Jason Statham's THE BEEKEEPER is Fun but Hollow (Explored)

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you are a problem got right I'm a problem you're telling me one man did this the only thing you know is he a be keeper come on bro don't [Music] move The Beekeeper is the latest movie dumped into January catering to the appetite of action lovers directed by David a and headlined by the indomitable Jason Stam it's a bold self-aware Saga that leans into the Absurd at the heart of this swarm is stam's Adam clay not just any beekeeper but a beekeeper with a capital B he's a retired operative from an ultra secret organization a shadowy figure task with maintaining balance and a world teetering on the edge of pandemonium the character is a blend of solitude and supressed fury his life a quiet Testament to the Calm before the storm that Cal is personified by Felicia Rashad guards Eloise Parker the benevolent land owner who provides not just a patch of Earth for his hives but a touch of tenderness in a storm ravaged life however their Tranquility is shattered when Eloise becomes a target of a powerful cyber theft organization with deep ties to the US government this ignites a firestorm within clay turning the Serene Guardian into an Avenger of human decency his world a sanctuary dedicated to the meticulous art of beekeeping becomes the unexpected Battleground for a confrontation of Epic Proportions what unfolds is a melstrom event a ballet of over-the-top beatings a symphony of explosions and a Relentless volley of Gunplay you've Disturbed The Beekeeper why I care if the guy keeps bees jeez The Narrative unfolds in the Serene Massachusetts Countryside where our protagonist Adam clay finds Solace and purpose in beekeeping his Sanctuary is a shedding garage rented from Eloise Parker a retired school teacher their lives marked by Solitude converge in a shared understanding and mutual care with Clay regarding Eloise as his sole genuine benefactor or Queen B if you will but their peace is crushed when she falls prey to a Sinister cyber scam after receiving a deceptive virus alert on her computer she unwittingly contacts United data group a fishing operation epitomized by its malevolent and smug operators the cunning head of the operation Mickey Garnett entangles Eloise in his web by duping her into installing Rogue antivirus software this act grants him access to a personal and charitable funds amounting to over 2ill the realization of her financial Devastation comes too late leaving her broken and when he responds to a dinner invitation from Eloise clay arrives at her residence only to discover a scene of tragedy the tension escalates as Eloise's daughter FBI agent Verona Parker arrives and the pair face the harrowing sight of Eloise lifeless from a gunshot wound wrongfully accused of the heinous act Clay is and snared in a web of Suspicion leading to his arrest however the truth of her tragic self-inflicted demise prompts Verona to release clay and offer a heartfelt apology it's revealed the nefarious group responsible has long been a blip on the FBI's radar Elusive and spectral in their operations with little hope that they will ever face the consequences of their actions things take a darker turn delving deeper into themes of Revenge and Justice as Adam clay seeks to avenge the tragic downfall of Eloise his quest leads him back to his former Association the enigmatic beekeepers where he secures critical information on the perpetrators United data group The retired operative protector whose Allegiance lies beyond the conventional chains of command is dedicated to protecting the metaphorical Hive and he's mad that his queen bee is gone Clay's pursuit of justice is marked by a dramatic escalation when he confronts the call center responsible arriving with gas cans and a Steeler resolve he easily dispatches two guards outside his menacing declaration that he intends to burn the place to the ground sets the stage for an explosive confrontation despite his ultimatum for them never to harm another person their mockery triggers a brutal display of is resolve compelling them to evacuate Mickey Garnett the head of udg portrayed by David witz attempts to counter clay with security forces only to be overwhelmed Clay's retribution culminates in a spectacular Act of arson rigging the call center to explode upon the next scam attempt which occurs almost immediately annihilating the building here the film navigates its thematic terrain with broad Strokes painting a stark contrast between the vulnerability of the elderly and the predatory instincts of the younger generation while clearing its tent it offers little in terms of subtlety or Nuance the jux position of Adam's postural Haven bathed in the soft luminescence of natural sunlight against the lured neon-drenched underworld of the coal centers CRA a stark visual dichotomy that highlights these themes if not being a bit on the nose and the film's antagonists are draped in extravagantly tacky clothing from Suits and blazing with goat to the gy sheen of gold chains and satin shirts it's not long until Verona and her partner Bobby nar's Matt Wy investigate the arson at at the same time garard informs his Superior Derek Danforth of what happened with ties into the government Derek's Enterprise is revealed as the mastermine behind the data mining scheme facilitating udg while garnet and his henchmen track clay to Eloise's home leading to a deadly encounter in Clay's garage demonstrating his lethal prowess he neutralizes the attackers and subjects Garnet to a Grizzly fate severing his fingers with a Banda before setting him free following him to a bridge he then secures garet to his truck while he's on a call with d who overhears Garnet's ominous fate clay then sends the truck with Garnet still attached plummeting into the river below before ominously telling Derek that he's next we delve deeper into the Labyrinth of power and Espionage presenting a high stakes game of cat and mouse that escalates the global proportions the central figure Derek Danforth betrayed with a blend of trepidation and cocky determination by Josh Hutcherson finds himself in snared in a parous situation Beyond his control in a desperate move he enlists the expertise of Wallace westwild a former for CIA Chief and the current Lynch pin of security for Danforth Enterprises brought to life with the seizing gravitas of Jeremy Irons while reluctant to get involved Wallace steps into the Fry at the beest of Derek's influential mother Jessica portrayed by Gemma Redgrave the revelation of Adam Clay's affiliation with the beekeepers sends ripples of alarm through the highest levels of power and Wallace recognizing the gravity of the threat conveys the dire situation to Derek's mother Jessica who happens to be the sitting president in a series of urgent maneuvers Wallace collaborates with mini driers CIA director Janet how their combined efforts result in a precarious alliance with the beekeepers setting a bounty on Clay's head in a bit to stop his Crusade it's here that clay encounters aniset Landers his replacement within the beekeepers portrayed with the lethal Precision by Megan Lee anet's confrontation with CLA gas station erupts into a chaotic and ridiculous battle the encounter punctuated by a blend of ferocity and dark humor culminates in his unorthodox use of a jar of honey and fire to elim elate her as news of anet's death reaches them the beekeepers recalibrate their stance opting for neutrality after realizing that messing with Clay was a bad idea simultaneously Verona and Matt delve deeper into the complex web of Espionage in government secrets their investigation leads them to the ninepoint center in Boston a Nexus of Derek's expansive operations getting desperate Wallace Marshalls a formidable team of EX Special Forces operatives unveiling the clandestine nature of the beekeepers as Guardians operating in the shadows of governmental oversight he even notes that they barely stood a chance against Clay who's on a whole other level before ordering his mercenaries to fortify the interior at the same time the FBI under the guidance of deputy director prick forms a perimeter with their Elite SWAT team utilizing anet's finger clay infiltrates a beekeeper based dwam himself and acquire the critical location of the 9-point center in a display of wit and prow Wess he warns the FBI team of his identity and intent urging them to steer clear of his path before single-handedly disabling them his infiltration unfolds as a masterclass in tactical combat leveraging the environment to his Advantage including a brilliantly executed scene involving an elevator and the laws of gravity the confrontation reaches of Crescendo as clay emplo ruthless interrogation techniques on the manager extracting critical information about Derek's covert operations using a stapler meanwhile Verona engages in a desperate attempt to stop clay from his Relentless Vendetta it's heree he uncovers damning evidence implicating Derek as The Mastermind of the criminal Enterprise not only learning the extensive reach of Danforth Enterprises but also the implication that his mother had Finance her presidential campaign with illicit funds armed with those Revelations Verona presents a compelling case to deputy director prick who gives the FBI a blank check to stop clay before calling the president and schedules a meeting with her with things getting out of hand Wallace advises dere to seek Refuge with his mother whose presidential protection offers a seemingly impregnable Fortress and in the riveting in Climax we arrive at the opulent Beachside Mansion of the Danforth family the atmosphere is charged with anticipation as an array of FBI agents Secret Service Personnel mercenaries and unsuspecting guests converge for an event with many unaware of the impending doom yet as the party unfolds in a facade of normaly clay infiltrates the gathering with the stealth and precision of a seasoned operative bolstered by a team of mercenaries led by the enigmatic Lazarus played by Taylor James a character scarred by his passing counter with a beekeeper Wallace and Derek prepare their defenses with Verona spotting clay and Lazarus about to execute him in a moment of dark humor the mercenary utters the line to be or not to be that is the bloody question hilariously it's met with Clay's response of to be before setting off an explosive diversion that allows him to penetrate the heart of the Mansion at the same time Derek Jessica and deputy director PRI grapple with the repercussions of UD G's elicit activities and the damning revelation of campaign funding source from stolen money the way weight of guilt and realization hangs heavy in the air with the mortified Jessica deciding to tell the world the truth about what a son had done as clay navigates through the Mansion an epic confrontation ensues between him and dozens of our men and ultimately the formidable Lazarus in a Clash of Titans in a desperate act to preserve secrets that are rapidly unraveling Derek shoots PRI dead in front of his mother in the climactic moment clay confronts jesser and Derek as Parker and Wy arrive in a fraud attempt to prevent further Bloodshed the standoff reaches a fever pitch as Derek driven to the brink turns on Jessica only to be stopped by Clay With A Bullet to the Head however when faced with a choice of Duty or jusers Verona acknowledges the complex moral landscape clay navigated choosing to let him slip away as the man hunt for clay intensifies he vanishes beneath the waves a spectre of Retribution leaving only ripples behind and above it all a lone bee Source A Silent Witness to the tortuous events symbolizing the enduring Spirit of The Beekeeper when Society can't protect itself the beekeepers recreate the equilibrium a beekeeper a beekeeper there's laws until the laws fail and then you have Adam clay it's a very sort of a touching film if you like it's quite dark and it's a thriller but it does have a very strong sort of meaning about right and wrong it's about you know people that are vulnerable getting taken advantage of and Adam Clay is a man that comes and sets those things and uh course corrects those moments one of our few remaining action Stars Jason STM shines in his trail of Adam clay bringing a palpable contained Menace intensity and gritty charm to the role Clay is not a man of many words or avert emotions his language his action his Expressions found in the Precision of his physicality avoiding firearms for a more Hands-On approach his Arsenal is one of innovation and raw power where ropes and even gasoline become instruments of a singular brand of justice but amidst the Whirlwind of action the film supporting characters largely serve as archetypal figures Emmy raver lapman portrayer Verona Bound by Duty yet empathetic towards stam's Crusade offers a Counterpoint to the unbridled vigilantism at the film's core she's unconvincing as the FBI agent but delivers a performance that oscillates between sincerity and the film's pervasive over-the-top ethos Among The Ensemble Jeremy iron stands out his portrayal imbued with Charisma and sardonic wit his character a former CIA Chief turned corporate overseer provides a Savvy counterbalance to the film's frenetic energy offering moments of reflection and amidst the chaos conversely Josh Hutcherson's character embodies the quintessential Millennial antagonist his Persona is crafted through a blend of irreverence and a ponchot for crude language which while effective hinted a missed opportunity for more nuanced characterization David witch shines in his role as Mickey Garnett a character whose presence instantly set the tone for the film his portrayal of a magnetic and cunning leader of digital MERS brings a vibrant energy to the screen making you really want to hate him so it's a story of searching for Justice and what does justice mean and how that looks for different people's perspectives it's about corruption how power corrupts and the to a certain exent naive of thinking that that can be dealt with easily I think as we see it from a distance hopefully a lot of us would like to be in Jason Statham's shoes I mean the law is the law but when it fails you know sometimes the law gets in the way of what right and wrong is so uh Adam clay takes the the Reigns on there and you know what's right and wrong is very important to him Adam's worldview is unmistakable a dichotomy of right and wrong where the gray areas of morality find no refuge and the delineation between hero and villain is Stark leaving no room for uncertainty here the bad guys exude pure villainy while the beacon of righteousness is personified by Clay I have to admit while The Beekeeper shares its style and narrative web with John Wick in the born series it tends to Revel in its Unapologetic brashness despite its kinetic energy and the enigmatic Allure of its protagonist its exploration of its own myth thoughts and law feels somewhat scattered and inconsistent leaving me with a sense of untapped potential the biggest example is the introduction of the beekeepers as being individual agents with autonomy to stop corruption which was really interesting but this made me wonder why the organization would send someone to kill their own who while fueled by personal Vengeance was still upholding their mandate a contradiction that's overlooked by the writers David a and Kurt Wimer orchestrated Symphony of B- related puns visceral combat and a messy script still as the film's anchor Jason Statham delivers a performance that skillfully navigates the fine line between Earnest engagement and aai acknowledgement to the film's intrinsic absurdities Jeremy marinas who was my St coordinator fight coordinator just did a an incredible job there because it's coming up with the grammar what what does the movement look like what do our fights even look like you know the process is Jeremy writes action shoots it on video we present it to Jason and Jason has his ideas and he's really smart and he really knows what he's capable of and want to make sure that that is showcased in the stunt then we practice and practice and practice and then I figure out how to get a camera on it and then you just grind on the day the inciting action rooted in the tragic exploitation of a vulnerable individual is a compelling narrative driving force unfortunately A's bris pacing through these sequences suggest the reluctance to dwell in moments devoid of action leaving me yearning for a deeper exploration of the characters Felicia Rashad is amazing but it would have been great to have more than one scene between Eloise and Clay to Showcase his deep attachment to her we pick him up and he's he's living in the garden of a very sweet lady that you know they have these exchanges of pleasantries every day and they they have a very sweet connection it's almost like she's the mother he never had you know Adam clayer we we don't know too much about him apart from the fact that no one ever took care of him the dialogue filled with B Centric metaphors and cliches wavers between reflective and laughably contrived leaning towards the L to Wimer the profession of beekeeping serves as a metaphor for a covert network of Assassins Guardians operating in the shadows this leads the FBI agents delving into books about bees to learn more about how the secret organization might operate which is as ridiculous as it sounds to me the film is structured like a video game with multiple bosses and levels to overcome its narrative punctuated by encounters with a roster of interesting yet underexploited characters The Narrative ultimately converges on the danam forth man a bold trajectory that hints at a commentary on the intersection of political and corporate malens however the film refrains from delving too deeply into this potential opting instead for a conclusion that Revels in high octane action you know shooting action I don't think people understand as there's a lot of repetition to it it's a very physical strenuous activity even for the crew but it's it's a lot of fun and when you see those shots those dailies come out and you you know you're going to take you know a treasure Trove back to editorial and create an amazing stunt sequ quence and and it's just like being in the delivering room and watching something incredible come out A's Direction tends to embrace the raw unpolished Allure of B great action Cinema with Clay single-handedly dismantling waves of adversaries from Elite SWAT teams to mercenaries these moments unfold with a blend of absurdity and humor casting a Stark light on the futility of going against a sheer tenacity and skill of The Beekeeper despite its narrative and thematic shortcomings The Beekeeper delivers a dose of unbridled entertainment and I did find myself having a of fun and while the screenplay and Direction won't break any new ground and it might not achieve the stylistic Finesse or intricate World building of its genre counterparts it's pure popcorn fun for those that love stam's transporter series Mrs Parker and I were friends she was the only person who ever took care of me yes ma'am we got this yesterday she shot herself stolen Millions from people who' work hard all their lives we have laws for these things until they fail then you have me be keep is a special program outside the chain of command I protect the hive when the system is out of balance I correct [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FilmComicsExplained
Views: 29,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: btbgDvTZYww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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