Brad Pitt/Oprah Winfrey 1998

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yesterday I was in an elevator at the Four Seasons and one of those days where I had braided my hair and I look like buckwheat wine was sticking out and I got on with a baseball cap and there he was in the elevator and I you know I had like faced the wall and you know what I got the elevator I got like does it matter to him that I'm not wearing makeup I don't think so I don't think it does I mean all day today people have been saying what are you gonna wear what are you gonna wear I do 200 shows a year I dress every day what are you gonna wear does it matter okay maybe to some of you and Dez goes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay over the years you know working uses shows every time you ask you know who would you like to see on the show that is the number one answer we get it's Brad Pitt I don't know what y'all did what you had to sell to get these tickets here today what you had to sacrifice in your homes well Brad doesn't do many interviews actually this is his very first hour-long interview in front of a studio audience I know we're gonna make him feel very welcome Brad Pitt starring in a great new movie didn't you love meet Joe opening this Friday the 13th great date movie I must say also great movie to take your dad bunch of boohoo and girls I know please welcome [Applause] [Applause] all right [Applause] okay everybody's very excited Brad because because they just saw the movie [Music] so let's talk about the movie first we will of course move on to other things okay let's talk about the movie the premise of the movie that you are some other world character that's right but I'm playing death right so what you guys yeah but uh he's playing yeah for everybody else out there who's gonna be singing that's right and there's just no one I could interview to get any research so yeah I felt a little lost in the beginning but that was it exciting to be with Anthony Hopkins again you started this I was backstage and Oprah goes I could watch that man read the newspaper yeah and I said Brad like the interview one day and just to have him sit and read the paper he is incredible he's incredible he's one of the greatest actors we have these Brando he's and Livie a he's all day you wanna hear my Tony Hopkins impression yes I do yeah okay it's mediocre okay there'll be no more talk of all in this house coming [Applause] [Music] okay in Nijo black which opens Friday the 13th bride plays death it's a very good-looking death if death has to come for you you'd like it to be in that package anyway in this scene which takes place early in the movie Brad's kind of boyish charm melts the heart of co-star is she fabulous or what yes she's here for Lonnie wasn't she wonderful take a look this is it didn't you love the scene when I first meet the coffee shop I know it's the kind of thing in your life time you wish somebody had some lines that were as good as these take a look take a look so you and I if we were married no example okay if you and I were married I'd want to give you what you need that's all I'm talking about taking care of each other the best you can what's wrong with taking care of a woman she takes care of you you'll have a hard time finding one like that these days do you think so mm-hmm I don't know lightning could strike [Applause] so although is would this be up there with your favorites of movies it is for what it says yes it is the experience and as far as a full story and a fulfilling story I would say what you walk out with yeah yeah I love what it says fills your heart one of my favorite movies however is the legends of the fall and Brad was you were sensational in that Thanks take a look at a few of his memorable scenes from legends of the fall it's a good thing to rent so this is Tristan [Music] and does he speak English Fincannon it's a pleasure to meet you I hope you ugly here find every happiness together [Music] save [Music] now you seem pretty shy about all this bread does it make you visit does this how does this all this whole thing train feel to you oh it's a mystery to me just a mystery is it mmm at one hand I like it very much on other hands you know when when it goes to the negative it gets in the way yeah you know being a person who's known also isn't it the weirdest thing when you pick up the first magazine and they're just nothing but lies written about you we had the strange phenomena it is isn't it and nobody ever gets it until it's their name cuz I have a best friend who's always like oh well good girl let's just let that roll off your back yeah right until her name is in one of your kids yeah what do you care until it's your name right and it's never right guys never ever right it is never even close to the truth I always wonder about 'evil who would would want to write gossip as in living when they go when they go when I grew up I would I wouldn't love to write uh insipid silly little things about people and print them I don't I don't understand that things are made very petty and very trivial and it's not that way it's usually decent people who are not so not as greatest were made out to be but not as bad as we're made out to be but just decent people who are trying to do the best they can and and and find some not about a battle about life yeah so the interesting thing too is when do you decide cuz I know you sued was it Playgirl you sued yeah okay so when do you make the decision to sue sue to see whether there'd been an onslaught and the that's accumulative effect was starting to get to me and then when when they actually got on private property and it took a moment that I thought was very private it's a creepy creepy feeling it really is you had I I can't explain it it's just a creepy feeling and I decided that was that was crossing line it wasn't right and and so he's going after they took private photos of you right in a private moment right like where were they in the bushes kind of thing yeah literally in the bushes deep in the bushes literally it all ends about like this yeah I can see right up your crack [Laughter] [Applause] and I know everybody's like little will if it's Brad crack okay no no you should think about it for a moment and gosh everybody knows it if you're a public figure than you know certainly you're exposed publicly in the breath but would you each one of you right now in your most private moment however you I know those of you who primped your way here today would you have wanted in your most private moment naked this morning if there was a hidden camera and then to okay and then to suddenly open up the newspaper and there is your naked behind how would you feel about pretty maybe it ain't pretty I want to teach him something okay but you have to repeat after me all right all right gossip shows and gossip columns and gossip by mere definition it's crap [Applause] I'm just slaughtered for the next few weeks yeah so be it only good thing about Monica Lewinsky is that you think I'm not on there this week next what would Brad Pitt be doing if he wasn't an actor we'll find that out when we come back this week feeling in my knees I need your heart beating strangely yes taste of your lips touch of your tongue [Music] meet Joe Black wonderful new movie with Brad Pitt that opens this Friday and Brad Pitt is here doing a rare interview his first in front of an audience not only is Brad the number one most requested guest his name seems to come up in various ways on our show when you least expect it like this take a look the woman was talking about Brad Pitt's but now what am I gonna say about Brad Pitt's but I never thought of invade Brad Pitt's on horizon the enemy what's it to me yeah what is this beautiful face he's a really good actor that's fantastic and Thelma and Louise yes boy has it he is going to be a star he could be a child who's true child he could be our child is he I don't know I think he's like 29 30 oh is he that old go bear now okay that of course was bat Goldie and Diane Keaton talking about a Brad Pitt this but Andy's but does that embarrass you I mean yeah it does no it's alright yeah if you have a really fine but why not just talk about it [Applause] I know but I can understand why if it if it detracts from the work then maybe it would be a problem but it's it's also part of the allure you know Brad I mean because because you know there are scenes in me Joe black for example when you guys are saying absolutely nothing you know where I don't know where they have that camera is it like on your forehead some of the closest closest I've ever seen were you just really nice to look at and to look into your eyes and what you both do with your eyes and those close-ups by the time you all finally hit that bed in the pool I'm like come on already how long did that take I'm shooting well I think marty was was more nervous than we were because he had never shot a sex scene so it actually took us four days just to get to the bed really what they're taking off the clothes yeah that little portion yeah to four days yeah [Music] [Applause] okay why cuz he was trying to get you all to like what I was just a lot of coverage I think it was just a little apprehension to actually have to get there and do the deed okay now once you guys were right there on the bed we have a clip of that scene I'm all good okay weren't you really there really curiously I was like where is the camera because I mean when that shot where the faces are unbelievable then that love scene one thing the cameras right here the cameras right there right there right there like that okay good I won't ask you what you're thinking about that's okay we'll just show you the clip and you can think whatever you want [Music] [Applause] great you can see the West Friday at a theater near you by the movies 2 hours and 45 minutes they had to take that clip yeah that's really that's a very sensual clip actually really I was happy with that scene accent for what in context with the story yeah with what actually here it's nice yes and were you happy with now you say it took four days to get actually get to the bed right getting all the coverage right and how long were y'all actually there we lost count after I just moved coming in the morning Claire and I would look at each other Oh God it's like eating steak in the morning having to kiss over oh really I wouldn't talk about steak how were you you might end up in Texas on Troy [Music] [Applause] no no I taste like tuna fish okay we'd say that okay we want to break what if you weren't doing this we were talking about the work in your craft but if you weren't doing this what do you think it would be what did you think as a profession yes yeah I would have let you something I'd do something in the design world meaning architecture and landscaping something along that line would you yeah I like it speaking of that cuz I hear you love gardening yeah landscaping thanks gave me yeah I just spent so you would be landscape artist yeah yeah so do I like you so much I don't know I don't know okay when you're around your own house do you do some of your own work or do you you know consult with other people do both yeah just play around with it uh-huh I like it you do like it you guys want a good tip for making your yard look bigger yeah I'll give you one yeah okay what you gotta do is first you block off block off a few of the houses that are telephone poles things you don't want even like a ficus tree or something and then looking for all the large trees that are often other people's yards and playing smaller ones in your yard and you get this feeling of perspective that takes you out and really makes your yard feel bigger that's my tip we will be right back first here's a scene from meet Joe Black or his fabulous co-star we can't say enough about Anthony Hopkins tells Brad to stay away from his daughter I love Susan from the moment she was born and I 11 now and every minute is between and what I dream of his man who will discover her and that she will discover man who will love her who is worthy of it is of this world of this time and as the Grace in compassion unfortunate to walk beside her she makes a way for this beautiful thing called life I know is what I want and what I want is Susan and I will have her and she will have me and that's where it's going to be there's nothing you could do about it Claire Forlani who is a may is she not amazing [Music] okay Claire and Oscar winner Anthony Hopkins I have a little something to say on what it was like working with Brad here they are hello Oprah hello Brad I just want to say a few things about Brad Pitt I wrote you a fan that once after legend of the Fallen in a road you found that at four seven in performance in seven and twelve Monkeys I'm just here to say how much I admire a wonderful actor and I think one of the most pleasant guys are both with very quiet I guess like maybe we have a few jokes make me laugh and we had a good time it was a great privilege for me to work with you I thank you for that and congratulations your wonderful performance in this movie hi Brad your support and your kindness and your talent was was an absolute gift to me and it's something that I still hold very very very dear and very close to my heart and [Music] and you're an example we have everything you've got and where you are and who you are you're a real example and I'm really glad I got to see it up close okay [Music] yeah this audience is saying and so are we - Claire yeah because everybody you know I know Kevin Kevin you vain and we share the same agent says that you are so normal they're a Hollywood guy you know that you just really I bury everybody says this about you just really nice normal guy I'm all right that you're all right I don't wanna I mean nice but yet make mistakes and sometimes not so nice yeah no human the other day I got in this thing I was being followed by paparazzi and not the paparazzi see but these these stalkers have come on now and I was trying to get rid of him I whipped into this alley I mean whipped into this what I thought was an entrance turned out to be an exit and there was a woman coming out and I was like mom mom mom and she she sat second then backed up and I went around and I was looking out I was trying to get away and then this woman pulls I hear this hello excuse me excuse me and this woman just wailed on me wait on me she poor me up because I was rude I was rude I was absolutely rude and she was right someone's mom beat me up but I deserved it you know I had it coming so I mean nice guy not some nice normal guy yeah uh-huh oh my god yeah are you anywhere near halfway let's say on a scale of 1 to 10 on the range of Joe Black are you nearly that romantic romantic ooh Brad we want more information no really are you flowers are you little notes in the morning or your phone call late at night Oh any information I think loves be kept creative and constantly finding things and doing things for each other yeah I like that I like it I like it back too and you're like it back yeah yeah you ever see yourself like being married and father Lord you know I look forward to that you just yeah very much um is it hard when you go out because you didn't see the tape before the show but if you app happen or to see the show you get um you know all the people some people were primping I won't say everybody before they got here cuz they're thinking maybe you'll just look across the audience and say dog gone it's to hell with this show and meeting Joe Black I want that woman [Applause] is it difficult to to meet people who just who see your heart who see your heart or do you have to only meet people who are in your own kind of circle your own kind of life well we hang out with people in our own circles certainly because we understand what we're going through maybe yeah we got a good life ya know there there there I couldn't I couldn't limit it to that you couldn't know I couldn't limit it so you might be like at the TWA counter one day and there's a woman there and you could like be interested [Music] are you saying yeah yeah just saying open yeah open to the possibility yeah cuz but I'm just thinking do you have some kind of radar that lets you know when people are after you for you know whatever fame I'm getting very good at that oh yeah sure they're they're people who have to have ulterior motives yeah and then they're people very very cool it's a great business there was some it draws so many interesting people from all these different walks of life they want to be in this little arena I mean it's fantastic people mmhmm yeah truly well next you're not so bad either oh thanks thanks Brad mom talks about a famous [Applause] Fred's mom once Vitas visited us at the Oprah Show and we asked her about about her son that when he was coming after day they anybody have any idea it was gonna turn into this we always thought even succeeded but every did you did are you proud mom we are his biggest fan Horton but I've been proud proud ever since he was little not just because of what he does for a living I know so when you see him on the cover of People magazine as the sexiest man alive and this is a little this is a child this is a child who came through your womb you know him as no one does and you see him as the sexiest man alive what do you think Jane no way my mom yeah yeah I don't know who starts and pepper's lonely hearts for baby baby saying they're all gonna kind of dress alike for The Oprah Show had to take the shot mom well we're doing our research on Brad for this show we came across a few of his acting jobs from the early days and could resist showing you a few of them some of you may remember Brad had a stint on Dallas ten years ago y'all remember but I also had a role on the daytime soap another world take a look Michael Hudson are you yes John is that your brother Shawn Hudson should've known he's a champ don't you go tell him that [Music] this just goes to show you you can learn anything anything you set your mind to all right okay now that was enough we also dug up a potato chip love and Brad Pitt what was that it's a commercial you did in 1988 for Pringles that's right that's right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well [Music] you can learn you can learn anything we saw that you ever saw that yeah you can learn anything yeah what has this whole thing you know I love you know getting older actually you know especially you know this this time in your life when you have all of these wonderful great opportunities but also have the opportunity to do what a lot of people don't have and that's to kind of think about what your life really means and why you're really here and what you know that kind of stuff so what has this whole fame train trip done for that part of yourself well you know what my main theme is I would say from all that it's just work in progress yeah work in progress and when I finished the day we died so you know live your life and figure it out and let other people do the same right see this is Brad's first show in front of an audience we wanted to give you all and he did too a chance to ask questions and we'll do that when we come back [Applause] [Music] I got it handed to you there was no primping during the commercial break that's very good because I think you're feeling more comfortable with Brad and he with you okay since this is Brad's first interview in front of an audience he wanted to give everybody a chance he actually asked us you know will the audience get a chance to ask questions all right okay if you want them to so Linda Matthew Linda Mac we're gonna dispel the myths here try have at it okay Linda Mac Montgomery Illinois where are you okay okay what's your question well I'm asking the question but I'm doing us a favor to Oprah now that she is an experienced actress would you consider doing a love scene with her oh yeah [Music] I'm sorry now see now Ellen Ellen's reproduce and candy is this the reason why you didn't let me screen the questions and I said could I have the question go oh no don't worry about it we screen them thank you so much Linda Mac embarrassing me up here rayji nice Chicago were you anxious um what is the most inaccurate thing that anyone's ever said or written about you oh good that's good ah that I was stupid I was gay how about that stupid and gay both inaccurate what did you sneak recently a Tom Cruise and Nicole suing the tabloids actually have added oh yeah yeah no I think they again the cumulative effect and they just got fed up and yeah right okay so the very cool people those two very very funny people him and Nicole yeah really they're funny yeah very funny I wouldn't thought they were funny they're funny well they laugh a lot huh okay okay Staci Kramer royal of Michigan Europe okay broken oh sure everyone gets talked about it that's all you get oh she thought she was Jerry Springer for a moment [Applause] I got a holy cat a dope a very good she would we have the heartbreak of your life on your Brad to surprise you st. Paul Minnesota Melissa hi Brad I just wondered how you and Jennifer Anniston met we met moonlight we met at we met their friends Axl yes they met a friend [Applause] [Music] Oh Brad such a witty guy here we go Mia Pilkington Aurora Illinois I was wondering what your favorite TV show of friends do you watch together friends friend okay Becky how do you know when a woman likes you for your true self an app for your image or you fame how do I know well I've been wrong in the past when you say that right but I feel like I got it down it's just it's just a feeling it just it's it's little things it's the looks it's the I loves a mystery no okay I can't can't do much better on that it's a feeling it's the same thing you feel right okay it's it listen it's intuition it's an instinct I've got a pretty fine tune Thank You Carla Livesey I first I want to say you're my Anthony Hopkins and I would have been perfectly happy to watch it for one hour while you read the paper but my question is like Joe black would you be willing to change your lifestyle for the woman that you love you know with all the fame and everything um no I actually disagree with that I actually disagree I think in a relationship you you need to find someone that you can truly be yourself with and don't have to that goes both ways you have to allow them the same freedom and and love them for that great guy Rebecca Rebecca blinken Rebecca are you honey what's the one thing in life that you don't have that you want oh oh good question any question I think we were gonna hit rumors and maybe it's like philosophical the one thing that I have [Music] thank you it's gonna be your hands that is a medium what no don't make him say he wants children otherwise the next tableau to be Brad really begs Jennifer had my baby [Music] that was the one thing he wanted you all did and you know what everybody says it who has children they're going come on say you want them okay really Brad ready different set yes yes yes okay what are the rumors Brad you would most like to clear up oh I just couldn't I didn't you never know how far they go and and how deep they sink into someone's conscious so I was I was gonna see what was coming up oh okay cuz people just adore you oh thank you for that but that also goes both ways that's thing of putting yourself out there that it goes both ways sure and if you rely on one too much you have to take the other as well so well Brad's new movie do I have to tell you this called meet Joe Black it's me Joe black and it really is delightful it is about family relationships and connections it's about falling in love and it's a wonderful movie to take your parents to see I know a lot of you so you want to go back and take your father's and boohoo and then you want to call your dad when you came out of this movie yeah you did actually it opens this Friday the 13th Brad's gonna go off to shave his head now is that true is it true it's required in the script yes so there are times when yours back it does we're back did you get cuz what are you working on now I think called Fight Club with David Fincher who directed seven and it's also with Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter Wow thank you for doing your first hour-long interview [Applause]
Channel: undefined
Views: 229,598
Rating: 4.8362575 out of 5
Keywords: Brad Pitt, Interview, World War Z, Meet Joe Black, Fight Club, Seven, Fury, Troy, The Mexican, Snatch, Mr and Mrs Smith, Angelina Jolie, Aniston, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah
Id: SAnpwerrNRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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