Warryn Campbell • R&B MONEY Podcast • Ep. 040

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[Music] money [Music] take Valentine we are the authorities on all things r b ladies and gentlemen what's going on my name is tank I'm Jay Valentine and this whoa Ric Flair yeah it's the RnB money podcast the authority on all these r b yeah oh man what did he wants oh y'all are messed up today you messed up today yeah the real is in the building part of my French Pastor the real thing is in building I'm talking about play every instrument on a level high level high level yeah write it sing it oh then he gonna he gonna design the clothing for you to wear on it and then if your heart ain't right while you're wearing the clothes he gonna preach to you yeah and save your soul yeah I'm talking about 27 Grammy nominees nine time winning award-winning one baby dog Campbell why am I screaming I don't know Mr ma blocked himself you're making me cry for myself I love how you how you so hyped but he's not giving you anything better um first of all first of all I mean you family so man well man thank you for giving us your time because I know this is you know your time is precious listen man thank you all for having me this is a honor at least I haven't seen everybody sitting this chair I feel I feel like I'm somebody it's like the woods everybody here got kids I'm a little upset that you know you you let me retire without giving me a hit record you know no no discography is vast no you've you know you can't do a tank you know you you know we don't speak now like we you know we we talk we listen interact and we gonna we're gonna do a record now nobody might ever hear you might want to put it out because you retired but we're going to do this record I can't it's gonna be so good you're gonna be like everybody got to hear I can't do it you can't do a record with you and not put it out uh it's gonna be that good but okay people need to hit it this they got to hear this um thank you bro again absolutely man and you know we need to do it at Marvin's Room too that's what we need to do that in the Marvin Gaye Studio I'm dead serious we're gonna do that yeah it's just becoming more yeah it's becoming a moment yeah yeah yeah oh you know what I saw on your discography nothing cut you off I saw that one of your wins was you know where I'm going was Jennifer Hudson r b album of the year yeah yeah I was on that album well then I have you to think because my songs I don't even know how good my song was and they told me that I didn't qualify for Hardware only a certificate well here's the thing which is wrong talk to me and I can speak to it I've I've served on the Board of Governors at the nearest for a few times and and we had this argument over and over again about Hardware versus statue being valid as an actual Grammy and the it's really split down the middle some people say no the statue is a uh the heart the certificate is a Grammy plus some people know the hardware is about me so if you count the certificates I'm like I got 20 Grammys but Hardware wise I only got what was that last year I won for best rap song and that was my fifth Hardware so you can consider that plaque because that's something it's a win it says she got best r b album of the year I didn't get it I didn't get hard I got a plaque just like you guys why don't we get Hardware because you have to why do other other genres of music no no no genre does you have to be as a producer you you would have to have produce 51 or more of that album who does that other genres everybody does so like so for instance my wife when she put out her first solo album uh she won for best gospel album right I get I got Hardware because I produce the entire thing well you're her husband or or Kelly uh yeah that's true the Mary Mary joints you know I get the hardware for that her husband and a brother right and the uh label owner but say if I do you know tank got 10 songs on the album you win I produced seven of them I'm getting some Hardware I know but that's that's really a tough in the urban space now though yeah nobody really does especially like on the album like with Kanye's last album Donna there is 27 producers on one song It's a gang of people on there like when it's a lot so how they gonna split that up but music is collaborative so my thing is I mean if you played a part it's all the reason why it's album of the year so the the actual yeah money to make man it costs more money to make but album of the year gets everybody get a statue for album of the year no I mean r b album all right well yeah then we just get the plaques and I think that if it's uh what's so different I get it that it's across all genres right but that's really unfair to everybody who contributes to the entire body of work right to not be able to participate in that and I think you know being that we now have as a president a fellow r b you know he could help change some of that because it is it is a thing it's unfair we should be getting them we should be getting them statues man I just need some man we need some Hardware around here I can't even get a nomination [ __ ] I gotta start somewhere it's a man you look like a gram look at that blonde skin what are you drinking like you know you know what Jay is 63 years 63 years old you know I'm saying 107 years yeah you look just like that when I met you you might have been a teenager my God no it actually was when we met yeah [Laughter] ah all right into one of my guys the other day what's going on man you drinking tomato juice AKA Joe Lewis baby dub yes sir let's let's go back to the beginning long time ago yeah let's start I think I'm older than everybody here yeah you sure cause you got you have grab that doesn't mean anything I mean I can it could be black it was black last month because I'm I'm a good I just turned 47 you know what I'm saying things are really happening for me yeah I'm so I'm 47. when's your birthday August I'll turn 48 this year okay you got me by by three months wow yeah well I thought she was about two three years younger than me I am maybe it's the pictorial muscle Baby J I'm baby baby J I'm gonna need you to learn how to count too man because January to August is not three or four months older than me and then I turned 48. so August September October November December that's four months January yeah it's not three months but it's always if you do RV with anybody we pay somebody to count for us yeah well don't do that no more either yep man we gonna speak on that while we're here too man what dub let's go to the beginning man um I feel like I feel like there was a church involved I feel like you might not even have been born in the hospital I feel like you were born at the church are you really a native too you really a la neighbor yeah yeah yeah yeah like where when did somebody to say to you that boy special that boy oh man or when the juice and when and when did it click for you that okay I I I do something different so I'm born born in Watts me and Tyrese born in the same Hospital raised in South Central uh I'm what you call a Pew baby because I you know they brought me home from the hospital we went straight to church after that but then I was raised you know uh on the streetcar 52nd and 52nd and Normandy right in the hood uh gang culture five Deuce Hoover Crips was this was the the neighborhood I grew up in so I had both things happening are you a five Deuce I'm I'm what you call a writer so you know we can get into that you know I really wanted to be jumped in so bad my dad said if I catch you oh I hear that she didn't got jumped in to put on imma kill you myself and I was much more afraid of him than anybody on that block so I was like your ass back then was different yeah I was like yeah I'll take my chances yeah yeah uh but yeah so my family um in the small church that I was raised in was called King's Chapel Apostolic Church on the east side L.A um was a very very liberal black church because the Bishops daughters were R B singers one was my godmother her name was Edna Wright Perry she passed a couple years ago she was the lead singer in the band the group The honeycomb oh wow I want to put it on the one ass yeah the lead she's the lead singer and their father was their father was our pastor okay her older sister's name is Darlene Love she's known all over the world for being the Christmas lady seeing that the Christmas songs of Phil Spector yes that that that that that documentary uh 20 feet from scar stardom she was the star of that she won an Oscar those were their sisters they're sisters wow and so I grew up in their father's church so and then my family and their family was the music department my dad played bass and and directed the choir and sung in the choir my uncle was playing the organ my cousin played the drums I played piano and drums and my the choir was my mama and my cousins it was everybody and then my uncle was the director and the same lead he's the guy that's singing uh uh uh I'm gonna sing a song for you Fat Albert no way that's my uncle Michael he passed away in 87 he was on Broadway so in our little church there was only like 100 people in this church it was all this music everybody would come my church ever the bars would come Bono would come Dion work would come just Andre people just come because our the music at that church was crazy and I'm the Church musician I applied plus I started playing drums at four four years old yeah I was holding it down and by nine by six I was playing bass by nine I'm playing piano and the thing is you better know how to play you can't be whack you know because because there's no shoulders there's no embarrassment like church embarrassment when you up there playing and then saying you go like this like like don't don't stop you I'm just saying acapella because you messing me up or they or they say and somebody hit you with them yeah they move you over oh that's good oh they scoot you over yeah I got you and foreign [Music] [Laughter] that's when they do this the the switch side of somebody playing wrong this is the sign that was the sign I'm in the church switch like get some somebody else get up there and like no I didn't get that I got um yeah that's I felt some arms that's that East Coast embarrassment yeah no no you yeah you're whack you yeah but that that's where I was you know so much music and it's all at this point you're are you even listening to secular music yeah but you're listening oh yeah because my you know like I said all that was happening in our church I mean The Bishop's daughters were r b Stars okay okay you know what I'm saying like I mean they were doing it and all these people was around even when they needed like people somebody needed a choir some kids they would come get us through this thing on our records and all kind of stuff so you know with my other friends whose uh fathers were pastors and preachers like you know like the Nissan rafting and they could not listen shout out to Nissan Stewart Raptor Stewart uh they couldn't even they couldn't do none of that right then you know because that was that was super Progressive for that time yeah my dad let me tell you what he told me one time I I never I met Mario Winans When I was 14. and he was out here playing drums for his mom at some church little Mario or no Mario one Mario Winans Winans yeah this one yeah before he became you know big Hitman the Hitman yeah he was one of the coldest drummers in in the world right yeah so I'm talking to him he was telling me about how he don't fool with secular music and I I was so enamored by him I was about 14. he's a little bit older than me he had just produced this some some uh this gospel group and it was killing I just thought I wanted to be Mario he's like I don't feel secular so I said okay shoot that's what I'm doing yeah so I go home to my dad just trying to impress my dad really you know what that you know I'm not ever gonna do no second because my dad said man sit down let me talk to you he said you don't do construction like me you don't type you don't take dictation you are a musician that's your occupation I see all this music you like this r b i don't really like all that custom because I was Heavy in the NWA at the time but you do the music in your heart that you like because music is your occupation now you got your occupation and your salvation what you don't want to do is let your occupation run all over your salvation you got to have standards and that's what my dad told me at 14. you don't want to let your occupation oh man I just had chills man you're salvation yeah yeah and so at that you know so I just I went to death row welcome to the devil yeah yeah and now dancing but yes no but you know it was some time but my father and at that time we weren't in that little church anymore now my father's the pastor now okay and I'm the musician at the church and you know my dad sent me out to do this he was like no you do what you do I remember uh we talked about my friend Nissan Stewart going to his dad and saying Bishop Stewart man just let Nissan come with me to do this gig the rest in peace puff Johnson R B singer yeah she had me put a band together we went to go do y'all remember the impact convention yeah absolutely absolutely Nissan came with me he played and it was on we was trying to get her to get back give me something back for church it was late so we got in the airport landed in L.A get to the house [ __ ] was sitting in the kitchen y'all ain't make it back to church I said Bishop Nissan made 800 he said 800. we'll take them again next time too he hoped now Nissan he opened and rapidly started doing stuff you know but my dad was like really like on some no you go and do what you got to do like this is your job make money do it it doesn't affect how you live your life no no he was like you you can be saved into your job he says I'm a pastor right when I leave church I go to work where do I work my dad worked at the brewery he worked at Anheuser-Busch for 35 years wow I'm the pastor I make beer so they don't pay my bills I pay my bills I said okay is that your occupation two different things all right so that's that's how I live my life man we didn't I didn't know that growing up I had that same lesson in high school we got offered a record deal from Virgin Records oh wow and it was like you know if you guys could just you know tone down the Jesus just a little bit oh yeah just just you know even if it's inspirational just be like this we've got to say the blood of Jesus how much money you paying me gotcha we'll write something different tomorrow we didn't know you gotta remember DC like the industry is not an industry understanding that is yeah not as prevalent it also depends on what you're called too if I'm called to sing the hospital then that's what I'm gonna do I wouldn't necessarily call to do that you know I'm saying I was I'm a music guy music is music to me that's why when you listen to like the Mary Mary stuff I didn't know how to actually make a gospel record right I I doing Mary Mary it's just music right before that I was doing drill Hill right so I was like I don't know what to how to do choirs you know I got acquire on my out on my label now I don't produce It Gerald hadn't produces it because I don't know what how to do that that's not my they don't get my thing yeah but um I appreciate it but my thing is I do all music music is I mean God is Not That arrogant where he feels like all the music in the world should be about him otherwise in the Bible there's a book called the songs of Solomon she read that book man it sounds like a soccer R Kelly record S I think they dropped the charges in Chicago they did they dropped in Chicago but I'm saying I'm saying the Bible you're talking about 11 I just want to feel your breasts and yes I want to suck the Supple of the it's all kind of I said Man song inside of me he's he's dropping some it's out there you probably got some of your stuff about that book I mean I'm waiting to turn 80 so I can drop gases yes but my point is you know it's all why can't we talk about love and still being Christian it was it was that was that was never the conversation with us growing up here and that's tough because nobody is I was watching this is I don't know if y'all saw this viral court case going around where the lady was like yeah I just don't want to do this no more because every time we trying to make love he turning on like the mississippi mass I cried laughing going man what are you doing that's just not how that works and it took so long for me I had to come to that conclusion on my own because nobody nobody's talking traditional space was were even open to think no no we talking about a Christianity and sexuality and how they merge like we got all these little Christians running around kids everywhere somebody doing something they're absolutely doing it come on man it's part of the conversation what are we talking about it's part of real life yeah yeah yeah and so do you think though that that was a difference between because he mentioned this earlier East Coast and West Coast East Coast and West Coast but a place like Los Angeles so like you said you saw something completely completely different I'm gonna tell you there was a little bit of a stigma on the west coast churches they said we were loose because we had to beat we went to the beach we went to the movies some on the East Coast they didn't you didn't go to the movies we were mostly like East Coast or where the Midwest we were mostly descendants of the South yeah and so that was old so yeah we were very liberal out here and they were like you know the West Coast they they called us loose like we ain't loose we just ain't weirdos like y'all like what the heck you couldn't grow beards like who said you can't you thought it was perfectly okay to tell people that God told you that you can't wear lipstick or makeup or a beer that you can't wear jewelry I'm like come on man yep yeah that's not you think God care about like that lipstick I can't love you man you don't care about that he does not he just don't let me speak for him he don't care I think there was a thing about being attractive at church that was just frowned upon yeah man that was a thing of being being overly attracted desired yeah at church it's weird that's why a lot of people like you know like when I was 18 I left even though my dad's church was liberal but the people he was liberal but the people in the church they were just still they that mentality so when I got 18 I was like you know yeah I didn't I went enough I went to enough church I'm good he went to another church I've had enough I'm like you know I went on the road Brandy was playing with Brandy at the time it was their keyboard player and I said you know I'm good was that your first first gig coming out of coming out of your father's shirt what was your first moment of like no before I did before I went on the tour Brandi I was already doing the death row stuff and DJ Quick okay let's go back then yeah yeah so what are you doing quick at death row yeah so how I got to death row was uh one of my one of my homeboys growing up I'm doing I've known this guy since I was nine years old y'all know his name is DJ Rogers Jr and uh his father and my my uncle and them they all you know grew up together my mom and all of them so I've known him forever uh I was graduating I was 17. uh the day I graduated high school I was getting ready to go to two what they have what they called the grad night and everybody go to Disneyland I get a call from DJ man you got to come down to the studio I'm like the studio yeah I mean Santa Monica got the studio I was like shoot grand night Studio I'm coming to the studio yeah go to the studio and yeah we in there and he was working with somebody I can't remember who it was but he gets in a fight with them and whoever he got in the fight with he was staying with him like a fist fight like a fight fight like yeah and so DJ beats this dude up in studio and he ends up coming back to my house because he can't stay there I have a banker bust your lip and you bust one let me come live with me so he came stayed in my house we wrote a song at my house he says you know what I'm gonna get DJ Quick to do the drums on the song I said DJ quit what do you mean you don't know DJ quit I do man it's like my brother I'm like yeah right we get in the car that's L.A for you and drive out that's great to DJ Quick house he opened the door and in his wife beat her and box of drawers I'm like whoa this is dangerous quick wow that is crazy I'm 17. he we come in the house and I'm we played the song he put the drums on the song I'm like this is amazing so he's digging what I'm doing on the keys he's like hey man why don't you come to the studio and you know come play on some of the stuff we doing [Music] that album came out to be safe and sound yeah I'm playing the keys all the strings stuff and I'm playing a lot on that record I'm all over there and uh you know quick as this man he's blowing my mind what he's doing that's the first time I saw a drum machine like an MPC 62 62. right now what was happening was you know when all the homies is around the Entourage he's playing the music loud everybody got their beard yeah doing all this and then he breaks it down and puts on the small speakers and starts digging through the crates again everybody would leave go out play mess with the girls play ping pong or whatever I would stay in the room and be in the corner just watching like now what is he doing he's pulling his records I got a turntable he's putting the break here and he'll go to the bathroom I'll walk up there and hit the drum machine like what's this yeah and I wrote down what it was NPC 62. I went to the to the recycling newspaper and I bought one came back a couple days later I said hey quick I bought that drum machine like you got he said what he punched his face up what I thought he was mad I'm like oh man this is messed up he walked out then he came back like five minutes later with a briefcase a metal Anvil briefcase and he opened it it was floppy disks with all his music all the sound all his sounds handed it to me says take this home get some blank discs copy everything go there go through stuff you like copy it bring it back I'm gonna show you how to work it this what you just said is something so important in this music business that we don't talk about the sharing of sounds that is like the Holy Grail yeah for producers especially back then yeah they were giving you no sounds no because think about this what differentiates Timbo from Pharrell the drum sounds the sounds absolutely from Dre from quick to Primo the drum sounds they all had their sounds right quick thing was you're not going to use them how I use them anyway you're gonna use them differently you know because the thing is he understood what most people would understand now he he said okay I'm gonna give you what I do but you don't know why um I'll tell anybody what I did on the record oh I did this I did that I played this I did this I'm never going to tell you why because that's my secret sauce why did I go to that code select I'm not telling you that you just know that I did it you don't know why I did it and so he didn't give me the why but he gave me the what and I created my own why and I'm saying so when you listen to Mary Mary's first album that's shackles that drum that's a DJ Quick drum that's that's his drums that he gave me his he sampled that I that I that I used and uh so in in the interim when that happened he started being managed by should so we moved from one Studio to the death row studio and that's when I met Daz and another amazing producer oh man Daz was like you know that's my guy he was dope I met all those guys dog everybody and one day should um it's an amazing story because at the time I was actually signed uh to another production company called Lifestyles myself and battle cat Michael Harris okay I will sign here yo okay but I was working at death row yeah yeah if you if you're from L.A you know what that means that's like that was a problem working for the Gambino family and you know the two different mob families at the same time I didn't know how deep in I was to like get to the studio and I'm working and I finally should my homeboy introduced me to him so man they called me boy wonder at the time it's my little man you call him boy wonder should look at me like this yeah I know who you are I got my hand out he won't shake my hand he just looked at my hand like I was like this thing I put my hair back in my pocket I know y'all yeah but you signed to the wrong [ __ ] though how you know what I'm saying to I just met you that's all right I'ma sign you anyway and I deal with the consequences later and he walked off I was like the next morning I get a call do y'all remember Howard Johnson so fun to do so fine Howard Johnson was working for Lifestyles for Harry yo I get a call from Howard I get a beep from Howard pays pull over go to the pay phone what up man hey man uh my God Mike another line because Mike is in the penitentiary at the time yeah you want to talk to you I said okay hey homie what's going on man uh I thought we supposed to be family man I said huh yeah man you got shoes talking all this stuff man about he gonna sign you that upset that was just last night are you in jail you live in Lancaster in the penitentiary I know you're there because my uncle there with you he told me I don't know what I was involved in at that point I was like okay this is kind of dangerous I don't even know what this is uh but some kind of way Hojo helped me get out of that deal and I ended up just you know uh I forgot how I got out of it but then I ended up just working with death row more and then Lifestyles sort of went away and continued on with death row and doing you know all the Tupac stuff and all that stuff after that all the Tupac stuff yeah a bunch of a lot of it yeah yeah yeah I wasn't a producer yet okay I'm a YouTuber player so you're doing session work I'm yeah and and you know can you tell us something you played on yeah yeah now anything on all eyes on me that you see produced by Johnny J R.I.P Johnny J that's me playing all that stuff um and at the time right before we did this I met Big John Platt who was offered me a publishing deal so while we're doing this stuff with Tupac shuk says I'm gonna sign your publisher and he says he's gonna give me this much money but it was like he said it'll give me ten thousand dollars Big John said you're gonna give me 60. right so um I told [ __ ] I already got a publish you know that the difference between 60 and 10 I don't know if they're technically the boy got plenty of money though you got plenty of money mud why would you double back that's not even cool man wait wait wait wait so okay so you got [Music] you got the 60 000 deal with a big job and you got the ten thousand dollar deal look where you're actually getting the work at though I'm working over there he's like yeah but you know ah it's it's it was a different feel when I went to see Big John is in this office we high up 87 30 Sunset yeah I could see I'm like it's just a different field yeah we should office and this you know it's different I'm like ah so I tell [ __ ] I already got a pups today he's like well I can't put your name on nothing but you can still work here because he was paying me to me at this time 18 19. they said what would you want to get paid I said I want fifteen hundred dollars a track and I thought that was bad he said all right yeah at that time the first song I did they I sent the invoice in they let me go pick my check up from the from girlfriend Reynard and Feldman Century City the check was almost seven thousand dollars I said I actually 1500 so I was scared at first and I didn't cash it for a while because like man I don't know since some said man look at that other little piece of paper at the back on the back of the check and it said 1500 piano 1500 strings 1500 Fender roads I was like oh they're paying me per track per track literally when they start doing that I said oh they that ain't what I meant but I'll take it so I was down there every day just in the hallway there you need something so he was like I can't put your name on that and so when you see Johnny J that's me doing on all eyes on me it's like 17 of those songs on there the only song I got credit on is woman and woman on on uh the murder was the case soundtrack Keys Warren Campbell um and that's Jewel right that's you well yeah yeah yeah and we was and I started producing Danny Boy's album that's when I started producing records that never came out so they knew you were more geared toward r b yeah yeah yeah I mean most people around there like even some of the producers everybody does everybody came out it was all Church boys and like dad's mom was you know it was an evangelist preacher I knew her you know priest uh Superfly y'all they you know I call it cheats c-h-e-e-t-s the church Industries in L.A you just you kind of both yeah that's just how you grow up you grew up in a you know on Monday through Friday we was in the streets but we all worked at our Daddy's churches too so we played but then Monday through Friday we back at it doing whatever it was doing yeah um which is probably not the best way to live kids don't do that but that's what we were doing yeah so that's why I fit in at a death row because the culture around there I understood it right that's where I grew that's how I grew up literally you're blocked yes my block wow yeah yeah yeah so you're at death row until when uh maybe about four months right before uh two pack um was assassinated I'm gonna say assassinate I don't I don't agree with Chris Rock because Chris Rock said they didn't get assassinated he got shot no that was an assassination uh that was a great man that dude was think about how old he was think about who we are now there's a baby yeah yeah how much more life we've lived since that yeah so about four I'm gonna say four months before that I was there after that I just started kind of veering off uh because you know the um stuff I was doing at Emi Big John writing sessions I was like I'm not doing much of that over here I'm like at the time I was riding it was 96 I just started writing with then Alicia cook who became Alicia Keys yeah right we were writing songs I was like I like I want to keep doing this so you know I just kind of phased out of that uh nothing no bad blood nothing I just started just doing something else you know what I mean and and then all that stuff started happening and I was just like wow it's going crazy over there yeah I can't go back there now I'm gonna just chill over here and do my thing uh so as Alicia she's not at J Records yet no Alicia's she doesn't have a deal yet and she just got signed the Emi as a writer okay then uh I think she was so so deaf for a minute and Columbia had her then Arista then Jay records wow she went through a few deals before she got you know uh to Jay um but yeah that it was I was writing with her writing with uh all kind of different people that had me you know riding with and uh then they sent me this to um to Atlanta and I met Jermaine Dupri he's the first person to ever give me a check for producing the record first person uh that album didn't come out of Trina Broussard yeah yeah he paid me some money too I was like dang this is crazy and then right after that he hired me to produce a record on Escape but he was the first guy everybody thought I was from Atlanta for a long time because that's why I was there so much but yeah and that came off of Big John see you send you to Atlanta not just sending me taking me walking me like into Jermaine Dupri's Mama house like this is my man you know like this is it it's so important to have these conversations because we've lost so much of that in our industry now where somebody is literally walking you into a home that can you know take you somewhere else change my life it's about belief like when you believe in somebody like that nowadays that belief ain't stronger I believe in somebody this is what happens today I think this kid is dope let's try them and the first two times it don't work and you just kind of you know lose focus yeah Big John happy in my studio two years with no placements I was in there every day right and writing writing he's sending back then those cassettes yeah with my name on it nothing you gotta FedEx it out ain't no ain't no MP3 ain't no yeah yeah or or even a dad like songs I like the song and then he's lit we're listening to songs late at night no change that I asked them man that first line you got a couple the better first line you know so he's helping me and we ain't getting no limit right yeah he says you know what we're going to go to New York we fly to New York in the dead of winter and walk the streets to go to Every office we got to put a face with the name and they everybody there told me no I'm talking about we went to see everybody from remember Bruce Carbone back in the day um Sylvia that's for everybody right and I'm like man Big Jay ah this is crazy like I I know I got it I said I'm just as good at the time you know I'm competing with this Teddy Riley and jamming Lewis and Dallas Austin and people like baby faces they're controlling the radio right now I said I'm just as good as them said that's your problem you just as good as them you got to be better they know these record labels they know that they know them they don't know you you got to come something different but man so he just challenged me and finally and then one key thing he said Big Sean was me I attribute a lot of My Success to him because he was my coach he said when everybody goes right go left just go left you got to stand out everybody doing this you got to do something different that's the reason I did Mary Mary instead of doing a rap group or r b girl group or because everybody had that all the producers had groups doing that I was like oh I'm gonna do this but I'm gonna do it on the same level yeah I remember the first time I heard about it because I just got to L.A oh wow and uh I was going I was I would go to a restaurant in church with him oh yeah yeah he was like he was like man uh you got to hear one group it's girl group it's two girls did they sing at a concert and you was there I think it was was it was it watch Night Service at his father's church it was something I remember that I got a video tape of it somewhere it was yeah it was something he was like I'm telling you they called and I was like this I said what's his name is it Mary Mary I was like like Mary Mary in the Bible he's like he's like yeah that's weird I went back traditional you can't do that I feel like I had been making that first album my whole life I had my whole life had prepared me just for that one moment I remember Big John calling me he was in the parking lot of Emi I was at home and said man I'm man I'm almost in tears I said almost almost like you did it you did it and so another thing he was like you know when that album came out it went platinum and won a Grammy right and so I'm just the statue statue yeah Statue at the Statue and so I'm like ah man so I'm talking about a big John goes all right that's enough so I don't want to say nothing else about that album no more what we got this one to grab me right I saw the million records they signed to my lady like come on man it's wins all the way around he's like listen don't nobody care about that don't really care what you did they only care if you could do it again can't you go do it again if you could do it again and we got something to celebrate okay he kept putting them so for years I didn't celebrate much I just kept my head down just work and I looked up and had all this stuff and I would say he was right and wrong at the same time because you have to take time to celebrate what you did and because when I did some stuff I just don't even remember right I have no like I somebody sent me something on Instagram yesterday it was the most death record you forgot you did it I don't remember doing it I know I did and those my sounds I don't remember doing that at all sex the sex drugs a month sex Love and Money something Brooklyn's text drugs and money something like that most did I was like dang that's wild don't remember I walk in the studio one day I can't remember where you were um I was like what you working on he's like I'm just working on this uh just scoring this thing like you're scoring yeah I'm scoring this uh and the mouse comes on on the screen on the TV and then um [Laughter] oh yeah what the [ __ ] is going on I was doing the story so what are you doing again yeah you remember that yeah because I had never seen anybody scoring anything before I didn't know how that happened yeah and growing up we didn't think that we scored right like the one would be in this school you know let me tell you my my um North Star in music is Quincy Jones yeah and everything that Quincy Jones did I just tried I would read all about them whatever I wanted to do that that's the reason why I went to work for election records to do a r and when I got there I read that Quincy Jones wouldn't take a black title uh VP of a r of black music I was like I'm not taking no black title so I want to be involved in the conversations you know with everything so we'll still be wrong she I'm in the room she's I'm at I'm with her when she goes to see Jack and she signs jet I'm in a room she signs Jason Mraz or when she's working on a Metallica and staying album I'm like in the conversations because I want to be involved in all that because Quincy Jones did it Quincy Jones was scoring absolute score and if you go I'm talking about in the heated In the Heat of the Night the Palm broker in the 60s the movies The Italian Job the original Quincy Jones and he did it on paper like this yeah so I was like I got to do that like I I I'm like I wanted to emulate that guy so you know so you know music oh yeah yeah my dad man shout out to my pops he told me when I started playing he realized I had a gift you know he says listen I don't want you to be another dime a dozen Church musician that's exactly what he said because everybody can play listen listen to this church everybody in this church play everybody I play hook and play dude everybody play but what you gonna do with it after that I need you to go I'm essential that he sent me the lessons I was in already Coburn Conservatory it was a USC um school at 12 learning classical music learning to play classical piano by the time I was 14 I was in music composition classes he took me to a guy named herb mickman who was a bass player and an MD for Sarah Vaughn who taught me Jazz composition and in theory and things of that nature to learn how to write from Piccolo's all the way down to double basses and orchestrate you know what I mean so um you know student of the game yeah yeah and I didn't like I tell people all the time I didn't do that just to play with 808 to make hi-hats go fast like I I really want to do it yeah can we pause the pot for a minute I don't know I don't know who needed to hear that [Laughter] I don't know I don't know who needed to feel that floss oh man but my God okay do you know we were in the time now where you know we talked about earlier the sounds and how that was you know um a part of the the the Sonic identification of a producer now everybody the reason why the radio sounds like one long song it's all the same because everybody's getting the same sounds from the same places they go you can go online download sounds and everybody's doing the same thing yeah when we were digging through records through crates and I thought oh man I found a snare from oh man and I have my own little thing with that and that was my sound you know uh nowadays I like to keep with that so it may take me a little longer to do a record that's that's okay but when it comes sonically you don't know it's me you're gonna know it's something different you you know you heard you're hearing something different than what you hear right normally you know what I'm saying I I wish I'm teaching my son now he's 12. he's he's um playing bass and programming and stuff like that he's in a program called Yola the Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles it's like the farm team for the LA Philharmonic he's playing upright bass and stuff like that but I'm I'm showing him things like how to like I put him on the mpc60 3000. teach them that like learn how to make sounds for yourself like I'm not giving you sounds that everybody else got you're gonna learn how to work with these you know and so even though he's 12 like he doesn't know nothing else he don't know he never heard the future he never heard you know whatever's happening right now he ain't heard it he has he has no idea he's listening to body heat by by Quincy Jones he's listening Off the Wall he's listening to classical stuff like stuff that I'm trying to like because he's going to get to that yeah generically by himself easy but when he get there he's gonna have all this stuff yeah because I eventually got to the hip-hop and all that stuff but I had so much stuff in me that my father instilled in Me by the time I got to it I just thought about it differently you know what I mean yeah I see what she's doing Lavar ball yeah as soon as you do you doing over there yes sir yeah yeah yeah big baller big baller brand yeah so you so you get this you have this label now successful label when when did Mary drop Mary Mary drop memory came out uh uh May 2000 the first album uh that's exactly and at the time we won a label yet we were still not raw Productions narrow entertainment was my name backwards I remember that I remember that I've seen Oprah had Harper what's her name backwards it didn't it didn't make sense at all but I did it and by the third album which was uh the album with uh they had a song called yesterday this big song called yesterday on there heaven um I changed it we flipped everything to actual labels that was 2006. okay so we became a label in 2006 and they were the only people signed to live with them and I had a little sister I had I had a little you have one yeah sure yeah yeah so Joy shout out to Joy that's my home yeah Joy Stars she's still one of the coldest singers and writers ever yes uh we just did a deal for her through our label with with Clive and um you know that was happening so she was like the second person sign that I had married and you know it kept going and going and we signed Kelly Price and did that that um only time she was nominated for that many grams he was nominated for three Grammys that year oh wow uh it was a great album called um Kelly I think it was just called kelly she had a song called not my daddy not my daddy yeah yeah um that was ours uh did you produce that record not my daddy yeah uh not my daddy is produced by yes but no but like I played it on the piano sent it to them they that's that's been conditioned playing all the stuff though okay but I'm producing it so um but yeah I produced that album and then we signed music Soul Child we did an album on him then of course I remember not to cut you off I remember coming by your studio and you know I you know I used to just pop in on you yeah because it's it's funny like you said you and take work once together I don't think we've ever worked together I think we just always homies because you you was with Damon in them yeah and my I lived in the the house the little the thing next door y'all was in London Springs I was in blackham state right there yeah yeah so and we was just I mean I don't know we probably 20 years at this point yeah being friends play a little basketball play basketball and hang out but never work but you know me and and tank always says his tank is always just like Jesus he'd be checking on people he'll pop in and I just come by the studio yeah and I think one day I came by not I think I know I came by one day and you working with music social yeah and I just you know you would just let me sit there you know I mean he was never wrong someone like oh yeah man we got a session and if you come back no but we all know there are just you know they're people people do that I've never been like that but your working space is your work in space too right so I see I see both sides of that absolutely um and I just came and I sat in and I'm watching you work with him and this is the first time I seen someone be um Next Level perfectionist music Soul Child oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah different and I'm sitting there listening to him do the same thing perfectly a hundred times a hundred times over and I'm like this is insane he would not stop you know what I would do I'll go up go back when I get done you done are you finished you can see some more if you want you're done all right that's excited when he gone I go back to the very first person okay that's the one I wanted the whole time but you know that's just way yeah no no it was amazing no and but I also appreciated your patience as a producer oh yeah because there are producers who get in the way of the artist's creativity and what the artist wants and not and not understanding that it's the artist's wreck it's their wreck their their pictures going on there I got a little line in the back with my name on it this is this that's a that's tank on there yeah yeah but there are just a little there aren't a lot of producers especially at a high level yeah it will still allow that right yeah still allow that like you know because the producer became like an artist they like big like yeah like there's a reason why I don't have as an identifiable sound like we mentioned Timbo we mentioned Pharrell and all these guys Dre even [ __ ] yay they got these sounds like when you when the record come on you know I mean that's just blaze record yeah that's a yeah I never had to pick out a Warren camera I never had to Camp because they are Gucci Louis Vuitton uh like a brand I'm a tailor what's the difference when the artist comes to me I'm going to Taylor make the suit to you it's going to be at the level of Gucci but it's gonna be only yours and when you get done when we get done doing this we're gonna break the mobile because nobody is gonna have that sound but you yeah yeah and that's it and I'd rather do that because I don't know if I even have the bandwidth or it ain't the bandwidth it's the uh it's not it's not necessarily 80d but I can't just do one thing yeah so I'm saying like well everybody in music our entertainment has a little bit of add we all yeah or 80 or 88 like these are my this is my sound what I do I would go crazy I got to do something different yeah one day I might do a whole record I'm never gonna I'm just playing the guitar the whole time yeah next thing's gonna be the jobs it's gonna be I gotta do something different so so that goes to my question then because I had this experience and I want to know if y'all if either one of y'all I'm sure y'all did had the same experience my first quote-unquote hit record would be Tyrese I like them girls right I have placement before that but that's my first hit record where people were like oh [ __ ] like this is a this is a this is a record that's one of them wrote it oh this who that who that and I remember the frustration of taking these label meetings and then them wanting me to write that same song again see that that's what I'm talking about like it really and I'm a baby I'm I wrote that record when I was 18 I think 18 or 19 years old and um and I don't really understand it and I still had young arrogance too oh yeah they don't want these other 100 you hear these yeah they want pieces of that same song so they can put it around the industry yeah and that's what I didn't understand you know and me and my man RJ Rodney we had these long conversations like nah man like just take the same you got a hit record take and just do 500 of those like he was good I was like I can't do it I'm not good okay he was so brilliant at that I was like and he said no there's a gift to that too though he was like man this one hit record is gonna make me way more money because I'm just freak I was like I don't know because these executives are going to ask for that same song you know how many times I got asked for can we get a um take you out tonight can I get a shackles I want to shackles like this is this is my comeback and this is a real answer this is what I believe I tell everybody I didn't write that song God writes songs I take dictation that's it it's a download like I I didn't come up with that I didn't sit down and so let me come with someone to know it was a download like I was walking around like boom it just hit me like oh and I just do it I can't I can't come up with that on my own I can't wake up in the morning so let me think of something and just no it's not gonna happen that way it's always I'm minding my business in a like a like a left hook bam like oh that's an idea let me go write it down real quick yeah I'm taking dictation this is a download to me so I'm like don't expect me to reproduce that I can't but I could do something and it's gonna be dope but it's gonna be something different I just think it's like for me it's always like time and space and so when you're when you're making music in a time and space it completely represents that time and space and true for me it's just hard to go back to that life whatever point in life that was yeah I'm not yeah I'm just not going through that anymore as bad as people want you to do it I can't I wish I could you know like I've I've read read I've recycled some drums like two or three times that I thought was cool the the under drums emergency drums yeah because I was like this could be those connect the records just you know what I'm saying those connected records but for the most part I was like I just never want to be picked out of the bunch yeah I just want to be able to continue to make music without people feeling like they're getting something that I gave somebody else that's a co-financial decision though it is yeah because I left Millions on the table yeah no I flat out we yeah like I know for a fact yeah I love millions of dollars on the table by wanting to be creative it wasn't that I would not do it I could not it was yeah I didn't want to I didn't want it in a way of it if you just give us one of those maybe I deserve something like this I don't even date her anymore or for me it's like I can't remember how I put that because like you said time I was doing something like the song was in conversation the song wasn't like I was just having a conversation I said wait a minute what did you just say right oh the assumption is that I happened to the song No the song happened to me yeah it came out it just happened to me I don't know I can't I cannot tell you now I do have good command of my instrument you're you're a pro yeah I know what I'm doing dial it up so I can do some things but it's not going to be that it's not it's going to be some another you know no because I mean when you listen when you listen to your music honestly bro like where you go it's just it's amazing oh man it's amazing like you said to do a take a take you out to a shackles but then to do it just a friend for Mario and then you know I mean then what God is for Kanye our homecoming for Kanye come on bro like yeah those records that's one of my favorite ones yeah all right you'd never say the same guy yeah no way you're gonna say the same guy did those records that's just listening a whole bunch of different kind of music all the time thank you shout out again to my dad just he had all the people to do just yeah being well versed and not being one-dimensional yeah listening to everything I just never know you just never know what's going to die out things happen like you know I wrote a record I never get this black streets not the last one I think it's the second album I can't remember I did this record called in a rush right it was the third album I was in the movie theater watching this movie called Sling Blade yeah right Billy Bob Thornton John Ritter before he passed was in this movie he and he uh Billy Bob plays uh a special needs guy and then John Ritter's character gets him together with this other special needs girl he's gonna set him up on a date he cooks dinner for him he gets overwhelmed he says it came over me in a rush and those like that when he said that no he said it hit me in a rush I was like oh man I left the theater I ran I ran I ran to my car they went I didn't want to lose I wrote it down drove as fast as I could to the studio came over me to rush it now by the time I got to the studio it wasn't it hit me in a rush it was it came over me in a rush and I said it came over me in a rush when I realized that I love you so much that sometimes I cry but I can't tell you why why I feel what I feel inside and I was like things hit you it happened to you yeah right yeah no it's like when Jeffrey Osborne came on he was telling us about on the wings of love you know what I mean I get chills that record right there oh special special you have a record that to me like yes your records have they're they're in different spaces but there's one record to me that just does not feel like a Warren Campbell record to me at all shoot big record for you too which one Drew Hill how deep is your love for me oh that does not feel like a Warren Campbell record to me well that's because it's the the collaboration on that okay okay it's me Dutch Dutch and Nokio yeah so what happened was we were that's just my guy too oh man yes oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's the light skin version that's my OG my God Dutch and so we were doing Dru Hill remember the old larabee west of course had two studios in it so um we're doing Drew Hill he's in one Studio I'm in another Studio working with Woody doing his ballot and I have a cello player in there right now parts for the cello player our manager Kenneth quicker says yo they need a song for Rush Hour the night before that I had just recorded on a cassette tape because this idea was these little chords and I recorded them on a cassette because I wanted to remember I had it with me I played that for that you like that's dope so dusted the drums and I played that stuff on top of it in the face and I brought the cello play over and I wrote some cello parts [Laughter] and people didn't know how dope of a producer Nokia was oh Nokia was a beast man super challenges so all those three okay brain Powers that's probably doesn't sound like um Me by myself because you know the BackBeat usually gives the identity the drums you know for r b is like you know that's Dutch that's that's Dutch all day okay all day long I just picked that out of the records of like all the records I was just like that one feels less yeah it's like a you know it's it's a amalgamation of three brains and then when you get to the part where there's Red Man on that record on the original Redman's on the original record when they shot the video they shot the video in the Hong Kong because that album was on the rush hour soundtrack yeah for whatever reason red man at the time couldn't lead a country for some I don't know what was going on he's a rapper most rappers couldn't be the country yeah for whatever reason now they let them in they let them in there this is 98.99 I remember I remember so they called me performing underdogs at that time yeah that's right Kenneth crew used to come I want to say he might have been halfway managing Damon for a minute because he used to always pop in that's when she comes to the gate yeah that's before that's before that yeah I remember I remember driving by and so I'm like assignment yeah yeah yeah he was standing today he was standing outside his car just talking to somebody I was like I just kept driving I don't know what's going over there I don't know what's going on because I live right next door I'm like I'm just keep driving uh then Damon told me later what happened uh anyway shout out to Damon Thomas and Harvey Mason uh but they go to Hong Kong to shoot the video and red man can't go so they need a bridge so they called me said we need you to come to Hong Kong I was like Hong Kong okay are you what are you saying they flew me to Hong Kong to do the bridge the Hong Kong [Laughter] [Laughter] 67 over there I spent a couple tours in Hong Kong y'all went over there did the bridge that was an amazing time you know and I mean it was just you know that record uh was my first number one and it just what it did was a setup in my mind who I was or who I could be in the industry they gave me a sense of value like that they would call me to come over there because Dutch was there you know Nokia they was all there and I guess maybe they left me I don't know which they didn't need me for that but they was like no you got to come dude I was like y'all need me I was like oh cool so I felt needed and I realized like oh people need me for certain things you know and being that I was young I might have took that a little too far because it went from that to being just you everybody goes to this arrogant phase especially when money comes into play I'm 23 at the time and I'm 23 and I just made my first million you know what I'm saying I'm like it's a different thing happening in my life you know so I'm walking in rooms going yeah I'm probably better than everybody here I'll never say it I don't even act like that but in my mind yeah I'm the best there is [Laughter] yeah I wake up in the morning I wake up in the morning and piss excellence you know yeah yeah yeah that caused me that to miss out on a lot of things as well I remember during that time uh Michael Jackson's doing the Invincible album Rodney's like he's like man just be doing this and he's showing me videos of him and Mike and I'm like dang it's crazy so I had this song that they wanted to cut and they asked me this car about 30 days I said 30 days to do one song he wants to work just just to be available I was like you know I hate it I hate that this happened I said man I ain't 30 days of Michael Jackson last Blood on the Dance Floor album didn't even sell no records I ain't doing you know how much money I can make in 30 days I was doing that and never you know did it and Mike ain't here no more and I could have had a chance to sit in the room with this guy even if he only showed up because my thing is I'm a crying for 30 days he's gonna probably show up three of them days right and just had me sitting in there that's what I was thinking you know no you're probably right yeah but even the three days you have a chance yeah you know see what that cat so man yeah that's why I work with any Legend like that that's why I work with Stevie now I've been working with Stevie eight years on this Same album we probably been doing this album for eight years probably got six songs done in eight years yeah like it's it's a it's a it's a movie with this dude like yeah oh it's crazy it's crazy so do you think um that at some point he's going to fight tank if they come across each other because you know tank been talking about how he can see so we've had conversations about it about him fighting tanks no how about people saying he can see I'm about to say oh yeah oh definitely he did what he said but he's like what do you say what is the thing this is how it came up because you know when you're blind you can hear everything amazing yeah but he says this exactly that's BS I can't hear better just because I can't say I go I said well how would you know you've been you don't know you didn't you never seen you hear and so I have a little Nerf ball in my hand and so he's going on I can't then so I just threw it at him he goes see here's it coming he's like before it got to him yeah he hears something he's like but I'm like oh yeah he can't see but he can hear that coming or case in point we've in the studio playing around so if you if you if you can't skip over it you can't skip over so no he cannot see oh [Laughter] amen I said see if I said if you threw that at me I would have just got hit with my eyes closed I know he knows you does you do this but who who was coming in the session when you played blind that day it was a day I'm lost there you was there oh shoot okay I gotta fill me in on this okay so I'm getting ready to work with Marcus Houston one day and that's crazy was it so I tell my engineer because I've never met him I haven't met him before okay I think I might have went to high school with someone his brothers or a family member or something but I don't know him and so I said you know what I'm gonna make them think I'm blind so I put the glasses I don't know why you know when I when I when I meet people for the first time I always like to do a prank like an icebreaker like you know like yes that's what I'll be doing so I put the glasses on I told my engineer just just go with me so it's him it's the other dude that was an immature to ldb he's in there and um and so I'm like he's right there playing Marcus how you doing man I'm like hey what's going on man you know and I could see I got my eyes open I can see them their reaction like and so yeah they go in the little Lounge we had Americans they're going to the lounge and they're looking at a baseball game and I said hey lead me to the bathroom some engineer Vikings he's walking through I said y'all good y'all good he's like yeah yeah we good and I stopped I took my glasses off and that's the the the guy was running around the bases on the baseball game I said man that [ __ ] running fast Marcus like this he said and so he had a manager named Junior registered yeah yeah Junior Wasn't There Yet now Junior knows I'm not blind right so I said he said you got to get Junior I said all right so Jimmy finally comes to the studio I got the glasses on and I'm doing the whole blind thing I can see him going like I said to my car I never got a truck I said hey uh I made the story Bruce my engineer um did my did my wife leave the car here she she dropped the car for where'd she go hey she left the car in the back I said I got someone to play out but it's in the car can y'all get in the car I'm in the parking lot in at the back of the studio you're getting there I'm like where's this it's not uh turn it up I'm in the driver's seat to turn the car on I put the car in reverse and just took off that's it gotcha and he was like oh my God something's wrong with you man no I was at the one and maybe wasn't Marcus Houston when you started playing the keys and everything like you was just like this is what I'm feeling yeah where you in did you wait did you think I was blind at the time no it was it was it was by that time it was at uh it was the one behind Lankershim it wasn't American it was the one you had yeah oh yeah yeah that one yeah oh yeah I've done it several times and I just didn't say nothing I was like the fact that you do that and then you're also super cool with Stevie Wonder it makes it even [ __ ] even better it's not what you think it's just man's jokes all day is like like we were slap boxing the other day yeah if you talk just talk man you got you wow he gonna find it we playing hot hand he's like he's he's just you know now his the senses he just can't see but everything else he just you know like he can tell you you talk talk he'll tell you what sign you are what yes what's January I'm Capricorn he'd be like oh you I can hear any Capricorn what's your brother eat I could hear it in your voice you can tell he said it's something little thing or he can tell one of them sessions no he could tell like you'd be talking like oh recently he does did the house for the toys my sister uh wasn't feeling too good she was singing background they was rehearsing at the studio he calls me in the morning yeah um we're not going to be to use use your sister on this one I'm like why he said she's sick this is sick which makes you sick yeah man she's sick she's sick I said let me call you back I called I said Joy you said she was like no I ain't sick she's like you know I was I was freezing last night in the studio but I ain't sick I said Stevie said you're sick she said I don't know why we say I was sick I said just go take a cover test just in case she took a cover test she had covered no way man I'm not kidding you I'm apologizing for tank I didn't do nothing he'd been out here spreading oh that's nonsense that he can see no yeah he's like that's nonsense but he can hear he can hear just better than we can see but I equate it too and I keep explaining this to sonar to where the vibrations of the things around him oh I am very aware of of structural surroundings right like when you said he caught that football he didn't catch it he was like he just moved like I ain't never say that don't what gamble said what did I say what Campbell said he was playing catch well Campbell said he did he shoot threes yeah I seen the free throw I did see that video yeah what he made it what do you feel like with everything that you've done is I mean I won't say greatest accomplishment but one of those moments where you like you felt immensely proud and and you felt like you had maybe accomplished a goal that you felt like was was far in reach and um and you really put in a real grind to make that thing happen you know I'm not I've had so many of those moments I'm not certain there's one that stands out there's certain things that happen where I'm like you know I I'm very proud to be a part of whatever this thing is like uh say like the Inception of J Records that just before that Clive Davis was still at heires and I had a meeting with him at Arista and played on records and it just didn't go well and I just kept trying and so now he's starting J Records they weren't even in offices yet they were at the Waldorf in New York on the on you know the floors in the water for alphabetical he was on the J floor and um I went there and played them records and this time he said I like these I just kept going I remember having this sort of bulldog tenacity about riding better records guy with Harold me and Harold went to my studio we went all these records I mean a lot of them I'm like yeah we gonna I've just had this really I was zeroed in and focused on that into get there and he pretty much bought all of them really changed my life everything you and Harold Lily wrote it was stuff we wrote it was other records some was just trashed but like he just he gave me an overall deal and I wanted it yeah like oh and I became one of the go-to guys like you know if I didn't leave and go to a lecture I'm sure I would have been an r at a jet records you know what I'm saying that's how it was going shout out to Clive and at the time Larry Jackson and Ron gily are very instrumental in that but like that was one thing the second to that is this last run with Kanye he with the the donda album that was something for me that this is just to be to witness how he was doing it this dude had masterminds in the room he calls me I'm in the pool playing with my kids the phone rings he's like yo can you come to San Francisco I'm like when he was like now all right so they had to Saint Regis is the Saint Regis well some high-end Hotel in San Francisco he has pretty much the whole thing booked up all the ballrooms are blocked out he has you know food and beverage is how they make the money the hotels he commandeed the kitchens he had his own Cooks in there cooking the food it was crazy what it was crazy but I walk in the room and there's a long they put those those like tables of long tables from one end to the room and the bottom to the other would just rows and rows of guys producing with all laptops making beats and headphones it's uh 88 keys there bank is there this guy and over the corner Rick Rubin is sitting right there it's I'm like what the heck is going singers over here and then one Ballroom had just closing he's just doing all this stuff right I walk in he stops he husband oh man now we about to get it all right okay what the heck is going on so he starts playing me stuff like what'd you hear on this and I'll get on that he has an organ in there I start playing the organ and it goes through that process and then be involved in the conversations and and in the value that he placed on my ideas not just beats because he was like okay I Got This Record how do I turn this how do I make this gospel right so the record at the time is called jail that's what we just won the Grammy for he goes guess who's going to jail tonight I don't make a gospel I said you got to say God's Gonna post my bail tonight he took off running like yeah did you hear what he just said I'm like that's how I got on the record I'm like okay now fast forward it's a special line wow yeah it was dope and then three days later we're now in a going to a church because he wants to put um pipe organs on everything on the on the album so myself and Corey Henry hmm yay and Rick Rubin were all in a sprinter the Maybach minivan right driving to a you might know what this well I don't know if you even know because you're from San Francisco gonna start this man it's a church they treat me yeah I'm just saying it's a big old Catholic Church what's the name of it I can't remember because I said what's the name I might have walked past I might have walked past something I might have been through there a couple times everything on top of here in Texas yes I I know what church you're talking about yeah it ain't far from Brenda's I know what your church is talking about because that church is very famous in San Francisco it's one of them and that's where I have my father's funeral wow see okay um they let players pull up I Repent to Jay Valentine he knows what one shirt is at least they look they looked out for us because we needed we needed the biggest church in San Francisco and it's giant yeah oh no I was there I was there when I get there it's mics everywhere it's like he had the whole thing mic'd up I'm like this is this the mind is amazing so in the car in a way he's like on the on his phone he's like yo so we're me and him sitting in the back he goes hey I got Jay-Z he said he's gonna get on the record which record should he get on of course I'm gonna say the record I just yeah right because I hadn't done nothing else I said jail he was like Rick what you think he was like No actually that's a good idea jail I've never as long as I've been in this game I've been wanting to do a record on Jay-Z so bad I've come so close like he even spit on one before like and it didn't make an album I'm like oh my God so finally I mean Jay's gonna get his record I didn't do I didn't even do the beat I just wrote that line yeah I'm saying but I'm a part of it you know what I'm saying and so that's that's one moment you know that I can I wish it was my beat or whatever but listen I was just a part of my name was listed written by Sean Carter that and my name's in there I'm like that's dope yeah yeah I like that but you have technically a Jay-Z wreck oh yeah this this technicality to that thing uh so because you know I just I'm like we heard there's this record are we moving into the segment now I mean I'm just at no I'm asking you a question because you said like you always wanted a record with ho but technically you had it from the take you out record yeah but I I wanted like a beat that I did he spit on that beat okay like there's one beat that I gave him he did a song it was like friends with privileges or something he wrote it was killing I was like man I heard it in the studio dang that's dope they didn't make that he's like yeah it ain't gonna make it though but you have to take you out tonight was there's a story there I mean well you know we've had her Lily on the podcast yeah so then we can talk about that yeah the backstory to that record so three guys we call ourselves the Troika Warren Campbell here Lily John jubu Smith yes okay we've done some amazing records together uh take you out tonight was done at my parents house Harold wrote it matter of fact when you hear the record that's Harold's backgrounds on the on the back um he told you the story about the bowling alley yeah and that was crazy and so I'm in New York at the time I just moved to New York I had a place in New York and um a friend of mine uh I was working at election records as vice president I was the VP there and a friend of mine and my manager at the time Jay Brown was the senior Vice President says to me what do you want to do besides this I said man I need to go back and started like fooling with the hip-hop again because you know I feel like I got away from it I said let's just start at the top I don't know his connection with Jay-Z like that I don't know today boys I don't know that Jay-Z was in his wedding yeah right and Dame and Bank these guys are like they're boys I have no idea all right so that night or sometime around there we go up to Baseline in New York Jay-Z Studio I made a guy that named Hip Hop man shout out to hip-hop uh and another guy named G Roberson all these guys are there and I'm playing them beats for Jay-Z I'm in a room with Jay-Z playing a beast and he's like I see him scrunch his face up on a couple of them beats I'm like oh this is this is a great feeling for me this is like man you know so he starts playing me something I'm like that's crazy then he plays his one record he says Excuse Me Miss what's your name I said you know I I wrote I did that song I said what song I said Luther Vandross record take you out tonight he's like he because we had just talked about just a friend right before that okay uh so he's like oh and just the way he thinks the way he puts things together his mind says oh so you got the oldest dude in the game and the youngest dude in the game hot at the same time so I would never put that together like that but yeah that was he's a genius Market in my so I said um yeah I did that wreck he was like but listen man don't don't don't kill me on the man somebody get Big John on the phone I said I can get my phone he my publisher too right Jay Brown was like yeah we about to go to this party you just gonna go somewhere so I had a driver for whatever reason they get in my car with me right we driving we go stop by this party for a second and we leave there and go to you know Blue Ribbon yeah of course oh yeah that's my spot yeah walking Blue Ribbon in the middle of the restaurant sitting alone by himself it's Big John already in New York I don't even know he's there like big J I'm walking mind you I'm in the middle of negotiating renegotiating my deal with Emi so he sees me I'm walking in with Jay Brown and Jay-Z and he's like yo we all sit down and kick it whatever you know to my knowledge it was a surprise like we didn't know you know he was gonna be there so I'm like okay she kick it for a minute whatever we eat whatever go on about our business maybe um a couple weeks later I'm back in L.A I'm beating me Big John's office he tells me yo um it's on you do what you want to do but you know hope said if you just let this slide he'll owe you owe you a favor I said and immediately I my immediate thought was what would I want I don't a favor what kind of thing what are you talking about yeah you're gonna co-sign or something for me a favor I don't know how to get a car what do I like at the time my immediate my immediate that was like what do I need from Jay-Z right like I don't you know what I'm saying yeah plus the arrogance kicked into my back a little bit like yeah yeah I know he got money you ain't the only [ __ ] with money yeah we all rich right that's what I'm thinking but I wasn't thinking in terms of like oh maybe he might do a feature on something or maybe he's Jay-Z maybe I can have him wear one of my Earnest Paul hoodies yeah yeah come on Paul to the to the this is my grandfather yeah maybe go to the game with Beyonce sit questioning the hoodie for me yeah I don't know you know yeah but I just kind of years and years later and the funny thing is I've never even brought this up to Harold not even because Harold said I blew like I don't want to pursue it because Harold owns the Lion's Share of the record he owns 50 only on 25. Jubal owns 25. sad part is nobody offered Jubal anything a favor or nothing he just like oh I ain't I said I guess you had to be signing a big job like this is this is my record too me who so years later I don't I don't even know why me and her was talking about it and I tell him the story he said wait a minute wait a minute he tells me the exact same type of story man I went Big John you know big giant every year I don't know if he still does he would go to Denver he's from Denver he was born in Philly but he was Raising demons so he would drive to Denver every year to take a drive out there so it wasn't nothing for him to say hey man come to dinner Denver with me like we'll go to Denver and talk to some kids or whatever so he was like [ __ ] I'm going to Denver come to dinner with me he's like all right let's go get the Denver he was like oh man JC having a concert here let's go to the concert oh man okay then he says man then they take me we in a hotel room hanging out with Jay-Z that night man I'm kicking outside this is crazy and the next day he was like well he said he'll owe you something if you you know favor I'm like we sitting there going wait a minute how did this oh man play like a fiddle boy now it may not it could have been like I could say it was sent Sinister and intentional or it could be just a coincidence who knows everybody involved is Brothers to me yeah so you know everybody involved we'd have made a lot of money together so I can't say you know Jay Brown you know excluding Jay-Z because I don't know him but like not like that you know what I mean but Jay-Z I mean uh Jay Brown and Big John oh that's family like I'm I'm in Big John's wedding he's in my wedding you know that's you know we boys but like it just seems all it was like a a weird Epiphany to have 20 years later I think we could call in the favor still to this day I'm not sure try it you you produce it hell writes it yeah I sing it oh we're coming out of return you're not Jew boo man let's get you too my father let's get jubu in here get John to be part of it John in here you know what I'm saying I sing The Legend and then and then we go after Jay-Z together what I hear about Jay-Z because I don't know him well I mean just you know if you see each other like hey man what's up you know that kind of thing but yeah he's really really stand-up dude like man of his word type of cat yeah but 20 years ago I mean I mean why not that was 2001. but okay but is it on y'all if y'all haven't caught in y'all it is yeah I got you let's call in the favor man I'll come out of retirement you keep saying it's our favorite I was saying Ian huh big John yeah you know what I'm saying I talk to him a lot yeah I'm at this point I'm like man because one time like if if anything call me okay let me hold that box yeah I don't know I'm sure you got a few box caps man at one point I was thinking about it and somebody told me uh like that name I can't say it's like nah man you can't do that you go it'll make you look bad if you try to you know asking for a favor and I was like that's because he don't owe you no favorite you say absolutely right right absolutely but yeah maybe one of these days I'd be like oh you know what maybe this it will be dope you know 25 uh we're gonna put out another record it's going to be the 25th year anniversary it'll be dope to have Hove on the record maybe we asked them to do spit 8 12 16 something like that and then and then and then we put tank on the on the ad-libs you know what I'm saying something like that you're not cool with that favor I gotta that's great um before we move on to this next segment I gotta ask you about I gotta ask you about uh The Walls Group oh yeah oh yes yes The Walls Group probably four kids I can't say kids they older now when I met them when I met the Walls Group they were teenagers and they were signed to Kirk Franklin uh and they did the album with him in the second album they invited me to come and produce that album and I did just on the love they didn't have a big budget or anything but I was like I love these kids so much I'm talking like okay so remember you got the Jackson Five that's a family group right but it's really Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 with the immense amount of talent oh he was the yeah he held the Lion's Share of the time for sure then there was Jermaine then Tito and Jackie's Jack if you know jacket was saying Jackie had a solo record he sung falsetto the whole record so uh you had yeah you could still dunk a basketball at 60 years old it was very weird yeah Jackie Jackie yeah you ever seen Jack Jackie's ripped ripped really yeah oh man yeah break your neck man he ain't playing yeah he ain't playing no yeah he big bro for real oh yeah yeah yeah that's big bro uh but this group is like having four Michaels in one group is everybody in this guy they called they could do whatever they want by themselves but and that's like having a super you know it's like having Jordan magic cream uh Lebron yeah all on one team um I'm surprised you said Jordan before you said magic I'm gonna let you finish yeah that was a Freudian slip because I would never do that I know you really well because it's magic first man I've known you for a long time don't edit that out this man said Jordan first but go ahead finish no no that's just what happens you just said the truth but go ahead I mean I got on Jordans right now too I am a Jordan fan you don't have all the magic Converse I do have something I'm sure you have some in the I don't wear them they in the thing so this group um they could they just do it all man um this album we just they're signing my label now um the first album I did on them they were signed to uh Kirk Franklin through RCA and now they're with my block so you stolen from Kirk I'm not in stealing but I did tell Kirk when we when I did the last album they were signing him I told him I said when you're done I'm signing them I don't care when it is I don't care if they're 50. I'm signing this book he was like you you know you you really these kids like that you you love them yes I love these kids yeah I said man the the reason why I love them is the same reason I love Mary Mary because I have no creative limits with working with them whatever I whatever I can imagine or fathom my mind creatively Mary Mary can do I don't care what I come up with yeah they got me they covered same thing with these kids no matter I mean rap spit like that this kind of classical doesn't matter you got it's gas on that album how much how much you hear the whole thing I've heard I think three or four songs man did he play the first song with Teddy Riley yes yeah what's the one what's the one with like almost like is that the motel like the New Jack Swing yeah that's the first the first song in the album that's that's the one I wanted to be the first single ooh well we we the singer was out already when we did that song let me tell you something that record right there yeah it's crazy it's it's look like crazy as a single right that record right there is so out of control what blew me away was human nature oh yeah the way the way you produce that and the way he's saying that was so crazy like it was so crazy it was so crazy I said I said you have to let me you have to let me have that record and so that's when I get a call uh because we need to lift the vocals up a little bit a little higher maybe a DB and a half I was like really so I did it now I get here they said oh tank top yeah I was like I need to hear and when he sent it to me I'm listening to it and I'm like you know I only got one ear but it's a good ear right so I'm like you got to come up because I can hear what he's doing and some of those some of those nuanced movements that he's doing with the music yeah but if you don't if you're not listening forward you'll think it's an instrument but let me tell you how good your ear is when we did it my engineer called me was like yo this is the right move this sounds so much better he said no this is this like it he said I don't know why but it's it's just it's just perfect now you got that he got the super senses now and maybe Stevie can teach you sign language so what happens I know one side I want to give you right now but I'm not gonna do you're supposed to be brothers I had to let Chris Brown hear it oh wow I said I know you can appreciate this he said who the hell is that yeah I showed him his page and I said these new these new killers are out of control and I play some stuff from his face he said he's a monster man I can't wait for that I can't wait for that to drop uh all of them are amazing they're just like you know Paco is like and he's just that's just really good it's really I've never seen nothing like this now we do shows like as you know my thing is about family you know I watched in in the Motown era I watched and studied that and I wanted to model that and so with my label we do a lot of things together like say like Easter this year is we're doing my block does Easter at the Kennedy Center it's gonna be the Walls Group I got a girl named Lena bird miles out of out of Oakland she's crazy go check that out and Mary Mary yeah gonna do uh the the Kennedy Center man that's Easter it's gonna be crazy we do things as a group we did uh we did Central Park in the summertime summer stage and just put shows together where they do stuff together man yeah it's unbelievable it's like it's not even fair yeah it's not fair at all but that's the way I like Daryl was my little brother in this movie we just shot oh yeah he was telling me about it yeah so it is I'm the pre I'm the pastor oh wow and he's my little brother who's also you know but he's he's a professional gospel singer oh that I mean and we end up singing together doing songs together trying to save the church like it it was a Vibe and it was crazy because the guy who was supposed to play me he was actually the voice the singing voice for that actor and then I end up last minute like three days before we start shooting getting a call to do the roll okay I had to record while I was filming oh wow so you wouldn't you wouldn't get no sleep yeah yeah in that space yeah yeah okay give me the right there lifetime oh yeah TV One yeah I'm high up I got you you know what I'm saying I ain't been in nothing so on those plots to me that is yeah on those platforms you ain't gonna find a better actor you understand what I'm saying this is I'm picking up what you're putting down yeah I'm lifting it back up so because don't get put on a t-shirt and I said yeah make sure it's 100 cotton ah hey I almost broke my TV when I was make sure that's what I'm talking about we got you here man I'm gonna take up too much of your time going on you got labels you got clothes yeah you guys give us give us a bar about on this Paul as well bro Ernest Paul I'm glad you asked this is my clothing line uh this is just a promotional Pizza we don't I mean the line is not hoodie this like these pants are Ernest Paul pants most of us we wore your own clothes here yeah yeah yeah like Ernest Paul is my grandfather right and so uh back in the 19 I'm just gonna say 30s that's when radio was just as big as TV my grandfather was set up to be or getting ready to be the Jackie Robinson of radio right the first black on-air personality at NBC radio wow he goes shows up he gets the job he has an amazing speaking voice um reads the news sports and the weather does an amazing job he leaves two white men walk up to him and they mentioned his mother's name your mother's Daisy Campbell right yeah if you show up here tomorrow we're going over here we're going to kill her over in the Bronx blah blah blah blah they gave that the address and everything don't show up they they were like we because they ain't having no black men on radio they didn't want they didn't want to see it and my grandfather said that's during the time when the white man told you something like that you believed her so he said I quit and I never and he drove buses for 30 years right in New York and in L.A so because of that he instilled in me and my father it's my dad's dad don't you ever let nobody I don't care who it is tell you what you can't do I mean drilled it into US drilled it drilled it and so this is just like a and the Lamb on here people that's the Lamb of guys and all my my grandfather's amazing cook every first Sunday he cooked lamb chops that was the thing you know yeah uh and so I I did this just to remember him and then it turned into a whole line so this kind of his name's Earnest Paul Campbell this is like a fly thing yeah but it's just you know just a reminder like man I could do whatever you want if it enters into my mind if I can think it if it's a thought it can be done don't even matter what it is I don't care how outlandish the thought is how lofty the idea is if it enters into my cerebral cortex and I can visualize it that means I can literally I can do that I could do that and so that's what Ernest Paul represents that's amazing so when so when is it when is it when is it releasing when is it releasing this year so you'll see a bunch of hoodies this year okay so everybody is you know familiar with what the brand is and then next year you start seeing the jackets and the pants and the you know the sweaters and stuff like that yeah yeah congratulations bro thank you man what you got she what you got chief uh he trying to add sauce cause Warren Campbell here you don't usually be you don't usually be doing all that I think think about his hands on them they got your hands with you today was here man good E flat I know you have perfect pitch thanks I have relatives it's just out of control top five how you like that now top five five your top five [Applause] you want Billy Joel on us he gonna go there you're gonna go there you're tougher your time oh five that's Saucy that's Saucy right there oh [Music] [Laughter] I said five because five is the fifth degree in that key to B flat no if I B flat five yeah that's the fifth [Music] yeah I have no idea hey I have no idea is E flat and kind of got a magic Skillet one two three four five you said top five I said five that's why I hit that no because it's the fifth degree it's nerd crap man sorry y'all speaking aliens yeah [Laughter] you took me back to a time where I was in uh I was at Morgan State and we'll give you a top five it was a Morgan State and I got a full scholarship from Dr Carter like Dr Carter Morgan State that's in Baltimore yeah Baltimore did you know Michigan oh yeah yeah big big classical school yeah absolutely so we did right and so I have it was like Dr Carter talk like James Brown what you wouldn't mind here I was like mine in piano I guess yeah so he put me in class with Dr Conway so Dr Conway was like play something for me I'm in there [Music] oh [Music] and I'm and I think I'm jazzing him out right up killing him I'm like yeah you ain't got none of this he gets on he looks he's oh nice nice oh nice nice he said he says that he says so you went from a eight nine nine tenth to a 48th and fifty degrees and then if you would have added an eighth right over top of your nine then well I would have really killed him then you go down I hate this place I hated this place I was gone in two months two months gone so anyway your top five dead or alive r b singers male or female Dead or Alive no order uh well I'm gonna have to talk about Anita Baker hmm you better talk about it yeah yeah I have to talk about Anita um and I was talking about top five Sam Cooke top five dead or alive damn not just because I did the record on it but I'm gonna have to talk to Luther you got to talk come on obviously seen something on him yesterday that may become an inclusive it was cold he was without doing all that because he was different he didn't do all the runs so he just had the tone that was the presence you gotta go Stevie mm-hmm yeah um and I want to go to another female and just say Aretha but there's more but because you can't read this you can't you know because there's there's levels under that for sure Anita and Luther Vandross yeah it's nice good Lord yeah you can't they should have them seem to get put together that 200 greatest singers listed look at me yeah don't get caught for stuff like that they should none of us do yeah there are no phone calls no this somebody said I think those are researchers right those aren't people from the cloth they're looking at streams and stuff they're they're looking at something those are bean counters yeah they are not they are not part they don't know nothing about this hair no and I'm sure it was somebody on that on that uh on that board watch the r b Monday podcast you need your ass kicked all right top five R B songs mm-hmm is one of them is going to be in in it and I'm not talking about hits on the radio great song great song your top five one of them is going to be summer soft by Stevie Wonder on the song the kid life album somersoft um that I'm gonna have to say um I think it's called try something new Smokey Robinson look it up try something new if that don't do I'll try something new you never heard that one no I Can Build You Up a tower I have your own castle Yeah I don't do I'll try something oh yes A co-worker I know exactly what record uh because I was gonna say either I want a tears of Clan but I'm gonna try something new um amazing you know I you can't I don't know if I can call this r b started out as um a Leon Russell song then Donnie Hathaway did it and I think I want to say George has been somebody that did too called a song for you oh yeah you're not calling that r b well because in the originally neon Russell's you know pop the rock guy um oh yeah I've been knowing my history about all the I'm a geek with this music I see um then I can go a little current that's one of my favorites of all time is um [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah those guys Jodeci and then I'm gonna say because this is just this is something I will listen to I'll never get tired of hearing is D'Angelo's version of cruising thank you [Music] the production has not been duplicated no no no yeah no one has touched that um you rock with smoky one of the best songwriters to ever do yeah yeah you got a smoky thing can I can I add a new section for him I was gonna ask him did he like uh you know what I ain't I ain't he won't come on no no he's bringing something back he said when he's Gangnam Style smoking yeah oh you're I'm gonna get you this is a new segment just for you this is a Warren Campbell so I need y'all to say it when the next person comes so so anytime we ask about this segments it just it just it just slapped me in the face the new Warren Campbell segment your top five r b producers oh [Music] now he has information a lot of it I'm gonna go to download this is not the first ones out number one I don't know this is gonna be Quincy Jones of course you okay of course you are the man any time a producer who does not not produce how we do when we physically are he produces from his Rolodex and his pen pimp his pen pimp is pain you play this yeah you play that Rolodex I'm gonna call this person and you get the same result every time even the same sound sonically hmm he's just done too much right under him it's gonna be Arif mardine Arif my ding Mardin from Turkish from Turkey he's passed on he started out as an arranger big man arranger worked at an Atlantic for years under Jerry Wexler and Ahmed erdogan went on to produce songs like I feel for you what cause I look Chaka Khan Autumn what you gonna do for me that that album I love you that's Arif Martine yes come on come on come on with the information oh turkey you know was probably right now he'd be in his he'd probably be in his 90s right now I read was the man so you got to reach my dick wow after that it's gonna be uh um oh God I'm gonna say Bernard Edwards but it's it's uh the other one oh Lord Jesus now Rogers and chic thank you uh because the bass players Bernard I got the bass player in my head but now Rogers unmatched the consistency for decades yeah yeah then let's move up into our era okay it's going to have to be Teddy Riley still now now we just talked about him doing that record with me so let me get into that just a little bit with the Walls Group first I'm going to go on the album they wanted the 90s you know these kids are really in the 90s music right here yeah so on their last album I did like a 90s record for them they love theirselves to do another one so I did this I worked up this New Jack Swing drink that I did and they loved it they wrote a song to it I said let me send it to Teddy and see I'm thinking he's gonna say I'll play some talk box on it he loved it so much he called me back and said how far can I go I said shoot Teddy go as far as you want to go he sent it back with like all the teddy Roddy stuff on it and gave me a remix that sounded like keep it in the closet on top of it you ain't heard that one yet dude I'm sorry oh my God it's crazy so Teddy Riley here is that he's that dude I'm trying to see because now you're about to be on your fifth you sag the fifth but now you got to be on your fifth and to me there are two production teams and I'm trying to see which one is gonna get picked because I'm about to get I'm about to hit you with it I got it I'm you know I'm sitting up man we're sitting up man give me some cheeses no no we don't say their name they ain't paid us okay but we're going oh yeah it's gonna be jamming Lewis [Music] it's going to be jamming Lewis um I can't argue channels yeah but la and face might have an argument because I'ma tell you why I didn't go la in face because I'm I'm a musician right face is a musician you know La was a drummer but really that whole movement was more about face and here's what he was bringing to that thing you know I'm saying in the writing yeah in the writing jamming Lewis are equal parts like jam can play the crap out that keyboard Terry can play the crap out that base I'm talking about like nasty but then Terry is one writing and producing the vocals too then jams mixing it's just like the delay the the the the the division of labor yeah there is vision of late the division of late yeah it's like I respect that like you know it's not heavy on one side it's like they both without each other that doesn't work you see where baby face went on without LA and still did everything see what I'm saying wow that's why I said that and that's why I don't take that away from me baby shout out to my wife shout out to my wife she's nominated again this year yeah yeah wife yeah we both were nominated I won't be there I'll be uh she's going to the grams I'm not gonna go I got I got to preach Sunday yeah it's the first time this is happening well I'm not going to the Grammys because I'm gonna be a church preaching the first time it's ever happened last time not last time when I made it we were not made it for one of the Mary Mary joints I went to and got my grammy and went to church to be ordained because I was getting ordained that afternoon I was like but I got to go to the Grammys first right because we might win we won tonight and I win but this time I was like yeah I got too much going on at the church I'm uh can we can you give them that give the people the address uh this the the church is called California Worship Center everybody calls it Catholic Worship which is Cali all right 214 McClay Avenue in the city of San Fernando come check us out not that tall come check us out anytime anytime they missed a good uh oh man we had a crazy one last week fifth Sunday is called Super Sunday everybody was there it was so last there's a fifth Sunday too yeah and every so every so often there's five Sundays in the month it's something with you and these fives man you know listen no no no we have the whole we having a whole five pente we having a whole nother just plenty conversation right now you know the pentatonic skill I don't hit all the black notes how many black notes is it five so this place called the Pentatonix only five nothing from 52nd Street right my Knuckles is black for that reason I had to fight everybody in that neighborhood never got squared up never never once never once because I was scared of you Pop came home with blood on my Knuckles like I did not get beat up okay well big beef hippie with that yardstick what I forgot what let me get somebody who Big Thief amen we are gonna twist this caption up so crazy got hit with the big beef pause in Jesus name [Laughter] you gotta get our subscribers up boy I got it and it got dark get out of here man get out of here you stop man all right see I got now I gotta clear things up Big B was a kid I went to school but not to be confused with my big homie beefy look from Long Beach I know you might not that beefy big beef I gotta do that yeah do you do this little housekeeping keep that in [Laughter] um Jay I mean you know um no no no no no you skip one of your uh segments oh that's right come on man this is Warren Campbell this is one case I made up a whole segment and then forgot my fault don't you let me do it I want to do this podcast again but this time I want a keyboard too so we can play together oh that'd be exciting you want to just have to keep up let me bring the keyboard over no no no no no okay all right here's here's what I want from you Warren Campbell we're going to make an r b Voltron okay I want to know who you're getting a voice from the performance style from The Styling from and then the passion so we're going to start with the vocal who's vocal are you stealing to make your Voltron artist and it has to be an r b artist a man that's up to you brother you [ __ ] I mean you're gonna make them sing r b then because they're gonna sing r b because you are who you are and you can you know yeah do it do it who got the vocals what the fuckles you need whose voice is it um okay I'm gonna go with the Vampire Marvin Winans they call him the vampire because he's never met a vamp he didn't like I'm talking about on the spot you go to a vamp he got ad-libs for days it's like he's writing another song on the spot like you you ever hear somebody freestyle nice that that you can spit he's that dude it's a whole nother song I'm doing Marvin Winans As The Voice Jonathan Hall used to kick my ass and we was on tour with genuine ad-libbing and I'm like how do you know how to ad-lib like that I can add it but what are you doing he said Marvin Winans Marvin Winans you've never listen you ain't never seen nothing like this in your life used to whoop me come to come with a whole other song on top of the song and you'd be like this is crazy yeah so I'm gonna go I'm gonna go Marvin Wine who who you getting the styling from with the the trip of the artists the the aura what does that look like they earned his paw yeah yeah that that that's probably going to be because now the artist is a man no it's up to you I'm not gonna put this up marijuana's voice okay all right I can't put Marvin Winans voice in the dress no that's what I'm saying okay we're crafting like a yeah uh [Applause] he's like we are not good I can't understand like please thank you I got to cut a lot of this because it's going to cut around the edges we're gonna have to cut the corners cut the corners because we are children oh drip wise if you know what who I've always been a fan of how they dressed on stage is uh Marvin Gaye hmm I feel like Marvin Gaye will put glitter on anything headband hoodies he had like glitter vests he wears boots with a pinstripe jacket they were all kind of crazy stuff like that I think but I think he was a king of signature like stuff like like when he had when he wore a beanie it became like that's I think yeah that's the Marvin Gaye yeah yeah the his ability to make things you know so Marvin gave it the truth yeah Marvin Marvin Marvin Gaye Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin and Marvin okay and then what was the other category you're getting the performance style from oh yeah listen man I'm always I've always been a fan of dramatic performers and but with this voice I was gonna say James Brown but now but that kind of voices kind of style you got to go Al Green [Music] yeah baby yeah he would Al Green would go in the bag and go he would go in yeah and leave y'all for a moment and be singing to himself by himself [Music] and you just mess with my eyes like oh he's singing to himself yeah have you watched the documentary which one uh is it the Gospel According to Al Green when he's in this little yeah like like a hall in a sense and it looked like Raphael sedek's playing yes I asked Ray he said no that ain't me I said somebody looked just like you and his name was Ray wow yeah I said you haven't seen that documentary from the 80s is that am I saying the name right the Gospel According to Al Green because he's having those moments where he's singing to him he's in front of people but he's singing for him to him and everybody in this band got a Jerry curl all the drummers yeah so yeah Al Green would be the performance style the performance performance style what about the passion the heart of the artists I'm gonna have to go with the undying work ethic and Bulldog tenacity of Prince hmm especially when it came to like on stage where his his Competitive Edge oh yeah yeah I know I know a video talking about that that Prince and Michael Jackson the James Brown video yeah yeah when he thought the light pole was really a light bulb he went up there to to like to get his off yeah he didn't but he doesn't he crashed and burned but like yeah he fell out the tree but like he literally but he but the way he we need another we need another edit right there too uh Jacob there's there's an amazing video of Prince on stage with Michael Jackson and James Brown it's the greatest yeah yeah I'm gonna say prince he was just yeah he's just passionate about how he made music you know you can hear it listen to the stuff he was doing he was completely creative though he's just outside of anybody's box yeah did that dude man had something I I went to his house one time to do uh not to do nothing to go to like a little party or something it was after an image Awards it said the principles like the invite you guys to come to his house this is the house that he was written from Carlos Boozer I'll get up there and it's like 20 people in there that's it he got his full band he's in some silk pajamas playing all night then he left for a minute came back and changed into another color of silk pajamas I kept playing all night long I was like man this dude is something else he didn't even say hi to nobody he was playing within you know food and crap you know that was just his audience yeah how's it Chile he was there playing if he wasn't talking to nobody was playing it's like wow is he gonna stop playing I was like say hello Nah if I can do that you could because he did it on top of his pool he covered the pool with a with a clear thing yeah yeah and then we was out there dancing I was dancing with Angela Bassett microphone I don't know what the correlation is you know what I was don't you do it so soft don't you do it come on Jay what you got for listening going from from Prince house to the microfiber it's dancing would you know who you know got another little church segment uh-oh [Music] you know it can either be funny you pass the one right now you're just my partner one I'm always the same guy every time okay the story is funny or [ __ ] up yeah okay okay sorry Pastor oh are both yeah yeah in your travels in this music business in this church and these Church in these two what you call them cheat sheets in these cheats you know what I mean yeah what you've gone through in this thing what I was saying no names do I cannot we need that story we need one so I can't say the name no no no no no no you can't see who you was with you can't say who was there okay you can explain things okay you know what I'm saying you know because people have stand out you know qualities yeah yeah yeah yeah you know but you can't say no names you can't put no face with the case no fake I like that no face with the cake I'm Gonna Make You 52nd Street so this is Warren Campbell's baby duh my block I ain't saying no names I'm not saying no names but it was 1995. time step okay I like the time New York yeah it was cold the place was uh Rockefeller Center Plaza the Saturday Night Live stage so I'm there with a certain rapper and we are doing the Friday night camera blocking that's what they do the rehearsal camera blocking the Entourage is thick I'm talking I'm talking about thick rap you know what rap entourages are like yeah you got about 30 dudes that don't do nothing they just there in case I'm jumping and another 30 dudes is there for a whole nother reason you see I'm saying walking down the hall was an older gentleman because there's work going on there's they're building sets and things of that nature he's moving a scaffold rolling down the hallways in their hallway there's a young lady there who's part of the Entourage and he's rolling down the hallway and he bumps into this little lady she is incensed that he would bump into her while he's doing his job though he's doing his job she ain't doing nothing I already know she you do you know I'm call so-and-so tell him no no no no no and then and they the other guys grab this older gentleman throw him in a closet in the hallway lock him in there and one guy stands in front of that closet don't let him out the entire time the whole time so we leave and go to eat after that it's I don't know it might be 11 o'clock at night somebody says Hey where's so-and-so he's still standing in front of the door not letting that guy out other thing ain't no way they go over there because that's before nobody has cell phones at the time they called getting that dude is in there passed out he's urinated on himself he's defecated on himself he's scared to death because he thinks the people that threw him in that closet yeah they're gonna they're gonna do something to him because they're known for doing something I ain't saying no names but that happened a Saturday Night Live at Saturday Night Live did that ever that artist ever get to perform there again no I think only because that artist passed away that year hmm later that year yeah so or the next year but anyway yeah but I didn't say no names you know you know exactly what I'm talking about that's crazy The Adventures of Warren Campbell I've had many of Adventure many of Adventure but listen it wouldn't be the game it is without the adventures that's for sure come on man yeah that's like the stories that that really kind of fuel the music sometimes what just happened before what has happened after man that that's that's what you know that's what put the batteries in our back keep us going yeah well listen my brother um I mean what can we say man well let me say this okay say what you want baby I want to give y'all I'm not into the flowers but I give y'all kudos give y'all what we call just want to give y'all some good language y'all are doing an amazing job with this podcast and bringing r b to the Forefront and letting people tell their stories who may not otherwise have much of a platform to tell their stories y'all are really doing something and I don't know if you know it or not but you are literally in the middle of making history literally history is being made every time you fire these cameras up and sit on these premium blue couches every time this premium microfibers and I just want to give y'all I just want to give you all that listen man give y'all some good language man that that's like I've been watching you know just well I watch all the all the episodes man this is amazing to see y'all just keep doing it man don't don't stop that's that's my that's my my encouragement don't stop man just keep it going good language oh yeah according to that I say bad language I apologize that's something I I learned from C.S Lewis he was I owe this fella some good language I want to say something nice about this guy wow thank you brother yeah no man y'all doing it thank you bro absolutely well man listen man I'm tank I'm Jay Valentine and this is the r b money podcast yeah the authority yes sir on all things r b yeah and in the building man we've we've just had you know we've just experienced greatness you know what I mean and and I'm not as as a singer-songwriter producer performer uh I'm I'm not afraid by no means to honor the man uh the pastor huh Warren baby dub right here in the building I appreciate it man why yes R B Money
Channel: R&B Money Podcast
Views: 240,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tank, jvalentine, r&b, money, podcast, music, entertainment, 90s, 2000s, hits, playlist, slowjams, r&bmoney, rnbmoney, r&b money podcast, r&b money, r & b money podcast, r and b money, tank podcast, j valentine, rnb money, tank, r&b podcast, tank r&b money, r and b podcast, rb money, r&b money tank, tank and j valentine, r & b money, j valentine podcast, tank j valentine, j valentine tank, warryn campbell, rnb money warryn campbell, warryn campbell rnb money
Id: jA19Epq3KMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 46sec (8326 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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