JAMAICAN πŸ‡―πŸ‡² STYLE ESCOVITCH FRIED FISH, OUTDOORS COOKING #friedfish #outdoorcooking #fingerlicking.

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so all right guys welcome back to another video today we're in the garden again with the children um I'm just setting up the grill now I'm going to do some fry fish some fry H ofish esav style outside on the um Co stove so I got my two boys helping shayen and Theo I got my oldest son Maurice behind the camera Mar say hello y guys so um the way I start my um my cold fire I just put a bit of um paper toweling tissue put the co around it yeah and then all I do is get some normal cooking oil that you use in the kitchen to fry a egg fry chicken or whatever in the kitchen watch your hand move your hand pour all over it step back over here so the can see all right so yeah so just pour it all over just little a bit there and then we just light the tissue light the tissue sh I I use that one light this one over here and this one over here that one's already lit like this one here Strike It Again blow my head all right guys catch you back in a few when the cor stove catch up properly and ready to put the fish okay the oil is hot now ready for the seasoning so what we're going to do is going to put some Scotch bunny pepper and some fresh sty and Pento seeds in um in the oil or you want to put them inad that's a prento seed going in seed scratch B pepper a bit H in there scatch yeah yeah start seasoning already let's go get some um fresh time no more homegrown fresh time anyone let's pick a pick a nice piece off of it this bu yeah yeah that's it smelling good St smell good yeah s fresh just dab it on the CL so no special drop them in all right get the plastic off a fish more let's show them what we got today so we have some sea bass that smell good yeah season up from early this morning and we have over here we have the um take the plastic off of that them show them as well so we have the carrot um onion sweet pepper hold it down at the sun carrot onion sweet pepper and a bit of scotch bunnet in there don't make it too hot cuz the kids going kids are going to have some as well spicy you mean yeah extra spicy all right can I put one in all right more start putting the fish can I put one in put the first one yeah morning Shay sh love to get involved I like that I got the top on too yeah all right sh well done leave it in the middle leave it there leave it there put another one here can I do it just don't let them fall be careful yeah all right wake him or not yet don't once you put them in don't move them all right sh okay yeah yeah put another one there here put one right there well done now leave them now for sh leave them sh three is enough yeah three is enough for the size FR right sh yeah this do [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so right now we're making our first turn move on the other side [Music] TR [Music] all right the first batch of fish ready to come out the fish is finally ready yeah hold it take a sh to drain up the oil hold it turn it like that let it drain off the oil that's it hold it for a second that's it all right put it in the container now and Shay doing the honors taking off the first batch of fish take your time okay turn it sideways like a should you let it drain off that's it come on mhm all right and of course after we're going to fry up the esavage um pickle and put all over the fishes yeah just stand by don't forget to subscribe to the channel right Timo tell them to subscribe you want to subscribe subscribe and like to the channel that's it and later on we're going to have this with some Hardo bread and fresh vegetable you going to get some hard bread I already have it yes put help all right next [Music] onead I got some okay hold in for a second hold in for a second TR fix it more straight the music it's all right yeah take out the pie of time now put it over there M hold it closer up all right well done chimo all right [Music] take the second back out real quick yeah some perfect fish oh that fish mine this the big one is definitely M I'm taking it for real for real back oh all right guys so finished frying all the fishes now just putting some um oil back in the pot to fry up our esavage to put on top of the fish at the same time I have some um corn on the CB roasting some jerk corn on the CB roasting all right go the [Music] seasoning and I've pour some plal flakes as well in with [Music] it that's a flavor from the scotch bunet Mak in the sauce all right let that fry up for about 2 minutes then we're going to put the white vinegar on top of that let it SIM for about 2 minutes and we take it off CU we want to leave the onions and the um carrots nice and crunchy we don't want it to cook too much all right so that's what we're looking for yeah yeah all right vinegar going in let that simmer for another 2 minutes then ready to serve on top of the fish all right es sauce is ready this is our fish all over all over I didn't make it too spicy cuz the kid is going to have some and I don't want any complaints from them you can people put sugar in excavates yeah you can do I always put a little butter in my um excavate sauce that's why you see the butter floating on top there then you just put the the juice all over the fish I just so cute okay there you have the excavate fish now I'm going to take it inside and plate it up with some Hardo bread and some roast planting and of course we have the um jerk cor and the CB almost ready in another few more minutes then ready to come off all right guys don't forget to subscribe to the channel um like and share yeah and give the video a thumbs up if you like what we're doing here today yeah thank you for that peace out catch you the mhm so just getting the Hardo bread slice up we're going to be having our esav fish with yeah best way to cut hard o bread is with a serrated knife nice and clean cuts okay how the bread slice up [Music] all right okay mhm all right ready to play up um our fish now nice big one don't have to worry about the juice cuz I put some juice on it from outside so I want to tast it all ready to go bread on the side yeah and then we got our JK corn open it up you can see nice and roast and juicy lots of jerk butter jerk seasoning cut that in half theide for there we go and there you have it excavate fish Hardo bread jerk corn and a bit of vegetable on the sides
Channel: Nesbeth family tales
Views: 229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 07vh3FCcMuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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