Jeff Ross Roasts The Breakfast Club, Talks Freedom Of Speech, Mo'Nique, Donald Trump + More

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club [Music] morning everybody is DJ envy Angela yeesh Alamein a guy we are The Breakfast Club we have a special guest in the building comedian Jeff Ross he's not just the comedian he's the roastmaster Jeff just go in on people in a crowd yes I know he literally lines people up that's right and just goes out about people people want to get rough right they jump up and down and volunteer volunteers only I don't bully people they gotta want it do you ever feel sorry for anybody are you just like nope you asked for it uh no I never feel sorry for anyone you feel like you went too far that's a stupid question that comedians get a stupid question at all it's shocking that I never feel bad mm-hmm if people volunteer then I I feel like I have a license to kill say whatever I was goodness grace they probably know what their faults are kind of the only time I think people get thrown off is it's when you bring them up and they think oh you know they're all dressed up I'm gonna make you know fun of one thing and I make fun of something else wait'll he sees my push-up bra my boobs and then I ignore it and make fun of their teeth I was starving and you brought us bagels and cream tea of course he was hungry and instead of just being selfish and eating by himself he bought all of us right I'm the son of a caterer I love food love parties always want and there's nothing worse than trying to get laughs when people are hungry that's right yeah cuz they thinking about eating instead think about focusing on your jokes yeah my stomach starts growling I can't even hear a joke so so why didn't you get into the catering business how'd you get into comedy I've did everything I could to get out of the catering business all right my great-grandmother Rose she was she was an early feminist before she even knew what that was really in the 1940s and 50s she had a wedding business catering business and I passed on to my uncle and my grandfather there my dad and and it was a tough business they worked all weekends a lot of pressure throwing party I always love weddings but I just knew that I wanted to do something else in my life I wasn't sure what it was so I went to film school after film school I started still struggled and live with my grandfather in New Jersey and I was just kind of a goofy loser living in New Jersey with my grandpa who's sick taking care of him and a buddy my buddy Mark said why don't you take this comedy class I think he'd be good at it and I took a stand-up comedy class and it was a happy accident I loved it right away did you did you bomb your first time you were never good that's a good question I killed my first time and then bombed the next 25 times I don't know like if I did Bob the first time I'd probably be your engineer right now but luckily I hit the right crowd it was an open mic on 54th Street right across from the old there's a place called Yeoh triple in I felt like a bongo player or something and it was Fleet Week and there were some Navy guys in the front and I lost track of my jokes I started asking him what happens if they get mustard on their white Navy uniforms or something nonsense they heckled me and some girl talked to me afterwards was like you're so funny and that was it I was like wow this is everything I get to talk smack say whatever I want I always was obsessed with the fact that I was lucky enough to be born in a country that had free speech do we still have that nowadays more or less not on Twitter not it not in public but in in comedy shows like I'm at Caroline's this weekend that's a temple of free speech you can still say whatever you want thank goodness how did the lady give you some [ __ ] that was funny nobody gave me just enough fun to think about that night and you know what's so accurate you said you would have been an engineer here our engineer is actually named Jeff see that yeah I went to film school I was in college radio and worked in public radio and never even knew I was funny you know my whole family was funny but I didn't know it until I left went up to Boston to college and nobody was funny okay that's kind of what it is every and if you're from New Jersey I'm from Newark New Jersey if you're from New Jersey I feel like you have an ounce you grow up with an outsider's perspective it's kind of the way Canadians are to America like in New Jersey all our ball teams all our concerts were always in New York all our news came from New York it gave me a little just enough of a outsider's perspective now they are but not when I was a kid now let me ask you this what's harder open mic night or because I'm sure that that's difficult cuz the audience is probably some people are really really bad I'm sure and then some people are you know like you you said you did good on your first time you own up in front of an audience and open mic night how hard is it when you have to go on and people are bombing and then the crowd is getting restless it's the hardest and you have to have a plan B you got to work through it you know I remember just always going well if they don't see you bombing if you don't say you're bombing then you're not bombing [ __ ] trust me were sitting at the table whispering like just guys yeah you know it's just one of those things I don't know maybe it's having thick skin maybe it's you know all the crap I went through as a kid it just bounces off me and I try to keep going was it nerve-racking opening up for Chris Chris Rock oh my god I just did this whole world tour with Chris total blackout to it you know I gotta tell you it wasn't nerve-wracking it was a it was inspiring and those arena shows I know you guys were at the garden we just did the o2 in London lastly for it that one was 16,000 twice hey we did the Wembley the night before all over Europe Tel Aviv Scandinavia and after a while you start to make these arenas in the comedy clubs and they get more and more intimate and then when I do my roast to have it up on the jumbotron so the cameras right up in people's faces so in a weird way I'm gonna miss those arena shows I'm back in a club this week and I'm like I'm gonna miss those big arena shows can you make those big arena show always wonder about that oh yeah man because you start to get used to it and you know you get your delivery down right and you start to they start to come to you it's crazy when when we're out there and especially for Chris Rock like he'll do a joke about relationships you know and it's a if it's a five-minute bit the first minute you see them like the woman's fist kind of clenched like where is he going to talk about divorce or cheating then the second minute you see the guys kind of tighten up then by the third minute everybody's laughing together so he's got it he's got it down and it becomes very intimate it's almost like just for just for that crowd you feel like it's a one-time experience what was the call like when Chris called you to open up for me into hostess you know years ago I get a call for doing it it was for it's a good question you know what here's what here's what happens is my agent Stacey who's an old friend of Chris is not even his agent but they're just old friends she calls me up and she goes chris is going on a world tour he's doing a hundred and fifty dates he said send Jeff the calendar and let him pick what he wants what cities he wants to do Wow I only picked New Orleans in Atlanta cuz I never go there and I knew the crowds would be hype and I did New Orleans in Atlanta and I said let me see that schedule and it took the pressure off me of headlining and doing my own show I only had to do my little sort of opening surprise set he didn't want me to promote it he didn't want me to do pres he wanted me to come out as a surprise he likes to and I bring I bring people up and roast them on stage and it's like mayhem there's no other comedian that would want to follow that except Chris Rock did you make a lot of money I can roast you in that not Nike alpha know that white male comedians on the page you know what hello my love's I wanted to join with me in boycotting the Chris Rock tour because he only paid me half of what the black comedians guy was crying and I said Sydney we got it we got a we got a we got a we got to fix it no you know what Chris took very good care of me we flew around private jets paid me well treated me well and we're good pals and it was his birthday yesterday so shout out to Chris Rock much do you think cousin man it is that true yeah through South Carolina seven monks corner weird connection yeah like Idol another so you're another person he's supporting I really admire that guy man he really has the best acting comedy right now and I'm friends with all the comedians but Chris Rock's hour-and-a-half live show right now is like seeing ac/dc I agree it's like a band I agree he starts in like at number eight and finishes at number ten an hour and a half just boom just effect you're saying an hour and a half is unbelievable and it's hour and a half of just like no no lull in the cup so it goes fast too yeah you know I work in second gear low-key sometimes he's up there in fifth gear killing knowing I try to see what it is that you do like okay I'm sure you've seen some like copycat errs cuz they seen the success that you've had yeah and people might be like alright come on and bring some people up here or that's the beauty of the speed roast you know like when I do my live shows like at the end of my shows this weekend I'll set the lights will come on you see me do this and I'll say who wants to get roasted and people start volunteering and and if you point to somebody that's bullying I won't take that person you your self volunteer they come onstage I line them up and I think comedians have tried to steal this bit but it's dangerous like now you got like drunk live human beings yeah so in a way it's almost like a magic trick that only I can do so you know I'm not too worried about it I'm not too worried about it plus I know a little karate my mom when I was six dragged me to take cuando so if any hike one Taekwondo Jersey we have you know I talk like an idiot it's and and I don't know I it's just like at a certain point where you going with my jokes it's just not gonna work so no one ever got mad onstage volunteered every now and I don't bounce somebody but no one gets mad people have thick skin and that's the best way to get through life do you talk missing it do you think Moni got low-balled by Netflix oh yeah I think she's worth at least 20 million for special come on you know what I don't even understand what happened to Monique she used to be a good sport about that stuff when I first met Monique I loved Monique she's great we were roasting uh shack invited me to a roast of Emmitt Smith oh my god such a famous man with Jamie Foxx yeah actually code somebody's career and Doug Doug was Doug was there but Jamie Foxx's host and Emmitt Smith was getting roasted Shack and and and Emmitt Smith who had just won another Super Bowl and his family was there is a great crowd in Vegas and everybody was kind of lit up and laughing and having a good time and I said you know we could all make fun in it we could all make fun all up here make fun of you but the truth is man growing up every one of us dreamed when we were kids of one day growing up and being a Dallas Cowboy and the only one who even came close was Monique sort of laughs man and I went over and I kissed her and everything she was a good sport about it I remember even during when everything was happening with Jamie Foxx on there she was being very supportive of was his name again yeah she was being very supportive like all right now that's right and trying to help them out but it just we work out yeah well you know throws sits it's like the Super Bowl of comedy I mean it's it's it's a death match sometimes and it's like you said have to be able to take the jokes as well I get hit as hard as anybody I look like Vin Diesel if he drowned you think I don't get made fun I wasn't always this pretty do you think a comedy popularity popularity is more important than credibility because you know when he keeps comparing her resume to somebody like Amy Schumer but come on man amy was right height in 2016 well I mean you know comedy is it's it's a constant battle to be great you got a Amy Schumer's on stage every night even when she's shooting a movie she shows up at the Comedy Cellar in 11 12 o'clock at night I mean it's like hitting the gym every day and if you're hitting the gym everyday you got a you got a pipe down to me you have no case yeah and she's also selling out and I didn't really understand you know gender bias when in fact she's naming another woman who's doing well and two black men who were doing well I didn't understand the argument I didn't get that either that's the first thing I said I like how you clean race and gender bias but didn't name two black man and a white woman she should have kept this specific and said black women right bias that would make more sense and still I don't know sounds like a lot of money she was getting paid for essentially an ad for all your touring and stuff like that but you know I'm not gonna count anybody's money especially Monique but you know how she is the most decorated comedian alive that don't know why she describes herself like a Christmas tree she's posed in front of her all her awards they're all for what movie great movie by the way and I saw her last special she was funnier and precious was African American horror movies really ask you if Sarah Silverman you know it took me years to tell Sarah that story and I finally told her then of course she told everybody I would never normally tell this story but this is about probably you know while back I was did a roast for Donald Trump a charity roast for the Friars Club in New York and he loved me man he loved me and he called me up and he offered me a lot of money to go on his plane down to Mara Largo his Country Club down in Florida and we're on the plane and he's like let's talk comedy I'm like yeah sure man what do you want to know he's like Sarah Silverman those tits real that's like wait that's not comedy talk that's like my sister and I never answered him but yeah are you after that no he was you know I maybe I I think he was either teasing me or you know whatever but he was it was a fun trip actually Trump buys friends basically he paid us to come down hang no I performed I did showdown for his country club down there yeah no I did a gig for the for the rich folks down at Mara Largo and by the way treated me really well walked me over to the to the front desk gave me the keys to the Cadillac for the weekend really let me bring a buddy who open for me we had a good so I don't talk about the Cadillac Trump used to be a lot of fun so you voted for him no did you show any racist misogynist he showed misogynistic tendencies to the a3 but cities would you know what else is funny about those clubs I was just down at one of those golf clubs and Florida not too long ago they're all run by woman women the the one in Florida the golf club is run by an African American woman the other one is run by a woman so he does sort of you know love and support and hire well you trying to humanize Donald trum no but I think if you're gonna get him get him on the points that you can get him on and and the misogynistic thing yeah he talks like a jerk about everybody I've roasted him twice I've known him for 15 years I feel like any second he's gonna call me up and offer me a job you talk now now I haven't talked to in about a year you gonna take it if he closed up now I want to be the secretary of offense I want to write all this he was running I talked him after he won Oh after he won yeah he called you you called I was down at the golf club in um you know in Florida whatever it's called the truck yeah Trump International I was having lunch and he had just won the election maybe but he wasn't president yet and I came back from Iraq I was doing a show for the troops on Christmas last year and there he is oh my gosh he's gonna be President yeah and I'm like what sniff coke word on the plane and he calls me over say hi and congratulating him and at this point you're like you know what do you even say and and he is gonna be the president and I did just come back from Iraq so I had all these stories about this the troops and and all the different things that I saw all through the Middle East and I was like hey man I just met you know the new that your new chairman of the Joint Chiefs general Dunford and I meant the Marines in this city and I meant the young the the army in this city and I went to all these forward operating bases and al-assad and out near the Syrian border and all these you know the Kurdistan you know and I wanted to just tell him how good morale was and how much confidence I had in the chairman you know and he goes yeah yeah yeah how is it how do you think Arnold's gonna do as a host of Celebrity Apprentice he would not he wanted a job right - how Arnold was gonna bomb on Celebrity Apprentice yes it was an interesting conversation he calls you now would you would you take a gig I mean I don't know if I would take a money gig but if he asked me to do something for the troops he is the commander in chief we are we are a free country and I would do it for the troops I dated Quincy Jones in 1973 mmm we were at the play now here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing guys this happened to Jerry Lewis a few years ago journalist if you're out there stop publishing interviews from senile people Quincy Jones I love Quincy Jones I thought he spoke with perfect Cincinnati you start come on yes talk about Richard Pryor like came out and said it actually is important let the man rest well he was actually talking about Marlon Brando and he said Marlon Brando [ __ ] any and everything he said Marlon Brando [ __ ] the mailbox while I'm Randall [ __ ] James Baldwin Richard Pryor in Marvin Gaye how do you think those guys would feel about that right now well if Richard Pryor has it in his diary when you talk about it we talked about being in a relationship for a couple weeks with a could you imagine bagent Richard Pryor and Marlon Brando snuggling after sex it was all coke Jeff and quaaludes is that what happens yes okay I agree with you I think it's I don't want to say disrespectful but if it's somebody's truth if that's what Quincy remember like why not I guess so I guess the part about talking about dating Ivanka Trump was a little much - no no hope when I'm 70 something I can still date a 25 year old you will I hope I do not praise do you think all these industry secrets are starting to come out now though I think people are feeling really open to talk it's crazy there's so many podcasts so much radio so much TV so much tabloids everybody's got Twitter everybody got Instagram there's you gotta fill it up used to be you had to get on like the evening news or that was it then there was like public radio and then yeah now there's everything and when you were the oldest celebrity like Quincy there really wasn't a platform for you I guess back then right now people want to sit down and talk to you you say you think he's still got his mind yes with footnotes so when he'll he'll address like certain things like talking about the Beatles and they'll be like he was in the studio with the Beatles and worked on this when he talks about Michael Jackson clearly you know there are certain things thoughts on music was great his thoughts on racism were great his thoughts on economics and financial status between rich and poor and I rich need to do more it was great like it was a really good interview all right then I'm gonna read it more carefully I only read the salacious I was I was messing around at the Comedy Cellar last night warming up for Caroline's and I'm walking home and you know I tend to read the headlines and I was like okay well I got to take an ambien cuz I got to get up early and as I'm taking an ambien I start tweeting which is always a bad idea then I wake up and go now I'm talking smack about quincy jones right before i go to sleep so you only when i have to go to sleep early okay so force yourself I don't really get tired I don't know why I just fly all over I don't really get too tired but when I have to get up early I force myself to go to see cuz now I feel great how do you feel about comedians commenting on other comedians comedy like we you know faizon love recently I've been saying that Dave Chappelle isn't funny yeah that really bothered me and I love Faison and we've had we've had many dinners together but he does he's not afraid to speak his mind and I respect that but and he's also talking about Dave who's like my my little brother for since we're he's a teenager Dave and I go way way way way back you know we spent 9/11 together Dave and I we spent many many times on the road together so Dave's hilarious even if he wasn't I would hate it I you know it was weird because I didn't even know how to respond it I could I've never heard it I saw you I saw your reaction and it was like two plus two the six funny yeah you know I don't understand where he's coming from and I don't even really like you know Chris Rock and and and our producer from Live Nation Jeff wills were backstage and they were saying like so and so wasn't funny like a really popular comedian wasn't funny and they'll get mad at me when I won't play along because they know I know this person's not funny but I'm always diplomatic I can't help it I say such mean things when I have the microphone in my hand but when I'm not I tend to back off and I think it gives me the goodwill to talk smack when I do get the opportunity and I have a hard time with commits being a comedian for me is a brotherhood it's a religion I'm a comedian before I'm American before I'm Jewish before I'm a New Yorker like I'm a comedian if a comedian needs help even when they did something wrong I sympathize with a comedian we can meet comedy comes from pain stand-up comes from pain you know if we don't laugh we cry and as a people and that's our job is to bring that out to find the silver lining to find the light and I have a hard time being critical of other comedians to me it's like my my religion and one thing I'm realizing I guess as I get old I gets funny even funnier than universal right I thought it was but I guess it's not it's definitely not cuz there's people that other people might think of funny that I don't really find funny I know growing up I've always thought Seinfeld was so funny but I have a lot of friends who never thought Seinfeld was their type of sense of humor I think there's different types of senses of humor - like I like dry humor and some people don't well think about you know you we all have an uncle we think hilarious and then you know your friends come over and I like this guy's creepy he's offensive some people find Paul Mooney funny some people don't you know I've been a Caroline so people have gotten up and walked out of Paul Mooney show right because they were offended right you know to me to me I like my comedy potent I don't like it water down at all and I also have respect for somebody who's paid their dues has worked hard even if I don't think they're funny they're selling out arenas yeah I got I gotta give him props you know so you know it's so subjective and and Paul Mooney he's a good guy man so louis c.k watching everything that's happened to him and things getting taken away from him because of these allegations which some things he's admitted to what do you think is that a fair punishment and is that something that he could ever joke about and can he come back from this well I mean we're obsessed with punishment right my last special one of my last special was at a jail you roasted their inmates so to me that was a mascara everybody even murderers need a second chance and I go murderers become mentors alcoholics become sponsors well I wouldn't Louie at some point he's a smart guy if he can read [ __ ] his head a little bit why wouldn't he become an advocate for for women's issues not that women need him but why would he's got daughters he's got a big future he's got tons of talent I think he could be an asset until to learn if he wants to I haven't talked to him but I feel like he could become a better citizen after all this he's too young to be condemned but we're so obsessed with punishment people love to see the big man get taken down a notch that's why the roasts are so popular that's the thing - a lot of women are hurt yeah but we talk about Redemption we talk about forgiveness at what point do we get to that place with them you know I think it's more on Lily be honest with you I think when he feels like he's done it because he's a smart guy I don't think he's a greedy guy like you you know I saw him the other day bumped into him for a few minutes you know I don't think he's ready to come back quite yet did you shake his hand of course no one he's a serial masturbator because we just bumped you know what for me it's like it's like what I said it's a brotherhood you know if my cousin did something wrong I you know my grandfather used to say racist stuff against Asian people we didn't kick him out of the family we tried to teach them we tried to show them you know I had a Chinese girlfriend right out of college you know we went to high school together I really liked there we would have fun I had nothing else in life going on it she was cool and I brought her over my grandfather didn't say a word he just waited till she went in the other room and he said he's deceased and West is West and never the two shall meet do these little Instagram videos and yeah you scared him with that Asian joke just now he tried he changed the subject so fast agents could take a joke just like the rest of us what do you think about Instagram and in some of the fame that they get from doing what you guys have been doing in a long time you know what I don't it's interesting because with the way as an open-mic or as a me as a beginner you're talking about rock and chapelle and and maybe you know even myself it's like we came up through open mikes and amateur nights and one-nighters and hell gigs and love owners and we got heckled and we got jerked around and we got we got stiffed and all that these internet comedians in a weird way they have to go through the same thing but it's all in the comments section true you know because comments are almost meaner than a heckler the haters are even stronger because they're almost anonymous but it's also like that in the comedy club if it's done I'm up there by myself who just killed [ __ ] off twelve-year-old saying something crazy so I respect the fact that they they you know people work as hard on those videos as we did in our open mics but there is a shortcut you know I have to do years and years and years of road work to get to where I'm at to be respected sometimes they have the right viral thing and and comedy I think is a little bit watered down right now there's almost too many comedians everybody's censoring itself man to that too I think the most uncensored [ __ ] is on the Internet uh-huh what is this not funny on stage yeah I mean to make people to make to make random people laugh at any on any given Friday night at ten o'clock that's hard did you um you say you never like you went too far do you feel like you were too far on you made the Paul Walker jokes you have a good memory remember you know what that was a tricky one man because I don't think I don't think Luda will ever forgive me dude or Tyrese boy they were mad at you right you know I even just saw him in a wedding and he wouldn't talk to me and I loved him too so it hurts yeah but you know these roasts are our this is the medicine this is like I said comedy comes from pain and if I don't try to make a joke and get the fans laughing about it then we carry that all the time maybe it was the tragic way Paul died of course yeah but it wasn't just me there were two other comedians who made the similar jokes at the same roast and and it was pretty recent and Paul Walker was cool I thought he was cool I woulda never stung my jokes are better than everybody else did that or you would do it again in retrospect I know boy this is the question and this is the question I never back I never apologized but I did reach out to Luda afterwards and send him a present and say I didn't want to hurt your feelings I didn't mean what did you say I was feeling I sent him some champagne and it's a celebration of life mmm did he do reply to your response didn't he hates champagne well I never met Tyreese I've never met I didn't even know he this mantle just now shoutout to Tyrese I didn't know he would make yeah he wasn't you know these were jokes and if you can't take a joke life gets very very long and people that I never want to hurt anybody's feelings that's not my style to think about here's the thing about the roasts and you guys will appreciate this because it it's just like having a guest on your show right you want everyone to leave going hey that was fun I want to do that again like when I make fun of somebody or do a roast like you know I want everyone to go oh my the real goal for me is when they go home and tell their family what Jeff Ross said about them you wouldn't know my god it was so fun Jeff Ross said this and this and this it's like a badge of honor it's like a feather in your cap you got roasted you're right but I nobody could go home and tell Paul would you just say it's better when the jokes the person's breathin I guess that's helpful Paul Walker roast in peace no hard feelings certain people are really great at taking toasts like Shaq I think is always great at that and Justin Bieber seemed like he's pretty good at taking jokes Bieber that when we roast a Bieber that was his idea so I couldn't believe it because I knew he was a fan of the roast and I bumped into him one time and he said something but when he we got the call saying Bieber wanted to get roasted that was there that could be a three-part miniseries that was a goddamn exorcism they put Bieber up there and they did that to get the [ __ ] out of them he was running with all the rappers and stuff great and remember at the end he gave that whole speech about how he's a changed man and this and that's exactly what happened he shot back to the top of the charts after that Snoop was so mad after that we were as it is I don't think I ever told this story and I don't think he'd be mad but after the beams came Biebs made that speech kind of like the Apollo and Biebs was cute about it like he called me up to call me over to his trailer the day before rehearsal and he had it all written out handwritten and then he had someone his phone he's like I want to say this at the end what do you think I said you know I think it's a good idea you know let's make this like a second let's make this a reboot you know and put the past behind you so young and people will forgive you and it was a really thoughtful heartfelt personal speech but then of course he killed it in his comedy then he made the speech and you know we go we're back in our in our trailers and snoops like come out of smoke whenever I go back there with my friends and seems like I didn't know I wasn't be part of some [ __ ] [ __ ] at the end he was so bad that was one big PR stunt man yeah everybody clowns just in one last time clean him up get all that [ __ ] [ __ ] out of them that hood [ __ ] that speech [ __ ] and boom now he's America's Sweetheart again I love just what they did I said something like Justin I call it I said uh Selena Gomez break up with you because she's dating men now or something like that and Wow and were you mad did you break up with her because she had a thicker mustache than you jokes were harsh man but he took it really well I gotta give him props for a young guy when I was his age I was stealing car antennas off cars and messing around and and moving Christmas ornaments from one law to another so like the fact that he's got this career and all that I gotta give him I gotta give him respect for that do you think comedians should be allowed to speak freely about any and everything I do I think that even when we're wrong even when we go a little too far and like I said I apologize for hurting anybody's feelings especially you know Luda and those guys but I do think it's really important I do Charlamagne because it's the last place it's the last spot left for free speech like I woke up as a kid even as a kid I used to draw like Nazi swastikas on my books even in Hebrew school even as a Jewish kid I'm not a religious person now but even then I was like I could do that without any repercussions I'd cross them out right away but we grew up in a country because I'd read about Russia and China where people would get their tongues cut out for talking bad on the king or the government and I go how lucky am i that I get to live in a country where you can say whatever you want forget do whatever you want that's a little tricky but you know I grew up worshiping like punk rock and and public and Hitler and not even I'm just saying the fact that we get to say whatever we want we take that for granted in this country and it's I think comedians are you know as we hear more and more about fake news fake news is going to evolve into fake history and and there's gonna be different versions of history you know we all could see that coming but comedy is always the truth always or it wouldn't be funny yeah I mean I respect you I respect your honesty but it's the difference between free speech and comedy and writing Nazi swastikas on your book my point was it was allowed when I know just because you can I just like the fact that you can exercise your freedom of speech I went to I went to Cuba and y2k snuck in through Mexico you know buddy wanted to see Havana and we went to Cuba and any time anybody ever mentioned if I said something about Fidel or they wanted to talk about the government they wouldn't say his name out we're in the freaking jungle and they wouldn't say his name they would just go like this they'd rubbed their face like a beard so they were so scared I went to Russia in college during the the end of the Cold War mm-hmm and you know it my parents were passed away I had nothing to do I was sort of unleashed I was like let me just go get her get out of New York in America for a couple weeks over Christmas let me go see what communism looks like and and people were just terrified of the government I thought what an awful way to live I understand we have problems with policing and monition but we could still walk into a police station if we have to we can still um get our checks from the government if we have to there's still a military that's gonna protect us not the people in charge and I really do feel fortunate and that's why I do the shows for the troops because it is a little bit that I can do right as an entertainer well let me tell you all the headlines say Jeff Ross humanized Donald Trump Jeff Ross's too it should be allowed to draw Nazi swastika on notebooks and Jeff Ross will be at Carolina this weekend Thursday at 7:30 Friday 7:30 10 o'clock Saturday 7:30 at 10:00 and Sunday at 7:30 you could get your tickets at Caroline Scott do you volunteer to get roasted yeah I would he's volunteering to get Rose really but we all got to do it that'd be really fun you got to wear that shirt though we all do looks like us he looks like a stormtrooper from the future that looks like a pair of pants made into a shirt like a Charlemagne Charlemagne what are you wearing about podcast brain it is he looks good a lot of guys don't have the guts to wear their sweatshirt from fifth grade [Laughter] she looked good lay off the bagels babe good he's dressed like a child at a child molester in the same outfits like Nike made prison clothes with the spice you see how the Breakfast Club good morning [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 1,326,488
Rating: 4.7327275 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jeff ross
Id: J-fJuPcy6Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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