and pain recorded in history until this very moment we ourselves feel the grief echo of their groaning within us while we are ready to embrace the original blueprint that's God's intent also our physical stature to the full consequence of sonship what is the full consequence of sonship I'm looking for it I'm looking to find it I'm looking to have it I want to be a mature son what we already now participate in is the firstfruits of the Spirit it will bloom into a full gathering of the harvest it's like I've read the end of the book we win I'm not here for being rescued I'm not here to lose we win the only way we're going to win is if we know who we are as sons it's not automatic God works it out through us but we will win God loves the whole cosmos but it's waiting for us to mature as sons how we going to mature how we're going to come into their own Oh God go deeper and deeper into God look into his face look into his eyes and see you in him because when we see ourselves in him we see ourselves the way he made us to be not the way we see ourselves of the world has made us everything changes when we see it in his face that's why a face to face relationship with God is so much that's why religion and the wants to keep us from that face-to-face relationship because if he can keep us from the face-to-face relationship we won't ever know who we are because we only see it reflected in him in intimacy the illusions and delusions that we are exposed to we need to be unplugged from this false reality we're not living in reality it is a false reality what we see is an illusion and a delusion and we've suffered from it so Jesus the truth the second Adam desires to remove the limits placed on us by the first Adam to restore us to the conformist to our original eternal blueprint that's what God wants he has a thought and intent about us in eternity and it is still his plan right now for us to come into it that means we're gonna have all the restored abilities to engage in all the bandwidths of light and sound and frequency that we've lost all the abilities to operate with sound and frequency using the sound to move things using light to cut things using those things all the things we lost at the fall of the flood Babel restored you know I love super movie hero things you know x-men and all that stuff because to me it's like this is Hollywood's prophetic thing saying here are sons of God supernatural abilities that are designed for us in our sonship to operate in that creative reality only the truth which is a person that I'm conscious of and know by experience will set me free from being tethered to the physical earth realm and to that decay into that bondage and be under its rule only the truth the truth desires to release us into the glorious freedom of our sonship as co-heirs in the kingdom we need to engage that truth as a person it isn't enough to have information we need to know the truth experience him I don't know what you're suffering from you may be suffering from addictions sickness disease pain can you see that reality are you looking and seeing that reality can you see freedom from anything that's holding you in bondage can you see freedom from that sickness and pain if you can't see it how are you going to create the reality you have to choose a reality that says I am free from pain I am free from sickness and disease I am free from every addiction when you see that reality you collapse that reality and you can choose it but you have to see it freedom from rejection fear insecurity poverty every bondage every limitation can you see those realities can you see yourself free if you can't how can you choose to see that reality form we have to see ourselves the way Jesus sees us that's the only way we're going to be able to see that reality expressed if we can't see them as the truth that can manifest in our lives we are then reliant on outside agencies like deaf nurses to go around and help us by ministering to us when we actually should be ministering to others now that's great as a transitional thing until we're all living in the fullness of our sonship because God is merciful and gracious and we're in a journey in a process and it doesn't happen overnight you know our minds aren't going to be renewed as an event I cannot lay hands on you to renew your mind you know I might want to lay hands on some people severely to squeeze her but of course in love I cannot do that so I have to love everybody in spite of all their things but God wants us to see ourselves the way he sees as he really does John 8:32 we know these scriptures you will know the truth and the truth will set you free who's the truth Jesus we need to know him don't just read about him in a book or he even hear someone else talk about him we need to know him in personal intimate relationship that will bring freedom because we will see things the way he sees them free from the chains of time and space free from every limitation free from dimensional restrictions from the matrix of our belief systems and mindsets we need to get unplug from the matrix and that film is a prophetic parable for our day it truly is and I'm gonna give you some quotes for me in a minute if we can't perceive the eternal realm of which we are citizens we will remain confined and tethered to this earthly DIY version of reality do you want to carry on living in reality that you're living in now or do you want a new reality a new truth because truth and reality are the same word Veritas there's another way of putting it earthbound restricted living in carefully constructed illusions that limit us to mere mortals unable to change anything or fulfill our destiny I'm done with that I hope you're done with it as well the you want a new reality which is a heavenly one that sees yourself am eternal perspective as sons of God who can change things who can change reality who are sons of God can change things 2 corinthians 2:4 says this in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of christ who is the image of god how many of us are blind we believe unbelievers can't see how much unbelief do we live in how much unbelief do you live in do you really believe that your sons of God and you can actually change and transform the world around you if you don't believe it you'll never live it so our mindsets have to change we can be so blinded by the DIY system that we live in that we cannot see any way out that veil is being removed that's what God's doing in deconstruction our minds he's removing all the veils everything that's blinding us to the truth so that we can live in a true reality whose reality are you living in I would suggest it's your own do you want to get out of that well then you have to have a deconstruction of the mind that's the only way it's going to work so much supernatural truths and the things we're talking and I love being here because you you're pushing the envelope and doing it so much has been veiled and perverted by the New Age and then all the religious spirits put it off limits to us we have to get back what belongs to us yeah we must be free from the religious systems that stop us coming into the truth of the reality of all the things God has given for us and they are essential oils they are fragrances they are amazing things their drums and their bowls and their sounds and their frequencies and it's like people think you're we're weird but hey we're gonna live in freedom and they're gonna look at us and think you're weird but actually because they're weird because they're living in unreality when we start to live in reality we've got to get that truth bag you know all the stuff that's been hijacked from us we need it back truth is truth Jesus is that truth it's been veiled in deception and kept off-limits let's get it all back yeah whatever it is let's have it now the matrix oh I want to share some things from the matrix to you because I believe if Jesus was around today that's the sort of stuff he would be talking to us about it wouldn't possibly probably be farming and fishing and other things he would use things like the parables that relate to heavenly things that in those days they couldn't understand he said to Nicodemus if I talk about earthly things and you don't get it how are you gonna get heavenly things so if Jesus came and started talking about quantum physics to Nicodemus he would have been now he was even when he was talking about being born again let alone going to heaven and manipulated in the quantum Ram to create a reality around you so you know you can't keep walking the same path and expect it to take you somewhere else and that's what we keep doing we keep walking the same path and we hope it's going to take us somewhere else it never will we've got to change paths we've got to change reality we've got to change our minds this is it wake up neo the matrix has you let me tell you why you're here you here because you know something what you know you can't explain but you can feel it you felt it your entire life and I've this is my truth I felt something my entire life there is something wrong with the world you don't know what it is but it's there like a splinter in your mind driving you mad neo actually means new that's the end that's actually what it is it's an anagram of one we're all the one Jesus was the one and we're created in His image to be the one each uniquely designed and chosen as a son of God you know there's no one like you God has made you a one-off and he made you for a special purpose and he's called you for this generation for a time such as this because you've got what it takes you just have to start seeing yourself from the perspective of God and get unplugged from that unreality of the matrix knowing this truth will set us free it's time to wake up from the nightmare that's kept us locked up in unreality wake up we all need to wake up to the truth this is your last chance now it really isn't your last chance but treat it as your last chance after this there's no turning back you take the blue pill the story ends you go open this conference and you carry on in your unreality and you're walking the same path and getting same results and living in the insanity of your perspective well you take the red pill red pill you take the red pill you stay in Wonderland and I'll show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes now we've gone through a few rabbit holes this week some of you are quaking that the thoughts of Gavin to go back and work out where your theology is sort of gonna be deconstructed neo sooner or later you're gonna realize just as I did there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path you can find a whole load of things at conferences like this but you've got to go home you've got to walk this out when maybe your pastor or your leader says well what went on at the conference what are you gonna say maybe you need to pack your bags before you go back and walk out before you're kicked out you have to let it all go fear doubt disbelief free your mind I'm trying to free your mind neo but I can only show you the door you're the one who has to walk through it that's all I'm here to do I'm here to say there's some doors that you can walk through it's gonna change your life and change your reality unfortunately no one can be told what the nature exists you have to see it for yourself I can only say here's something to look at the question is are you willing to look what is real how do you define real if you're talking about what you can feel what you can smell where you can taste and see then real is simply electrical signals interpreted in your brain they're copying my lines here don't think you are no you are what are you trying to tell me I can dodge bullets Morpheus no neo I'm trying to tell you when you're ready you won't have to whoa [Music] [Applause] haha do not try and bend the spoon that's impossible instead only try to realize the truth what truth there is no spoon and you'll see it is not the spoon that bends it's only yourself mm-hmm so matrix is everywhere it is all around us even now in this very room you can see it when you look out of your window when you turn on your television when you feel it when you go to work when you go to church when you pay your taxes particularly when you pay your taxes it is the world that's been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth seriously we live in it and we need to be unplugged and set free from that reality near what is the truth Morpheus you're a slave like everyone else you were born into bondage into a prison that you cannot taste your touch a prison for your mind oh this is such a prophetic element statements no wonder I love it so much you know I've seen oh I don't know many times I've seen it probably about 20 yeah any any time basically I think I need I need something to watch to cheer me up it's like yeah I'm gonna look at the matrix the other film I watched is oh brother we're out though that's a fantastic sales so Nate chooses a system near that system is your enemy but when you're inside you look around what do you see businessmen lawyers teachers carpenters the very minds of the people we're trying to save this is the reality they're stuck at in a world and if we don't come out of the world that we're stuck in we're never gonna reach them we need to come in a different revelation you have to understand most of these people are not ready to be unplugged some of you might not ready to be unplugged but hopefully after tonight the music is going to unplug you whether you want to or not many of them are so injured so hopelessly dependent on the system they will fight to protect it that is what religious spirits will do people will fight to stay in their bondage if they do don't fight with them just love them you know loving people is much better than arguing with them and trying to convince them of anything your life as a demonstration of living in this truth will be the best thing that will be a test to me that help people come into the truth themselves when they see you living a totally different life and dimension they will be drawn to it without a doubt and so will the world remember all I'm offering is the truth nothing more free your mind and be welcome to the real world no se que epsom know thyself now that's not knowing thyself independently from God it's only knowing yourself in relationship and through that another Latin phrase be yourself your true self as a son of God this is this is what God is calling us into you know I'm so so so blessed really that I'm part of this I just love what God is doing you know it is hard yeah it's sometimes it's disorientating on traumatic but it brings us into freedom the veil that's limited our potential has kept us earthbound is being removed God is lifting the veil we can even walk through that veil and go through it knowing ourselves is impossible apart from God but knowing ourselves in him is absolutely possible and he wants to reveal it he wants to bring us into that freedom so we can bring freedom to creation without us creation cannot come into freedom because God has given us the mandate for this creation as sons so this whole veil this construct of deception is robbing us of true reality now when we come to know the truth we can actually see what reality really is and we can choose it you know this whole illusion that we've lived in I mean I'd look back and think how could I have been so blind but because my mind was constructed with these veils that kept me in blindness I would have said I saw the light and now I realized it was an illusion that I was living in a religious one unfortunately so what's your reality is your reality shaped by what you've experienced in what you've already seen if it is you're going to continue getting that can you trust what you see some scientists actually believe that this reality behaves like a holographic projection you know when you look into that and some really good information out there it makes really sense when you start to look at the implications of that yeah where are you looking for your reality God is the only place so I'm gonna I'm gonna sort of them look at how we actually do some things from us obstructing here with some technology our consciousness is a series of electronic electrical impulses in the synapse is passing along the neural pathways of our brain that our brain interprets as thoughts and you've we learn to interpret these signals in our mind we can use those signals we can use thoughts to change reality this is the power of the mind of Christ that he has given us our mind is hugely powerful the world of matter and any you response to us when we learned to focus those thoughts seriously you can change matter do not Jesus turn water into wine I mean if I was at Jesus I would have turned one into water because I don't like wine you know but he did the other and I'm sure they were very happy I'm sure they've been a bit upset if he turned wine into water would they but he did it and you know he did it and his relationship was so intimate that he said to those people on to his mother actually woman this is not my time and a few seconds later he says go and do this how did he change his mind because the father says now is your time and we need to have such a relationship with God that God can say that like that and change things in a second because we have that sort of intimacy with them so everything really depends on the perspective you're looking at it from your consciousness as the ability to affect energy and matter from a quantum perspective it is scientific fact that our consciousness can change things light is an energy wave that carries the potential to become matter particles depending on the thought of the viewer so you can swill a light of the world god is light if we start to see things our thoughts are light if our thoughts carry a potential that becomes reality then our thoughts can create things literally change things Jesus did it he multiplied food he changed water into wine he found money in a fish's mouth how do you think it got there you know I actually heard someone that said I think it fell out of a pocket of a fisherman you know Oh seriously people do have some weird ideas so this whole truth may be beyond what I can presently think or imagine but we're not going to be stuck where we are we are going to be changed and transform so we can begin to see things differently we renewing our mind is expanding our consciousness to know our through potential a son of gods and you will begin to change reality if you have a vision you have a destiny and you're looking to see it fulfilled you need to shape that reality so it can be fulfilled this your responsibility is not gods God is calling us sons to call that into being too creative you know he chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise because if we can do that sort of stuff they know it's not because of our intellect you know because most of us haven't got university degrees of that sort of level some of you might I'm not knocking that and then I got one myself but I don't use it in that way you know it's not about what I know from an intellectual perspective it's what I know through the truth which is Jesus who reveals Who I am so our minds must be enlightened or illuminated by the light of truth then that light of truth will enable us to begin to create things think of all the vast sum of God's thoughts about you they're gonna reveal who you are as a son of God created in the image of God with a destiny to rule the universe with him you know Star Wars I like you know it's that thing with light Luke join with me and we will rule the universe together you know I know he was on the dark side but he turned that good in the end so it's like so the truth will unlock the true potential of our sonship created in that image that we're made in by God and it will we will have to learn how to do it now you do it all the time you just don't know you're doing it and you're doing it out of what you've already known so it doesn't look any different from what you've already known in the past every time you choose the decision to make a decision you're actually creating a reality but you're creating most of it out of what you've known from your past other than what you know in God because when you see from his reality you can choose things which will be different seasons 514 says for this reason it says awake sleeper arise from the dead and Christ will shine on you we've got to come alive we need to be truly born again new creations it's the truth but are we living in we need that light arise shine your light has come the glory of the Lord is risen upon you Kings will come to the brightness of your rising well what are we going to be doing creative light expressed no wonder people are going to come to us when they see the things we're gonna do waking up to knowing the truth as a person will set us free to be who God intended it will change your present perception of yourself you have to see yourself from God's perspective we're going to do this you cannot do it out of the memory of who you are from the world's perspective so we can know the true from God's mistake they align ourselves with that truce and his thoughts about us and then we become creative we can see ourselves free from addiction if you've got a problem see your self free and you can be free you seriously can it starts with how you see yourself as a man thinks in his heart so is he if you think as an addict you will always be an addict if you see yourself healed if you see yourself as living in health so much better than being healed to live in full health then you can live in that perspective but you have to be able to see it see yourself laughed accepted affirmed and significant I love the fact that Jesus was standing under an open heaven and the father says down here's my boy I'm really pleased and he had mean done anything so as nothing to do or what he was doing it was just God loved him you know and God opens heaven right now heaven is open and God is speaking over you I am really pleased now some of you won't be able to recept it I can see right now some of that's bouncing straight off me I'm receiving it anyway if you don't want it I'll have it when I used to minister to people a lot and those people were not receiving man I couldn't stand up from the stuff that was coming back through my hand from the stuff I was trying to give away it's like take it God loves you every one of you no matter what you've done whatever your past is you are not restricted in your future if you see yourself from his perspective in love you've been loved by God he continues to you so our conscious thought has quantum power now I could spend sessions going into this but the universe responds to the focus of your consciousness when you think the universe responds we have the mind of Christ therefore the capacity for greater works I love meditating on greater works you know it isn't the numbers of works someone said are well Jesus only saw a few people safer we can see lots religious nonsense it is greater works it is creative works now think of Jesus has created the whole universe and we get to do creator works that is really really exciting so really it's time to embrace the potential possibilities of who we are because of who he is now I'm gonna give you these slides because I want you to go back over them and meditate on some of these statements because you're not gonna get it with me just throwing out a quick one liner I meditate on this stuff this is what changes my reality our consciousness has the ability to frame our reality but we mustn't frame our reality from the subject being subject to time and seasons and that thinkers will be stuck if we're creating a reality of what we already know God set the Sun and Moon and stars to frame time and seasons so they would be subject to us and we wouldn't be subject to them we have to learn to align things from what was is to be what will be and not be framed by the created light of the Sun but the creative light of the Sun different Sun so one of the core principles of quantum physics is the idea that reality the photons that produce the light illusion that we occupy exist in infinite possible States ie the many-worlds scenario and there are many worlds scenarios that will become one world when we choose them until we observe it and thus collapse all potential versions of reality into one single option that we've chosen to live inside you're living inside the reality that you've chosen to live in now some of you who need to get out of it seriously you need to get out of the reactor in reality you're in that you've created and start living in a new reality that comes out of the mind of God and not out of your own consider you're sitting on your sofa one day and you're suddenly struck with the desire to do something different okay you're suddenly faced with the decision what are you gonna do infinite permutations of things you could actually do and you have to choose one well if you're hungry you might go and put the kettle on or go and put something in the oven but as you weigh things up and you're looking at where you are you start to focus on something where it comes more likely when I start to think of food it becomes much more likely that I'm gonna go and get something out of the fridge to eat it if I was thinking of something else it would be much less like that I'll going out to the fridge and open the door because I am now beginning to create the decisions I'm gonna make so you can go and put the kettle on you could go and turn the light on you'd go walk outside you go to the kitchen you can go to the Turner TV on you can put the phone over the computer every one of those the choices that you can make when you've made that choice you've created a reality that you now live in which would be different if you chose another thought join that's now history you have created a reality by your choice you just chose from the things that came out of your past rather than the things that are going to come out of the future that's in God we choose reality every second of our day and it actually becomes reality now when you're on your own that reality may not affect too many people but if I went to the fridge net all my wife's yogurts then she it would affect her because she would come home and they would no longer be there for her to eat so most things that we do do affect other people so your reality affects someone else's reality now you can go into chaos theory and the things of that stings happen in other parts of the world that affect us and there are connections between things that happen but the reality is pass rewards memories and lies can drive you towards a choice for the reality you choose that's why addictions are so difficult to get out of because the memory of the things you before drive you to make the same decision so you end up in the same place you can immerse your consciousness into any reality you want now some of you can live in figments of your imagination and not in actual reality and try and escape actual reality when it's not changing your life it's just giving you an escape route for five minutes but you can actually choose a right reality in God and actually live in a reality which will change your life and I'm really being serious that you can change your life by choosing to come from God's perspective we must decide which action we're going to take and that choice and that reality we observe we keep me to be blind to all the other realities when we choose one so I'm looking at God's purpose and the creative is son and everything else I don't want to know I'm not interested in what my emotions might tell me or something else will tell me I don't want to make decisions based on what my destiny tells me out of a relationship with God compulsive behavior is driven by our past choices can overwhelm us when we come to choose a reality so difficult to get out of things until our mind is renewed and our mind is deconstructed so as soon as you actually select a reality and move towards it what actually happens this is scientific all the photons blur around you and shift and pull you into that reality and it becomes truth I mean this is literally what happens the light around you the photons that you choose actually create a reality that you walk in I mean it's exciting when you really get hold of this because you we really will be able to create things that no don't exist right now and the mysteries hidden in darkness we pull out and create and they will never have ever been seen on the earth before and we will be able to Suns to create those things and people will be looking where did you get that from and what you'll say is my head because that's where it came from you thought it into being so the options you didn't select actually they fade away until they no longer exist they decay in quantum decay and their likelihood then decreases until you've chosen and then they no longer exist so every potential is there until you choose one and then those potentials are no longer there anymore until you choose something else now this may seem a bit scientific whatever else but really it's not it's what God wants us to do every day of our lives to see the perspective of our destiny from God and what the father is doing and then choose that reality and create it and walk it out every day that's really what happens so the concept is the fact that your internal consciousness those synapse chemicals manipulated by your thoughts can actually physically alter the photons around your life that actually happens every day of your life you just don't do it consciously to change your reality you do it to continue the router you're already in and God wants to change it so where do we get this reality from God or ourselves we need to get it from God that's where it comes from so if you're choosing from your path you may be hiding your passion and creativity because you're afraid of not being good enough we make decisions on base what other people have said about us and we stop being creative because of those things don't do art because someone said you weren't any good at it I mean so many people are creative and they don't fulfill their creative because someone said something negative to them and they believed it and they don't act so they're acting on what is a lie rather than the truth you know actually you may not be pursuing a passion because someone told you it was stupid or a City pastime and never make you any money and you're not rich and wealthy because you're not fulfilling the dream that God put in your heart to fulfill you're not doing it because someone talked you out of it but it's there creatively in you we've got a guitarist in in church who parents said to him don't bother with the guitar because you need to do something that's going to earn you some money he was creatively a songwriter and until he actually came to know God his whole life was lived in misery he was earning a lot of money but it never made him happy because inside was bursting to get out of him a creative guitar player and songwriter but because his parents tried to get him to do something which they thought was doing good he suffered a long time until he came into the truth and God almost bursts out of him now you can write stuff and be creative because now you're finding who I called you to be some people agree to plans you don't want to really be part of just to fit in you're choosing to fit in with other people's reality because then you feel more secure secure staying in your job or a relationship that doesn't fulfill just because you need the money all these things are choosing a reality based on something which doesn't trust God not taking the time for that for other jobs for fear of switching to something new there's all sorts of things going not going after jobs that will make you happier because you're financially less stable not believing that God's provision is going to be in you fulfilling the reality that God is calling you to pursuing a relationships that you know aren't healthy because you don't want to be alone rather than calling in a relationship that God has out there in the realm for you to have the life that he called you to have I mean some of these things are just very practical our present reality is controlled by the program of our past experiences and knowledge we have to change it that is what renewing of our mind is going to do our future reality will continue to be self-perpetuating fulfillment unless we see from a new heavenly reality in perspective that is why seated in heavenly places is so important you're not seeing things from an earthly plane anymore if you do decide to escape your own source you have the power to envision a future that does not currently exist every one of you has the power to change your future today to align your future with what God says and you create a whole new reality when you leave this place going back with the power of sonship to bring your reality into being because you're now choosing not based on the things you've seen before but on what God says so rather than simply choosing from the already existing menu that you've engaged with your whole life you can instead create a new photon forms that never exist before and inject them into your reality start thinking about the things which you want to create to align yourself with God's purposes I'm getting to the end I'm nearly finished now we have this amazing ability I mean it's called imagination the ability to mentally envision a thing or a concept and then summing into reality that's what we use our imagination for I'm talking about engaging the heavenly realms here I'm talking about using it the way God also gave it so we can create a reality and then choose it every one of us has the ability to do that but we're probably not using it that way everything that you see today this building the cars outside planes in the sky tables chairs you're sitting on computers I'm using clothes that you're wearing every one of those physical things you can now choose to interact with originally existed in someone's head every one of those things originally existed it never existed before until someone thought about it imagined it chose to create it and it then it became a reality every one of those things were once inner pieces of quantum possibility floating around in the abstract realm of human imagination until someone came along and had the means to say we're going to do that let that be you who says we're gonna do that we're gonna see the dreams and the things that were in our minds fulfilled if you're not a daydreamer become one because daydreams create reality because you can allow the cont the consciousness of God and the mind of Christ to begin to swirl around and create the truth that you can then live in so what reality we're creating for our lives are you gonna go away and keep on doing the same thing and expect different results insanity or are you gonna choose to be a son of God and create a new reality that's gonna enable you to fill your destiny and be a son of God to change the whole of creation because this is what we're talking about here your reality will change creation and creation will respond to it when it's called out of the realm of God's heart we see it by faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the Word of God so that things is what is seen is made out of things which were invisible we're not visible everything we see came out of something that we couldn't see and God thought about it and God spoke it and now we are living in it so lets us start thinking about it and then I start choosing it and then we can start living in it Romans 4:17 and even God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist you some of you had deaf dreams you have let dreams die you've let visions die you've let the reality of who God is called you to be died because you've listened to the lies of the enemy in the world and God is wanting to breathe new life into that tonight when we engage the musician so now I'll want this to resonate in you so much that it starts to rebirth and bring new life to you and renew your mind and break down those constructs and bring a reality of truth this is what it says in the in the Youngs Living Translation and is calling things that be not as being simple as that you start calling things that don't exist but they do exist in your mind and they be they become they will become because we call them I love this picture it's just like we've got the Tree of Life in our head and therefore we can create these realities around us we can start controlling time and space we can call things into creativity if we see ourselves the way God is now I know some people look at that and think ooh that's a bit new agey so what is just a picture and actually when I saw I thought wow look at all the stuff that guys created in his head see it all start to form in reality around him because he chooses it and that's what God wants us to do to choose those realities so whose perspective are you viewing yourself through your own or God's what reality are you creating from your observation of yourself are you perpetuating the reality based on what you already know and have already experienced what you're going to continue with it unless you change something the quantum wave collapse caused by an observation is called popping a quiff and David Vancouver nephew David Vancouver is a sort of really quirky guy but he's got some really good stuff on quantum reality and popping a quiff and choosing reality from that realm and I would encourage you and get he's got something called else when it's a bookies call else when and it just starts to change your thinking about things one of the things he said is the quantum leap of knowing your purpose and assignment is waiting as a God quiff for you to pop every one of you can pop it if you choose now I've got lots more things I'm just not gonna get to the end of my hundred and thirty-odd slides but so I encourage the musicians to come up and and we're just going to go in and engage and let God begin to change you now one of the things I did when I begin to get something like this I do what's making laws I go to the court of Kings and I make a law I went and made the law of deconstruction this law is based on some truth Romans 12 to be conformed not conformed to the world but be transformed by the roof mine seasons 2:23 be renewed in the spirit of your mind this is what the law is the deconstruction of the minds pillars by the challenging and shaking of old mindsets with love bombs of truth I'm expecting some love bombs of truth to come and explode over your minds tonight coming out of rhythms and drumbeats and bowls and frequencies and sounds you're authorized to accelerate the process of cognitive dissonance be expect to be cognitively dissonant so your encounters with God are going to challenge what you believe you're authorized to release traumatic encounters that will fracture the illusions of reality expect some change to take place you're authorized to expelled old mindsets to new levels of revelation you're authorized to release messenger angels to affect mine quakes expect some angels to come and rattle your thinking tonight you're authorized to increase the intensity and pressure for transformation through facilitating deeper dimensional encounters God is going to take you outside of your comfort zone into things you've never seen before you can expect an accelerated transition for those who embrace deconstruction if you want change I severely sincerely encourage you tonight to say yes to God and say God deconstruct my mind remove every theological doctrinal thing that's robbing me from the truth and bring me into Revelation this is what God said in this law you're gonna need trauma centers places of rehabilitation for the deconstructive than the deprogrammed and actually I think Northwest ecclesia and some of you other guys are actually people are gathering with a blueprint to be places where people can be decent structured and restored to sonship amen so hey there's a whole lot of stuff we can go into and I'm going to encourage the musicians to come up and help facilitate us just engaging this stuff now I want to encourage you to make an active choice to ask God to deconstruct your mind and to show you the creative power of your mind to create a reality so the reality tonight for you is change you're not gonna walk away from this place the same person as you walked into it because you're gonna choose that reality which means you're going to be a new creation and your mind is going to be renewed tonight it may be part of the process don't expect that necessary everything is going to change completely but this is the first step of a journey you know nice I honestly believe that if we embrace this it will change and transform us and bring us into a whole different reality of the truth so while these guys are getting ready I'm gonna just speak this Jesus is here to engage you will you choose that possibility tonight let him unplug you from the limited constructs of your own mind and that matrix let him expand your reality tonight let him expand your consciousness to be aware of who you really are in God as a son let the truth free you to know true reality let him begin to renew your mind by revealing the truth of his love for you this all comes in love none of this is just out of a mechanical process it's because God loves you he wants you to be a fullness of sonship let those love bombs explode over you tonight let him show you that he accepts you let him unveil and reveal your destiny to you if you don't know what it is then let it be filling your spirit tonight this can inspire you to move in a different direction let him take you flying beyond your pleasant limitations I'm expecting him to take you places you've never been let him take you outside of their present boundaries let him show you an eternal reality then in reveal your true reality hey there's way way more out there than we can imagine or think and it's there for us if we will embrace it so I'm going to leave it there and encourage you to just really embrace whatever it is that God has got for you and don't let the lies and constructs of your mind limit you allow God to deconstruct you it may be a bit traumatic I know I've been sat talking to some of you guys and some of the things I've been saying to you have been a bit like how do I go from here yeah it's okay that's why I was like yeah and I've been in this stuff for a long time and I'm still being mind weight as God wants to reveal something deeper of Who I am my identity the truth the revelation of who that is to be released
Channel: EKKLESIA with Anna Wingate
Views: 17,867
Rating: 4.8037381 out of 5
Keywords: Supernatural, Mike Parsons, Move of God
Id: PFgCL02vP18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 12sec (6252 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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