How Jay Cutler Trains Chest And Calves | Bodybuilding Workout

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it takes more than time in the gym to become a four-time mr. Lilley I've dedicated my life to building a legacy that reaches beyond the competition stage I want the next generation to be better than I'm for time mr. Olympia Jacob this is how you train from here body one comm headquarters ready to shoot day one of the living large mass trainer today we're going to do chest but the difference is I'm not going to be doing the training I'm actually going to take one of body one coms athletes libido and take them through how to build a champion chest okay so our first exercise is gonna be the incline barbell bench press in this exercise we're going to do a couple warm-up sets and then we're gonna work into building some mass in the de Geste and getting those reps out there with some heavier weights okay ready to go oh yeah and the lighter sets I usually try to do around 12 to 15 just gonna get a little blood going in there and then we'll work into the heavier sense we're gonna shoot for about 10 repetitions okay that sounds good what's important with chest obviously people focus on weights and repetitions you know your elbow positioning is really important because you really want to push not with the triceps and the shoulders you really want to push with the chest they're on times the elbows have to be a little inward they can't really be out because what if they're outward you're gonna put pressing over the shoulders so so you're better off you know you have to create that arch which your chest should be the highest point of your body and then you press upwards so you really can actually feel the chest contracting you're not just pressing the weight just to press and I see so many people go in the gym and they press over and over it with you can see that you know the shoulders are doing the work the triceps and that's why the chest ends up underdeveloped most of the time one more warm-up set let's learn more mobile wallet that'd be safe and make any mistakes thinking you're ready to go the full bore into the heavyweights my name is shirt already people's misconception is that you know I'm gonna do ink lines it's only gonna hit my upper chest or I'm gonna decline it's gonna hit the lower it's it's really just I mean overall chest development is from basic pressing movement if that's where you're gonna develop the best chest you feel that barbell is usually better for your chest and dumbbell I'll switch I go alternates so if you barbell one week and then do dumbbells the fall and eat this is our first working set here ok 3 sets of 10 repetitions is what we're gonna do the 45 second still and again I'm just let's do you feel clu fatigue and gonna try to roll you through this thing man really good remember that the key is is uh not a away competition good month up up good give him that little you know just the hands are there I'm not doing anything really just keeping up keeping his mind that I'm there if he needs me pick my one more one more one more good you know it's always good to have you know a partner when you're bench pressing depending on heavy you go alright alright good yeah boy good okay lock it up damn little bra shopping after this yet sometimes I suppose a lot between sense or that was it looks good for stare yourself likes a little bit yeah even the smallest guys do it I see the guy isn't in JAMA now flexing themselves because you admire in you a lot huh I don't their mind me of you this is the last one yeah that's okay okay when we're done this is the last workout for the day right good one more one more up good perfect I mean this is like the meat and potatoes exercise for chest and this is what you see on Mondays every gym is loaded with everyone they call it you know chest they are - no chest yeah international chest day so see you know better than me I usually don't have it on a Monday by the way we're gonna shoot for ten repetitions that's gonna be the goal we can go right into the weight since we're already warmed up from the inclines and let's knock it out now remember you know no bouncing off the chest no cheat reps and we're gonna work on contractions that's what we're focused on you tell me when let's go okay come on Mel good that's it good so as you can see that the bar is not coming down it's keeping the contraction on the chest which is very very important up good perfect you see so many people in the gym most of the time it's people that can't handle the weights that they press right I mean they get on a bench and what they do is they come down with the bar and they bounce or whatever or they round the chest yeah I've had to round over the shoulders and they press yeah you know especially you get those laughs reps you don't want that you want to be able to keep the chest up so you can feel it really in turn attract you can see if you want to stay there and let me spot you yeah you sure I want you to get your set because we you're six two seconds seconds got it and I'm gonna let you cheat man I came all the way I came all the way up here could give you a little ass whoopin so get ready I'm standing back letting you rap it out month come on come on come on one more one more one more oh yeah yeah like when you struggle you know ideally I mean for tests you just want that burn right how about for certain people have problems breaking through like weight plateaus it's kind of a hard question because you know as a bodybuilder we're not really focusing okay wait but ideally you if you train lighter for a couple weeks than normal and then you go to max art again you will be a little more weight okay you got to lighten up the load because what's happening is a lot of times you're just doing too much and it's just exhausting exhausting okay all right big lift ready yeah okay ready oh good that's it one more one more one more good good good it got it perfect oh that burn yeah it's burning it's a good bury not those bad birds yeah all right so third exercise in the chest mass program is gonna be flat dumbbell fly okay this is one of my favorites actually because I can put a little more resistance on this okay so as you know the chest gets engorged with muscle from the pressing movements now we're gonna stretch it out allow the fibers to open up and allow more blood flow to the tissue and of course nutrients and everything else it's gonna help you build an Olympian chest okay okay ready one okay as you see I'm giving them a little resistance on the way down I'm trying to find a home apart a little bit that's gonna help tear those inner chest fibers you guys looking to build that inner chest this is a great partner movement so what the resistance allows everyone seems to ask they want that line in their chest obviously that comes with the mass on the chest but it's also gonna help hold those fibers out okay and a lot of chests to get more blood than okay so ideally with this exercise is everyone's minds always stuck on how much weight they they pull out okay remember it's all about the workout and really getting blood into the muscle it's really just getting that that full contraction you can't do that when you have too much weight get too focused on holding the way the elbows can't be too far they got to be back and just really allow contraction on the chest a little secret of 20 years of training it this is enough to really get the job so you're just trying to keep all your workouts and exercises simple it's very over comfortable and people complicate training much much more than they need to all right 10 more reps last set okay good good good can really feel that contraction when you come up there so chest is working good good starting to burn isn't it oh yeah good okay good all right that's the key I mean once you start feeling that burn listen you can only push so far don't matter if your partner's yawning you do for it more yeah I never believed in that you don't want to get to the point where you're just you're just dying and he's doing the weight or whatever out she's doing the weight no it doesn't matter so if we want that leave that ego at the door I see a lot yes they get the superhero complex where they're watching some drivers heavyweight or they really want to commit to I'm sure these guys are over here saying how I can do more weight than this guy and whatever else but but you're here for yourself to do or let them go over there and do it and do it they're done yeah now over to the fourth exercise we're gonna do some dips okay and this is kind of unique exercise I mean this was kind of a staple of the Jake Tyler training program for a lot of the Olympia's would this exercise really the key is keeping the legs back okay if you're gonna do a dips for the triceps usually the legs stay underneath the body but with this the legs are gonna be back so you actually get a lean kind of going into the movement all right and you get that nice stretch on the chest and this is really gonna help on the outside of the chest development okay everyone wants to get that nice rounded look when they stand onstage or just you know looking good and you know in tank top or whatever else you want to get that nice round look to the chest okay this is a great exercise for that okay so it's the legs back legs back okay little lean into it and you know you're gonna go down as deep as you you feel it comfortable okay you know I usually only did bodyweight because I weighed 300 pounds okay you see these guys in the gym they might be strapped it's okay to do that I mean obviously for me and my legs weighed you know a lot more than half my body weight most of them my biggest so for me I was able to just use my body weight focus on ten repetitions that's really what we're gonna focus on yeah and uh and really just try to get that contraction his chest is really contracting at the top of the movement right there okay you want to see it next time I mean you really think a dip and you think of the guys like that work on the Olympic rings their triceps are really developed right because they're locking it continually let's do next so knock this thing out now with this exercise you're not really locking the triceps you're actually trying to lock the chest and not the triceps okay that's why the lean in is very very important because if you are a more upright you're gonna end up locking your eyes that's more than you would and in this position it's really hard to lock your triceps because the chest actually locks first so that's the idea with this muga and its really getting that chest locked out and not the triceps alright last set of 10 reps here we go man his body is forward the legs are back so it's really you see his triceps aren't locking out they're not getting to that point because they leaned in that's very very important good so it's nice to actually turning with someone actually see okay how the techniques I used or used in my training is very very important and I can see how they actually work you know it's kind of like an athlete watching training footage our game footage of like how they played or what other teams did now how do you feel about people who first time came to the gym and they're waiting for information to start what do you think about that what we do I mean it's uh it's much easier when I started what we didn't have internet I learned to train from watching people in the gym so I'd be sitting here watching you guys work I would say oh that's like a cool movement oh that's a good movement all this machine here that and that's how I learn and now you're that guy well now it's like I knew now you can go on the internet and see all gave to watch Jay Cutler training here you know watch them train someone else or have instructional pieces I mean body with Arcana they have so much info out there that's live yeah and I mean I put out content consistently and I'm always you know socially acting with the fans out there all over the place and it's just it's it's a new it's a new technology and I mean everyone today is very um very heavy yeah it's not but they're very fortunate to have that dumbbell pullover okay we've already completed four exercises it's not fifth one the only thing really left to do is not necessary pomp it up anymore but stretch it out so it allows possibly more blood to get in there we're gonna hold the dumbbell okay like a triangle okay so really you know you're really getting that stretch all the way through here and so it's stretch contract stretch contract I mean it's pretty much kind of like the fly movement and this will really and it'll also help open up the rib cage which is really important on those on those side chest shots good okay so I don't really see as many people in the gyms nowadays doing it I mean I train in Vegas you know I see a lot of the young kids and it seems like an exercise that they don't display as much online or in the magazines but it's something that I try to promote because it's really good especially as you're younger it's really good to really help build up open up that ribcage and really build as much width as you possibly and month that's it good keep the butt down good good you're looking at the living large trainer being an eight week program okay I know it seems like a lot of workouts but when you really break it down you really only have eight quality chest workouts that you can actually say okay everyone has to reproductive yeah but down when you come back good good yeah guy was leaving the gym the day before after finishing my trainer I'd already be thinking about the next day he's worked out I already knew walking in the gym the next day I could basically walk to each station to say ok this was already done in my head yeah easy for you the testator so you can mentally prepare yourself and that's the thing as you get progressively better and more active and what you're trying to do I mean I could pick up a weight and say ok I'm gonna do this eight times I know I always did it eight times it's like Michael Jordan it's like Michael Jordan when he used to shoot his his free throws and he closed his eyes and just he knows the memory takes over it's just my it's that connects you have with your mom but I cope with because it's the training over all young years of training you start to blend your body to try to do that from the first day up it's not gonna happen so this is the end of the chest training for the mass living large trainer and now we're going to go over and do the next movements which is gonna be standing calf raises our next exercise and let's go check it out like a lot of the gyms out there is not a standing calf machine available in this gym so we're gonna kind of make our own so let's let's uh we're gonna put these these quarters down okay this is gonna create this is gonna create up our platform where all right this would normally be like a calf machine okay gonna put these so your heels can kind of drop off because remember the contraction is very very important okay the most common question that people ask me is how do I get my cows big and I try to tell everyone you've got to train them like every other body part so I really in when I was having my biggest calf's in my career I trained them once a week without every other body part okay so I would pick a day you know usually it was on chest day that I would do the calves and I would do a couple different movements maybe three sometimes but mainly I would stick to you know standing calf raise in the city calf raise most of the times I tried to stay with heavy weights on this I know people say how high reps low reps my common theory is you walk around in your calves all day if I'm doing higher repetitions when I walk why would I do that in the gyms but yeah so I try to do heavier weights and just full contraction okay so you're gonna see nice stretch up the tract okay okay I don't train my calves as much anymore well I do very little but you don't need to I don't want him to get too big that's out so you cost twice one two I do it that way that's just my I mean you do it the way that you I'm gonna do it your way okay try it my way I'm not gonna fight you get that nice stretch good yeah really get that contract and as you can see through his adidas socks so sometimes you gotta you gotta just makeshift your own machines and this is just as good as doing a regular calf raises alright so same thing that out actually felt kind of good but as you see in my momentum you know I don't really take too much too much pause you know a little slight bend to the knees is important with this exercise okay it's like when Balboa turns his hat or her head around this is about to go down now the socks come down sound of the calves every guy I know wants to walk around with big calf's and in the beginning I didn't have the best calf so I usually wore more long pants than I did shorts then in Vegas you don't have much choice to wear anything but shorts nowadays so I get tired of hearing about people with genetic excuses all the way I just don't have this that and yes it's true I mean to get to a certain level listen I just like the guy told me I don't have any ABS everyone has ABS I mean it's one of those things where you should still train us to just keep the routine just keep it's because it doesn't grow like the other body parts don't just skip it you know the building everyone's different I mean you have to do different movements some people are gonna respond to different movements and it's very simple like I said it's you know people try to complicate it too much we like the guy saying oh there's no there's no standing calf machine sorry because I can't do it yeah so what watch fellas we will show you how you can do your calves over here work those toothpicks yeah good gracious calves are here we're gonna knock out some seated calf raises which is a seventh exercise and of course the final exercise of our routine so sometimes it's good to hold it at the top a little bit really get that squeeze I mean Takano one I don't really like holding it much longer than that okay good then what's nice about this okay is that you can give a little resistance here too on the way down okay kind of like I did with the fly movement which allows it to feel a little heavier than it actually is I usually have my part partners do that I mean I used to load this thing up with three plates or four plates sometimes and I'd have a even a resistant hand in there that's doing my stretch that I like to do the most was this stretch okay okay so keep the heels flat on the floor really just try to get that stretch from the Balaji of heat and back okay on your calves you feel it pulling it yeah you can feel it pull mainly on the outside it's the same thing rest times is the same 45 seconds I'm not letting you get away with oh just kidding all right so I'm work Tuesday on the last set so couldn't fool this guy yeah you actually get some pretty decent caps under those socks man I appreciate it I've been walking my whole life some people like to train in the gym and a little more covered up I used to wear tights on leg day I'm kind of embarrassed to say that sometimes I used to wear the tights but try to make them pop out of ya what I can see I see the hairs popping and all this stuff it actually made me train harder so yeah I think a lot of people have that I just say to do that that superstitious ways where it's like okay I had a great workout in that shirt last week I'm gonna train it against it I mean it sounds kind of odd but I know a lot of people probably sitting back watching and saying man I think the same thing all right last set now another 10 reps ready I'd say come on I'm more route one more rough good so how does it feel hold on gonna get it I'm good so sometimes what I would like to do to let me just to give a little mix in there so you don't kind of go through the wraps okay so if I'm gonna do okay so what I might do is I might do a rest-pause so I stop maybe five or ten seconds and then jump right back into right back and do another six wraps and listen you know you're gonna you're gonna push through certain rep reins and then it's gonna get to a point where it's like okay I'm only going backwards here let your mind rethink and then just try to push out as many reps as you can do but I appreciate you listen and learn into what I had to say good luck there's a lot that I can preach even you know being a competitive bodybuilder selling to get on stage and bodybuilding in this kind of workout isn't just for the competitor it's not for just a competitor that's the main thing is it's it's for that average person and is just find what benefits you another lifestyle that you live okay yeah so thanks man I appreciate it my man on until next time definitely until next time all right so we just completed day one workout one of the living large eight week trainer if you guys haven't checked it out make sure you check it out at body I'm active on there I'm on the forums you guys can check me out of course my twitter at mr. Oh Jay Cutler my Instagram at mr. Jay Cutler official for more content and more information on Jay Cutler and of course this workout program check out body stay on it you never know where it's going to take
Views: 4,058,734
Rating: 4.8440552 out of 5
Keywords:, how-to, how to, bodybuilding motivation, bodybuilding, motivation, fitness, workout, workouts, exercise, exercises, build muscle, get big, lose weight, lose fat, jay cutler, Bodybuilding (Sport), Mr. Olympia (Recurring Competition), kizzito ejam, chest training, Weight Training (Hobby), Muscle, Physical Exercise (Interest), Health (Industry), chest workout, jay cutler chest workout, jay cutler chest, bodybuilding chest workout, workout for chest, best chest workout
Id: zf5GJrwYGc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 02 2014
Reddit Comments

Dude's first working set and ass is already way off the bench. smh

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies probably was going for more of a charismatic male model and Jay and understood this and accepted it because he's an experienced professional who's promoting his career

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

I strongly dislike this guy he is training. 1/4 reps and stupid fucking commentary and jokes.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/spiciernuggets 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

That black guy is an idiot. Jay says "no cheat reps no bouncing off the chest".

Then the guy is k "it's not like I had any intention of touching my chest anyway haha".

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/desolat0r 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Bunch of bro science. Lifting your ass on the incline means it's now a flat bench.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/sandowian 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Other than the stretching of the chest during flyes to increase bloodflow and therefore increase repair of the muscle. Sounds like broscience.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/shitsintents 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

TIL my chest day is almost identical to Jay Cutlers. And I lift more than a "pro". And he uses the same excuse as me on dips for not adding weight. Except I'm fat, instead of just huge. lol.

Now I'm gonna have to go down the rabbit hole of his "living large" program to see how it compares to my other days.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/UNMANAGEABLE 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

How is this guy a sponsored athlete. Lol. Especially from bodybuilding. Dude is struggling with 185.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SometimesImOp 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Totally off-topic, but Jay promotes Fat Gripz pretty heavily. I could do all sorts of googling and Amazon review checking, but what are r/bb's thoughts on these? worthwhile to get a set for the gym bag?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies
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