DUNE PART 1 & 2 (Lore & Story) EXPLAINED

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you've been fighting the hinin for decades my family's been fighting them for Centuries by taking maracus from the hinin and making it ours he sets the stage for a war rers of years we traded Blood for Blood no more I need to see it in your eyes you're not human they're brutal my desert my Iraq is my Dune we gave them something to hope for let not help I don't care what you believe I believe May thy knife chip and [Applause] shatter hey guys what's happening neat here with film Comics explained and today we're diving into both parts one and two of den V's adaptation of Frank Herbert's Doom while I have an expansive playlist covering all the major Concepts players factions and organizations in the franchise from the freman the sandworms the spacing Guild the benzer Menat the Haron the atres the sardaka the god Emperor Emperor shadam Corino and more links in the description my aim with this video is to explain what happens in both films in relation to the law from the books I'm also going to explain the main differences between the book and films in the third and final section of the video at the very end see possible Futures all at once and in so many Futures our enemies Prevail but I do see a way in a Galaxy where where Humanity has existed for over 10 Millennia mankind has branched out to colonize many planets governed by aristocratic houses under the guidance of the imperious house Karina while there are many more revealed throughout the series of the books for the purposes of this breakdown of book one and the two-part adaptation will focus on house at trades house hodin house Corino referred to as houses major and house vening a house minor at the heart of this Interstellar chess game is the Desert Jewel AR Racers the only source of the coveted spice mange this substance not only promises to extend lifespans and preent abilities but is also the Lynch pin of space travel monopolized by the spacing Guild its Navigators high on spice employ fold space technology for instantaneous Galactic voyages a dazzling feat of prean over physics this was all the result of the butlerian Jihad a crusade against the thinking machines that once enslaved Humanity 10 Millennia ago culminating in their obliteration for more information on that check out my video on the butlerian Jihad the void birth the spice dependent Guild Navigators and the mentats humans trained to mimic The Logical press of computers it also gave rise to the Benny jeser a shadowy matriarchal order with the air of Witchcraft wielding Powers hung through epochs of genetic manipulation and rigorous training if you had been unable to control your impulses he could not let you live their quest for the quizat hatak a male Reverend mother with unparalleled preent ability underscores their ambition to navigate not just space and time but the very evolution of humanity arus itself is a crucible of survival it's desert's home to the fan tribes whose societal Norms a blend of Martial prowess and Water Conservation are as harsh as their environment here water is a currency of honor and the giant sand worms integral to the creation of spice reign supreme woven into the fabric of freman belief is the prophecy of a male Messiah courtesy of Benny jzer influence promising a future where a racus blooms a new this intricate interplay of power survival and prophecy sets the stage for an epic that challenges the cosmos at the epicenter is Paul L trates the son of Duke lato and his consort lady Jessica a member of the enigmatic Benny jzer Sisterhood the order Adept in roles ranging from truthsayers to advisers hides its innumerable societal contributions in mystery all while pursuing a singular grandio project at 10 millennium old Eugenics program aimed at refining the human species beneath their veneer of surface lies a Relentless pursuit of human Perfection with Paul unwittingly cast at the Forefront of this Interstellar Endeavor setting the stage for a revolution that promises to recalibrate Humanity's trajectory his sight is barely awakened and now he goes into the fire part one opens with channy a daughter of the desert and the freman unfurling the history and existence of her people on the Arid expans of aracas before even her first breath the tyrannical har conans held sway over the Sands the fan inhabit the desert Planet oracus also known as dun long overlooked by the rest of the Imperium and considered backward Savages in reality they are an extremely hardy people that exist in large numbers the fman had come to the planet thousands of years before the events of the first novel as the Zenni Wanderers a religious sect in Retreat as humans in strumis over time they adapted their culture and way of life to survive and thrive in the incredibly harsh conditions of arakas their people are distinguished by their Fierce fighting abilities and skill at survival in this environment with water being such a rare commodity on the planet their culture revolves around its preservation and conservation residing in si communities the fremen of aracas were governed by naves and adhered to a trial by combat justice system with Victors assuming responsibility for the defeated family their secrecy was maintained through spice bribes to the spacing Guild and they embarked on a long-term terraforming project each SE featured a sadena Akin to a benij jeser reverend mother highlighting their spiritual depth influenced by the benzar planted myths including a messiah Legend revering sandworms as deities called Shai hulud the freman mastered worm writing contributing to their Mystique their culture deeply intertwined with water conservation and the spice mange reflected the adaptation to aras's harsh conditions evident in their unique still suit technology for moisture Reclamation and the communal importance of water freman Society was characterized by strong emphasis on Survival combat Readiness and a profound spiritual connection to their environment with the spice mange integral to their diet culture and preent enhanced combat abilities long exposure to spice has given the tribe blue eyes when it comes to the har conans after many centuries toiling as a house minor their influence gradually Rose within the lrod this was due mostly to shrewd manipulation of the whale fur Market primarily accomplished by Baron Dimitri har Conan and his son Vladimir the AFF mentioned lrod a prominent assembly representing the great houses emerged notably in the early Corino Empire Era post butlerian Jihad governed by the High Council and under the emperor's oversight it served as a platform for the houses to negotiate trade form alliances or engage in Canley a formal Vendetta process that enabled disputes to be resolved without harming innocent bystanders it aimed to safeguard the great houses from the Imperial House's potential targeting and elimination house AR Conan built its power on maximizing production output and minimizing production expenses By ignoring economically ethical Behavior indeed their governing was based upon a simple Foundation of fear and Terror that was used in governance in the day-to-day running of the haronian household and in controlling their armies with a social order based on treachery and Punishment soldiers Rose through the ranks through deceit trickery and if necessary assassination in approximately 10,130 AG house har Conan won the cidar thief of aracas this meant their responsibility was now to mine the spice Milan and Supply it to the universe through their persecution of the freman the haronian managed to pay the tax they owe to the Emperor as well as keep a substantial amount for themselves by 10,191 AG the har conans now led by Baron Vladimir har Conan managed to amass considerable wealth through spice mining their cruelty to my people is all I've known the fremen have essentially been trying to rid themselves of the har conans but to no avail recently however the padure emperor shadam Karina IV ordered them to leave arus making channy wonder who their new rulers will be transitioning to the planet kaladan we find polar tradies the young heir of House of trades having breakfast with his mother lady Jessica the esteemed concubine of Jato as a devoted adherent of the benij jzer a cabal teetering on the edge of the religious and the mystical Jessica is kneed deep in imparting the esoteric disciplines of our order a legacy of power and precence to her son come here the order also known as The Sisterhood were an ancient and Adept organization consisting of all women's spies nuns scientists and theologians that use genetic experimentation Galactic political interference and religious engineering to further their agenda hoping to guide the human race with the Advent of their chosen one the quizat hatak their actions had a major impact on the evolution of humanity the Benny jzer essentially undergo extensive training to master their bodies and Minds aiming to control themselves and by extension the universe their Philosophy encapsulated by the Axiom my mind controls my reality is imp implemented through a rigorous 10-year program this develops their ability to control their own physical and mental States as well as influence others their training emphasizes discipline self-awareness and the Strategic use of power to avoid vulnerability despite their profound skills including the manipulation of their own biochemistry to resist poisons and determine the sex of their offspring the training also had a built-in Safeguard against the overconfidence that could lead to a loss of objectivity their unique abilities extend to mastering martial arts known as the weirding way employing a nuanced manipulation technique called the voice for controlling others and engaging in deep psychological conditioning through sexual imprinting Additionally the benzer wield a subtle form of cultural influence through the missionaria protectiva embedding themselves within societies to manipulate religious and political outcomes this multifaceted training and philosophy Ena the Benny jazer to play a pivotal role in the galactic politics and social dynamics of the dune Universe Al the mother and the son in a scene that marries Domesticity with the Arcane Jessica orchestrates a test for Paul challenging him to exert his emerging powers of the voice to persuade her to hand over a glass of water Paul's performance is commendable albeit not entirely successful hinting at the untapped potential within give me the groomed by the Benny jeser from birth Jessica was part of AIC breeding plan aimed at producing the quizat hatak a being with unprecedented ability to access both male and female ancestral memories and foresee future events this led to her receiving the most comprehensive Benny jzer training and education but despite the order's intentions for her to Bear a daughter for a strategic Union with fed Raa haonan Jessica disobeyed after the lesson and subtle manipulation Paul acquaints himself with the lore of oracus a planet that monopolizes the Universal Supply of the mind altering spice mange this precious substance revered for its life prolonging and perception enhancing properties also fuels old travel infrastructure produced through a cycle involving sand troud excretions and water on aracas the effects of milange included mind expansion preent in certain individuals like the Benny jazer in Guild Navigators and health benefits like increased longevity regular consumption resulted in distinctive blue eyes known as eyes of a bad and heavy reliance to profound physical dependencies particularly evident in Guild Navigators and the freman even a little desert Mouse can survive duuk ler with trades along with his War Master gurny HCK and Menat through for hawat receive an imperial Envoy led by the spacing Guild who formalized the awarding of arus to House of tradies the spacing Guild known among its members as Corpus luminous pre nanas the union of the foreseeing I held a monopoly on faster than light space travel playing a key role in interstellar shipping and trade during the Corino Empire they are a pivotal element of the political tripod supporting the great convention established post butlerian Jihad to w a human life and regulate Warfare and the guild spice infused Navigators used haltman Drive powered Highlander crafts to navigate folded space safely thanks to their preent abilities granted by the spice milange primarily comprised of male Navigators undergoing mutation to harness mathematical and preent skills their control over space travel was crucial to the imperium's operation marking the start of the Imperial calendar with its foundation as House of tradies ascended the ranks within the land Rod becoming a beacon of burgeoning power the emperor has been devising a cunning plan to eliminate their Rising threat perceiving the growing influence of Duke leato atres as a danger shadam has been conspiring with Baron Vladimir har Conan to eliminate house at trates one of the honorable houses major within the Empire and bestowing upon them the stewardship of oracus effectively serves as both a gift and a guilded trap how can the emperor everything we built where is a gift not a gift despite his actions against leato shadam secretly admired him and even wish for his daughter princess zuran to marry leato seeing him as a worthy successor in the absence of a male air also a result of Benny chazer manipulation despite sensing the emperor's treacherous intention duuk leato Embraces the challenge of oracus as an opportunity to cement his family's Legacy in power aiming to succeed where the har conans faulted for 80 years there is no call we do not answer there is no faith that we betray celebrated as a red dukee and lorded for his Justice later at tradies the first served as the 20th Duke of House of Trades and was the father of Paul analia with his Benny jeser consort lady Jessica renowned for his Equitable and benevolent governance his Reign spanned the fertile world of kaladan before moving to the desert Planet oracus all while in a war with his adversary Baron har Conan in the middle of this political maneuvering Paul seeks adventure and insight by petitioning Duncan Idaho the epitome of Marshall prow West to escort him to the dunes of araus ahead of their scheduled departure having had a dream of his death he believes that by being there he might be able to stop Idaho's demise I saw you lying dead felt like if I had been there you'd be alive Duncan adhering to duty of a premonition rebuffs Paul's request do missing his ominous dreams of the freman and the fall in battle with a pragmatic dreams make good stories but everything important happens when we're awake Duncan Idaho a distinguished janz sword master lent his formidable martial prowess to House of traes after they saved his life from the har conans he achieved unparalleled Mastery in the Arts of the janas school sword Masters that basically served as Elite commanders Educators and protectors for the nobility esteem for their unmatched combat skills surpassing even the Fearsome sardaka the emperor's ruthless Army sword Masters like Idaho and gurny HCK were instrumental in honing the atres forces into a formidable Brotherhood of honorable Warriors the Resurgence of melee Weaponry a Hallmark of the sword Master's expertise came in response to the Advent of shielding technologies that rendered conventional Firearms obsolete marking a return to the Primacy of the sword and knife in war undeterred Paul turns to his father Duke ler with the same plea he gave Idaho only to be gently denied standing firm in the swirling Sands of political machinations lato needs Paul as an anchor by his side and is worried about the risk a great man doesn't seek to lead he's called to it he details the emperor's orchestration of a war between House of traes and house har Conan a conflict designed to bleed both houses dry tipping the scales of power back to the throne but eyeing the chessboard with a Keen Eye lato plots to weave the formidable desert power of the fan into the might of House of Trades aiming to out maneuver the emperor's Gambit Within These Grand designs Paul wrestles with self-doubt about his capacity to fill his father's considerable boots in a moment of vulnerability leato shares his own youthful uncertainties offering assurance that Paul will navigate the path to leadership with Grace but if not he will still love him all the same you'll still be the only thing I ever needed you to be my son with Danger on the horizon gurny HCK the loyal at trades warm crosses blades with Paul the sparring session is as much about steel as it is about instilling a sense of vigilance against the haronian Menace the lesson ruthlessness as a virtue in the theater of war you never met Haron me before I have they're not human they're brutal esteemed alongside thua haat and Duncan Idaho is one of Paul's primary mentors on kaladan hak was known for his uncompromising yet Noble Spirit blending the ferocity of a warrior with the soul of a musician despite his formidable presence marked by loyalty and a capacity for deep hostility halik avoided the use of mange a skilled baliset player his musical talents and ponant for quoting the orange Catholic Bible lent a unique depth to his character often bordering on the prophetic he was renowned for his unmatched prowess in combat and was capable of besting even the elite sardo Duncan Idaho once remarked on halex unparalleled ability to intertwine his Marshal and musical talents suggesting he could Ser you to death without missing a beat as the epitome of a warrior poet what do they say about this hell hole again the shower you scrub your ass with sand my Lord that shall sucker the abundance of the Seas on the treasure head in the sand meanwhile Paul's Knights are haunted by visions of channy a spectre of Destiny weaving through his dreams the plot thickens with the arrival of Jessica's Benny jzer Superior Reverend mother guas Helen Mah truthsayer to the emperor bringing with her an Air of intrigue and forboding she's not truthsayer to the emperor himself she wants to know about your dreams prior to this ominous audience Wellington UA the epitome of medical virtue offers Paul a cryptic warning in Mandarin the Benny jer's motives are a Labyrinth of their own Suk doctors emerging from the prestigious Suk School were renowned for their exceptional medical expertise and rigorous mental conditioning this rendered them incapable of betraying patients or committing murder it made them highly sought after by wealthy families and influential organizations ensuring their loyalty and eliminating the risk of them being exploited as assass ass much like the Menat in the spacing Guild the Inception of the Suk school and its unique educational approach were direct outcomes of the butlerian Jihad representing Humanity's Endeavor to understand and heal its physiological conditions without the Reliance on prohibited Technologies and as a doctor of the atres family Wellington is a trusted member of the faction charged with healing and protecting their bloodline upon meeting Paul mahayan puts him through the test of the gum Jabar a poisoned needle and a pain in inflicting box to judge's character enough employed by the noble houses and extensively by the Ben jzer the Gom Jabar served as both a means to eliminate Rivals and a test of humanity when testing an individual the Benny jazer placed it against their neck to deter withdrawal the test involving significant pain measured whether a person's awareness was sufficient to overy their Primal instincts an animal caught in a trap will g off its own leg will you do Post examination with the Curiosity of a cat eyeing a mouse mahyam probes Paul about his dreams inquiring of his Visions ever breached the veil of reality in the aftermath she turns her anger towards Jessica reprimanding her for daring to deviate from the Benny chesar plan you see due to her love for julo she bore him a son instead of the intended daughter meant to we a har conin so much potential wasted in a male you were told to Bear only daughters accusations Flyers MIM later revealed to be her mother implies Jessica audaciously hoped that her boy could be the quizat hatak ahead of schedule an idea is scandalous as it was tantalizing the quizat Tarak meaning shortening of the way represented their goal of creating a male with unparalleled preent abilities capable of accessing genetic memories from both genders unlike their limited female lonely perspective provided by spice mange this ambition led to a millennial long genetic breeding program aiming to produce a being who could PRI the future with Precision combining the roles of a Benny jeser Reverend mother a Menat and a guild Navigator into one intended to end the feud between the atres and the har conans and to place a benzer controlled male on the throne the plan was effectively altered by Lady Jessica Jessica confirms the rumors of Paul's Messianic potential only for mahim to cast a Shadow of Doubt cautioning that Paul's poers are still in their nent stage hinting at a risky path ahead mim's departure leaves a a cloud of questions prompting Paul to seek Clarity from Jessica it's here that his mother reveals the centuries old Benny jzer genetic plan aimed at birthing a mind capable of traversing the corridors of time past and future alike for thousands of years we've been carefully Crossing blood lines as at trades make their grand entrance on araus they met with an unexpected chorus of chants that are cryptic and incomprehensible to Paul Jessica explains it is the prophecy of the lizan AL the off-world Messiah a mantle the locals seem ready to drape over Paul but the boy remained skeptical attributing the fervor to the benzer's pon shant for planting myths to serve their ends some believe he's here all part of a plan voice from the outer World it means the benzer have been at work here the narrative thickens with the introduction of shed out Mapes a freman who like many before her is ens snared by the prophecy chosen to be their servant she presents Jessica with a dagger a token of Allegiance and a symbol of the lethal beauty of aracas forged from the tooth of Shai halud a sandworm of the desert the gift is a testament to the Dee rooted belief in Paul and Jessica as the harbingers of change despite Paul's dismissive attitude towards the prophetic Tales woven by The Sisterhood it's a maker maker of the deep desert autotrophic creatures on a desert planet of aracas sandworms played a crucial role in the creation of SP mange originating from an unknown source before the butlerian Jihad they thrived under the vast deserts responding aggressively to rhythmic vibrations on the surface as a territorial defense mechanism their existence was shrouded in mystery with sightings being rare except by The freman Who had developed a unique ability to manage and coexist with the Colossal beings the tradies relocation to arus unfolds more like a herculan trial than a mere change of scenery they're greeted not by welcoming arms but by the treachery of sabotaged equipment a parting gift from the har conans designed to Doom them to failure we won't see prophets like that for a while not with the equipment they left us the social landscape of oracus is also a Minefield of murky alliances and veiled hostilities making friends and foes indistinguishable Jessica and her compatriots quickly reason that oracus is an excess of intrigue with the spacing Guild's Palms greased by fman bribes to keep the skies clear of surveillance satellites among Ong the tapestry of betrayal Paul encounters his own brush with death narrowly Escaping The Silent wear of a hunter Seeker drone thanks to the timely arrival of Mapes the incident set against his contemplation of the muah deep desert Mouse underscores the lethal welcome awaiting them confronted with The haronian Parting gifts duato seeks to report the Injustice through the Imperial Arbiter of the transition the ecologist leak Kines a fixture on oracus with deep deep ties to its Sands and secrets meanwhile Duncan Idaho reemerges from the desert with tales of the freman Warriors without equal dwelling in seates Hidden beneath the unforgiving dunes his reports confirm thur hawat suspicion of a vastly underestimated frem and populace adding yet another layer to the complex political and social puzzle that is arachis i' say 10,000 people and there are hundreds of SES millions of fen the belief from th for haat that there were likely millions of them and not the thousand that the honan's thought was culminated through immense calculations hawat was essentially a Menat a human trained to possess computer-like logic and computational ability following the butlerian Jihad Menat training aimed at developing unparalleled mental faculties and analytical skills began as early as infancy to enhance sensory and emotional awareness fostering broad cognitive growth without specialization this rigorous disciplined program imposed severe punishments for neglect and promoted self-direction by age 15 culminating in advanced studies in logic statistics and conceptual synthesis upon reaching a pivotal decision year candidates sought internal confirmation of their vocation with successful mentats undergoing further conditioning to refine their super logical hypothesizing capabilities these human processes able to analyze vast data arrays and create insightful conclusions were invaluable to political and military leaders enhanced by Sappo juice despite its addictive consequences Menat serve various roles including advisers and administrators prized for their ethical operation unless altered into Twisted mens by the Benny TX for unrestricted computational analysis this unique blend of ethical constraint and analytical prowess position mentats as essential yet not infallible components within societal and political machinations reild Navigators a total of 1.46 million Solaris round trip Duncan Idaho brings where the that sgar chief of a notable SI has crossed the dunes to Parlay with Duke leato sgar lays down the lore of the land the outworlders are to keep their exploration within the city's confines reserving the desert solely for the Harvest of spice ever the Diplomat later rejects the Restriction but vows to uphold the sanctity of sich and freman under a trades rule name what you want I ask for this do not trespass in norlands and you will never be hunted while I govern here a formidable fman leader in na of sich toab dgar embodies the essence of freman Valor with the title na denoting a warrior sworn never to be captured alive Ascension to this role typically demands the defeat of the preceding Nab in combat underscoring the position's martial Roots Duncan Idaho describes stillar as a paragon of fan virtue so much so that in the books Idaho himself becomes deeply aligned with both the atres and freman calls sar's dedication to safeguarding his people and the traditions of the freman coupled with his profound connection to the merciless landscape of oracus marks him as a sage of the desert and He commands respect through his wisdom and unwavering commitment to making the inhospitable expanses of Dune a stronghold for his people despite Paul's invitation for him to stay still G takes his leave won't you stay we would honor you honor requires that I be elsewhere in a crash course on Survival Duncan reveals the marvels of fman Ingenuity from the life preserving still suits Thumpers to the parac compers the fman make these and still suits s compactors and all kinds of ingenious things the steel suit is an ingenious survival apparatus meticulously engineered to reclaim the wearer's moisture that's lost through sweat and urine it purifies it for rec consumption via strategically placed catch pockets and a neck mounted tube this remarkable piece of technology enables an individual to endure the harsh desert for weeks provided the suit is diligently maintained while the thumper operates as a vital device to attract the Colossal sandworms with its rhythmic pounding triggered by spring-loaded claer complimenting these is the parac compus a navigational Aid ATT tune to the planet's unique magnetic anomalies essential for orientation in the tumultuous and magnetically distorted terrain of aracas the plot thickens as Latos Entourage joined by the enigmatic leet kinds set off to scrutinize the spice mining operations while in the film leet is a woman in the books kinds was a man that served as Imperial planetologist judge of the change in the clandestine freman leader as judge K's held the authority to oversee the transition of planetary fiefs and adjudicating the ancient practice of Canley with his ruling standing and less contested before the High Council the son of pek K an offworlder revered by the freman for his Visionary eological plan to transform oracus into a paradise leet inherited a profound respect among the fman despite his official allegiance to the Imperium his true loyalty lay with the freman leading to a complex relationship with House of Trades whom he eventually supported noting Paul's adeptness with his still suit A fitting so native it draws her admiration kind murmurs a prophecy that Paul is as fman as a desert born no this is my first time their expedition takes a turn for the dramatic at the sight of a sand crawler about to be attacked by a sandworm lured by The Mechanical Rhythm of spice extraction this prompts later to execute a daring rescue plunging his orops into the fry amidst the chaos Paul a washing spice induced visions and nearly claimed by the Behemoth is saved by gurn's timely intervention they can only watch as the Leviathan of the desert claims a sand crawler in one gulp bless the coming and going of him may his passage cleanse the world in the afterm Dr UA examines Paul assuring them that the spice's Mind expanding effects while potent pose no harm the event teeming with prophecy danger and the raw power of arus foreshadows the tumultuous path Paul is destined To Tread intertwined with the fate of channy and the soul of aracas spice is a psychoactive chemical you seem to be sensitive it was an allergic reaction thought I saw my death only it wasn't someone will hand me a blade but I don't know who or when unfortunately the Haron and Onslaught unfolds with a villainy and ferocity that catches House of Trades off guard striking with a swiftness and might that leaves them reeling the Haron in a maneuver of mellian cunning infiltrate their inner sanctum with a achieving the unthinkable they shatter the Imperial conditioning of a Suk doctor a feat thought Impossible by dangling the potential of his wife's freedom from torment they bend the atres medic UA to wen their dark plan as the Haron and forces descent he sabotages their defenses and drugs Paul and Jessica as a result the atres find themselves rudderless caught in the storm of haonan and sardaka violence s s jolted awake by lights in the distance ler calls for his security only to find silence his discovery of the lifeless Mapes is swiftly followed by his own incapacitation via a treacherous start courtesy of U who steps out of the shadows as the architect of betrayal the doctor confesses his treason driven by The honan's Leverage over his wife I had no choice they take her apart like a doll but in a final Act of defiance he arms later with a poison capsule hidden inside his tooth A desperate Gambit against the baron Baron Vladimir har Conan was ear marked early for leadership over his gentler half brother abuot under the tutelage of his father the reigning cidar and Baron of GAA Prime his rise to power was characterized by enhancing house Al Conan's influence through methods of blackmail subterfuge and outright treachery his Reign was marked by cruelty and exploitation particularly towards those enslaved under his rule a formidable adversary of House Of traes The Baron's Vendetta against ler was both personal and ruthless aiming for nothing less than their total Annihilation his nephews glosu the Beast raban and fed rala were key players in his scheme for Galactic Supremacy raban acted as the Iron Fist on oracus while fade was being primed to inherit and expand The Baron's Dark Legacy my desert my araus my Dune gurn Springs into action rallying the atres forces against the haronian Invaders In the Imperial Sardar but their ships and Equipment are destroyed before the battle even begins God in heaven get everything with guns off the ground [Music] go stranded on the harsh Planet Solus of sandas colonists adapted to extreme climates and dangerous wildlife developed into the formidable Warrior society called the Sardar this rugged Fearless population organized into Clans eventually United under house Karina after their victory at the Battle of Corin salusa sandas deemed too harsh for governance became an imperial Prison Planet contributing to the sarda's reputation as the ultimate enforcers of The Emperor's will maintaining order Across the Universe through fear and unmatched combat skills the sarda training marked by ruthlessness and a disregard for personal safety made them dangerous Warriors their loyalty to house Karina was indoctrinated through a belief in their superiority and a relatively decent lifestyle this set them apart as the imperium's most formidable military force rivaled only by Warriors of equally brutal environments like the fine of arakas the atres forces blindsided and vastly outnumbered by the combined might of Honan and sardaka troops find themselves in a d predicament their ranks are ultimately decimated and their defenses shattered leaving only a handful of survivors to flee into the unforgiving desert Duncan idah emerges as a beacon of Valor dispatching many sarda before commandeering an oropa hoping to whisk Paul and Jessica to safety only to discover them gone let be the kid to the world I give her a long goodbye meanwhile the baron Vladimir ever the schema has assured MIM and the benzer of Paul and Jessica's safety he does this by weaving a web of Deceit to ensure that he can claim with a straight face that he did not kill them but AR rockus is AR rockus in the desert makes the weak his plan involves casting them into the desert to perish under the cruel Sun but Paul his Mastery of the Benny jzer voice yet unrefined nonetheless bends it to his will compelling their captiv to free Jessica with her gag removed Jessica's command is Swift and lethal orchestrating the demise of their abductors with chilling efficiency give me the knife with their ornithopter incapacitated they're forced to witness the destruction of their home and people from a far and under the intoxicating influence of the omnipresent spice Po's latent abilities burgeon into full force War spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire his perception of potential Futures develops revealing glimpses of past leading to the Resurgence of house at trades the key to this Destiny lies in forging an alliance with the indomitable freman provided he can survive in a confrontation lured with betrayal UA demands his payment from Baron har Conan seeking the Fulfillment of their pact the baron as the embodiment of treachery FS compliance and simply ends his life I did for the Duke and his family deliver my wife from her Agony I said I'd set her free that you could join her so join her but his Triumph is shortlived as aato unleashes the deadly toxin this claims the lives of all but the baron who is severely injured but narrowly escapes death by retreating to the ceiling tonight the house of a tra is Falls as Paul shelters from a tempest in a survival tent with Jessica the spice continues to unlock the flood gates of his psyche initially he's visited by visions of channy a Prelude to darker more tumultuous insights his view is soon clouded by the Spectre of war and fervent Crusades waged in the name of at trades a future where peace is consumed by an insatiable Inferno of conflict and zealotry what he's effectively seeing is a vision of the mu's Jihad a potential timeline here Paul's Ascension to Emperor would initiate a 12-year Jihad radically transforming the universe with the freman Conquering thousands of planets in his name this would lead to over 10,000 worlds under trades control 61 billion casualties the sterilization of 90 planets the demoralization of 500 worlds and the extinction of 40 religion religions recoiling in horror at the cataclysmic future his vision revealed Paul initially cast blame towards Jessica and the Benny chz yet amidst a storm of Prophecy in panic Jessica is able to bring him a semblance of Peace you get off me in the aftermath of betrayal and Carnage Duncan Idaho emerges rescuing Paul and Jessica away from the jaws of death their Sanctuary an abandoned terraforming Outpost now harboring femin under the stewardship of kinds you know what the great houses fear most Dr K's exactly what has happened to us here as Emperors I can make a paradise for rakus with a wave of my hand however Tranquility is shortlived as sardaka besieged their Haven igniting a fierce Skirmish that seized the F and inflicting heavy casualties just as Paul had foreseen here Duncan lays down his life to enable Paul Jessica and leet to escape no dunan Paul no D in a daring mood move Paul and Jessica take to the skies in an oropa while the Gravely injured leet summons a sandworm and is enveloped by the desert Behemoth as Paul navigates the ornithopter through a sandstorm he's visited by another preent Vision a fman guiding him through the art of Survival by acquiescing to the movement of the desert the mystery of life isn't a problem to solve we must move with the flow of the process heeding this advice Paul surrenders to the storm emerging battered but alive in the heart of the desert presumed dead by the har Conan and now under the Relentless Sun Jessica and Paul Trek towards the rumored sanctuary of aeman sich on foot their Journey marked by the ominous presence of a sandworm leads them to a precarious standoff with a band of fman this is the Duke's son why are you waiting we need their water among them is their leader sgar who deems Paul Untouchable a sentiment not shared by jamers who begins to wen with lethal intent recognizing jamus from his Visions Paul stands at the precipice of Des his path inexorably intertwined with the Sands and secrets of arus way Clans go back to reason dgar he's not the one known for his ferocity in battle jamus was a valuable yet flawed fman Warrior praised by sgar for his bravery but criticized for excessive violence limiting his leadership potential his aggressive nature however secured him a respected place in the tribe in a bid for sanctuary and a return to kaladan Jessica plays her hand promising extravagant Rewards unimpressed by the material offerings of outworlders SAR proposes a split fate for mother and son with the fire of Youth still within him Paul will be welcomed to The Siege while Jessica deemed too old for the rigers of freman warfare faces abandonment you can't learn our ways but the woman isn't trained but underestimating the jeo Benny jeser at prow West proves to be Still's Folly as they quickly disarmed the Fran securing their position with a the blade at his throat recognizing Jessica's affiliation with the Benny Jes star recalibrates his stance agreeing to Shepherd both of them to the safety of The Siege why didn't you say you were a weirding woman conversation ran short however this Accord is fractured by jamus who demands combat with Jessica as a result Paul steps forward as his mother's Champion sealing his fate in a jewel that Echoes through his Visions all atres Must Die Here chany extends a Cris knife to Paul a gesture of compassion for the younger traes whom she believes is about to die a poignant intersection of Prophecy and reality I will not have them you talk like a leader the strongest leads in a jewel that pits youth against experience Paul astonishingly dominates jamus showcasing not just an act for combat but a Mastery courtesy of his Elite Training despite his Advantage the Revelation that fem and jewels are a fight to The Bitter End throws him for Paul is yet to stain his hands with the blood of another the spectacle of air boy besting a seasoned Warrior might seem a mismatch of Epic Proportions yet Paul driven by necessity of a desire secure's Victory and with it a new found status within the tribe this Victory plunges Paul and Jessica deeper into the fan way of life a culture where even in death utility Reigns Supreme evidence when jamus is distilled to his Essence his water reclaimed by the tribe as a stark Testament to the value of life's most fundamental resource you're one of fast now a life for a life come with us to sit witnessing a freman defying the impossible to ride a behemoth worm Paul and Jessica are ushered Into the Heart of the desert by channy who hints at the dawn of a profound Journey she Whispers to Paul this is only the beginning a Prelude to the Odyssey that lies ahead in the shifting Sands of arachas desert power this is only the beginning you have much to learn I will show you the ways of the desert come with me daughter of the half reman planetologist leak Kai chenny emerged as a formidable fighter within star's ranks on aracas preceded by her presence in Paul's preent Visions their burgeoning romance would significantly shape the universe's Destiny no seriously it gets pretty wild and for more information for those that want spoilers check out my video on the god emperor of Dune after this video M the one who points the way these are our own religious patterns aren't they this is our doing what if po treaties were still alive enough as we pick up with part two we find princess Ilan Corino daughter of Emperor shadam IV chronicling the secret attack against House of Trades by the har conans born to the 81st peser Emperor and Benny jzer anural irelan emerged as a pivotal historian raised in the Grandeur of the Imperial Court with her sisters her education was steeped in Benny jeser teachings preparing her for a life of political maneuvering and elegance with The Grand Design signs of others who eyed her as a tool for exploitation Iran's Journey found her individuality in ambition clashing with familial and societal expectations the actions of her father intertwin her fate with arus and the Universe At Large setting the stage for her role in the tumultuous events that follow she notes that with the stealth of Shadows the haronian forces executed their assault on aracas catching all off guard under the veil of night without a declaration of war despite juk leato holding place in her father's heart akin to a son irelan is left pondering the motivations behind her father's order to obliterate the atres lineage yet she harbored a suspicion that their story was not over as her reflection then drifted to the broader implications of House of Trades downfall for arus itself here we shift back to the freman Paul trades and his expectant mother lady Jessica as they embark on a perilous journey across the desert to The Refuge of sich tabar shielded from the scorching rays of the irais Sun canopis and nestled within the sanctuary of mountains or rock formations sees functioned as a fortress and home for the freman these vast complexes carved by nature or Fring hands sprawled into extensive networks of tunnels and caves accommodating not just families but the entirety of a self-sufficient Society each SI functioning as a small City supported its own economy with spice processing still suit manufacturing Agriculture and essential water conservation systems governed by a na and vigilantly protected the sies balance communal living with private family spaces known as Yas inheritance of these quarters followed fan Customs passing to the Sun or in the case of a Tahari challenge To the victor notably some sies like sich tabar were distinguished by harboring a stunted sandworm essential for the Sacred Water of Life rituals underscoring the Deep intertwining of fan life with the Ecology of aracas in an intimate moment Paul radies find solace in the sand confiding in the not yet arrived Spirit of his sister he discusses their father's demise the world's inherent cruelty and his daunting fear of running out of time demend the fractures of their reality before she joins them the reflective speech is abruptly curtailed as reality intrudes with Paul and Jessica compelled into hiding from the ever Vigilant haonan Scouts under still gar seasoned leadership the fman execute a strategic withdrawal cleverly employing a thumper to summon sandworm effectively diverting the haran threat to less favorable Terrain in the ensuing Skirmish Paul and Jessica blending with the freman leverag surprise to their advantage neutralizing their pursuers in a desperate bid for survival the aftermath sees the freman extracting water from their fallen foes an act of survival and reverence leaving the carcasses as offerings to the desert deity shy hude meanwhile the Honan stronghold in aren bubbles with Colosso reban Fury over the mounting loss inflicted by the freman his Ambitions halted by the desert's unconquered South upon reaching the safety of the SI Paul and Jessica confront a malstrom of Suspicion grief and Messianic expectations from the freman their pres staring a cauldron of conflicting sentiments here stillar stands as their Advocate before the council arguing for Mutual Aid and Alliance while they suggest he cast Po and Jessica Into the Wilderness stilar swayed by Omens proclaims Paul as their prophesized Mii personally endorsing him in a confidential exchange he also unveils to Jessica the seer's hidden Lifeline a vast aquafire nurtured by the essence of their deceased he also shares the D news of their Reverend mother's waning life positing Jessica as her successor a position she cannot refuse without facing death herself and so in the sacred company of the sadena and the aien Reverend mother rillo Jessica is called to partake in the perilous ritual of the Water of Life a decisive moment that intertwines fate with tradition and survival with Legacy the sadena Translating to Friend of God and choba denotes the fman lower tier priestesses who have yet to undergo the transformative spice Agony to become Reverend mothers typically a new sadena is appointed concurrently with the previous holders attempt at the spice Agony ensuring the preservation of spiritual leadership should the trial prove fatal while the Water of Life a potent blue poison serves as a pivotal right of passage for the Benny jeser transforming accolades into Reverend mothers a tradition shared by the Sader of the femin deadly to those unversed in the advanced prab Bindu techniques this lethal concoction guarantees death with excruciating pain for the unprepared sourced from the planet Dune it is derived from the bile of a young sandworm emerging only as the creature faces death by Drowning for those who survive its consumption the Water of Life acts as an awareness Spectrum integral to the Benny jeser in their spiritual and psychic ascendant here Paul is told by channy and the others that there are two factions within the fan those from the North like them that believe in only the fmen and Southerners like SAR who believe in the prophecy of the lizan alib at the same time Jessica is forced to drink the water of Life told that if she drinks she will die and if she drinks she may see but as she begins to convulse the other sadena start to grow fearful after realizing too late that Jessica is pregnant during the ordeal both camps of the fan argu about what happened as she recovered in deep Sleep you see star and the southerners beli Jessica survived just as it was written for the mother of the lizan AR to do so while channy and the others contest that the prophecy was written by the Benny jerat cutting through the argument Paul admits it was no Miracle as his mother was trained to transmutate poison insisting he wasn't the Mii and didn't want to lead he instead asks only to fight beside them hilariously the southerners including stillar say that Paul is too humble to say that that he was de madii which in their eyes was even more reason to know that he was showing how spirituality blinded those that believed after a little while Jessica overcomes the poison and inherits the memories of the sadena ancestors and Benny jzer that came before her this has unprecedented effects on her daughter alera traes who was now pre-born and highly susceptible to Abomination from before birth the term pre-born describes individuals who even before their birth possess a fully formed Consciousness and the ability to access their ancestral memories mirroring the abilities of a benzar reverend mother this precocious Awakening makes him particularly prone to Abomination a condition where the individual is at risk of being dominated by the personalities within their genetic memory potentially leading to Insanity the Benny jesid actually regard those labeled as Abominations with deep fear due to their uncontrollable access to Collective ancestral knowledge and resultant psychological instability posing a significant Danger as such they enforce a Draconian measure against those suspected of being Abominations mandating their immediate execution to prevent any threat they might pose with Jessica gaining new information and preent abilities her daughter does so as well too young to have developed their own personality and overwhelmed by the ego memories of their ancestors this has catastrophic effects on Alo Jessica also admits that she's been communicating with a pre-born daughter his mother then explains that only once step remained for him to become the quizat hatak he need only do what she did and drink the water of Life enabling his mind to open and see the Beauty and the horror following this Paul begins his trials to join the freman and is told to cross the desert and return alive from his journey while she's talking with her friend sharle about how the prophecy must be false channy tells her that there's sincerity in Paul unlike the other Outsiders they've encountered this leads her to eventually join him and teach Paul their ways from instru instructing him on how to properly sandwalk to explaining how wind traps work devices designed to reclaim the moisture in the air and funnel it into large catch basins channy imp Parts a Fountain of Knowledge as we cut to Jessica we see her pre-born daughter Aria telling her to convert the non-believers in Northern oracus into accepting the prophecy beginning with who they perceive to be weak with some time having passed hiding in the sand the fman and Paul lay Siege to a Haron and spice mining tank the Warriors efficiently kill the soldiers protecting it but all hell breaks loose when an ornithopter flies around and begins to fire on them taking out a number of freman realizing its Shield only went down when it opened fire after protecting channy Paul distracts it enabling her to bring it down using a rocket launcher asked how he learned to fight so well Paul explains to the fman that his War Masters who died along with his father taught him declaring that while the fman had been Waring with the har conans for decades he notes that his family had been fighting them for centuries reasoning that with the fan knowledge of the desert and his insights into the har conans He suggests that they could bury them in the desert and give arus back to their people this ends up rousing those that were initially skeptical of him into saying he needed to be faken essentially Fan's Guerilla Fighters and the elite of their forces and with that silgar gives Paul the name usul meaning the strong base of a pillar is his private name within the troop while Paul gives himself the name muadi as his public fan name after the clever arus Mouse this leads to Paul muad buul becoming accepted by the entire tribe as he and channy begin to develop a romantic relationship here we're equal men and women alike what we do we do for the benefit of all I'd very much like to be equal to you as they do so Chana reveals her private name in The Troop as being sahaya meaning Desert Spring while she effectively hates the name and its Association to an ancient prophecy it should be noted that it ends up being significant later under his leadership his F can experience Victory after Victory against the Haron and Paul's Prestige and Aura among the freman grows this not only angers the baron but leads to him threatening raban with death if their ability to produce spice is further endangered by these events Paul also finds himself experiencing horrific visions of him following a mysterious figure later shown to be Jessica heading south in it the land is scattered with corpses due to the holy war he felt would happen if he were to become the lizan algib don't try to imprison anyone you're brave we all know that nothing fancy hey I'm serious nothing fancy or you will shame my teaching I won't shame you to gain full acceptance among the freman one must Master the perilous skill of sand riding controlling the Colossal sandworms indigenous to oracus using maker hooks this closely guarded secret allows them unparalleled Mobility across the desert terrains surpassing the capabilities of any occupying Force hindered by the planet's violent Corola storms shulu decides to if you become Freeman or if you die despite the inherent dangers of commandeering such a behemoth Paul Embraces the challenge by successfully riding a grandfather sandworm the largest they'd ever seen this cements his place within the fman community as a fully integrated member of the SI upon hearing this Jessica proclaims that Shai HUD will bow to the boy from the outer World sending her followers to spread word of the prophecy and how it was coming to fruition with many in the north now starting to believe in Paul Jessica then heads off to Southern oracus to spread word of the prophecy to the millions of fundamentalists while she wants Paul to join her he feels that they're giving the people false hope and that him joining her would lead to his Visions coming true the journey there on sandworm is a dangerous one with her group forced to pass through a Corola storm a Corola storm on oracus is a devastating Sandstorm its ferocity magnified by the planet's rotation propelling winds to terrifying spe speed of up to 700 kmph the storms pose a significant threat to life and infrastructure on the desert Planet but the native Fran mitigate this danger by constructing their seates within rock formations this is in contrast to the capital Arin which is protected by the large Shield wall in the film The Storm also served as a boundary between the northern and southern territories of oracus effectively impeding the Southwood expansion of the har conans unfortunately for the har conans more of their spice depos and equip continue to be destroyed by the freman this causes the Furious raban to lead a massive hunt for the freman one that sees most of his forces killed is near death and ultimately raban retreating with his tail behind his legs as the emperor learns of the muad a fan Prophet causing trouble for his continued Reign he questions his daughter on how to approach the crisis send assassins no prophets get stronger when they die let the conflict turn into war you then bring peace while he wants to use direct force with his sarda the princess explains that repression will only make their religion flourish instead in the presence of her teacher Reverend mother moay uran suggests he lets the conflict break out into war this would effectively enable him to sweep in and bring peace making him the hero in the eyes of the lrod in the other great houses but as she walked away with the Reverend mother gas Helen MIM urand ades that muad might actually be polar of traes something the Reverend mother tells not to repeat in front of anyone enough this must not come out even to your father's ears understand I do R mother the concern of course is that Paul likely knows the emperor liquidated his entire house an illegal act that would likely see the other houses come together to overthrow him anticipating this gas MIM reveals that Benny JZ have another card up their sleeve in the for of fed ralur The Baron's psychotic youngest nephew meanwhile Baron Vladimir har Conan has returned to his home world to celebrate the birthday of fed rur brother of raban Born to abyad raban Fed rur represented his father's aspirations to cleanse the family name of its Haron and dishonor and become a dignified Heir contrasting with his brutish older brother glossu named after his maternal grandfather fed's fate took a pivotal turn when Baron Vladimir har Conan chose to Mentor him envisioning the boy as the ideal successor to the har Conan Legacy in fact acknowledging his potential the baron officially named fedur as his Heir favoring him of a glossu and thus integrating him fully into the haronian lineage as fade rathera haran instead of raban you humiliated our family you humiliated me I thought that it was interesting to note that Paula trades and fed Raa those similar in their Noble Origins education and martial prowess embody starkly contrasting Natures Paul kindness loyalty and empathy stand in sharp relief against Fade's ruthless cruelty brutality and ambition in this way fade rur represents the antithesis of Paul serving as his shadowy counterpart and illustrating The Duality inherent in the Benny chesar breeding program where both are forged from the same design yet diverge onto diametrically opposed paths it's also important to consider that in a strategic maneuver to enlist house AR Conan's cooperation in his plot the emperor angled the prospect of marrying uran to the haronian air enticed by the vision of a haronian Empire bolstered by this Alliance the baron welcomed the proposal and CAU in the crossfire of political machinations uran found herself a reluctant porn inwardly rebelling against her role in the power play designed to consolidate Haron and dominance the celebration essentially involves fed rther engaging in his favorite pastime killing people this time inside an arena where thousands have come to watch him defeat the last three remaining atres while it's customary for them to be drugged we learned that his uncle had left one untouched wanting to see his nephew being put to the test show me who you are also in attendance are Reverend mother MIM and fellow Benny chz lady Margo of house fendering who have plans of their own more on house vening at the end of the video although the two intoxicated soldiers are easily beaten the last one proves to be a match for the young fade rur something he admires so much so that he removes his shield and is angered when the court Jesters tried to interfere by injuring him arur he's [Applause] psychotic when he eventually defeats him he even tells the man that he fought well before walking out of the arena and yelling at his uncle for trying to kill him the baron explains that news of The Emperor's hand and the destruction of House of traes would caused the Great houses to rise up against him and this could enable fedur to sit on the throne the Benny jeser have also sent lady Maro fening to use the voice against fed rur and put him through the test of the gum Jabar after he passes she manipulates him into sleeping with her giving them control over the Haron and Bloodline with her now carrying his daughter you young pop look who's back from the dead at the same time finding gurny HCK operating as a Smuggler along with some fman he befriended Paul brings him into the fold but his fedin are not quick to trust him believing gy to be a spy in the novel we actually discovered there were a few haran spies embedded within H's group that even make an attempt on Paul's life but the movie admits this also gone is gurn's attempt on Jessica's life as he believed she was the Spy that betrayed house at trades in the book we learn the at trades knew there was a mole among their ranks with halik and th haat believing it to be Jessica but this was curtailed by Paul who reveals it was UA all along convincing gurnie to swear allegiance to both Paul and Jessica the prophet why is that a bad thing use it because all my Visions lead to horror because you lose control because I gain it while gurnie tries to encourage Paul to use the fman to lead an ultimate attack on the har conans Paul admits he was reluctant due to his horrific visions of what happens if he gains control however revealing he knew where his father hid the family's supply of 92 Atomic Warheads halex sposed Paul in his feden to plan an epic retaliation powered by nuclear fishing atomics were Ed in deep psychological and societal disain largely due to their catastrophic historical application governed by the great convention the deployment of atomics as offensive weapons warranted planetary obliteration yet paradoxically the great houses secretly amass them against potential extraterrestrial threats this Collective repugnance stems from their apocalyptic use in the war against thinking machines most notably resulting in the desolation of Earth and Corin but it should be noted that despite their prohibition atomics punctuated Intergalactic history with significant incidents as mentioned just before this included Earth's obliteration before the butlerian Jihad the annihilation of thinking machines and biological life across several planets during the Great perge and the e iCal ruin of salusa candus by house tantor which required the Imperial capital's relocation to kitain Additionally the obliteration of Corona during shadam I Four's great spice War underscore the perilous Legacy and continued fear of atomics in the universe this is why their Discovery begins to sew a rift between channy and Paul which continues to grow the closer he gets to ultimate power with Jessica getting a demonstration from the caretaker and how the Water of Life was created she commands her to wait for for her son Paul who will be coming to fulfill the prophecy meanwhile unhappy with the performance of raban the baron promotes Fade ralur to governor of oracus and the planet begins to witness his cunning laying Siege to the planet with heavy bombing rates the young Governor manages to bury SI toar and kill a number of freman while forcing the rest to hide telling reaban that he humiliated their family by failing to take control fade rur even embarrasses him and turn by getting him to kiss his feet in a sign of filty kiss or die even with the Honan hitting all of the northern seates a war council is called by the fman in the South where they are waiting for the muad calling for jamus to guide him as he did before Paul receives Visions telling him to drink the water of life to see everything and jamus explaining a good Hunter needs to see in order to succeed because of this despite Paul's reluctance the survivors all make their way toward the South Riding sandworms While most of them head to the Gathering Paul makes a detour and drinks the Water of Life overwhelmed by visions of the future including one of his sister Alia standing by a beach on oracus and telling him that she's with him he slips into unconsciousness at the same time staying behind to spy on the har conans she sharly is captured and eventually incinerated by fed ralur when she refuses to talk with Je Jessica the fedin and other fman unable to wake Paul channy is called to help while she initially believed him to be dead Jessica explains his vital signs were merely low and that he needed her help although she didn't believe in the prophecy she's told that she's a part of it with still gar uttering he shall come back from the dead with Desert Spring tears a translation of channy's name sahaya she calls for them to bring her a drop of the Water of Life After blending her tears with a mysterious substance and placing it on his lips she wakes Paul up confirming the prophecy of the lizan alib with channy slapping him and walking off in protest Paul explains to Jessica that his Visions were clear now he can essentially see possible Futures all at once and way for them to Prevail with their bloodline written across time he also reveals that he knew Jessica as the daughter of Baron har Conan some she herself only found out after drinking the Water of Life although it was effectively necessary in the freman tradition for Paul to kill stillar and take his place in order to speak at the Gathering something still God desperately wanted Paul refuses stating it is he that points the way and while channy kicks up a fuss saying that the prophecy would enslave her people she's told to be quiet by all including gurnie HCK confronting the millions of freman listening by saying that their rules did not apply to him as the lizan alib Paul ultimately declares that there are none among the freman that could stand against him while many stand up with their chis knives daring to fight him he continues by saying their mother fathers had warned them about his coming and that they should fear the moment revealing intimate details about all those that Dar to stand in his way he sways the entire crowd with his passion and fervor so much so that even the Northerners begin to bow down to him declaring that he was Paul muadi betres Duke of oracus the voice from the outer world he finally proclaims that he was here to lead them to Paradise with the crowd of fundamentalists chanting his name we cut to the Emperor who receives a formal Challenge from Paul arriving on the planet soon after with his entire sarda force the emperor admonishes the baron for failing to deal with House of trates as was promised at the same time Paul and his fman stage a multi-layered Attack under the cover of a massive storm that the lizan and algib had foreen would help them sgar and his troops attack from the West with the help from an atomic that H detonates to break the shield wall chany and the fedan strike from the East while Paul hits them head on from the north with his fundamentalists it's here that the desert power the fman that Duke ler had talked of is finally utilized using the sandstorm sandworms and the element of surprise the fman cut a swwa through the sardaka and Honan troops defeating them with ease and as the baron makes a desperate attempt to crawl to the emperor's Throne Paul arrives and kills him revealing that he knew he was his grandson after ordering his fman to kill the sardaka guarding the emperor and bring the prisoners to The Residency Paul also tells him to throw The Baron's body in the desert a humiliation to match the one shown to his father as the sarder and remaining haonan troops outside flee in panic their Spirit broken by the freman halik catches up to rean and fights him culminating with his blade in Ran's chest with the battle over Paul confronts the emperor for his role in the death of Duke leato and the near destruction of House of Trades with news that the great houses have begun to arrive in orbit Paul tells channy that he will love her no matter the outcome of what happens with the houses about to attack he orders gurnie to send the great houses a message that if they land he will use the remaining atomics to destroy all the spice mange the emperor tries to order Paul to bow at his feet as a servant of the Imperium but the muad explains that he will only allow shadam to keep his head in exchange for uran's hand in marriage challenge to Canley fed ralur agrees to be the emperor's Champion putting him and Paul in a battle for control over the universe the confrontation is fierce showcasing their Mutual skill and ferocity and although fed ralur manages to stab po muad ultimately strikes the lethal blow with the rules of Canley binding the emperor to comply he's forced to kiss the hand of Paul muad betraying Duke of arus the voice from the outer world as the new emperor of the Imperium unfortunately Paul is informed that the great houses will not accept this Ascension to Emperor leading him to order the freman to load their armies onto ships to begin their holy war and head to the promised Paradise notably as Paul takes the hand of uran in marriage channy storms out and the film film concludes with her riding a sandworm into the desert I will love you as long as I breathe this prophecy is how they enslave us it's not a prophecy it's a story are you prepared you've been preparing me my whole life Den's Dune delivers more than just Blockbuster Thrills its conclusion offers a pointed exploration of the central theme the director ASA Spotlight the perilous nature of power the narrative delves not just into the implications of Paul's burgeoning power for himself but also scrutinizes its consequences for the Galaxy magnified by zealous followers the conclusion paradoxically showcasing Paul liberating the fman while inadvertently imposing tyranny on others serves as a bitter lesson on the dangers of charismatic leaders and the dual-edged nature of power now I think it's important to note that many the events that take place in the film are quite different to the novel and to give you some context I'm going to discuss these in the final section my allegiance this to you do you believe me you will never lose me as long as you stay who you are while there is series of discernable deviations from the original text Den's Dune is a fairly faithful adaptation of Frank Herbert's seral work books and films are two completely different art forms and it's understandable that some changes need to be made to fit the visual medium and runtime after all the first novel especially in audiobook form is about 21 hours and despite the two-part film running to almost 6 hours not everything could be fit in vve introduced many modifications ranging from the absence of specific characters and adjustments in character trajectories to other narrative divergences from The Source material among these the adaptation temporal structure stands out with V's decision to eliminate the novel's 2-year time leap in favor of a shorter timeline following the end of the first film this condenses the progression and Alters the pace at which Paul's integration with the freman and his rise to power unfold the repercussions of Paul's fight with Jamis a pivotal moment from the end of the first film also diverges from the novel in Frank Herbert's epic Paul assumes responsibility for James's Widow Hara and their children integrating an essential aspect of freman tradition to the storyline and catalyzing a crucial bond this however is absent from the sequel with harr's character not featured equally notable is the absence of count fening a significant figure within house Gino known for his roles as an assassin Menat and Confidant to Emperor shadam while Dune 2 features his Benny chz wife lady Margo fenry count fening himself is missing this was despite his considerable involvement in the novel including an imperial command to assassinate Paul and a substantial deviation from The Source material perhaps the most glaring emission for me was through for haat the tradies menad whose fate was left ambiguous in the first film the sequel overlooks the continuation of his Arc from the book in it he survived the haran onslaught is Bent by Baron har Conan and becomes embroiled in a plot against Paul ultimately leading to his tragic demise upon refusing to harm him oh thofa I see they've installed your heart plug already don't be angry everyone gets one here all I can see is an atres that I want to kill hey s hard coning now aren't you this subplots exclusion from Dune 2 marks a significant departure from the book leaving another story line rich with Intrigue and loyalty untouched in payment of the many years of service to my family you may now ask of me anything you wish anything at all do you need my life form's friend it is yours three generations of you carry this no betray his Warrior away Dune 2 makes another significant alteration by reimagining the character of aler R trades because the 2 to threee timeline of Paul learning the ways of the freman was shortened to a few months instead of depicting Paul's sister as a 2-year-old with an advanced intellect the film keeps Alia within Jessica's womb throughout with that said Ana Taylor Joy does voice Alia's subconscious Communications with Jessica and Paul the film also simplified the Romantic subplot between Paul and channy admitting the birth and subsequent loss of their first child lato to the Elder which plays a poignant role in the book after the couple has been together for two years this loss is a crucial moment that enrages Paul later compounded by the birth of their Twins ganma and a second later the second and dune Messiah I thought it was interesting how Dune 2 weaved channy into the fabric of the lizan Alay prophecy more intricately than in the book while the film acknowledges Chan's fan Monica sahaya meaning Desert Spring rather than being a Priestess like she is in the novel here she's a fedin the sequel also reimagine gurny halex Ark deepening his Vendetta against glossu raban har Conan the architect of his scars and Family's demise unlike in the book where Ran's downfall is at the hands of the freman vve grants gurnie the cathartic climax of exacting personal Vengeance though if I'm to be honest his battle could have gone on a bit longer moreover Dune 2 modifies the conclusion with significant changes in character FES notably Baron har Conan's contrary to the novel where Alia ends the baron the film gives the decisive act to Polar trades this not only personalizes the confrontation but also introduces a note of shame to The Baron's end crafting a conclusion with intensified immediacy in retribution it should also be noted that these films present a markedly different conclusion to Fed R's story The climactic Duel avoids fed R's poison blades from the original in favor of a raw display of ferocity and combat prowess it also culminates in Paul unexpectedly delivering a fatal blow to his cousin's abdomen as opposed to striking him in the JW and up into the brain like the novel perhaps the most significant departure occurs in Chan's narrative Arc after Paul's Imperial coronation and his engagement to uran Chen's dramatic exit into the desert by summoning a sandworm symbolizes a disillusionment and perceived betrayal by Paul this emotional moment absent from Herbert's narrative leaves her fate ambiguous hinting at a struggle with Paul's transformation and the prophecy in Herbert's Vision channy grapples with Paul's choices yet finds a way to reconcile with them understanding the pragmatic necessity of his marriage to uran in name only she remained by his side as a concubine and the only woman that he loved the film however leaves her stance towards Paul and their shared future enveloped in ambiguity challenging the strength of their bond considering their two children ganma and especially lato II who would become the the god emperor of Dune play pivotal roles in the rest of the series this just seemed bizarre to me what I did appreciate though is the more Nuance betrayal of freman religiosity depicting a division within their culture with the north not believing in the prophecy while those in the South did this leans heavily on the Zeal of Southern fundamentalists rallying behind Paul as their Messiah a concept not explicitly defined in Herbert's original work the addition while not altering the core themes of religious fervor being weaponized does adjust the narrative mechanics spotlighting the benz's long game of seeding religious prophecies the depiction of this particularly the framing of SAR and as southernly compatriots as devout Fanatics present a logistical rather than thematic departure it maintains the eventual convergence of Paul at the helm of a fanatical Army yet exploring it through a slightly different lens than the book finally in the concluding moments of Dune 2 a notable deviation emerges with gurny saying that the great houses refus to acknowledge Paul's rise to emperor in Herbert's original Paul's menacing vow to obliterate the spice Minds on oracus coerced both the spacing Guild and the great houses into a reluctant acceptance of his ascendancy but the film showcased their outright challenge to his authority laying groundwork for potential conflicts in Dune 3 this not only added a layer of immediate political tension but also hinted the broader machinations that might Define the next chapter in The Saga with denov revealing he'd almost finished writing the script for the adaptation of the next book in the series Dune Messiah and Han Zimmer having already begun to score the music depending on how well part two does at the box office it looks like we'll be getting a third film I only hope that we don't get too many more deviations though as there are certain key events that need to happen to ensure that Frank Herbert's vision for his six book series remains intact I really enjoy doing Parts one and two and of course I'd love to hear your thoughts on the comments below so be sure to share what your takeaways from the film were with that said that's all for today folks if there's anything else you'd like for me to cover on Dune please don't hesitate to ask as always it's been a pleasure niat here with film Comics explained thanks for stopping by I I just want to make sure that if we do Dune Messiah that we have the best screenplay on the table and for that I want to take the time to do it if we do dun Messiah that we do the the I want to make the best movie ever so I I I want to just take my time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FilmComicsExplained
Views: 190,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W8kHCS1fQuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 55sec (4795 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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