Jennifer Aniston on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2005 (Full Interview)

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okay I'm thrilled to welcome my first special guest of our 20th season she's the woman [Applause] let me say it again she's a woman everybody wants to talk to please welcome to the bride [Applause] hey present schedule a 22 t okay open open open sure sure sure sure that's it [Music] [Applause] what it's the christening okay its christening of the stage [Applause] [Music] everything that you do well thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] did you hear the people applauding like you were a rock star [Applause] can you feel like I know that you feel you look so good I know I saw Jen the other day I tell you about that I'm Annie but I saw you and I said are you doing Pilates or something cuz I was walking behind you and you look like I said you look like an ad for Pilates because your legs were moving moving from my Center moving from your Center what I'm doing I'm doing a yoga thing don't they yell in the yoga thing you know the mind body soul of it all and so I kind of really you know I don't walk around with the yoga mat oh no how much three times a week so I'm we're not gonna sit and pretend like we don't know each other because Jennifer and her friends all of her some of her closest friends four of her closest friends it was dre Chris andrea and Lee all spent the weekend with me and my friends this past weekend and what I noticed with you guys it was fresh air was we had a lot of this we were doing friends meeting prints but what I felt from your girls was such a bond I mean I thought that was so it was like you were all like sisters and you know I had this guest house and everybody had their own bedrooms and like about one o'clock in the morning I call to make sure Jen was all right and they were all in the same bed I go dad's real friends yeah yeah but eventually we went to our own bed yeah in the bed we're talking but that must been must have been very helpful for you doing trying times yes during trying times oh you know what there are I don't even know how to explain what to have girlfriends like that that are your sisters and your mothers and your gurus and your mentors and your you know and they kind of just gather around they hear the call and and they're right there and it's sort of I treasure it and it's they are there fantastic and they're fun and crazy oh they're funny we got from the audience here everybody was just when your picture came up so happy to see you and I know everybody's white she looks good [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know that you're doing well who are you doing about doing willing so well I'm [Applause] come on look at this look what we have look what look what's happening in the world and other places and look what we have come on this is great this is great this is great one of the things I loved about the Vanity Fair article was that you said you were not going to be defined by this divorce and I thought that I just went yes because so many people get stuck wherever they were in their lives and they never move on right yeah they can't move through it well you know and it's also the media will move on you know it's it's sort of hard when you know Jetta cailli you have all of that coming at you and you've moved on and you're yeah sort of just want to say come on people turn a page turn a page and you know and the truth being this isn't to all of us you know it isn't all that we are is sort of a divorce because you were sort of held up in this light of you know whatever whatever you would call that I'm gonna tell you what I think it is people were obsessed about your marriage and then the the divorce I think it's because you guys represented the picture on the wedding cake do you think that they were the picture on the way they were the couple on the wedding cake and so if this doesn't work out then you're thinking oh Lord I'm in trouble I think that kind of Association what do you think it is well you happy like that is that and it's created so totally by the meat yeah yeah because all you see is the red carpet yeah and you don't see people in their lives living their lives doing the things that people do yeah yeah it's not real it's just not real you're human beings having a human experience and there's nothing different except that you're exposed to the world as a public person but your personal life your personal feelings your heart your your success your pain your everything is the same as you know anybody that anybody else walks I always say this and when when it was on you know you you know it's big when you're on the CNN crawl and then it's on this headline news I was in the hall a couple of times this summer but then when you make the headline news it's really go to the top yeah yeah we'll be right back coming up is Jennifer dating well I'm gonna ask her when we come back and later for the first time I'll tell you what happened to me at Hermes and parents [Applause] [Music] and so I know you were here this summer that's how we hooked up because Jen was here in Chicago this summer yes you know I you know I don't believe all the crap I read but I have to ask you know People magazine said that you and Vince were straight making out Oh Oprah tabloid is my friend let me ask you this are you ready to start the whole dating thing again yeah you are [Applause] I know you and I both believe that you call things into your life and that things happen as as they should when when you're ready for it that's what happen what would be your big lesson from this whole this whole thing yes is wanting more publicity yeah I just felt like I was not getting enough publicity you know I think there's probably so many reasons but you know the other the other day I was doing yoga mm-hmm and with my girlfriend and we were we finished we were sort of sitting there just sort of stretching and I looked over at her and I said you know what I have to say I'm feeling a feeling I have I don't know if I've ever actually felt before and that is that I don't want to be anywhere other than where I am right now [Applause] I'm not sitting somewhere dwelling on the past or I'm not fretting or you know obsessing about something in the future or something that was you know it's just it was a feeling of total peace and I love that how did you get there cuz you had to have you had to shed some tears you had to have some before you were like oh my god me neither - yeah so you know although I did not burst into tears that the opening of that article by the way I'll just say that but anyway so you shed some tears shed some tears but meaning you know it was you know it's sort of that the the living in the moment and the in the now as they say in all the self-help books cuz if I had a dollar for every book that was sent my way probably paid for this studio you know I needed two dollars two dollars [Applause] yeah but yeah you can read the book read them and you can sort of intellectualize it but the truth is and you sit there going oh how do I do that you know when you're frustrated and then you get down on yourself because you're not there yet and then you just realize one day it's just it's happened it's collected in your you know your your your cellular memory and who and that's and then one day you're sitting there with your friend doing yoga and you go oh I get it I'm okay I get it do you feel though I'm wondering if it's not impossible when drunk it's not impossible when you're in a relationship that's so high-profile not to in some way lose yourself in that mmm get you did you lose yourself sure I mean come on it's sort of like because it's so big yeah and it's so much information and you're it's almost like you're trying to kind of navigate through through all of it with the truth through the bowl through the you know stuff that's not that's mean that's everything that you kind of you do I don't know when it happens you just kind of go geez what's where do I begin and that stops its yeah but you know it's it's not easy I know the paparazzi listen I've been at my house I live in California part of the time and I have never had choppers and people at the gate and I'm like did somebody follow you here I'm like I've been living in peace all this time and now you show up it's we're all sitting outside and first I'm like oh no that's just a chopper going around in a circle another circle how does it make you feel to have your every move track like that I mean I'm all for you know take the pictures you're a public person okay I get that but you know I we were a private residence in we're just just outside trying to have a little lunch again again the picture of the top of your trees it's like it's just they don't know any better have you been have you been able to to make peace with that though I am getting to a place where right because I think the old saying you know what you resist persists yeah I think that at a certain point it started over the summer I just kind of went though I can't say any of that you know I just damn it don't matter and so but what you know there's the days of course when I go I don't I don't want it I'm just not in the mood but it will it'll die down eventually and and I have also come to some peace with it it's like so how many pictures are gonna get walk of you walking on the beach that's gotta get boring yeah we'll be right back coming up what is Jennifer looking most forward to as she moves on we're gonna ask [Applause] what are you most looking forward to as you move forward in your life what are you most looking forward to I would have to say the unknown I love the unknown I love the discovery of what will will be happening and just kind of sitting back and not not knowing yeah and do you know what I think one of the most hurtful things was all that stuff about you not wanting to have a baby you do want nobodies don't you I want babies yeah yes I do can I sit like this yes like that yeah yes I do I do I always have what lots of babies two babies one baby well so Jennifer's been a really busy girl she has four new movies coming out [Applause] yes derailed in November and rumor has it with Kevin Costner Christmas Day the breakup of February and friends with money next April so are you gonna take a break soon that's a lot of consistent working yeah that's a lot of press but yeah I mean I consider there's that's the only little periods of time you do you can do the publicity for that stuff so I'm on it I'm on a break now that derails this is so interesting you're watching the movie the other night and and I'm watching the movie that she's in admire we're watching it and I had to say I cannot watch it anymore you've never seen her before yeah so we're sitting there watching them going I don't like psychological no way that goes somebody tell me what's gonna happen now so when we're all watching this together and Gayle goes was he a good kisser yes he was a good kisser that's like a good kiss look like a good good kiss so what would people be most surprised to know about you do you think I don't sleep that's right why I don't know too much - I'm planning a lot and a weird way like it's it's it's sleep where I wake up and I go you know oh god the sun's gonna come up soon and that means I get to have a cup of coffee and then read the paper that'll be fun I mean you know I just kind of there's sort of whether I've decorated a room in my mind or what is it like living alone do you how does that feel was it that take some getting adjusting to of course a little bit but now it's pretty fantastic you know get away where you don't have to you know to just kind of do whatever I think he couldn't do whatever you wanted to do before but you know yeah it's just different that's the difference do you feel peaceful yes you do yes okay so do you in norm via norm the dog a dog what's your favorite time of day sunset you like to sunset love the sunset yeah my favorite time of day okay I have a photo album from the last house I lived in that's my boring photo album because all it is is ten years yeah and what's your favorite pig-out food Mexican Mexican oh yeah okay what's your favorite party drink uh dirty martini uh-huh and you know how to make them are you go I'm the best at making a dirty martini [Applause] coming up for the first time I'm gonna tell you what really happened to me at Hermes Paris you
Channel: Rotten Fairy
Views: 1,435,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jennifer, jennifer aniston, oprah winfrey, oprah, show, divorce, brad pitt, friends, dating, talking, talk show, couch, tv, television, 2005
Id: _ax2omoUH-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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