Emma Chamberlain Goes for the Glory While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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no such a big bite this time I like it was so big I [Music] forgot hey what's going on everybody for first we Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we have a reunion special brought to you by hog andaz with Emma Chamberlain Emma we have a whole new lineup of hot sauces today today and not only that but also an indulgent antidote after we finish the 10- wi Gauntlet thanks to hog andaz ice cream but first check out Chamberlain coffee for high quality delicious coffee tea and matcha needs and don't forget the anything goes with Emma Chamberlain podcast available on Spotify em a Chamberlain welcome to the show I am so excited to be back I don't think you understand like I ordered a spicy cocktail last night with dinner cuz I was like I am just in the hot one spirit I love it already I'm so ready mhm this is so good easy there we go I know this so like the first one's easy it's like we all know that everybody starts and it's like [Music] easy it seems like you've been doing a lot more like long form interviews on the podcast talking to interesting people historian Michael best designer Emily bod how would you describe your approach as an interviewer I'm still learning who I am as an interviewer because you know I did the Met Galla interviews that was sort of my first time interviewing and that's a little bit different you know like the red carpet thing yep yep yep so different because that is like you know I'm good fast like spur the moment like just you know spitballing improving whatever I think that comes easier to me but something a bit longer something that requires maybe a bit more research that just requires a different side of the brain and I enjoy it deeply but I'm learning what my routine is with it yeah yeah cuz I I've tried preparing a lot before writing out all the questions I found that that can psych me out so then I've also gone in kind of blind like just done research and just gone in blind and that works too but then sometimes I'm like oh I forgot something so I'm still finding my happy medium and maybe you know you can do you feel like you have your structure down or do you feel like you're always learning yeah no I don't think uh the Rubik's Cube ever snaps into place I think it's just the the pursuit of it is always uh this journey of like trying to figure it all out but I think the important thing and you said it is that you're enjoying it you know it's all about enjoying it and it's all about learning something from the person that you're talking to at the end of the day that's my priority it's like I just want to learn something or just have a silly little talk okay learn something or laugh that's the goal of an interview I think are you ready to move on here to Sauce number two this is Smokey J M no problem easy mhm light work mhm what's your most controversial coffee opinion like is there a coffee Hill that you're prepared to die on okay there's this sort of segment of the coffee Community that's obsessed with you know weighing out the beans um you know spraying like an an aroma maybe this is sort of more Niche but I'm definitely my Instagram reals are definitely they know that I'm a coffee girl I know you're deep in the game there's a lot of of people you know who are are really into sort of like making the perfect cup you know like it taking 50 steps and it being this complicated thing and that's how you make a really good cup of coffee but I disagree with that sometimes you just want a simple haphazardly made cup of coffee and sometimes that's great like you don't it doesn't need to be this crazy process I guess but also if you don't like a cup of black coffee plain and you can't drink that I don't know if you can call yourself a coffee lover I think you can call yourself a coffee drinker and that's okay but I think to be a true coffee lover you have to love a black coffee Stellar fuzz here in the three spot I love habanero sauce go buy this you guys so good so I recently binged the most recent season of next and fashion for an interview that I had had with tan France and GG Hadid I was very excited to see you as a guest judge I'm curious what's the Emma Chamberlain fashion trend prediction that you're most confident in in 2024 love this question cuz I think about this all the time okay one thing that I've been talking about actually talked about this with my dad probably 6 months ago boat shoes okay because I feel like every year we get a little preppier in one segment of fashion and then I see boat shoes on the runway I freaked out I almost screamed because I said it and then it was there and I didn't even tell anyone other than my dad did you leak it you leaked it um yeah so I don't know I think boat shoes I also think vampire aesthetic vampire aesthetic like Dracula aesthetic don't you think fashion trends are kind of funny how like people will at scale and in unison decide to take style tips from Count Dracula for like no definable reason whatsoever culture will choose a thing to be obsessed with I see nautical dads with the boat shoes and I see um Count [Music] Dracula so this is the Los Calientes ver just got dry in my throat I wasn't even snow SP yeah given that their reach dwarfs that of celebrities on other platforms why do you think YouTubers have such a Frau relationship with being called YouTubers oh my God I this is so great this is such a great question because I I've gone back and forth myself right same with me about how I feel about being called a YouTuber you know at first I loved being called a YouTuber I was like this is my dream I grew up watching YouTube YouTubers are my movie stars and then I did end up having this sort of Crisis where I was like I don't feel like people are taking me seriously I don't feel like when I go home for Thanksgiving I'm anxious do does my do people take this seriously you know like the people from home do they think I have a job and then you know and some of them didn't think I had a job and it's like well do I care about that and there was sort of a crisis there for a while I think I had that crisis on and off just trying to find confidence in being a YouTuber I'm back to being like who number one who cares but number two being a YouTuber is cool like I don't care what anyone says it is cool and even let's say in 20 years when I quit YouTube I hope people still call me a YouTuber I I'll have kids I'll have a family I'll be like whatever we're living on a farm no one's seen me for 20 years I still hope people are calling me a YouTuber put it on the tombstone for the rest of my life I want it on my tombstone someone do do that I don't know how for later so this one is the queso sin queso here this one really caught my eye so I'm really excited about it I feel like we're catching an official verdict moment here this one's so good you were saying earlier it's controversial I think it's delicious it's been divisive so far in the episodes that we've shot M there are a lot of interesting Trends and breakthroughs in Wellness you know from a beasting therapy to platelet rich vampire facials as someone who's recently downsized their number of appointments I'm curious what's the most eccentric or unusual practice that you've adopted in the pursuit of self-care there's these tools on the market now that you can buy for at home use there's a few different brands and they're like electromagnetic like what are they they're like M they're these they like zap your face kind of they have like waves like electronic waves quite literally have no idea what they do but I love these things so much it sends vibrations through your face but it makes your face twitch when you're using it too are you worried about me with this does this worry you a little bit yeah you know I do you know I I'm proud of you you know when I see you succeed you know I worry about you too you know you know I live in LA I know I know like what do you think no no listen you're probably in the shallow end in La yeah yeah yeah quite literally on the edge of the pool I am no this is serum conduct no this is nothing this is something you can buy we're not buying this from a sketchy website this is a real this is like you could find it you should try it you would love all right next episode all right it's no sweat off my back I'll be sending the link all right are you ready to move on here to the back half yes bourbon Maple Reaper here okay mhm I just double bited I do I went back you do do I went back it was so good there we go yeah this one is the first one where I'm like a little uncomfortable yeah right for sure it's all coming back do you have any um uh red carpet pose tips you know like I feel like my Getty Images I feel like there's so struggle you know yes let me tell you you need to get into your outfit and you need to stand in the mirror and you need to figure it out okay figure out how to move in it because every outfit is different some outfits it looks good with the hands on the hips I would love to see it with the hands on the hips yay some like you put on and it's like you know maybe it's like up looking from the back I that would be these are all little over the shoulder see so you have to practice okay it's all coming up piment yeah it's starting to get scary right now but I want it to hurt so I'm going to take more skin we go [Music] mhm yeah that's not good but it's okay though I feel okay what's your beef with uh spinach artist choked it do you like it it's fine that's what I'm saying no one has ever said and that's my favorite food have you any of you show of hands no I'm not seeing one uh-uh no one likes it here's what I'm saying if no one likes it take it off the menu I feel so crazy rul me feel so crazy okay but it's so true like it it's like it's just not good to oh my God I almost touch my face yeah be careful around the eyes and that's actually like a good omen for what's to come because up next we have to bomb Beyond Insanity I'm going to choose the side that looks the wetest there we go I'm I'm trying to have fun today no M it's the inhale yeah and the build and the growth I forgot I took way too [Applause] oh don't worry I'm not I've seen you get through it before cool all right I'm you do it again no I'm good it was just the initial shock such a big bite this time I like it was so big I forgot I'm going to take the wetest side no no no this is so much worse than I remembered do you have a current word of the day in rotation I know that you recently retired phenomenal yes right now it's novelty everything to me is a novelty like being here with you it's a novelty honestly deom is a total novelty so calling things a novelty has been in my rotation phenomenal had to go what's your word in rot oh my God I just had a booger trip on the ch has that ever happened no it might be our first time it might be our first time what's your word right now Chris what have I been saying a lot bang bang bang bang that's a phrase bang bang a lot so that's not a word that's a phrase um but I love that like just being like bang Bang Yeah like I'm doing good bang bang I love that how are you doing Emma bang bang okay wait I can totally get down with this do you mind if I use it too yeah go ahead you as long as I give idea creds you do not need to do that you do not you can have it perfect you can use novelty how about we trade I'll take novelty bang bang is all yours this is horrible I know just you remember it so bad okay but it's totally [Music] good m m mhm I bet part of this is this edible these fake bones that they put in the sug it feels like sugarcan to me well I just ate it so I'm sure you'll be fine I'm not worried can't be worse than to bomb Tak oh my gosh all right then I'm joining you I know okay I'm not here to play I'll come here once every every once in a while right to hang out with you we got to make the most of it I need to make it count there we go and you are you are today Emma so recently you named irresponsible tattoos as one of your out in 2024 yes stopping short though of identifying that irresponsible tattoo so I'm curious which of your tattoos is the irresponsible tattoo and what's the back story okay I'm giving you a spark note okay but here's I'm just going to give you a broad statement here yeah okay you should never get a tattoo with someone never your mom your uncle your friend no one do you know what I'm saying like would you get a matching tattoo with me you know what if you gave me that face I I bet I would yes we're getting a what what should we get o a chicken wing [ __ ] stamp yeah yeah yeah please we'll go right after this okay thank God so as we approach the peak of Mount Scoville Emma we're going to bring in a different kind of lineup as a reward for all that you've been through in the wing Gauntlet I feel like I deserve it I'm so ready now at the risk of celebrating too early Emma you can choose from any of these delicious hogendas flavors yep what' you pull I got caramel cone I am going to go with the van classic you know yeah you're right I'm going to go with vanilla over here and we will go into this after the last dab all right Emma this is the last dab as you know tradition around here to put a little extra on the last swing how much last dab did you do I did like a little smattering over here noted I feel like I'm good then all right let's hit it I keep eating the stick M and I see the face a little bit of a panic and I feel it too and here's the good part Emma before we get into the last question let's have some ice cream please oh my God I'm so excited I'm so excited ooh it's the perfect you know it's like it's been sitting out for like 5 minutes yeah have you had this one not yet but I heard that's the best one so unbelievable and I've been like obsessed with a sweet treat after dinner at home every night like it's my new routine that's like a sweet treat do you know what I mean like that does it and it's almost like an oasis in the desert after all that we've been through and the hard part is out of the way we just enjoy this ice cream and one final question to close things out you know last time you were on the show you had a spiritual awakening and even took a moment to pray to the ghosts of hot ones guest pass now that you are also a Spirit in the Sky of this show I'm curious Emma how do you want to be remembered I want to be remembered as the one who came on and took another bite and then took another bite I want to be remembered as the one who took more bites than they believed they could emotionally and physically handle for the sake of Hollywood baby here lies Emma Chamberlain YouTuber takes another bite and then takes another bite and conquers the wings of death I want to take more bites than anyone I want I'm going in you saw me just ripping off more of the skin just to be here just for the sake of entertainment no one wants to see me take one little bite like the rest of them I'm here to take more bites than that and then have my ice cream what's the you know a winning combination right there at my Chamberlain and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life well I have a coffee company Chamberlain coffee we have coffee we have tea we have cute accessories go discover that for yourself I have a podcast anything goes sometimes I talk alone sometimes I have a guest I have a YouTube channel it's where it all started Emma Chamberlain you can go watch those if you want and um what else that's it I just had a snot [Applause] ball no one ever rolls out the red carpet for you you know what you're right you know you're right about that nobody ever knows that that needs to change did you have a good time that was so awesome and this is actually you need this it is so good I know actually like right now I can't stop eating it mhm yep so good right
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,158,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, to swap-meet shopping hauls, Emma Chamberlain, met gala, emma chamberlain interview, vogue, vlogs, emma chamberlain vlogs, spicy wings, spicy wings challenge, spicy food challenge, sean evans, hot ones, best hot ones episode
Id: XUKk0841DtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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