One-Pan Scruffy Veg Lasagne | Jamie Oliver

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I'm gonna show you how to make an absolutely  delicious one-pan veggie lasagna, it's delicious,   it's full of color and vibrance. We're  gonna be bigging up some beautiful veggies,   lovely sweet leeks with butter, we've got  asparagus, we're gonna use frozen veggies because   I love frozen veggies, broad beans and peas which  are really easy to get hold of. And the method   is really simple, I've stripped it right down so  that you can make it all in one pan there's only   one thing to wash up, we get it in that oven and  in about 40 minutes you have got something that   you're absolutely gonna love. So let's talk about  it, first up we're gonna slice up a leek. So what   I do is I strip the outer leaf off, like this just  get the knife and just run it down like that. So   what I want to do is just show you a way to clean  these efficiently. We wash it away from the root,   water going down right? So over to the sink. Give  it a little bit of a wash. Finely slice the green   part, and then as we get to the white part of the  leek then we're gonna go from finely sliced to   little slices like that, right why? Because it's  more kind of chunky and substantial. I want to do   it in a pan like a casserole style pan, sort of  low-sided. I'm gonna go in with a knob of butter   and then a nice drizzle of extra virgin olive  oil. I'm then gonna go in with the leeks,   and we're gonna sweat off those lovely leeks for  about 10 minutes. So we've got fresh asparagus,   also I'm gonna big it up with frozen  veggies. So I've got some frozen peas   and some frozen broad beans. With the asparagus  I'll pretty much always just trim off the edge   of the asparagus and I nearly always turn that  into a soup or a sauce. Right then, with this part   of the asparagus the stalks, just finely slice  it like that. What I like to do is save the tips   to put in at the last moment. So in we go  with the stalks and we're gonna cook that   down so it's really nice and soft. So in here I'm  gonna add a nice pinch of salt, a nice pinch of   pepper, and we'll just let this simmer away. You  can add a little swig of water to create a little   bit of humidity in the pan. So look let that  sweat off now for about 10 minutes until sweet,   soft and delicious, and then  I'll show you what to do next.   So look this has had about 10 minutes now.  So traditionally you'd make a bechamel,   but that's another pan or two right, to wash  up and deal with. But actually we can do it   all in the pan. I'm gonna put the flour  into this pan. So two tables or 50 grams   of plain flour goes in. I'm also gonna put two  teaspoons of English mustard in, then stir it in.   800 mils of milk, scrape the bottom of the pan.  As that comes up to the boil let's talk about   frozen veg: maybe something you haven't got is  broad beans, 300 grams of that we're gonna use,   then put 300 grams of frozen peas move it around,  let's get that just simmering for five minutes.   While that's happening let me show you the herb  in question, mint. Half a bunch of mint and   literally all I do is just rip off those top  mint leaves, I'll use that for other things.   And I'm just going to fairly roughly chop the  mint, it's gonna taste absolutely amazing, so stir   that in. Okay so I am going to be not traditional  again by using parmesan because I love it - and   that is traditional - but I'm using some cheddar.  Cheddar's an amazing cheese it's full of flavor,   and it melts and oozes in the most beautiful way,  so 80 grams of cheddar and I'm gonna do the same   with parmesan. So get yourself a little potato  masher and just mash it, just put your weight   onto it and you can feel the broad beans and peas  popping. A little bit of love. Then I'm gonna go   in with most of the cheese right, not all of it,  most of it, and the asparagus tips, right? And   then the curve ball of course is the pasta. So  the key here is using fresh lasagna sheets, it's   brilliant you can get it in all the supermarkets  and the fact that it's fresh means it cooks very   quickly and it's really elegant, silky, and very  kind of luxurious. So I'm literally gonna grab it   like a pack of cards and tear it, and then all  I'm gonna do is just dish out the lasagna cards   around and then just stir it through. This will be  absolutely like a lasagna when you serve this at   the table right, we are not mucking about we're  just getting on with it. So there we go another   little layer. So this will serve six people  really nicely, so I think this is a really lovely   meal for any day of the week actually. So look all  I do now 'cos we're done is turn the heat off, and   what I like to do you know just to be aesthetic  is kind of have a nice layer of pasta on the top.   And then the last little flourish of love and  care is just a little cheese so you get those   lovely crispy bits. So the last ingredient for a  little flourish of texture, flavor and nutrition,   is almonds. A nice little handful of almonds.  And what I love to do is just bash them up.   Have some fine, have some whole, have some  cracked. And then I'll literally just let that   snow down on our lovely lasagna here. Almonds, a  little kiss of olive oil, and then if you want to   as an optional extra get yourself a lemon and just  a little bit of the zest - just a tiny bit right,   not the juice just the zest - will just give you  a perfume and a lightness that cuts through. So   that's it. That is my one-pan veggie lasagna.  That's now gonna go in the oven for 25 minutes,   that's all 25 minutes that's it, it'll be crispy,  gnarly, blippy, gorgeous, comforting. And the   temperature is at 200 degrees celsius which is  400 fahrenheit, so in it goes. Right... little   clean down, and yes little clean down because  it's just one pan, and then we'll serve it.  So the lasagna has had 25 minutes,  it's looking and smelling amazing. Look at that. Imagine that on  the dinner table, absolute bliss. Absolutely beautiful. One of the things  that you can do which is a little bit of   an optional extra is put a little bit of pesto  on the top, just little tiny bombs of it. And   of course you can make your own pesto, or if  actually you go down the supermarket you might see   some geezer, you might not have seen him before.  We don't want to use loads of it but little bombs   of pesto as you start serving this just mix  up with the lovely creamy hot white sauce.   Just a little bit goes a long way. So look  let's get our plates and let's serve up.   Let's portion a little bit up. What I like is you  still get crispy bits from the lasagna like that   and, you know, you get the veggies but you also  get the lovely creamy sauce which is absolutely   beautiful. So this will serve easily six  people. Can you see the crispy bits at the side,   look at that. Stodgy, crispy, juicy. Maybe  just a little bit of parmesan on top.   And that my friends is a beautiful one-pan  veggie lasagna. Right let's have a little try. Wow. Yum, yum, triple yum, so good. Crispy  enough, soft enough, stodgy enough, cheesy enough,   crunchy enough, come on!
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 284,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, lasagne, vegetarian, veggie, seasonal, fresh pasta, dinner, recipeinspo, inspo, familyfeeds, dinnerparty, peas, edamame, leeks, creamypasta, creamy, pasta
Id: ynYyM7NiPj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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