Top 10 Selfhosted Tools on Unraid Using Docker Apps

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Time is money, friend. Let us save you some time:

2:01 - Scrutiny

4:32 - Midnight Commander

6:16 - Matamo

7:32 - Adminer

8:33 - Portainer

10:18 - Dozzle

11:51 - Netdata

14:55 - Uptime Kuma

16:33 - PuTTY

17:09 - GoAccess

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sycotix 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi guys and welcome back to another imprecorp  video what an absolute pleasure to have you guys   back here it's really really exciting thanks for  your patience while we get another video out there   in today's video we're going to be going through  the top 10 tools that we've found and those   provided by our community to help you administer  and manage your server now while today we'll be   showing you examples on unraid for our unraid  community pretty much all of these run in docker   so it can work in anywhere that docker is used  which is pretty much on every platform these days   so even if you're not using unraid the containers  that we're going to show you or the apps we're   going to show you today are still applicable  to be used on any other service now before we   get started i just want to say a big thank you to  everyone who has helped support the channel would   really appreciate all your support thanks to you  we've now hit 6 000 subscribers that's exciting   and a lot of people tend to ask why we don't have  more subscribers and look pretty much it comes   down to algorithms if you enjoy our work and you  like what we're doing please help by liking the   videos and sharing them around in your communities  to help get the word out there so i hope you're   excited these are the 10 that we've narrowed down  just to be clear they're in no particular order so   not one is better than the other these are just  the top 10 that we've been able to compile and   this has been through feedback from our community  as well so not just something that myself have   picked out or my team this is something that we've  asked the community to give us some feedback about   and some of these i haven't even been using until  i put this list together and i can assure you that   after putting the list together i'll be using most  of these myself as well so don't be surprised if   you see them in upcoming videos and the final note  i want to make is if you like one of the apps that   we cover in today's video because it's going to be  brief and an overview if it's something you want   to see in detail drop it in the comments below  let us know your thoughts and we'll go into it   a little bit deeper in a future video as well so  without further ado let's just get stuck into it number one scrutiny now a lot of people  that i've spoken to haven't actually known   about scrutiny or they've seen it and sort  of passed on and not knowing what it was   and i found it just by accident one day to be  honest looking through the community app store i   can't believe i hadn't found it sooner it's really  a decent app that gives you clear cut information   on your disks and drives without anything set  up crazy on your system it works completely out   of the box and uses a built-in sql light database  so it's really fresh really clean gives you a lot   of information so here's the github page just so  you're aware there's a whole lot of information   that's in here as well how how it reports how  it works how you deploy it on docker for example   all the configuration options that you can set up  for example notifications whether you have a debug   mode web server api and all that stuff built into  it now the beauty of unraid for us here that are   using unraid is that it's on the community app  store so as soon as you go into the community   app store you'll see scrutiny on there i'm going  to give you a look at what it looks like using   my web ui here so here you can see what mine  looks like and it pretty much gives you the   smart status the temperature the capacity and  how long the drive has been powered on for and   all this information has been logged straight into  the app and i never really had to set anything up   if for some reason you want to go into the  settings you can go into settings here and you can   sort out a couple of extra features so you can say  what's the critical you know error threshold that   i want to see before i'm alerted for nvme settings  what settings do i want to have in there or the   scsi settings as well so what you consider the  critical warning threshold for it you can then see   a temperature range as well so you know if you're  worried about temperature in your drives whether   you're getting enough airflow this is going to  give you that information really really important   if you go to a particular disk then you can  actually see even more information so you can dial   down to you know what threshold's been hitting  lately what sort of errors it's been getting   uh serial numbers any sort of attributes you  know you can see all of that information in   there easy to see now there is a feature for  exporting but it says as a highlight not yet   implemented so if that's something that's  going to be coming out in future i believe   look as it is it's a pretty decent application  i'm sure if you wanted to get the data out we   can do that through the file directory but it  just sits there runs passively and gives you a   nice clear view of your drive so definitely one i  recommend for managing and looking over your array   and all your disks as well even in the cache for  example with any nvmes you might have on board   next up is midnight commander now whether you  know about it or not it's a very powerful tool   that will allow you to manage your server through  the command line having ultimate permission   and avoiding any sort of conflict issues the  alternative to midnight commander is something   like crusader so if you haven't used crusader  if we left click and go to web ui crusader is a   nice interface it gives you a nice graphical user  interface so that you can manage your files on the   system and crusader is pretty easy to use as you  can see it's got some shortcuts down the bottom   here that we can use with the keyboard to allow  us to for example edit stuff in the browser itself   to view the documents to change them to make  directories all that sort of stuff but the most   powerful tool that you can actually use on android  is midnight commander so i'll show you that now   so we've gone into unraid and we've clicked to  open the terminal in the terminal window we just   type mc next thing you know you're presented with  this screen so in the terminal now we can actually   use our keyboard to use this interface which looks  very similar to crusader except it bypasses any   sort of permission issues you'll have absolutely  no problem because it doesn't run in a container   we're running it straight on the system itself so  for example if i just go back here there's all of   our different directories so if i go to mnt then  we go to user app data and then we've got all of   our app data folders here so if i go to matomo for  example go to config so if for example if you're   having issues deleting a particular file or coming  across some permission issues it's probably best   to do it through here so then when you go into  here you can use the correct option and delete the   file and most of the time it will allow you to do  so without running into any permissions problems   next up while we're on the subject is matomo  as a systems administrator you probably have   some websites and urls that you're hosting  yourself at home even if they're not hosted   at home perhaps you want to see the analytics of  those websites without giving them to the big text   for example google analytics so instead you can  have this hosted yourself so that you have 100   data ownership as it says there on the page  here we are on their website and you can see   the different options that you've got now you  can try matomo in the cloud and in that case   it would be costing a price however if you want  to host it on premise it's completely free and   open source as you can see the user interface  is actually pretty clean there's not a lot in   there to confuse you in fact i find it a lot  cleaner than google analytics itself which can   be quite convoluted with all sorts of information  in there that you probably will never actually use   from my personal experience matomo is probably  on par or better than google analytics the   best part about of course is that you can  tell your customers that their data is safe   and without having to hand it off to big text  to manage for you here's a couple of keynotes   it is open source like we said it's 100 accurate  according to their claims enhanced insights it's   easy to use and tracking personal data is  not a thing next up in the list is adminer   i've done plenty of videos with adminer using it  as a tool when we're using you know other videos   or setting up databases but adminer gives you a  graphical user interface to manage your databases   now i'm not focused on just the one product  there is another option there for you as well   which is php myadmin works exactly the same just  a little bit different in the interface and how   it might be managed conversely to php myadmin over  here as it says it consists of a single file ready   to deploy to the target server so similar products  they go about things a little bit differently   so it's really up to you and if you haven't seen  it before be sure to check out our creating a   maria db database with adminer and you'll get a  nice insight into how it works and what it does   like i said like everything else it's very easy  to install using the community apps on unraid   which is basically docker on any other system  so the container is pretty straightforward   i highly recommend you use it just makes life a  little bit easier when you're managing databases   next up is somewhat of a controversial one  depending who you ask and that's putina   the reason why i say controversial is in the  unread world we already have a doctor management   interface which is built into unraid in some  cases though you might find that the unread ui   doesn't provide enough functionality and so you  want to look at a different tool so portena allows   you to have a central management panel to manage  all your docker containers but further you can   also use kubernetes and a very easy way to  manage and deliver containers as a service   so as i said kubernetes is hard and so they try  to make it as easy as possible by giving you the   interface to manage it a lot simpler maybe perhaps  you want to stack multiple containers together   that sort of functionality for example  docker compost isn't built directly   into unraid and so having a tool like portena  could be the key to help you get there   some key notes it helps developers adopt  containers so make it easy for developers   to deploy the applications without extensive  training so if you're a developer it could be   quite beneficial for you there it's very efficient  you can fully automate app deployment so you can   do that you know from end to end and develop those  workflows so that it's completely automated you   don't even have to be a part of the process once  you've set it up you can then deploy even further   you can then secure your container platform  now like i said with unraid house already has   the built-in functionality which you would not be  exposing to the web so since you're not exposing   unraid server to the web unless you're using  something like tail scale following our video   on that then having portena can be a secure way  for you to manage your containers without having   to jump into your unread server remotely next up  which has become easily one of my favorite tools   is dozel for those using containers whether  it's unraid or anywhere else you're using docker   checking the logs is absolutely vital just like  anything in the computer world troubleshooting can   be difficult so the harder it is to troubleshoot  the longer it's going to take to fix it the tool   like dozel for example makes that super easy  doesn't matter how many containers you've got   dozer will make it super simple as it says it's  a small lightweight application with a web-based   interface to monitor docker logs it doesn't  store any log files and it's for live monitoring   of your container logs only just to give you an  example here it is deployed on our unraid server   so on the main page you can see all right how many  containers we've got how many are running and what   version of dozer we've got here but also show  you the recent starts in what order they started   then you can go to all for example now on the left  hand side we've got the actual container so if i   click on a container let's say add miner here's a  complete log of what's going on so we can have a   nice easy way to see what's happening perhaps you  want to see what orthelia is doing or better yet   bizarre what about dozel itself you really  can't get any easier and it makes it very   easy to troubleshoot in a nice clean way  if you go to the settings you've got some   more options here for example what sort of  display you want for your time time stamps   what sort of font whether you want to search  within the logs you can do that as well   showing any stop containers and changing the  theme so we can change it to a light theme there   all you people watching in the dark are probably  going to be upset by that next up is net data   or net data depending where you are in the  world this one was a new one to me and i can   tell you right now it's definitely going to be  staying on my server the amount of detail that   this application provides is absolutely phenomenal  and i highly recommend it for all administrators   to get something like this set up to give you real  peace of mind and information on what your server   is doing and what all the applications inside of  it are doing so in a similar vein to some of the   apps we've shown it does give you logs but it  also gives you really rich information stuff to   make it easier to work with it supports hundreds  of integrations thousands of metrics zero config   and that's the most important part i've used tools  similar to this before and you know it was just an   absolute headache to try and integrate into all  these different sockets to get it to work this   just works out of the box you can't complain with  that i'm going to show you exactly what it looks   like here on our server so we're using the netdata  hyphen glib c version and this one supports nvidia   graphics cards as well so very useful if  you're trying to monitor your graphics cards   we'll go to the web ui now this is completely out  of the box guys i haven't configured anything i   haven't even gone into the settings this  is exactly as it is right from the start   so you could have this as a potential dashboard  application sitting up on a screen with your   server whatever the case might be giving you all  that detailed information on the right hand side   we've got a very long list now on that list we've  got all sorts of different information that we   can narrow down to so if we want to have a  look at cpu for example here's our cpu tab   if you wanted to go even further you've got  utilization interrupts throttling all of that   underneath cpus what about memory we can go have  a look at our memory and see what that's doing   you know get detailed information exact seconds  of what's happening now i've never seen anything   this detailed but this clean even our discs are  supported so if you didn't want to use scrutiny   you do have the option to do something like  this i still think scrutiny is perfect where   it is and has its place this is giving us a  different sort of view on what's happening   so let's go to plex for example under plex we  can see a quick view of what it's doing how   much resources it's using but then we can narrow  it down and see the exact core that it's using   how much memory is being chewed up the amount  of used memory and swap memory for example so   all of this information is completely vital i  mean you need to know what your server is doing   we can even narrow down to our sensors on the  computer itself so if we want to know temperatures   for example that's being monitored too plenty  of features here that again we won't be able to   cover all of it today but you can pause play and  get that information print it to the dashboard   so if you wanted to do that that would work  you can export snapshots you can even import   snapshots and check news and check version  down the left hand side we can go to settings   and then you've got more settings in here  to help customize it the way that you like   so yeah definitely one that you guys should pick  up pretty much straight away for our next one   we've got uptime coomer now in a previous video  i've done a video on k-shirt and how to get that   working and look k-shirt is good it did have a lot  of stuffing around and like i said we want to try   to make things as easy as possible that was quite  a while ago so now we've got a new up-to-date   application that's been sort of catching a lot of  attention and that's this app uptime coomer it's   a self-hosted monitoring tool like uptime robot  now if you look at its interface it looks very   similar to uptime robot nice and clean i really  like it and again it works really easily right   out of the box and there's a lot of features  in here that make it easy to monitor so it's   not just you know a get request to see whether  the website is up you can actually configure   all the sorts of different codes that you want  for example if you guys are using cloudflare   if the website is offline but cloudflare is still  presenting its 502 page that's something that a   lot of things won't allow you to monitor it'll  basically assume that the website is up unless   it gets a 404 whereas you know cloudflare might  give you a 503 error or a 526 error for example   this will allow you to customize it down  to that level and did i mention it's free   you've also got notifications  ready to go straight into it   20 second intervals ping charts certificate  information so if you you know you want to monitor   how long your certificates got on it it's all  there really simple to set up again through the   community app store it was straight plug and play  we didn't need to do any special configuration   and i highly recommend it if you're managing  websites and you just want to know when it's up   next up is putty now if you guys are familiar  with using ssh then putty is a tool that you've   probably already used or planned to use in  the future now putty is typically installed   on your client machine however with the beauty of  docker it's been brought into a container for us   so we can actually use putty straight in a docker  container and be able to access it wherever we are   in the world for example so here for example we've  opened it up using our container and we can pretty   much type in any host we want and connect to it  that way all within our browser without having   to set up or install anything separately straight  out of the box and guys last but not least we're   going to be mentioning go access a really useful  tool go access is an open source real-time web   log analyzer it's also an interactive viewer  that runs in a terminal as you can see from   these screenshots go access is a very very  nice looking way to check out all of your data   right inside your browser so without having to  worry about it too much we can actually see all   the information that's coming through our network  interfaces how much data everything right down to   you know 404s for example or static requests  what are the visitors host names and ips where   are they coming from you know operating systems  so this gives you very very detailed information   on who's getting access to your server and what  information they're getting how much data they're   getting you're even getting referrals and virtual  hosts for example so it works in conjunction with   our things like matamo for example you've got some  extra options to customize the appearance really   useful app i think it's very important especially  if you're someone that's reverse practicing your   information out there highly recommend you check  that one out so guys i hope you enjoyed that   so guys i hope you enjoyed that that was our  top 10 tools video to help you get the most out   of your server and become a real administrator  getting vital information on what your server   is doing i'm sorry i couldn't cover every single  app in great detail but it allows you to get a   grasp on some really nice tools that you can go  and have a play with and like i said if there's   something that you guys want to see in more  detail that that's piqued your interest please   by all means drop it in the comments below and  we can't wait to see you in the next record video you
Views: 9,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, ibracorp unraid, top docker containers, docker unraid, unraid tools, best tools unraid, best docker containers, server admin containers, spaceinvader one, selfhosted, open source, unraid plugins, open source software, nginx proxy manager, docker, docker hub, docker tutorial, docker hub unraid, dockerhub, docker networking, netdata, scrutiny, matamo, midnight commander, adminer, dozzle, portainer, uptime kuma, PuTTY, goaccess, docker push, unraid, unraid guide
Id: HBXrxFT16Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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