James Corden on Final Week of The Late Late Show, Adele Carpool Karaoke & Moving Back to England

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our first guest tonight is the host of what they call in his country a chat show he came to America in a tugboat and went on to become a 12-time Emmy winner and the most irresponsible driver in La this is his final week of shows on CBS concluding with a prime time special called the last last Late Late Show with James Corden carpool karaoke special that's on Thursday at 10 followed by his last Late Late Show please welcome James Corden [Applause] thank you here how are you I've been thinking about you a lot this week and I wonder what's going through your head you have with like three regular shows left we just show just now finished the show yeah uh came over which will be on right after this if you switch over as soon as this is finished I'm not losing your viewers happy to lose ABCs uh no and then um and then three more and then three more and that's it it's it's uh it'll we'll round out at exactly 1200 shows which is paying special attention trying to remember everything trying to just take it all in and slow it down so you can think about it yeah that's a good way of putting it it's sort of it's you know you're just trying to soak it up really that's that's what you're trying to do it's it's a it's a you know it's only really people that have done shows like this and it's not just you and I the whole teams that that make these shows and you you essentially create a found family really yeah and that's that's what starts to Mark the show for you more than the actual doing of the show I find and so you know yeah you do every time it's a lot of lost so this is the last crosswalk the musical is going to go out on Wednesday and the last carpool and the last and all those things just the last everything yeah it's hard to take in yeah and I also want to thank you for something I I was thinking about this like you came over here you could have gone with Jimmy your name is James my name is James Sue that would have thrown us into a really serious problem situation well that that really I think that that even went above uh the heads at CBS that was more a sort of government uh response really that the I don't think you're allowed legally three there's a maximum there can't be three Champions they were just like this is too much for the American people you know I learned also that your middle name is Kimberly which would have made you Jimmy Kimberly which would have been weird I didn't even think of that it is that is my middle name my middle name is James Kimberly why is your middle name Kimberly well you can ask the man responsible he sat right there my mum and dad are here that's right so your dad's a Kimberly too Kimberly Granddad to Kimberly great-granddad was a Kimberly and wow yeah so it's it's a big it's a big thing you know oh here we go so what yes what happened was when my grandfather was born his auntie had to take him to be christened because his mum was poorly and on the way they'd heard that the boars had been defeated in the Battle of Kimberley and she said we're putting that in this lad's name wow so so he was Thomas Edwin Kimberly Corden my my dad was Cedric Kimberly Corden Malcolm Kimberly Gordon James Kimberly Corden so it had gone the other way yeah but you if you tell this to tell if you tell the story at school that that's where it came from it still doesn't go it's still it's still not a good girl not a good Kimberly my well this was a big thing for me and my wife because we knew that we were having a son and I was like can I do this to him you know can I really but then I thought it's a we don't have a we don't have a massive family traditions in our family like we even have that you know that show who do you think you are yeah they they came to maybe look at my they were like oh we'd love to make a who do you think and I love that show so that would be amazing and so they went off did loads of research and came back and went no this is really boring there's nothing there is literally nothing interesting has ever happened in your family's life so uh so I really thought long and hard about doing calling Kimberly doing at the moment and then we actually what we did was we uh gave we did call him Kimberly but I said we've got to counterbalance it with something cool we've got to counterbalance the Kimberly with something else so at the time that my wife was pregnant I was um I'd written a sitcom for the BBC uh called Gavin and Stacy which people people liked yeah um because and we were doing um we were doing a sketch for comic relief it was in fact the sketch that had the first iteration of what went what came went on to become carpool karaoke which was me and George Michael in a car and we knew that we had to get Paul McCartney if we got Paul McCartney everyone else would say yes because Paul McCartney's in it you know you've done these things you get the biggest person first people go well that's strengthened that's fine yeah so um unless you're doing that imagine video and then then don't do that yeah and um we're still to this day I'm gobsmacked that I'm not in [Laughter] when you're trying to get Paul McCartney to do something um but we were due to speak at 4pm and someone calls you at like 3 45 and goes hi uh just calling from um supports office uh just checking that you're by the phone and you're like yeah no I know I'm so by the phone I'm talking on it right now but it's that sort of pressured environment so anyway me and Paul he calls I've never spoken to him before we have small talk small talk and then uh and then I explained to him I said look the way that these sketches work is they Drive donations on the nights but also um this year for comic relief you people will be able to buy the sketch and I think and I might get this wrong I think you could buy it for one pound 75 you could download and buy the sketch and I said the reason it's that price Paul is that that price is the exact cost of 10 malaria vaccines for children in Africa so whether you want to acknowledge it whether you want to accept it or or even deal with the fact that it's that it's the truth if you can find 20 minutes over the next 11 weeks to film our sketch children won't die right and then I just stop talking yeah and he went climbing chains I've heard some pitches in my time but this is ridiculous and I said well that's nothing I said I was going to say if you'd said no to that I would name my unborn son after you and he went deal if you do that I'll do the sketch so anyway we did the sketch Max was born and we christened him Max McCartney Kimberly Corden and we took a photo of it we sent I sent a photo of the birth certificate to him to Paul Paul's like I can't believe you've done this and about three days later this beautiful blanket arrived this sort of lovely blanket and embroidered in the corner of the blanket blanket it said uh to Max from one McCartney to another love your Uncle Paul and I thought well he may be saddled with Kimberly but at least he's got a really cool story [Applause] good work James Gordon is with us it's his last week we'll be right back we have had the best times here oh my God we really have our our friendship and our family's friendship is absolutely not it has nothing to do with distance and time I'm just not ready to come back yet otherwise I won't come back with you Adele [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the final carpool karaoke yeah the last one ever yeah a tearful carpool karaoke well I didn't know it was happening I thought our last one was we did the last one was with Diddy and we shot that and I had a blast I had a great time it was brilliant and I thought oh that's our last one he's someone we always wanted to do with it was great and then I'm in bed one day and uh I get woken up by Adele smashing these symbols uh above me as I'm asleep and she said it should last carpool and I'm gonna drive you to work so it was all very it was amazing and I I I love her so much for doing it because she didn't have to do that and she's been uh you know I think it's evident if anybody's seen it that we've we moved here a week apart basically we moved to LA a week apart and it's been a Incredible Journey for both of our families and I'll always I can't believe she did that for me you were um and then you're going back uh sometime within the next couple of months yeah you have three children we talk about your son your daughter was born here your youngest she's American we're going to leave her here she will stay here that seems like that she should be with her people that's always the same although I mean she's five although Tucker Carlson stepping down might mean her she was a big fan of his shirt she was yeah very much so loved it there's gonna be a really tough week do you think why are you re-britishizing the kids like explaining like oh over there you know we call it a lift instead of an elevator no we're not maybe we should be yeah we don't we're just uh look it's gonna be a very very big adjustment for for us in every single way but I do we do feel like we intrusive my wife and I have known that we were going to do this for for a few years now because we always said that that when Max hit sixth grade that that would be the turning point if we had always felt unfair to us to move 14 15 16 year olds around and so it just feels like it's time time to go home and I'm so proud of the show and it's nothing to do with not wanting to host the show anymore I just I love it I love doing it you know that the family we've created is amazing but it does feel like the right thing to do there are people back there who are getting older that we want to be with and be around you know the only people the king the king of course absolutely needs me the only people the only people who I think are disappointed that we're moving back are my mum and dad because they love coming to Los Angeles right so much they love it so much can I tell you something and I actually and I apologize for this but your parents came to my dressing room and they asked me if they could stay and if I could be their new son they'll do it they'll do it mother mum mummies can't but she can't believe it's her last time in Los Angeles she's going to get her boobs done tomorrow [Applause] who's your last guest that's a big deal right last guest on the show we've got uh tomorrow night we've got Billy eilish and Natalie Portman on the last show we have um Will Ferrell uh Harry Styles is gonna be there wow we have some other surprises we have some other stuff we have a big uh a big bit with Tom Cruise it's going to be on our Prime Time special uh that we shot very close to the studio actually and we've done some big things over the time and this might be the silliest do you and Tom cry in this um bit we don't cry no no don't cry in this one the only crying is that bit with Adele and then it'll be me on my last show just I'm so glad you're gonna cry because I feel like sometimes I'm the only one that cries and it's nice to have all right and now I'm losing like I know it's true yeah why are we the only I think we're just better more sensitive people that's why either that or emotionally unstable it could be one of them uh I have a gift for you before you go no now when you retire from being a talk show host especially for a long time and especially at CBS you have to do one of these and I don't know if you have it in you genetically but this is um your talk show retirement being okay okay much like um David Letterman before you now that you're leaving it's not a bad wolf really but also I'm also I'm unemployed on Friday and if you're in the UK around Christmas time you're going to see this guy in a mall you know that'll be me no I'm very this is good yeah this is good are you still taking Summers off yeah I am yeah so if I grow this beard go can I come back and Host this show [Applause] the last last Late Late Show with James Corden carpool karaoke special Thursday nights we'll be back with Richard Madden [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,669,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Late Night Host, James Corden, CBS, Late Late Show, Last Last Late Late show, Carpool Karaoke, British, Parents, Last Shows, England, Adele, Gift, Last Guests, Will Ferrell, Harry Styles, Dave Letterman
Id: 2GJ0rufbnBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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