Jeremiah ~ 29:1 to 29:32

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word Jeremiah chapter 29 today this will this particular chapter let me lay just a little bit of groundwork and it'll make it a little easier to understand many of the children have already gone into captivity Nebuchadnezzar has them he has taken them he is king of Babylon and father is telling Jeremiah to write a letter and tell him relax take life easy get married produce families enjoy yourself meaning I'm with you now why would God do this why would he under the captivity of Jeremiah having made the yoke and everything because he's talking to you in the final generation he set the parable of the fig tree back in 24 Jeremiah Jeremiah chapter 24 letting you know this has to do with the end times meaning when the false Christ is here on earth who is the king of Babylon you're not to worry about it a great deal that's going to take care of you so this is kind of a letter to you in the future sense on how to react when the king of Babylon is here that great one of the great book of Revelation chapter 29 in the Book of Jeremiah he whom God has launched for that let's hear what he has to say verse 1 and it reads now these are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the Prophet sent from Jerusalem unto the residue of the elders which were carried away captives in to the priests and to the prophets and to all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon this would be Daniel Shadrach Meshach Abednego it would be all all of the children up to that time that were carried away and this is a letter that was sent by the Word of God and went wind and the king of Babylon is there this is to let you know what you're supposed to do when the king of Babylon is here in the future verse 2 after that Jeconiah the king and queen this was really jehovah ken the son of Jehovah Kim God changed his name for reasons and the eunuchs the princes of Judah and Jerusalem and the Carpenters and the Smiths were departed from Jerusalem they were taken captive they had that yoke on them just exactly like God put a yoke on Jeremiah and so this is an example of what it's going to be like verse 3 by the hand of elisha the son of shaphat and Jim Araya the son of Hilkiah who Zedekiah king of Judah sent and to Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and here you have these people verse 4 thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel unto all that are carried away captives whom I now don't read over that not that Nebuchadnezzar did this all on his own remember he said in a prior chapter Nebuchadnezzar was a servant God is saying I have cause to be carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon I did it for a reason why because ultimately in the wrong run when all is said and done this is how God brings his final salvation full is by having the election delivered up before the king of Babylon to witness and to bring forth a testimony of the Living God as it is written in mark chapter 13 Matthew chapter 24 and Luke 21 the high point of Christianity the purpose of standing against that king of Babel and what he's saying is I caused this to happen you could which means what you don't have a whole lot to worry about if you are in his hand that is to say if you love him if you believe if he's watching over you verse 5 bill what do you do there build your houses and dwell in them and plant gardens and eat the fruit of them now what what this is saying is when when he comes you keep producing do everything but don't worship him understand you you cannot worship Him to receive his money to receive his church or anything else but aside from that let God bless you from the land and don't ever forget how to barter verse 6 take your wives and beget sons and daughters and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands that they may bear sons and daughters that you may be increased there and not diminished it's not going to harm you one iota in other words understand Nebuchadnezzar is not as many would think of him he's not like the final king of Babel and he bow from which Nebuchadnezzar comes the word Nebo means the god of learning and what was the first thing nebuchadnezzar did to Daniel magic and the three children sinem to college absolutely sent them to college to educate them he didn't butcher them he didn't harm them he took care of them verse seven and seek the peace of the city whether I have caused you to be carried away captives and prey into the Lord for it you can thank God for it for in the Peace thereof shall you have peace and and so it is our Heavenly Father is so good his seal placed upon his children this is a guarantee of a normalcy even under terrible conditions what some would think what you're serving god you're going to witness before the false messiah not free meditating what you will say beforehand so that all the children that are deceived will hear the truth so that they will know this guy's a fake and you want to remember what a false prophet happened in the last chapter and you know a prophet came along so that's not going to happen the way God said you're gonna in two years you're all going to be back God killed me two months I mean in two months after he made the false prophecy God killed him you want to take very seriously any time you start adding to God's Word verse eight for thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel let not your prophets and your diviners that be in the midst of you deceive you now there hearken to your dreams which you caused to be dreamed in other words what do you do then don't listen to the traditions of men don't listen to a bunch of crackpots that would be called themselves preachers and what do we do then you listen to the Word of God that's what why you sent the letter to them and that's what this letter we're reading is about the Book of Jeremiah the entire Word of God the Bible it's what you pay attention to not dreamers of you don't have to understand God's Word you're going to fly away there's just problem with that it's not biblical and God said don't do that verse 9 for they prophesy falsely unto you in my name I have not sent them saith the Lord in other words they've dreamed all this up on their own just a bunch of dreamers that well you might say well does God ever speak to us through dreams he spoke to the prophets through dreams but how can you what is the acid test of whether something is of God or not you can always find the second witness in God's Word or it was it was a sour pickle dream and there's a lot of those there were certainly a lot more sour pickle dreams than there are the real thing it is a very dangerous thing to say God told you to say a thing if he did not you're doomed that's how serious it is verse 10 for thus saith the Lord that after seventy years not two years that old hananiah said after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you that's a promise and performed my good word toward you in causing you to return to this place and it's going to happen at that generation you can count on it and again many might say well why did our Heavenly Father have them going to captivity to set the stage for exactly how it's going to be in the end this is why you want to make a strong note of first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 10 that's real easy to remember it's 10:10 first Corinthians 10:10 these things happened as an in-sample whereby you would know what would befall us at the end of the world that's how important it is that's the way God teaches he says look children look what happened here this is what it's going to have but at the end all you have to do is trace the foot in foot strips and watch and observe because that's exactly how it's going to be again there's nothing new Under the Sun as it's written in the great first chapter the great book of Ecclesiastes verse 11 for I know the thoughts that I think toward you saith the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected in that is to say a very positive in what I do have the positive completion do you love God enough to know that you can accept that and believe it that even in the troubles and the shaping of the world there's a reason for it but when God's only lack that must must fulfill that destiny of doing their part of bringing forth the word the word of God not listening to dreamers or people that claim to be of a sin of God and so forth but to stick to the truth and tell it like it is not even premeditating what you'll say beforehand as mark 13 so declares but speaking what the Holy Spirit gives you at that moment that's what God is setting up here verse 12 then shall you call upon me and you shall go and pray unto me and I will hearken unto you I will hear you do you know something he hears you today you might say well ha I wish he would answer me what you're breathing aren't you do you know who created the air you're breathing that oxygen he did and he allows you to do that why because he loves you and when you ask him he hears you but he is he's shaping up the people his election that's why again Jeremiah's very name and and the Prophet himself is it is a sample of what God's election will be chosen from the first Earth Age chapter 1 Jeremiah saying God telling Jeremiah I knew you before you entered your mother's womb why first earth age and with him there and while you were in the womb I made you a prophet God chooses his own because they earned it in the first Earth days therefore you may have ideas that you want God to answer and he has other plans for you his plan for you is to shape you up to build and take place and the stick with the Word of God even when the false Christ is here even when the king of Babylon is here because that's his plan that is his purpose that is how it will come to pass he will always hear you when you talk to him verse 13 and you shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart not there's a condition there you can't just flippantly say well I'm trying to find you God that doesn't cut it well what did it say what was the condition with all your heart that means with all your mind you're searching seeking and asking direction wanting him to use you if you can be of service to him be open if he says I need to send somebody say send me God and make yourself available to him where he can touch you and use you with all your heart with all your mind 14 and I will be found of you saith the Lord and I will turn away your captivity and I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places whether I have driven you saith the Lord and I will that's I will bring you again into the place once I caused you to be carried away and and so it is naturally the millennium is the ultimate in this but spiritually speaking he can do that anytime he so chooses you rise above it the truth set you free you understand that learn the truth and the truth will set you free that's what Christ taught in John the chapter 8 verse 32 and the truth is what well it's the Word of God and that word will always but always set you free okay verse 15 because you have said the Lord hath raised us up prophets in Babylon no I want you to be sharp what does the word Babylon means confusion the Lord has raised us up prophets and confusion that didn't quite fly does it if you're really trying to please God with all your heart are you going to say God raised the prophets in confusion I don't think so God is not the author of confusion but a peace of mind verse 16 know that thus saith the Lord of the King that sitteth upon the throne of David and of all the people that dwelleth in this city and of your brethren that are not gone forth with you into captivity this is this is my sentence as what God is saying compared to all of them from the rulers all the way down 17 thus saith the Lord of Hosts behold I will send upon them the sword and famine and the pestilence and will make them like vile things that cannot be eaten they are so evil they're worthless and offensive you know again we're going back to the Figtree generation here okay when you look around in the world at the swarm of the locust you can see how vile that it can be for all peoples this is God's ordinance it's happening in your lifetime raised up prophets and confusion 18 and I will persecute them with a sword that's the Word of God Christ tongue is the two-edged sword and from his mouth comes the Word of God he is the word of God with the famine famine from him not for food but from hearing God's Word and with the pestilence and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth to be a curse and an astonishment and then hissing like a snake like a serpent like the devil and a reproach among all the nations whether I have driven them you know it's quite contrary to God's Word you see but God doesn't send prophets and confusion that would confuse you know Jeremiah wrote this letter to those that would be in captivity that means in the end times under under perilous conditions that how you can do just fine if you're with young with all your heart verse 19 because they have not hearkened to my words that's the reason saith the LORD which I sent into them by my servants the prophets rising up early and sending them but ye would not hear saith the Lord now I want to ask you a question you might say well I thought everybody listened to the Word of God oh really where do you get when you go out in the public how many people would just really want to stop and spend the day with you talking about God's Word the he wrote you or let me ask it a little different way how many people do you know that can give you a pretty good rundown on the plan of the Living God or have people been steeped in false teachings of flyaway doctrines and other things that are not biblical you see when you draw grow that far away from the Word of God the real truth of God's plan how can you be of any use to him quite frankly you would be an obstacle and in the way of those that truly serve the Living God so why then does he want to do this to them because they won't listen to the Word of God they would rather listen to the traditions of men to a bunch of false prophets preachers that claim to come in Christ need claim to be Christian preachers that's what Christ warned you about in mark 13 especially in verse 5 he said hey don't be deceived for many will come in my name claiming to be sin of me verse 20 here you there for the word of the Lord all ye of the captivity whom I have sent from Jerusalem to Babylon in other words the king of Babylon is coming he's going to be on the earth you listen to the Word of God 21 thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel of Ahab that means uncle the son of Kolya and Zedekiah the son of nasya that means the work of yah okay and kalai I mean the voice of yah I mean pretty potent names that a kind of justice of y'all who which prophesy a lie unto you in my need behold I will deliver them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon he slay them before your eyes and it actually happened I mean he killed all of Zedekiah's sons not his daughters now his daughters would be taken to Egypt and later Europe by by the this author Jeremiah and he shall slay them before your very eyes verse 22 here's a proverb listen to it and of them shall be taken up a curse a proverb by all the captivity of Judah which are in Babylon saying the Lord make thee like Zedekiah and like Ahab who the king of Babylon roasted in the fire this this this saying in Hebrew tongue is as effective okay it is a parable it is Oka liya means he's cursed and colleague Colm he's roasted so the the proverb goes like this Kolya Kolya column Kolya Kolya column they don't follow God they're cursed and he's going to roast them you know the opposite of this is the children that this letter was sent to what happened to them were they roasted no I mean Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were cast into a fiery furnace heated seven times hotter than necessary and who showed up in that fire with them other than Christ himself like the Son of God because it was the son of God they came out of that furnace not roasted not one hair on their head was singed so when the false messiah comes I want you to remember these things because when God is with you you can find him he will protect you you have not one eye thing worried about and this is why this letter is sent it's really for you in these end times to let you know how the children were treated by the king of Babylon before and how God intends to see that that Kalia color kalam Kalia Kalu the rather : is doesn't happen to you these roasts Kalia meat roasted you don't need that but that's what happened to them why well God took care of them Zedekiah he said you stay here Nebuchadnezzar even told him you stay here and keep working even your own ground and you'll be blessed but what does that a chi ado oh no I got to run down here to Egypt and gather me another army and we're going to take Nebuchadnezzar against God's will and then then when Nebuchadnezzar finally when he realized he was a traitor sit down he dug through a hole in the wall and tried to run in the night they caught him God's doubt his eyes putting them change and drug him to Babylon and killed him listen to your heavenly father and no one understand he is on his throne the end times are coming but he's in charge verse 23 to continue you want no part of Kalia Kalia tool in verse 23 because they have committed villainy in Israel and you have committed adultery with their neighbors wives and have spoken lying words in my name which I have not commanded them even I know and Emma witness sayeth the Lord I've got it written in the book I've got a record of it I'm not going to forget it you know I would hate to be in shoes of somebody that made up slogans or claimed God talked to them when he didn't playing God said to do this that or the other and God never said such a thing your friend you're in danger that's one thing that offends God a great deal your example of what it did to these people they were roasted you do not want to go there verse 24 thus shalt thou also speak to Jimmy I that's heard of yah the yield of light that means the dreamer saying I mean he claims to be from y'all but he's nothing but a dreamer 25 thus speaketh the Lord of hosts the God of Israel saying because thou has sent letters in thy name unto all the people that are at Jerusalem and to Zephaniah that's hidden of yah the son of Mircea that's the work of yah the priest and to all the priests saying what was he saying 26 the LORD hath made the priest in the stead of jehoiada the priest that you should beat of officers in the house of the Lord for every man that is mad and maketh himself a prophet that thou should has put him in prison and in the stocks 27 now therefore thou has no therefore fly has thou not reproved Jeremiah of Anathoth and a thought means the answer to prayer is a city just outside Jerusalem that is the priests town which make its himself a prophet to you what do you give you that Jeremiah get away with this stuff hey that's dangerous God sent German who sent this guy who sent this dreamer called heard by you heard of yah he never heard anything from you when he for therefore he's sitting to us in Babylon Jeremiah did saying this captivity is long 70 years that's what God said bill G houses and dwell in them and plant gardens and eat the fruit of them 29 and Zephaniah the priest read this letter in the ears of Jeremiah the Prophet I mean he presented it to him verse 30 then came the word of the Lord into Jeremiah saying this is what God said about this dreamer 31 sin to all of them of the captivity saying thus saith the Lord concerning Simeon than me he'll yell I might that dreamer because that shimmy I have prophesied unto you and I sent him not and he caused you to trust in a lie verse 32 therefore thus saith the LORD behold I will punish him by the heliumite that dreamer in his seed he shall not have a man to dwell among this people neither shall he behold the good that I will do for my people saith the LORD because he had taught rebellion against the Lord that's a dangerous dangerous thing you know we're headed into the end times the king of Babylon will come well how can you be so sure it's written it's the Word of God and the very current events from the year 1948 as stipulated in the 24th chapter of the same book set it in motion and God has written a special note to you letting me know what he expects from you if you wouldn't be blessed but at the same time when you're playing in the end times when you're playing that endtime generation it can also be very dangerous if you slip over in and do the work of Satan that is to say publish lies claiming God sent you or God said and God did not speak that's a dangerous thing why god loves his children God does not wish his children to be deceived in this in generation he has important things for them to do and his truth and his word sustains them but what it does most of all is it brings the testimony as it is written and we read in the last lecturer before from mark chapter 13 of how you are delivered up not for your sake but for God's sake that the truth God's Word could go out to the world do you have you knowing there was more to God's word than you'd ever been taught since you were a little child even God speaking to you seeking you nudging you you want to think about it God's elect will never drift from the Word of God and they certainly are not in a famine for the Word of God because they hear God's truth all right bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting light in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor onal murray takes you on a step-by-step study of god's word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing a request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good for eco throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves you got a question share it won't you do that please never ask a question about particular reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people though many people are quite the judges we do not judge why fathers the judge one of the greatest sins you can do is judge people you have the right to spiritually discern whether you all what you will follow what you will do and what God's wishes are for you that's a gift from God just to have that discernment it's a blessing those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure no I've got a prayer request you do not need the number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking all you have to do is let him know that but he could read your mind you don't have to pray out loud therefore he has you have his attention he hears you he answers according to what is the very best for you not necessarily what you're wishing for you got to love him enough to believe that father around the globe we come with that you need guide direct father in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen ok in question time we're going to go with Diane from Nebraska and thank you for your comments on the ministry my question is this can you please tell us how to bless olive oil what words do I say and what do I say when I'm using the oil to anoint you don't God doesn't like written prayers he really doesn't necessarily he want you to talk from the heart so if you have gone to a local store and you have purchased some pure olive oil you pour a small amount of it into a vile little bottle vase and what is it you want done to it what do you want it blessed for and looking oil so that's what you talk to the father about you said father this is going to be my anointing wall and I want you to bless it as anointing law and always ask in the name of Jesus Christ because that gives you credentials that you're a believer and then when you use that Isle just do the same thing talk from your heart father I want to knock this person to ask a heating or blessing or whatever the case may be in the name of Yeshua Messiah Jesus the Christ just talk to him don't don't have written prayers God doesn't like that you know if you were really in love with someone and you wanted to influence them and you know what they would want to hear it from your mouth you wouldn't wondered well I don't speak very good I'm going to hire somebody to write her a letter and send a letter to her written by somebody else what a turn-off that would be well it's a turn-off to our Father when you don't talk from your mouth your heart your whole mind father we love you okay just say what you think and ask what you need and do it in Christ's name you could never con God and he he is super intelligent he knows what you're thinking even so you can't Connie and how he loves his children Billy from Missouri when the new world monetary system takes effect under the world or economy government led by the Antichrist will we be getting our Social Security and if so do we need to send it back because it is not right to take money from the system also if working a paycheck no no no the only reason you can't take anything from the system is if you have to worship Satan to get it okay didn't get that in your mind real good you know when it comes to the point for you to receive from the end from the babylonian government is that you worship and sign a pledge that you worship them then you cannot go there but you can barter you know in the rural areas in which I grew up people back in the depression the great wood they didn't have any money well how did they get by well you know cows and you had eggs and you took those to town and your cream and you went to went to a certain hide and and escapes me what they were called at that time for they bought cream and eggs and so forth the merchandize place and then you'd exchange that for groceries there wasn't any money changed hands you just got by you didn't have to have money why are you bordered this is why it would never hurts to have a little real precious metal silver and you know I'm not talking about card stuff that's junk okay but I'm talking about real precious metal you can always barter with that you can always say hey I I'm not got any chips to go down trade how about you going down and getting some for me I'll give you this precious matter no more you you you you use your old hip right here okay and you'll get far ahead be wiser than the serpent and you'll get you'll do just fine three from Texas my 28 year old daughter finally wants to do a Bible study with me should I try to teach her or just have you her watch your program with me I want to be able to help her and not confuse her comment please you know you're her mother and you can feel and sense her her mood whether she's withdrawing from you or whether she's receiving it you know you pray about it and let the Holy Spirit lead you in it God's not going to leave you alone in it he will guide you where you can touch her and reach her but it's alright if she is able to listen to the broadcast you can listen to it together and then comment about it later you know but you have to decide that because you know your daughter and I don't congratulations that she wants to study with you that's fantastic beautiful a jury from Ohio in the Book of Revelations are the 7,000 who died in the earthquake when the two witnesses are raised up the same 7,000 that have not bowed a need to bail and weird that were they written unknown know you I'm sorry you're confused the 7,000 that died in the streets of Jerusalem at that moment when the two witnesses rise or the fallen angels that came was Satan when he was kicked out of heaven they they are if you read Jude chapter there's only one chapter in Jude and it's verse 6 some more long there they there for four to six their sin as they left their habitation that means heaven and came to earth to seduce women and they were locked in chains for destruction your key they are locked for destruction there's no judgment for them because they've already been judged that's why they can go ahead and die in the streets of Jerusalem at that instant because the sentence the judgment by God has already passed now the seven that won't bow any for bail they have to go through the great white throne judgment and theirs is rewards for standing against the false Christ not penalties judgment works both ways it can be rewards or it can be a penalty you always get what you got coming to you okay sandy from Wisconsin after after I don't have all of your letter after being a potato all my life you are teaching me so much about God's Word that I never knew before well thank you my question is I was under the impression that God's name was not mentioned in the book of Esther however I remember you saying that it is somehow that it is somehow can you please explain then god bless you in your staff well he sure does and we appreciate you the book of Esther has the sacred name used five times but it's locked in the Hebrew manuscripts it is one of the few places there's another place in Psalms where you have an acrostic of the sacred name but if you have a companion Bible you have an entire appendix on this that gives you the verse and the Hebrew writings that make up from I am that I am but also that's one time that it gives these the etymology of the sacred name but four times you have the actual name itself YHVH two times four word YHVH and two times backward hv h a whoa i okay so so for what locking in and also it is locked in that you should be they the eh not weh the correct pronunciation of God's name it's locked in the Hebrew where it can be pronounced no other way so to be accurate so it's a fantastic study you'll have it in your companion Bible that that's why I highly recommend the companion Bible that appendix alone is worth having the companion Bible to know the sacred name the proper pronunciation of it locked in Hebrew manuscripts where man can't Hankey with it and so it is Barbie from Ohio besides no cathodic is Jesus on earth during the Old Testament in daniel the mention of the likeness of god's son was that jesus in the furnace yes it was and more than that in the beginning john chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the word became flesh and walked among us that word was Christ that that is that it was with him from the beginning and certainly he was why because it's Emmanuel God with us when you deal with dimensions it's not that difficult to understand that God sent the son in our dimension where we could see him men always wanted a king something he could see and finally he sent the King of Kings we could see him and when as it is written in st. John chapter 14 if you've seen him you've seen the father why Emmanuel God with us bill from Virginia I have a strong scream chords but I'm here trouble finding a different word from the creation of man and the sixth day or the eighth day my concordance is the same now for for both of Genesis you know naturally the the word you're going to have odd done that's what your concordance is going to say for both men but you see that's not what that's not what makes the difference you have to have the Hebrew manuscripts to see what precedes the name because in Chapter one you have odd done in Chapter two on this eighth day man you have F ha done okay that mean that's what's in the manuscripts not to compare not to Strong's Concordance and you're not going to find it there you have to have a set of menu scripts you can have this visually by receiving the first six tapes of Genesis as I teach them in video that's a DVD or or you can have the greens in in a linear which gives you one of the least expensive and best sets of manuscript you can lay your hands on I don't necessarily agree with all of his translating but his manuscripts are great and and that's that's what makes it very good it's accordingly how deep you want to go okay into the Hebrew language if you need a teacher then I would recommend getting the first six chapters of the book of Genesis and video and I teach you how to read it and show it to you on the screen Mildred from Illinois when the serpent beguiled Eve was he walking on two legs or four he was walking on - he was a cherubim made in the very image of cherubims and and that's angel like we were made in the same image as our spiritual or angel bodies were you look the same so naturally Satan looks the same he was the king of Tyrus the deceiver butch from Oklahoma pastor Marie you said that Satan can't read minds and you say that the seal of God is a a in a person's mind how would Satan know whether they are not whether or not a person has the seal of God thank you well because you because you wouldn't worship Him quite because the seal of God simply means the truth of God do you know who the Satan is and you don't find him tempting and you're going to stand against him not for him besides Satan's supernatural if you want to know the truth about it he knew you in the first Earth Age because you stood against him he knows who you are and he knows you're not going to bow to him anyway I'm going maybe if that sounds a little strange put it on the shelf and forget it but Satan will know you don't have to worry about that Joey from Illinois I've submitted this question once before but it did not make it on the program it did this time okay is it possible that all of this talk about the world evening in December is part of our Father's plan the Antichrist coming to fly everyone away before the world reasons well you know don't don't put too much stock in what the world says stick with God's Word God gives us signs to know pretty well the time we know that the locusts are swarming and we're already in the second stage okay so therefore there are four stages I want I want people to know one thing about the locusts many people think well it's dis that and the other not the same see is that from all four stages meaning it doesn't change I'll use the term locusts it does not change from one locust to another it's all the same old thing it's always Satan from the start to the finish he just changes stages it's still him and his action on this earth of leaving people to swarm Mary from Virginia when Satan gets kicked out of heaven will he be his follower will he and his followers come to earth in vehicles like Ezekiel describes in Chapter 1 when his eco was by the river kemar and he saw the vehicles was it possible that the Lord can came there to get the Ark of the Covenant all right I think the Ark went with the Elijah but be that as it may they are bodies and they are in this dimension and they must have transportation and that is the transportation our Father uses it is not necessary that we will see it because a vehicle can be in a cloud and someone can appear and I wouldn't take that past that that's the way sometimes it works okay Kathleen from Louisiana recently you mentioned the Ark of the Covenant was in heaven where is this mentioned in God's Word the Indy 11th chapter of the great book of Revelation the last two verses the arc of the Testament is already in heaven and you know God man couldn't take care of it man wouldn't take care of it and I feel God kind of took it away Kevin from Karen from Oregon in Deuteronomy 32 is the whole chapter the song of Moses no no if I remember properly I think it's in verse 44 that the song ends but it really begins in the last verse of chapter 31 the title is in the last verse of chapter 31 Deuteronomy chapter 32 from verse 1 through 43 then in verse 44 the song has ended it's a precious song and this is what makes it so precious well Revelation chapter 15 it's a song that the children's sing God's elect that overcomes Satan the mark of the beast in all of his problems it's the knowledge that you must have in your mind to overcome that Debra from Iowa I was baptized I was baptized twice does God hate me for this or am I going to hell because of this absolutely not there is no nothing biblical at all that would say that you had sinned especially if you repent if you feel you have the the only unpardonable sin is to deny the Holy Spirit a chance to speak through you if you're one of God's elect against the Antichrist you haven't done that so your heaven-bound probably the reason you were baptized twice as you felt the first time wasn't sufficient and many times a child is too young to even know what's happening because you really can't be baptized until you're at the age of accountability it's a personal thing Valarie from georgia pastor Murray is there anywhere in the Bible where it says that because I'm a Christian I can't dance and have fun so many people think that I should not shouldn't dance and have in the letter openers cut off part of your letter I haven't I've checked the word and haven't seen it yet God's children always have fun you know if you're a true Christian you're gonna be happy okay not not all the time necessarily there's troubles in the world and we have serious moments but at the same time you laugh you you love teaching people what wine was Israel named Israel what does it mean well it means it means the print to prevail with God that one when what happened when Sarah can say she laughed so it is the children of laughter and and so it is and that's a mark of our people anytime one of our people get in an embarrassing situation let's say you're walking the football if your game get across that and you start this way and you start that way they'll all start laughing on the bank and you'll start giggling on the log and you know you're about to bite the best but you'll laugh about it you know or old Cowboys like myself used to we as kids we rode calves I mean buck and pitching throwing and everybody's whooping and hollering and laughing and being I mean sometimes you get skinned up pretty bad but it was funny okay it's a mark okay placed there by God so you did it's fun no you do whatever you're doing always conveys the message conveys a message now if you were to be doing dirty dancing like on church property that's not that's not gonna fly but happy dancing fantastic I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word most of all God loves you for it you know what he does he loves you because you enjoy the letter he has sent to you telling you how to behave behave to react and to take care of yourself as he takes care of you especially in this generation you make his day boy does he make yours we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me you listen good you stay this word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Arlen Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audio tape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you [Music] the book of Peter here we have two books first and second Peter that are absolutely fascinating that great old fisherman telling us leading us directing us guiding us going into the depth if you would in that second book into the three earth ages giving the most accurate recorded account of the events that transpire and document that there are three earth ages that there was one before this one this one and one to come Peter the great fisherman which in his gentleness and his kindness brings us two books the books of Peter that lead guy direct even in your daily life that teach and show you how to be happy how to find that peace of mind and to know yourself the books of Peter I know you're going to enjoy them [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray open your Bible and let's go to class with dr. Murray we're a better understanding of our fathers word all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the shippers Chapel welcome to this recap on the book of Revelation most asked questions on the book of Revelation this I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have doing it the question we came up to that we would handle in this particular lecture is he explained blood up to the horses bridles and we asked a word of wisdom from our Father that we may understand this great book of Revelation in Jesus precious name amen amen Yeshua is good to us and as much as he uses symbology so naturally we cannot visualize
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 892
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Murray, Book of Jeremiah, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Jeremiah, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Book of, Bible, Pastor Arnold Murray, Kjv, Pastor, Chapel, Arnold, Pastor Murray, Holy bible
Id: TCtsxoeHXoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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