Jeremiah ~ 35:7 to 36:21

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word The Book of Jeremiah he whom God launches forth being in the Hebrew tongue this 35th chapter of Jeremiah is an insert it happens all the way back in with the belongs with chapter 25 and 26 when Joachim was still king of Judah but this whole thing is to let you know how the Kenites moved into Jerusalem and God actually told Jeremiah the Prophet you go get this group of kin i'ts and bring them right into my temple I want you to offer them some wine and naturally in verse 6 they said hey we will drink no wine for your honor Dobb the son of Ray cab which ray cab first chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 the father of the Kenites at that time our Father commanded us saying you shall drink no wine neither you nor your sons forever and naturally that wine would become the blood of Christ that we partake of in Holy Communion but there's something you need to know about Yana dad in the Hebrew tongue in this 35th chapter most of the time when the name is used it is you own a DAB which means Yahweh the greatest it's kind of an insult against our father for eating man to name himself God the greatest or which is to say yah they the greatest that's but most often in that is the way that it is translated and our Father Knows our Father understands and he did this purposely to bring them into his temple to teach a lesson to our people and so it is so we pick it up there with verse seven as they continue to under explain how they obey their father verse seven they continue the Kenites neither shall you build houses and our sow seed nor plant vineyards nor have any but all your days you shall dwell in tents that you may be live many days in the land where you be strangers no that should remind you of something who is that pronounced against way back you're not going to have it Genesis chapter 4 verse 12 listen to it concerning Cain the father of the rekha bites when thou tillest the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth a tent builder and a vagabond so naturally it still holds that was God's sentence against them from the beginning and so it is to this day you won't find any farmers among the Kenites they may own farms but there'll be somebody else doing the farming so having said that our fathers word weaves together a truth and that truth must be cultivated whereby you have eyes to see and ears to hear to know and to understand verse 8 thus have we obeyed the voice of jonadab the son of rake a bar father in all that he has charged us to drink no wine all our days we our wives our sons or our daughters verse nine nor to build houses for us to dwell in neither have we vineyards nor field nor seat it's still following out the orders by God in the beginning to came verse 10 but we have dwelt in tents and have obeyed and then according to all that unidad God the Yahweh the greatest our Father commanded us and this is what is God's point here while he's showing Israel that even the Kenites obey what their father says and we don't most often most of our people go hunting somewhere else but the Kenites are very well organized they are very dedicated and very disciplined to their cause they'll never doubt that it's a proven fact verse 11 but it came to pass when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up into the land that we said you weren't how they began to be called of our brother Judah we said come and let us go to Jerusalem for fear of the army of the Chaldeans and for fear of the army of the Syrians so we dwell at Jerusalem and they in the Greek tongue begin to be called Judas which which means Jewish which gives our brother Judah a great deal of problems use through spiritual discernment should be able to tell the difference and so it is it is important that you do discern the difference because in Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 God would say I know the works and tribulation and poverty and and thou art rich you're humble and you inherit the earth and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are of Jude and or not but are the synagogue of satan' that means pure Kenites for none of these things which thou shalt suffer fear none of these things which also suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison when you're delivered up no problem that's our purpose it would tell you the same thing in the ninth verse of the third chapter concerning the Church of Philadelphia behold I make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and and are not and do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee that is to say why because you're at the feet of Christ on the first day of the millennium that's when every knee shall bow so you see there there are no great mysteries and let it be not a mystery to you concerning the tears or the Kenites the Ricca bites all being one and the same because it was well written in first chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 that they were scribes for Judah the house of Judah way back in first chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 you know when you allow kids to keep the books for you to be your scribes things are going to get changed and this is why it's important that a scholar in this generation know and recognize those changes because they go contrary to God's Word so therefore and that becomes very they're not all that many but they are there so there you have the reason they moved there for protection because they couldn't protect themselves they had no army they were scribes and so they moved there and took on the name what because of residents called themselves of Judah know that this is not an unusual thing because any state you live in like here in Arkansas where Arkansas but there might be a dozen many different denominations that is to say from many tribes of different peoples around the world verse 12 to continue back in chapter 35 pay close attention then came the word of the Lord into Jeremiah saying 13 thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel go until the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will you not receive instructions to hearken to my words question saith the Lord even the Kenites listen to their father why don't you listen to me that's what he's saying verse 14 the words of nahma dad the son of Rahab those Kenites that he commanded his sons not to drink wine or performed they listened for unto this day they drink none but obey their father's commandment notwithstanding I have spoken unto you rising early and speaking but you hearkened not unto me you won't listen the I hear is emphatic our father is very disappointed in the people he said look at these kennings bring them right into the temple to teach you a lesson that you cannot get them to go against their father and here I've sent prophets to you early from the beginning telling you how to be blessed now to be pleasing to me and you won't listen and and and again the eye is emphatic he's serious about this for him to bring the Kenites into the temple of God he really weren't distress the point verse 15 I have sent also unto you all my servants the prophets rising up early and sending them saying returning now every man from his evil way and on and then your doings and go not after other gods to serve them he's jealous and he shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your father's but ye have not incline your ear nor hearken unto me you just won't listen you know our Father this you can understand now why that this chapter 35 goes all the why is inserted goes all the way back to chapter 25 and 26 because our Father want to make sure you understood and sure you knew that discipline is very important to him you shall be a church that does not have discipline not so your church God is not blessing you must have discipline in the word you must teach the Word of God you must never apologize for it well if you talk against the Kenites you might have been somebody well I hope so because they will lead you right down Satan's Lane if you allow it you're supposed to be wise enough you leave the Kenites alone but you'd better spiritually have the ability to discern truth from fiction or you'll end up with them deceived by their father who will come first as the false messiah verse 16 because the sons of younger dad the son of recap have performed the commandment of their father which he commanded them but this people have not hearkened unto me the cotton for that reason this was the whole reason 17 therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts the God of Israel full title behold I will bring upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evil that I have pronounced against them because I have spoken unto them but they have not and I have called unto them but they have not answered do you understand then why discipline is so important you know bothering is said in the prior chapter ask me called me I will answer that was his promise but people ignore him they want to make they want to make Christianity like a play game or something in their lives to carry a title perhaps and not real serious about it Christianity is not a religion it's a reality it's very very real your father sees all and knows all it even knows what you're thinking you can't con him but what do you want you to do and as much as he seeks you words telling you how to stay out of trouble also how to receive His blessings more does it make a difference in your life if your discipline and receive God's blessings you're going to prosper then because of the Word of God because you're pleasing to our Father boy does it make a difference and it was very very befitting that God himself would order Jeremiah to tell the other Jeremiah not the prophet but of Ken ight to bring in those of the rest of the Kenites to teach this very lesson to show people you know God is jealous because even even the kennings are disciplined and are loyal to their father but look at you you can see why he hurts and why he's disappointed verse 18 and Jeremiah said unto the house of the Rechabites thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel because ye have obeyed the commandment of no Nadab your father and kept all his precepts and done according unto all that he has commanded you because you've been loyal because you've done this verse 19 therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel jonadab the son of recap shall not walk for a man to stand before me for ever that's a promise of God assisting and helping them you know do you remember we're gonna dab is mentioned in another place when Jew he was going to destroy the Babylonians and Bale worshipers I should say guess who met him down in the way he held up his chariot and jonadab stuck his hand does that how are you I'm your good buddy and gee who took Jordan AB right up into the chariot with him he destroyed the Bell worshipers but he had riding his own saddle riding his own chariot the father of all the wickedness and didn't recognize it therefore I'm quoting from 2nd Kings chapter 10 verse 15 what a disgrace but it's one of those things God wants you to pick and no he emphatically teaches that you don't be made the fool that you recognize the enemy you know your I don't care what army or what league you might be in but if you're not taught and trained who the enemy is how are you going to know how to fight how are you going to know how to resist the enemy you can't so naturally the first thing you must do is discipline yourself and the knowledge of knowing who that enemy is and learn every ounce that you can learn about him whereby you know his weaknesses and you know where he is superior whereby you can do combat against that one and I'm speaking spiritually and when you sure can't do like Jihu and 2nd Kings chapter 10 verse 15 and take them right up in your wagon with you will manipulate move surround and distort the distort the truth and bring in traditions of men that make void the true Word of God so it's really understandable why God would bring this 35th chapter in and there even to make a covenant he said I appreciate your discipline so much but you can eyes are never going to have to want for a man to lead you that means with smarts that means with intelligence so that's what you're up against but do you know something when you are loyal disciplined and you get into the Word of God God still as we know Christ gave us power over all of them but you have to know and hear your father discipline yourself in that word for it lives it's as real today God is the same today he was yesterday and he shall be forever so it's no big deal to follow him he never changes he is a loving father but out of respect for loyalty and discipline he made it clear to the kenai you're never going to walk for a man to stand before you and of course the find of in the finality of the situation guess who the man is that stands before them it's none other than Satan himself and that happens when the false Christ returns that's why you must be disciplined into knowing truth when you see it hear it and live it chapter 36 here we have done what makes the key of David so very important because it unlocks doors that and I'm quoting back again from Revelation chapter 3 verses 910 and in there the key of David morning who the true father is and who the Kenites are gives you a key that opens scripture in doors that nobody can close and nobody can when you close them because you know the truth that's how important that particular chapter is and in chapter 36 we come to it Zedekiah going to get a little education verse 1 and it reads and it came to pass in the fourth year of Jehoiakim and again we're back inserted again back even before is that a Chaya but it has to do with his offspring rather his forebears the son of Josiah king of Judah that this word came into Jeremiah from the Lord saying and this would move you all the way back to the first siege even verse to take the role of a book and right there in all the words that I have spoken unto thee against Israel not for against Israel and against Judah not for and against all the nations from the day I spake unto thee from the days of Josiah even unto this day you put it in a book what are you going to do with it then verse 3 it may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I propose to do which I purposed to do unto them that they may return every man from his evil way that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin you know that's the beauty of our Father when we mess up when we fall short when you sin he wants you to repent let him that means have a change of mine and tell him you're sorry and get your act together discipline yourself verse 4 then Jeremiah called Babu come which means blessed okay the son of Neriah meaning the lamp of yah and and and and the real quote from the mouth of jeremiah all the words of the lord which he had spoken unto him upon a roll of a book broke down see Jeremiah's in prison and he knows this message delivered to the captives God he can't go Jeremiah's locked up but Baruch is his favorite is his main assistant as a matter of fact historically Jeremiah will take Bo Luke with him all the way to Europe in we find ancient writings there that where we know that Bo Luke was with olan follow is what Jeremiah would be called there which in in Gaelic means a very wise person but Baruch was still called Beru - blessed why because he was but Baruch then has the letter the scroll because he is described verse 5 and Jeremiah commended bill saying I am shut up I'm locked here in prison I cannot go on into the house of the Lord and verse 6 therefore go thou and read in the role which thou has written from my mouth the words of the Lord in the ears of the people of the Lord's house upon the fasting day and also thou shall read them in the years of all Judah that come out of their cities this was not the fast of the seventh month this is the ninth month and if it's a day that they've chosen for fasting for themselves it wasn't appointed by God in other words verse seven it may be they will present their supplication before the Lord and will return everyone from his evil way for great is the anger and the fury that the Lord had pronounced against this people father is not a happy camper with the people when they will not listen you know the prophets he sent that many were murdered and betrayed were special people to him chosen chosen in in Jeremiah's case even from the first Earth Age I knew you before you were even in your mother's womb chapter 1 of Jeremiah so declaring verse 8 and Beru decided no I am did according to all that Jeremiah the Prophet commanded him reading in the book the words of the Lord in the Lord's house he was he was disciplined and followed it to the letter I want you to see within this there is a time coming when many of you will be delivered that before the first Messiah in the so called Lord's house only not our Heavenly Father and mount the mouth not premeditating beforehand what you believe in say but allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you so the children can hear verse 9 and he came to pass in the fifth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah in the ninth month this is when it happened not the seventh month that they proclaimed a fast before the Lord to all the people in Jerusalem and to all the people that came from the cities of Judah unto Jerusalem and again who claimed this Joakim did it wasn't God verse 10 then read Baruch in the book the words of Jeremiah in the house of the Lord in the chamber of gamellia the son of shaphan the scribe in the higher court at the entry of the new game of the Lord's house in the ears of all the people and there again when God's elector delivered they're all going to hear and and that's what is important it being the the Lord's word our Father again you can begin to understand why discipline is so important father has a plan and that plan he wants it to come off to the letter as it is laid out in brought forth in mark 13 Matthew 24 and Luke 21 in these right before the synagogue of satan' the one proclaimed in chapter 35 were by mouth to mouth the Holy Spirit would have the privilege of speaking to all the children verse 11 when Micaiah does Micah of the if you would who is like you all the son of yamaraja the son of shaphan had heard out of the book all the words of the Lord Micah was a good old boy okay 12 then he went down into the king's house into the scribes chamber and know all the princes set there even elisha month and the scribe and Daliah that's breeded by yah the son of Jamia i heard of you and l Nathan L Nathan kind of means given to service God gives to service that always makes you a little suspicious okay the son of a quark it's you off - it means Mouse and that's a very unclean animal and Jim Mariah the son of shaphan then Zedekiah your Zedekiah the son of Hema Hema and Naya and all the princes they were there all of them heard that letter that Jeremiah sent delivered by Butler from verse 13 then Micaiah declared unto them all the words that he had heard when Baruch read the book in the ears of the people verse 14 therefore all the princes sent Judah old this means a Judean which one the son of Nathan I am the son of shale a mile the son of cushion unto baroque saying take in thine hand the roll wherein thou has read in the ears of the people and come sober ook the son of Neriah took the role in his hand and came unto them 15 and they said unto Him sit down now and read it in our ears so Baruch read it in their ears now will they hear will they listen with that crowd you know that they were all destroyed basically they went into captivity because God's already told them you're going into captivity the king of Babylon is coming just the same as he has told you in these end times at that sixth trump the king of Babylon is coming again and you'd better be set for it because many of you will be delivered at the war him therefore it becomes prominent that you understand the types that are set forth that lead to that discipline which you must adhere to verse 16 now it came to pass when they heard all the words they were afraid both one and another and said unto Baruch we will surely tell the king of all these words 17 and they asked Baruch saying tell us now how did us now write all these words at his mouth we want to clear one thing up where did this word come from verse 18 and then Baruch ends or deme pronounced all these words unto me with his mouth and I wrote them with ink in the book he told him it was Jeremiah Jeremiah's in prison 19 then said the princes Interbrew go hide be doubt in Jeremiah and let no man know where you be no words they know that sparks are about to fly there's going to be trouble in camp and the the good prince is one prince who wants them to protect themselves 20 and they went in to the King into the court but they laid up the role in the chamber of Elisha the scribe and told all the words in the ears of the king 21 so the king sent Judah remembered chapter 35 to fetch the road and he took it out of Elisha month the scribes hand chamber and Judah read it in the years of the King and in the ears of all the princes which stood beside the king and here you have from you can see who's reporting this and what the problem will be there'll be a big fire there and guess where the letter is going they will be Smerch God or to attempt to you can't do that but we'll pick it up in the next lecture and how precious is the Word of God in bringing forth those truths sometimes emphatic and some but always loving that you can understand what's going to befall you in the end time where there's no surprises and you're a good warrior for him you think about it all right bless your hearts you listen a moment won't you please the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the strongest concordance list every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate any word back to the original Hebrew Caldera Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendices found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will enlighten your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii and all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we're not going to judge people father is the judge he'll do all the judging but you do have the right to spiritually discern whether something is a truth or not it's a gift from God and you want to thank him for that gift whereby you can if you have eyes to see and ears to hear whereby you recognize his word those of you that listened by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour will give you our maiden address always a pleasure you got a prayer request you don't need the number we can do away with it you don't need the address why God knows what you're thinking right now he loves you he wants you to return that love Hosea 6:6 I don't want your burnt offerings I want your love your grace which is your love let him know that it pays great dividends for you to communicate with our Father when he said that lecturer so back or so back call me then call him that's what prayer is about father around the globe we come West Julie dine direct father touching your shoes precious name thank you Father amen all right I had to cut a question off I didn't get the answer it clearly in yesterday's broadcast we can use this it would be from Patricia from Mississippi asking about certain animals from Africa found in Texas antelopes zebras and so forth and and onopen even if you go all the way up into Nebraska and you go to ash Falls State Park what it is it goes back many thousands of years ago when a great volcano and in Idaho erupted and this ash fell and the animals gathered around water holes they were drugged they were it was dry and it just choked him to death and here they just they just fell and their their remains are such that that carnivores didn't drag him off four corner boys died also so the remains are found there of five different types of camel zebras rhinoceroses some of them even with a little one still in the rib cage that was unborn at that time and in perfect condition how did all those birds from Africa how did all that end up here in the of our nation naturally it was the castle the overthrow with the plates of the very earth split and Africa separated from our continent you know if you take the two and push them up together they fit pretty good don't they that's because the one time they were together and that's why the plate the plates that documents if you ever have the opportunity to akin or visit a sh falls Nebraska State Park it's well worth the trip it documents God's Word if you know the first Earth Age the cattle Bowl and what befell what happened because the proof is right there plain for everyone to see okay Noreen from California this is the second time I've asked but I really would like to know your opinion I purchased two books the Bible by Smith and Goodspeed that is a very good Bible okay Smith and Goodspeed were both excellent scholars of God's Word and the Bible Dictionary and their teachers by Smith them the the it's the college teachers Edition that's the same version we carry in our library that people can purchase today it's an excellent Bible Dictionary so you have been blessed you found some good ones and we got somebody that likes pasted notes stick up notes or what have you call them Cody from Texas pastor Murray this is my second time writing to you do you know when the millennium will be well it's the Lord's Day and when he's ready for it that's when it will be no nobody knows exactly I will tell you one thing witness when Satan appears as Antichrist we're in a five-month period it's called the time of the locust and then when the two witnesses are murdered in the path of the arena in Jerusalem three and a half days Christ is going to return then the Millennium will start you can count on it it is written it is so okay we got Deborah from Texas mine I see that your father was a pastor a preacher I never knew or ever thought about yet we believed in the fly away or the rapture he or not mother or not alive to ask or talk to them about it now that you have taught me that there is no Flyway or a rapture and I just worry about whether or not if they believed in it I hate that I don't know and I can't ask them I also spoke in tongues learning hell when I was a child but I always spoken almost a silent voice was it wrong of me to speak well you you know Acts chapter 2 verse 7 and and what you're doing you're worried about your parents they the the danger of the rapture doctrine is it causes people to accept the false Christ when he appears on earth because he says he's come to fly them away okay so naturally he didn't appear in their lifetime so they're in good shape and no doubt he brought many people to the Lord and that's where some credit is due you've got to give credit I'm sure God is real happy with them you could be real proud of him Lenny from leaning from Indiana as I was reading of Stephens testimony in Acts it is a beautiful testimony I was wondering do you feel that maybe that may be how the elect have a testimony how it would be well we're not to premeditate what will say before him because it's the Holy Spirit that speaks through us but the words of Stephen in Acts chapter seven is one of the best Bible lessons ever taught by men no doubt with this leading of the Holy Spirit it gives you the genealogy if you would almost in the layout of the covenants all the way down through from Old Testament into the new and then that he would pay with his life they would stone him to death and guess who helped the coats of the people that stone him to death Paul did who would later be converted in Acts chapter 9 on the road to Damascus and God would say he is my chosen vessel milord God knew Paul from before Paul never did anything halfway that's why he was so zealous and he was Ellis to destroy the church at that time but then when Christ hooked him with the Shepherd staff that's a man mob statement and brought him around what a teacher he became and how God did use him many people that doubt him you want to remember in 2nd Peter chapter 3 Peter himself gave credentials to Paul so if you're going to throw Paul out you got to throw Peter out and all the rest of them - so what by that I mean it won't fly he was a chosen vessel of God Susan from Nevada Easter with Jesus rising for us for four generations we have celebrated Easter with new clothes big Easter baskets colorful boiled eggs the children's excited about the Easter hunt I myself have baked cakes Victor's inning bunnies and when I heard your talk on TV tears filled my eyes and I asked my lord given ins question what do you do on Easter how can I help my family now they say Easter means Jesus is again with us no idea about an idol well unfortunately East our was an idol worship by meaning was a false religion and they baked cakes to her and and they rolled eggs in the forest in fertility rites and very sexual in the spring and I guess preachers always want to take an easy out to draw crowds because God is not happy with it you see the word East our Easter is not even in the manuscripts I know you're going to have it in the King James in the book of Acts no don't don't write me letters I know it I've read it in more languages than one but in the Hebrew in the greek manuscripts the word is pass all which means passover not Ishtar passover because as you read in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse 6 and 7 Christ became our Passover and what we do naturally at Passover is the fact that he is risen the fact that he give us holy communion it is that communion in remembrance of him that we take as off as we meet on Passover Pentecost and Feast of Tabernacles fall fellowship see I'm Thelma from Illinois working a plan in the Bible any scriptures that reference cremation or whether or not it is okay first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 3 first Corinthians 13 3 you can do everything you want you can even give you body to be barns cremated but if you don't have charity love your nothing okay but but there is nothing wrong with cremation when we're through with these flesh bodies were through with them they do not resurrect you have a separate body read 1st Corinthians chapter 15 beginning with first 36 you've got two bodies you have a fresh body and a heavenly body and naturally your spiritual body is your real body it's the body you were in in the first Earth Age it was the body the spiritual body that Christ placed here documentation Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 when the silver cord parts means you kicked the bucket okay this clay pot breaks again kick in the bucket then instantly your spirit which is the intellect of your soul meaning your spiritual body returns to the Father from whence it came and the flesh body goes back to dirt you're true with it so it doesn't matter how it gets back to dirt or ashes okay there's nothing wrong with it in these troubled times where many people are on fixed incomes it is a lot less expensive through the funeral process than expensive caskets and so forth Linda from Arkansas my boyfriend wants us to marry but he wants to do it ourselves and not legal or in front of a pastor is this okay in the eyes of the Lord where's to obey all civil law and our system is set up if you are in childbearing age that if you have children then his social security if you are legally Wed with a civil ceremony pastor or whatever preferably by a pastor then then your insurance your social security insurance his recognizes you and a child if you were to and he to agree to wedlock and you become impregnated and you had a child and something happened to him that he died you're just hung out to dry okay his his social security insurance is not going to do you any good so it isn't very wise okay to if you're in childbearing age to not have a civil wedding that means religious and/or otherwise Haley but one that the insurance as I said we're supposed to obey civil law to protect our credibility Haley from Tennessee pastor Murray I am nine years old we watch your program every day were Adam and Eve the first persons on earth please explain well Haley thank you for the question no they were not the first people on earth in the Hebrew manuscripts it's very clear that Adam a different man was created on the sixth day and many of them were hunters and fishers God rested the seventh day on the eighth day he did not have a harm of the farmer husbandmen it would be the one through which Christ would be born in bilkul for the umbilical cord so his name was death ha Adam different man and that was the Adam and Eve that we hear so much about they were the first death hadam people through which Christ himself would be born and he would become the mother of all living because his speaking of eternal life you're either in her son through the umbilical cord Jesus Christ or you're not going to have eternal life period Susan from thank you for Haylee for asking that question Susan from Indiana we love you and study with you daily well thank you where can I find tonight's in the Bible is this the same as Canaanites no it is not team nights are ke ni ke s and it is a Hebrew word kegging which means the sons of Cain offsprings of Cain the murder in the beginning you can find them in in today's lecture we mentioned them in first chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 Kenites ke ni te s when you say that word it simply means the offspring of cain christ would use him as mention him as the first murderer we all know who the first murderer was it was Cain and he Christ in st. John chapter 8 verse 44 states very clearly to the Kenites that would not accept him though they claimed they were the children of offspring of Abraham which Abraham in the Hebrew tongue means father of many nations he is that father if they accept him and he said you you don't Abraham heard my word you don't because you're of your father the devil and the deeds of your father you're the offspring of the first murderer that's Cain and the deeds obtained your father you would do who was a murderer from the beginning the son of the devil that was Jesus's teaching and he would tell you again in Matthew chapter 13 beginning with verse 35 that God planted the good children and Satan planted the evil okay Joe from Tennessee why do people cast lots what's the purpose shouldn't people just trust in God well we don't cast Lots any longer that's that's a thing of the past you pray about something and if you love the Lord you leave it in his hands if he wants you to have it you'll have it if he doesn't he's got other plans for they meet three I'm from Michigan if someone is diagnosed with cancer how should you handle it spiritually should do you have the surgery or just let it take its course well naturally I cannot give medical advice but Luke was a medical doctor he was a physician and God there are many good Christian physicians and God gave them a gift and a talent and if they we live in a polluted world and if a surgeon can take care of the problem and God will still have you here to witness and to use then naturally you go for the treatment most often you would but I everyone must decide for themselves what they choose if if a family member should decide for another person and that person died that family member is going to really feel like well if I had to kept my mouth shut they might we might still have them so it's best to give the reasons give the opportunities what is available and that the family member make their own mind up if they are of sound mind because then it was their own wish in their own way and and so it is Becky from Wisconsin what nationality were the people who spoke Calvi they they were Babylonians Babylonian is the same area as our rock the old city of Babylon is on the Euphrates and Tigris is south of Baghdad what 6070 miles it still is to this day they spoke Arabs maybe she left from Oklahoma what does it mean when Noah's sons uncovered his father's nakedness and Noah cursed his son ham please explain well read the word Leviticus chapter 20 verse 11 well how do you uncover your there's nakedness it's not taking his britches off okay if you read 2011 it will say to uncover to live with your father's wife sexually is to uncover your father's nakedness so that's what happened they got both of the parents drunk on the new wine and hand seduced his own mother and that's why Noah was upset and drove Canaan away again let me give you the scripture you can read it in Leviticus chapter 20 verse 11 or you can also read it in Leviticus 18 8 okay she left from Tennessee I understand when you say Joshua when referring to Jesus but why don't you say y'all or the other day when referring to God I do his name is y'all day and it's locked in five times in the book of Esther in the Hebrew manuscripts where man can't change it his spell yeh veh not W eh that's God placing it there man can't mess with it milene from from California I think I'm pronouncing that right it's jumbled just a little bit on this note what does the Bible mean when it states that we cannot worship any other Saints except God is this true well it's true you should place nothing before God especially it's a point of worship II you don't worship angels you don't worship idols hopefully you're not worshiping some object like a car or a business you worship God only he's the very jealous and he gets very upset if you want God's blessings in your business and in your automobiles and whatever you'll still worship God first and always I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word most of all God loves you for it Hey it makes his day when you read the letter he sent to you and when you and I am talking to you when you make his day boy is he gonna make yours you can count on it we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua he is well a living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office mocked for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at this same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this when say no world disengage the creation itself when were the race is created Z all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular takes how was what how and what was their sin in the garden he will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you've always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're gonna enjoy this series [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray all right good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our hey guess what we're gonna do another special this generation shall not pass what did Jesus mean when he said that well it was in relationship to the parable of the fig tree something that he said you must learn why must you learn it whereby you would at least know the generation
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 639
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Chapel, Pastor, Arnold Murray, Kjv, Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's, Arnold, Book of Jeremiah, Holy bible, Jeremiah, Shepherd's Chapel, Bible, Pastor Murray, Shepherds, Pastor Arnold Murray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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