Jeremiah ~ 33:1 to 33:26

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible City our and back in our father's word Book of Jeremiah Hebrew tongue whom God launches forth and certainly our Father spoke directly to Jeremiah and is in as much as now repeat that he chose Jeremiah before he ever entered his mother's womb meaning he was with the father in while he was yet in the room god designated him as a prophet god knew he could trust him could work through him and here we were ready to get a second message today God's going to speak to him again after he's hidden the deed @nf off which means answer to prayer it's a priest town just outside of Jerusalem and we're gonna claim that Sunday chapter 33 verse 1 a word of wisdom from her father and it reads moreover the word of the Lord came into Jeremiah the second time while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison saying let us be knowing God can deal with you anywhere why is why is Jeremiah in prison for repeating God's Word you never have to be ashamed of God's Word and never apologize for God's Word verse 2 thus saith the Lord the maker thereof the Lord that formed it to establish it the Lord is his name now anytime you have Lord in all upper cases every letter L or D an uppercase nine times out of a hundred or I'll say 99 times out of a hundred in the Hebrew manuscripts it's yaver and I want to read that again and I want to use the sacred name as the manuscripts stipulate thus saith the Lord the maker there thus saith Yahweh the maker thereof the Yahweh that formed it to establish it the Yahweh is his name he likes to have be called by his name don't you when someone talks to you you kind of like for your name to be brought forth I don't want anyone to be if this gives you trouble just put it on the shelf and call him Heavenly Father but if you really want to talk to him if you want to get his attention it doesn't hurt to call him by his name and when you go to the Hebrew manuscripts that's exactly what it is yabai verse three call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not in other words I will give you prophecies and understandings talk to me call to me well what will I call him well I hope you call him a sacred name if you're really sincere and again I want to stipulate a new student don't worry about it Heavenly Father that'll get it done but for one who knows better then if you're going to get his attention call him by his name let him know you love him you know I've heard a lot of people say well I talked to him and he never enters me he hears you and if the conditions are right you will hear from him in one way or the other it's not that he will speak to you but he will open doors or close them to put you in the position that he wishes to have you verse 4 for thus saith the Yahweh the Lord the God of Israel turning the houses of this city and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah which are thrown down by the mounts and by the sword will who threw them down the king of Babylon now again I want to remind you again of 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 10 these things happen as an example so you know what happens at the end the king of Babylon is coming again only this time he's the false messiah and God has arranged it he's going to allow it you can count on it well how can you be so sure because it's written in the great book of Revelation in the great book of Daniel and many other places even here in Jeremiah verse 5 come to fight with the Chaldeans that's to say the Babylonians but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men whom I have slain in mine anger in my fury for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city they go against God's will okay and you might said well how could that apply to today well the king of Babylon is coming he's going to sit in Jerusalem shaming claiming to be Christ before the true Christ returns at the second Advent what what are a lot of the people saying to you you don't have to worry about understanding the book of Revelation you're going to be gone you're gonna fly away that's not what God's Word says that's where the big problem is unfortunately that's what happened to these people that God said they go against everything I say they will not listen so down they go so and what this means is not the death you might be thinking of they're spiritually deader than a hammer you can hardly talk about our fathers word to them they have no understanding it's like a Sunday School class and praise God first school classes but that's for little children and truth is for little children and for mature audience audiences and certainly you need to listen to your father or as it is written that's how it's going to be the question is have you read it verse six behold I will bring it helped and cure and I I will cure them and will revealed unto them the abundance of peace and truth if they'll go edit my way if they'll repent if they'll understand God yeah father has a purpose in his elect as it's written in mark 13 you're going to be delivered up before him so the Holy Spirit can speak through you you're not to even premeditate what you'll say beforehand but to allow God to speak through you some of you have known you had a destiny when you were since you were a child there was more to God's Word one that you need to study it you need to understand it absorb it it causes our Father to love you when you call on him when you pray to Yahweh and ask for that knowledge things that are hidden from you now he don't make it as plain as could be it's common sense for God is not the author of confusion or babble but peace understanding and peace of mind common sense how precious it is to have his will in his way but here he promises if they'll repent I'll heal them if you'll call me I'll hear you number seven and I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return notice there's still two separate houses and you'll build them as at the first in other words even in the first Earth Age when everything was perfect and and so is that in the Millennium this will come to pass verse eight and I will cleanse them from all their iniquity their sin whereby they have sinned against me and I will pardon all their iniquities will by they have sinned and whereby they have transgressed against me that is if they repent when did it say repay said call me what are you going to what are you going to ask him when you call him you're going to ask him when you just discover what is hidden that he's going to cleanse you you got to repent and when you repent to him and swear your allegiance to know the false messiah is coming first the king of Babylon is coming and you must make that stand against him spiritually not physically we do not stand against the power of the arm but on principalities from on high with the gospel armor on and in place to stand against the fiery darts of Satan that's what the gospel armor is about not some jet pack to split off into the air to fly away it's to make a stand verse 9 to continue and it shall be to me a name of joy that's Jerusalem I'm gonna I mean that's God's favorite place in the universe in Ezekiel 16 he made an eternal covenant with her he married her geographically speaking a praise in an honor before all the nations of the earth which shall hear all the good that I do unto them shall fear and tremble in all the goodness and for all the prosperity that I procure unto it in other words oh what a time or what is in store for it how precious it is we're talking here about entering into the Millennium quite frankly our Father looks for that time when Satan has locked away in the pit as it is written in Revelation chapter 24 that period of time that's called the Lord's Day how long is the day with the Lord a thousand years the Millennium of course so our Father doesn't wake up every morning wondering who he can zap he wakes up looking for those that love him yearning for that call called me and asking and declaring that love whereby he can touch you touch the things that are in your life assist you strengthen you you say you don't have to wait till the Millenium for that healing spiritually speaking it's today all it requires reprieve repenting and loving him studying his word and knowing what is ahead of us listening to his plan not the traditions of men that make void the Word of God verse 10 thus saith the Lord again there shall be heard in this place which you say shall be desolate without men and without beasts even in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate without men and without an inhabitant and without beasts as to say without anybody that has the truth without anybody that loves the Lord all deceived this is why it's written in Revelation the whole earth after the false Christ they don't know any better and that's real sad that's why they're spiritually dead they're spiritually debtor than a hammer you know what's coming down when it's put forth in a way that a child can understand if you listen to the answer to God the statements of our father giving declaration of exactly how it's going to be verse 11 the voice of joy and the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom now let me get questioned who is the bridegroom when it's Christ of course you're not going to hear the voice of Christ there it's going to be the Antichrist and the voice of the bride the voice of them that shall say praise the Lord of Hosts for the Lord is good for his mercy endureth for ever and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise unto the house of the Lord for I will cause to return the captivity of the land as at the first saith the Lord the world's going to be a great place it is a great place but man has polluted it man lets it fall away but father will renew renew and renew but there is a time when the bridegroom comes and when the bride who's the bride God's election those that know who the true Christ is that don't Cora false one verse 12 for thus says thus saith the Lord of Hosts again in this place which is desolate without man and without beasts and in all the cities thereof shall be a habitation of Shepherds causing their flocks to lie down there's going to be some here teaching the real truth what little flock lies down what does that mean they're full go to horticulture listen to listen to nature when animals are full they will lay down true their could and rest they'll be happy what are you saying your Shepherd is going to be that'll give you the Word of God and truth or about you can rest and with peace of mind and rest assured Lee knowing that father is pleased with you this is my scene you've got trouble with this what did you start out the second message call me you don't have to have a phone number the years or even what you think let him know that you love him there will be a time that men that are not spiritually dead will read and women that are not spiritually dead will return to this place when the true bridegroom comes and those flocks shall lie down having been fed sufficiently in the real the true Word of God 13 in the cities of the mountains in the cities of the Vale in the cities of the south and in the land of Benjamin that's where in a thought where the deed is buried is and in the places about Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah shall the flocks pass again under the hands of him that telleth them and saith the Lord well what did it mean tell them what do you know what a teller is let's let's say you you know that banks had tellers well what do tellers do they count and what it is these shepherds and the tellers would count the sheep as they pass under the very staff presented by the Living God verse 14 behold the day's come saith the Lord that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel into the house of Judah they're still separate I always keep my word that's what God is saying do you understand beloved that's why you can trust him so much he always always keeps his word there's no room for doubt in that verse 15 in those days and at that time well I caused the branch of righteousness that's Christ to grow up unto David and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land he naturally we're talking about the second Advent you remember when back and what was it 23 what did it say in chapter 23 verse 6 in his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is the name whereby he shall be called the Lord our righteousness well what does it mean the Lord Yahweh our righteousness it means he always does what is right you always get what you got coming to you all right and some of it may not be so good if you're not so good but if you have tried he marks that is perfect when you try I just can't ever seem to quite get it right he looks at it as right you know he doesn't judge you for fading when you're trying okay and he will always pick you up and give you knowledge and wisdom and understanding as long as you will try he'll be there for he will do what is right and that is right and that graciousness is his love that pours forth abundantly to warm your heart and to give you that comfort that you always have in following him the branch of courses is one of the names of the Lord Jesus Christ even in the in the great constellation under Virgo the virgin you have as a mock that one bright star which in the Hebrew tongue is a mock means the branch which is to say the Savior in that Bible of the stars so called God always does what is right you can't go wrong on that it's if men would always do what is right as best they could what a different world this would be verse 16 in those days shall Judah be saved and Jerusalem shall dwell safely and this is the name whereby she shall be called the Lord our righteousness and Yahweh's it and he is he always does what is right call him by his name 17 for thus saith the Lord David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel and you think wait a minute no God made that promise where is that throne well have you ever heard of the Stone of Scone the stone that Israel carried with them the stone that was later transported and it went to Europe Jeremih himself would take not two sons but two daughters he would take them first to Egypt and then to Europe one of the I am speaking historically now one of those daughters was named scope talk and scoped ax who has now had formed the land Scotland but at the same time that Coronation Stone was under the very coronation chair for all the kings even of England and of that particular area the family which would spring forth from that would usually be the kingship of any nation the nations even down to Russia itself when the Czar Alexander and others his family there would would be murdered by when communism came into being but how can how can we say then well I hope you're not trying to say that I am a part of that what what are you reading what is this this word of God no I mean what do you call it you call it the King James Version well who was King James he was coordinated on that stone in that coronation chair and we have never do you know what that you know what why we have this Bible because the first order of the office of a king or a queen or coordinated over that stone this protector of the faith I want to say that again protector of the faith and that's taken and help very serious therefore was ordered to bring this forth where that english-speaking people's could have the Word of God whereby they could understand it so you see God keeps this word has never been anyone wanted until he himself in returns that it is rightfully his verse 18 neither shall the priests the Levites one a man before me to offer burnt offerings and to Kindle meat offerings and to do sacrifice continually and naturally in the Millennium this is you secondly you don't sacrifice burnt offerings the blood shed on the cross it does for one in all times but what you will sacrifice is your love that's what you will give sacrificially to our Father or quite frankly you won't be if you ever want a blessing verse 19 and the word of the Lord came in to Jeremiah saying what did he say the word of Yahweh verse 20 thus saith the table a thus saith the Lord if you can break my covenant of the day and my covenant of the night and that there should not be day and night in their season another day if you can stop the Sun from coming up in the morning and going down at night if you can change any of that then I might break this covenant well what does that mean the Covenant will not be broken it is solid very nature itself anchoring it every time you see the Sun come up in the morning it means that contract is still good it's still valid verse 21 then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne and with the Levites the priests by minister but it's always going to be that remnant we know that there's always been that real deep truth that God has blessed certain with to bring that forward where I buy it could be heard where it can be sounded 22 and the host as whether the host of heaven cannot be numbered neither the sand of the sea measure so will I multiply the seed of David my servant and the Levites that minister and to me there they're going to be there and the offspring that follows them and leads them as numerous as the stars of heaven in the sands of the sea where are they today well we know where the ten tribes are and we know where the tribe of Judah is basically 23 moreover the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah saying 24 consider it thou not what this people have spoken saying the two families which the LORD hath chosen he has even cast them off thus have they have despised my people that they should be no more a nation before men in other words God never cast his people off God will never leave you he will never forsake you but people will certainly leave him and when you have Nations under the flag of communism that will absolutely denounce and drive out the name of Yahweh they will drive out the name of the Living God and take over many nations and within this where is hope God said you try to do that it's not gonna it's not going to succeed why because he's still on the throne and he will still win it when things are accomplished you know we live in a wonderful testing time what God wants to know from you is do you love him enough that you will read the letter he has sent you or do you want to just follow the traditions of men and let Satan have his way with you okay he wants to know because we're establishing and through his help a family that was moving into the heavenly age we do not want any troublemakers there we do not want anyone there that goes against the Living God he that calls himself I am that I am I will be wherever I want to be what I want to be I'm with you and and certainly this testing time is to find out what you choose if you choose our Father you choose eternity and you choose an earth that's going to go back into its third earth age where everything is perfect again the firmament is back in its place to protect this and in a spiritual body that age means nothing a spiritual body is no older today than it was in the day in the first Earth Age that God created that body and and so it is that our Father is in this time of testing in the final hour of that testing of course is the Millennium then Satan is released a short season if you still choose him sorry Charlie it's too late for you you're in the lake and that lake is a hard place to sustain yourself that certainly is that okay let's go with one more verse please verse 25 thus saith the Lord if my covenant be not with day and night and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth in other words what are those ordinances well gravity that that is natural when you throw a rock up guess what it's going to come down like gravity pulls it down you cannot change the ordinances or that that is natural of our heavenly father though certainly in this generation with Satan's little tempting hands we have a lot of people that try to lead that that is natural that that is natural with man and woman they try it but you cannot do that it will not change and as long as it doesn't change then you can count on it this covenant is good God's natural law of things is right out there for anyone you don't even have to be able to understand this word of God to know if you pick both of your feet up you're going to fall okay that's the law of gravity it's there you don't need any reminders of it you trip you don't go up you go down but you always get up and thank God for the blessings he has given you in March own in his presence and when you have a doubt and when things look a little cloudy always remember this chapter call me call me father call me I beg you if you're really serious if you really mean it I will hear you one more verse to finish the chapter verse 26 and will I cast away the seed of Jacob and David my servant so that I will not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for I will cause their captivity to return and have mercy on them and so it is our father is always fair What did he say that the princes the chief Shepherds name would be righteousness he's going to do what's right you have to trust him enough to know that if you if you try to do what's right and I'm pleasing him he's going to be with you he's going to protect you and there it is again people have a way well that sounds just really sounds beautiful then they get into the world the day gets cloudy a little thing goes wrong here and the little thing goes wrong there and pretty soon they can be very confused and wonder and they forget this chapter called me I am that I am I'm there I am there for you I am the light I am the living water I am the way when you get lost and a little off track remember that you know I will say it for you in the Hebrew tongue iya iya iya I am that I am that is the etymology of the sacred name Jehovah call me when you're down I will hear you I can make things different and he can you know after all you know I'm the one that put those stars up there in the heaven I'm the one that created this earth I'm the one that created your soul for as it is written in ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 you don't get around to giving me or so I own it already I created it it's mine to do with as I choose but I will always do what is right but that is my name the Lord of righteousness so when you come to that place that you need it you need comfort do you know where to find it from the comforter which is to say God spirit so he said call me call me I will hear you there's no excuse beloved let him warm your heart and let him do what is right with you well I've kind of fallen by the wayside but he's gone thump your Lord oh you got to do to say thank you Father I needed that I'll get it together and try ok call me that's what he says all right bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture listen a moment won't you please mark of the beast' on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tight on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Donald Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there you are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 34 645 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves you had a question you share it would you do that please never ask a question about a particular religion reverend denomination we don't judge people we have a judge that's our Father and he he does not need our help in that you do have the right for spiritual discernment to determine who you should listen to and who you should not hear but always make room for the letter that our Father is seeing to you those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure now you've got a prayer request you don't need the number you don't need an address why because God loves you he wants you to return that love that's that's mainly what he wants okay hosea chapter 6 verse 6 I do not want your burnt offerings I want your grace your mercy and your love and in Revelation chapter 4 the last verse I created you for my pleasure not to give me a hard time I created you for my pleasure how long has it been since you gave him pleasure you do that by letting him know you love him father around the world we come we ask that you lead guide Rick father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay question time and you're going with Chris from Virginia and good morning to you also how are you doing I'm doing fantastically well with God's blessings I have a question that I would like to ask you did you have a mentor or a teacher I had a lot of a lot of not a lot but some very good mentors in the last lecture I mentioned one from when someone said a letter from New Zealand and a great scholar that dr. Barry fel who was an epic otha who helped me a great deal in documentaries and in languages and our our particular document a documentary on Easter Island you don't want to miss that dr. Barry Phil was he he was a native of that part from which Easter Island came to be and it give you a lot of understanding and dr. bullinger you know he was one of the only Christians that was allowed to edit the Messiah for for Ginsburg and what a scholar what a fantastic scholar and then it's to father's word is always a process of learning it's pregnant it grows you never you never finish your education in God's Word because he always continues to reveal what is hidden that is timely for that our palin from georgia how can i document that the first day of spring is the first day on the hebrew calendar well it's according to if you which hebrew calendar you're going by the original was a solar calendar and naturally it started the new year with the solar calendar that is to say on the spring equinox this is real easy to prove even in documentaries when you travel like our rivers like the rio grande when when you find solstice signs it's always by the solar calendar the original solar calendar you had the spring equinox plus fourteen days and then the fifteenth day was always passover and then the year was divided up in groups of 50 50 days after Passover is Pentecost and there are seven groups of 50 that bring you back to the spring equinox again you see the moon makes this little circle there were 28 and a fraction days so it's all messed up you can't you cannot go by it with accuracy the Sun is always right on time the same as that today as it always has been basically Bonita from Kentucky can you help me with the verse that has the word Sun in them like Psalms nineteen forty burn Akal of the Sun and melikhaya chapter four verse two Sun of righteousness that spelled su in is what she's got here okay the SU in as it is as it is used in Psalms 19 for let you know that God controls the universe from Orion all the way through that it has a path and the path that you can you can rest shirred of and and that's pretty well self-explanatory but in Malachi chapter 4 verse to the very last chapter of the Old Testament the word Sun there is the Sun of righteousness and there's only one of those and it is an analogy and it's a good analogy because as the Sun of righteousness gives eternal life it's lacking into the Sun which you cut it away plant a seed and put it in a cave and see what happens to it without the Sun but when the Sun hits those seeds they spring to life every spring when the season is right and the Sun hits this earth and reused everything and gives life to the grass the trees and everything well so does the living God his son give life to your spirit in your soul so it's an analogy and a very good one you know I can hardly make your writing out I don't know if this is Magor or Messer from Florida but you'll know wantyou does the devil know he is going to lose if so why does he play the game now he thinks he's something that why shouldn't he he controls most of the people of this world I mean he's got them eating out of his hand he is he feels he's really something on a stick okay and so why shouldn't he he thinks as daniel chapter 12 would Leben rather would stipulate he uses the power of force and worships it he feels with the numbers and everyone following him that he can win that's why he does what he does though well you might say well doesn't he ever read the word he's the better scripture lawyer than most when he tempted Christ what did he tempt him with me you for scripture it's just one problem he always tweaks it on the end and about 90 degrees and makes it false so so he thinks he can win and so it is he thinks he's that good that's called pride pride is the fall of many a person caring from South Dakota thank you so much for your team you were welcome I went to church all my life and never heard the truth I always knew that there was more to the Bible for the first time in my life everything makes sense especially the earth ages and how we live in a fallen world Wow my question can you help me understand the tribe of Dan what are their characteristics well they are they were Anglo they show blood in the face they didn't had a problem though Dan kind of like to worship idols a little bit and when you go to Revelation chapter 7 sometimes they leave out 1 or 2 because of idol worship but I got some good news for you in the Book of Ezekiel when you read the Millennium Temple they're back in their their tribes that God doesn't God doesn't give up on his people even though some people might Missy from Texas what is the unforgivable sin and what does blasphemy mean can you please explain - I do not understand make a note Luke chapter 12 verse 10 then you can talk against what Christ taught on earth and you could be forgiven for that but if you're one of God's elect and you're delivered up before the synagogue of Satan as Luke in Luke 12 10 so stipulates and you refuse the Holy Spirit to speak through you that's unpardonable and then when you read mark chapter 13 it's definitely stipulates that you will be delivered up you are not to premeditate what you'll say but you are to allow the holy spirit to speak through you to deny that is blasphemy against God when you know better you see the big problem with it is if you're one of God's elect you know better God ignorance is bliss in some cases but that's one case where when you're not ignorant and you know who Satan is and you bow to him you're in a heap of hurt with our Heavenly Father it hurts him you know he's sent job which which means persecuted job beat the word and he lets you see one of his sons and he said Satan's today I can take him if you just take your little net from around him of protection I can have him eating out of my hand I'm paraphrasing here with my own thoughts a little bit but that's basically what it meant and God said I don't say what I don't think job we'll jobs a good man so God removed the wall from around him which he'll put around his election if you if you have faith enough and use the name and Satan had him I mean he had him down he was full of sores and his wife even said why don't you just give up and die and then Joe of all things has three heathen they're not even Israelites but they come and yet could be yakety like they ratchet Joe for 38 chapters when him advice and they have no idea what they're talking about and many preachers will preach sermons on that you know it's awesome you know finally in the 38th chapter God says Joe get up from there don't listen to these people that don't know what they're talking listen to me so that that's what you do you listen to God and when you know better you better listen to him okay this is Julie from Georgia was the first earth age before Noah's Ark or or Adam and Eve or when exactly was it well it was before this earth age ever was okay that's why it's written in Genesis chapter 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth period it didn't say when it was millions of years ago and then in verse 2 in the Hebrew it says to who viable the earth did not was not created borden without form the earth became void and without form at Satan's rebellion okay so that's when it happened it was many thousands of years ago and so and then this God had a choice 1/3 of his children followed Satan he could kill him but killing a third of your children's a pretty heavy chore when you have a heart as big as our fathers so instead of killing his children along with Satan he ended that earth age and brought in this one where men must be born a woman in its sense not even remembering what happened before to make their mind up whether you're gonna love God or Satan that's the that's what this age is about Carol from California what would be the best to prepare for the tribulation will we still be able to use the money we have in the bank or would silver coins be better if you own real estate can you still collect rental money or in for income most likely you could you see the parameter is this is you cannot worship Satan to receive his money okay you to receive his when you receive his money you're worshiping him and you've got his mark okay it's not a literal mark it means in your forehead you've been had so people that live in the country that are familiar with bartering you bartered like a little precious metal or or [Music] have a house from Intel hey go down and get me a little bag of groceries and I'll knock it off of your rent this month you know God's Christians have a way of bartering and knowing how it is you know like people used I can remember back when people supported the church they didn't have any money they made me brought a chicken okay gave the preacher both preachers got used to eating fried chicken right and made them pretty happy I guess but there's ways to get by without money when you have to if you're in the country Albert from Pennsylvania well you I want to I want to correct that and you can in town two cities also if you've repaired a head as you're doing something a little precious don't put all your liquidity and in the precious metal or something like that but it doesn't hurt to have a little bit Albert from Pennsylvania where can I find in the Bible where it speaks about the fallen angels that impregnated women that resulted in Giants Genesis chapter 6 the Fallen Angels rather than being born of woman they saw that Adams daughters were beautiful and they left their habit place of habitation which causes their death they came down and rather than being born of woman they seduced woman and ye both were born this is why that the fallen angels are called mcfeely of Noah and the Hebrew means ballin and this is why you can read in the book of Jude they're already in Chains waiting for destruction they will be cast out with Satan and he is cast out on this earth as the false messiah but they 7,000 of them die instantly in the streets of Jerusalem when the two witnesses rise from the dead that's the Fallen Angels this would be Christopher and I don't know where Christopher is from just a question what are the three earth ages and how or where can I read about them in death yeah this is really sad that churches do not teach about the three earth ages because it's important that lets you know why we're here probably probably Christopher the easiest way to get started in a second Peter chapter 3 it will give you all three earth ages and believe me when the first earth was destroyed with water it was not Noah's Flood it was one that even cracked the very planet place themselves and it was called in the Greek tongue it's called the cuttable the overthrow it was it was a dandy and from that we've got the Grand Canyon and we've got in Nebraska at ash Falls we've got African animals camels five different types of camel we've got rhinoceroses all African birds how did they get in Nebraska well they used to be snug dried up and then came the catapult um this would be Jan Jamel from Mississippi pastor can you tell me what these two verses mean first John love not the world or things in the world and Marvel not and my brethren if the world hates you it's talking about the cosmos which is to say the people of the world in their ways it's good to be street-smart but it's better to be street-smart on top of biblically intelligent okay because you can get by a lot better but what saying is is in and John is don't fall in with the things of the world because it's crooked in its deceitful and don't marvel when you do what's right we start talking about our Lord Jesus Christ on a street corner sometime and see if the world doesn't hate you for it okay it doesn't make big points with a lot of people and not that I advise that certainly but that's not the place to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ necessarily unless someone should ask you okay Millie from Philadelphia the pastor I'm scared you teach God said Satan is not to harm his elect yet today you said we will be taken and beaten before facing the synagogue of Satan what is the truth of this well if it's it is stated that you'll be browbeaten but Satan's coming as the Lord Jesus Christ when I read a scripture I always read it as it is written in the word but you have to understand what it's really talking about Satan's coming in as Daniel stipulates peaceful prosperously and peacefully not tearing everything up because he's playing Jesus love follow me and I'll give you everything I'll pay off your mortgages I'll pay your debts just follow me you don't want to go there but he will browbeat you if it's possible and I see that even though it frightens you you're gonna make the stand you don't have to be afraid Luke 21 he can't harm a hair on your head okay but he will browbeat you but do you will you let that affect you I hope not but do you know God's going to protect you and you don't have anything to worry about Darlene from Wisconsin is tithing and sowing the same thing or are they different I I have heard other pastors say they are different and tithing is ten percent of your income and sorting is an additional gift to have a prayer answered I really want to need your answer you cannot it is true that a love offering which is what I would call seeding sowing rather love offering you can you can give and it's a beautiful thing but it will not get you a prayer answered money does not buy prayers answered okay don't ever let some preacher tell you otherwise and I'm not judging them but I do know my father real well he doesn't send out beggars and he will not adhere to that you cannot don't ever let some peer pressure you give money to have a prayer answered that's cheapens that cheapens god's love okay but a tithe was a tenth but meaning on fixed incomes cannot do that they were already tired of when they were making the insurance they draw as social security in part then it almost becomes a love offering or the widow's Mike you know but you do tithes where you're fed the reason being that that keeps the truth coming to you that's only logical but a love offering can be given anywhere but do not ever let some preacher tell you it'll get a prayer answer it won't no word from Kentucky I have understood I have understood you to say you don't have to be baptized to be saved however also I understand you to say you need to be baptized when you reach the age of accountability what please explain John 3:5 you must be born of the water what does it mean born of the water in the bag of water in the wound okay everybody's got to be born the woman that was the sin of the Fallen Angels they chose not to be born to okay so you must be but the thief hung on the cross was converted in Christ that I'll see you in paradise today he wasn't baptized okay so we need that judgment after Almighty God and I am out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word most of all God loves you because you read the letter he has sent to you it makes his day when you call on him how he loves to hear from you because you're his child let him know today you love him once you do that we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though hey you listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with troubles you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box four one six grab it Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] the book of Peter here we have two books first and second Peter that are absolutely fascinating that great old fisherman telling us leading us directing us guiding us going into the depth if you would in that second book into the three earth ages giving the most accurate recorded account of the events that transpire and document that there are three earth ages that there was one before this one this one and one to come Peter the great fisherman which in his gentleness and his kindness brings us two books the books of Peter that lead guy direct even in your daily life that teach and show you how to be happy how to find that peace of mind and to know yourself the books of Peter I know you're going to enjoy them [Music] [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're ready to get back into our father's word you know what we're going to talk about today stewardship it's a subject that you won't hear me mention too often and there's kind of a special reason for it and people that do not follow
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 754
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Holy bible, Pastor Murray, Kjv, Arnold, Book of Jeremiah, Pastor, Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Jeremiah, Bible, Shepherd's, Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Book of, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Shepherds
Id: AQ8OTWbH-64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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