Southern Fried Catfish: How to cook this delicious fish

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foreign [Music] like that look this is super simple you know I mean you guys got the book you can cook along with us you know with the guys here you're watching this video that's what makes it so great right so look I'm gonna just start out by this I'm gonna take all of our dry ingredients I'm gonna go ahead and just take it you know what I mean and uh just put them all right here when I say simple folks you gotta let me know down in the comment section below you know what you think is it really simple put this here I'm just gonna go ahead and give this a whisk hey I see my nephew that broke out there hey he done broke out the real deal right here right but usually when I'm out here cooking with it when ain't no camera you know you give me a fork bruh gotta make it look like something that's right all right so in there we got uh garlic we got onion we got Creole kick we got black pepper cayenne pepper and this bowl we got two cups of all-purpose flour to that we're gonna add two cups of yellow cornmeal there you go Perfect Blend now look here's the thing we want that to be flavorful right so listen we always got a season our flour mix [Music] next you want to break out the Whisk and mix to combine you want to make sure that the all-purpose flour and the cornmeal become one actually that's one of the good things about look flour being white cornmeal being yellow yeah you know what I mean nature you can just see it now it becomes beige hey look and that's why I like to use these glass bowls but I can look up against the edge and see what's been you know thoroughly mixed okay so look one of the things that my nephew and I always say listen if you want great tasting uh batter or any type of flour you got to do what make sure you taste as you go now you don't have to take a whole tablespoon of it but just a little fingertip will let you know if you headed in the right direction tastes good to me boom all right so now that we've got the dry ingredients done we'll start on the wet ingredients I'm going to start whisking these two eggs to that I'm going to add a half cup of Frank's Red Hot Sauce all right there we go and once you go do it halfway mixed up then I'm gonna go ahead and bring in the yellow mustard yes sir that's how I know it's an old school recipe when I see the yellow mustard hey you're getting down Secrets getting down to my roots man so we got two eggs in here we got a half cup of Frank's Red Hot Sauce we got a couple tablespoons of yellow mustard I'm gonna introduce a little seasoning to the party there we go that's going to flavor the fish beautifully seeing how you know you the nephew I'm the Unk you know you're the one that got to do that I don't want you to Tire yourself out I'm gonna ah is that it let's get in there and make sure they're well coated like so then we'll run them through that seasoned flour and cornmeal mixture foreign make sure there's no bald spots make sure the fish is coated nicely want a nice crispy finished product nice shake off any excess right do that once or twice get your oil up to 350 and we'll be eating some fried catfish here momentarily right so that's cool too another thing is I like to like let it sit up for a minute and let it absorb and adhere all right look so we ain't gonna bore everybody I think they got the gist of it this right here for me to create something magical if you ain't never had a chance to have nothing like this you know what I mean I don't let the mustard fool you you know I mean just try get back at us with the you know down in the comment section below and tell us what you think hey so next step will be putting them in the uh in the grease we're gonna make them dance man there we go [Music] foreign we already checked it you know 350 degrees it's holding solid actually it's 370. you know I mean so when you put it in here you know we're gonna have a little dropper right right the key is to make sure that the fish don't stick to the skillet or to each other so once you get them in there you want to move them around a little bit because if they stick to the bottom of the skillet they'll start to burn a little bit and you want to avoid that also never overcrowd your fryer so we'll just do this in two batches give it a little Shake make sure that they're not sticking to each other sticking to the bottom this only will take a few minutes [Music] all right so we're about three or four minutes in and looking good nice and crispy hey you know what those right here is perfect hey somebody call eye stock or something let's put them on here hey maybe you guys can buy them too there you go all right so we're gonna go ahead and pull these fillets we've got a nice wire rack to let these drain I prefer using a wire rack that way you don't get soggy fish because eventually that paper towel that you're using is going to get soggy and if your fish is sitting on a song and paper towel guess what your fish will end up soggy so get yourself a wire rack that's the way to do it in my opinion [Music] all right people we're back in the kitchen with another Masterpiece as you can see perfectly fried catfish Straight Out of The Best of Both Worlds cookbook hey but why you do that though bro I mean make you a sandwich oh for sure you guys know I'm always trying to starve when he's in town man hey he ain't lying got a little tartar sauce a little white bread this is it right here man I'm just good I'm trying to cut the carbs so I'm gonna hit mine with a little lemon juice a little bit of this hot sauce and we'll get in there for the taste test guys We're not gonna hold you up that's right I'm not gonna be room since you you know since you're in my house I'll let you get the first bite all right look at that right there folks at least you didn't cool down enough that's perfect man right there nice piece right here I'm gonna go ahead and just set him here right here and I'm gonna do something a lot of people don't normally see you know see see me check out some hot sauce just a little bit you acting unusual yeah brand new homie all right y'all put the letters on there for health there we go you gotta have a little green you know I mean that's cool I'm just gonna go ahead and put this on the top like that uh yeah check it out nothing cheers don't get much better than that man man it's crispy I'm gonna be a little tartar sauce on mine all right guys if you want to replicate this delicious fried catfish you can grab the Best of Both Worlds cookbook today and get free shipping with the code ship free all the details are in the description box over 90 plus recipes from Ab and myself just like this one we recreate it for you guys today this right here is fire folks Hey listen if you like this kind of content you know what I mean you want to cook along with us and all of that don't forget to let us know down in the comment section below you know what I mean grab the cookbook talk to us there hey with that being said listen I'm not going to over talk it so if you're new to my channel let me just take your time to say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out here listen it's a channel out here to simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking I'm glad I said all that youngster you know why because I'm about to eat I'm out peace foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 655,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, southern catfish recipe, catfish, southern fried catfish, fried catfish, how to make fried catfish, deep fried catfish, crispy catfish, catfish recipe, how to fry catfish, best of catfish, fried fish, cook catfish, how to cook catfish, best of both worlds cookbook, mr make it happen, smokin and grillin with ab, fried catfish fillets, best fried catfish, how to fry fish, Southern Fried Catfish: How to cook this delicious fish, food
Id: CmleA-BGYUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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