3 Easy (and Healthy) Sheet Pan Meals

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today I'm going to show you guys three healthy and veg heavy meals that require only an oven and a sheet tray to make all three of these recipes will only take about 15 minutes of active prep time and then the rest of the cook time is totally passive that means tons of extra time for fun stuff like looking at Brian lag videos on your phone petting your cat or gaming you know fun stuff the first dish is a Greek inspired chicken with some crispy potatoes and a weird but spectacular vegetable side that tastes kind of like lasagna to make it I'll start with six skin on bone in chicken thighs by the way all three recipes in this video will make six adult-sized portions but if one 5 oz chicken thigh isn't enough for the big dog in your house then you can definitely sneak in two or three more thighs now I'll to scoot these thighs into a medium Bowl then grab three large rusted potatoes and give them a peel well actually I'm only going to peel off about half of the skin because I really like that earthy potato skin texture and flavor but too much of it creates Ste steam during the roast and inhibits crispness next I'll just cut each russle in half then cut that half in half then cut that quarter into an eigh I want potatoes that will cook in roughly the same time it takes to roast my chicken thighs so they need to be chunky about eight pieces per potato now I'll just scoot these into my chicken bowl then season everything with 40 G of olive oil 20 G of salt 2 G of black pepper 2 G of chili flake 5 G of garlic powder 2 G of dried thyme and then 2 G of dried oregano once everything's in the bowl here I'll just jump in and toss get the chicken and potatoes evenly coated next I'll lay all six thighs out onto a sheet tray then snuggle up my potatoes alongside with the cut side facing down you definitely want to make sure everything has its own space on the sheet tray here so that everything roasts evenly and we don't create any localized Steam from here I'll just load the sheet tray into a preheated 450f oven and roast it for about 40 minutes this is going to take about 5 to 10 minutes longer than my second sheet tray which will be filled up with my veggies to prep those I'll grab three medium zucchinis and then quarter them from here I like to zip out the mushy wet seed layer in the middle but you definitely don't have to do this if you're in a hurry next I'll turn those dseed quarters into roughly 1in size pieces and in total I need 450 G or about one pound of chopped zucchini next I'll take one medium onion and roughly chop that down into small pieces in total I want about 250 g now once chopped I'll just scoot those into the same Bowl I used for the chicken and potatoes alongside the zucchini I washed it by the way then I'll add in 5 to six cloves of fresh garlic that I'll smash with my garlic press in that goes then I'll grab one 28 Oz can of nice tasting whole peeled Tomatoes I like these over cherry tomatoes because they're softer and they don't have skins that are hard to chew once they're roasted and I think the cooked quality of a canned tomato unifies this vegetable dish in a pretty special way now once I've got my whole peeled Tomatoes roughly chopped I'll add them into my veggie Bowl then add in 20 G of olive oil 100 G of Greek olives 2 G of oregano 2 G of black pepper 10 G of salt one 200 g block of feta cheese I'll just crumble that in carefully try to keep it chunky if you can it's going to break down as we toss this to combined and then it's going to break down more later when we mix things after the bake pre- crumbled feta would also work if you can't find a nice block but try and find a nice block this is Vel bro sheep's milk feta and it's pretty widely available and tastes super sick it's creamy it's milky and salty in exactly the way that feta can and should be next I'll just toss everything to combine real quick making sure not to smos that feta into a paste then I'll pour everything out onto a second sheet tray spread it from edge to edge and then load it into my 450f oven above my roasting chicken from here I'll just let all of that roast together for 30ish minutes and then go do something fun and after 40 to 45 minutes I'll pull out my potato chicken tray o look at that skin bro yes bro look at that skin it's not flabby at all and it's nice and roasty looking now let's check those potatoes I'll just flip one over and as you can see the Chet tray side has gotten deeply golden brown and it's gotten all fried up and crispy in that render chicken fat it's like a chunky Greek french fry okay let's pull out the veggies now as you can see they look kind of like a pizza the zucchini is nice and tender the tomatoes are concentrated and the feta has taken on some golden brown color oh you guys and the olives are also very roasty that's an underrated bite in this entire dish to Plate this up I'll just spoon some chicken and potatoes on a plate and then whatever I'm calling this let's say Greek vegetable bake I'll just scoop some of that onto the plate and that's that it's not pretty but I can assure you guys it is so freaking flavorful m m chicken is super juicy the skin is really well rendered the whole thing tastes like oregano which is sick and then when you combine these crispy potatoes with this feta cheese tomato veggie thing it's like Greek tasting lasagna it's so good next up I've got a vegetarian Indian inspired dish that I'll call sheet pan sweet potato alobi to make it I'll need two chunky sweet potatoes I'll just give those a quick peel then to prep them for the sheet tray I'll cut them into roughly 1in planks from top to bottom maybe slightly thicker next I'll slice those planks into strips and then chop those down into large cubes in total I'll need about 750 G or a pound and a half of chunked up sweet potato once I got those chopped I'll move them over to a mixing bowl then grab a big head of cauliflower to break it down working from the bottom I'll make incisions around the core to detach large fettes and then eventually get rid of that Woody middle part then to prep it for the bake I'll just work with fettes that are about 4 in across and chop them into roughly 1in size pieces next I'll scoot this collie into my bowl of sweet potatoes and that is way too small of a bowl so I'll grab a big boow bowl then scoot everything into that next I'll grab one large onion and rough chop it in pretty much the exact same way as I did for the Greek chicken I want the onion fully tendered in about 30 to 40 minutes so smaller is better 250 grams of onions go into the bowl then I'll grab one large paano pepper cut it into strips and then dice it small just like I did for the onion I'll need roughly 125 G of pablano and I'll add that into the bowl then I'll smash in 5 to six garlic cloves with my press then in goes 15 G of tomato paste 5 G of cumin 5 G of garam masala 15 G of curry powder 15 G of salt 20 G of olive oil one can of drained garbanzo beans and then one small can of coconut cream plus two of that same can full of water maybe about 250 g if you can't find coconut cream regular coconut milk would also work just fine just leave about 100 G of the water out now once I've got everything tossed to combine in this bowl I'll grab a preheated sheet tray from my 450f oven and then dump everything onto it it's going to sizzle and bend because there's a temperature variance here that's okay spread everything from edge to edge then load that sheet trate back into the 450f oven and bake it for 35 to4 40 minutes baked time is going to vary pretty widely here depending on your oven's temperature and how large you cut your vegetables I would say try and check back around minute 35 to make sure that you're not overcooking everything now I don't know about you guys but over the last seven or eight days of the holidays I ate like an absolute idiot and now I don't feel so good in general and specifically within my gut so to get my health back on track I've got a three-pronged approach number one is to get outside and get moving every day so I have more energy number two is to stop eating processed foods and sugar for a while and then number three is to take my seed ds01 daily symbiotic to be clear seed is the sponsor of this video but I have been taking seeds DS1 every day for 3 years on my own valtion I actually did a bunch of Internet research to find the best probiotic for Me 3 years ago and it was seed and I've been taking it every day since I chose seed because it's a pre and prootic that's good for your skin your heart and your gut plus all of of the strains of bacteria in seed are clinically or scientifically studied so you know that they actually do something when they're inside of you speaking of being inside of you seed uses this clever capsule within a capsule technology to guard all of the bacteria inside to make sure that they actually get to your gut alive so that they can be effective so if you want to have PR level BMS like me in the year 2024 then please click the link down below and use my link to get 25% off your first order of seed again the link is in the description below and use my code thank you SE and after 40 minutes of bake time when I pull out this sheet tray you can see the tops of the collie and the sweet potatoes are kissed with some roastiness and the bottom side of this sheet tray has kind of a Stewie soft Vibe going on that's really nice but how's the texture I'll need to taste one each of sweet potato and Collie to see and I think that tastes good they're tender but not mushy now to finish I'll add on three to four dups of coconut cream to moisten things up and it make this dish a little bit more Saucy then a huge grip of chopped fresh Sal cilantro and then a little lime juice to bring some acidity to cut through the coconut cream and the sweetness of the potatoes to serve I'll pile it high on top of some steamed rice and by the way I loaded up my rice cooker with 450 G of rice 600 G of water and 8 G of salt right after loading the sheet tray into the oven and it was done at just about the same time that is a veg heavy dinner that's comforting hearty dense with flavor but still light and sessionable in my opinion it's the perfect dish for your New Year's resolution to eat more vegetables and less Uber Eats oo M considering this is just a bunch of chopped up vegetables that we baked in the oven for 40 minutes this dish is surprisingly composted and in my opinion it hits just like something that you would make on the stove top except for clearly it requires a lot less work okay the last dish is a miso glaze salmon with a corn and asparagus sucot tach to make it I'll need six six portions of farmed salmon if you don't like salmon I would say fresh Cod or halit would be a good sub but also if you don't like fish in General Chicken thce would also work now to make the glaze for this salmon I'll combine 25 G of soy sauce 25 G of sesame oil 10 G of rice vinegar 50 g of honey and then 100 G of white miso to combine it I'll drop in my immersion blender and puree everything until it's smooth or if you don't have an immersion blender of course you could just stir this until it's combined and there's no longer any lumps of miso once it's made I'll Reserve about half of the glaze for saucing later on or another week Night sheet tray meal from here I'll use the brush to get the glaze on the fish and don't be shy the salt in this miso is going to be all the seasoning that the fish gets so put a lot on there and once I've got all six of my Salmons brushed up I'll set the sheet tray aside to cure briefly while I cut the veggies for my suck attache first up is corn to prep it I'll just carefully zip off the kernels from four fresh ears these cobs are usually available year round at the supermarket but if you can't find them frozen corn can work just make sure to thaw it first and blot it dry with a paper towel next I'll grab one pound of a asparagus cut off the Woody stem end and then cut the spears into 3/4 of an inch thick coins I'm looking for a particle size that still has that fun asparagus texture that we all love but gets tender in an oven in about 25 to 30 minutes okay once the asparagus is cut down I'll move it to a bowl with the corn then grab two bunches of scallions I'll Lop off the green end and save that for eating fresh in a salad or something then I'll cut the scallions into coins that are roughly the same thickness as the asparagus lastly I'll grab a bunch of broccolini and give it the same treat on the fuet side especially I want to cut things small because out of everything in this suck attach those are going to take the longest to get tender and the last thing we want is punishingly crunchy broccoli under our tender succulent fish in total in the bowl here I've got 400 G of corn 250 asparagus 125 scaling and 150 broccolini next I'll add in a long squeezer of olive oil two big grips of salt maybe 10 G worth then 20 to 25 cranks of black pepper okay to cook this stuff I'll snatch a ripping hot sheet tray out of my 450f oven and then spread out my veggies by the way in the right context preheating your sheet tray can shave up to 5 minutes off the cook time now the sheet tray goes in and I'll roast these veggies for about 15 to 20 minutes the salmon is going to cook a lot faster than the veggies so we'll need to add that in closer to the end of the cook time so about 20 minutes later when I check back you can see the veggies are softening and they're looking roasty but they still need about 10 more minutes so I'll sneak my salmon up onto the top rack and roast it at 450 until it's cooked to about medium or 135 F about 7 minutes later when I pull out my suck attach you can see the green vegetables are looking tender and the corn is taking on a little bit of char around the edges okay let's check back on the salmon it's been in for about 8 to 10 minutes so I'll pull it out and you can see that on top we've got some really beautiful color and that miso sauce has reduced into a sticky glaze now to Plate this up I'll scoot some suck attach onto a warmed plate then lay down a six Sounder of my glaze salmon to take it one step further and maybe add a little bit of fanciness I'll add on some of that Reserve reserved glaze from earlier but I did thin It Out by adding in a tablespoon each of olive oil and rice vinegar anyways that's what a hot oven a sheet pan and about 15 minutes of prep time can get you on a week night I really hope you guys found something useful in this video and use one of these three recipes to do some sheet panning for yourself oh and if you want other week night recipe ideas in the meantime then please check out this video for quick week night pastas [Music]
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 479,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy dinner recipes, sheet pan meals, weeknighting, easy chicken dinner, chicken thighs, greek chicken and vegetables, sheet pan aloo gobi, baked salmon, miso glazed salmon, recipes, sheet pan recipes, easy sheet pan recipes, healthy sheet pan meals, healthy recipes, whole food recipes, paleo recipes, easy whole food recipes, weeknight meals, healthy meals, easy recipes, healthy sheet pan recipes, healthy sheet pan dinners, easy sheet pan dinners, sheet pan dinners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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