EVENT HORIZON (1997) Ending Explained

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what's up y'all welcome to found Flix On This sing explain we are exploring the cosmic horror of Event Horizon now this one is a classic in my book and it's crazy that this is from the same dude that made all those crummy Resident Evil movies well first one's not bad here Paul WS Anderson not PT showcases some impressive horror skills and creates a competent and at times quite frightening sci-fi horror flick it's certainly of its time in some ways but honestly when I rewatched it I was like this movie kind of rules even just having Sam Neil and Lawrence Fishburn in front Center as adversaries chewing in the scenery and rattling off cheesy on liners fills me with joy so let's check out Event Horizon breaking down the story including what exactly is haunting the ship and explaining the ending that leaves the fates of our survivors up in the air a dark shadow takes over the Paramount Mountain logo launching us right into the darkness of space driving percussion gives way to Sweet thumping techno beats courtesy of 1997 we're giv a brief history into the development of space exploration in 2015 the first colony was established on the moon man sounds like we need to get a move on a few decades later commercial mining began on Mars then in40 the Event Horizon ship was launched to explore beyond the boundaries of our solar system it disappeared Without a Trace around Neptune and is described as the worst space disaster on record worst space disaster so far 7 years later the ship mysteriously reappears exactly where it vanished from on the outskirts of the stormy Neptune there's a flyby of the massive ship with a long connector in the middle M don't you just love Miniatures look at that bad boy in the interior there are no signs of life and they have lost gravity seeing objects floating in the air in crappy CG on the main Bridge there's a man floating upside down he begins to rotate noticing that his body is covered in blood and he screams we wakes up from the dream startled in bed he instantly gazes upon photos of his wife Claire he takes one down and really gives it the once over I miss you he says glumly and he must really miss her seeing a whole ass Shrine of of pictures dedicated to her now we don't know what happened there yet but do get some Clues when he's shaving he stares concerningly to the bathtub and the faucet slowly drips implying that something happened in the tub regarding CLA he enjoys himself a bowl of oatmeal staring out into the vastness of space we pull out seeing several domicile pods interconnected like a space apartment complex aka the daylight station hovering in a low orbit above Earth he gets a call from someone and it's tasked to join the crew of the Lewis and Clark rescue ship to find out what happened on The Event Horizon it's Mission top secret sorry can't tell you guy the crew aren't exactly pleased with their latest Mission as they were just about to have a well-deserved break Smith finds it all ridiculous I mean can they at least go to Mars Mars has women right Stark agrees there is nothing out by Neptune Captain Miller puts them in their places you know the rules if someone calls we goat Weir tries to say something but Miller and the crew are too busy getting ready for lockdown they are then loaded into suspended animation Chambers or grab couches it's Weir's first time and he's a little nervous DJ checks him out and gives him a massive injection he's also a bit concerned that Miller doesn't like him already and they joke and don't worry about him he loves having complete strangers on his ship I don't think that's true they get his chamber open asking if he's claustrophobic very he grumbles and the tank fills up with goo 56 days into their Journey the ship is quiet and the crew are still in their respective Chambers we Hears A woman's voice Whispering Billy causing his to shoot open he ejects himself from the tank and hears the voice again I'm So Alone he shouts hello and Cooper's bed door flies open mysteriously he approaches the Pilot's chair seeing a woman there naked with curly hair Billy I'm so cold she whes he spins the chair around and her eyes are closed Claire he half Smiles someone puts a hand on his shoulder and when CLA opens her Lids her eyes are Gonzo I'm waiting she growls and Weir shoots back into the tank getting expelled for real this time he's shaking up and Peters and DJ Jay Lind him a hand Cooper then rips on him for his rookie reaction and offers some coffee still distraught he stammers no thanks he extends the same offer to Stark you want something hot and black inside you which he declines unamused cap whips him into shape they've got a job to do hop to it there will be plenty of time for sexual harassment later Peters is watching a video featuring her wheelchair bound boy Denny the others are all horsing around and she gets hit with the ball ruining the moment Miller has bad news for her too they were unable to get a replacement for her in time but she already worked things out with her ex he's going to get the boy for Christmas and her over the summer Smith then comes over the PA informing the crew that they are about 2 hours from Neptune they all gather up and Weir is formally introduced to the gang and he politely starts by saying that he appreciates being here Miller is in buying it the crew is tired they're light years away from anything and the last time a rescue was sent out this far they lost both ships painting a pretty bleak picture of the mission Weir Begins by saying that everything discussed here is Code Black woo sounds pretty serious the US AC received a communication and surprisingly The Source was found to be the Event Horizon everyone is taken back at the news and several call BS he spills that the cover up story is that the reactor on the ship went critical and it blew up as not true however as the ship's true purpose was to create the first ship capable of going faster than light it's pointed out that that's impossible hey knows that as well but they can go around it it creates a dimensional Gateway jump from one point to another instantaneously they are curious how and he vomits up a bunch of techno jargon that no one understands so he shows off a simple example utilizing a piece of paper what's the fastest way between two points a straight line Justin pipes up eliciting Chuckles from the others it's in fact zero dum dum he folds the paper in half just like space would do the ship passes through the Gateway and space then returns to normal utilizing a so-called gravity Drive well how the heck does he know so much about it as it turns out he felt the dang thing thank you very much as for what happened for real everything seemed good they were given the go-ahead to open a gateway to proximus andari and then they just disappeared as for where it's been the last seven years that's what they're here to figure out the only transmission they did receive from the crew doesn't exactly instill confidence sounding like them all screaming in horrific Agony along with a lot of weird kind of demonic noises too they hear what sounds like Latin on the recording and luckily DJ knows a bit of the language deciphering the phrase save me an alarm goes off and everyone gets into their stations as they are about to reach the ship's Beacon they get closer and closer but still can't make out anything through the thick storm clouds a proximity alarm beeps we're right on top of her they Crest the clouds and the ship is right there they quickly reverse thrusters before they Collide we is stupified seeing the ship again almost lovingly cing there she is there's my old boy they do a flyby and take in just how absolutely monstrous in size it is making the lwis and Clark look like a tiny little ant he spots an airlock that they can dock with and Smith starts extending an arm he urges him to be careful it's not low bearing y'all Smith doesn't listen and jams it right into place sneering it is now St can see that the reactor is still hot and the hole is still intact yet there's no gravity and the thermal units are offline making it cold enough that the crew could not survive she does do a life form scan finding nothing initially then there's Trace life forms detected but you can't pinpoint an exact location they're coming from all over the ship m in that case Miller knows are going to have to do this the hard way by by suiting up and searching the whole daggum ship themselves they make their way across the umbilicus connecting the ships and reach the main door they crack it open and a huge cloud of pressure is released along with a bunch of random debris they see it is indeed a deep freeze inside with ice crystals floating around everywhere they arrive at the main Corridor one side leading to the Personnel area while engineering is in the rear they split up sending just into the back Miller spots what looks like explosive charges on the ground and Weir tells them that is by Design in case of emergency you could can destroy the corridor to split the ship in half using the front as a Lifeboat I wonder if that will come back later nah doubt it in the Sick Bay there's no sign of casualties and it's like the place hasn't been used at all Miller scans the room for life forms fighting nothing this place is a tomb he crun in his smooth velvety voice he gets spook from a floating glove and quickly calms himself Justin has made it to the engineering room at a configuration of odd circular doors it opens up to a funhouse walkway of rotating shiny woring metal just is confused by what this place is it allows you to enter the containment area without compromising magnetic field says Weir duh but it looks more like a meat grinder to him on the bridge Peters finds some crusted blood and in the lightning flashes see a lot more gor cake on the Windows we're asked her to turn around noticing that same almost cross window from Weir's dream at the beginning he guides her to a ship's log and ejects a disc it's stuck in the recorder and she tries to wiggle it to get it Loose stupid compact discs a body floats up to her with no eyes and and they wonder what the heck happened here decompression someone guesses but DJ disagrees it looks more like an animal attack or something Justin arrives in the main gravity drive engine room and is getting some quite strange readings here he gets the lights on revealing the Majesty of this strange device a series of rings adorned with light spinning around a core that at least somewhat resembles the appearance of a biblically accurate angel with the Rings and eyes and everything rotating around the Ring Stop information around the core pieces move in a star-shaped area revealing bright glowing light underneath the glow gets stronger and then dissipates they lose signal with Justin not sure what happened there but the life form readings just went off the charts Justin reaches into a dark black shimmering liquid within the core and his hand gets stuck something Yanks him right in but luckily he's still attached to a safety line it starts getting very Loosely unspooled and Coupe knows that he's in trouble there's an energy burst that creates a huge ripple effect of explosions and Sparks all throughout the ship it carries over to the Lewis and Clark triggering more Sparks and explosions they try to ascertain what just happened it must have been due to changing pressure and it even breaches the hole in the Clark Coupe rushes to Justin's Aid baby bear just hold on he emerges from the Blackness and floats right into his arms he's unconscious but still alive at least the situation is especially dire not only is the whole breached but the safety circuits failed too they don't even have time to weld the breach we are [ __ ] dead Smith concludes Weir has a wacky idea why not just go onto the Event Horizon it does have Air and Power Smith refuses there's no way he's getting on board that ship if beats dying we counters he gets all the ship systems online the lights on board allowing us to really see The Horizon's monstrous appearance they aren't out of the woods yet as they have no radio and no one is coming to save them plus the air is Tainted with CO2 and even if they do take the cleaners from the Clark only leaves them with 20 hours of breathable air after that they better be on their way home Smith is outside doing some repairs and the gash is pretty serious letting out precious oxygen into space it's bigger than expected he's going to need more time negative Miller lets him down 20 hours is all they have they take in all the masses of Gore around and ask Weir for his opinion he takes a moment to consider his response but stay silent they get just into the Sick Bay and according to DJ he's stable at least but isn't sure what could happen he might wake up in a couple minutes or possibly never cop explains what he saw he just appeared from that liquid-like substance Weir smirks that's not possible because that would mean the Gateway was open cop is all yeah yeah that's got to be it it was open and he is actually right we maintains that that couldn't be possible because the drive wasn't activated again sure look like it was implying that the ship is already acting on its own Accord C argues that is what he saw and things get heated Weir blames it on a possible Optical effect perhaps somehow a burst of gravity waves could have escaped from the core which could distort space and time well whatever happened hurt Justin and messed up a ship so just what is in the core it's complicated is all weer says and Miller fires back we got time tell me what's in there he escorts them to the engine room and explains that when the Rings align it creates an artificial black hole and this is what allows you to travel anywhere in space Stark is baffled a black hole the most destructive force in the universe and you created one we brushes past the obvious slight yes indeed for example it would take the Clark a thousand years to reach the same point The Horizon could reach in a day that is if it worked Miller considers that if they got suck through the Gateway would they go to wherever the Horizon was we admits that theoretically yes but there's no way the Gateway can open by itself no never ever going to happen at least as far as he knows in that case Miller wants this room sealed off immediately it's far too dangerous we maintains there is no danger it's perfectly safe buddy my ship is in shambles and Justin might not make it that doesn't sound exactly safe we turns his gaze to the drive and as it rotates it's reflected in his eyes as though it's reaching out to him Peter scrubs through the log footage finding nothing useful there's a weird scratching on fabric her but she shrugs it off she hears it again and assumes that it must be DJ but after radioing him finds out he's on another floor entirely she grabs a surgical blade and slowly goes through the room she comes to a tent and someone is inside scratching from within at the fabric she pulls it back and it's her boy Denny inside seeing his legs are all torn up mommy he cries Peter starts freaking and DJ shows up snapping her out of the hallucination this is our first real example of what the ship is capable of It kind of latches odd to people's traumas and can read their innermost thoughts creating hallucinations of their trauma we saw in the earlier video Denny was in a wheelchair and it seems now that he must have had some kind of accident that paralyzed him his mom feels guilty and this could also be the reason behind their divorce all the trauma in a nice convenient package there they come through more footage and the captain congratulates his crew rattling off everyone's name he says hail and farewell in Latin making me think that he was the one saying save me in the recording static takes over the footage hearing more agonizing screams the power on the horizon starts going wild a power drain we says and he knows that it's coming from the core they go to investigate and unscrew a door in the weird walls entering a crawl space filled with a green Matrix of circuitry Justin starts convulsing out of nowhere and grumbles he's coming his face turns grave the dark he says before returning to writhing violently we navigates the endless green corridors and comes to one sparking that's the one he grunts he Yanks out the circuit board and hears Claire calling for him he tries to return to work and the voice lingers in a cool Hitchcock style Dolly shot fear takes over Weir and the lights start cutting out in waves Weir breathes raggedly and shouts to Miller he's got a problem here his flashlight starts going on the fritz be with me Claire says and appears right in front of him all eyeless forever she Whispers and disappears Miller shouts down the shoot for weird but he's got his own trauma based hallucination to tend with the drive wors to life and the bottom section catches on fire a person emerges from the watery flames and eyes Miller accusingly once more we see how the ship can essentially read the crew's mind and manifest through their greatest guilt and Trauma the doctor offers the theory that CO2 can cause hallucinations but Miller knows that what he saw was real he could even feel the heat from the Flames he turns to Weir he must have heard something too right Weir shifts nervously and Peter steps in telling the others about seeing her son Smith himself hasn't seen anything strange but still doesn't have a good feeling about the ship Weir jokes thanking him for the wonderful scientific analysis and they nearly come to blows the tension definitely ratcheting up it only gets worse when Smith spits that you don't mess with physics and not pay the price and blames him for killing the old crew DJ takes a scalpel to his throat helping to convince him that it's just a ship a bunch of metal and there's nothing strange going on Smith Goes at Weir again and Miller steps in to get him back to the important repair task at hand we can already feel the effects of the ship here as well I mean he didn't need to put a knife to the dude's throat you know clearly the evil is starting to get to them Stark has her own working Theory based on the little that they really do know those bio readings are from an indeterminate origin thanks maybe there's a connection between those readings and everyone's Visions it's almost like the defensive reaction of an immune system the ship is reacting to them and the reactions are getting stronger she posits that it feels like the ship brought something back with it a life force of some kind Miller is baffled are you telling me the ship is alive she shrugs that he wanted answers and that's the best that she's got he's more focused on Surviving the next 10 hours haunted ship from Hell be damned Peter's looking anxious pacing through the room with Justin still lying on the table she comes back and he has vanished she looks for him and a light blinks on a warning of a biohazard the pulsing light starts getting to her and Sparks explode sitting her scrambling from the room she runs to rejoin the others and no one heard anything that just happened another impact thuds is the metal and Weir appears oddly calm he purposefully gets to his feet intending to open the door and let whatever is out there right in Stark manages to subdue him and another alarm goes off in the forward airlock they call all the others and know that it could only be baby bear they find him just in time to see the airlock close with him on the other side with no suit they alert Miller they've got an emergency over here they beg him to open the door and he finally turns around looking haunted did you hear it he asks Peter says what is it it shows you things horrible things what does she presses the dark inside of me from the other place and he stammers that he's not going back there no matter what they keep frantically asking him to just open the door and he groans if you've seen the things that I have you wouldn't try to stop me he does walk over to the control panel and it looks like he's going to open the inner door but it's the outer one he is instead they've got 30 seconds until the doors open Justin Miller screeches Jus he suddenly changes composure and looks to be back to himself now he wants the door open all of a sudden begging Mama Bear to do so they can't now because it would depressurize the entire ship but they promise he's not going to die we're going to get you out of there the effects of space start quickly kicking in his veins turning bulbous he claws at his eyes and gravity starts to dissipate oh God it hurts he cries Miller gets into position with his mag magnetic boots He commands the boy to blow all the air out of his lungs the doors open into the void of space and Justin tumbles through the air hacking up blood Miller makes his big launch and tackles Justin guiding him back to the airlock pH they pressurize the room and rush to Justin's Aid surprisingly still alive but not looking so good we can see that Weir is struggling in the captain's chair the gate still trying to connect with him DJ has some good news about baby bear he should live assuming they get out of here before the CO2 levels become lethal Miller still wants to know what happened to the crew and gets Peter to resume going through that copious amount of footage they discussed the strange things that Justin said the dark inside of me and all that Weir brushes it off as meaningless and slinks Away suspiciously Miller pursues him telling him don't walk away from me mister sounded like a frustrated dad hilariously he wants some answers about all the strange stuff going on here Weir waffles with some vague explanations but Miller knows it's all bull that's all he's gotten from him the whole time he's been on board he accost him and further inquires about how the ship works it creates a gateway to what and what is this other place place exactly and every time all Weir can say is I don't know he admits that there are things happening here that he doesn't understand what he really needs is time time Miller scoffs the one thing we don't have idiot Miller storms off and here's a voice calling Captain don't leave me a gron from another Corner please for god sakes help me from yet another Miller tries to collect himself this is all in your head he chants he's flooded with a plethora of horrific hellish and bloody images so you know maybe it's not all in your head just partially Miller discusses his latest encounter with DJ and he recognized the voice as someone that he served with on an earlier crew Eddie coric there was a big accident on the ship and Eddie was trapped on board when a fire broke out he describes the odd properties of fire and zero gravity even beautiful in a way the Flames hit him in wave after wave sliding like liquid all over him and screaming for help it was a tough choice but all he could do is close the Lifeboat hatch and leave the poor guy behind that day he swore he wouldn't never lose another man DJ is taken a back they've known each other for a long while and he's never even heard that story that's Miller's whole point he's never told anybody but somehow The Horizon knew all about it it knows your fears your secrets and it gets in your head and shows them to you well yeah playing a little sketch up there buddy DJ has some news that he was concerned about sharing regarding the Latin from the recording what he first thought was save me is actually save yourself and it gets worse from Hell save yourself from hell if what Weir says is true the ship has been beyond the known universe known reality who knows where it's been and what has brought back with it from Hell Miller scoffs you know believe that do you as DJ points out well whoever recorded that message certainly did CPE radio is in that they've got the breaches sealed up time to get off this crazy [ __ ] not so fast as Coupe notices they're still venting gas he needs just another 20 more minutes meanwhile Peters and Starks stumble upon something horrifying in the footage absolutely disgusted by what they're seeing they show it to the others and we get brief glimpses of a horrible hell orgy someone tearing their eyes out and all kinds of twist and stuff it's all very very brief on screen but still makes quite an impact with that Miller shuts off the footage and is even more determined to get out of here Weir argues they can't leave they do have orders yeah well their orders were to find out what happened to the crew and they are totally dead like so mission's over Bud the crew get to work on their final steps and Weir appeals to him once more Miller is danzo and in tends on blowing up the ship with missiles until he's satisfied Stark radio is in saying the bio readings just went nuts again it looks like the core is draining power from the rest of the ship he tells her don't worry about that stick to the files I just want off this chip Weir earily tells him you can't leave she won't let you he's sick of his [ __ ] telling him to get his gear or he's going to be walking home I am home he slithers and vanishes into the Shadows all right well say bye-bye to Dr we's off to Crazy Town Peters and Smithy are loading up with the carbon cleaner filter Dees bringing them back to the Clark Peters gets the last pesky one loose man she has problem with stuck things huh she glances back to the engine and it hooks her in seeing it spinning in her eyes it shows her flashes of her boy and she drops everything running after the hallucination he dashes down a corridor near nearby Denny's up on the next floor and she quickly ascends the ladder after she keeps endlessly following Denny to the point of being out of breath there's then a brief Flash in her mind of what looks like her own death Denny is then on the other side of the room luring her towards him he flashes a zombie like smile and she walks right into a long ass Chute crashing into the bottom in a shower of blood just like that vision from moments ago then he leans over looking quite pleased with himself and disappears into the fog Weir stumbles into the engine room and notices Peters he faints concern and see that her eyes are black it's his turn to face his demons Billy CLA Whispers he's transported back to their apartment and sees Claire's reflection in the mirror it's me I'm home he smiles but she doesn't seem to notice continuing to apply makeup he confesses that he knows that he wasn't there when she needed him and apologizes for letting work get between them some deleted scenes made it more clear that he was more in love with the ship than his wife I think we do still get the picture here she draws a bath please no not again begs yet she continues undeterred you can imagine where things are going but it's obvious that Weir feels guilt for losing CLA he breaks down emotionally and CLA appears taking him in her bosom it's all right you'll never be alone again she CS she pulls his head back telling him we have such wonderful things to show you dang really stepping on Hell razer's toes there literally just changed a couple of words around she opens her eyelids revealing that she has no peepers and goes to gouge out his too but in reality see that he is doing it to himself screaming in pain CP gets his shoty repair done pleased with himself as usual Smith is ready to go seeing Weir descending down to the airlock he radio Miller about him and he notices that one of those charges is missing he tells him he's got to get out of there the explosives could be on board Smith doesn't want to give up they just got done putting the ship back together he furiously digs through a bunch of random crap and while he does find the charge it's too late it counts down from three and explodes completely destroying the Clark CP finds himself in a difficult predicament riding a piece of debris and getting hurled deeper into space he curses the situation and tries to think of a plan he decides to blow his air tanks to propel him back it reaches maximum charge and he launches Triumph L back towards the ship shouting here I come [ __ ] Miller updates DJ that the ship is gone and if you see Weir take his ass out DJ doesn't even get the chance as Isis Weir is already there he lifts him by the throat launching him into a column and then decides to do a little bit of surgery of his own Miller runs in later finding DJ SPL out on the ceiling with his skin stretched out and organ splattered all over the table Miller is now even more determined to take down the Mad Doctor okay buddy you don't want to leave you never will he stalks his way through the ship finding Stark on the ground and unresponsive some smelling salts Rouse her and he helps her to her feet the captain's chair spins around with Weir at the helm oh my God Willer groans at the sight what happened to your eyes where we are going we don't need eyes to see Weir responds The Horizon was created to see beyond the stars but it's gone further than that it tore a hole in our universe a gateway to another dimension a pure evil pure chaos when it crossed over it was just a ship but when she came back it's straight up alive he tells M to take in the ship's appearance isn't she beautiful well your beautiful ship killed This Crew He smirks back and now she has another crew she has us he slams a button setting the gateway to open with a countdown of 10 minutes Stark makes a move and he bats her way Miller goes for it and Weir yinks his nail gun thing if you miss it'll blow the hole Miller warns what makes you think I'll miss Weir fires back C then appears flying towards the window to try to save the day not so much as Weir fires and blows a hole right through the window Cent reeling and everything starts getting violently sucked into space through the hole Weir screams insanely and his chair is ripped right out of the floor slamming outside he along with Miller hang on for dear life to the floor grading Weir loses his grip and gets sucked right out into his space well that's the end of him right nope Miller grabs onto a random cable and pulls with all his strength to fight against a suction he makes it through the door seeing Stark is still alive he stops a poker in place to force the door open and after some struggling he gets her hand dragging her over to safety there's another alarm from the front section and they ready themselves as the door opens but it can't be weird right ask Co who tumbles out and they get his helmet off it's not over yet as Weir has set the timer on the gate and they got to shut it down when it comes to how it's thanks to Weir own suggestion setting all the charges to blow and using the front part of the ship as a Lifeboat told you that comeb back thanks we they split up and Miller gets the charges activated while Coupe turns on the emergency Beacon blood dribbles down his hand and when looking up the ceiling panels are also filled with it and they start pouring down the Walls one of the gravity couches starts filling up and once it reaches capacity the glass shatters sending out a delug of blood we're supposed to actually see Weir being reconstituted bit by bit in the tank but atas this whole thing was cut Miller encounters his old flaming buddy once more who launches him into the wall with a thunk Eddie Stomps up accusing him of leaving him behind Miller knows better you're not him I watched you die he shapes shifts into Weir's appearance the ship brought me back he growls I told you it won't let me leave it won't let anyone leave he scolds him for trying to destroy the ship it's to find time and space and been to places you can't imagine you can't just blow it up and it's time to go back back yeah back to Hell Miller grumbles we are or really a representative now of whatever evil has taken over the ship clarifies yeah it's not exactly hell it's easier to just show you and he puts a hand on Miller's head treating him to visions of his crew being brutally tortured and an admittedly quite hellish landscape you can't have them Miller shrieks and Wallops Weir with a scrubber he catches the next blow and smashes Miller to the floor he fills in more details of just who he is he's not The Devil he's older than the devil I watch the beginning and I will see the end I am the dark behind the Stars I am the dark inside you are Miller struggles to his feet and Weir kicks him away the tables turned when Miller pulls a Detonator from the liquid go to hell he smirks and smashes the button and an explosion races through the main access Corridor propelling the front away a black hole appears and sucks the gravity drive along with anything else in its path into a swirling black hole that quickly seals itself shut darkark and coup wash the destruction her mourning the loss of Miller thanks for the sacrifice though appreciate you we's little monologue and in addition to every other tidbit given thus far along with some deleted moments gives us our best insight as to what exactly the evil is that possess the Event Horizon while the dimension certainly resembles hell based on Weir saying that he's older than the devil watch the beginning and all that it hints at something even more ancient calling to mind the great old ones of HP Lovecraft there's another moment when Weir shows Miller Visions at the end that was cut from the original script showing us explicitly an alien son described as red bloated and dying amongst the alien terrain there is a sluggish oily Black Sea just like the substance in the gate and a hand reaches from the oil that's all we get but back in the original script from '92 there are mentions of tentacles so it really seems that they were going more for the lovecraftian thing than hell specifically but that idea still works in the theatrical cut with less details because it really is more about the horror of the unknown that's the scariest thing there is after 72 days a rescue team tracks down the wreckage of the ship a group of people come on board Dawn in full Evac suits they find the gravity couches still intact finding three survivors coup Stark and Justin man that kid's lucky after everything he's went through luckily the couches still have power to and they crack open Stark's tank a crew member opens their visor revealing Weir's grinning face underneath she jolts back to the real rescue still with CPE trying to assure her that they are safe although I'm not so sure seeing the outer door close on its own implying that the evil is still lingering on board sure the drive got stuck into the black hole but they State several times there are life readings through throughout the entire vessel meaning the whole ship is Tainted by the evil from the other place I think they are all ultimately doomed and the same vicious cycle is about to start all over again all this in spite of the quite definitive the end title at the conclusion do we really need that which kicks us right back into the best that techno of the day had to offer thanks to The Prodigy that's some funky [ __ ] the song is literally called Funky [ __ ] of course it is now we know all about the mysterious Event Horizon and what befell its crew but there is a lot more to the movie itself as nearly 30 minutes were cut before release stay tuned for a video on that coming soon until then why not click over there for some more Cosmic horror thanks for watching foundflix see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 436,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: event horizon ending explained, event horizon hell scene, event horizon explained, event horizon meaning, event horizon trailer, event horizon movie, event horizon, event horizon review, trailer, clip, end scene, hell scene, sam neill, ending explained, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: CvrBEb-7a7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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