Sierra Burgess is a Loser is a pretty dumb movie...

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boy you know Netflix is just on a roll with these teen rom-coms you know what I mean the kissing booth insatiable to all the boys hey just when you thought it was all over nope we got one more kind of like insatiable this week was attractive to me because like I was in high school the main character is a chubby and nerdy kind of awkward loser and it's nice to have a movie where the main character actually looks like how they're supposed to be portrayed you like usually in movies or TV shows or whatever like you have the girl or the guy who's supposed to be some awkward loser nobody but like I mean come on really are you trying to kid so like we've done countless times before let's take a walk Sierra Burgess is a loser answers the one big question we've all had on our minds for a while now what happened to barb when she went into the upside down what was she eaten by the demigod what really happened to her well turns out it's even worse than we thought she's in the marching band now Oh barb you don't deserve this no but really the movie starts out with Sierra Burgess a frumpy dumpy high-school girl who gets good grades likes reading philosophy and totally doesn't care about how she looks okay well won't you sell more books if you have the one teenager who doesn't obsess over looks I'll pretend I don't hear the insult in that you know I'm all for like self-esteem and let you love yourself and know it's tough but like I don't know purposely walking around with toothpaste on your face seems like kind of missing the point anyway Sierra's dad is a famous writer which if you think about it it's kind of like our parents generations version of a youtuber don't you sleep don't my socks at my feet again dreams are the bright creatures of poem and legend whose sport on earth in the night season and melt away in the first beam of the Sun okay daddy you know just cuz it's legal now doesn't mean you got to use the first thing in the morning all right you know most people just drink coffee now turns out cierra Burgess is a loser shocking right and we know this because this movie's version of the plastics from Mean Girls or the OMG girls from the kissing booth you ever notice that it's always three girls like every popular girl has exactly two friends what's that about new carpet I'm pimping myself the only way I can post a new car fund so unsexy oh really okay I'm sorry yeah I wonder what life is like for each actor well I mean I don't know how things work nowadays but back in my time we basically just sat around our lunch table arguing like Dragon Ball Z lore or whatever and eating way too many Pizza Lunchables which by the way really only tastes like pizza because they told us it did like we had really low standards back then so here's where the story gets going Sierra wants to tutor people so she can save money for a new car but Veronica who looks exactly like a young Jessica Biel by the way like how does that even work anyway she rips it up because pretty girls are mean later that day Veronica and her two friends are hanging out at the local diner and guess who shows up it's Peter from to all the boys except his name is Jaime now and he's this kind of like awkward sort of goofy kid or whatever but of course you know he's also the star football quarterback because I mean hey why don't we just check every box on the list I mean hey Jaime so he asked for Veronica's number and she gives him Sierra's number which she crumpled up earlier but still held onto because why 5:01 for a second wait what happened sierra purchases now you probably already guessed like the entire movie but the whole movie is about how Jaime thinks he's talking to Veronica but actually he's talking to Sierra the whole time Sierra and Jaime text each other all night sending little flirty animal pictures back and forth you know just the cute little stuff but you know I gotta say kids in these movies are always so much better at flirting than I was back in high school like they're both a little quirky a little splash of sarcasm here and there a hint of cockiness wrapped in obvious self deprecation it's almost like someone told him what to say you know what I mean but like back when I was a 21 year old high school student things didn't go nearly so well for me hey hi who is this hey it's Alex from English class anyway so Sierra knows it's a wrong number but still has no idea who Jamie thinks she is but then the truth comes out like Veronica Veronica that's what I have to live up to the next day I think Veronica gets don't buy the college guy she's dating because as he apparently said she's just not smart enough but you know being told by a college freshman that you aren't smart enough has got to be rough cuz you know there's no one higher on the intellectual totem pole than a dude who's taking is 101 so you know I'm saying so Veronica goes out to cry in the hallway and here's where Sierra gets her sweet revenge what do you want I know you've been getting on my number two random guys so I think we can help each other if you think I'm gonna host a pity party for a chick like you then you've had a crazy poster your hormone pills when you really need diet pills you know that's a long walk for a fat joke okay you know what Veronica I tell you what I'll give you the weekend let's circle back on Monday I'll let you try again alright because I can help you seem smarter to get back that guy oh the tutor people all the time but I do need one minor favor in return no psycho stalker you can't be friends with me do you know many people beg to do my homework an extension me following them twenty thousand followers following zero well shoot 20,000 followers bringing out the big guns now are we well I'll have you know Veronica that one of my tweets was reloaded to 9gag with my name and face cropped out so yeah not not really sure where I'm going with this actually Sierra offers to tutor Veronica to help her get the college guy back so she won't be tempted to go after Jaime because remember Jaime thinks he's talking to Veronica and then Sierra can just be like surprised I'm not Veronica and then Jaime's obviously just gonna say haha being lied to is so much fun you definitely seem well-adjusted but like really though it gets to the point where they literally FaceTime with Jaime and they have Sierra talk while Veronica mouths the words coming hey sorry about that so how was your day are you seriously trying to pull us singing in the rain bit right now now later on during one of the tutoring sessions Veronica's having a tough night because her home life is just the worst and so for whatever reason Veronica takes Sierra's phone so she can send some selfies to Jaime to keep the lie going now this by itself is like a whole thing but more importantly can you imagine just handing your phone to someone like that hey give me your phone so I can take some selfies Oh No oh it gets worse Oh why would you even save this picture anyway so after getting a sexy picture of Veronica's bra strap jeez Netflix camellias keep this pg-13 all right Jamie finally builds up the courage to ask her on a date Gianna I just I had a question that I wanted to ask you and it's totally okay if you say no hey my friend wants to know if you could take another selfie but but but this time could you dress up like gadget from Rescue Rangers anyway Sierra plans to meet him on the date and confess everything but we're only at the 45 minute mark oh the movies swinging you better strap yourself in to keep the illusion going Veronica meets Jaime for the date and surprise surprise Jamie starts to fall for Veronica you know because that's who he thinks he's been talking to the whole time and when he goes in for the kiss this happens [Music] I mean this is just getting sad you know like at first it was just like whatever but now this is just weird like what is this movie since Sierra and Veronica are getting all buddy-buddy now Veronica invites her to a party but here we meet Spencer you know the college guy that Veronica likes and we learn some totally shocking information about it I told Veronica she's down the maker insecure I carried G she was out tonight you're the pastor I bow down to you sir Wow you're telling me in the college guy with hair covered in pizza grease going after highschool girls you're telling me that guy might be a little sleazy wha get out of town so Veronica ends up doing the old go with mr. pizza grease over here and he dumps her which would you believe she doesn't really appreciate all that much now here's where we get to the climax of the movie okay Jamie's team is playing against Sierra and Veronica's school now while on his way to the field he sees Veronica and kisses her cuz you know he thinks he's kind of sort of dating her which if you think about it he kind of sort of is but of course he ever sees this and somehow blames Veronica even though the whole reason Jaime thinks he's dating Veronica is because Sierra literally sent him on a date together Mad Max totally Veronica's far right to get back at her Sierra hacks into her Instagram and by hack I mean she just like guesses her password and tells all 20,000 followers at Veronica got dumped by Spencer last night I assumed the logic here is that Jaime would see it and think Veronica was cheating on him or something and that's gonna make him fall in love with Sierra you know I think it might be a few holes in your plan here you might want to just give it a once-over so of course everyone sees the post Veronica and Sierra try to explain everything to Jaime which I mean like how do you even begin to do that hey Jaime yeah funny story yeah you ever seen the movie Freaky Friday and in the end it's homecoming Sierra's going alone because surprise surprise no one really wants to hang out with a sociopath but just when you think it's all over guess who shows up here look Sarah what you did was was terrible and I mean bad yeah I'm so sorry honestly had we not met the way that we had maybe I would have noticed you you know exactly everybody's type and okay but you're my type you are exactly my type of she's she's exactly your type Jamie oh I just love girls who lie and catfished me for weeks at a time pull elaborate dating hoaxes set me up with their friends and then get mad about it for some reason hope oh I can't wait for more of these wacky adventures and of course the movie ends with everyone making up sierra gets the hot guy and there are zero consequences for anything she did throughout the whole movie so there's your lesson for the week kids you never have to face consequences for anything you do no matter how creepy or illegal they may be so good luck but like really though what exactly is the point of this movie like it starts out with this kind of story about the frumpy loser girl who doesn't care about her looks and focuses more on your grades in future and all that and that's fine but like all of a sudden it just turns into hey you know that girl in your English class that you thought was maybe kind of weird well turns out she's even weirder like how are we even supposed to feel any sympathy for Ciara really like because she's maybe kind of chubby like is that really the excuse we're going with here I mean hey I get it you know being the fat kid in high school is not easy but like come on I like to be fair we do get to learn a lot about Veronica and like we see that she's a lot more three-dimensional than she seems at first but the whole movie is still set in this idea of like skinny pretty girls are mean but not me I'm smart and funny and nice where's my high school quarterback boyfriend I mean like really it's kind of just like nice girl the movie this week's video is brought to you by better help so ok better help is basically counseling or therapy done online right from your home they have hundreds of different therapists from like any religion or ethnic background 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these feelings and you need someone to talk to you or you just need help from a certified professional therapist click the link in the description and please give better help a try to be fair though there are pieces of a good movie in here like honestly I think they should have just removed Jaime's character altogether I mean really his whole character has no journey no growth no anything he's the exact same character at the beginning of the movie as he is at the end like he just exists I think the movie could have been a lot better if there was no Jamie and it was just this kind of girl friendship story about two girls on opposite sides of the high-school spectrum you know Sierra begrudgingly tooless Veronica to make her smart enough for the college guy and of course they end up learning that they're both more similar than they are different you know Veronica learns that she is smart and has more value as a person than just her looks Sierra learns that caring about looks doesn't have to be this evil narcissistic thing or just because you're pretty doesn't automatically mean your life is perfect or something like that and then of course in the end everybody hugs and cries and yeah the idea at least that way Sierra would have had some kind of character arc or growth or something because like pretty quickly I found myself way more interested in Veronica story than anything that happened with the actual main character of the movie Sierra's character doesn't really change or grow or anything either like she just does all this weird creepy stuff and then in the end she doesn't really learn any kind of lesson but everything works out anyway so like what like this movie could have been an interesting or at least different take on the whole my fair lady slash pretty woman trope with Sierra and Veronica and all that but like of all the directions they could have taken this movie somehow they picked the worst one as it is now I don't know it's just kind of dumped to be fair though I actually like Shannon purse or Allah I think she does very good work you know she's great in stranger things she does a good job in riverdale like she's good to what she does I just think this movie had a lot of kind of extra like superfluous things that didn't really need to be there and it could have been a more focused cohesive story instead of kind of telling a bunch of different ones all at the same time that's just my personal opinion you might feel differently anyway thank you so much for watching don't forget to subscribe follow me on Twitter tell me what show you want me to do where what's your favorite part of the video or just just come say hi it's fine check out my dog Charlie on Instagram charlie meets pumpkin my wife posts there almost every single day so you just get a little extra dog in your life above all else everybody have a great day and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 4,537,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex meyers riverdale, sierra burgess is a loser, sierra burgess, sierra burgess is a loser review, animation, youtube animation, cartoon, funny animation, noah centineo, shannon purser
Id: WSwDDBkhAiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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