THE BEEKEEPER (2024) MOVIE REACTION!! Jason Statham | David Ayer | Full Movie Review

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thank you to better help and Shopify  for sponsoring more on them after the reaction reject Nation we're going to watch what  I can only imagine to be the greatest movie ever   made The Beekeeper I'm of course joined by the  man I've been covering all these action movies   with Andrew Gordon Andrew how are you I'm doing  great Greg but I want to know who's impression   is better it's definitely mine but what's most  important are we watching the theatrical cut   or the air cut we watching whatever cut regardless  it's going to be the greatest movie ever made some   people say we sound Australian I don't hear it I  think these are the greatest Impressions you're   ever going to hear of Jason STM on this YouTube  platform anyway guys did you see The Beekeeper   Andre and I've been so excited to watch this  I think we're we're Jazz we're jacked up all   righty Andrew you ready to do it let's do it  leave a like also be sure to subscribe click   that notification Bell to get notified whenever we  got a reaction up on this channel thanks to prea   for helping us set it down these highlights also  massive thank you to all who have joined us at   our patreon page becoming super sexy re IM I kept  this up you going to say how long can you do this   I'm impressed F Tri the Fang Reaction watch along  we syn up with the own copy of beekeeper John and   I also cover several shows over there exclusively  with highlights and watch alongs included let's do it I'm the line Tamer I hope that's  his next movie she just going to   battle every every kind of animal  that exist and I would pay to see   it that should be his his stick it  should be his uh typ casting Bing kangaroo oh you see the the letters  they're like like Stingers oh that's   neat there's autistic Merit to  this it's very stylized thank you   David hair oh my God there's  a whole history to unpack of beekeepers it's really neat oh I didn't know  Josh erson was in this H forg thought he was love this this is going to be like  a secret organization that has spanned   centuries it looks like true historical Protection Program Jason STM was a producer on  this I'm the producer I'm the [Laughter] producer ominous it's a good  establishing shot to show it's a shadowy organization that's a cool mood kind of reminds me  to the town from first bej juice reference number   one those things scare me to death then killing  my honeybees few days unchecked Wipe Out the whole   Colony what are you going to do with them well  that's between me and them if you don't mind what   does that mean he's going to torture them they're  putting up with me and all of my bees this place   is crab grass and weeds and you brought it back  to life no one's ever taken care of me before   bees are an endangered species yeah unfortunately  Mr Clay come back at supper time let me feed you   don't bring the bees with you he put like trackers  in the bees or is he just an actual beekeeper oh   oh my God whoa I've never seen that done before  interesting method damn that is beautiful did   you know Jason Stam uh studied beekeeping for six  months prior to doing this I made that [ __ ] up   I'm a method actor no who did that now Jason  STM is going to seek retribution I like how   uh that's all draped in yellow like bee color  United data group good afternoon this is void   how may I help you oh I hate this guy already oh  hello I I just got a message saying that there's   a problem with my computer why are you calling  the number the message you received is from our   United data group antivirus software it's part  of the software package that you pre-installed   on your computer oh I'm sorry I'm not a computer  person what did you say the name of your product   is again uh she seems like such a sweet old lady  I know that's who they Prey Upon the most is older   people there is actually a software package that  you can download that would allow me to resinall remotely oh my gosh what a jerk can you uh can  you type this friendly friend. net spell just how   it sounds I'm there oh this seems like a realistic  con artist prick oh of for sure yeah I clicked the   button so you're about to see some windows open  closed on your desktop as I reinstall the vir   shield for you wow I hope you clowns are paying  attention you stick to the script you are not   Leo DiCaprio and I choose Rich every time she has  got 10K checking life insurance annuity Roth IRA   teachers pension and that is so messed up [ __ ]  [ __ ] all right she is a signatory wow let the   scrip mining begin oh my God that is actually  infuriating just because of I want to punch   through the screen right now can you log into  that account and verify the transfer please Miss   Parker hold on yes there's she's so innocent this  a transfer for $50,000 I made a terrible mistake   I was supposed to credit you $500 but I know I  got a a stuck key here I'm going to lose my job   here no I could wire the amount back I will need  a different password though one second now this   is the master password for all her accounts we get  it we zero out everything a yuck I think I should   call the bank please don't you're probably right  but there goes my job and there goes all your data oh she a widow yeah and I'm assuming this  is she's going to want to take her own life after this [Music] hello wow the worst of the worst douche piece  of crap uh oh oh God whoa was not expecting a   feel this much not going to lie Dam this is real  this feels so which he's going through right now [ __ ] oh my God these are uncomfortable   Goosebumps I'm getting that  is awful a this poor poor woman honey looks delicious though oh I'm so scared she's  not going to be okay smart cuz   even if this move movie gets like cheesy  action fun starting off on a serious note   is really good do you need that  opposition good direction David a oh man don't you move oh oh [ __ ] drop   the knife she the one from  Umbrella Academy I think she is now who the why would you suspect this  the one who came in here at calling her name Verona ah I'm so sorry well how do you know my yikes though we can clear him me our best  and only per clear him damn lens flares on the   camera this is really starting a heavy note let's  just completely ignore the big white dude in her   house with a knife get him up surprisingly  effective because the the communication he   had with her was was limited but you could  feel it through the emotion and the tone I   was bringing her a jar of honey who the are  you Winnie the Pooh the keep bees how do you   know my mother R some space in the bomb from  her have a sign leas she didn't answer when   I knocked I noted a car in the driveway I  had the smoke alarm and I entered you got a   law enforcement background I told you I'd take  care of bees most badass beekeeper I am so on   boarded from taking out all those guys guys  I was not expecting to beat this personally invested you see on the phone all the fraud  alerts and all that [ __ ] there there you   go I'm surprised it still stayed logged in that  long when I usually get booted out in like 5 10   minutes it's the most unrealistic part of this  movie undoubtedly nothing more unrealistic is   to come his hands test a negative for gunshot  residue but the prince on the gun were your   mothers yep I wanted to thank you for taking  care of my mom tried to stay in her life as   much as I could obviously I could have done a  better job being old can be a lonely thing the   certain age you used to exist used to be a part  of life or the family or of the hive I guess you   could say you know I think I know why she liked  you you're just like my brother he was in marso   a marine Raider he was killed a few years ago  kicking doors his family's experienced a lot   of tragedy she got scammed somebody emptied out  all her accounts she was an educator director of   a charity for kids I got 2 million out of that  account know it did it there's some commentary   here I talked to an agent in our cyber crimes  office this crew's been operating for 2 years   and we don't even have names jeez you don't need  a cyber security team you need a beekeeper taking   from an elderly person is as bad as stealing from  a child maybe worse why have we been stealing from   children this whole time Andrew the money's in  the elderly yeah and so help me God I'm going to   get these mother who did this like how it's like  the the yellow with the Angelic light cuz he is   the Angel savior what are you doing I thought you  retired I did I need a favor oh he's got a past a   name and address easy this is exting not easy  know even the FBI can't find these people well   we're not the FBI are we should me the DS and  standby they're routing all over the world you   found them sure but who these people you want to  find out is that this a good the ramp up this it's   actually more patient than I expected who the hell  you think you're going pal this United data group   this is private property and you're trespassing  I'm going inside this is a I'm going to burn it down you're not going anying where  except write the back the way you   came shut up do you know what they do  here buddy I'm count of three seal from   the elderly one two three there I did it  for you so badass scamming the weakest in   our society stealing everything they  have do you know that's who you work for yes oh [ __ ] that is what I'm talking  about but it's emotional action protect   the old tell any of the companies in  the building to evacuate now there's   going to be a fire okay thanks need your  attention please repeat after me I will   never steal from the weak the vulnerable  [Laughter] again he's here to bring order sh repeat after me I will never  steal from the weak and the vulnerable   again I will never steal here to teach you  a lesson kids I hope anyone who actually   does this is watch watching this movie  and thinks twice about [Music] that wow   he's the psycho you're the cold-hearted  sons of [ __ ] what the you think you're   doing I'm a beekeeper to protect the hive  this is a multi-million dollar operation   [ __ ] okay so you can't come up here white  nighting [ __ ] will you stomp his ass out please yes yes yeah yeah oh my God I love it  yes it's like J Jason Bor me Jackie Chan damn that was awesome but you feel really proud of yourself  I've never seen that he slammed right onto the   keyboard that was great I was not expecting  him to get here so quickly I mean there's a   problem you got to solve it man the next  call from your little fishing scam to   this call center will make a spark across  these wires anything alive in here won't be I'm liking this more that  I already knew I would like it yeah from the trailers I was not expecting  to I thought it just G to be a non action piece   I thought it just be like yeah I just want to  watch a goofy goofy goofy film yeah it it came   back the whole thing yeah and it's it's like I  can barely it's all tweaked oh those are nice   mhm Josh Hutcherson is playing a douchebag Three  Amigos skateboard it's fake ass hippie [ __ ]   he must be from Southern California this dude  just scolls in see we're stealing from people   and and he burns the place to the ground  four people didn't get out you're telling   me that this [ __ ] burnt the entire building  down and dropped fouring [Laughter] bodies hey   I need to talk to you Jeremy Irons if I had a  friend who like had a call center and someone   burned it down and maybe killed some people you  could get him right get him yeah like disappear   the problem come on you literally ran the CIA  and you're telling me you can't just find some   guy in Massachusetts listen this sounds like  a job for the police I know this guy's back   right now you're going to log into our cloud  and you're going to look at anyone connected   to the last few deals you closed what if I find  this guy you get a wrecking crew together and   you go good Fellas on I mean come on you're a  connected guy right you understand I understood   that reference he doesn't like to get his hands  physically dirty though you good yeah I'm great   why I mean you did lose your mother yesterday  thanks for the reminder remember United data   group you sober enough to drive where's mine it's  an old cup for my car with instant gas station   and hot water e no are they also like ex lovers  I think that's the application that's clown car   saw everything but no one's talking all frequent  flyers with Burgery fraud and cyber beeps I want   IDs on all of them you know this is just a tip  of like 20 Spears right can I just have this moment back to business as usual so in  this beekeeper program you retire and   remain a beekeeper what do the bees actually  do okay Widow just has a daughter in Boston   I don't think this is it but Matt Pat  you are making a terrible call that's him oh he knows he knows what are  you guys supposed to do to him oh   no oh my God he knew they'd be coming  yeah ke was talking about him I guess   he's a bee Lover he breaks my [ __ ] you  break his [ __ ] that's why I said oh no [Music] God oh my goodness what are we in  for dark yellow lighting now oh   you guys just stroll into the wrong  place oh all that honey I feel like   this is going to be fun this going be a fun  gory time let's go hiding [ __ ] come face us I bit now such a worm it's like Batman beekeeper begins do it oh I mean that is like Batman  a silent takedown I know very methodical not even that was nasty oh oh [Music] boy where are you here help me is he going to get the eyeball one  now we we we can talk about this we we can talk   about this this just worked this out me and you  we can f yes a why didn't you just listen to him   oh my [Music] God the action in here is so well  done oh it's fantastic it's really well done why   are people just wiring you their entire life  savings must be your winning personality they   got us a lawyer so maybe you want to talk to  them you know this is a really nice shirt by   the way did you steal it out of a caset you dog  are you applauding people who sleep with dogs I'm   applauding her line oh I agree with her oh my  bad I misunderstood oh so you like fires yeah   today I do good cuz uh today's your lucky day cuz  apparently your mother's house is on fire too and   some other [ __ ] This Woman's dealing with a  lot of what a coldhearted way of delivering that   information United dat grou well he's handsome  you think there's even the remotest chance that   the dude who burned down United data group is  the same guy we entering the spot from your   mother The Beekeeper said the name of the title  this movie is taking itself just serious enough   you know what I mean yeah to like it's actually  a really fascinating tone they're writing and it   because you you want the action to feel like  th Artic when it's happening instead of just   hurry up and get to it it's fun who who the is  he tell me who he is right now I I I I don't know beekeeper what's he saying about  bees I don't know he said he was   protecting the hive or something  he in the back of the car there he is oh he wanted him to make that call I I got  NF what no is this man what is he doing is he   going to drag him with the car or you're  [ __ ] crazy man what the [ __ ] bro oh is   he going to drag him uh I feel like it worse  than that man that's pretty bad drag is still   bad oh I think he's going to drive it off and  he's going to go I don't know let's just find out yeah cuz isn't the Bridge open yeah oh  God cool well technically a drag do I have   the pleasure of speaking with yes you burned  up a million dollar call center now I'm going   to burn you down you haven't told me your name  you Mr you and you bettering remember it [Music] you sound young I bet you don't  have estate planning I'm I'm 28   years old why would I need that I'm about to show you 80s action dialogue and this is your data  mining consumer service business right yeah   something like that pulling in 9 million  a month one office I've got like 20 if a   beekeeper says you're going to die you're going  to die there's nothing I can do or or anybody   else to stop it oh cuzz he's a CIA he knows  who he is yeah I could have done anything but   I chose this job as a favor to your mother I  keep danth Enterprises safe is his stepfather   Wallace just tell me what the this guy is he's  probably the last pair of eyes that you're   going to sneer at that is daunting it's like  Jeremy Irons wants his stepson to die what'd   you get on Clay he's a ghost all I have is a  birth certificate as social never even had a   bank account why does this guy seem so goddamn  apathetic towards everything Adam clay doesn't   exist which is terrifying to me because he's  probably in a classified program if we don't   get a beekeeper Cinematic Universe I will Riot  wasted opportunity I'll give you a board seat   on the holding company that's another million  a year plus you promised you'd take care of   him you have my word oh he really loves  her my young friend seems to have caught   the unwanted attentions of of a beekeeper  a beekeeper beekeeper well that's not good [Music] dark yellow yellow is the theme color  in this film he's retired from the program no   longer active well that Chang I like the reversal  on this framing now he's handheld and she's Center   framed in the camera still the current active  beekeeper lunatic should have been removed months ago almost feels like the Continental  little with like uh with tech that's   upgrade but like lower crate I hear  like fax machines and old monitors and stuff got my job honey uh-oh get out of here oh yes yes you  need colorful personality bag guys let's go oh uh what are you going to do oh you've been a busy bee kill  her I'm assuming you're my replacement ouch God the action so good ouch Jesus he really is Batman  oh wow wow damn this this turned   into a whole kind of different  action movies oh Jesus L her up what a burn he still has not fired one shot in  this film really that is impressive good catch Andrew okay so he takes the fingers and I have  no idea why did you it's like dude you're sure   no problem badass work I'm a fan me that  can set the whole G yeah man did he tell   that guy that's civilian to leave to I hope  so he doesn't seem like an evil human being   that's a vehicle registered to a anet landroid  everywhere he goes it ends up in Flames that's   a minigun they use those on military vehicles  do you know that puppy shoot 6,000 rounds a   minute I do think all this like FBI [ __ ] could  use a lot more personality though you know it's   one part of the storytelling that I feel like  lacks okay then do you know who Anna at landas   is yes I do I think it's more him even so who  doesn't exist in any commercial or government   database someone who a ghost like our good  friend Adam clay beekeeping for beekeepers   I think she does a really good job though yeah I  like her she's really good how are you my friend good come on leave him alone leave him alone  don't play with those things they go off oh my   god look this is where all the diversity is  and the stuntmen they got to play key roles   for the action now Simon Says beekeepers  have given all resources empowered to act   on their own judgment for decades they have  quietly worked to keep the hive safe damn   I am the law beekeepers keep working until  they die he's basically one of us he's not   like you got to pull the stinger out with  enough of you then maybe you just might in   fact be able to kill him I like how they've  constructed everything around being actual beekeeping oh okay smart I thought beekeepers   weren't supposed to intervene and  why does that beekeeper behave so sadistically he's getting the location of  every single one he's going to take them   all down we believe that Mr Clay is connected  to a classified program named beekeeper let's   stick to what we know [ __ ] she totally seems  like she knows this is his next Target nin star   United which appears to be the entity operating  the regional call centers like the one that Mr   Clay burned down why is Adam Clay on this Rampage  tell him avenging my mother what's your ask my ask   a swap team for starters surveillance support  additional agents analysts that shouldn't be   a problem do she want to stop him didn't I mean  she wants to uncover the truth yeah she doesn't   know exactly like what any connections are and  stuff Phoenix where we at oh my God 201k 200k I   love you how can you live with yourself doing  this crap every Target on there was an older   person out awful all weapons on Entry We Ready  give me an o o power down the private security   here under orders of the Governor State Department  certified oh is that one of the Jeremy iron's Crew   He was the main guy yeah the main guy who spoke  up you're not welcome here get the out all right   boys let's go set up the per outside it's yellow  in the background closed and locked steel gate   want a body on comms watch delivery dog same  deal we don't see Jason stay them a lot it's   kind of interesting instead of going in Smoke  them out I figured I'd give the five Fighters   a break I put him through enough already what do  you say your mean was currently I go by Adam clay   there was a back entrance I would have used it I  don't want to injure anyone who's innocent or not   involved he's such a bad ass somebody detain  this guy oh nobody he won't kill any of them wa damn oh D he is [ __ ] oh my God why you  my business CU Mr west wild hire me to kick   some beekeeper ass Mr west wild works  for me which means that you work for   me now listen that place is the crown  jewel of my kingdom they didn't have   you so maybe you just do your job and and  don't tell me how to do mine please copy   that set up a perimeter outside let's go  move letting his ego get the best of him Greg I love how he lets the  buildup it's just yes yeah we love you stab him with the pen oh he just let  them clear us so funny not a good day to   dve some people into this these [ __ ] Not  Innocent for either one of us to close that   distance some of them will get hurt let's  start with this right here ouch [Music] ouch wonder if they're going to go  all film without him shooting a gun   so does Jason S and view these guys as  innocent they seem like they're working   for the wrong people yeah but this would be  self-defense still but he's is very clear on   not hurting on not killing innocent  people yeah but if you work for the villains y he doesn't be the best innocent okay fire oh good cool lighting fire clean sweep you know who you're working for I  business I'm just the guy they call when there's a   problem you're creating a bigger problem man  and you are a problem God damn right I'm a problem [Music] oh ouch that would kill a man  if not break every bone in his face oh he going to drop the elevator oh no oh oh [ __ ] please please don't kill  me I'm just the middle manager I never   Hur nobody shut up I'd respect you more if  you look people in their eyes when you stu from now you're making a lot of  money here what are you about to do I know you're the middle man who's  above you they'll kill me what do you   think he's going to do I'll torture you then kill you such a cool torture scene interrogation T it's   so simple like the stapler of a  damn make it stop you can make it stop dedicated her whole life to helping people  yesterday she shot herself she took 2 million   from a cherry she ran she was the only person  who ever took care of me it's like losing a   mom these people they're Untouchable no  please please I stop I I will I will let   me sure you better not do some stupid move  I told you they were Untouchable nobody's   un touchable sometimes when the hive is out  of balance you have to replace the queen I   love all these yeah Clay that man is directly  responsible for your mother's death I believe   you but we have laws for these things I can't  put my personal life in front of my jaws you   have laws for these things until they fail then  you have me yes the laws are protecting these things oh no not Mr Personality I  have four kids three boys and a girl what man does his research okay I guess he's  not bad yeah he would have uncovered that yeah [Music] colors holy [ __ ] what's his name  that's a son of a important politician oh right   right right maybe now's the time to call your  mother he can't make his move on us if we're   in her proximity can he I still don't see that  stopping him you're scared and you want to use my   mother as a human shield just call her just call  her come on I'm actually was going to you know get   together with some of my tech homies and stuff  if that's uh that's cool with you is she podus   no way is she oh she is oh she is God are you what  a reveal I just figured she was a Senator or a I   felt like cuz someone mentioned about meeting with  pus or something earlier and I was like is she pus   yeah why not let clay do his thing your mom is  dead because of these people like Boondock Saints   I haven't seen it put it on the list okay we think  we have a sense of Mr Clay's true intentions he   seems to be following the money looks so much  slower on that camera nin star United uses   data mining software to identify these people and  then Target their assets there's another involved   are you going to tell me the name of this Company  Danforth Enterprises with an annual revenue of 10   billion dollar founded and operated by Jessica  Danforth who recently stepped down because she   was sworn in as president of the United States  who else knows this us three Let's uh keep the   circle small that's dangerous information to have  about the president of the United States I see his   kill count is steadily rising in a beehive there  is something called a queen Slayer it's a bee that   will rise up and kill the queen if she produces  defective Offspring oh my God clay believes that   Derek Danforth is the defective offspring of a  queen thereby clay will strike at the heart of   the problem and become a queen Slayer Adam Clay's  next victim is Derek Dan for's mother oh my God   you have a blank check good luck oh this isn't  insane I would not do that information on a zoom   call or whatever the hell they I would have th%  done that in person go away Federal Bureau of   something or another we're good all right you'll  need to excuse my partner he's recently concussed   hasn't slept in 2 days we're on the access list  good boss n that's been his personality the whole   movie the whole movie interesting choice they  picked for that is what it is but the screen time   they give Jason STM just seems so reserved doesn't  it yeah like you can go like a extended periods   without seeing him mom's detail is not going to  like that well if Mom's detail gets in the way of   what's coming for us they're dead men and so are  we tell them they can stay in the kitchen damn   they call this a state the beach house wasn't your  super secret CIA data mining software supposed to   I don't know maybe filter out Unstoppable killing  Mach don't you with me young man peeper yeah you   know I killed one once really yeah only cuz I was  lucky and un lucky my team will be out shortly if   anyone can knock this guys in the dirt it's them  thought that guy look like Steven Tyler little   tell that guy to hurry up I want every man  on this street welded shut this is David A's Twitter the president is the ultimate B gu  oh I miss his I missed the hat out now he   just looks like Jason STM in every Jason STM  movie well at least they had it as long as we [Music] did it's at a Three Amigos skateboard whoa I'm in there now oh I was late to picking up that he was wearing  their outfit although how much cooler would it   have been if he was wearing what he's been  wearing this whole time and then switching   into that guy's clothes why does Wallace westw  wild look nervous as a burning cat what have you   done to the man I wouldn't know mother well he's  there to protect you if you'll let him want to   go run the Free World don't burn it down don't  worry The Beekeeper coming to do that [ __ ] Love David A's like colorful choice of villainous   personalities he's like super Larger than  Life eccentric random characters that show up no oh okay just coming out and playing tight the  deputy director has flaged his uh concerns   about some uncomfortable things happening inside  the family company uncomfortable things about the   source of my campaign funds Mr Danforth are you  familiar with uh United data Group Place stupid   I invested in that how about a Nine Star unit  that's more of like a Consulting type role this   the blockchain issues and you bye dude this guy's  going to get killed at least we know he's not rupt he just nods he's here St Targets in the  building East Wing give me everything you got   he's in the house how did he get by us we're  useless put your hands up now turn the around   is that is that him or no no how did he plan  for that he's outside Target's outside love   how he's always like 20 steps ahead of everyone  well Beast have an ability to anticipate man on   your knees on your knees place your fingers  behind your end down what's that in his hand   oh the the detonate the detonators for those  bombs he planted in the cars slide a hand   there St it behind you a [ __ ] whoa whoa  whoa whoa whoa I thought you stti back what   are you doing he's not even armed as long as Des  breathing his arms you're about to see something   amazing to be or not to be he isn't that the  bloody question I think will take to be to be yeah oh shot damn oh my God I really thought we were going on film  without a gunshot from him oh [ __ ] H he's   alive oh it's he lives two weapons three  why are you waiting take it it easy take it easy whoa ouch ouch oh oh excellent this guy's like  freaking 50 something R Jason you broke   the rules you corrupted an imperfect but  functioning system I was just trying to   get you into office Mom this is a good  conversation to have right now oh blame   blame you realize that you were behind  in 15 of 20 counties you needed to win   I taught CIA software to hunt money and  and not terrorists you didn't hear [Music] that he has to like pick and choose who to kill  and who not and you got to elected because of   me and you know that now I know where the money  came from and all the people you hurt somebody in   this family has to have their [ __ ] feet on the  ground to actually get [ __ ] done you understand   that I like the transitioning Cuts back and forth  between the action and what are you going to do to   fix this calling the Army tell the truth really  that guy who's coming to kill us that beekeeper   I'm telling him the truth about what you did  Derek then I'm telling the entire nation and if   it costs me everything well so be it is he going  to kill his mom I think he's going to kill his mom oh damn damn great shot nice Shoto cool  I love that POV from below that was amazing oh great transition cut oh damn it's easy  The Mercenaries are obvious mercenaries come on man oh I felt that might still be alive whoa we   haven't been doing our Jason  safe impression the entire whoa oh how is this guy still moving  oh wow bled him [Applause] up in oh brutal [Music] effective sound design oh oh god oh I love the brutality of this  oh he got one on him dude this guy   is tough as hell H I know he's Stu ferocious like [Music] [Applause] force I love how he studied that yes oh [ __ ] oh oh oh oh how much more can you take he's hopping on one  leg Yeah that's right oh my God this is severed   arteries that was awesome that was a great fight  yeah that a great fight knuckle uppercut finish I   love it Jason say this performance there just just  the way like you would like take notes of a thing   it's a cool story to the way the fight was going  you're going to tell this guy the truth and hope   that he he spares you and kills me instead no d  I'll tell them the truth because it's the truth   oh they've been having the same dialogue for the  last like 10 minutes I'll tell the truth you going   to tell the truth I'll tell the truth beekeepers  live for the good of society I'm retired it's just   personal it's always been personal go back live  a quiet life I will when this is over that's all   I wanted my neighbor's dead but do you live in  the real world or just protect it what does it   matter to you how presidents come to be elected  what does matter right wrong it's not fashionable   it's an interesting climax with them don't do that  so you might want to step back no I don't want to   sorry I can't do that truth wait wait wait you  put that oh my God told you he was going to get killed drop the weapon drop it wow  got interesting standoff here you   decide who you work for for the law  or for justice job more important   than your mother this Bye Mom oh full on  Cowboy shot he just straight up revolver shot let him go and the bee just flew right by  him too it was sick can we confirm it was a be   it sounded like it your son was just about  to kill you still it's your son I know it's true H yeah like a western he's amazing  then the sequel shall be fired you let   him go oh no uh what is he going to swim  back he's going to swim back he's the swimmer and there he encounters a Megalodon yeah  right b no it's over quick transition we're done   I thought maybe she was going to announce to the  world uh how she got her Fortune what happened but   I guess we don't even need that that was that  was great thank you to Shopify for sponsoring   which is what we use for our merch store and is  our gamechanging partner in e-commerce you don't   need to be text 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to  join the revolution sign up for Shopify at only   a dollar a month at reject all lcase reex start your Shopify success story   now let's grow together with Shopify team thank  you to better help for sponsoring this video I've   literally just finished a therapy session and  I wanted to shoot this cuz I'm in this state of   knowing why I Champion mental health support so  much in the past few weeks work's been a little   bit hectic it's led me to miss some sessions and I  really don't like doing that and sometimes that's   when the weight really starts to pile on a lot of  restless nights a lot of fatigue a lot of I can't   sleep even though I'm so tired sometimes just  a very deep-seated sense of Gloom meditating   and sometimes journaling are my daily go-tos  but sometimes they just just don't cut it when   I'm trying to pinpoint why I'm down and really  especially after a session like today therapy   just really helps clear the fog discussing the  feelings is a critical step for me especially as   someone who's diagnosed with ADHD type 2 bipolar  and PTSD it's truly a Cornerstone of my well-being   and I'm not alone in this many of us here at real  rejects are in therapy facing our own challenges   from depression to anxiety or just needing a  non-judgmental space to voice our thoughts this   year I've been working on most days of the week  to keep my physical health strong and I really do   Champion therapy as a way to strengthen my mental  resilience and for many better help is integral to   that process There's real value and better helps  accessible and adaptable service they match you   with the licensed therapist and provide the option  to switch if necessary ensuring the right fit for   your mental health Journey as this year winds down  and we confront life's complexities do consider   better help as a resource really happy to be  partnered with them this month so you can go   to rejects for 10% off your first  month again that's bet t t r h slre rejects   so join us in moving forward stronger together  thank you again all righty well well thank you   so much to the sponsor of this video supporting  them helps support the channel so thank you guys   very much thank you Andrew for always wearing an  RR shirt man thank you to all been buying our real   re I wasn't planning Shing them out but I'm always  wearing them too you're the only other one you've   we them more than consistently more than John  we have so many shirts and getting one is also   a great way to support the channel really is great  involved ourselves and got two more in development   right now hopefully get a launch the first one  within the next week or so uh but yeah man listen   to us Apple Spotify we just watched The Beekeeper  Andrew beekeper The Beekeeper he's pretty quiet in   this one we've watched two movies of Jason sathan  where he was pretty subdued and quiet but again   you just always feel his presence and you and uh  like the way he's emoting his facial expressions   like it it didn't bother me that he had limited  dialogue I I I didn't care I loved him so much in   this movie but I loved how personal it was like  right away in the first like 10 15 minutes again   I I'd only experienced that one trailer that you  showed me after we watched Wrath of man I was like   this is going to be a schlocky fun little action  film I was not expecting it to be so heavy-handed   at least in the first 15 20 minutes and like  that is a real serious World thing where you   know people uh especially older people get  I mean obviously everyone deals with fraud   and scam uh you know artists and all that but it  really affects older people my unfortunately my   grandfather God Rest his soul he dealt with that  quite a bit um and we had to try and tell him many   times like no like you got to stop falling for  this and uh you know that that's a big audience   of who they go after so uh I like that David a  Incorporated that into the story and then that   was obviously the personal thing um also too I  really loved all the The Beekeeper stuff that   they were uh you know incorporating with all the  uh the lines in uh crap that I thought they were   very interestingly uh and well methodically used  used you know like just like the the queen beehive   and the offsp all that stuff it was just so well  utilized um and just like the organization and   the backstory and the history there was just  so many different interesting layers um but   again the the way everything was balanced out  from the action to the heavy-hearted and then   uh little incorporation of the humor as well uh  I thought very well done um I think like you uh   my only weak point was some of the the FBI stuff  uh especially more so on that one actor I'm sure   he's a great actor I haven't really seen him in  anything it's just I wasn't particularly fond   of the way the direction of that character was  used um personally and uh overall though uh this   was such a fun time um and such a heavy-hearted  subject again just with what happened with the   the one the old nice lady at the beginning you  know her offing herself um and what happened uh   just incorporating real life situations and then  the reveal to that she's the president I was not   expecting that I just figured just a regular  politician um just some interesting reveals and   uh also the hand toand combat oh my freaking God  I can't even imagine the level of difficulty that   all that planning took and the way uh you know  that um uh how long it took to film all of that   um and Jason STM he is the master that was like  very impressive to watch uh I got more to say but   what what did you think Craig uh I thought it was  a really fun movie I thought it was really fun and   in a way that I didn't anticipate being fun cuz  the trailers's pitched something that was going   to that I thought would just only lean into a  schlock Fest like you said like a cheese fest   of of an experience and while the cheesiness is  there yeah it it it's it's surprising like I think   in the first 15 20 minutes it was really smart to  lean into it being serious yeah because if you're   going to go onto this Mission this Vendetta  this Revenge Quest against this clandestine   organization you need to First ground it in  something that's not just Mission based you   need to ground in something that is like just  Primal which is Revenge but get you connected   to the characters at hand and you need want to and  the key to any Revenge movie is you have to want   to feel the character's motivation of getting that  Revenge it's a real I think revenge stories are a   very cathartic uh thing for people to experience  because in real life you know they say don't get   revenge that's bad most people shouldn't go after  getting revenge don't take the law your own hands   yeah yeah exactly but you know it's a fantasy a  lot of Us wish to live out and and so movies are   supposed to give us that cathartic experience  right of those feelings that releasee in a way   so I think investing you in that uh was smart and  and I feel like David a is a political commentary   side of you know uh politics and of course the  uh 1% systems in place corruption well was there   it it was all was a big part of the the World  building to it and there were times throughout   where I felt like maybe it was taking it I like  the first half I thought was actually near perfect   to me I think the first half was near perfect  in terms of the the the the tonal balance and   then the last half I thought kind of got a little  too like seriousness where I thought there was at   times I thought the self-awareness of what they  were doing might have been not as self-aware I   will say you know what I mean like it would just  get like super serious to the point where cuz this   movie has a weird um a weird approach where  you start off with Jason STM as his beekeeper   and while the movie revolves around him uh in all  fronts all aspects you'll you'll go these extended   periods of time where you're cutting around to  characters who are mainly just plot mechanics   like you got Jeremy Irons and Josh Hutcherson  interacting you got uh the the FBI people and   it feels like they lose sight of what should feel  more personal for the FBI uh girl aged uh I forget   I want to get her name cuz I believe she's the  one from Umbrella Academy yeah I think she is the   one from umbrella I want to get her name um yeah  like because and I felt like there was a lack of   wraparound for her when this started off as this  should also be something pretty per why does this   feel more personal for Jason St for her it was  her mom who died from this you know and and the   only reason I'm taking that serious is because  the movie started taking a more serious approach   but now I'm very selective on using the words but  and the words however because when they say but   that means you are negating everything that comes  before it I'm not negating it's a bit of a but and   a however however being in conjunction however  and but I would say that what I showed up for was grandiose what I showed up for was awesome  like the action to me and the trailers didn't   even demonstrate uh what would make the because  to me whenever I see a Jason stapon trailer the   action looks the exact same like I feel like  it's the same choreographer and the same fight   scenes every time and while he always does a  great job that I look like the same [ __ ] I've   seen in like every Jason STM movie and then  usually when you check into the film itself   you could see more of the uniqueness and to me  me because this is a hard R like we saw wrath   the man where there's no hand to hand right it  it's it's gun play gun sh and then here uh it's   it's mainly hand to hand for the guy with this  like Jason Bourne meets Jackie Chan s level of   violence where he use use brutality but you're  using props around you and the presence of Jason   STM of course like he's he he's that guy who can  play stoicism but ooze Charisma simultaneously   it's a gift it really he's got that it factor to  being a star and and I think he's excellent here   and the the violence was violent but but creative  yes and packed a punch and and I really loved uh   the and there was always a bit of a cathartic  release and and I like the sequences too when   he's when he's put in a position like at the uh  at the estate at the very end when he has to make   his way to the president you know he's got to  deal with mercenaries and SWAT team people and   SWAT team you don't kill mercenaries you can kill  and and so I like how in that action scene you're   like paying attention to if anything I think this  movie really proved David a is a hell of an action   director because because he has to get you like  follow the action follow follow this happening uh   in a sequence like that where normally you just  only get you don't kill these guys you only you   can harm them but you don't kill them and here  I like that that was a unique thing where I feel   like that can be overlooked it's a mix where  he's like okay you don't kill that guy but you   can kill this guy you know and he has to be like  anticipation anticipatory to that and the final   fight too like he saved a good brutal I thought  like the best fights might have been behind us   early on but he saved that brutal one-on-one  fight for that very end guy which was amazing   that fight yeah yeah so sometimes I thought like  this movie leaned into it cuz you know like you   got these like wacky colorful villains uh at times  The Mercenaries or or that other beekeeper lady at   the gas station where that's where I'm like okay  I feel like this movie is being self there are   times like the the the energy of the movie would  um lose itself lose some of the the like the The   Dread or drama wasn't strong enough to to Warrant  some of those scenes for me and then the fun would   get a little bit lost when you would cut to like  it was weird because Jeremy Irons podus lady and   and and and uh Josh Hutson they really gave like  performances here they did a really good job and   then the one who plays the FBI agent the FBI agent  uh it should be her right Emy raver lampin lampin   okay yeah and like she did a really good job too  and and I I feel umbrella yeah and I I do think   they uh like lost sight of her but for terms of  like an action movie where it was fun and I was   engaged throughout and had a little more on its  mind than I was expecting to uh I I thought it   was really good it pretty much gave me everything  that I wanted I think the first half is stronger   but there are some great stuff in the in the last  half yeah personally yeah yeah know not excuse me   yeah and I I I hear what you're saying and I  totally agree with you just like on in terms   of her character I get it she's an FBI agent you  got to tiptoe that line on you know your job and I   get it they did come around to it in the end where  you know she did let him go which I'm glad she did   um but yeah it did feel like it was more personal  to Jason Statham's character uh which again you   know we we found out like that uh the there was  that line of dialogue that how she was the only   one who was ever like you know that motherly  figure that was kind to him and understandable   but I I really would have uh you know just if when  they were leaning more on that serious stuff just   would have liked that they were showing like that  she was extremely conflicted with like trying to   you know do her job or take this more in a more  personal sense cuz I really feel like that would   have been a little more grounded in the sense of  all this but you know it is what it is um but also   too in in regards to Jason stm's character on top  of the badass that he was I just loved how you   know to your point as well in terms of like how  he was able to sneak into you know the the estate   and all that he was just so resourceful and you  know that came into whe whether he was sneaking   into places whether he had the tactical gear ready  to go um with the the suit or to go onto the beach   also too when he uh met the uh charismatic and uh  best character of the a partner FBI agent uh he's   like I have kids and he's like yeah three boys  and a girl and like he just he did his research   he was extremely uh you know uh just intelligent  he just knew things and I just I love intelligent   smart badass characters like that and I just was  so appreciative of that yeah I think I think this   was overall like a really this is a solid action  movie to me it's a solid action movie where um at   times I could like in the last half particular  there were certain scenes where I was like is   this when it was cheesy I felt like intentionally  self-aware yes and other times I'm like are we not   self-aware anymore and is this supposed to be like  really serious CU at times you're supposed to be   serious so you know and that's what I mean it's  fine you got to just find a balance though and I   think sometimes that balance comes a little bit  off and uh ese but whenever Jason STM is there   the movie is incredibly engaging and yeah for sure  I I really thought it it's fine that they didn't   but I truly thought they were going to go through  the entire film without him using a gun but the in   time that they did go that was incredible I mean  I can't remember the last time I saw an action   hero in it in this type of film go that long into  a film like with that many action sequences just   do hand toand no guns that was impressive yeah but  I think again that's a testament to David a as a   director uh is because the buildup to that you  know like you were really noticing sing it too   and I was noticing it so they Reserve when he uses  guns for a moment like they make it a moment when   he first uses that gun and even the introduction  like my favorite colorful villain play the last   guy who had the the the hallway fight with uh  because even the introduction on that guy like   he's so much larger than life he's so eccentric  and crazy but they set him up with the with the   um pratic leg prosthetic leg and that tells you  right away like you know this guy can take a hit   so take a lot of hits he could take a lot of hits  put a bullet in his face leg he's just going to   keep coming didn't care so there there is this  force of nature that just keep I me yeah that   guy had me saying this dude is a badass too he's  crazy yeah yeah uh I wonder if the there are any   fun facts here this is Jason stm's fifth film  in the last year that's it Adam Clay's birthday   oh this is a fun fact from the FBI file is July  2667 which is Jason stam's actual birthday you   didn't know that was his birthday oh I I didn't  either okay um this sounds like when Adam clay   EXC himself from the conversation with agent  Parker says I have to take care of the hive   this sounds like he is taking care of his bees  but instead the first reference to his former   world to protect Society that's so funny most of  this was shot in England really a lot of this oh F   fascinating I would have thought maybe they really  did shoot in Massachusetts no explanation of the   old Tech especially the CRT computer monitor seen  film is ever offered that because the story was   originally supposed to be said in 2003 remember I  was saying the computer I was like this is weird   the computers seem like they're older Tech yeah  uh before the idea was abandoned however as the   art Department had already started sourcing uh  some of the hardware for budgetary reasons it   decided just to keep in what they had already  purchased oh that's funny I don't know it kind   of like worked for me kind of like added to the  flavor of like they are so underground you know   uh that was that was that was really interesting  but no this was a fun fun movie Man uh I I really   liked it gave what I wanted keep scrolling down  there's I think there might be some more really   yeah keep going anything else oh no oh I thought  that okay I thought there was Nor they get more   facts when the movie's been while long forgot to  First St but yeah no overall good stuff um I hope   this movie is a lesson for the pieces of shits  out there that do these kinds of things and scam   people that if you ever do something like this an  actual beekeeper will come after you um so don't   even try it um I want to go to an actual beekeeper  and see what's up be like I know who you really   are beekeeper like um do you want some honey Craig  okay I don't know what you're trying to say here I   hope there are beekeepers out there who have  have a serious passion for their job who did   not see the trailer for this and saw oh beekeeper  finally a movie that does a story about beekeepers   I can't wait and then see they watch like this  is all my life like which organization do I need   to join this is a false representation of me as  in my profession now people who get scammed are   going to call me like this is not what I do I've  been asked to do a lot of things that are not part   of my what my job entails me to do now all righty  guys well good job David air awesome and Jason St   them what did you think of the beekeeper leave  your thoughts down below I think they can do a   sequel that goes and wall I would love a sequel  I really would I really love a sequel it's like   it's like an eight out of 10 for me yeah I  would say that too even two if they a sequel   I'd be down for even if they showed us a prequel  just what led him to getting to where we started   the film i' I'd be down for either or I'm just  so down for this universe The Beekeeper Universe   yeah I'm like 7.5 to 8 out of 10 somewhere there  where are you I'd probably go 7.8 out of 10 okay   yeah I'm like seven point if I'm going to look if  I'm looking for that solid so yeah 7. 797 damn it   oh beat me again yeah yeah anyway what do you  guys think leave your thoughts down below I had   a really fun time and I would absolutely love  a sequel we'll talk with you guys [Music] soon
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 90,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the beekeeper, the beekeeper reaction, the beekeeper movie reaction, the beekeeper trailer, the beekeeper full movie, jason statham, david ayer, the beekeeper clip, the beekeeper fight scene, reel rejects
Id: F1_xq94SSD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 6sec (4086 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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