THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM (Trisolaran Invasion, Lore + Entire Book Series) EXPLAINED

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there must be 30 dead scientists in the past month Christ another countdown what happened to them there's somewhere behind everything just have to dig whatever it is it's watching and listening prepare yourself for something very strange do you believe in [Music] God life looks for life they are coming and there's nothing you can do to stop them the three body problem written by the renowned Chinese science fiction writer luin marks the first novel of the remembrance of Earth's past Trilogy although the series features three books the three body problem the Dark Forest and death end which we'll be covering in this video it's frequently referred to collectively as the three body problem or simply three body the story encompasses a mind-blowing history of Earth's encounters with an extraterrestrial civilization originating from a system governed by three Suns that orbit each other mirroring the complex Celestial Dynamics known as the three body problem in orbital mechanics the trilogy traverses various eras in a timeline that stretches from the Common Era beginning in 1943 to 2007 through to the crisis era concluding in 2208 followed by the deterrence era which ends in 2270 and the post deterrence era concluding in 2272 the sequence continues on with the broadcast era ending in 2332 advances Into the Bunker era concluding in 2400 and culminates in the Galaxy era which projects an astonishing 18 million years into the future with a recently released loose adaptation on Netflix straying from the novel and even mixing characters and plot from all three books for some reason in this video I'm going to do my best to break down the events of the books in its freaky entirety using visual references from the Netflix show and even the Chinese adaptation when possible without causing confusion during the cultural revolution in China y w a graduate in astrophysics from singar University experiences the traumatic event of her father being fatally assaulted by Red guards during a struggle session [Applause] subsequently labeled a traitor ye is compelled to work in a labor Brigade in inner Mongolia followed by prison sentence spring here again we are reminded that in nature nothing exists alone while incarcerated she's enlisted by military physicists Yang waying and Le Xiang who are integral to the clandestine red Coast project aimed initially at employing potent radio waves to interfere with enemy satellites but as she collaborates with them Yan the Project's real goal which is a search for alien civilizations she discovers a method to enhance the strength of radio signal sent into space using the sun's microwave cavities and sends out an Interstellar message to tesus hypothesis keeping this action Secret from others 8 years on now entangled in a Loveless Union with Yang ye actually intercepts a reply from an alien from the planet Tri Solaris known as listener 1379 the alien is part of a cohort tuned into Interstellar Communications and leads a life marked by Solitude and repetition until intercepting yj's transmission contrary to the prevailing triolian ethos that prioritizes survival above all listener 1379 yearns for more from art culture and a sens of community motivated by these yearnings and the opportunity to imbue his existence with meaning he responds to yuj listener 1379 urgently advises her against responding explaining that such an action would allow the triol lens to locate the solar system based on the travel time of her response and potentially invade Earth but feeling alienated by the ongoing societal turmoil and harboring a deep resentment towards Humanity ye chooses to reply to the triol larence extending an invitation to address Earth quandaries to safeguard this extraterrestrial Communications confidentiality she takes a drastic step of killing Yang and Lee in nature nothing exists alone following the conclusion of the cultural revolution when she becomes a professor like her father and mother before her ye crosses paths with Mike Evans a reclusive individual who's the son of the CEO of the world's most prominent Oil Corporation Evans who's deeply committed to radical environmentalism and opposes speciesism shares a profound disillusionment with Humanity much like ye in a moment of trust ye shares with him the sequence of events that unfolded at Red Coast I'm trying to save lives the Locos you hear lives and you think human lives of course we always think of ourselves first I'm trying to save a bird this land isn't yours it shouldn't belong to anyone it belongs to the people ah and the people will destroy it in nature nothing exists alone I did not know who else to talk to what would you like to talk about back on that Hilltop I did something leveraging his substantial inheritance Evans employs a crew and acquires a judgment day a colossal vessel that transforms into a nomadic colony and surveillance station when Evans eventually receives Communications from triolas corroborating 's narrative he declares a formation of the earth trisolaris organization ETO for short a militant and somewhat clandestine group intent on aiding the aliens in their mission to conquer Earth and dismantle human civilization he then designates y as the head of the ETO and the messages reveal that The Invasion Armada has already set off although it won't arrive on Earth for another for 450 years the ETO draws in a diverse group of disillusioned individuals including scientists minor governmental figures and the Highly Educated these members form a clandestine military force and embark on the development of compact nuclear weapons the influence of the ETO and Human Society is profound until the exposure of their ultimate goal among their rally cries is the call to destroy human tyranny the world belongs to triens with one of their key outposts being the second red Coast base located aboard the vessel Judgment day despite the collective efforts of the etto Mike Evans maintains dominion over the majority of the organization's assets he also begins to manipulate and restrict the flow of information from the aliens to and the rest of the ETO altering the dynamic within the group while the Netflix show doesn't delve into this in the novel The etto diverges into several distinct sex including the Adventists the redemptionist and a less prominent group known as the survivors under the leadership of Mike Evans the Adventists represent a fundamentalist Wing within the etto consisting largely of adherence to Evans ideology of pans species communism the Adventists consider the ship Judgment Day not just their primary stronghold but also their operational Hub interestingly their outlook on the triol larence is notably skeptical fueled more by animosity towards Humanity than by expectations of the aliens their guiding principle as articulated by Evans emphasizes a Prof found disillusionment with human society commanded by shenu the redemptionist form a zealot faction that gained prominence subsequent to the eo's Inception the group venerates The triol Laren attributing them to a superior societal model and regarding the alpha centor system where they came from as sacred ground this belief system stands out for its conviction bolstered by tangible evidence of the triol larence existence making its adherence see themselves as saviors of their Divine entities inverting the traditional deity devote relationship their Paramount goal revolves around securing the survival of the triol larance ideally through a resolution of the three body problem that would not necessitate their departure from their native system more on that later this faction is characterized by its intellectual membership base and operates secretly employing a computer game that mirrors a triol in reality to identify and attract potential converts the survivors on the other hand constitute a faction focused on enduring the onslaught of the trolan invas this group emerges amid Widespread Panic following confirmation of the invasion fleet's approach to Earth motivated by the belief that allegiance to the toolerance even at the expense of betraying Humanity could secure them in their descendants preferential treatment or survival under alien rule it should also be noted that survivors are basically predominantly drawn from the lower echelons of society and act on desperation in the present day the story line introduces Wang meowo a specialist in nanotechnology who joins forces with X Quang a shrewd detective also known as dasi together they delve into the enigmatic suicides of several scientists one of whom is y's daughter Yang dong in the Netflix show Wang Meo was replaced by the character Ori Salazar who also goes on a different Journey than he does while the investigation is still mostly carried out by shei their Journey reveals an unprecedented level of cooperation among the world's Nations setting aside historical animosities to jointly brace for the impending conflict in the ensuing days Wang is plagued by bizarre hallucinations and as an encounter with Y he also becomes acquainted with an intricate virtual reality game titled three body which is later identified as a cunning recruitment mechanism devised by the etto while in the show it's Jack Rooney and Jin Shang that play the virtual reality game the game immerses players in the volatile environment of a planet subjected to erratic shifts between stable and chaotic eras where the climate can swing wildly from intense cold to scorching heat in mere moments mimicking the harsh conditions on trolis in the game inhabitants depicted with humanlike forms strive to devise a method to foresee chaotic eras for improved survival these beings have developed a unique survival mechanism through Evolution the ability to dehydrate themselves into a compact rooll EK into canvas to enter a dormant State during Chao airas thus conserving essential resources is she dead no those who dehydrate fast enough can be preserved to revert from this state the assistance of another is necessary as they cannot rehydrate independently The Narrative unfolds with characters reminiscent of historical luminaries such as Aristotle mosy and Isaac Newton who Endeavor unsuccessfully to model the planet's unpredictable climate a challenge compounded by by the rise and fall of civilizations due to the catastrophic events it is Wang meow who eventually deciphers the planet's erratic patterns on three body earning the admiration of his peers a role taken by Xin xang in the show uniquely situated in the alpha centor system roughly 4.21 light years from our planet Tri Solaris experiences a tumultuous existence due to its orbit around three stars the climate there is highly erratic influenced by its position within a triple Sun System making the appear appearance and disappearance of these suns in the sky seemingly random and difficult to anticipate during periods when the planet finds itself in a stable orbit around one of these Suns with the other two at considerable distances the planet experiences a stable era characterized by temperate earthlike climate conducive to life conversely chaotic eras are triggered when tric Solaris comes perilously close to two of its Suns leading to severe climate upheaval in these times the planet's orbit becomes erratic veering unpredictably through the solar system and the climate swings to extremes of uninhabitability often visualized by the presence of two suns in the sky the unpredictability of suns during a chaotic era renders survival nearly impossible but the onset of a stable era prompts officials to make a critical decision often based on intuition about whether to initiate Mass rehydration this leads to a brief flourish of activity people are revived agriculture is initiated and Urban Development starts a new only for these efforts to be abruptly halted when the stable era ends resulting in the destruction of nearly everything by extreme temperature fluctuations and the intrinsic unpredictability of the three body problem is what has compelled the trolin to consider Earth as a new home for their civilization given its stable climate it should be noted that initially tric Solaris was among 12 planets orbiting within the alpha centor system yet it would emerge as the only Survivor with its 11 counterparts succumbing to the gravitational pull of the system's Suns over its history the planet has witnessed the rise and fall of hundreds of civilizations all ultimately undone by chaotic eras the most catastrophic of these events was the great rip a Calamity triggered by a close encounter with all three sons that obliterated the 191st trolan civilization unlike previous civilizations the 191st had advanced notice of their impending doom thanks to the early detection of a frozen Star by their astronomers hinting at the approaching disaster during the catastrophic event known as the great rip a simultaneous freezing of the three flying stars occurred followed by a direct and perilous approach of the three Suns towards tric Solaris a few days into This calamity one Sun distanced itself sufficiently for its gaseous outer layer to become observable in a Serene night this distant star abruptly flared into a radiant Sun the remaining two suns made their appearance in Rapid succession each separated by about 30 hours by the time the final star trans formed into a sun the initial Sun had already made a dangerously close pass by the planet subsequently the other two suns approached Tri Solaris at even closer proximities and the tidal forces exerted by the Suns surpassed a planet's own gravitational cohesion the onslaught began with the first Sun destabilizing the planet's deep geological framework the second sun then created a Monumental Rift that pierced to the core of the planet finally the third Sun bisected Tri Solaris post destruction the two fragmented halves of the planet reshaped into spheres by their own gravity witness the surfacing of hot dense core material the oceans boiled as they washed over the emergent lava while continents a drift on magma resembled icebergs in their movement their collisions softened the terrain to ocean-like consistency within mere hours enormous mountain ranges reaching tens of thousands of meters in height emerged and vanished illustrating the immense and Rapid geological upheavals that characterize the disaster for some time after being torn aunder the two halves remained tethered by cascading flows of molten lava which eventually stretched into a cosmic River this molten connector cooled over time forming rings around the newly formed planetary bodies however the gravitational disturbances from the planets rendered these Rings unstable causing the material to plummet back to the planets as a torrent of enormous Stones a phenomenon that persisted for several hundred years the secondary Planet experienced total Extinction of Life while the primary Planet nearly turned into a Barren desert nevertheless the remnants of Life found a foothold and as a geological turmoil of the primary Planet subsided life tentatively embarked on the path of evolution a new this led to the reemergence of civilization for the 192nd time a lengthy process spanning 90 million years details about the physical characteristics of the aliens such as their size and appearance remain largely speculative however it is established that they possess the remarkable capability to dehydrate their bodies completely as a survival mechanism against the volatile and inhospitable conditions of their planet in this dried State they resemble inanimate bundles of dry fibers capable of enduring for centuries without the ability to think or act furthermore trolin are known to communicate through electromagnetic wave patterns generated directly by their brains enabling a unique form of thought-based communication this method equates to speech with with thought among tricol larance precluding the possibility of Deceit or lies among them it is noted that the ancestors of the aliens had reflective skin but it remains uncertain whether this characteristic persists in their contemporary descendants further traits can be deduced by their actions and intentions regarding their anticipated arrival on Earth for example their aim to conserve Earth's Urban Landscapes suggest a physical stature comparable to humans they plan to settle on Earth without altering its atmosphere or biospheres also indicates a physiological capability to breathe air and consume our food sources but the specifics of the trolan diet are somewhat ambiguous their engagement in agriculture suggests a diet that is either omnivorous or herbivorous there is also an indication that they may engage in cannibalism consuming the remains of their deceased they're described as having two genders though these genders may not align with human concepts of male and female their reproductive process involves two triol of opposite genders merging physically subsequently dividing into three to five Offspring these Offspring inherit certain memories and personality traits from their parents bypassing a traditional childhood phase in their development they also have an expected lifespan of 70 to 80 Earth years excluding periods of dehydration however the severe conditions of their home world and societal structures typically prevent them from reaching this age what we do know is that their technology surpasses ours showcasing their ability to manip iate subatomic particles with high precision and even modify physical constants within certain spatial confines despite their Advanced capabilities they remain constrained by the universal speed limit unable to exceed the speed of light but later they do innovate curvature drives that allow for immediate deceleration and acceleration to near light speeds though achieving actual light speed remains unattainable due to the exponential difficulty involved in the books this technological leap initiates A dispatch of a second trolin Fleet toward Earth the design of trolin artifacts frequently features mirrored highly reflective surfaces this characteristic is partly due to the inherent properties of the materials they utilize and partly a conscious design Choice reflecting their aesthetic and technological preferences notably they've mastered Pico technology enabling them to fabricate sofon 11 dimensional supercomputers that within our three-dimensional space have the volume of a proton we are going to kill your science we will do it with our soons the universe has more Dimensions than the three we occupy on when we unfold its higher Dimensions even a tiny proton becomes something very large we make a mind as large as a world we used all our resources to make four soons each pair is entangled connected on the quantum level everything they see in here we see in here we sent them to your planet to the places where your best Minds explore reality and we will destroy the science that could defeat us these suron are produced by unfolding a proton into two dimensions and inscribing it with circuits that operate on the strong nuclear force instead of electromagnetism the sofon is sentient capable of near lighted travel and can observe its environment across both macroscopic and microscopic scales they're basically Quantum entangled in pairs facilitating instantaneous communication between Earth and the trolan fleet their primary function is to act as pervasive surveillance instruments while they also disrupt particle accelerator experiments on Earth this interference aims to stall human advancement in physics consolidating the triol larence dominance they've effectively crafted and dispatched two sofon to Earth that wield the ability to induce hallucinations conduct surveillance from any location relay collected data back to their civilization through quantum entanglement and hinder the functionality of particle accelerator anticipating that Humanity might develop sufficiently advanced technology to counteract the impending Invasion by the time their Fleet arrives they aim to sabotage all scientific Endeavors yielding erratic results to stall Earth's technological progress you told us it doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is if it doesn't agree with experiment according to the experiments all of our theories are wrong all of the physics of the past 60 years is wrong but if science tells you that something's impossible and it happens anyway it means one of two things either the science is wrong or it's a scam by creating visual phenomena and hallucinations on a grand scale they aim to sew distrust towards scientists among humans around the world the discovery of these plans by humanity is eventually detected by the triol prompting them to send a disdainful message your bugs to the pla after which they halt all communication in the novels Wang becomes a member of the etto and discloses the location of one of their Gatherings to shei this escalates into a confrontation between the people's Liberation arm me and the ETO forces culminating in ye's capture in the Netflix show it's actually Jin xang that leads to a capture angered by the death of her friend check by the etto I do data and equations and hypotheses and models I don't do this I'm not a spy or whatever you are you go in you gather the intelligence you leave know one as the Wier don't take your phone inside when you get to the location will you still be able to track me I hope you're kidding green light [Applause] I believe all our guests are [Applause] right the pla then collaborates with American forces led by Colonel Stanton to set a trap for Judgment Day as it navigates the Panama Canal it should be noted that in the Netflix show they switched Salazar for Wang and replaced Danton with Wade who was an introduced into the final book the operation employs Wang's nanotechnology based filament to create a barrier that swiftly dissects the ship neutralizing all on board without compromising the Integrity of the computer systems it's not working why isn't it working it [Music] is we under attack this strategy preserves the records of communications with the triol learn from which multiple significant insights are discovered following her arrest uing permitted a visit to the former red Coast base prompting her to ponder over her past decisions and acknowledge the irrevocable change in humanity hence forth meanwhile she discovers Wang and his associates in a state of despondency engaging in a drinking session the detective revitalizes them by taking them to his ancestral Village in Northeast China reflecting on the resilience of locusts despite Humanity's efforts to eradicate them with pesticides instilling a sense of optimism people hate bugs been trying to get rid of them forever spray pesticides from Planes we zap them step on them look around they're not going anywhere Wang and shei emboldened by this New Perspective returned to Beijing determined to contribute to the strategic planning for Earth's defense against the triolian threat in her Twilight years Ying Jay finally ascends radar Peak the site of the earth wild red Coast setti operations and as she observes the Crimson Sunset she poignantly labels it as a sunset for Humanity while in the show it's imply that she's murdered by a loyal member of the etto called Tatiana sorry you had to come all this way to do something I was going to do myself I wanted to see one more sunset from this place can we watch it together like that very much the second book in the trilogy titled the Dark Forest explores the Dark Forest Theory as a hypothetical answer to the fmy Paradox which questions why despite High probabilities of their existence there's no definitive proof of advanced alien civilizations the story resumes with a flashback involving luo g a Chinese sociology Professor encountering U and J who introduces him to the principles of cosmic sociology through a series of axium in the present day the UN grapples with the impending arrival of the triolian fleet which is expected in 4 21 years the earth also faces considerable challenges due to the soons furthermore the UN contends with a faction of human Tri solaren sympathizers who guided by instructions from the Sant engage in sabotage to facilitate the invasion soons possess the capability to EES drop on conversations and intercept any form of written or digital communication yet they're incapable of deciphering human thoughts they're listening to everything you're saying you can outsmart them maybe he can you don't know him that's right neither do you or the Santi only Will Downing truly knows Will Downing this limitation prompts the UN to launch the wall phaser program the initiative entrusts four individuals with extensive resources to devise and execute plans that remain strictly confined to their own mind I'm thinking of a number between one and a thousand do you know what it is no that's right you don't neither do they among these W faces three are renowned for their contributions to military political psychological IAL and scientific Fields the fourth is luo g a relatively unknown Professor whose selection leaves him bewildered the trolan civilization communicates through open thought transmission making them unacquainted with deception lies and misdirection can't you lie what is known is communicated as soon as communication takes place so you communicate through thought while we are still squawking at each other you do this you lie well I try not to but um yeah yeah we all we need to consider this my Lord we think we understand now a liar is someone whose words are false a liar cannot be trusted my Lord to counteract this vulnerability they appoint three human Wall Breakers with unrestricted access to the sant's intelligence charged with unraveling the Wallace's plans in time two wall breakers succeed in thwarting the plans of their assigned War facers the third warer opts for hibernation hoping to continue his mission in a later era though his plan eventually falls through as well Lu OG feeling inadequate for the role attempts to resign from his position as wall faer but finds it impossible what is your job I'm your day-to-day liaison with the planetary defense Council day-to-day liaison yes sir but I'm not a wall facer anymore of course not sir so why are you still here I'm in charge of your day-to-day Liaisons I am not a wall facer no sir I rejected the offer oh yes the whole world knows and they know that I I refuse to be a wall faer yes that was included in the announcement his every move including his supposed resignation is perceived as a strategic Pluff and so leveraging his status and power he indulges in creating a secluded Utopia for himself after enjoying several years of tranquility and happiness his wife unveils her own strategy urging him to address the alien dilemma she and their daughter then enter hibernation postponing their Awakening until the arrival of the fleet luo discovers that the reason for his selection as a wall faer was due to him being the only human ever directly targeted for assassination by the aliens a mission they failed to execute this action implies the aliens Harbor a specific fear of him possibly linked to a conversation with u and Jay that the sofon might have intercepted and upon revisiting this discussion he achieves a critical Insight he then orchestrates a broadcast of the coordinates of a Star located 49.5 light years away across the Galaxy deliberately leaving his intentions vague following this he end his hibernation with instructions to awaken him should any impact on the star be observed subsequent to the broadcast the trolan fleet dispatches probes capable of faster acceleration towards the solar system arriving ahead of the main Invasion Force called droplet the teardrop shaped probes are unmanned and represent Humanity's initial confrontation with the trolan spacecraft they consist of a metal alloy enhanced to prolong the strong nuclear force to distances akin to chemical bonds this leads to a substance that is uniformly smooth miror and entirely crystalline at an atomic level the modification imbus the droplets with extraordinary hardiness and resilience enabling them to withstand impacts of velocities of hundreds of kilometers per second without sustaining damage their propulsion emanating from a Halo nearly as hot as the sun's core is speculated to derive from matter antimatter Annihilation two centuries later luu awakens in a society that is prospered and advanced while under the constraints imposed by sofon induced technological sabotage he also learns that the war phaser program has been discontinued despite the limitations Earth has constructed a fleet Superior in size and speed to that of the triance leading to a global sense of optimism about repelling The Invasion but this confidence is devastated by the arrival of the first trolan probe which effortlessly obliterates Earth's unified Fleet within moments the aftermath sees Earth plunged into Widespread Panic with the remnants of humanity space fairing capabilities escaping the solar system to establish new colonies elsewhere the UN is then taken back upon learning the star luo broadcasted the location of has been obliterated by a hyper Advanced unidentified civilization this leads to the Swift reinstatement of his warer status but he reveals that his plan has already been compromised following the annihilation of the fleet the probe takes a position near Earth emitting a constant jamming signal that blocks all further attempts at Interstellar messaging in a private discourse luo delves Into the Dark Forest Theory which formed the basis of his strategy a revelation that dawned on him after revisiting his conversation with u and J this hypothesis suggests that the Galaxy teams with life but the Perpetual expansion of civilizations in a universe where resources are limited means that each extraterrestrial Society is compelled to annihilate any other it discovers thus offering an explanation for the fmy Paradox the essence of remaining hidden as a survival strategy underscores the Paradox his original plan aimed at leveraging the threat of exposing the triol laren's planetary coordinates to the Galaxy thereby forcing them into a truce under the Spectre of mutual assur destruction but the intervention of the trolan probe which impedes any form of such threatening communication leaves him disheartened resigned to his diminished role he dedicates his efforts to a un initiative that disperses nuclear weapons throughout the outer solar system this measure aims to generate Cosmic dust that while incapable of stopping the primary trolin Fleet will at least facilitate its detection upon approach the distribution of nuclear bombs across the outer solar system by luo is actually a clever Ploy the real aim is to bypass the probes communication blockade he informs the sofon that the bombs are set to explode in a pattern that through the resulting Cosmic dust will encode the location of Tri Solaris and mors code for any Cosmic Observer to see now face with a prospect of their planet's location being discovered by others the triol opt for a ceasefire halt its Fleet and even consent to Foster human scientific Endeavors and in the ensuing years luo is joyfully reunited with his wife and daughter he also has a fleeting dialogue with listener 1379 the trolan pacifist who initially establish contact with you and J through their exchange they nurture the hope that civilizations across the Galaxy can illuminate the Dark Forest Paving the way for amicable peaceful coexistence and mutual progress death's end is the final installment of the trilogy The Narrative spans several eras marking distinct phases in human progress and the shifting Dynamics between humanity and extraterrestrial entities the novel opens during the 1453 Fall of Constantinople where a woman acquires an extraordinary ability to summon small items in ways that defy explanation this extends to extracting vital organs from highly secured individuals making her an effective assassin and so emperor Constantine the 11th recruits her for the assassination of mhmed II yet inexplicably her abilities dissipate culminating in her execution these mystifying occurrences are later ascribed to the transient influence of a four-dimensional fragment traversing through the solar system before her untimely demise yangdong uncovers her mother's intricate schemes involving tricol larence and the sabotage of particle accelerators globally in a significant discussion with a fiance the scientist ding y he posits that life on earth and its geography have co-evolved challenging the notion that geography merely facilitated the emergence of Life privy to her mother's confidential documents yangdong contemplates the prevalence of alien life and its impact on the universe's State questioning the authenticity of its current condition condition in another narrative thread Chang Xin an aeronautical engineer is enlisted by the planetary Intelligence Agency for the staircas project this plan aims to dispatch a probe to the triolian fleet for reconnaissance through Shang xin's Innovative proposal using a series of icbms in a nuclear pulse propulsion Arrangement achieving the ambitious objective of propelling the probe to 1% the speed of light becomes feasible initially the planetary defense Council hesitates to endorse the project citing the probe's high acceleration and the dubious Prospect of intercepting triolian Transmissions but Thomas Wade a CIA agent beheading the initiative suggests enhancing the probe's appeal to the aliens by including a live Human who would serve as a all within their ranks given the payload strict weight limit Wade concludes that a volunteer's brain must be sent under the presumption that the aliens possess a technology to recreate their body during her Endeavors xang Xin reconnects with an engineer and old friend Yun Jan Ming who Harbors undisclosed feelings for her facing a terminal illness and after unexpectedly acquiring a huge amount of money Yun purchases the ownership rights to the distant star DX 3906 choosing to bestow it upon Shen anonymously after discovering yun's Health predicament Shen convinces him to participate in the staircase project and Yun is ultimately chosen leading to the extraction and launch of his brain however a technical glitch results in the spacecraft veering off its intended path into the vastness of space rendering the mission an apparent failure when Shang finds out about yun's gesture of gifting her a star she opts for hibernation intending to act as a bridge between the staircase project and future Generations did you get a chance to thank him in I mean for your star will gave me the star oh he didn't tell you the trolan invasion is effectively delayed by luo establishment of the Dark Forest deterrent the strategy is predicated on the threat of mutually assured destruction by potentially exposing trolis coordinates to belligerent extraterrestrial entities but this action could inadvertently reveal Earth's location as well given the relative closeness of the two star systems this deterrence mechanism is supported by a network of gravitational wave transmitters strategically placed around Earth and on select spacecraft due to the risk of the system falling prey to radical assaults if oversight is excessively decentralized the authority to activate this deterrent in response to trolan hostility is entrusted to a single individual this person is known as a sword holder and LU OG serves as the inaugural custodian following the calamitous encounter with a triolian droplet probe two human Starship factions escape the solar system in Divergent directions yet each contingent is swiftly Whittle down to one vessel this results from the crew's Grim determination that their survival prospects could be optimized by eliminating rival Crews to repurpose their resources the only Starships to escape the solar system Bronze Age and blue space are informed about the ceasefire with tri Solaris and are invited to rejoin Earth the Bronze Age arrives ahead of the other but its crew faces trial for crimes against humanity by the UN before his execution its Captain manages to caution blue space against returning meanwhile the Starship gravity armed with a deterrent transmitter and flanked by two drop probes embarks on a mission to intercept blue space a Pursuit projected to span several decades 50 years later anhang is roused from her Slumber due to her ownership of DX 3906 now known to host planets as revealed by an astronomer referred to as AA Shang retains the star's title but consents to commercialize the planetary rights founding an aerospace firm with AA as Lu OG G nears the end of his tenure as sword holder the UN Scouts for his successor with ch emerging as a front runner reawakened from his own hibernation and coveting the sword holder role Wade orchestrates an assassination attempt against Shang which ultimately fails resulting in his incarceration Shang is then appointed as luo's successor however at the moment of transition Tri Solaris launches an assault on Earth deploying multiple droplets aimed at the gravitational wave transmitters their strategy hinges on the anticipation that Shang upon assuming the sword holder mantle would hesitate to implement the deterrence unwilling to risk the annihilation of both civilizations and following the incapacitation of the deterrence mechanism the triol L promptly violate the ceasefire but through their Ambassador sofon they convey a new found respect for human culture choosing to spare a segment of humanity this concession comes with a condition that survivors must forsake all modern technology the droplets begin to shift their focus to direct assaults on major Urban centers and sofon mandates the relocation of humanity to a designated Reserve in Australia it also imposes dire living conditions to precipitate a rapid population decline in anticipation of the fleet's arrival to claim the remainder of Earth concurrently in the depths of space the Starship gravity finally overtakes blue space exactly as a sword holder transition unfolds on Earth unexpectedly the duo of escort droplets initiates an offensive to annihilate both vessels aiming to eliminate gravity's last wave transmitter in a fatuous turn blue spaces crew discovers their Passage through another four-dimensional fragment and mastering fourth-dimensional navigation they're able to neutralize the droplets and seize control of the Starship gravity they then activate gravity's transmitter to execute the Mad broadcast subsequently opting against a return to the solar system as a result upon intercepting the broadcast the triol once again stop their Invasion plans and redirect their Fleet away from the solar system resigning to the mutual endangerment of both Earth and tri Solaris tric Solaris faces a catastrophic event when one of its three stars is obliterated by a relativistic photo missile deployed by an unidentified extraterrestrial aggressor this results in the destruction of both the star and the triolian home world the Grim occurrence is a stark warning that the solar system might eventually experience a similar fate the triol disclosed that Yun chaning who has been revived and integrated within their society now possesses unrestricted access to their expansive scientific archives and knowledge a sofon facilitated audiovisual connection enables Yun and Shang Xin to communicate although the exchange is monitored to prevent the leak of sensitive information through this constrained dialogue Yun imparts three intricately crafted fairy tales to Shang ingeniously embedding crucial scientific principles within metaphorical narratives these stories are intended as a CT means of sharing significant insights Yun also extends an invitation for Shane to visit him on a planet encircling her star DX 3906 just before their communication is abruptly terminated efforts to decipher the first fairy tale ultimately fail leading the UN to abandon the Endeavor the Second Story unveils the theoretical possibility of reducing light's velocity within a specified spatial domain implementing this concept across the solar system to diminish light speeds below the sun's escape velocity could effectively render the system invisible to the galactic Community however this action would also confine human civilization within a black domain isolating it indefinitely the final tale describes a method of achieving light speed for a spacecraft by altering the SpaceTime Continuum in its wake a transformation that would irreversibly modify that sector of space in anticipation of a potential F toid assault on the sun Humanity embarks on the construction of space colonies shielded by the solar systems gas giants they theorize these locations as safe havens against such catastrophic events consequently a mass Exodus from Earth ensues the pursuit of light speed travel is also prohibited perceived by the populace as a means for the elite to exploit relativistic time dilation as a loophole for evading death additionally the realization that such technology leaves indelible marks on SpaceTime potentially attracting more extraterrestrial aggression towards Earth further cement this ban released from incarceration Wade persuades Shane to allocate her substantial wealth towards secret light speed research he secures her agreement with a vow to return the funds and cease the project upon her command after a 60e slumber in hibernation Shang has awakened to news of the government uncovering W's initiative the technology while showing promise in yielding breakthroughs in various domains has led way to amass a private militia armed with antimatter weapons of alarming destructive capacity appold Shen calls on way to honor his earlier pledge leading to his compliance in the disbandment of his forces nonetheless the government opts for a harsher resolution executing Wade This compels Shen to reenter hibernation alongside AA awaiting the inevitable extraterrestrial Onslaught decades later an alien vessel from an unidentified aggressive species detects a broadcast pinpointing the location of Tri Solaris upon investigating an operator AB the determines the planet's prior obliteration by another alien faction and after reviewing radio communications the operator infers the presence of intelligent life on Earth acknowledging the concealing effect of the Solar System's gas giants which could Shield life from a photo strike they opt for a more sophisticated weapon aimed at the solar system itself as an enigmatic weapon nears the solar system humans dispatch a vessel to conduct reconnaissance only for it to be promptly annihilated the weapon unfolds A Spacetime distortion collapsing the third dimension into the second an onslaught against which Humanity stands defenseless facing imminent Extinction turns out the revelation of these weapons was hidden within yun's first fairy tale Escape through light speed travel or adaptation of two-dimensional existence are the only avenues for survival yet both are impr practically Out Of Reach in the wake of this dire threat one of Wade's former colleagues Rouses shangan AA guiding them to a private spacecraft that's headed for Pluto there they encounter luo G now centuries old who entrust them with various relics from the Museum of humanity from Pluto they witnessed a solar and planetary bodies being drawn into the second dimension but as a dimensional collapse near as Pluto luo G unveils that their spacecraft harbest the sole existing light speed engine secretly developed by W's contacts luo then urges them to flee the solar system choosing to remain behind launching towards DX 3906 they accelerate away from the collapsing wave which engulfes Pluto and all other human vessels attempting to escape marking the end of human civilization upon reaching DX 3906 due to the effects of light speed time dilation Shang xun and AA perceive their 286e Journey as momentary they find the system as two planets which they dub Planet blue and Planet gray there they meet Guan yfan a cosmologist from the Starship gravity Guan shares that his crew alongside those from Blue space Advanced curvature propulsion technology and established an Interstellar civilization Shang and Guan venture to Planet gray to probe and dualan activities and come across death lines precursors to a black domain deployed by aliens to accelerate the universe's end Guan reveals that Relentless Galactic Warfare employing curvature and dimensional weapons is eroding the fabric of the universe initially the universe had 10 Dimensions with this speed of light nearly infinite but over epochs conflicting Galactic Civilizations reduced spatial regions into lower Dimensions as a war tactic this relegated adversaries to these diminished Realms while higher Dimensions vanished concurrently the proliferation of black domains has progressively reduced the speed of flight Across the Universe to its current state leaving it with just three dimensions upon their return to Planet blue Shang and Guan received news from AA that Yunis made his way there sparking shang's in dissipation for their reunion but the operation of yun's curvature Drive activates the death lines unfortunately this transforms the system into a black domain where the speed of light is only slightly greater than their orbital speed plunging them into relativistic orbit around Planet blue Guan ship equipped for such a scenario has backup systems that need hours to activate compelling Shang and Guan into hibernation to preserve oxygen but when they awaken they are shocked to find that 18 million years have elapsed in the broader Universe on Planet blue they discover a message left by AA and Yun about their fulfilling life together they're also left with a partying gift access to a pocket universe created using trolin technology featuring an idyllic square kilometer of Farmland inside this universe they encounter sofon and decide to await outside the temporal flow the eventual death and Rebirth of the main Universe however after some time they receive a universal message in every known language warning that micro universes like like theirs sat Mass from the main Universe this effectively hindered its natural cycle of expansion collapse and renewal reflecting on her life's ethical commitments Shang alongside Guan opts to dismantle their micro Universe restoring its Master to the main Cosmos and to share in its cyclical demise and Resurgence they leave a message in a bottle and a self-sustaining terrarium as a legacy for future beings of the rejuvenated Universe to find closing the story for the remembrance of Earth's past do you really think they're still trying to save us no they learned the truth about us there's a darkness in us that they cannot understand you know Vera always said you were a great physicist but that's not how you'll be remembered you're a traitor how will you be remembered there someone who fought back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FilmComicsExplained
Views: 258,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6MUr5uGNSWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 0sec (3060 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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