Koenigsegg Trevita CCXR - Jay Leno's Garage

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That video is at least a couple of years old... search YouTube and you will find older copies...

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/troop_se 📅︎︎ May 18 2015 🗫︎ replies

Huh that's weird. It was posted yesterday but the footage looks a little older/the car is def not current. Cool video nonetheless.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/snootymctooty 📅︎︎ May 18 2015 🗫︎ replies

Anyone notice the little mirror built into the bottom of the door so when it tilts up you can see traffic coming from behind? Nice touch. Last few seconds.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/keepaustinwired 📅︎︎ May 18 2015 🗫︎ replies

There's a cool sound at 3:24 when Jay strokes it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SarcasticRidley 📅︎︎ May 18 2015 🗫︎ replies

In the video Christian says he is 37 and he's now 43. This video is old! Still an awesome car.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/soundawake 📅︎︎ May 18 2015 🗫︎ replies

What is the grey car behind there? It sort of looks like a Cadillac Cien.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/munky9002 📅︎︎ May 18 2015 🗫︎ replies

What is that silver mid-engined cadillac in the back? The Cien?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

Wish Jay would shut up and let the guests speak. Less, " hell of a job", more "optimised".

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Conpat13 📅︎︎ May 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

Man... This car was the shit in Midtown Madness. It was the hardest car to obtain :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MinnesotaFTW 📅︎︎ May 19 2015 🗫︎ replies
welcome to another episode of with Jay Leno's Garage you know there are some cars that are so exotic and so rare I never thought I would ever get them in the garage and this is one of them this is the Koenigsegg this is that legendary automobile that you've read about you've heard about you know everybody thinks they can build the supercar first everybody wants to then everybody thinks they can and some people come close but very few actually do it and Christian Koenigsegg has managed to do it amidst all the skeptics in Sweden yeah car from Sweden doesn't that three cylinder with the two-stroke engine yeah yeah well let's meet Kristian Kristian come on in here how you doing good hey it's an honor to meet you I've read about your exploits and all the European magazines and all the American magazines and it's it's great to see this car finally here in America it is a beautiful hand-built automobile you know people always say what's the need for cars like this well cars like this raise the standard of all other cars there's a level of build quality and technical superiority that just makes you know it's like the you know the water raises all boats that kind of thing and it's just something to aspire to this is just a beautiful beautiful automobile tell us a little bit about the history of the company now you were quite young when you started a crash you're quite young that holding out 37 he's 37 years old all right thank you what was I doing ice 37 yeah I was 22 when I started okay but actually I was more like 5 years old I guess when I had my dream to build my own car I saw this Norwegian stop-motion Field called the pinch cliff Grand Prix yeah about a bicycle repairman who built his own race car and a mountain top in Norway and raced kind of a LeMond race and I remember walking out of the theater thinking that's what I want to do when I go up and and the fact you've been able to do it is pretty amazing I remember when he first came on the scene there was a lot of I mean the sceptics of what really really must annoy you and and drive you crazy well I kind of expected it yeah course it is a crazy idea so what I want to do it anyway well you know and the thing is you know there are so many charlatans out there there's so many people that I'll take an inch from this and I'll take a transmission from that and I'll build a super they have no idea and you're an engineer by trade correct yeah well I've learned to become one right right okay okay so tell us about the car it's a fully hand-built of course fully carbon fiber carbon fiber monocoque mid-engine what was one of the ideas we had originally which we kept for all our karma which is this detachable hardtop right it kind of looks like it wouldn't even fit in the front but it actually does they took a lot of engineering to get that in there and we actually have the largest luggage space of any supercar so it's kind of practical and and you get two cars in one it's really a true coupe you know I get any any sign of that you can take the roof off but when it's off it's a true kind of the speedster look with two speeds two humps it's very low drag on the car it started out very minimalistic supercar and over the years of course we added features added aerodynamic features and so on and this is one of the latest iterations that the trivita it's only three made three trivita means three White's in Swedish so we have this proprietary white carbon fiber weave this is just beautiful look at this done I've never seen this before so you're only billing three of these of this particular white hair carbon so the club meetings you don't need a whole lot of room you know so if everybody gets if all the owners get together right you can pretty much do it in a hotel room more or less yeah yeah but that's what I mean this is like I don't know what the equivalent be owning the Hope Diamond I don't know I don't know what it would would it would be but it you know it's an automotive artifact you know I always keep reading that there are no great cars built after 1974 all the good stuff is in the 60s and the 50s but you know that's not really true this is a car that will be prized years and years and years in the future you know so many cars now it's so hard to meet the regulations and everything has to be standardized and it's a real testament to your ability and your tenacity just just to get it built show people how the door open this is fascinating it's a double synchro helix actuation doors okay give me that double synchro helix actuation actuation doors there you go right there good day mr. Bandhu yeah so it's actually a practical feature because the door is very wide because the carbon monocoque is wide yeah and we wanted to have a narrow cockpit area to reduce frontal area for the drag so if we would have opened this store normally like we did on our first prototype it would have moved out to here somewhere and you would still have a worse ingress than now now it's completely open yeah and that's beautifully done and and I must say you know I'm someone who I take a great deal of pride when I see an American manufacturer build something in America so I imagine in sweet you must be a national hero I mean kids must look up to you because I think of the Saab Sonett and a few other sporty cars but for those auto enthusiasts in Sweden and I know you're modest guy but I mean that they must there must be a great sense of pride that this car is built in they're homeless I think we're getting there yeah yeah oh I think you're there I think you're there and I like how you keep saying it's practical is that so the guy can explain to the wife honey it has more luggage space than any supercar and look I can get in how do you know you have to do that but yeah beautifully goofy done just the level of finish and the level of detail here this is how you open me yeah yes pop that NATO career and tell us about the engine yeah so it's it's custom-built aluminum v8 dry sump lubrication right double overhead camshaft in this iteration it's 4.8 liter with twin supercharger complete with exos manifold and superchargers it weighs 198 kilos whatever that equates to impound yeah sure okay but it's a light engine considering in this case it runs on biofuel and has a thousand 18 horsepower okay and what we're very proud of is that it's completely hand-built especially for this car but a bespoke block that we cast in England a machine in Sweden a thousand 18 horsepower now the Bugatti Veyron is also a thousand horsepower quite have been heavier correct oh yes almost twice as much I would think so twice a size and twice okay so let's do the math there okay doesn't take a genius power-to-weight ratio this is a thousand horsepower the Bugatti we're on at least up to this point was the fastest car in the world but almost twice the weight with the same horsepower so I think and it's a natori will dry it is really yeah I'm not a big I mean I like four-wheel drive but I have to admit I'd like being able to sort of slide it out a little bit tell us about the transmission yes so in this case it's a transversal semi-automatic paddle shift gearbox with super synchronization 30 millisecond shift time okay it's developed by us in conjunction with ex track specialists in racing gearboxes originally again lightweight can take 1100 Newton metres of torque very fast that we were considering dual clutch but with this super syncro system we get much less weight and similar shifting right right so again a more minimalistic approach and incredible bracing here for strength look at all of this here the way this comes and this all obviously unbolts to take the engine out if you yeah these are cooling ducts here obviously for the brakes yeah what are the brakes and the ceramic brakes AP racing calipers bespoke for the car mm-hmm 400 millimeter discs in the front 38 millimeters wide 380 in the rear 34 millimeters wide racing abs Bosch system so very very very good brakes of course ok so you've got an ABS system yes we got dual airbags ABS traction control hydraulic lifting system and the car is legal here in America it is ok the fact you actually had the crash test one of these in we have to do 18 crash tests fortunately we didn't have to crash 18 cars right right right and again it's just you know it's this level of detail for those of us that are not craftsmen but enjoy craftsmanship it's just beautifully beautifully done I mean every little nut every little bolt you know this is the kind of car even you're not driving you can just go in your garage and sit down have a glass of wine just sort of look at the car and look your eye falls through all the beautiful little details here how nicely everything is everything is put together yet its accessible you know so many modern cars you open the hood and there's this big sheets of plastic and you just you you can't see the internals of I mean to me this is like opening the back of a beautiful handmade watch you can see all the gears all the pieces you see how everything is is put together nicely done here how many speeds did you say was now this is 6b 6b the rules to have a 7-speed coming out in what a 7-speed as well okay I might want to wait for the 7-speed but six beaters I can live with the 6b let's move around to the front of the car as well let's take a look at that massive luggage yeah I will open it up for you honey if we go on a trip this would be the honey we could this would be the perfect car for a trip because it has the biggest luggage compartment of any supercar it's hundred and twenty liters so it's like basically like a Porsche 911 but you can actually fit golf clubs yeah which is kind of unusual because we have this shape this is the shape of the roof you know everybody fits golf clubs most supercar guys I know would they drive their cars and play golf and do plays oh no I don't know I don't know any supercar guys I'm sure they're out there they play golf and the roof it's right in here and slide seem like a bread in a toaster based right here so we have to actually engineer the whole front of the car to fit the roof then here we have a little kind of toolkit you have talked about sure this is the roof lock this is kind of a good tool if you have a problem instead of stupid screwdriver that never fits to anything right right right and what we have here is that's power steering fluid now it's saying here we have just white wiper fluid again I like that everything is kind of hand explain what this is here yeah you fill up the coolant for the engine okay and as it is a aluminium and titanium Greiner you can't see the inside okay so this is the minimum cold level at this side say now isn't it warm so it's gone up a bit okay so you can check your fluid level from outside I've never seen that in any other car that's not you know whenever I take my cars out I always open the radii always just check my fluid level so it's nice that you were able to do that we have an interesting feature on the dry sump oil tank which is also kind of usually difficult to check the level so we flip up the bonnet yeah and then you normal dipstick for they dry some very good so we have a patent pending on this instrument cluster we call it a chrono dial it's like a watch basically have the RPM on the outer scale and you have speed and boost pressure how many pounds of boost it's about 22 pounds of boost Wow okay very good very good and what do you use for engine oil if you just run a mobile one or use Valvoline not sure about the exact specific 2050 run a synthetic synthetic and we have this kind of infotainment system it tells the real bone at this open right tells the door is open iPod the USB connection sat-nav yes you know that's a woman's meters so many supercars kind of get let down a little bit on the Interior Department because they're they're so expensive to do in terms of the engineering that they kind of cut corners not this car this is the key to the car oh I see and it fits in the it has a special pocket there and what is this what is this symbolism on it's my family crest oh okay it's kind of like the sword in the stone you know where the guy puts the thing in good oh this is a main battery switch okay I better just connect on and off very nice okay you know so many modern cars with the computers you can't really put a battery disconnect switch on because that's true everything gets all screwed we have a memory keep alive a battery for the company nice very nice have you got a website that people can go to yeah we can excite calm okay they have to spell it because you know no one in America is gonna know its k OE m i g s e GG calm well it's probably time to go for a ride so here you see the Koenigsegg crest here right that's a safety button okay that's ignition that's doctor they don't work unless you press that first and hold it in simultaneously as you press it press if you like this and then to start like that [Music] I love the way the door closes what see the cool thing about this I never got a chance to bean Enzo Ferrari or wo Bentley but to meet the guy whose name is on the car and it's so fascinating to me and they speak England stop the car you know why more people don't do this to me I've got a Carrera GT I love the car but I can't drive it anywhere because they keep ripping ripping the front end off I mean I love this lift system and the fact that this car is so light equal all these things on it as well as a testament to it [Music] [Music] nice thing is it's a road car you can drive like a race car as opposed the other way around so many race cars you're on the road and bang every bump it just on and you can feel it through your back or your tailbone this thing rides very very nicely really comes on like four and a half five six hour and the revelry with the seven a half and you can see how the drivers look at it go what is that this is one of those cards you just don't see you know that's what makes it cool I mean I I've read about it you know I get all the European magazines and I'd always see it these exotic locations so it's great to have one here in Southern California this is kind of the car capital United States if you can't beat a girl on this car I'm sorry you can't be any girls I'm sorry it's not going to happen [Music] I'm in second year right now let's see in the warming up nicely his problem is everybody's driving slower than him nice size steering wheel for valve per cylinder yeah twin cam yes 4.8 liter displacement twin supercharged with a patented supercharged technology with the response system so you don't have any delay or lag it's like a normally aspirated to them you hardly hear the supercharger you know and I don't know again the nice thing is you can drive it like a normal car oil temperature water temperature nothing goes crazy obviously this is a customer's car so you don't want to be data too hard but even just getting on the throttle just rolling an army incredible part be proud of a fall just imagine same powers and we've got a with about half the weight that's all you got to know I mean I liked it too the fact that we're sitting in traffic here in Los Angeles on a hot day and your temperature gauges are dead straight nothing moves when people bring cars than our limited production don't worry about we're gonna fix that later oh and once we get it rolling we what's wrong yo the brake won't be that hard or the steering will be different on this shifter this is a finished complete automobile this is exactly as it would be if you got enough to show on floor I know how hard it is to do anything in limited production you know we make all our own stuff at this job you've seen in our sea and sea and on our milk so we know to make one little piece it's ours and redesign and ours and you have to do a whole automobile like this it's a real of credit to you they've got so much more power there that you can use on the street and it you know you just touch the throttle you feel it leap so it's a pretty amazing automobile wide you saw from my little test drive we we can't beat on this car the way we can so mister cut this belongs to somebody else he was kind enough to let us borrow it they're only three of these cars in existence tour sold there's only one left so if you want that one you have to give you a call but it's wonderful to see this kind of handmade craftsmanship in this day and age because there's so many government things and rules and regulations it's just you pull your hair out well you pull your hair out trying to get them done as you can see but Christian it's an honor and a pleasure to have you come by please come back again and I know our friend Justin Bell was coming over to Sweden and he was going to do a high-speed test drive in the car when that comes up we'll get you footage on that but keep your eye on Koenigsegg it's really one of the most exciting automobiles out there and it's a real car it isn't one of these please don't confuse it with all these people doing repla cars and all this kind of nonsense this is a real automobile engineered from the ground up my favorite part this little hinge right here I just love there's so many little details on this car to to enjoy so Christian thank you very very much and please go back and see us again q thank you thanks a lot yeah see you next week [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,055,821
Rating: 4.9273582 out of 5
Keywords: Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, Koenigsegg Trevita CCXR, Bugatti Veyron, three white, Trevita
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2015
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