Omarion • R&B MONEY Podcast • Episode 030

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[Music] money [Music] take Valentine we are the authorities on all things r b ladies and gentlemen what's going on I am tank I'm Jay Valentine and this yeah this this RV money podcast maybe Authority on all things all of it let's go r b yeah yeah oh man yeah this is rare organic organic r b yeah huh alkaline alkaline r b oh you got you getting your fruits and veggies in yeah yeah are you getting your boots your watermelons yeah very few people go from child star child Superstar a grown man grown Superstar and this man has done it in all sectors uh TV film and music ladies and gentlemen our brother our friend our loved one Mr Mario thank you for having me thank you for having me man all is well all is well and in alignment so yeah yeah using words [Music] I want to do I want to do a little promoting off the top okay let's promote off the top yeah book yes unbothered yes the power of choosing Joy the power of choosing Joy yeah out right now yes indeed just give me give me a couple bars on that man how did you just what what made you take this road and upon completion how do you feel with all of this have all this good stuff happening around this book yeah so you know um my experience you know with love uh in certain instances have been very public you know um so my life truly inspired this book you know um there is real power and you know not allowing outside forces to you know [ __ ] your mindset and your perspective um hence the you know drop title choosing joy and um you know the fans dubbed me unbothered Mr unbothered you know they gave me that name they gave me that title but it truly uh you know gave a name to a posture that I feel like I've been holding my whole life you know I mean so um it's Journal prompts in there it's meditation it's um affirmation um I'm really speaking from my personal experience and going through this business and sharing the importance of uh you know being the master of your destiny you know um choosing you know what's best for you and um because I went through the things that I went through you know which was pretty intense seeing the value of being able to step back and not allow you know people to control my behavior is a powerful thing you know um I feel like the culture really needs you know um some focus on emotional intelligence you know we all speak about mental health but it really truly starts with one step you know and that's you deciding you know um to be where you are valued to be where you are appreciated um to you know um uh be unbothered yeah there goes a few bars yeah I think that my brother window got arrested so used to tell me don't let nobody put you in motion don't let nothing or nobody all right put you in motion thanks and in the beginning it started with you know all these promoters are saying we gotta or the people at the radio saying we gotta um I said no no we'll move when it's time to move yeah we don't have to react yeah we'll we'll let them do what they're gonna do and then we'll figure out what we're gonna do and that's what we'll do yeah not based on anything that's going on around us but when when you adopted into your into your spirit into your everyday movements it's like the choices you make um dictate how you live your life you know what I mean so the choice the the underlining choosing Joy yeah is a real choice that you have to make you have to want to make that's facts Jay always calls me the glass half full because that's how I choose to see everything yeah right there is a reason for this yeah and within this there's growth there's going to be learning because we understand something in here for me yeah even if it's only one little thing yeah I want to grab onto that and make that the reason why I'm experiencing whatever this is so man I applaud you thank you man I applaud you thank you you've seen a congratulations yeah congratulations yeah thank you um congratulations congratulations on the hair your hair yeah the hair is nice thank you man we appreciate that you just you just did you do it for the pot no no no actually um yesterday um I was on a black lady sketch comedy show I know what you want yeah I just did that okay man aren't they amazing y'all see it y'all don't don't you yeah yeah did you go crazy no of course you know when you get to be yourself people don't get yourself you we get an opportunity in that space and I think I think those ladies for that where we get to just have fun let's just straight up shout out to Robin yeah and Skye or Robin is a mess yeah yeah we should get to let our hair down Gabrielle but get our let our hair down and have I mean you let your hair down um but all right so listen we've known you when but you know we always treat it as if there's somebody watching for the first time straight up um and they want to know where did Omarion come from where when was the first time somebody said that boy good when was the first time you said in your mind oh [ __ ] all right I got something yeah take us back to Inglewood take us back come on back to the woods yeah yeah well well you know what you know uh Inglewood was a special place and you know when you're from California you know back then gangs didn't look like uh what they look like now you know what I'm saying like gang gang it didn't look like that it looked like Brotherhood it looked like being accepted in the neighborhood you know uh you know Elders or or OG's looking after you you know I mean um so I was just an inner city kid you know I mean that loved to you know uh discover things you know I'm saying um I went to the Boys and Girls Club you know um I would say it started for me at um this um this fine arts school called lafa that's where I went to and uh when I went to lafa for the summer program every day we did something different you know we did like seven or eight different dance styles uh singing was a part of it as well but that's when I booked my first uh quote-unquote gig as a performer you know I mean um I came in the game Community program no actually through uh audition that was happening at the dance studio I was at okay yeah and um that's actually where I met railroad for the first time too you know I mean on this audition railroad Cliff um and Ed Moore you know what I'm saying so before you know I uh came even into my Artistry you know I was uh very much just you know an inner city you know kid that just you know had the biggest smile and you know would try anything you know what I'm saying um that's when I um I was 13 I booked my first commercial you know I mean um my pops commercial which uh was shot at Dorsey which is the high school my mom went to you know I mean uh were you from L.A you know it's it's a lot of places but it's real small too you know what I'm saying yeah so um my mom actually uh was a hair stylist and she worked at a lot of the prominent um you know she worked at Millennium she used to work at this other shop on Hollywood and Vine called afros of Hollywood um so yeah man I I was just an inner city kid and you know I mean I just you know after my uh pops commercial you know I got into B2K you know what I'm saying and you get into BTK okay so so uh at the time um one of the uh managers was uh married to my play aunt okay so my plate on invited me to a New Year's party and uh of course you know everybody was there you know this house on Colfax actually um right here in the valley and uh everybody would be there it's actually before B2K uh even became who we were you know I mean we performed for Destiny Child Destiny Child is to come through black used to come through 702 you know what I'm saying all of the girls yeah before you finish them yeah for the white people uh-huh can you explain to them what a play aunt is okay let me break it down let me break it down so my play on um was actually okay well I have to take it back because my nana which would be my grandmother uh was cool with her mother and you know they used to run this uh hair salon back in the day uh right off of uh Crenshaw so um that's how uh my play on you know and my mom they were around the same age so they essentially grew up together so you know my mom had me at 16 so she was like a child having a child so they grew up together I grew up with them so that's how that's my play on she's not literally blood but you know she grew up with my mom so yeah that's the playoffs we like to give the information it's important I mean I could start so far back you know with this but really you know um the Highlight is is that you know I was just one of those type of kids that was excited about life you know I had no fear virtually I could go anywhere I wanted to go and you know I wanted to entertain I wanted to be seen I wanted to from um from jump that you that you just can remember that you were just that kid that like was dancing for people with you flipping anything yeah he was doing it when you that kid that I literally did oh come downstairs and do the flips I was that kid and also um yeah I was that kid oh do that dance shut up Omari you know I'm saying I was just I had so much energy so you know it was just bound to happen and also too because my mom was a hairstylist she used to uh do God's properties hair she just threw a lot of people in yeah in the industry here so I would be around that you know I'm saying um so yeah I was always like an Entertainer I grew up in an entertainment business you know what I'm saying people shout out to your mom shout out for for really giving you a pla your first platform that's facts and believing in it because a lot of times people's parents they don't and this is something that that happens that people don't speak about a lot a lot of entertainers were annoying kids like let's just be real wait a minute that's hilarious that's hilarious but it's true so when you're making too much yeah that's facts I gotta go to work I've been singing all these damn songs ain't making no money but but shout out to the parents though yeah for real that that let the kids be creative yeah yeah yeah and make noise yeah yeah and for the Neighbors tolerated right you tolerated you know what I mean because that it's a lot of people's dreams that get shut down that's true because sometimes the parents are the the surroundings may not even understand it right they're not conducive they're not I don't even know exactly like a lot of us are first so you just think this is just this badass kid that won't shut up yeah right yeah when in actuality this is a kid again back to this first generation thing it's like my parents looking at me sitting in my room all day and make beats and sing and write songs you know what I mean like it's kind of weird and not eat yeah he's weird he's weird you know I'm eating do you know what time it is what time is it it's 8 P.M you haven't eaten all day on my wake up close I'm in my draws right right but I was so consumed with something yeah I didn't know what it was I don't know what to do with it I just knew that I had to make a beat and I had to write a song and I had to sing is that that's all I knew yeah I was making noise I had real apps I had real amps you know what I'm saying like yeah somebody my mother coming in kicking the door hey hey my [ __ ] but they got you those amps they bought them for me so it was like yeah it was like listen they didn't know how to support it but they also knew not to get in the way of getting away right right you working on something I don't know what it's going yeah he's working on stuff just let him do what he gonna yeah now let these kids be creative man yeah you get into B2K yeah what is that what is that conversation like how does that conversation go easy moms was like yo do you want to be in the group or what because you know we was at the um New Year's uh party and you know the other three boys they started dancing I'm like oh they lit like you know they doing their choreography you know what I mean and they're like go ahead oh you know I'm saying I sing and then I dance and then I hit my back flip and they like backflip I got to hit the back flip now how old are you at this time well you know what I taught myself how to backflip so I want to say um I was well in in my double hand backhand spring Vibe um but I was like maybe 14 when I met them yeah 14. Tony tried to backflip once no no it didn't go away [Music] are damaged individuals our bodies are messed up yeah and one time I did 20 handsprings in a row at Sherman park on the grass oh my Lord come on you still paying for it today I had about at about 30 seconds fix your feet I flipped off of a garage once over rotated and landed on my neck oh yeah I was the Daredevil too so I slipped off of anything yeah that was about to run up anything come on like that was that was life though straight up you know what I'm saying they got you in a group it just broke his damn neck but he could actually touching my growth man that was real quick look at this [ __ ] all off the back flip wait a minute that's crazy six six crazy so yeah now you're in the group yep now get in the group yeah that's so that's literally your audition yes yep the party they're like oh we got it we got young fella we need him yep come on you you gonna be in the group oh you want to be in the group and I'm like thinking to myself like dang this would be dope you know I actually was working on um you know some solo stuff I was rapping I actually did this song called I want to be like puff and I actually got my name yeah I want to be like what are you doing again I was rapping yeah I started I started rapping and a bunch of us did you have a rap name yeah I actually got my name from I used to be in this rap crew with with all adults and called The Wild Kingdom and um there was this uh dude named Ruckus that was in the group and he named me on Marion he was like your name Omarion and I'm like oh give me what's the science you know what I'm saying in the eons king forever you know what I'm saying Omarion king forever you know what I mean so I was like so really it's just going back to your roots at this point is what you're telling us yeah yeah this is where I started you know what I'm saying wait a minute what what my name wasn't cool [Laughter] it was just MC hurricane it didn't happen it didn't have no kings and queens [Music] just a hurricane so that's where your name comes from yep and then my mom you know um the um the guy that she was with at that time you know um he used to like manage producers and stuff like that so uh early on you know I mean that machines Planet fat all of that I was exposed to all of all that you remember the planet come on yeah come on every rack you could think of come on yeah come on so you know it's all around you as 14. what year is this though because I'm trying to figure out I feel like I met you all right I met you in 90 what do you what did you do on the group did you join the group um it was like it was like 90 98.99 somewhere around there I met you 98.99 were you working with Dave Scott then yeah yeah we played basketball together oh we're at a park oh wow I don't remember this we played basketball at a park close to Moorpark I think yeah something like that because he was telling me that that you you were in a group it was I think it was another another somebody else from the group like yeah they dope I'm working with them I'll be super dope and I was like oh okay cool I'm you know because I was just trying to do my artist thing but I was Fresh Off the tour singing backgrounds with genuine and yeah he was dancing with genuine yeah me and him got really close oh that's crazy uh yeah we play basketball wow that's crazy yeah at a park before I think it was like a holiday or something I was out here for like a Thanksgiving Yeah by myself yeah still wow that's crazy so now you're the new lead singer yes in a group and do they have a deal yet uh no we don't have a deal you know this process uh up leading up to us getting a deal was you know the schooling in which you know that has been that gift that has constantly you know give to me you know I mean like the drive like working with Dave because I you know I had took some dance classes obviously you know I mean but I never really worked with an individual you know like Dave you know what I'm saying and he really helped me develop as um you know in that in that space you know what I'm saying so uh it took like two two and a half three years of us just really being together and like you know every day you know besides us being in school it was like all right for the weekend we going over here all right y'all practice all right as soon as y'all get up anybody came through the door it was like B2K perform you know what I'm saying so yeah we really um put a lot of work yeah we put we we were developed right we were developed you know what I'm saying so that's missing though it is absolutely it is because you guys you guys you guys were ready yeah yeah you know the first time I saw you I was like real food these little [ __ ] yo yo we did that a gazillion times you know like and I attribute you know even my staying power and being able to continue to transform my art and having that that essence you know I mean that that that that eat you know that beginning time for me where it was like okay no it ain't about getting it perfect it's about doing it over again now do it again now do it again now do it again you know what I'm saying and um I feel like you know um all artists you know have a knack for you know a type of perfection you know what I'm saying um so yeah that's what we was doing man we was perfect I mean we went to go see pretty much all the labels you know what I'm saying we we've seen La read I speak about this in my book too you know um that experience of you know being denied or being told no and then you know that last meeting was with uh you know uh Dave McPherson and Polly Anthony over at Epic and it was like yo they had that conversation with us like yo if y'all don't get signed then you know like we pretty much can't help y'all you know what I mean so we was 14 15 you know years old dealing with all right you know if y'all if y'all gonna make it or not you know what I'm saying are y'all gonna do the best performance I ever had or not y'all want this deal or not and obviously we got the deal and then that was it so every other label turns you down yeah yeah every other label you know LA Reid flew us out you know that's the first time I ever been to the fourth season I put on the robe I'm like four seasons yeah that's where you used to take his meetings yeah yeah flew inside we like oh we're signed we're signed yeah oh yeah L.A read you know um what was what was the label called at that time the face yeah they was on fire you know what I'm saying we was like yeah we hung and it was like no sir no sir La rep passed on y'all so at 14 15. how does that feel um how does that feel when you feel like you went in front of someone and gave your all gave your best you didn't do like you said you didn't practice this a gazillion times and you like this my moment and then you get the phone call or after you perform you see the reaction and you like oh I don't think this is it right like what is that feeling like for you for for a 14 15 year old kid well you know it kind of for me at that time you know I'm saying it kind of just went in one ear and went out the other you know what I'm saying just because you know um I don't think that you know we focus so much on like you know failure you know what I'm saying like you know we we're kind of built in the you know space like all right let's you know dissect this performance now what could y'all have done better you know I'm saying like what you know I mean so every performance was kind of like that it wasn't like it was the end of the world you know for us it's more so teachable moment yeah it was just like okay yeah well well they wanna you know you know what I'm saying not really realizing or recognizing that you know the business was going to be hinged on the people that were representing us not understanding that as a kid you know what I'm saying but you don't understand politics yeah you know I mean but knowing like yo hey I'm coming here to get my all so okay well he didn't take us that's fine well we got one more meeting right all right cool well we about to kill them yeah yeah you know we was jumping on tables that's really how we got signed you know I mean like when we were performing we was like at you you know what I'm saying we jumping on this doing it you know what I'm saying so that's what uh essentially I feel like got our deal but to answer your question I I think it just felt like all right well whatever you know I mean let's keep it going like that's a that's a great mindset that's a great mindset to not let these things knock you down yeah you know because you just at the end of the day it's cliche but it's the truth you just need one the right yes yeah everyone just just one that one yeah and y'all got that yeah yep and from that point when you guys get signed to Epic how long until the debut album well we uh we immediately uh started getting into recording oh so they fast tracked it yeah you know what I'm saying they CTC we went got our Diamond chains yeah talk about it yeah yeah yeah yeah we got the locksmith you know what I'm saying we went to Jacob that was the first check y'all did you know you were blowing it no did you think this was just oh it's just part of the game of Steve yeah now you know what are you counting your money yet nah nah nah we kids man we just like oh we want that okay here you go oh y'all want this oh okay well I'm gonna get this and then you know he like oh well I'm gonna get this one right here you know what I'm saying so you know just having access to that we wasn't thinking about like hold up I need this to stretch okay I need this I need to you know yeah yeah no stress yeah yeah because you think you're coming out tomorrow you think you think your album's coming out put my name on it exactly just in case they don't know who I am so yeah do you go to Fox Hills immediately after you get your chain no actually you hit them all we were in we were in New York you know I mean Jacob was my first my first Jeweler you know what I'm saying okay so you know we was I like it yeah we was introduced properly yeah I mean like all right y'all boys go over here now we're gonna get y'all in this outfit we gonna we're gonna put y'all up here right here and then y'all gonna do this and it was like oh heavy lit and it's funny uh just to give you this little nugget we we I think we were staying at the Hudson downtown uh New York and uh we get on the elevator and who's on the elevator we hot we most successful group we get on the elevator you know he like oh hey what's up guys he was like Hey congratulations man y'all doing great and it was like oh boom and that was a full circle moment for us so yeah yeah that was that was happening back then and continues to happen you know what I'm saying all right so let's let's I want to get the I want to get to a song okay I want to get to I want to get the guys to be okay you're just gonna jump over bump bump though yes I mean I don't mind go we can go back to bump bump okay all right because that was my joy that's my favorite too gossipee come on as like you know as a church kid as a you know Steve come on as a you know as a singer and a Vibe artist yeah gots to be was a grown man he was growing my business period yeah I knew y'all was serious when I heard that record yeah because I obviously I hadn't met you yet yeah I knew y'all was serious at that point it's that yeah yeah for sure for sure going for the heads going for the number one spot it was such a record yeah for kids to have but yeah it felt like pandemonium but it was like oh yes it's about to turn all the way up for these [ __ ] it was like listen yeah Disney boys these grown women ain't gonna be able to contain themselves with the vibrations that are connected to this gospel B record right come on this is a problem yeah was it a problem yeah yeah yeah of course listen listen I want to manage you and that's what huh hey huh come on manage you you hear me yeah yeah that's facts that's facts and we was talking that talk and we was walking that walk too yeah yeah yeah yeah I was a young I was a young player out here at that time and y'all was definitely working yeah the little balance that's what they doing okay I like them I like them yeah how was it like okay we got bump bump right going crazy right um You Got gossiping going crazy how is it going back to Inglewood how is it man it's it's so much love it's so much love love you know I mean um but all y'all wasn't from Inglewood though no everybody everybody from different parts of L.A yeah um yep different parts of LA um not but everybody well not La you know um songs from Compton someone's from West LA and then yeah I guess you could say la but yeah going back to Inglewood man you know I mean because you know I was definitely tied to the soil I'm like my best friend you know still in Inglewood you know what I mean so I would be there all the time until until I realized wait a minute I'm sitting out here on the porch I need to go back in the house you know what I'm saying because um you know there was a time you know I mean uh when when a lady just got real violent you know as far as the game culture goes you know what I'm saying so I was going back but I wasn't you know like processing this like yo you know you got some shows in a couple of weeks right and you know anybody could come over here and start shooting right now right it's but you know what though when you grow up yeah in that element it takes a minute it's hard to process that you're what you're what you're really growing up in like yeah these are the same streets out and ran up and come on out all day tag come on flipped off of that's I know I know and they were at an age where Friends start going different ways yeah yeah like that's that that teenage 14 13 14 15 yeah is when your homeboy when y'all was 10 and 11 y'all was just homies now he from a different side of the street yeah are from another block a block away yeah and hear them some different and now and then L.A y'all have a whole nother culture with yeah the colors yeah I'm saying of like yeah and people don't want like most people don't realize like you went to school with nip yeah yeah Junior High School Joe partner growing up yeah you know what I'm saying so I'm sure he's probably seeing you early on like yeah damn that's my homie yeah he's jumping off the porch though that's facts that's facts that's facts you know what I mean so so just like you're saying like that experience for you being at home well you seeing you 15 16 whatever at that point yeah you're like damn the homies is really out here active straight up straight up and from different sides now that's facts that's facts you can't even pick a side you like yeah I might just have to get out of here yeah I mean it definitely was fun though you know I mean pulling up you know I'm saying all my whips in the hood they like whoa what is this you have to do that what is this yeah yeah that was the first whip what's the first what's the first one my first whip I bought myself CL 500. three TVs y'all remember how we used to do it you know did you go to Globe times no I was I was at 310. he was a three teams had full sounds you know suede Headliners got to have swag with the crown in the headline you know what I mean suede on the seat you know they swayed on the floor oh yeah eighteen eighteen eighteen yeah 18 was out of control yep for Real playing Jay-Z excuse me what's your name yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Honda Chris meals in three one yeah all the whips Chris Mills was the coldest to ever that's facts I've never seen nobody flip cars like him ever that's facts Annie was in a different one every day every that's the first guy I saw first guy I ever saw take off his shoes his Snickers put him in the in the lambo trunk which was in the front and then put on his house shoes yeah yeah come on yeah like a real gangster yeah yeah to drive his car I'm not just stood and watched him I was like that's different gotta try that yeah that's that [ __ ] right there yeah CL 500 man and but the car's always been a part of my journey you know what I'm saying I didn't have so many whips I'm with you you know I'm saying cars always whips you know what I'm saying I don't even gotta have nowhere to live make sure that whip is nice all I care about I don't care somebody gonna let me spend the night with you I don't know where I'm going the hell no I'm trying to spend the night to pull that ghost up to that townhouse like yeah yeah am I cold am I close hilarious yeah so what wow yeah so now with the six with all of the success [Music] what is the inspiration or or what in fact makes you decide I'm going solo is is solo before you answer it is solo a thing that's like in the beginning right is solo a thing like let's get these solo projects off and then let's get back to business or was solo a thing where I might run this course right so um it was like it was two phases from my personal perspective and experience you know and one was that we all were doing separate um covers for the pandemonium album and you know we all kind of felt away you know different about that you know I'm saying oh I'm gonna have my cover oh you're gonna have your cover oh okay we all gonna have covers this lit you know what I'm saying oh I'm about to go solo you know what I'm saying um that was kind of the conversation you know I mean but it was uh it was all it was all supported you know up until the time that the uh group separated and that was uh for me it was not initially my plan to be a solo artist you know what I'm saying because I was already a solo artist you know I'm saying I already was developing myself in music you know I mean so once I got in the group it was a conscious decision that it was something that it was you know I'm a part of this is this is it you know what I'm saying you're locked in um yeah you know but right up until you know it was like a lot of the business was super convoluted you know um people had to pick size you know the boys was basically you know like on the other side you know I mean and it was like you kind of with us and I'm like oh I am and I'm like oh okay well I roll with y'all so I guess I gotta go back with y'all you know I mean literally in the car you know I'm saying um and then it kind of just unfolded from there you know I mean we went through a lot of um I guess uh unnecessary you know tumultuous things because it was people in the middle you know really kind of um architecting you know our our differences you know I'm saying that we're putting them against us you know what I'm saying so you know your differences yeah yeah if you have kids at this time yeah and I mean like yo as soon as as soon as as soon as it was like you know we had the situation that separated us that was pretty much like yo oh what's going with us y'all do whatever y'all want to do you know which in hindsight I didn't know what create animosity towards me you know from them you know what I'm saying and then I'm like in the studio and then I'm hearing these [ __ ] is on you know what I mean the radio station and they dissing me so now I'm like [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I'm gonna get on my [ __ ] you know I mean um and that's why you know not to go super fast forward but that's why the Millennium tour was so special you know what I'm saying um because in hindsight it was a lot of people in the middle of of conversations that you know we should have had you know I'm saying we should have you know dealt with you know I mean but we were kids you know what I'm saying so we didn't know how to articulate like yo what's up you know what I'm saying I didn't have on this y'all didn't really have a voice yet no we didn't and and you know I I would say that like my experience with the group it was almost like it was really a lot of outside voices controlling what was going on in the inside but you know in the inside it was up to us you know to have that Bond you know I mean so we didn't know how to be responsible you know with each other you know what I mean it's like you got a bro you know what I mean but in hindsight it's like yo bro lives in a separate household so his values and and the way that he deals with things is completely different from your growing up and your experiences and if you don't get an opportunity to reconcile that you know that's what essentially created the you know um the you know the head butting and you know the disrespect and you know all of that you know I'm saying um so yeah I think like you know it's difficult to backtrack in those type of situations when so much when so much has happened yeah to lead up to yeah um the bad energy yeah straight up it was because it's like as you say with the with the Architects you know what I'm saying that we're trying to that have their own agenda exactly and needed to do whatever they needed to do to make sure that things happen their way yeah you know what I mean it it it it it created so much distance to where without those conversations without that communication and without that understanding yeah that that distance was filled up with so much so much hate negativity yeah back and forth yeah and things that nobody knew if they really meant but I gotta say something back right or I gotta feel something back yeah you know what I'm saying what what they say yeah what'd he say yeah or what exactly exactly and and not one not at one time that were you able to exactly because here's what happens when you watch The Godfather and and and The Godfather is is talking to Michael and he says whoever comes to you and tells you about the meeting he's the traitor so nine times out of ten whoever the person is coming to you saying hey man they was saying hey yeah yeah yeah yeah right right yeah well yeah is more than likely helping to orchestrate or continue to orchestrate the division yeah between you between you and or between them and like yeah yeah I mean them [ __ ] are saying man I don't want to rock with you like that like that's right I got you though yeah without facts yeah and you know that's been a large part of my experience even in maturing in business you know I'm saying like you know just other agendas you know what I'm saying and things being convoluted and not communicated properly and and you know no real space to have those important conversations you know what I'm saying in any hindsight you know like being a man now and having a child and seeing my you know my son and then realizing you know when kids are young how it's really like you know your responsibility to make sure that you have that environment for them to feel safe yeah and for to be protected and to learn you know what I'm saying and um yeah man that's largely been my you know experience and that's why I've always you know continued to just take responsibility for myself and you know my Endeavors and what I say and what I do you know that is important to me because not always have I had the opportunity to set the record straight you know what I'm saying and also too you know just just looking at my journey you know I mean I'm like one I'm I'm the only artist other than Beyonce you know um that is like Michael Jackson that comes from a group a shared space a shared experience on stage you know that's different from being a solo artist or deciding that I'm a solo act this is all about me you know I mean so um you know I feel like my experience is unique in that way you know I mean like where I come from you know the group and now I even share the stage with my dancers and it's a different experience for me as a solo artist and um I love you but I'm not gonna let you forget Bobby Brown okay you're gonna have to mention you got to mention Bobby but but Bobby but Bobby still was in a closer era than than Mike you know what I'm saying like his Arrow was still closer you know I mean he directly influenced you know Bobby you know what I'm saying yeah like yeah you know I'm we we come in Generations you know at least two or three down Generations you know what I'm saying yeah yeah for sure you gotta mention box because you know you got to mention but obviously on the street like I had to break up a fight between Bobby yeah so I don't want that to happen no no we we definitely we definitely but I mean even his experience was a little bit different you know what do you mean he was in a group and then yeah that's true that's true that's true it Well yeah if I don't know the full story I don't know yeah you know he played we felt like we could do something with this kid he was a special kid right we gave him an opportunity to go solo yeah so so because of that experience you know I mean like my me me stepping into uh us being a solo artist was completely different from you know Bobby am I am I um and my personal uh you know experience you know I'm saying like B2K you know not up until you know the the docu in this last 15 year you know uh reunion that things feel like okay it's not undone you know what I'm saying okay you know we can perform this is this is about us this is not about you know any outside business people it's up to us you know what I'm saying and that was something that you know um I feel like you know was unique to me you know I mean because uh you know I I guess you know Justin you know uh is one two yeah Justin is one two now that I'm thinking about it Justin is one two um but yeah you know stepping in the solo start you know into that it wasn't planned you know it wasn't something that no I really I remember I remember yeah like obviously we were yeah the first people you came first and I remember just us building our bond and me seeing you be hurt yeah like you were hurt by that yeah straight up if I can say that you know what I'm saying of course of course like a lot of people think that it's just like oh you know he got a new deal yeah and now he's just he forgot about it he up and yeah and no but it's like it's a Brotherhood connected to that ax there are you know there are family bonds they're you know I mean there's just it's more than just music and I remember just meeting you right I think [ __ ] it felt like right it was right there yeah it was it was right there you know what I mean and us having those conversations and you just really being like bro like I'm here but all right miss my dogs though you know what I'm saying like these are my guys and straight up now I gotta do this album yeah and literally it was like you just got thrown into it fast quick facts facts quick and from us from the from the creative side from the writing and producing side uh with with us and The Underdogs it was more so like okay how do we help this young fellow man straight no move into this new space yeah moving to this go from a boy to a man and the craziest thing bro your identity that you probably don't know what [ __ ] didn't have no records for you oh okay no I did know that y'all made them right there yeah but it wasn't like it wasn't even no real prep for you right no because I think now looking back on it since all that was happening so fast you got thrown into the sessions that we were already doing there were already projects that we were working on that the building the the the the the machine of The Underdogs was working on and then it was just like damn near yeah almost on some favor [ __ ] yeah like oh [ __ ] y'all know the young fella right from the group like it was that and the craziest thing bro you know 20 years later we can have a full conversation is yeah [ __ ] wasn't trying to do records for you oh word that's crazy you're looking at the two [ __ ] who were who end up doing them that's facts on uh on uh was it All-Star on an All-Star weekend we talked about it before you know I mean on some on some prior podcasts we didn't we didn't go in depth because we knew you were coming right so we would have the real conversation with you here now yeah oh that's amazing and you know what that makes sense that makes sense because I was there when the underdogs broke up I remember okay yeah I remember [ __ ] was about to fight yeah I was sitting right there yeah intense here's what I remember and you know I got a little [Music] bit come on Mr Rogers this is come on my name come on because because Omarion was coming yeah yeah yeah and you don't understand what working for you working on your project did for me at that time um that was yours oh was my first sign of freedom of being free being back able to create not being bogged down with with the pressures in the you know I was going through a thing I could not make songs I could not make a beat nothing was Landing um and one day I had to be honest with myself I said this isn't working for me um that's what came from that same day foreign [Music] come on this this is this that song represents come on so much that was free yeah these guys met me at the studio we was like on the weekend it was just us dark empty Tony Dixon Eric Dawkins tank and the Valentine that's facts it was like listening listen this is this is sick we just then it was then it was uh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it was going down that yeah I was back in my bag come on come on I was not in my bag before then I was hurting before then and those those sessions working with you working with Jay working with Tony yeah and working with Eric that one weekend yeah put me on a wave and the correct the crazy thing is bro and I don't think we've ever told you this ultimately that was our first sessions together yeah oh wow those are our first records writing together yeah oh where because you know I think you know the original underdogs were Damon Harvey and me no I don't think I knew that he just has three we started together I made up the name swag first record is Tyrese I like them girls first ever Underdog record and I left I left the first time they didn't want to make me a partner which now I understand as I got older what I meant to them at that stage all I really brought was Sweat Equity you know what I mean I'm a kid I'm like 18 19 years old when we make up The Underdogs and um when I came back Damon had called me and just wanted me to come by the studio by this point I went done in sync I got cracking I'm doing my [ __ ] and this nigga's there and this is all literally in the same week or two years come on so you show up yeah so those were the first records that tank and I worked on together wow that's crazy yo it seemed like it wasn't that long ago though because I remember being in the studio you know even with just you and I it was some sessions where it just was me and you yeah you know what I'm saying recording records you know what I'm saying yeah and I remember coming to see you in the back room you know what I mean like yo hold up let me go see this [ __ ] tank done you know what I'm saying because it was just like we clicked yeah we clicked you know I mean we we laughed about it man I don't know if you remember [ __ ] you remember like we shall dice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah me and you and little Roddy yeah and I kept telling you not to shoot right now I told you yeah oh yeah that's right real fast I always like that's what I do now that's what I said okay let me get that but I know you're doing something it is no no this is a wild [ __ ] and we all young [ __ ] at the time bro I think you're like 18. yeah 19 years old so I'm making me maybe 21 20 whatever and you had just came from doing the B2K shows by yourself oh oh and you floss me oh I didn't floss me oh I did because it was it was like yeah he was like yeah you know because we're talking about shooting dice and I was like you guys I said [ __ ] what you got on you [ __ ] that's you you like I don't really got no cash on me but you know I got this and the check was for a honey bun it was 100 000. I said oh [ __ ] your money good listen it was this funny ass picture because [ __ ] we had been shooting dice all night and got late you just left oh is it and you left a couple of your rings oh [ __ ] I put them [ __ ] around like a uh like a aux cord like a like an aux cord and wrote on his side I want my fifteen thousand and two dance moves oh my goodness oh you'll never see the Rings again [ __ ] I need to see that picture bro I probably I gotta find it here's a part that that was really awesome to me um in in within your Artistry railroad to me at that time was like God dancer all right he was like come on Coldplay I just thought he was the best thing since since cheese and like you know what I'm saying she's a patty melt I was like say that you're you're different and I tried to do his choreography I don't know if you I don't know if everybody told you I don't know choreographed oh he choreographed that video the freaky video yeah yeah don't look that up ah they've already looked at it don't look it up but I did I did well I did what the song didn't work but I did well right something about me dancing the songs I don't really anyway yo so he's not you okay no I'm not I'm not him um and yeah and I used to always watch row row do choreography and I would always watch the dancers do the choreography and I'd be like it just didn't it didn't catch it didn't match it didn't and then I saw you doing railroads choreography and I said he's roro yeah railroads definitely I don't know how you roll is one of my bands morphed into that yeah but I haven't seen you were the first you were the you were the you you did it the most you you absorbed the style the most for sure and then it was Jacob Latimore yeah yeah who really yeah shout out to Jacob shout out to Jacob that's Jacob yeah he's tough yeah but you were the first person I ever seen be able to absorb that style like like Nuance for nuance yeah it wasn't just the moves no for sure like you got a sauce yeah you gotta yeah you got a sauce with it because because I used to listen we used to I'm from record plant to The Underdogs I used to watch you give Mr Chris Brown a lot of business yeah Chris is so competitive like he'd be like [ __ ] hey would he do that yeah and then he's gonna work on it yeah you know what I'm saying and did he come back with more for you yeah [ __ ] yo that's crazy that was a time that was a time that was a time I was watching two Titans that's crazy especially at record playing y'all was in the hallway for about an hour at record plan that's true that's true that's true and that was iron and sharpening iron like in those moments Gabe put Chris on a mission and you know that yo that put Chris on emissions like I'm going to get him yeah I'm gonna get him it wasn't about nobody else and I'm at we'll ask him personally yeah anybody else make you mad you made him mad and I saved him the dancer he is today nah shout out to uh CB I just saw uh some interview that he did and he was you know definitely complimenting me about my dance and my journey so salute the CB for that yeah no y'all brother y'all were killing me that's crazy we was in the record playing in the hallway right here a door right I'm standing right there for two hours yeah yeah no he was going and then you would just do something just ill and you'll be like this that's how you knew the young [ __ ] was cracking though it's like that's how you would know a record plan they would have the scooter with they put in their lives name plates he'll walk in there you see the Breezy scooter you see the old Marriott okay okay yeah hey record playing [ __ ] you yeah let me get to court though let me get the no I ain't get no goddamn school okay I ain't spend enough money in record plan here's here's here's another good here's a good another priest that I want you to address right because um we always talk about the highs but we also um we also addressed address lows or what appear to be lows right and so you take off go crazy oh trying to all the I mean tour like absolutely crazy right yeah what is the moment in between all of that and getting to supposed to be it was a lot it was a lot hold on [ __ ] you forgot touch you just got ice box I didn't forget you being disrespected don't do this dog it was just right let's do this dog okay the transition started um after uh Donny einer and Lisa Ellis uh left Columbia that's when the transition happened because you know um I pretty much growed up in the you know grew up in the business where certain things were taken care of you know I mean and I didn't understand the importance of having those key components and you know record business you know or a company that you know was an extension and or a representative of me and that actually really gave a [ __ ] about what I was doing you know what I'm saying the infrastructure yeah just understanding how that worked you know I mean knowing that you need champions in the building knowing that you need you know I mean like and also the game was changing you know I'm saying from the Napster age you know I'm saying it was like we started downloading music in the eye the little first iPod came out you know what I mean yeah and that was the 21 album you know Danny Aynor gave me my biggest you know uh check you know what I'm saying the biggest check I ever received in in advance you know what I'm saying and you know it was it was a couple of amps you know saying a couple of hours yeah a couple of couple else yeah no even now Eminem's work right now yeah right now so after I had the 21 experience which you know Entourage and icebox you know shout out to Xena yeah my wife yeah yeah she was in authorized walking around she's like watch me walk she's always trying to show off your little cakes anyway but after that experience and all of that success you know I'm saying it was like transition time you know I'm saying which would you know uh be considered a low you know I mean which you know I I just want to say for the record you know I'm saying the ups and downs make for a great story you cannot you know a great story is not like this you know what I'm saying like you need you need those ups and downs and you know that really uh helped me kind of just step into my business more because that was when I went over to uh capital and you know that was when I you know first experienced doing you know a cop I mean a code deal you know which was like I had a partnership at that point yeah no we know yeah yeah you know what I'm saying so we know Can-Am Can-Am studio uh shout out to the Can-Am Studio yeah yeah right and I hear I get it in on the radio and I'm like oh [ __ ] right this [ __ ] didn't look the record [Laughter] oh yeah oh yeah oh I know why though okay okay yeah you know I mean I wouldn't even you know uh Savvy in that way you know of releasing records and knowing how to you know build and you know what I'm saying before you go into that yeah not to cut you off yeah most people don't know initially you're going to be the first artist on Young Money all right right there's that I get it in has a verse a very ah nasty version Oh Exquisite oh nasty we're talking about Jodeci oh by Lil Wayne come on there was a whole plan that was in but now you're learning the business exactly and I gotta stand up for myself you know what I'm saying so after I signed the Young Money you know and I tell the story I've told the story many times you know what I'm saying but after I got signed to Young Money and the business wasn't businessing I was like hold up hold up I gotta make moves I'm out you know what I'm saying um and then that's when you know me and Wayne and Mac main you know I mean uh decided to part ways you know I'm saying um but yeah that that was my learning curve yeah that was my learning curve because you're doing business now yeah and you know if if the businesses is not business in you know I mean if you can't take see you know I already come from a a business family style perspective you know I mean and now at this point in time when I'm you know over at Capital I'm getting my feet wet you know what I mean so what do I mean by the business wasn't business and it was like people wasn't keeping their word and not just did not have time for that you know I mean if you say it's one thing and then it's another I don't have time for that you know I mean so that was that uh moment because you know that that uh what was that song called that Lloyd ended up getting on um yeah that went on to be a you know huge record crazy record you know I did get the Drake record I mean I did get to you know uh do the uh Bridge interlude yeah but what was that on uh uh so far gone so far gone but I did get to so it was still some good work that way yeah we're not gonna brush over that right yeah yeah yeah it is special yeah and shout out to Bria miles that's the homies yeah yeah great people yeah [ __ ] made a record about you yeah people that record bro yeah I feel like that record was an introduction to where r b was going straight up straight up yeah [ __ ] singing off the beat on the beat like it was just come on it was a it was a Vibe yeah like yes Sade is the ultimate Vibe we've always had Sade that is what it is but this was like the r b hip hop I'm singing but I'm talking to you right right right and I'm emotional right that's facts you know what I'm saying like it it but it it had a it was the merge yeah that became the Bryson tillers that became the weekend that became scissor like you know what I'm saying that it was literally like listen I'm on a Vibe that's facts I get it I get it with you you [ __ ] right y'all trying to fix vocals and [ __ ] right we vibing right right believe that and I remember like talking to women about that record mm-hmm and being like you know because we come from a very purist r b stance and we've had to retune at times and here and there at first I'm like I was just like it ain't all the way on and this ain't this and I'm like but this [ __ ] killing right though yeah it's wrong but it's right yeah and I gotta shout out 40 because how that how that record even came about was because of him you know I mean we was at the uh Beverly Wilshire and um they was just finishing up that uh I'm Gonna Keep pouring so far yeah come on come on you know what I'm saying he was like hey you want to um come hop on this record like you know successful and I'm like okay cool I lay down the melody and then Drake came back and then we finished the song he was like I got this melody he's like this the best one go off of this you know what I'm saying so so shout out to 40 because his ear you know you know he's special yeah he's special super special and you made a decision that it's tough to make because a lot of times when the business isn't businessing because of who it's not businessing with right you kind of just try to stick around and stick it out and yeah you know this is I mean this is right right Sky I mean you know because from our side of it too though right because we ultimately went in with you on faith yeah that's true that's your belief in our in our little brother and that's fact yeah I mean like there was no upfront anything I want to pull up yep we put in work with you that's facts and I think initially I don't know if you and I had a conversation about this but I think initially I was upset about it no it was some friction I remember it was some friction yeah I was I was upset about yeah you know what I mean if anybody that knows me like I don't I wear my heart on my sleeve yeah and I'm saying like yeah and but then I had to I also understand the business that you were moving into yeah as your own business man and with us being businessmen it made me have more understanding yeah and be like you know what these these this is his career this is songs for us yeah this is this young man's career right I can't be mad at him yeah for how it's playing out doing what's best for him and doing what's best for him and I think a lot of times we spoke about this before we got you know before we start recording are filming about communication yeah yeah and you didn't run from that communication never even at a young age yeah because still you're at this point you're what 25 yeah before but you didn't run from that you were like bro like this is yeah my this is the situation bro yeah cause I'm like [ __ ] they leaking the records and right they playing this [ __ ] first and right [ __ ] we ain't got all this together you know we going through that whole phase yeah and you giving me your side of it made me have a better understanding and be like you know what bro I get it yeah yeah you know y'all y'all have been so essential you know not only just to you know the music that I've I've made but in this business also you know I'm saying like you know y'all standing on y'all on two feet you know the time I've spent with you separately the time I spend with you y'all y'all are men y'all a real men you know what I'm saying and y'all know that don't really exist in this business like that you know what I'm saying it's a small percentage of people that are going to stand by what they say and y'all have always been that way you know I mean and that's why I've always appreciated y'all and and shown that mutual respect because you know y'all stand on business you know what I'm saying like you ain't never you know I mean there's been times where you know we I'll be in the studio with you I'm like who is this you know what I'm saying who this you know what I mean and it's like oh oh go ahead bro you know what I mean like a little brother you know what I'm saying just real love you know what I'm saying this you and this man I brought both of y'all to San Francisco yep my 30th birthday party come on the city look the city embrace your [ __ ] like yeah and you had your tank top on and at the end of the night you was ready to fight oh well what what [ __ ] on right now hold up I was like oh this is the real J Valentine this is the real J Valentine at the party wait a minute his daddy here the whole family here let me see got a big family okay different oh my goodness oh wait a minute ripping yeah he was tripping at night whole city like hold up hold up it's just you know you know I was doing gangster Dancing Yeah man you just jumped me in right now we had a tank doing our Hood right now where my gun at yeah all right tank doing a good love let me in right you show a big love no but you show love bro I always I've always appreciated you for that my family to this day they love you to death yeah they love you to death they're like man this [ __ ] oh pull it up yeah performed and that was the thing in in this industry we lose the human side right and I think it's something that him and I have tried to continue to stand on more than even standing on business than on being solid human yeah for sure solid humans yeah just to start with yeah that's that and for you to come out there perform show love you know what I'm saying and then like I said in turn we we had you know we had the the dust up about what was going on with the music but it was so much human activity yeah of of real Brotherhood and [ __ ] really really [ __ ] with you yeah yeah to say you know what that's my guy yeah straight up that's my guy at the end of the day okay this little business [ __ ] happened yeah that's my guy yeah so we rocking facts facts we're rocking and that's how we took it yeah yeah that's how we took we just like hey yo it didn't happen as it was as it was planned planned and strategized what right [ __ ] we own and we we rocking yeah so that [ __ ] happens and you know I think at the end of the day it's about communication yeah it's about communication and having those conversations and not um not just disappearing on [ __ ] getting ghosts okay you know I mean a lot of [ __ ] get ghosts yeah a lot of [ __ ] get ghost man instead of just standing in front of it and say hey man you know what that's my bad bro yeah I think also you know it's important to be utilized and you know and not just used you know what I'm saying and that's always been my energy in any workspace you know what I'm saying like you know working with y'all has has definitely you know shaped my writing you know I mean and shaped you know uh what Omarion music sounds like because you know in the beginning you know it was y'all you know what I'm saying so definitely want to salute y'all and tell y'all that you know I mean if I never expressed that to y'all you know what I'm saying like much respect you know I mean because you know y'all have not only been a part of my career you know I mean but y'all helped shape me too you know what I'm saying as a creative you know yeah you were a sponge as a kid yeah straight up everything like like you would when we were in that studio bro like you would be so fixed on people the way you were studying yeah right and I'd be like yeah but you were like you weren't just listening for the notes like you were studying mannerisms you were like yeah come on let me see it what is it you were downloading all of them that's facts he's a different kind of mom yeah nah that sucks that's fast but you have to continue to evolve yeah that sucks and I think so many artists get in their own way of oh I'm just this this is me like no we're all pieces facts of of what's coming for us and what comes after yes yeah if you want to stay current you know what I mean Drake is a great exact example of that he respects the art if you don't Hey lil yachty you dope I need you from the gutter all right Michael Jackson yeah that's facts he'll he told you the guys that he was watching yeah he paid homage to him yeah I mean like that this is what we're supposed to do in his business we got to stop getting in our own way of I'm just this and I'm I'm that [ __ ] yeah we're gonna have a season come on come on come on and that season's going to end yeah so hopefully you know how to evolve exactly and transform into other things that people are still interested in yeah survive that winner exactly winners come winter is coming oh yeah it's always comes so always coming it's always coming it's always coming you know for real support so okay so you go through that phase you now you're getting into your business yeah May back oh May back over because I remember being at the house oh yeah and I'm like oh yeah what's he doing look at this they got a Brown Strip in his head what is he doing yeah now y'all had like a press conference and [ __ ] yeah you know that would that was you know I really attribute that experience to really just wanting to you know belong to something man you know I mean that's that's essentially where I came from you know I mean I came from a camp yeah you know what I'm saying and when I ran into Rose you know for the first time he was just like yo what's up I'm trying to do some business you know what I mean and it had been so long since I seen somebody you know interested you know in that way you know to allow me to just you know creatively do my thing and also to contribute to his business you know what I'm saying um so yeah made back uh what a time man but the time just just you know uh tapping into you know another me another version of me you know I'm saying those records those people that I was working with you know completely just a different era you know in a different time and I have fun too you know what I'm saying because uh you know as a young child Protege you know I felt restricted you know saying I felt restricted as far as you know like my movement and how I needed to move and you know I mean when I started flying out to uh Miami you know I mean vibing with uh Rose Miami's a good place yeah it was different it was just like it was different there could be the worst places hold on you know it was a it was a complete Vibe it could become intoxicated it was yes it was intoxicating yeah yeah it was we made a lot of a lot a lot of a lot of great records out of Miami I remember I remember us being in King of Diamonds um you know me and me and the Valentine just we play basketball we play we was playing basketball did did I win the money that night is that my I played the one-on-one you think you did one on one place I'm sure you still was just like yeah you got you got a couple of years um and we stayed in we stayed in King of Diamonds until King of Diamonds closed oh wow oh she was aggressive oh hey what do you need oh wow Hotel get a little rest and get to the studio and literally make I can't make you love me come on I'm still drunk singing those vocals that's crazy that's great but Miami is just yeah survived you know from making the fox you know Jamie's album that unpredictable stuff going to like oh just got moments man working on a Rico Love yeah yep yep yeah always a Vibe man um the clutch was formed out there oh where the clutch was formed out there that hit Factory yeah yep hit Factory yeah working with Tim out there exactly I mean I waited on Tim for four days oh four yeah um but Miami's a place you can wait four days too damn right yeah you ain't really tripping but for Timberland I would have I would have waited I didn't care yeah my favorite producer I'm waiting I go down to Prime and wait for photos um I wait I waited all right Tim said not ready today okay until he's ready that's the Della no oh yes sir yes sir yeah all my trips to Miami were so that's actually when I got first introduced to Nobu I was working with Pharrell and um okay more flowers more champagne yeah no no I was just a fun fact you know what I mean because he introduced me to Nobu you know what I mean oh to the actual guy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm like oh yeah but we was at his restaurant too you know I'm sure yeah what was the other little guy what's the other little guy he was there okay yeah yeah I've never met him for real yeah remember for real yeah which is you know a really nice guy yeah no records with this stuff he's gonna do a record with me yeah Pharrell told me he's like I got you we're gonna do something I'm looking into the camera hopefully he's looking back I don't think he can do the touchdown come on you gotta learn how to do the touchdown Robin Thick and dance he was dancing in the video though he was kind of dancing I can do that same problem I challenge you Robin Thicke the challenge you rather think to a dance off me and you the piano off and a dancehall anyway um let's move forward man yeah let's move forward yeah oh yeah let's move forward yeah so after after the Maybach Music um where do we go after that oh supposed to be yeah that's what that's what's supposed to be happening yeah yeah so that was uh you was yeah yeah man I paid for that video I remember yeah I was taking responsibility it was time no it was um that was a special time just because you know that was when I was on Atlantic and uh man it seemed that you know I had that I had the whole building I had the support you know what I'm saying I was sitting down with everybody and then it was like then I didn't and I was like oh okay I need to do something I need to do something to help me promote this song you know I mean and that's when I went on Love and Hip Hop you know and that was that was that was my that was another transition moment but initially I went on there because I knew number one that it was time for me to really grow up you know what I'm saying um you know a lot everybody didn't allow me to come out of the you know Omarion from B2K face even though I had been successful on your own exactly it was like I could I couldn't get away from that you know what I'm saying um but yeah you know that's that's initially why I went on uh Love and Hip Hop you know I mean I had my relationship you know I had my child you know I mean that essentially was my real I was a real Coming of Age exactly how was that experience for you though like letting your life play out on TV well see because you know I have experienced you know TV and I understand what it means to edit and make a storyline you know um I was I was prepared yeah I was prepared we got it we we glanced over when you could but you know come on hey man to my kids just a few maybe a few years ago my kids like they wasn't around at that time like yeah and they was interested in it yeah that's that's how you test things out too yeah right the kids tell you especially when it's not in their time frame right you know what I mean like me and my daughter's just watching Drumline the other night yeah she's literally like yeah yeah yeah you got service one of the movies that translates yeah for sure yeah come on yeah that was a whole Tony for little saint are you no no you know what I I actually I actually wrote A Dance film you know I mean um I personally believe you know um not only because I'm a part of the dance community and I'm in the dance Community it's so many great stories and the thing about dance what people don't even understand is is it's a full display of exuberance when you're happy you dance when you win money you dance so dancing is you know culturally uh necessary you know what I mean so what's the thing they used to have was the carnival yeah the carnival yeah I think they still might go there yeah Carnival years ago so I forgot who invited me I had no idea oh yeah about the whole community in the World of Dance yes this is [ __ ] amazing yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's still it's amazing there's still some dance films to be made yeah you know oh if anybody's gonna do it it's got to be come on now yeah come on now you got to do that move it's supposed to be out smashed yep yeah smash you're on Twitter after six months though after six months of working the record myself oh for sure you know what I mean your money yeah your money yeah remember the time all right for real time that's a different kind of lesson that's facts I needed that one because because people don't understand that you know especially when you get in like Partnerships and things like that because were you an artist deal at that point or were you in a partnership with that no no I was in a I was in uh pnd with Maybach Music yeah because um that album was sex playlist yes yes so that was the album that uh essentially came after the few other songs that we put out on some of the um I want to call them mixtapes you know the volumes don't leave should have had a video you said well don't leave should have had a video come on [Music] yeah come on now you delivered that come on oh you delivered for real for real okay I remember shout out to our brother Micah yeah yeah Micah yeah shout out to Micah shout out to Micah and Nicole yeah you know we went to high school together too well I know that yeah that's how we know each other but that's the like the LA Southern California thing bro like and we spoke about this earlier yeah like and I told you I was like there's a there's there's something about La Southern California L.A County representatives and people who really from here like right like taking our Outsiders we're not from here so there's always a home that we can go to away from the business right you and I just spoke about the other night can you kind of speak to that a little bit bro of yeah there's nowhere else for y'all to go this is home this is home this is home and it's and it's so connected and merge into this business right that's true that it's like you can't get away from it there's a [ __ ] who is a full gang member killer probably doing 100 years that was your neighbor yeah for sure that's like yo I went to school with Omarion yeah no he was Omari then no yeah and he pressed the [ __ ] over yeah yeah no actually actually my my boy my best friend we went to Elementary together um he um he just got a letter that he'll be able to come home a little bit early he'd been in there 12 years I think you might have met him we got relatives everywhere but even within this industry of like sometimes you know like we had cosign on yeah and Coastal side me and Co spoke about a situation where he went back to Chicago and I got him his ass about going back to Chicago so I'm like [ __ ] don't quit right I know that's where you from right you're not going there to to build something else at home you go in there because right now you didn't win in LA right you was forced to go home right speak on the the the pressures yeah yeah uh this being home yeah there's nowhere for y'all to go it's nowhere to retreat to of like I used to be maybe I used to be in it you can't get away from it yeah that's facts so that has to be a whole nother pressure it is it is but it is and it's not you know what I'm saying um you know uh you know we still take the back streets you know yeah yeah you know we still take the back streets you know uh for me because we come from because I come from such a place where entertainment or you know let's just say a lot of people from other places come and make their dreams come true you know um you still you know gotta navigate in a way that you can you know maintain your you know your size you know I mean and I do that I do that well yeah you know with not always being where everybody is you know what I'm saying but it is true in fact that all of us that are born and raised here is yeah I mean we could go to New York but you know I mean we appreciate it there too they love us there you know I mean like uh I got a huge fan base in New York you know I mean but it's not home you know what I'm saying like you know our culture is everybody's culture you know what I'm saying our food is everybody's food you know I mean so being from here you know and not having uh essentially a place to go home to I think I think I think the way that I look at it is more sauce I just I just appreciate where I am you know I'm saying I appreciate this place when it's time for me to do business I know where to go I know where to be I know where the time to go what not to do you know what I'm saying it's just kind of always been that way yeah I mean I mean but but I can go take a drive up to Big Bear you know I'm saying I can't go drive to Vegas you know I mean I still yeah I could go you know what I'm saying I still could you know I mean I'm in the Valley over there you know what I'm saying so you know it is places to duck off but for the most part you know I mean they speak about what you're saying like yeah man this is home this is what it is 24 7. yeah you know what I mean all day every day where are we going who house we going to oh okay are we lining up okay what's up we working we what you know I mean like it is always something to do here you know what I mean okay all right all right let's let's get to it let's get to the okay I'm gonna get to some Nate gray come on let's get down to it versus versus let's talk about it yeah standing backstage okay hey yo that backstage was out of control I don't and listen you you're so Zen yeah yeah you had this in room yeah and there was a moment when me and tank was like we gotta go see y'all you know they had us they had us in another room right there's Jamie Foxx this Puff Daddy in his Pleasure P absolutely and most people don't know that nope they do not when it comes to throwing house party yeah yeah there's Puff Daddy Jamie Foxx and pleasure [ __ ] people that [ __ ] know how to throw a party and he know how to throw a backstage come on and somehow I won't say somehow it's probably my fault because we on the up record together yeah yeah yeah yeah we're in the party room but there was a moment me and tank looked at each other he was like we gotta go see y'all let's go let's go already the balance yeah backstage everybody's focused on the show and then we should go right here yeah here's what I want to ask you okay I'm backstage the time I mean the show is three hours two hours behind like crazy huh I got the babies at the house huh by themselves you know we you go ahead and I'm like I'm like I gotta get out of here right and I gotta I'm standing there with Lonnie and Lonnie's like nah you just you know just hey hang out it's just going it's gonna be time soon right and and I'm standing there and I'm watching like all right I'm gonna just you know chill out you know everybody's going back and forth you know the words going back and forth and the energy is wow I'm not thinking about that right but then if there's something strange happens that I've never seen before on the stage I had never ever seen ever ever you were the first you and your brother I saw somebody walk out some watermelons how do you walk out water I don't I don't know this is the Watermelons appeared and I and I and then you said and this is how this is how it goes down and y'all started eating the Watermelons I was backstage is like I don't know what to do right now I'm here to support my brother but I don't know I don't know what to do right now oh it's so funny it's so funny it's so funny because you know what made you say I wanna because because you're a performer right you're a performer you're a strategic performer what made you say and then when we pull out these watermelons we gon kill them well you know the watermelon you know I'm saying uh well well first let me tell you where the idea you know struck you know what I'm saying you know there used to be a time back in the day you're performing you know this when it's that time when it's time to get sexy it's time to speak metaphorically to the womb yeah you know what I'm saying yeah you got to talk to the womb directly to it talk directly to it you know what I'm saying but see the world we live in nowadays you know they just not open you know what I'm saying they're not open they don't see how you know the watermelon has to really do with the pH balance you know what I'm saying so we it you know displaying the importance of fruit and also the importance of the sweetness of the nectar of a woman you know what I'm saying so you know come on was it seedless um no no we we deceased hers yeah we eat to see them from the earth yeah we gotta eat the seating ones bro yeah we don't want to eat them so you know uh you know me and me and my bro you know what I'm saying we we had to make that moment you know which essentially came to you know the old melon that's what they call it online oh melon the old melon yeah the old melon yeah and we about to we getting prepared this the first time y'all hearing it you know I'm about to get a watermelon company huh come on come on man I don't know if y'all have ever experienced uh the orange watermelon or the uh yellow watermelon have y'all experienced that before yeah right okay so when the season come back around I'ma come personally bring bring y'all something you said it yeah I want my melons no for real but it'll change your life man yellow yellow but the orange one the orange one whoa need it my Lord [Music] and I want you to know okay this is a prize my mouth is a prize if you if you ever if you ever get the opportunity to to affectionate and we on that level I made you up like a watermelon baby like a watermelon I made you yeah like a watermelon [Music] you know there's something so sweet about a watermelon will you be my watermelon Can I taste you [Music] [Laughter] yeah this [ __ ] just go Hannibal like yeah [Applause] [Music] Man versus what an experience you know whatever what a um you know uh all the guys on there shout out yeah you and Mario yeah setting the table for an amazing event wait an amazing event shout out to Pleasure P yeah Ray J who ran across the stage 85 times um Bobby V Sammy like yeah you guys yeah and you know there's always going to be you know noise of course always going to be of course the negative and the and they should have did this and wish they would have done that but you ain't on that stage yeah you're right you can't critique my entertainment you ain't on that stage I am entertained they didn't call you right they didn't call you right they called them yeah and we and we humbly accept what you gave us hey I appreciate it hey I appreciate that and and thank you for coming through you know what I'm saying because I came over here you feel me I'm like yo that's what we gonna do you know and although you know it wasn't like the perfect night for me you know what I'm saying it still was a great night and it still was like what an opportunity you know I'm saying to you know represent you know all the music that I come from absolutely you know what I'm saying and and be uh you know important to that to that music and we don't deal in Perfection we're dealing showing up of course we dealing showing up of course we love we we don't mind having a little dirt on It come on man hey come on guess what nobody's perfect we won't be you know what I'm saying we won't be so yeah but listen man let's listen let's talk r b o r b r b I'm ready to talk some r b okay because I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you you know um you gotta really love you gotta really experience a woman you got to really experience multiple women in order to really tap in to r b you know um [ __ ] is one thing you know what I'm saying having sex is one thing but you have to experience making love in order to properly articulate r b and I just want to say that for the record because you know the music you know the words the context you know as someone who makes music from experience for sure you feel me you both y'all you know you y'all understand the importance of speaking the truth you know I mean and I feel like r b is getting back into that place of where people want to feel again and it's important what's being said you know I mean um but let's talk about it let's talk about some foreign this is Omarion's top five top five do we need music for top five top five do we make some theme music come on top five [Music] top five about a list [Music] come on [Music] top five [Music] top five top five best r b top five okay RMB singers top five R B singers um definitely Michael Jackson definitely Stevie Wonder um uh definitely Marvin Gaye um definitely um uh Frankie Beverly people don't know how hard it is to sing those Frankie Beverly Songs In Real Life okay yeah okay yeah well okay with a white hat on in arenas right um and then who's gonna be my fifth who's gonna take me home let's just think about this [Music] um male singers it's probably it's probably it's probably it's probably Fred Hammond it's probably Fred Hammond yeah and these are all people that you know I've studied and and you know listened to over the years that has helped shape and mold you know my tone because my tone is unlike you know anyone else's you know I'm saying so these is you know represent some real men singing you know what I mean so that's my tough and and as we before we go to the next piece of top five yeah it was something that I discovered about you just singing with you as we were getting into those sessions I was like he's not a first tenor yeah like yeah those this these songs are too high yep like we gotta bring him back down yep so that he can shine in his space exactly because he's also a performer exactly so we don't need him straining to sing and working overtime trying to perform like no yeah let's put him right here come on and you know that was that Steve Russell transition into tank J Valentine you know what I'm saying where I really started to mold my sound but it was it was through y'all sound you know what I'm saying all right here we go one more time more top five I like this song who gave this [ __ ] Piano Man [ __ ] room your top five R B songs top five RB songs yeah that's hard that's gonna be hard what's wrong with the jams man okay you know when you're riding in one of your uh nice one of your nice expensive cars again you know what I mean you stay with something yeah we should go too it's so many though just for today okay so just five of them r b slappers r b slappers so the first one that came to mind but I think I want to change it um now I'm Gonna Keep it I'm Gonna Keep It SWV week come on you know what I'm saying um come on what is going on okay Human Nature human nature yeah yeah all right um we gotta get an Usher song in there we gotta get maybe uh that's what it's made for oh come on now oh so that's three right that's three oh man that's amazing yeah facts wow Good crap what's another one have you been to Vegas yes I have I took I took my son for his uh seventh birthday all right I know your son was gig too cause he man I seen him he was sitting there like all of it yeah yeah yeah okay so I got two more right okay two more hmm oh let me think about this um two more who am I thinking about they got to be good um does everybody take long or no sure okay okay okay okay because I need to look at my phone enjoy yourself let me look at my phone I need to dial it up let me look him up we got a piano man over here let me see what R B I'm been listening to yeah for the next election sure he's making sure he's he's adding Corrections oh we get I can name some women songs too right you can name something whatever you want in your top five short top five [Music] it's only your top five no one else is talking okay all right I got I got one D'Angelo How Does It Feel s Untitled Untitled yes no one yes shout out to Raphael Sadiq that's one of the best songs I've ever heard in my life no for real for the first time and for the 1 000th time get that same feeling yeah my life from the musicianship yeah from the writing to the vocals do you know the actual words that if you and if you have me I can provide come on come on come on you kidding me hello come on he's amazing amazing y'all made me realize I understood the words just wants to come on it just it just happens come on Angelo Untitled I think that's all made me mad too because when the video came out come on the girl I was with at the time was like um I was like what's going on you all right you need something what you need he's ready to cut off Air Supply what you need can I help you oh he was ready to cut off Xbox you like you like most I got muscle what's happening I got muscle he's sweating his what is it is he sweating ah [ __ ] you like him sweat you want to know who down there huh what's going on oh okay all right I got another one um it's the last one yeah hold up um let me make sure that's right oh um hold on let me just make sure the title's right because I'ma call it something else [Music] um Footsteps in the dark by Isley Brothers yeah come on Amazing come on [Music] no no yeah you did it you know what I'm saying hey come on yeah me come on come on all right what you got for what else you got that was his top okay um we're making an r b Voltron okay and we want to know as you make this Voltron this r b r b singer yeah who are you getting the vocals from who are you getting the styling from who are you getting the performance style from and who are you getting the passion from okay let's start with the vocals to create your fold your machine right you're grabbing the vocal from where am I grabbing the vocal from to make the Voltron um hmm it's it's probably Fred it's probably Fred him yeah you want a soul piercing yeah you need you need that that that um that tone as soon as this that first tone exactly who it is you know what's going on and it's like oh wait a minute what's going on yeah so I would say somewhere somewhere in there that that tone okay yeah you can't go wrong forever for you who are you getting this the performance style from uh definitely Michael definitely Michael hmm yeah a soul-saving Michael Jackson okay yeah um who are you getting the styling from the style of vocal styling or the performance style oh the poor performance oh the drip The Styling oh um easy probably like probably like a mix between um Pharrell Prince and Kanye golly yeah so mix between them yes so butt is out man what but not that outfit or your butt naked Whoa man is he butt naked on a horse with like Yeezy symbols he got on some limited Vapes limited Vapes he might he might have he might have some some some gray sweats on with no draws you know sitting [ __ ] wow man yeah why you saying you I didn't started with the prince [Music] sweat fans no draws on yeah Omarion Challenge and [ __ ] man sitting on a dragon hold the Jaguar holding the Tiger hey you really hold up I got him close okay that's that's you know what I'm saying some something that shows the the you know the flesh but also like whatever the other pieces are is like they get some great pieces Custom Custom that's crazy wow who who are you getting the passion from the heart of the artist The Heart of the artist um the heart of the artist um I want to say I want to say uh what's my man Teddy Pendergrass yeah a heart of Teddy Pendergrass I don't know if y'all uh checked out his um documentary yeah absolutely oh so you see how much hard it takes yeah yeah you see how much soul and passion it takes to continue to move forward you know I mean so I would say Teddy Pendergrass great yeah great top five yeah great Voltron yeah whoa that's a crazy Voltron I don't know what kind of songs coming from there unlimited yeah that's facts for real do whatever you want that's fast so we got this uh very important segment okay do we need music for that we always do music [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [Music] I ain't saying no names that's the name of this segment okay I ain't saying it's a story okay that can either be funny or [ __ ] up or funny and [ __ ] up okay the Only Rule to the story he said you don't say no names okay you say nobody that's involved in this story with you no names hmm it's gonna man I you know my life has been such an open book you know I mean it's very few stories now you got something you got something come on it could be CEO 500 stories it can be Bentley stories man listen I you've been my partner for a long time it could be some of the wallpaper that was you know I mean that lined up the studio okay all right I got one okay so this is oh Mario I came I get my [ __ ] give me okay okay [ __ ] this is Omarion [Applause] [Music] but one time I heard overheard this convo it was just a word it was bad okay let me think um okay uh me and uh a friend of mine you know we was in the studio I I don't I don't know how much I don't know uh if this would be surprising or not you know what I mean um and I I can't tell you how it ends but I could tell you that me and this particular person was hanging out with some young ladies and um you know the young lady came to us and she told us she said she said I want both of y'all yeah she said I want both of y'all tonight yeah and I ain't saying no names can you play Train music but uh yeah but but I want to also add that I was maybe 23 at this point you know I'm saying so um even though I was experienced you know um a woman has never been that straightforward yeah you know so it kind of made me nervous yeah it kind of made me nervous yeah and I ain't saying no names what happened at the end of the story but you can come to your own ideas yeah that doesn't happen but things happened yeah you know what I'm saying yeah but I ain't saying no names you know it's like it's it's when a woman kind of assumes a different position probably the position that you were supposed to play exactly it can throw you off and it did and it did and if you're not careful it could mess up your blood flow [Laughter] you got to be focused and in these type of situations if someone you know if someone's outperforming you it'll get into your mind you know you really got to be a man of The Craft you got to be a true cocksman you got to be a Cox man you got to be in order to perform well under these substances all in all at that particular time that was new to me you know what I'm saying so that was uh you know without without giving any names that was uh very interesting it was a good dude but it was a good night hey you know I always invite people to be themselves yeah be free be who you're going to be yeah she ran a train on you no no she didn't no she didn't all right okay listen man listen I want to say this to you bro um it goes without saying man we love you brother yeah man appreciate it without saying man and this this will never change man this is real Brotherhood yeah um you know we're on the cool platform and um we're in the cool business and all of these things and um you know sometimes people can yeah mistake that for something that it isn't you know what I'm saying like the business of what we do is whatever but this is real Brotherhood just so everybody out there knows this is yeah straight up this is real Brotherhood you if Omarion got a problem we all got a problem yeah that's how this works man so appreciate that we love you we appreciate you thank you for showing up yeah you know what I'm saying giving us a moment of your time come on RB money you know what I'm saying I'm expecting the orange melon oh yeah okay don't worry okay I got you I'm expecting a book I got you I'm gonna sign the car right now you know what I'm saying yeah they'll let you know where you're from you don't see it in court right now um but you know as as I know you're gonna do keep going yeah no I I appreciate you I appreciate y'all thank you so much for what you've contributed to my career you know I mean and my growth and also having you know a platform to be able to really speak about r b in this fashion you know what I'm saying is I think it's important because you know r b rules the world talk about it R B rules the world y'all y'all don't you know whatever they talking about whatever selling out selling the most just understand r b will forever be you know the number one genre because it deals with the heart it deals with the emotion it deals with all of those things that you know we all have we we all feel you know what I'm saying so we love r b thank you fellas come on man um next time I'ma think about a story I'm gonna think about a better story I like to I like to like the ones yeah yeah youngster yeah that person that person is is one of your partners too one of your partners yeah yeah one of your partners yeah man she ran a train on yeah and this has been the r b money podcast with my brother yes none other than Omarion yes thank y'all thank y'all thank you [Music]
Channel: R&B Money Podcast
Views: 276,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tank, jvalentine, r&b, money, podcast, music, entertainment, 90s, 2000s, hits, playlist, slowjams, r&bmoney, rnbmoney, r&b money podcast, r&b money, r & b money podcast, r and b money, tank podcast, j valentine, rnb money, tank, r&b podcast, tank r&b money, r and b podcast, rb money, r&b money tank, tank and j valentine, r & b money, j valentine podcast, tank j valentine, j valentine tank
Id: MS5YuIO1iR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 36sec (7236 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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