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[Music] [Music] all right so little little arm action and I've always liked trading arms kind of together I've learned through my routines I've done many many routines where I did back and byes together a chest and tries or shoulders and tries solos and biceps but I found the best thing that works for me always is biceps and triceps together I added some forms and today I'll go over that routine but more importantly remember I always do triceps before I do biceps now why do I do that I always had a hard time getting a pump in my biceps and when I do tricep work first the first set of biceps I'm always pump so if you guys haven't tried to advise and tries together try always starting with triceps then go into your bicep training right after and see how much pump your arms actually get it always was better for me I didn't start off with genetically big arms so for me you know my main thing is to focus on repetitions I always did 1215 reps I don't worry about his weight as much but let me just go through the routine a little bit so I try to put everything in my phone here so I know kind of what I do for workouts I'm still kind of tracking things a little bit but it always falls in the same kind of rep range depending on the day or who I'm training with or whatever and this is training iOS fitness which is on the east side is about 30 minutes from my house so it's not the gym that you guys seen my videos every day but I started with rope press downs always the first thing to warm up my elbows I don't have any elbow pain pain even at 45 years old which is amazing and I think it's because I've been careful about my joints and I always warm up doing rope presses okay doing you know to warm up sets and I do at least 3 working sets of 12 reps [Music] okay crest downs came next so I did press sounds you notice I leaned in on these now a lot of people say oh he's doing it wrong or whatever else it's just a way I feel that the most is gonna really work the meat meat of your tricep can I do three working sets there of twelve repetitions heat okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] next exercise was a cloak close grip bench press probably this one of the two movements I always suggest to build mass in the triceps with this focusing on 12 reps you see the last set I did 20 reps just to really get the weight in there you really feel it because I'm not pushing extreme amounts of weight so I used to go up to 400 pounds on this now just going up to maybe 185 maybe 200 pounds at the max for 12 repetitions okay [Music] [Applause] then I did the hammer dip machine okay now sometimes I do bodyweight dip sometimes I do like you know machine dips whatever this is a Hammer Strength machine where you get into the machine and I do 12 reps I did three sets there [Music] and then I did the hammer tricep extension which is I always suggest some sort of overhead which we do kind of press downs but something that really gets a stretch on the tricep and that hammer machine kind of did that I did two arms at a time I did three sets they're focusing on twelve repetitions with both arms okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Nexen - biceps okay we wrote we've world-first to the bar the cambered bar curl okay did like five six sets with that it did a couple of warmups then i went right into those twelve repetitions pretty simple movement you know little body motion but that's just the way I train mostly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] next was seated dumbbell curl so you see I alternated arms back and forth try to do at least eight repetitions on each arm so 16 total reps sometimes 20 did three sets there [Music] and then I did spider curls which is the incline bench and I leaned in this is really really isil lateral like movement for each arm this is great i did this exercise for the o9 come back when I was training under the FST 7 training principles and for me this really helped build more of a fuller bicep for me because it takes the shoulders out leaning on an incline bench it's really just concentration on the bicep tendon itself ok [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then we went over to the preacher hammer machine okay did two arms with this sometimes I do one did three sets here 12 reps nothing fancy just something that keeps the elbow in a locked position [Music] after that we rolled into something that's usually left out of routines and that's the forearm training okay I've lost some form sighs we're not training is heavy I think indirectly when you train a lot of heavy back movements you get a lot of form development especially like really with the brachialis area so with this I did behind the back curls okay which those really really stimulate this thickness in this part of the the forearm okay you can also do wrist curls on a bench I did 12 reps I did three sets of those [Music] and then I turned around and I did a lighter-weight where I focused more on the front meaty part and also a little bit on the bicep where I did reverse curls 12 reps 3 sets ok [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pretty simple all you really need to end your workout I mean I would always suggest throwing some forearm work in there if you'd have underdeveloped forearms really makes the arm look more fuller especially you competitive people but you know on all good workout I mean I'm not going for anything crazy like I said no weight challenges just really trying to get in there and stimulate trying to bring different content which you know I'd like to start doing some collabs I did speak to a couple people about doing some different collaborations and just trying to keep the content flowing for you guys show you guys more instructional on how to get the training in and that suggestion of buys and tries together would be I think ideal and you know I can talk more about that in later videos but it just seemed to always work best for me I've tried every routine there is over 25 years of training and this is what's kind of fell into my pattern now as I continue to train and trying to keep you know keep fit so keep falling along guys if you not subscribe to the channel hit the subscribe button now and keep watching for our content man thank you guys so much for the support hi you guys here's a new member of Team Cutler Josh what's your dad's name Josh like Dallas so josh is the guy that Jay uses for a lot of his custom nutrition shoots and some of the coolest video that you've seen recently which I did not shoot so thank you for the credit but I can't take it I wish I was as good as other as years josh has been doing so he lives in Vegas right Jay so he's a lot more available sometimes to be you know at the drop of a hat to be you know doing shoots and pictures and you've been using it a lot for yeah behind the scenes of my media with my media nutrition no been in business now since February water yes later cool so Josh how long have you been doing this whole time yeah a little under two years okay um I used to bartend another do this part-time on the side okay as a hobby but he's another one passion said you know what my passion is photography said I'm just gonna go boom yeah jumped in person here we are how old are you looking on the 28th nice hey that's a good age it's good not too young and stupid but old enough pursuing it and people scared to make the move house I've been working out for you so far yeah yeah we may work you rep some really good scale editing how long have you been doing this how long have you start learning at that it all started just on YouTube I was graveyard bartending okay I was bored one night and it suggested video popped up on YouTube what's that clicked on it thought it was interesting film something with my phone waiting practiced and then it just grew from there nice but he loves shooting the fitness stuff yeah this is definitely one more way each well I don't know somebody know some of the big Fitness yeah can you drop some neighbors [Laughter] well people love your videos I love your video and you're very talented and it's good to have you on board and you bring something different to the table which is which is great that mortar rah kind of like you know I don't know much about editing but but what you do is great and we're glad to have you thanks Josh
Channel: JayCutlerTV
Views: 1,541,624
Rating: 4.9308586 out of 5
Keywords: jay cutler, jay cutler tv, arms, biceps, triceps, eos fitness, gym, tips, advice, bodybuilding, fitness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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