Graham Norton Show 11/2/2022 Adele, Dame Helen Mirren, Jim Broadbent, Golda Rosheuvel, George Ezra

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plus the reigning queen of bob let's start the show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello good evening everybody you're also welcome the show oh great show tonight i can't wait to have a cozy little head-to-head with my guests you know like vladimir putin chatting to emmanuel macron because putin can't quite see macron just pull out a bit bit further bit further oh there he is yeah that is that is your social distancing right there apparently it's all a diplomacy thing yeah the bigger the table the more respect you have for the person you're meeting here's our prime minister meeting macron that's more i like it yeah little shoes frenchie but of course it's been a very big week for showbiz did you all watch the brits oh yeah it was a great show adele picked up three awards and sheeran and sharon picked up songwriter of the year and two backing singers picked up anne marie oh poor emery hey worked for madonna it worked for madonna uh the night was a real family occasion i mean when little sims won her award she brought her mom up with her oh sweet and sam fender was there with his great-great-grandfather you know hey but the undoubted star of the night was adele right yeah she she stole the show when she performed her album track i drink wine oh adele finally you've written a song about me let's get some guests on later we love music from the brilliant george ezra but first as the global hit bridgeton returns to our screens please welcome queen charlotte herself he's been in films such as moulin rouge bridget jones harry potter paddington and won an oscar for his role in iris it's the great jim broadbent starting with jim in the new comedy drama the duke it's the dame emmy oscar and tony award winning dame helen mirren everybody and she sold over a hundred million records and has an oscar golden globe 12 bits and 15 grammys to her name it's a warm welcome home to the wonderful adele oh welcome everybody yeah yeah yeah yeah uh welcome all uh golda kel frock thank you i know it's fabulous yeah drama coming with the drama yeah no yeah i'm on telly i'm wearing a frock very good and adele congratulations tuesday night three brits do they do they give you the wink do you know at all i knew i'd won one of them not gonna lie i knew i better quit the other two no i didn't nice surprise i know yeah i'm really happy and i don't know if anyone noticed on tuesday night when you were sat on the piano singing a microphone in right hand i thought left hand didn't move as much as normal it seemed heavier than normal is there i mean as if i would ever tell anyone if i was or wasn't i'm not fluffy though it's very like yeah i have to say as a casual observer it looks like you are [Laughter] all right okay i'm taking that as a yes and uh welcome back to dave and mirror and everybody you kind of think in showbiz everyone knows everybody but i think apart from backstage you guys haven't met before no no we haven't done so but there is an odd connection i'm not sure if you know what helen on this show before in the past helen you've told that lovely story about when you came back from the oscars and you're in the baggage reclaim yeah you know those were empty yes absolutely and and and they all wanted to see my oscar so i got it out of my bag [Laughter] well that was one of the sweetest moments of my life i had to say it was very very lovely what are you talking about because like that is one of the people clapping that is funny isn't that amazing and we're thrilled to have the great jim broadbent on the show for the first time and jim you're one of those actors you've been in so many films and lots of big big favorites when people come up to you what are the ones they always want to mention or do you know when they approach you oh this is a paddington fan or this is a bridget jones fan only fools and horses really really really more than anything else more almost more and it goes across the generations so kids now uh young people who weren't alive when i did only fulton horses oh slater oh he's my favorite but then that is probably the the most common one and jimin only fools and horses obviously you played roy slater but that wasn't the part they wanted you for no originally um i was second choice for delboy wow wow the first choice was n reitel it was not around no they didn't see much of it and but he was first choice and he didn't fancy it i was second choice and i was doing a show in the west end and i i couldn't cope with to having two parts two jobs it was too difficult i said no so um luckily david jason was available my greatest contribution to british culture is not being available and uh first time welcome to golden rochevale hey and i love what's happened to you and brigitte because presumably when you got the part of rigid and you just thought oh it's another gig it'll pay you know keep the lights on for another few months exactly yeah i'll play the queen in it now but it i mean it has turned into such a use it's amazing isn't it 82 million households or something on christmas day wow congratulations goldie you look like a queen sitting there yeah you know thank you you have a queen you absolutely have a queen in you you yes but isn't it my partner would say something different isn't it fun being queen it's great it's great it's great i love it yeah you know you have the biggest dresses you have the biggest biggest wigs the biggest crabs the biggest jewel that's great everybody about it okay adele brits tuesday night congratulations as i say brilliant brilliant night and yes and i love i love how huggy you were every award big hug whoever gave it to you oh yeah also i just i love moe ferris i was like i was i've never met before so i was chuffed did a little curtsy and english i love as well it was just yeah all everyone was just amazing so i just wanted to hug them all oh yeah yeah and those people that's really inappropriate because of kovid i wasn't going to say anything i think getting covered off adele that's already a good story so the speech is also really lovely and i thought that because you know people write personal albums they write personal books but i loved that you acknowledged in your speech that it's not just your story it belongs to other people yeah no it was important to me and my son's old enough now he realizes you know what's going on and his friends don't talk about me but like you know the older siblings the fans and stuff like that so he definitely realizes and he's curious and i don't share too much of him just because i don't know how much is appropriate to share yeah i don't know it's my first time doing it with a kid knowing as well like um but yeah they're my they're my little soul mates angelo and simon like you know just because we you know our family's separated we're actually [ __ ] nailing it if anyone missed it should we treat ourselves to a little clip of no i've fluffed my second line not many people seem to have realised it's meant to be how can we both become a version of a person but i said how how can we both become a persian obviously yeah i don't think we've got that clip yeah we don't we're not over that we were just some of you being brilliant here we [Music] to go [Applause] [Music] cause everybody wants something wrong [Music] so brilliant of the brits and sort of you feel like it's the best of times and then the worst of times because of vegas yes so let's talk about vegas what happened how did it end up coming so down to the wire like the night before how did that happen i tried my hardest right i really thought i would be able to pull something else together you know in time and that was why it was so last minute which you know i regret obviously that i kept going with it until that late in the day um but it was just it just wasn't ready and there were lots of different reasons of why there were covered you know delays with pieces of the show there were some things that weren't going to be arriving until the day of the show so therefore i would never be able to see them or approve them um so that you know there were lots of delays for that we our manpower was down because i'm doing all this testing for my you know full my crew and stuff like that and our carpenters who are there to fix and change things you know there and then we had like hardly any able to come to work and it just would have been a really half-hour show and i can't do that i can't that doesn't people will see straight through me up on stage being like she doesn't want to be doing this and that's not i've never done anything like that in my life yeah i'm not going to start now you know so obviously gutted but we're working our asses off literally 24 hours a day i don't want to announce a new set of dates until i know that everything will definitely be ready can you imagine you don't do it again and do a show that ain't ready and i don't know i don't want it but i have to oh yeah but but also i suppose when we think about you we think about you know this voice and you kind of think if it was just you a piano a light bulb but a mic yeah people would have been quite happy was it was that ever a possibility that you'd just go out and kind of go look guys there's nothing there's there's nothing there's me no there's definitely there is a you know there is there was a part of the show that was like that but i i feel like i've always had a really great incline with my show like you know i'm i'm really comfortable in theaters which is one of the reasons i'm so bloody excited about doing the coliseum yeah and then i nailed my arenas i don't care what no one says like and i went on every night loving doing my show because i knew it was a great show like you know and then i did stadiums and i did it in the round which even my team were like worried about i thought for a solo artist i thought you nailed it i worked the whole room but it was also like it was it was just it was a stadium show but we'd been on tour for so long with you know with the arena tour and stuff like that and um i don't wanna i just i'm not gonna try and do a stadium show in in theater but it's vegas it can't just be me or me [ __ ] guitar something else happening you know it's not completely not not the whole show's stripped back no and uh and so you say you are planning to do these they are going to happen absolutely happening okay yes and how long might fans have to wait i'm not asking for commitment to a date but just you know if you have a ticket are you holding on to that for years happening this year or this year oh 100 oh fantastic [Applause] oh very good very good i want a baby next year [Applause] [Laughter] tuesday night just going back to the brits you must that journey you must reflect on your journey because when you were a little kid obviously you went to the brit school but even before that you were a little kid watching this yeah i've always loved the brit awards yeah it's crazy it's crazy and i can't have to switch off from from that otherwise it's a bit weird yeah yeah you know it freaks me out a little bit but i love there's a picture you posted of you as a little girl uh with your spice girls yes yes i was also really into five do you remember five yes yeah yeah is that a microphone or a sausage or a watercolor spice girls they were so massive they had all this merch i think it was a chopper chopper whatever it's called a lollipop sort of thing [Laughter] yeah that's what that is of course it is or maybe a dog dog chain you know like when you get your name written on it or a sun-dried tomato it's the um which spice girl were you ginger obviously and uh you were also a fan of gabrielle love gabrielle i still do yeah oh my god yes oh there it she is my mother made me one of those eye patches when i conjunct the bias [Applause] one of her songs was the first song i ever sang live my first ever like standing up it was so embarrassing but um i i took the mic off rather than on at school and i sang rise uh with the school choir yeah and i was singing the lead so yeah she's one of the lovers of my life and and golda i mean you're an actor but you're also a singer i mean music has been really important to you yeah absolutely my mum and dad used to play instruments and sing and my brother's a producer and your parents i love this you know if music be the food of love your parents they met through they met through uh yeah my mum was working in barbados and um my dad came for some reason i can't remember where but they set up a choir oh wow and they met singing in the choir i think we've got a picture of your mom and dad they're on a plane to somewhere yeah that's their wedding day oh wow that's the day they got married in one of those and they they had to get married at like four o'clock in the morning or something like that because the priest or the person who was doing the service that was the only time that they could do and i know busy busy busy so yeah that's about six o'clock in the morning after the wedding wow flying back to where we had yeah they're gorgeous aren't they so beautiful and uh talking of singing dancing jim broadbent you are really god's gift to singing dancing uh you love it well i beg to differ we saw you in moulin rouge yes some of the singing i do in moulin rouge is my voice not all of it and did basler even ask you if you could dance before if he asked me if i could dance i've asked me if i could sing i said no no [Laughter] we can do that we can do things with that we can work around that one way or another so it was a and i did cause the um the choreographer cha-cha was his name um huge huge pain when trying to he was trying to get me to do all these specific steps which i couldn't do and he was struggling day after day and i said i do do a there is a sort of jokey uh move i used to do uh when i was a student which seemed to amuse people and i did it which is [Applause] [Laughter] everything's going so well [Laughter] yeah and helen we think i i sort of can't imagine you're not good at anything but apparently singing you're not keen i'm not good at anything no i said you are good ah yes [Applause] i can't i'm tuneless and um my husband if i try to sing he tells me to shut up when i was um when i was in the choir at school yeah they asked me please don't sing just mouth in the the hymn my morning mouth the hymns in the morning just don't don't make a noise i couldn't get everybody off um and i played a singer in in a theater show called ethan smiles and and i learnt an amazing thing which is that you can persuade an audience of anything you know and just by kind of shouting and being sort of self-confident um i could persuade them that i could sing in fact i really i wasn't hitting any notes at all you know it was horrible is that the show is that the show where an actual rock star came to see you yes yes that's when um well not um uh pete you know the drama for the uh who keith moon keith moon sorry keith moon came to visit yes that's right yes he did yeah wow and then but he you came to visit and then didn't want to go no well what happened was i if you should i tell the whole story i'm in my dressing room waiting to go on for the last scene and outside my dressing room in the royal court is where all the rubbish bins are right so i hear this huge clutter and bang crash bang wallop and i look out the window and i see a pair of legs sticking out of one of the rubbish bins you know sort of kicking in in pinstripe trousers and the the person sort of gets out of the rubbish bin and i go oh my god that's keith moon and uh instead of shouting and yelling and then i hear the shouting yelling coming through the dressing room and then i hear it coming up the stairs and then i and then it's outside my my dressing room and i hear bang bang bang on the door and i open the door and there's keith moon standing there he says hello ellen um yeah yeah he's very very drunk um yeah come on stage with you tonight my last entrance i get all rather theatrical to go oh no no keith i you know no i don't think that's a good idea really yeah funny oh come on [Applause] amazing and of course it would have been amazing and i was an absolute twit not to say yeah come on stage instead i sort of said no no no you know and i went on stage and did my last number really badly as usual and i never shared the stage with keith moon and to this day i regret it so badly you know when you're offered a rock and roll moment yeah you should always grab it right you know don't be frightened grab the moment that's enough good lesson for life yeah now uh we move on to movies because there's a new crime capri tout it's called the juke and it starts helen mirren and jim broadbent yeah it's in cinemas from the 25th of february and remarkably this is a true story it's such an interesting story jim tell us about your character who do you play i play kempton bunton and this the nation had bought the goya portrait of the duke of wellington for 140 000 pounds and then it was promptly stolen and kempton held it up for ransom and said i'll give it back if you give free tv licenses to old age pensioners and war widows it was a sort of robin hood character and when did this actually happen in 1961 1961 and it was a it was actually he he hung onto it for about four years but in our story it's conflated down into about a few months just for the sake of story but he actually had it for about four years and so he's sort of a robin hood figure but equally i imagine quite trying you play the long-suffering wife helen yes indeed i do um i've always sort of sworn to myself i will never play any character that is called long-suffering but she's a great character she rules the roost at home um she tries to keep kempton in in line up very unsuccessfully and and they have an amazing relationship and it um our director tragically died um quite recently one of the great british directors roger michelle famous for many great british films and this turned out to be his last film but i think it's considering it's the last film of a very very great film director it's a wonderful film to have as his last film because it's um it's very funny uh but at the same time it's got great sort of emotional depth to it yeah well we've got a clip here are the two of you celebrating kempton's new job and around about 11 my idea of heaven is a nice cup of tea i like a nice daft brush anyhow it's half three you were a beautiful dancer graceful fluid wasn't that good you were that good ginger rogers of whitley bear i always said we should have entered that competition we'd never have won swept the board mm-hmm you're looking at hollison's new star breaker license i thought it was plastics no i'm lord button of the box number two oven man and much better you can't eat plastic so will it be regular i am sticking to it like a swanda water and i freed off every day tomorrow a pork pie pork pie slightly damaged you're slightly damaged today it's 14 ounce danish slightly damaged light and airy for ladies who are watching their figures yeah i'm not though you're better off wobbling than rallying i like a nice gumball thing in the morning i like a nice cup of tea with my trees [Applause] [Music] and a lot of horrible nervousness we had a great dialect yeah we are very good yes and um there are a thousand different geordie accents now there's a thousand and one and adele you've never lost your accent i mean because you've been in america for a while now yeah i've been there for a while now yeah for sure no i don't know it's never known and is it true is it true that angelo like picks you up on the way you think he does but andrew sounds just like me by the way yeah so obviously the whole time i've been there he's been there and um he goes to school with american kids and sounds like me um so but yeah i kind of correct him a lot as well obviously but that's how you say it but yeah he does on like you know the word like free is it like the number three oh yeah he's like it's not free it's like three like you know he's got a little bit more well-spoken than me probably because of his dad's but um yeah we've both still got our accents and you live there and obviously enjoy living there but there must be things you miss oh my gosh yeah i mean we weren't supposed to live there this long or like you know before kovid we used to spend over half our time here oh right okay but then obviously you know i got locked out the country with um well if i came back here i wouldn't have been able to get back there basically so i was stuck there for most of it but um yeah i mean i missed like british i miss british humor i mean you know yeah our humor is this just doesn't always travel so i find myself having to like explain my jokes ain't that much fun um but um yeah i miss the humor i miss my family i miss you know a lot of um like my condiments and you know i love it i love a sauce like i love a sauce marmite well marmite's not quite but like you know like salad cream and branson's pickle and stuff like that you know and um but i found a stall there that does it all right oh hopefully i did she said she's here i mean and because ellen you spend a lot of time in america and like that you were there for lockdown i was yeah yeah you know for the first time i was just saying to ardell earlier on uh for the first time in 30 odd years of marriage we sat opposite the table opposite each other and had dinner every night for six months every night and it was fantastic because because of our professions he's a film director i'm an actress we're always like moving around and oh where are you going to be in may you know oh yeah well maybe let's meet up for two weeks you know that sort of thing constantly and finally we just sat and had dinner together every night and it was brilliant had such a good time lovely but of course you were not you were not always alone you were in tahoe nevada and you had visitors you'd critters come to call oh yeah there are lots of wild animals around there yeah lovely lovely to sit and watch this you know beautiful wildlife happening in the sierra nevada incredible yeah big wildlife i mean you posted this uh this video i think it's you and taylor and a there's a bear i said yeah yeah wow i think this guy's asking for some food go on helen oh my god oh [Applause] i got a picture of a fox in the garden but it's not quite the same you know who loves that video is kids all kids absolutely love that video i think they identify with the bear completely oh yeah i'm a naughty bear yeah you will uh see the bears and up them because you had even worse visitors when you were a child yes alligators in the back garden did you hyana yeah in guyana where i was born we had alligators just come rock up in the back garden did you get to recognize them where they're like friends or were they all no they just used to come and hang out and then disappear and come and hang out and would your mother call you in for tea when they were out there yeah you get inside shut down yeah and jim robert you've never been tempted to move to hollywood to do the whole thing no not really no i've spent very little time there i don't know why that's that funny he could move to hollywood occasionally get off at american parliament i think there are american actors who are so much more suitable for this than i am so i pass generally what i i i don't understand americans i but i sort of know how brits work and i've played a few irishmen as well as i've got a bit of a feel for where they're coming from but yeah but americans are just having a clue really but other you you spent many years really not far from home at all in lincolnshire right beside the theater that your parents ran yeah they were very they didn't really run it's a very very small local amateur theater that they put on just after the war really they got together a few locals and they used to put on quite radical theater like ibsen and shaw and things so my first stage performance was actually in the doll's house as a child you know wow i can remember we got i got given a big tin of sweets at the end so that was [Music] and we've got a picture of you very young i think you're playing a strong man you've dressed yeah strong man that's [Applause] you can see if you look closely i've got crepe hairs stuck in my chest what are you wearing you've got crepe hair in a fake leopard skin cushion cup oh and nipper skin here oh the skin and the socks on the [Laughter] i know most of the people on that in that photo oh wow still there it is wow very good fantastic so that's helen and jim's film the duke it is syllabus from the 25th of february uh now yes yes go on yeah now on pearl the bunting golden rochefell is back in bridgeton season two it comes to netflix from the 25th of march and yeah queen charlotte she's a real fan favorite and there's a lot more of her in this season yes there is she's back with a vengeance all her naughtiness and joy and it's a really brave thing i think they're doing because that first season was as we said so successful but this season there's a real pivot and they're focusing on different characters yeah well bridgeton is based on the books by julia quinn and each book is on um a sibling of the bridgeton family and so our series basically is has it's an ensemble but within that ensemble we have different love stories in each uh season which i don't think has ever been done there's nothing kind of like that out there um so this time round it's johnny bailey and it's a love triangle and uh yeah we kind of get to see him blossom and grow into yeah the man that he becomes and do we get to see him uh i mean is it as raunchy as the first season um it's bridgeton [Laughter] so um and it's about love um and the kind of escapades that people get up to about so yes so yeah i think i'm thinking yes yeah yes and obviously this comes from the great uh american showrunner shonda rhimes shondaland and one of the things i think people love about the show is the colorblind casting was that one of the things that could have appealed to you about it that you know seeing london being that diverse yeah i think definitely you know you want as actors to be in something that really represents the world that we're living in at the moment and i think that's really really important yeah i'm very proud very proud that we're representing we have diverse diversity and we're reflecting the world that we're living in and i i think i've read a thing you said in an interview i really liked that you said normally when you get a part you're kind of leaning into your dad and this is the first time you're leaning into your mom yeah absolutely i mean you know i've played the kind of stereotypical black characters nothing wrong with that very proud to do that very proud to represent my dad but this time round you know being a biracial actress biracial person i have two cultures that i can tap into and for queen charlotte she's very very much based on my mother and that side of my heritage so yeah i mean i was brought up being traipsed around manor houses in this country and afternoon tea and you know all of that stuff scones and jams and you know all of that you know so to be able to celebrate her yeah um is a real real joy and all right blessing watch a clip uh here you are with lady danbury discussing the whereabouts of lady whistle down i yearn for someone fresh someone unexpected to turn this season on its head that is what we need there is no room for indifference apathy is a blight the monarchy simply cannot endure of course your majesty but remember a young lady cannot be a diamond until you anoint her as such so if for any reason you do not find one among the candidates today do you think she will return we have heard nary a peep from lady whistle down since last season ended perhaps the writer came to her senses perhaps she realized taking on her queen was a bad idea and she will never publish again it is a convincing theory ma'am or she simply left for the country as the rest of us did in the offseason bored by the lack of any real gossip hmm you do know what that would make her then one of us and here's another odd link i can't imagine this will ever happen again we've got two people on the show who've played queen charlotte because you were in the in the madness george yes yes absolutely fish shoes and wigs yeah remember the fish shoes i know exactly [Laughter] and if we see helen again as there you are now you look fabulous there very good there's the fish fishes the lazy fan you're a wig i feel like netflix have invested more in the wigs is that truck built around your wig nearly is that car just for you as well yeah it looks simple yeah that used to rock up every time i needed to go to set wow because i couldn't if i was in a car i had to kneel down so i would be on the floor like that with this wig it was a car but in that i was able to sit properly and what's in it is it dense um it's garages that's about four o'clock on a very very heavy day of filming because when you wear these sorts of costumes often you have to get dressed outside of your dressing room because your dressing room is never quite big enough right corporate you know this enormous thing and when i did the madness of king george we had very low budget so they gave me this little caravan because he was shooting on set and i swear to god it was one of those caravans that i think girls might have used women might have used by the side of the road you know at a truck stop when they wanted to make a bit of money [Laughter] [Applause] it's like so manky and disgusting and i was supposed to get dressed as queen charlotte so i used to i'll get dressed outside i get dressed out in the open air because you can't transport you and frock and like you know it's a lot of stuff too it's amazing and adele you do do that thing you when you bring out an album you bring it out and you do the promo and you normally do a tour or in this case it was gonna be the vegas residency and then you vanish yeah so what are your plans for this vanishing and do you know how long how long you're going to be vanished for um well i definitely will vanish again um but i'm trying to like make a really conscious effort to stop being so anal with my privacy like i wouldn't say that i'm still [ __ ] private i'm trying to not always be two completely different versions of myself because it's exhausting like you know switching on and switching off and some of that so that's sort of why i'm sort of like i go out for dinner a bit more now even which i know sounds pathetic but like what's the worst that could happen nothing you know so um yes i will be disappearing in terms of my music but you might see a glimpse of me every day and then i won't be in complete hiding you know but do you disappear to like recharge yeah and it takes me a while yeah it really takes me a while like you know it takes me about three years yeah and then i got like read myself up to go into the studio and then it takes me a good year and a bit to finish an album but yeah but you know like i said i would i would like to maybe have more children so it'd be up to them you know because i only just now feel like i've caught up on my sleep from nine years ago yeah you know so we'll see yeah oh well good luck with that and good luck with vegas when it happens oh it's gonna be great okay it's time for music this brit award-winning multi-platinum selling musician has been storming the charts since his breakout hit budapest here performing his current single anyone for you it is george ezra [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] baby let me [Music] of the night baby [Music] you [Music] [Applause] baby let me be of the night baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i could love you i could be anything you wanted me in the darkness or the night baby let me be alive [Music] baby let me be [Music] in the darkness of the night baby [Applause] [Music] hey georges everybody [Applause] it's like a little slice of summer isn't it it just puts you in such a good mood fantastic and that is off the new album gold rush kid yeah all right it's not out till the 10th of june is that right it's fast right okay but it's available to pre-order now absolutely yeah get that here why not until the 10th of june what's going on what's happening it's just the way isn't it and it's like an exciting time because you sit down and you go like well there's an album so then there's songs to release there's videos to make there's artwork there's shows yeah and then i go if it was down to me i'd leave the studio and be like who who wants it out of the back of your car yeah yeah i've come close honestly george there's an amazing picture of you at glastonbury but glasberry's not going on yeah and so that pyramid stage is out there permanently apparently do you know what i think it's listed as a cow shed i don't know if that's like a secret but but it's it's got yeah it's concreted into the ground that's right adele you guys met at glastonbury we did of course i do yeah because i remember i kept seeing people eating noodles backstage i was oh i want some we went into catering together i was trying to have these [ __ ] noodles you just played and i was sussing out and obviously i've been to glastonbury so many times but like they kept asking me to headline and i was like no no and i went and suffered out yeah and you were part of my day there it's it's a there's like an energy backstage where people are equal parts excited to be there and cacking it up yeah i'm sorry my word's not yours but yeah absolutely well you know i famously like throw up and [ __ ] myself you know that skeleton of the um of the stage like yeah i've been i've been down there before and seen it like that and it's crazy and there is something like and i am as i'm getting older i am becoming a bit more of a hippie but there is something so powerful on that where that stage is like something happened to me just before i walked out onto that stage and it was really powerful and lots of people that i know or i've met that have played at any time during their uh you know during the weekend and stuff that they've all said the same thing so it's not as if it's like i'm about to headline glasgow it's that everyone is like oh my god something's happening you know it's a really special place george you're doing a big live show in the summer absolutely finsbury park finsbury park wow on the 17th of july yeah yeah it is up to the title yeah and you can pre-order things for that you pre-order the album the thing is well i think we like i think you called me up for this last time as well because i wasn't sure on the specific date but i genuinely kind of go by a week-by-week basis and also no artist ever knows okay and anything's happening don't worry about it i'll be there i always know when something's happening you don't know when vegas is happening [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] that was very quick hey george uh good luck with friday park good luck with the album thank you for george ezra all right uh that is nearly it where we go we do have time for a quick visit to the big red chair who's there oh hello hello hi where are you from sir i'm from new zealand home of the story what's your name sir i'm henry but you can call me fingers okay he's got nine fingers so henry does your story involve your fingers possibly yeah okay okay great here we go off you go with your story all right so it was my 10th birthday party [Applause] so my parents had just brought out the cake i've blown out the candles and made a wish and then they let me cut them a slice each and they hit it off so they made one fatal error and they left the knife there and then so me with my friends around 10 years old naturally i start trying to impress them so i start playing the knife game oh no i've done this a thousand times no issues by then i'm so confident and so eager to impress my mates that i let my friends who's sitting opposite me have a go on my left hand oh my god he doesn't have the same luck i do he gets four fifths of the way through oh no no below the knuckle on my ring finger and i'm left there sitting there with a knife through my finger and the table and so yeah now i can't get married you could walk oh my god i mean that was like that was like a documentary my friend wasn't as lucky as i am you're not lucky at [Laughter] here we go here we go hello hello hi what's your name tom tom lovely and where are you from tom uh chiswick in west london chisholm west oh and started nice and uh what do you do a little bit where is bush we're near you yeah me and you [Laughter] what do you do tom so i work at heathrow airport i um yeah working with a flight i don't fly them but um i clean them and put the fuel in them make them all good for you okay lovely yeah okay off you've got with your story top okay so growing up i used to go and visit my dad in a beautiful part of east london right on the river um and it was a summer saturday and we'd spent the entire day sort of lovingly uh restoring and repainting the garden um fence outside the front of the property and coming down the street is a man and his dog and and the dog gets to the front of the gate does that thing they do call in nature starts twiddling around um and what can only be described as the most explosive diarrhoea goes all over the gate i was in fits of laughter as you can imagine being an eight-year-old i turned to dad he had a face like thunder and i said daddy why is so upset this man he's just letting your dog poo all over your garden fence he says thomas that's gray and bloody naughty now [Applause] it didn't happen i tell you a story you've got that as my website this very address please say huge thank you to all of my guests george ezra jim broadbent and adele join me next week with singer natalie and brulia strickland's johannes odibe comedian rob beckett writer and actor dawn french magic mike's channing tatum and hollywood brit andrew garfield i'll see you then good night bye dress in mamaroo now there's a daunting prospect the competition rages on over on bbc three rupaul's drag race uk versus the world starting now here on one the rom-com of all rom-coms movie magic from the notebook next [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Sd Tv
Views: 1,702,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FULL Graham Norton Show 11/2/2022 Adele, Dame Helen Mirren, Jim Broadbent, Golda Rosheuvel, George Ezra, Graham Norton 2022, Graham Norton Show 2022, BBC, BBC ONE, Graham Norton Show S29E18
Id: 6bEZyfqK500
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 17sec (3077 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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