Best score 2021 trash picking in rich neighborhood

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guys you are not gonna believe what i just pulled up on what in the world [Music] how hippy is this thing oh my gosh okay what in the world oh my gosh i can't believe this okay i need to take my camera off because it's gonna get in the way of me trying to load this thing up and bang around so let me take this off real quick well guys that is so insane i have no idea what even to say about that that's probably the coolest and i'll say that every time i find something neat but that's probably the coolest thing i've ever found in the trash that is a humongous moose i believe it's a moose i'm pretty sure it's a moose this is the same neighborhood where me and my buddy sharp found those three white whitetail buck mounts but this is way bigger this thing is humongous massive it was a lot heavier than i thought it was going to be nothing took the whole bed of my truck i can't stand it up as i'm looking around i can't stand it up but if i do that i'm only home i'll have to go really slow because i don't want that thing flying off but for now it's going to be laid back down wow my last words guys i haven't even had my time to do the intro i just pulled into the neighborhood really just drove into the beginning of the neighborhood and that's the first thing that i saw right off the top so what a way to start the video i have no idea what else we're going to find but we're going to keep looking i'm not going to stop but like i said i just got here so wow fine of the day maybe and i'm rambling because this is just so cool all right guys let's get back to it now i like when i see little boxes like this let's see what we got in here oh nice i'm guessing this is the same thing yeah you can tell it is we'll get this at home and nice of them to leave it on top for us you're able to see that this is gonna go inside let's check in here just in case nothing nothing these tumbling mats usually do really well as long as you're not messed up and this one looks like it's good so we take it big boy well i got this big speaker i'm thinking that there's a good chance that it might not even work but if it does man this is a good speaker so we're gonna give it a shot you see you never know it wouldn't be the first time good equipment gets thrown out right trash trash all right look at these beauties so i decided to stand that guy up but um i'm not sure how long we leave them up hopefully it's sturdy it's a good condition what i might do later on is just get my net up there all right this is kind of heavy so well it's like this one lost a key yeah yeah i think this is antique too looks antique um okay so here's extra my head's there i'll have to work on getting that open it's a nice desk so [Music] just saw that hmm all right about to move this around up here i love this truck got this little step that comes out oh come on snowman all right it wouldn't make it work there's gonna be some work but this is solid wood and i really think it's an antique or seems antique ish i don't know i could be wrong but whoops boy all right oh let's get screwed here man so so far this has been probably one of the funnest trash picks because uh the views that i'm getting and the uh the the stairs and the pointing especially right now with these kids getting you know waiting for the buses and riding their bikes and walking to school this community right here has got i want to say three schools here they got the middle school and a couple elementary schools so there's kids walking everywhere and riding bikes and you know with their parents and man it's just been fun seeing kids like oh my god pointing and laughing and and even some adults saying wow cool moose you know um so yeah it's been pretty fun and exciting um right now i'm about to drive through the uh through the what's called through the front school and there's gonna be a lot of kids i'm sure appointed so so see they're back over there i don't know if you saw them or not but let's see what kind of reactions we get from these people it's been like that all day so we're gonna just kind of put this right here some of these people so they can see some of the reactions not sure if you can see him or not all right let's keep on going all right guys we're going to wrap it up for today let's check out the stuff that we found uh that speaker i'll show you right away this thing right here um it does work but the speakers are blown so it sounds really bad i don't think it's worth trying to fix it's not a very expensive system you got this argus 300 old vintage slide projector automatic slide just slides in it goes in and out this guy did work i don't know how all this sets up only issue with this one is that the cable the power cord is dry rotted in a few places so one's got to be real careful when plugging this up maybe replace the whole thing probably be the best thing to do it's nice because it did come with the original manual the box is nice and good condition and i run ca i ran comps for these and they go for about 30 bucks plus shipping shipping costing about 20 25 bucks so i'm gonna put this at the booth and try to ask 40 bucks for it like that and maybe it'll sell i also have this brownie 8 it's a kodak movie projector the world goes onto here or here one of the two i don't know anyways maybe it goes there perhaps it goes like that but it does work also uh starts to spin the light turns on here's the focus really neat little piece also comes with the original manual which is always good these things you have a little more value when they come with manual the box is in really really good condition um i liked how they set that up if you guys remember the video they kind of put that on top of the trash can um for people like me who drive around to pick up stuff to know that hey this is not trash take it with you so you can make it work or whatever and i'll scoop these two guys out i think i'm gonna ask 30 for that one at the booth i don't know i'm gonna i'm gonna reevaluate i'm gonna look through them again i might ask 50 and 40. i might ask 40 and 30. we'll see uh depends on what comps are running uh because i gotta i gotta count into the fact that they're not going to pay for shipping so that adds value to buying it you know at this at the store or in person so it's good to move fast i think i'm doing 14 30. i think that's what i'm gonna do all right next we got that tumbling mat or gymnastic mat or whatever these things are called i think they're called tumbling mats there's a couple little spots like that but as you can see with just a rub of the finger it came off so i'll get a clog swipe and wipe that down uh it'll look good as new but i mean it's in good condition i didn't see any rips in it and look at the back side see the side it's got more stains but that stuff will come right off so yeah no rips nothing this can be a good cell next we had this crazy cart and a lot of people yell at me sometimes and say that hey how do you know that wasn't left out by a kid well when is this dusty it hasn't been written in a while a b um you leave the charger out like that with it it's getting thrown out and they know that someone's going to pick it up so these people are nice enough to leave the power cord and uh we'll see if it'll work if it'll charge up and um matter of fact i'll do that right now well the light does turn on when it goes in the on position as you can see i currently got it charging i didn't do anything when i when i turned it on here's the pedal and uh you would hear the wheel turning sit down [Music] press release safety button i don't know i'm gonna charge for a little bit and see what it does that piece is probably going to be a what do you call them a flop a dud because there's a lot of issues with this guy first like this is locked i don't know how to unlock it right um that's not even the main issue the main issues back here these legs are coming loose already come loose they're broken off same as this now i might just give this away to someone who works on these maybe they can fix it up and uh resell it i don't know maybe ask 10 bucks for it just for the finders fee because it's a nice piece it's just uh it's got it's going to need some work all right i'm gonna sound like old mr bob ross just made some piece but you got two happy little snowmen right here uh decent condition could use a little touch up you know it's missing some paint there but they're wood they're not too bad they're not rotted just a little touch of paint will make them look good but something somebody will use them just like that look nice and there's a music stand sorry that speaker stand for that stereo there i mean that uh speaker there but it doesn't work and of course i know everybody's waiting to see this guy a little more close so let me get out of my truck and let's take a look at big house over here so this is an elk it's not a moose this sucker is humongous i'm standing i'm standing on top of the bed of the truck and as you can see this guy is huge he's not small by any means i can imagine him being maybe this tall if not a little bit taller with his legs and if it didn't have this stand on it um that rack probably about five six feet tall these elk have humongous racks um sometimes they cut these racks off like that um when these are breeder elks and they don't want the elk to kill each other when they're trying to fight over their mate uh during you know hunting season or one with breeding season i'm sorry so um what these ranchers will do is they will they will saw these off um so that the elk don't kill each other um this case i can't tell if it's a fresh shave or if it was something that you know was done after it was killed uh maybe the guy who had this wanted to keep the antlers so he kept you know kept those and just cut them off possibly i don't know i just don't see that happening because it's not a clean break i figured if you're going to keep these to save them you would have done a real nice clean break and it would have cracked here and i wouldn't have cracked here looks like they did that when they're holding it down and they shaved down and just broke it off shaved it down and broke it off this way you know back away from its face so i'm thinking they cut these down when the animal was alive and for that specific reason so that um these big breeding elk don't kill each other but i made the decision guys that i'm gonna take the sucker to the booth it's gonna take up a lot of space but it's definitely an eye-catcher and i'm gonna get people to come into the booth and walk around maybe they'll take some pictures and while they're there um you know they'll look around and see what else i have inside so this is definitely gonna be something that goes to the booth i don't know how much i'm gonna put on it yet a few hundred bucks i'm thinking because it does come with this really nice you know stand some greenery there you know what i mean but that's that guy there man i can't wait i'm gonna make a round of booth um here in a minute take some of the stuff that i found at garat sales over the weekend and take this guy for sure because uh that's definitely booth worthy all right so i decided to go to the booth right now um i packed up a few boxes full of stuff that i'm gonna take along with old ol haas there and uh we're gonna go ahead and go to boots to set them up right guys so we brought the moose up here i'm gonna do a run through the store and a bunch of y'all had said that you wanted me to go a little bit slower through some of the items so i'm gonna go slow through this stuff so you can just take a good look at it and uh like i said if you see anything you like it might be a couple weeks before this video gets put out but if it's still here i'll gladly work your deal um i'll put my email address right here so you guys can email me on anything you like so let's take a look around see what is here [Music] now the only thing that's going to be tough is the music that's in the background so if you see me cutting in and out is to avoid having this music being played too long and too loud in the uh the video because youtube doesn't like that so like that [Music] little buggy [Music] [Music] that's some i had some kind of a bunch of more wrestling things and i'm getting out to the end of it had a bunch of trolls sell today or last week [Music] i just got these some 18 wheelers wgw uh del earnhardt and this excite racing uh i don't know [Music] some vintage army or kindles [Music] [Music] let's see up here so that's still here so this stuff doesn't move but you just come back and all of a sudden it's all gone so you gotta be patient still here [Music] that's where those builders have sold we've got a price too high know [Music] i'm gonna get this cool cold stuff for another couple months and i'm taking them down same thing with these porcelain dolls pitching lights off of impala this one comes off of a ford ford shoebox all right let's see some of the stuff will be harder to ship this is some of the bigger stuff but i got a buddy of mine he might be emailing me about that one [Music] it's a viewer you know who you are these are really neat right here i don't i don't think i'll chip these [Music] i bought this in the garage a long time ago i held on to it but time to get rid of it necklaces a lot of jewelry [Music] you know what i might go ahead and put this video out next um i try to stagger my videos about two weeks behind just so i can make sure that i have enough videos out to put one out every week but i might skip ahead and put this one out ahead of time [Music] that way you can get a look at it little i got a bunch of belt buckles too if any of y'all collect black bubbles [Music] [Music] okay these garages i'll find here these are bombay company guardian angels and gold full of paper it was actually kind of nice more garage and stuff like i said most of the stuff here is garasol items [Music] so [Music] these are some garage sale fans here these are old german lamps are made out of uh [Music] this one doesn't have the the socket for the lamp but i think still got a little bit worth to it this is nice the best way to uh let me know what you're interested in is to time stamp say at this time this piece is one that i'm interested in [Music] now whoever owned these watches y'all remember this from my other video i did find these but um they had a very very small risk so gonna be hard to sell [Music] so kind of hard to see those necklaces [Music] um that's my buddy larry's booth met him up here and uh he's about a bunch of stuff for me for the cheap just so i can get rid of it and he has it set up over here there's an antique uh someone give me that one actually [Music] lots more pieces up here that's 14 karat gold diamond pen tiffany bracelet [Music] small joint right there that's all brighton back there i think here's a big boy [Music] i got him right in the corner hopefully gets people's attention [Music] dude check them off [Music] huge the network [Music] all right guys so that's gonna do it for today um i really hope you guys enjoyed the video i think it was a really really cool find um it wasn't a lot of stuff that we found but you know between the two um projectors the real projectors that those are good finds um obviously that big elk was a great find and a couple of little things that we're able to you know gonna make some okay money on so not a bad night or actually day after all um came to the booth set all the stuff up brought some more stuff from the house uh did some rearranging hope you guys enjoyed the the second tour of the booth or it might be the third one by now but i did go through a little bit slower for those of you who wanted to take a look so hopefully you guys can get a good look at it um so one in with a prayer father thank you so much for the many blessings that you bestow on our lives lord i want to thank you for the finds that we pick up for the opportunity to go out there and and salvage some of the stuff and get new homes for them father keep them away from the landfill keep your keep our earth and uh you know the the environment clean uh lord we just thank you for you know just the abundance of blessings that you give us i thank you father for the subscribers for the viewers for the channel father for all the blessings uh for through that uh avenue lord i just want to ask you that you just reach through the the channels of youtube father and you reach out to my subscribers and to anybody that's watching the video and that you that you sustain them in any way that they need in their life father um you know their needs lord and we just ask you that you just bless them bless the viewers who are watching that that accept it father um plant the seed in the heart father to want to know you better if they're if they don't know you yet um and it's in your son's name jesus we pray amen all right guys thanks so much for hanging out i really appreciate it next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Texan Picker
Views: 21,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash picking in rich neighborhood, trash picking, trash picker, garbage picker, garbage picking, making money trash picking, making money, how to make money, how to make easy money, finding free stuff, free stuff, easy money, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, environment, environmentally friendly, save the earth, green energy, curb side, curb side picking, curb side shopping, thrift, resell, hoarder, hoarding, hoarders
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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