Jamie Oliver's One Pan Greens Pasta Bake

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so you asked for a budget-friendly midweek meal and I want to talk savoy cabbage It's banging season right now it's delicious it's nutritious it's full of the good stuff it counts as one of your five fruit and veg a day and really affordable and I'm gonna take this veg that often kids can turn their nose up at and turn it into an incredible one pan greens pasta bake it is healthy super delicious you can batch it up so then you can just whack it in the microwave reheat it quickly and you've got a brilliant super fast midweek meal I'm gonna do it in one pan one large kind of casserole style pan let's get the heat on to a medium heat first up break down the Savoy cabbage the outer leaves as you can see are dark green so they've seen the sunlight I'm just going to use the knife to remove the stalk right that is a little bit hard so we'll just kind of take that out this I'm going to give a little rinse under the tap with the spring onions finely slice the spring onions first spring onions are great grown in Britain they're sweeter and more tender which means actually they don't need as much cooking as say regular onions and then I'm going to take two cloves of garlic Garlic's going to give you the most amazing flavor garlic spring onions done some olive oil in a pan just a nice tablespoon goes in so garlic in first so I don't want to color the garlic as it starts to take on just a little bit of that heat in with the spring onions like that then I'm going to take the Savoy cabbage and I'm going to roll it up and then you can use your knife skills just to thinly slice that cabbage chop through that in a quite sort of rough way and then we'll go in to the pan smells good already so by cutting it nice and thin the Heat's going to get to it it's going to break down the Beautiful savoy cabbage you'll get loads of flavor from that right now the nice tight white part of the Cabbage cut that in half finely slice this again I think this recipe is a really great way of getting more nice veggies into your kids diet so just stir that around and what you can do is just take a little Swig of water just to break that frying and get it steaming a little bit and that'll soften it up I'm going to add a little bit of seasoning now when you cook down the Cabbage like this you get a really nice deep Savory flavor but in this dish I think it's great and it ticks all the boxes right so avoid cabbage's fantastic value it's local it's in season super delicious and it just goes to show that if you're clever you know eating well doesn't have to cost you more now as this starts to soften after about five minutes add two tablespoons of plain flour so stir in the flour and then we'll slowly add the milk and that will create the most delicious white sauce which is going to be really nice and Oozy with your pasta add the milk bit by bit two pints of milk as that comes to a simmer that will thicken up and it will be shiny and gorgeous I want to add some more flavor and a nice way to do that is with some mustard so two heat teaspoons of English mustard it will give you amazing flavor it won't be too hot it just works with the cheese and the milk really beautifully but also gives it a lovely sort of subtle yellow color so can you see how nice it is now it's just coming to a little similar look at the color it's thickened up lovely so get 600 mL of boiling water from the kettle you want it to be quite wet so it absorbs into the pasta for and as that comes up to the simmer again I want to introduce you to another brilliant veggie it's a frozen spinach I use it all the time brilliant for curries fantastic for like just putting into stews and chilies just to kind of get the veg count up they've blanched it and Frozen it so all I have to do is put 400 grams in here and that will just thaw out very very quickly so just stir that in let that simmer for like five minutes until the spinach just melts away and Cooks into the sauce now I want to give you a fantastic little hack that I know you're going to love bread is one of the most wasted foods that we throw away so what you can do is just Waz it up in a food processor and then what I'm going to do is turn this into a beautiful garlicky breadcrumb topping it's going to be amazing with a pasta And the sauce so so good so it's really simple get your bread crumbs about sort of two handfuls there and then I'm going to get the fine side of the Box grater and just grate the garlic in it's that easy this is going to be on the top of our pasta bake so imagine the flavor and the texture just a little bit of oil pepper and some salt and just use your fingers just to go through the breadcrumbs now the kids and adults love garlic bread so that on top of this is going to be great now this is softening up I'm going to get some cheese 150 grams of cheddar cheese and that through the sauce with the milk the mustard and the garlic and the spring onions is going to be utterly delicious stir that cheese in I'm going to turn the heat right down now so that cheese is going to melt into that sauce look how creamy it looks add your macaroni super affordable 500 grams of the macaroni goes through you could use penne you could use any mixture of pasta to be fair look at that and it might seem too wet but don't forget the pass is going to absorb a lot of that moisture so what I do now is come along with those incredible little breadcrumbs and do a layer just sprinkle it on the top smells amazing already so these will go golden and crisp and you'll get that garlic bread smell going through the whole house which always entices the kids and even if they're a bit funny about greens I'm telling you this will be the thing that gets them and then I'll put that last bit of cheese just on top like that to look that's it heat off the oven is on 180 degrees or 350 Fahrenheit we just take our pan we get in there so I'm gonna do like 35 minutes and have a little check and then show you what to do next so we've had 35 minutes the room smells absolutely incredible there is garlic bread smells going around the whole house they'll all be getting really hungry so what I tend to do especially with my kids is I whack down a simple salad so like round lettuce bitter dressing but in here look at this golden Oozy and utterly delicious look at that that is my one pan greens pasta bake and if you take that to the table they're gonna go crazy for it celebrating a brilliant seasonal vegetable savoy cabbage two of your five fruit and veg a day in one meal not including the salad so we're doing really really well this is eight portions so if you're talking about midweek meals speed convenience cost we can have half of this for dinner tonight let it cool down you can portion it up freeze it up good for a couple of months and then you can reheat it in the microwave and you've got another delicious nutritious meal like weeks or months down the road let's have a little portion up I love the side bits they get really crispy look at that really gorgeous so you get nice generous portions it's great value it smells amazing it's a really nice way to get more of the good stuff into your diet in a really fun way right let's have a try a bit of that lovely crispy topping oh wow when you cook cabbage like that and then it gets baked in the oven you get this very deep sweet Savory flavor it's really really comforting and if your kids are really fussy about the green bits where's it up in the white sauce utterly delicious so look there you go I hope that answers your question is a brilliant affordable midweek meal and it's still classed as healthy so it's really really ticking all the boxes so guys if you've got any questions for me simply put it in the comments box below we always have a look and it always inspires what we cook for you and if you want this recipe and loads more hints and tips they're all on the Tesco realfood.com website
Channel: Tesco
Views: 197,457
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Id: w84LESyhujI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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