Japanese 100 yen DIY Earrings of Abroad in Japan and OkanoTV!

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[Music] hey guys welcome to Tokyo creative play I'm your host Emma and today I'm here with myself it's just me and you how's it going usually I have a guest with me but today it's gonna be me doing some arts and crafts today I'm gonna be making some plastic things supposed to if I'm gonna be making a little took your creative plastic thingamabob and then after that I'm gonna be making some amazing earrings with two people that have really dear friends of mine I'll introduce that in a minute but first off I want to show you guys what we have to make these plastic things so in Japanese it's called Buddha bun you can probably add this in your home country these are from Daiso they were $1 so you just put them in the toaster oven after you've drawn on them and then they become little keyrings or keychains or anything that you want them to be the first thing I'm gonna do is try to create I'll take your creative logo on some paper and then trace it on to some plastic and put it in the oven so let's get started Oh interesting fact about the letter E when I was a kid I thought like when I was learning to spell I thought that my name was special because I thought that the e could have as many lines across as I wanted it to name [Music] that's how I used to write my name that was just like again oh no can I not see the future when it's right in front of me oh okay so now I'm going to go over with some pens and draw it onto plastic let's do a rainbow alright so I just finished I have drawn my Tokyo creative what is this cold why do I keep forgetting the name applock all right so I finished my little took your creative plaque and so I'm gonna put this in the toaster oven and watch it shrink down okay so I also have oh there's a toaster oven here now I forgot to introduce it this is the toaster oven pleased to meet you so I'm gonna take this foil and I'm gonna mess it up and I'm gonna place this on top of the tray just like that and she's a ready to go but now we play the waiting game is this my head maybe it's your hand maybe it's my hair someone's hair oh is it is it changing I can't see I wanna see it is it changing tell me everyone what's happening okay so it's pliable it came out perfectly I just need to put it in between two pieces of baking paper and push a book down onto it so that it goes into the right flat shape give a little massage a little love oh wow I made something today it looks really bad when it's big but when it goes small kind of all the bad details I don't get ten out of ten I write myself okay so that was pretty simple that was just a test run cuz now I'm gonna do something a little bit more complicated I'm gonna making Chris broad and Chris okano and two beautiful earrings that I can wear on my head whenever I meet them so this time I'm gonna be using a clear sheet of plastic nice so I'm gonna be using half and half half for this Chris half for the other Chris and I've got some reference pictures really I'm not an artist i I'm worse than a child when it comes to drawing so I'm just gonna try to make it a bit more basic and just do my best and draw two beautiful Chris's so here I go how can I make it look like Chris she'd be saying something like what does Chris say like a magic wow I spelt magic I said magic too like I'm a jack I'm a magician Chris number one yes one umm that's funny you don't meet two um now we're gonna do the other Chris what does Chris normally say you didn't notice his popular saying I like ice cream he loves ice cream there loves that Shh I'm actually surprised at how they turned out I mean they're not great that obviously not great but it's better than I thought they were gonna be I'm quite I'm quite proud of myself even though Chris's teeth look a little messed up all right so I'm just going to take this place it on top I've taped it down and I'm just gonna trace a few moments later okay so I finished my drawings I'm just gonna cut around them now so that they're in the kind of shape that I want them to be I'm gonna leave a little hole at the top which I can use a hole puncher to punch a hole in and then with that we can attach the earrings one utility later all right so I just finished them we've got like a magic and I like ice cream the Chris's and let's do it I'm nervous because these now mean a lot to me cuz I put it effort into them so all right let's bake right now Chris broad is in the oven good luck Chris broad please turn out great oh my god oh it's so gummy and we got to press him down here we go he's beautiful oh my gosh it did it it's so hard to see like since plastic but it's so cool oh well happens quick whoa look at it go how does it know to what the moment of truth all the books really hot and now we have both of them whoo-hoo two beautiful earrings one of them is a bit bigger than the other but that's gonna be okay so the next step for me is to actually turn them into earrings so over here in this beautiful box you have a little earring pieces lay tail they're finished and now for the moment of truth I'm gonna wear them we added a blue background so you can actually see my artwork [Music] so here we have a my beautiful earrings then like actually that quite lightweight I can really yeah nice those pieces of plastic were only 100 yen each so it's super cheap you can probably get them in your own country you can make key holders holders for your iPhone nametags earrings jewelry anything that you can dream up so it's cheap it's fun it's awesome and had a great time and now I'm gonna walk out of here with the to Chris's like wait who's on each side now I'm gonna walk out of here with the to Chris's like the devil and the angel of my shoulder now I'm gonna get out of here and live my life but thank you so much for watching guys and I'll see you in the next video bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 32,223
Rating: 4.9130988 out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, 100 yen store, diy earrings, diy, diy fashion in japan, tokyo, tokidoki traveller, abroad in japan, okanotv, tokyo creative, japan travel, travel japan, tokyo creative play, making diy earrings, diy accessories
Id: di-SiYYEZqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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