Monterey Car Week 2015: The Lawns - Jay Leno's Garage

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oh well here on the lawn of course the beautiful backdrop of my favorite classic cars the duesenbergs i'm here with mr duisenberg randy ema the premier duesenberger store in the united states and this car has a little bit of history with me not actually with me but tell the story this car was jay has a duesenberg murphy convertible coupe this car was his car was traded in and the man bought this in place of it so this was the next design the latest in design and duesenberg right i i kind of like the earlier car car better but this is okay this disappears tops and this cranks down so you wouldn't have to work so hard to put the top down jake all right that's okay that's worth training yeah okay very good then of course most people don't realize all duesenbergs were built in 29 weren't there right and it took 10 years to sell them some really is no 1936 duesenberg it's just a car they've updated right right yeah this chassis actually the body was built in 34 right it was sold in 35 right in in chicago and in those days they wanted a verse to take a car in trade taking the body off and selling it it's a brand new car yeah yeah that never happened yeah yeah that never happened yeah but of course it's still i think the greatest american car nothing to compare it to yeah it's just how many goosenburgs do we have here today i think there's six i think so okay yeah three of the original the only they built three of these walker le grand convertible all three are here right oh okay very good well get a look at some of these duesenbergs they're really really beautiful here's one of the most fascinating cars here at pebble this is mr beretta uh you might know him from beretta the gun fame that the company's about 500 years old yes sir and like all italian man he has a beautiful woman by his side yeah very much yeah sure it's about to be at this part of being italian you have to be italian italian i am italian yes very good now tell me about this car this is the obvious porsche spider 54 55 55 55 but this is the part that everyone is fascinated this is the special because it's a normal 550 porsche right the car but the interesting thing is the fly yeah it was made by an engineer very young engineer in 56 he thought that it was important because it is put down for it is that but this is the very first car to use a wing in competition exactly first one in the story of the car this is the first flight that we have yeah and after now all the sport car and racing car have a different flight different story but this one is a very original for this is the reason but when is do this is race in this win many of the competition nurbury and all the story for this it was very effective yeah and it was so effective the other racers tried to get it banned correct exactly and you can you can move a lever to exactly you can use like this yeah i mean it's really amazing because we always think of chaparral or some of those as being the first bravo yeah but this is after and many authors yeah how long have you had this car 10 years 10 years very nice well it's a beautiful car and yeah now it was completely refitted and it's a very good car we make many races and good in the rain too keep oh yes keep the rain off your head too you're right also for the sun you know but it must have been funny when it came out in 55 and people went you ruined a beautiful car you put what is that you know but it was so effective the other racers tried to put an end to it but i think that this engineer it was already very clever also because after that his work of a porsche for ferrari you know because it was very consistent wasn't an italian engineer no but he probably got the idea from an italian huh we don't know well it's a beautiful car thank you so much for bringing it thank you yeah it's a real piece of history i think look at all the crowd that's around this car it's probably one of the most fascinating cars because every time you come here i think i know so much and then i go i never heard of this car so thank you so much for bringing it sir thank you thank you thank you thank you so much thank you well if you follow my website you know i'm restoring my uh cunningham c3 i didn't have it finishing time for publish here and the cunningham is one of the marks uh but a lot of owners did this is a jim taylor jim how you doing from upstate new york this is his car he's owned it for what 15 years or something since 2003 2003 okay tell us about your car 54 54 42 but it was number 5213 before that i went back to the factory yeah and they renumbered it for some reason but i mean it's a 1954 oh no it's 53. oh 53. okay 54 written on there oh that's wrong i believe well these are these diesel cars built by briggs cunningham he built how many cars i believe 15 of these and five of the convertibles yeah and they all exist as far as i know which is really the cool thing and they're they're all in some state of restoration uh crisis 331 hemi can we open the hood sure sure mine has the two four barrels and of course you can see cunningham made his own manifolds look at that cunningham west palm beach florida it's just so funny to see yeah not detroit michigan right you know west palm beach florida and the car is still one of the prettiest valve covers ever made the chrysler firepower yeah uh six volt of course yeah and the weight distribution is a little heavy in the front with these in it absolutely what were these about fifteen thousand dollars now i think in that neighborhood right yeah we actually showed an alert over at quail the other day and it's got the same power plant in it yeah same year same power plant wow okay very nice and you got the right tires and i mean this is just like it's 1953 again in it yeah two-speed automatic transmission yes that's correct yeah that's really the only downfall in these cars it just goes right yep automatic transmission with a clutch yeah yeah we have the clutch for first gear right and then you just right so i'm going to switch to a premix 5-speed in mine that's what i'm doing too as i show it as soon as the show is over you get the camera advisory well beautiful car and these always have just a classic dashboard one of the most beautiful dashboards take a look this is what it looks like when it's finished and of course people might recognize the radio i believe that's a ford radio from the uh i think it is from the 50s yeah yeah i think of this six volt am radio yep am radio as god intended of course you can't hear it with the engine running no but that's a minor point how long ago did you do the restoration on this car well we found it in a barn cellar in virginia's vermont in 2003 we've had it through four restorers wow and it just got done well it looks great well jim thanks for taking the time to show it to us thanks for stopping by today that's kind of exciting the first time the the shelby gt350 mustang has been on the lawn here at pebble beach it's the 50th anniversary of the mustang yes i was one of those kids on april 17th with my nose against the glass waiting for my hot dog and my my soda and my free doughnut and going to see the mustang at the dealership so it was like a huge deal and you own the very first arm model is that correct yes i do this is john spock am i saying that correctly yes i'm trying okay how long have you had the car i bought it five six years ago oh okay okay did you have shelby before that is this your first one i have about a dozen of them about a dozen of them something like that i mean how far back do you go in the club um you know i wanted one since i was about this big that took me a long time before i could afford one okay very cool but you know i remember when they i remember i passed on one for 600 back in like 72 73 because they didn't have the 600 i'll give you 450. guy wants crazy money six hundred dollars that's what they but they weren't worth anything then it was it's fascinating to watch something that was really cool then go down to zero and then come come back up again how many cars has the club got here i think there's eight on the lawn today okay all right now tell us about now for people don't know there was the 350 which was the road car uh which is really a racing car they built what 562 of those yeah and then they built 37 r model including in the 562. yes oh okay and the and the our model was the out and out track version correct yes it was okay because even the road car had no mufflers yeah had the side pipes tell us what's more extreme about your our model here the motor's certainly a lot hotter right now the normal horsepower was 306 correct yes okay what is this one really that's about 370. 370 okay different intake different carburetor yeah and of course working hood scoop yep let's see well i guess the original car they had a working good scoop but not didn't have a platinum on it though yeah didn't have a formula air cleaner right but still 289 cubic inch correct yes had an oil cooler which the r models had oil coolers yes regular model did not have the oil cooler okay uh what else well this being the prototype car it actually has quite a number of features that were different than all the regular arm models even in fact the oil cooler on this car is different than the others the cooler lines are different than regular ones right had a cobra alternator called alternator brackets but most of this motor is cobra motor versus mustang motor he didn't have a mustang race engine when they built this car did they big bigger sump than the regular gt350 yeah this is a hand fabricated something that is made from scratch for this car so an extra quarter of oil or something like that okay right now of course the fiberglass hood uh everything else is pretty uh yeah and the mag has magnesium wheels okay now again this stock car did not have the magnesium wheel correct they came with steel wheels or trigger upgrades but these had magnesium racing wheels i mean it's so nice to see it back to its original form because these were race cars they just got hot rodded and cut up and put a 302 in or whatever else they could do was this pretty original when you got it did you have to go back we had to spend a lot of time and energy on this car yeah it uh this this car was raced by shelby as their team car for the first half the 65 season and they use it as their their engineering and developmental car right and that's where they tested all the different components on before they installed them on the regular r models or became production our models and the fun thing is there's still a lot of guys alive that worked on in this car that worked at the factory yeah i mean they're in their 70s 80s 90s now yeah but that that's really the cool part you know it is and that's actually been my favorite part of this whole project yeah you know this car had been in mexico for 20 years oh is that right it was it was in gray primer and rust when it came out of mexico yeah and we took it from that to what you're seeing here now when it was in mexico did they know what it was was it owned by an enthusiast it was purchased by a gentleman who took it racing he bought it in 1969 took it to mexico to race okay so that was just an old it was just an old worn out race car okay yeah yeah and uh it was used up and done and he painted it in a gray primer and put it in a lean too in the desert and left it there wow so well let's show some of the difference on the interior between this and the normal car obviously uh the the bucket seats are way different there are plastic doors and plastic windows rather yeah which were unique to this particular car it's the only car that got them and that is a true racing seat isn't it it is and this race seat was unique to this car also the regular r models had a slightly different version right aluminum case four speed the whole deal yes absolutely you know when i got mine i just swapped it for five speed i didn't even realize the case was it was 30 years ago and i was like uh yeah you can have a little transmission which is like 25 grand it's probably more fun with an extra gear though well it is more fun and that's what i do that's why i got it and my i always thought it was the sexiest shifter with that lockout absolutely lockout yeah and of course the wood grained uh the simulated wood grain this one actually is a wood grain it didn't have a wood grain the other ones didn't but this one did and as you can see there's no sound deadening material no nothing nothing and i still have my original spare which i'm really quite proud of that's fantastic wasn't it a blue uh blue dot blue dot right yeah street cars had blue dots the race cars had uh had a sports car special instead as you can see these panels are all uh there's no the windows don't come down no they don't move at all wow i'm surprised that the race car would have it on the driver's side as well a window doesn't come down you'd think they'd want they figured that out yeah this car had this configuration for about two months right and then they changed it and took these windows out and they developed windows that you could pull up and down after yeah it must have been so hot it was the first time this car raced it was february yeah and it was freezing cold in dallas when they first raced the car and you we have pictures of the race everybody standing there with their park is shivering right and so when miles was driving the car that first day he probably was happy it was a little warmer yeah yeah but uh i've driven the car a bit and it's really hot on a normal day inside the car with the windows closed now another thing i noticed is you notice it's got the plastic window here but it's also dropped to allow the air to come through it's also a unique window that only this car got now was this could this be a street car if you wanted it can be yes it could be a little loud yeah but well is it any louder than a standard uh yes well a lot louder because the engine's more powerful but there's still no muffler of any kind no mufflers but it's a lot louder but if you showed up at the dmv i don't know if it's just a 65 mustang in that minute yeah yeah me too if i'm going there yeah so this is car number o2 yes 5r002 which begs the question is there an one or was it there is o1 was actually the second r model that was built okay the first shelby mustang that was built was serial number three right they mixed up the vin numbers between number one and number three the first car was a street car the second car was this race car well it's a great uh it's a great piece of history and it's just it's like my history because it's i was a kid when this car was born and i'm an old guy and the car's an old guy but it's still it looks a lot better than i do looks a lot better than i do too yeah it's really much really fantastic hey thanks for showing it to us thank you very much for your interest thank you appreciate it once again we're at mclaren we're talking with mike fluid ceo of mclaren this is one of my favorite car companies because there's we watch so many car companies go out of business pontiac holds it whatever it might be to see new car companies come in and be successful you guys have gone from zero to successful in four years which is pretty amazing i mean four years june june 2011 we sold our first car so just over four years and uh three of them they're eight so that's pretty good yeah but it helps now i every year you come out with a new model that seems to be about every 18 months whatever it might be and this this is the latest tell us what we have here well we committed to a new model a new variant every single year getting new product in front of the customers is absolutely critical 570s we launched it in new york this is if you like the most attainable this is the entry level this is our entry level card still expensive car by most people standards but it's the most attainable of the mclarens so the us this comes in at about 180 000 right right um the car is meant to be more usable it's it's going into a different competitive class than the 650s or the 675 lt so you've got easier access in and out of the car feels a little bit lighter it's got better packaging in the car it's all around more useful people will use this car every day and we're looking at what 570 horse 517 ps so that's about 560 to 560. right okay and 3.8 yep 3.8 twin turbo okay it's a variation of the engine that we had in the 650s well i think that's very smart to have a range of cars across the top of the range is the p1 yeah which is the most incredible of course a lot of carbon fiber what else is different on it well this is this is a an mso spect car okay so the color is unique so what color we've done for the show right and some of the carbon is is unique particularly like the engine cover for mso what's different about the car is really can we open it up for things like that the way we've changed the whole uh design of the door the door opens further forward the engines are easier we've scalloped out the sill here to make entry and egress easier for the customer a little bit more width a little bit more length in the car you know even down to things like pockets in the door cupholders under the console right so whilst this is still a 203 mile an hour sports car still a twin turbo v8 mid-engine car it is a more usable car and those sort of things really really make a difference to people so i think we'll broaden the mclaren ownership a little bit it's great very very nice i mean as a p1 look from the rear it it's definitely part of the same family as p1 really i think the rear is probably one of the best views of the car yeah but things like this doesn't have active aero it is a slightly simpler car than the other cars right so you've got you've got the aero built into the body but it's all fixed and this will this would be available when first car is coming to the us in october okay so it goes into production in september it's available globally from that point and then it's just shipping time so october we should be getting cars to customers and we aim to sell next year around about 2000 of these costs wow globally so uh maybe five or six hundred in the us were you surprised by the success of the p1 i mean it started rather slowly yeah then once word spread boom it literally jumped overnight didn't it it did it was it was a very unusual you don't know i mean you know how many times when asked whether 375 was the right number right um and you don't know was the price the right price right you know we were just talking about the two cars sold at auction yeah we haven't finished production yet well they're 50 percent up in in price i know a number of journalists are calling the p1 the first car that will never go down in value and that's quite an honor that's defenders that's a fabulous thing for us yeah but yes we look when we first announced the car which was paris september 12th right from there through to about about pebble beach 13 yeah i think we took about 80 orders it was sort of slow as people yes i'm interested but a few things happened in the summer time of 2013. you drove the car oh i was very impressed car went up the hill at pebble at uh goodwood right we did it we did a reveal in here and then by the september we'd sold out so it was as if people suddenly maybe our communication i think there are so many phony supercars being built there's so many people who want to be in the supercar business and they use the corvette engine and the ferrari i mean the porsche transaxle and we're building the supercar to people who are not real car people it takes a while them to figure out okay who's really real in this segment you know i think that's what happened to the f1 the first time the vector came out another other bunch of cars came out and here's one that cost twice as much as those and most of those weren't very good so i think they got hurt of course there was a recession too but it's nice to see that uh once people catch on to what mclaren is all about i think that's a big part of it jay i mean we we can't underestimate we're we have only been selling cars for four years there's a lot of people still finding out what we're about right the 12c was a great car i think people admired it technically when it came out people some people look for a little more emotion p1 i think i love minecraft i know you do the mine has the swipe and they change that quickly a little thing where you swipe your hand under the door and it opens so yeah that will be the little flaw that makes the car collectible be the one that people want that's why i want the early car yeah but but i joined the company i felt like i was fondling the car i had to get it done but i like the fond du lac so that's fine with me but i love my 12c i've got i've had it uh i've got about seven eight thousand miles on it now and it's uh i use it in my everyday car it's terrific it's beautiful to drive well congratulations we have over here we've got 650f spider right that's really our our main car at the moment and it's just stunning the car again very very usable now that's the car just below the p1 correct yeah okay and for all intents and purposes and real road use it's almost as fast as a p1 it is i mean you have this strange thing don't you you go up a lot in price what is maybe a small increment in some way right right but p1 has got a lot more technology in it as you are with the hybrid system so p1 for us i think communicated the brands amazingly to people what we were capable from a technical point of view yeah yeah but if you get a chance to drive a mclaren you really should i mean i find it a very emotional car the sounding the feel of it you know i i i find the styling timeless a lot of supercars look how old are you to me you know like hey how old are you i mean even my 12c which is first generation like the f1 it has a timeless look to it it won't look old and if you it'll look contemporary i mean think about the f1 today it would still be a good-looking car so congratulations on four years of uh being successful most car companies are seven eight nine ten years and it's really good it's important for us to be a sustainable business for us to keep bringing out new products we need to get the business side right as well as the technical sector and you get one as a company car not for free but i have bought one i bought a 650 this year my wife and i wow use it a lot even he's got to buy one mike thank you so much jay pleasure to see you guys thank you very much indeed thank you once again on the uh concept lawn i guess you call it pebble beach it's all concept cars out here this is christopher chapman he's the head designer chief designer for hyundai and i must say this you know i have to stop doing hyundai jokes now you know for years we did them all and you know i'm sorry that's the job but you guys have really stepped up the game and done some amazing work and this is your latest concept car yeah i mean this is truly a full-sized car in the american vein a full-size car isn't it yes sir yeah yeah we were here in 2008 with our first genesis and right we just have a new production car on the road and then we wanted to do a new expression of our prestigious uh premium line the flagship car so she's about five meter one long yeah absolutely and i must say that's a beautiful paint i don't know what kind of paint that is yeah yeah it looks different it's a silver that i've never seen before yeah i mean it almost looks liquid it's nicely done let's go so tell us what we've got 21-inch wheels 22's a 20 actually yeah yeah we got about a 3 000 or three little over three meter wheelbase so yeah now when i first approached this car i thought oh it's a four-door there's a door hidden here this is for the front door yeah so how do i you did it good day mr bond yes that's right wow that's the virtual valet wow yeah is that something that would make production well we'd like the idea of this sort of when you when you go shopping these days they sort of come around the corner and hand you the the thing right and they say you have a nice day so we wanted a little bit more personal sort of interaction remember remember chrysler from the 60s have the swivel seat yes sir you can't do that anymore seats have to be fixed yeah and i must say it certainly makes egress easy nice so well beautiful dashboard nice nice use of wood really horizontal layout wide we want to we want an interior that really doesn't shout too much in terms of look at me look at me but rather facilitates kind of a look to the eye and i like the look of wood and what is this a panel here yeah that would be the kind of a mock-up area here but we have this sort of bronze inlay into the wood and we're kind of mixing metals a little bit these days to kind of bring a bit of a warm touch you know i know so so many automakers using wood again just to bring that like you say that warmth to the car does it shut again when i press the button if you just tap it right there one time quickly right there i must say i like this clean look right here yeah it's really different no one's done that and you know this is why i'm not a designer i would never think of that i just think to put the door handle right here and that would be that usually yeah yeah these kinds of things happy accidents it kind of elongates the car a little bit for us as well and i love this arch thank you yeah yeah typically designers usually come up to the top of the a-pillar and then they kind of slope all the way back we wanted a little bit of room a little bit of structure to the c-pillar there i mean it looks like it's symmetrical it's probably we've got our five liter towel it's about a 420 horsepower 380 foot uh foot pounds of torque so yeah it sort of fits the car nicely it's a now hyundai does not make anything this big currently correct no they they they they currently make a a luxurious chairman's limousine i know that in korea yeah i've heard of that mostly known yeah but this is a car that truly looks like an american car yeah it looks like it's designed in america to be an american style car it's been a global effort but yeah we did the heavy lifting in california and and we really wanted a simple statement actually we want to let the sheet metal sort of breathe and and not too many bone lines and light catchers everywhere but just let the musculature leaving on here that couldn't be production right no i don't think so i think it would work out quite nicely we have a nice shoulder it looks like a nice car to wash you know when you wash your car your hands kind of run over there yeah you know and i i like the way i love this crease down here yeah that's nicely done yeah people have no idea how hard this is to do try designing a car and i guarantee it'll look awful you have to have you know i mean just to think to put this crease in here instead of some big slab it really breaks it up nicely yeah the sculptors are really the guys behind behind the magic really so i really really enjoy the relationship that we have with those guys because they're the ones that interpret what we draw on paper that seems unbuildable these days is this a driving concept now it is okay okay now what's the trick to get some of the big execs to drive it around and see the reaction well yeah exactly that's usually that's usually the show-and-tell yeah i mean certainly hyundai is a place in the market now where they can compete with a car like this well you know we've been on we've been on the map since 2008 here here at pebble and and i think back then it was like whether you think you're crazy you know that you could you could be here but yeah i think we've modestly sort of grown and evolved and we're really happy to be here you know uh and showing this car well it's a nice job and beautiful and wood yeah i've not seen wood and a headrest walnut yeah it's dark walnut nicely done yeah very very cool and we have this sort of mesh up front in the grill that's sort of an abstraction yeah so we've taken kind of uh an abstraction of our badge here right and kind of repeated it in the these wing shapes here and it's sort of this chain male like night uh armor sort of uh abstraction there and we have a bit of copper in here yeah this bronzing effect is happening elsewhere on the exterior as well we've got a bit of nice warmth touch to the air curtain on the side of the car and the power bulge works too yeah nicely done chris congratulations thank you so much nice piece of work yeah thank you so much for working appreciate it i gotta check out these hyundai's uh maybe i'm missing something here the man of the jaunty camp you know ed walburn from general motors and one of my favorite designers i want to know when that cadillac is coming out but that's another whole deal that was a very cool i'd have to say which one well the uh because yes el mirage yeah yeah that's the one we we saw a couple of years ago i love that right here pebble beach yeah yeah now what is this is it this looks like a production car is the buick oven here it really is kind of a statement of design for buick right and to be honest we look at this and actually we've got a couple other cars we're looking at for production for buick that buick studio is on fire yeah love the work they're doing buick is is the name plane isn't it especially uh in china and around the world buick is big here but it's really huge yeah around the world yeah we we sell at least three times as many buicks in china as we do here as well as the brand is doing here is doing even better there now i i read it's because what the one of the chinese leaders his grandfather had a buick or something is that a rumor that emperor used to ride in a buick okay and everyone close to them all drove buicks so that that's part of it the other thing just the whole design language of a buick yeah just kind of connects with people in china in a big way wow okay so let's let's stand back and get a look at the car here and see what we got so you know everything it's a very sculptural design from the very bold front end and the very technical lamps it has to the sweep spear you know which is very much a part of many great buicks just a very sculptural statement you know i like is that you guys show up with a four door you show up with a real car i mean everybody brings two doors and you know with low windshields and whatnot because that's the cool thing but this is actually what real people drive in the real world and it's still got a lot of style a lot of grace to it but it's the car that we believe in that's why we did this four-door with the great interiors face and even the slouch seats in the rear seat it's just it's i feel good are those the biggest wheels ever put on a buick twenty ones uh two to date yeah i think so they are the largest now for a car like we would do 21s make production because 19s might give you a softer ride because you've got more rubber yeah but it is 21 so i would say for a car like this probably 20s yeah you know we always you know it's almost like theater makeup you gotta you know enhance it a bit with larger ones for uh again this is my favorite part right here yeah and then you get around to the rear and and all comes to and the rear is really attractive but this i really like yeah i like that tail light very well you know there are elements of this design that you will see in every buick going forward yeah i mean the shape of the lamp the whole form vocabulary the interior design theme comes right out of a production buick that we're developing right now and of course my favorite buick thing ventiports yeah let's go back to if you look at my 55 buick it's got the four holes and that that's one of those buick statements that yeah that uh that works and there's another one in fact we had a photograph of your buick on the wall in the studio as we developed the front end the bar oh yeah yeah look at that look at that it came from that car and uh it's really becoming part of the theme for all future beauty this could be the great grandchild of my buick wow there's a story there that's the story there well can we see the interior yeah oh boy that's a beautiful interior very flowing interior this was really the collaboration between our buick studio in detroit right and our advanced studio in australia and uh i was like four separate seats i always thought that was really cool it's just there's something i don't know kind of kind of special about having just four nights yeah and always four bucket seats yeah because yeah because back in the 50s the rear seat was always an afterthought you know yeah or it's a place where all the kids you don't thought of kids yeah yeah yeah but this is for four adults yeah yeah well ed congratulations thank you jake looking good looking good yeah and i like the hat that has i like you know i like the little crease at the top and then it works that's why you uh that's that little bit keep the hat on that's right that's always got that little extra thing that makes the hat a little cooler just that little bend at the front it goes from being a goofy hat to a really cool hat so it works no i like the hat it looks good good job good seeing you thanks for showing us the car this is my favorite concept car because this is a car i've wanted bentley to build for a long time this is hang up lee you're the exterior designer for bentley exactly and to me i i've got some old wo bentleys i love the modern bentley don't really need four wheel drive whereas this is a rear wheel drive car and it's shorter and it's more sports car size but with the bentley luxury correct exactly okay so tell us what's different what's the official model name of this car this car is called exp 10 speed six speed six okay parking back to the old speed six bentley from the day it has the dna of the uh the bentley boys back and forth that's definitely what it is that's right you don't really want the dna of the medley boys but you get the idea yeah we like parties how many how many horsepower uh the powertrain is actually it's not something that we specified simply because it's a concept car still a concept car but you know i love the fact that when i was a kid concept cars look like something from the future that would never be produced glass bubble tops and huge fins and now concept cars look and have to be real world driving automobiles and i love the wheel but how much shorter is the wheelbase than the standard bentley uh there is actually it's about a hundred millimeters shorter than contented gt so as you see the car the car is very compact and real oriented very powerful because of that reason as the exterior designer what is your favorite part of the car the side the front the bed what is your do you have a favorite uh it's a very difficult question i love everything yeah yeah this is what sports car is about when you look at the car if you don't fall in love when you look at it yeah the purpose of the sports car doesn't serve well let's start at the front end of the car the whole thing is that we want to make a very very contemporary statement yet is unmistakably bentley so it has a four round headlamp mesh grille everything but we architecturally uh locate it very differently for example the headlamp when you look at it from the straight view it's a perfect round but there is so much form to it so when you walk around it gives a continuous movement in the footprint of the headlamp so i see i think i like this part best i like how it flows here you see the very strong muscle here but yet treated in very delicate way so i have to say this is very torn nicely stretched muscle you see around and what size wheel am i looking at those are twenty ones twenty ones okay and i like the gap here i like that it's tight i hate when this is a big absolutely it looks bad i mean that is where the atlantic stands proportion comes from for us let's go to the rear of the car and you've got actually quite a bit of trunk space huh yes yes okay and uh the reaction exactly and we custom design all the luggage set and everything together so uh this is the true pure 26 sports car yet it has to be most luxurious sports cars so this is why the all the trims and detail is a very very exciting i like the line of the roof as well yes this here how many uh variations did you go through until you came up with this one oh many many or do you get it right the first time so many yeah this is one of those things so when you're working on the concept car you need to thinking about what is the message to the customer right so in the beginning of digestion we really step far far front as much as possible then start analyzing our design to what makes mentally what makes mentally move forward so we are kind of like a uh a really filter well to make a statement up for us are these functional vents exactly so they'll bring air out okay very nice it's a performance car it has to be functional the shapes around it we inspired by the wing shape a fuselage so you see quite a bit nice job i want to take a look at the interior where's our interior designer thank you so much thank you this is brett vordell you're the interior designer of the car correct well i have to compliment you because to me bentleys have the best interior of any car i know there are cars more expensive and certainly cars cheaper but for the price point that they are i think it's as nice as any car they always have that rich british sort of traditional feel let's take a look at the interior of this one i'm a sucker for the quilted leather the first time i saw it on the back of the ferraris and the lamborghinis in the 60s nicely done yeah this is uh really the whole interior concept was about taking the traditions of what we have best done and moving that forward in a more modern and fresh way right but still keeping hold of all the best aspects of our cars yeah so we've kept the quilting and and but played with some of those ideas especially into the doors well the fancy thing is nobody has done a luxury true sports car sure because everybody gets the car and then they order the lightweight recaro seats and those sound proofing and you wind up with a noisy car sure sure we have a true sports car because it's rear-wheel drive only absolutely it's got the this has the v8 not the v12 correct this would have the v8 so it have that which is a lot of people like better than the v12 lighter comparable power certainly and perfect for this kind of perfect for this kind of car so you know on camera this probably looks like an enormous car but it's actually quite compact considering isn't it absolutely yes it's perfectly sufficient for the two seats yes of course take a seat yeah you can see we've kept the luxury feel yeah we've kept everything that's important so we've got this architecture which is dominated by these two wings which create this kind of cockpit but it's all lightweight so we've taken more modern approach to the surfaces created air that floats all the way through yeah right throughout the whole car uh and here in the door you can see we've kind of taken our traditional materials and done a real twist this is solid block cherry in the doors oh i see so we've kind of taken the quilting from the seats and done a modern twist on how we apply that to our materials i love the proper clock absolutely right you know i remember i used to work for rolls-royce when i was a kid sure and one day rolls-royce came out with a digital clock customers revolted they hated it i mean and to me nothing says quality like you know just like that concentric hands of a clock movie and i remember the old bentley used to have the round ball with these with the slots correct bull's eyes this looks like a copper is that a cut that's correct we have copper that weaves its way all through the details of the car um and so it's an opportunity to try and get a combination of those rich materials and just to show how we take that the copper is a signifier of our hybrid nature i mean this truly is the most beautiful interior that i the most beautiful and tasteful because i see some that just a little too much whereas this is just nicely done beautiful stitching beautiful leather even the standard bentley has an interior that i think is a step above its class it really is impressive and this one uh it's just nice to see a real sports car that uh ow my hair this car is noisy you're not gonna get that in no it's absolutely really terrific we had to keep the integrity of the the bentley interior and of course you have the dihedral type door that opens this way yeah we thought it would be fun for the show car to do yeah do something which kind of gave some some how do we get them to produce this car well the customer demand has been significant we produced this purely as a concept yeah um but it was an opportunity to show the future styling and people have responded in such a way that we're now heavily considering the comment section tell us what you think of this car i think it's the greatest bentley ever built i just i think it's fantastic it's true to the spirit of wo rear wheel drive because he didn't believe in uh you know he would just make a bigger engine and get bigger more reliable power and that's what he's like big fast luxury car with two-wheel drive congratulations thank you very much thank you this is david woodhouse he's the design director for the lincoln motor company and the car behind us is one of his designs now i hesitate to call this a concept car because this probably is going to reach production almost exactly as it sits is that yeah jay this is the show car version but we're bringing this car out next year okay and what will it be called be the continental we'll be the continental 75 years of continental this year so uh really important that we're reaching originally was continental a separate brand or was it always lincoln continental it varies between being in lincoln and out of lincoln as a separate division as you know will this be a separate division or will it be a lincoln continental it's lincoln continental okay very good all right well let's take us around the car here let's see we're nicely done the front end i guess the most distinctive that's sort of that's a new look for lincoln in there it is so this is the new face of lincoln so that the grill the signature of the grill is very distinct and this that's gonna migrate to all the other products in our range you know you're probably the only people using chrome in the front end anymore is that uh is that going to make production you think well you know we we use chrome to exaggerate length and line on the show cars so we've got a few things that will be on the production card but maybe not quite as you see it here okay and is that a 21 inch wheel 21 you you guessed correctly would that be standard uh there'll be a 20 yeah because i know 19 gives you the most supple ride because you got a bit more rubber and 21 is best for high-speed sport work so maybe 20 is the way to go but it will be that wheel that that design designer wheel okay okay take us through the car a bit more let's see let's do the outside of the car first so i mean firstly the blue color i think is a signature of lincoln going back to the classic car so really a default color for us and it says continental here yep coming on script right you say that the chrome and the blue um these lovely long lines along the the side of the car it's really drawing the eye out as long and as low as it can be here's something i like this is this is unique and different uh the fact you just and you're right here so it's a little we call it e-latch so it's a little switch that you touch on these little wing wing-like features i like the fact that these are aerodynamics so they don't integrate it into the belt line sometimes i get annoyed i have to wait for the handle to come out and then open the door so here you're right here yeah okay okay before we do the interior of the car let's do the whole exterior of the car okay and then we'll show you the interior which is really even more impressive i think let's go around the back of the car and of course lincoln and then continue flanking here and it's continental on the side so you see the lighting through chrome js actually functions through chrome so we try to repeat this horizontal element at the base of the backlight that the lighting element and then again the quad pipes integrated into the chrome apron i think matthew mcconaughey will look great behind the wheel of this thing i think he will as well let's take a look at the inside wow so i you know i think the big thing jay is the materials like really sumptuous yeah so we have this idea of layering the softness so under your feet it's the softest it can be the the lambswool shearing carpeting and then around you it's very sort of experiential like the alcohol i like the liberal use of chrome you know i used to love some of the chrysler concept cars in the 60s because a lot of chrome inside a lot of shininess that kind of made you smile and i love all of that yeah beautiful there's an exuberance to it right yeah yeah yeah but something that's really cool is this feature here let's show people what we have and the door and the door almost 90 degrees 90 degrees if my mother was still alive she would love that that was all these cards you get these stupid cards you can't get it out of this is this is fantastic now this that's really interesting you see what you have here but let's show the way it works it's actually a travel release you need whatever you have in here yep and it's just personalized is it a magnet is that it well there's magnets that hold it on the seat back right so it just clicks in those little lugs just clicked in there and then uh and you'll see it just holds it in place and a true fourth seater i love that the console comes all the way to the back yeah and they have their own what what controls you've got this kind of bridge where you can put storage underneath and then the center console you press a button and it deploys a lap table so it's really magical very james bond okay how it deploys normally the lap table would come from here from the back of the ceiling yeah yeah and that comes up from the side yeah and then we've got these little things armrests on details containers and drinks yeah yeah well very very clever beautiful materials right really simple it's beautiful materials and just a lot of clever thinking i like the door handles i like that it's fun to see things i haven't seen before you know i remember the old uh chargers from the early 60s used to have the four separate seats but bringing it all the way to the back with the bringing the console all the way yeah really is nice it makes it nice and then these recline as well oh they do the passenger the passenger seat actually moves out of the way and the backseat can recline just on that one side yeah so this will be the top of the line model well continent has always been the flagship for lincoln like navigated for the suvs but for the sedans continental has always been so you know to bring the name back yeah we think this is really special for lincoln david nicely done thank you thanks so much for taking the time to show us the car very cool i like that rear thing with this little suitcase this is shiro nakamura here is the chief design creative officer chief creator officer for uh infinity for infinity and when i was in japan he was such a wonderful host he took us through the design studio and i saw some cars i've never seen here and i want you to bring some of the top secret but wonderful wonderful things and this is your latest creation yes this is uh infinity q60 60 okay our new sports good right so it's tend to be uh produced in very soon okay so this is not necessarily a concept car this is a finished car right right almost almost almost just little things on the road very simple yeah so take us through oh chrome errors i haven't seen those in a while probably this is we are putting a little bit more money on the fresh okay yeah production is a little bit more okay yeah well let's say let's start at the front of the car yeah okay okay so this is uh you know our very uh this call double is grill right and i love this yeah lamp signature yeah it's almost like i yeah i know it's beautiful yeah and across the big yeah big logos infinity lofa yeah i like all the i like the the sculpture shape the sculptures yeah yeah yeah and these wheels are very nice too are these the black painted 20s yeah it's 20. 20 so this is yeah so this is the car we're going to see on the road yes quite soon quite soon yeah you can see the very nice sharp edge and the variable shape now does this uh reflect off the sun or does it does it change color in there uh well it is normal okay yeah we want to be a little bit open as well yeah yeah oh okay that's certainly got to be one of the biggest productions and roosters available yeah yeah so shall we open the door yes yes go ahead so interior is uh basically our very little q50 can i say yeah please let's go ahead i like this yeah twin screens right navigation touchscreen it's very new yeah i say yeah and a lot of carbon fiber in there yeah to be a very sporty version of course we have a nice wood yeah you like you know he did a car with the most beautiful wooden tire i've ever seen in japan in japan it's just beautiful i love the quilted leather here very nice and uh yeah i remember back in the 60s the early italian cars right we used to have this on the back shelf i used that was the sexiest thing yeah wow it's coming back beautiful paint too yeah this is special three coat paint yeah yeah again so this is not necessarily a concept car this is yeah it's coming very very close to production oh that's great well congratulations 260 record q60 very nice yes very nice thank you and uh tell me about the i love the wheels yeah i love the black yeah black with a chrome insert yeah yeah and a big disc wheel yeah yeah i'll break the disc let's look at the back of the car yeah yeah backwards also do you remember the essence concept essence yeah this is sort of we made it more realistic as a product yeah yeah the basically same design yeah it goes into the trunk yeah and overall design same with the window graphics and the body i love how it's perfect yes that's it's not one you know has to be yeah it has to be perfect i know well beautiful job thank you very much are you still playing music oh yes good musician you gotta you gotta you gotta go to one of his concerts yes next time please come tomorrow yeah i will come to your concert thank you so much thanks for sharing us the cars uh
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 1,654,879
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Keywords: jay lenos garage, nbc jay leno, watch jay lenos garage video, watch jay lenos garage full ep, jay lenos garage monterey car, pebble beach 2015, pebble beach 2015 concept lawn, pebble beach 2015 concours d'e, bentley exp 10 speed 6, Jay, Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28
Id: tAbhiZhFWIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 39sec (3039 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2015
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