Jay Cutler's High-Volume Olympia Leg Workout | 2010 Road to the Olympia

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what's up guys bodybuilding fans around the world is three-time mr. Olympia here we are in gold's gym Las Vegas we here for the road the Olympia series sponsored by body Des Moines comm and of course muscle tech you're going to come in watch me train some legs today so strap on your belts get your knee wraps ready we're going to show you how the three time going on four time mr. Olympia does it four legs so let's go do this are you it's tough legs are tough no one wants to train a man but I look forward to my leg workout every single week because these last few weeks this is my favorite part of of training for the year like everyone else is suffering right now and I'm suffering but it's really enjoyable for me to be in Las Vegas and be able to train in my home gym last year I shocked the bodybuilding world with my leg development and conditioning this year it's to the next level so in order to come to the mr. Olympia and win another title which I'm absolutely confident I can do it takes this kind of training in this kind of atmosphere this kind of key to do what I do would be the best I have no set number of reps weights exercises I'm planning on doing when I walk through the door today I said okay this is what I'm going to start with and I pointed around every machine and said okay this is what I'm gonna do but I didn't have any idea yeah as I got to that exercise and how I felt it I didn't know how what exactly my body was going to do I choose to do the heavier weighs less reps more volume pump the muscle keep filling it up hit the angles but I'm not going to try to break in weight records and I could have came in and squatted 500 just to show off for the cameras and stuff but for me I just I'm really focused on okay how is this going to contract the best my legs were ripped at ten weeks on the front side so for me the rep range that can't be very high because I'll just deplete my legs down so I like to keep the weights very heavy and do lower reps and obviously what happens is when you train with as much volume as me you can't do as many repetitions because you'll just burn yourself up I mean you have to have one of the other either you're going to do less weight you know more repetitions and less sets or you're going to do a lot more sets heavier weights and less reps I have a very good system the way it works now I trained by myself I have you know my friends here helping me part of my team giving me that extra push you know which is a huge benefit for me what will you do is we try to film the training and we film the sets in the reps and what I do is I go back and I almost watch it like a game page and say okay how come my form be a little better and as you noticed I had him watch my form a little bit and I say okay I'm going to take this one down to here most importantly on legs is the depth that I go in the speed that I travel through the repetitions because I want to fire the quad so I have someone there to watch it you know it's there's a lot of arcs and angles and whatnot that I also you know okay watch this so beneficially it's good to have someone there that will watch that and him being behind the camera all the time that he's seen all this stuff before so he's just not some random guy that just comes in and says okay I'm gonna pick up your weights and do all this stuff he actually knows what my system is you know he's been training with me for two years almost so I just think I have an advantage doing it that way I stay with me now I got I stay covered up when I do legs actually I don't I never show my legs to myself anymore when I train because I almost play this this mind game of myself and I try to you know picture my legs and when I can't see them it seems like I can work them better so it's kind of you know you learn these things these little tricks and traits over the years I'm never satisfied so you know I just keep them roan to wraps and when I reveal it all on the 24th of September it's it's going to shock even me no that's the whole plan when you have a lot much blood I worry about the cramping and especially now with as much water that came out of me today I mean I'm drenched I drank a lot when I trained but I get very dehydrated after my workouts so I'm worried about cramping and and you know fatigue I mean when I was standing there I was almost falling over because I'm just tired man I just did hamstrings and quads and I mean I always say you know you want to stumble out of the gym after doing legs and people laugh and they say ah you know good joke and I'm like God I really a joke you know it that's how you know professional body will are actually trains I mean when I leave the gym this is my my only weight workout of the day you know I do two cardio sessions around this this weights and iris really want to get the best workout I absolutely can I would probably never recommend doing this much this is nineteen years of training you can look at the exercises I did and you just go back in the volumes on the rep range is okay the weights are okay I mean there's gonna guys are gonna do more weight than me that's fine but as far as the volume you know that's something you have to build up to people recognize Jay Cutler muscle fat no one supports the NPC the IFBB shows all the foreign expose like muscle cut does they just commit so much time and effort experience research to give back to the community of bodybuilding and that goes to the supplements we have the best line of anybody buying supplements probably in the world ten okay ready yeah come on whoa I pretty much every day I use the night Rebecca hardcore usually from my first meal I usually have a shake and I have grits so about 90 grams of protein whey protein I use the vapor before I train nano vapor usually when I use like the Nano the vapor which gives me a little bit of a tingle factor in there I usually try to use that so I can you know get more of a heated up workout today it was a pretty strong day for me today was uh you know I was feeling good and the thing is is I walked in this gym and I'm like huh I got two legs today I'm feeling depleted you know I'm down you know ten pounds in a week pretty much and weight and you know I'm really starting to suck the water out now for the show and for me it's just you know every workout counts now and today I think I had a successful workout so I'm happy with the result I do want to thank all the fans out there for the support MuscleTech for the opportunity for making me the best body blur on the planet and of course I just don't want to let anyone down come in three weeks so Oh Paul you guys tune in to body one calm for the webcast watch for the defending and undisputed champion to come back at this absolute best and grab number four vital
Channel: Bodybuilding.com
Views: 1,373,970
Rating: 4.8988986 out of 5
Keywords: bodybuilding.com, bodybuilding motivation, bodybuilding, fitness, workout, exercise, build muscle, get big, ifbb, Jay Cutler, Mr. Olympia (Recurring Competition), cutler, jay cutler motivation, bodybuilding documentary, living large, Muscle, jay cutler 2011, phil heath, jay cutler training, jay cutler workout, gym, road to the olympia, jay cutler legs, leg workout, workouts for legs, squat, jay cutler leg workout, leg workout for mass, weight training, jay cutler tv, mr olympia
Id: 8HkhW_N1jFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2016
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