Jennifer Aniston on Ellen - 2003

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she is she was just seriously she was just voted most powerful celebrity in Hollywood Jennifer Aniston is here that's very impressive too I don't know if that goes that if her jurisdiction is just Hollywood I think once she gets into Santa Monica there's no more power I think it's ed Begley Jr from then on Eman very first gift on our very first show was recently voted Forbes magazine's most powerful celebrity this year marks her tenth and final season as Rachel on televisions number-one sitcom friends please welcome Jennifer Aniston we're getting that lovely gotta say what an act to follow Wow and only you can do it oh you're sweet thank you for being on a very first show I'm so excited for you getting you everyday I mean once a week was you know great right now it's every day well yeah thanks and my goal is to do it like three or four times a day for you you didn't my dearest look at the power she just says it becomes see that hey so it's a welcome you know it's like perspect 'fl to wipe their feet before they come on tears exactly people will wipe their feet you later right oh yeah I'm gonna keep it I have a gasser you do and it looks good at anywhere it lets go to anywhere anywhere ballroom bathroom anywhere you want to put all my husband's gonna love that good tell me tell me what he says when you give it I real okay good so so now we have doing this to notice yeah because you did I want to do whatever you did I was so nervous would wear the same thing and so no are you cold no I'm okay now I'm really warm cuz I'm excited yeah me too uh so so um how does it feel to be the most powerful what was that like to find out that you're the most powerful well you know I'm I didn't know for a while so he's not powerful Wow nobody wanted to tell me that I was I heard heaps of people kept saying dude I can't congratulations then I was like Vaughn what congratulations son Oh Forbes I didn't know for a little for a little while and that uh you know I had a couple auditions last week so hopefully this will help that will bring this in with you use your powerful for good or evil well it depends what's needed most at the time yeah you know what we try to do on the good side try to you know usually be good good for you evil doesn't work and no it doesn't we're trying to stop it no we have too much evil too much evil less evil and more glamour for daytime don't you think yeah yeah and I really do want to my flap of my own you know mudflap okay we were gonna actually auction it off on my website for charity but can you you're but you're welcome to bid on it tonight yeah Jennifer I can't just be you know lavishing the gifts on you you know you know I'm here first yeah so you are here first I'll tell you what let's thumb-wrestle get out of here somebody called Forbes isn't a son I just thought I would take this out every once in a while I just think that's fantast it's a good yeah you can't really no we didn't what you couldn't even get in there you actually just show me how that works that's that's all so uh maybe you could do you have a boxing ring in your house in your new house no I don't give any kind of like bowling you moved into a new house right a bowling alley yes cuz you know how people have all these weird rooms and Hollywood yeah how many rooms do you have uh five you have more than six when you learned moving huh you just moved - yeah yeah I'm I'm enjoying the new house are you doing you I love it yeah that's great yes great um you know you getting bothered oh sure really yeah what are people doing but uh they bring your buzzer they batteries are mad people it's awful they they bring your buzzer they're very they don't know what they think it's like a zoo or something like they're gonna see an animal you stop and actually ring the doorbell yeah oh that's not nice no don't do that no ring doorbells they'll stop take else they'll stop then I go to one strict flashed the camera oh you saw me I try to do her Britney I wasn't sure a lot of people confuse me with Britney yeah Xero's like someone flashed the camera I did yeah she's ours you know you're he's probably doing it for Brad and he's not even home and he doesn't get its own little personal girls gone wild oh no not good not good but the house is great yeah house is great good and so um did Brad design it yes well did you design it we you know it was a well it was already there was a Wallace Neff home and it was just we kind of it's just evolved what was already there yeah there were the same taste you you both no no no we definitely have different tests why it was such a fun process yeah when you say fun so yeah but no it was you know what I really do believe if you can live through remodeling a home you can live for the rest of your lives together I mean not that Brad isn't perfect because he is but do you have pet peeves that drive you crazy that that now your door what well there's a you know we've got Thursday you know what's a good pet peeve you know like toilet paper rolls those under and over that's that all things are you an over or over me too I don't know why anyone what's easy about under nothing no under you you you risk been pulling more and ripping it and then sometimes a fly so if it doesn't have a hook it just flies off that throw and then it spirals forever and you're trying to get the toilet paper and if you can't rewrap it cuz it's dirty no you can't wasting paper always I I will change toilet paper if I see if I'm in someone's house and the toilet paper thing is under it's a weird thing I've actually read so conduct to even bring know but I'll do it in restaurants I'll change the toilet paper to the over yeah and the big rolls are heavy too we're gonna talk more about toilet paper we come back with Jennifer Aniston cigarette oh thanks it laughing I've ever thought that I would ever do that yeah that was an odd feeling yeah well I'm gonna put that down you'll get used to it yeah that's what I'm talking about when I say we're bringing glamour back with daytime there are you sure are Kevin you have a caricature of Jennifer so far no let's say here's what I got look at that I think that looks like Preston doesn't that's a dead be a nice thing let's say that for Kelly and you keep working on what she old not even her life she's got yeah matt LeBlanc IO a definite apology - yeah we got Ross yeah and that's me very I would drive better if i sat closer I think no pressure yeah there's a reason there's a separation between so one you're near trying to say you once because you're you're supposedly picking between Joey and and Ross so you want her to also maybe choose you I could be in the running yeah I see that's what he's doing he's trying to pry so much I'm running oh I got it yeah thank you all right well you keep talking on that that's good Kevin we'll check back with you I think this is going very well though so far yeah I really do I mean you can imagine it's my first show and so last night I was I just you know I was so freaked out I had this horrible nightmare that this would not go as well I can remember it right now oh it's horrible no this is not a bad time I'm very happy that we're getting along well you know it's really fit that's funny cuz the I was nervous myself haha last night and I saw I had a nightmare as well it's really weird really yeah sket anywhere it looks like me bathroom anywhere you want to put all my love it's all good yeah well I'm gonna Fears yelling whatever your nightmare was I'm glad it didn't come true no so now and you're you're not working today but you're about to go back for the 10th season what's up we started yeah we've done two shows you've done two already shows and we yes might go back tomorrow and what's that like is it exciting to you mattered we're sad we've all cried I've cried yes Courtney crying has cried we've quite it's sad this is weird it's surreal we don't know what it's gonna be like you know as we didn't know what it was gonna be like when we started we have no idea we're gonna be blithering idiots yeah well you all have other stuff going on it's not like you know you're not doing busy but I mean it could you all are really friends that's a really cool thing that you all get along I know we really do it says cheesy and as it sounds we really do and you know we'll all be auditioning for the Joey show next year great we make it past the casting director and just be able to go right into the producers oh oh let's hope so you're gonna be on it I don't know he hasn't asked me yeah I bet he will you think yeah I think you will and what happens this season what's the let's can you tell us any anything that oh all of all sorts of drama ensues yeah I don't know what they're gonna do I don't know we have no idea how they're gonna wrap up the CEO oh we don't know we do we don't they really don't I mean they used to just not tell us because they didn't trust us they thought we were just it would leak everywhere and now they died oh I think they're it's a it's gonna be hard to end ten years of of this show yeah you know maybe it should just whatnot like though that you think that there's last show who's gonna air and it just doesn't sort of oh that's satisfying do ya I don't know well I can't wait to watch i watch every week and i love the show and I love you and thank you so much for being my first you
Channel: AnistonJenn
Views: 280,282
Rating: 4.8631577 out of 5
Keywords: Jennifer, Aniston, Ellen, Degeneres, on, The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Id: oSb8auYSOcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2011
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