Jake and Amy from FIERCE rivals to the PERFECT couple πŸ’– | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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please I'm begging you oh fair enough yeah these are your glasses mhm they're gigantic my contacts dried out thanks to you and they're cool no they're not wow you are blind blind yeah door was hit about 2 hours ago they took mostly tablets laptops and [Music] cameras sorry I'd like a list of all your employees whoever had access to the store I'd also like to apologize for my partner his parents didn't give him enough attention Santiago would you do the honors I hate this oh yeah then you're just going to want to add one I'm winning it's a good feeling it's a good feeling yeah enjoy it while it lasts I will like we're going to be here for a while should someone do a coffee run you know what coffee's on me oh but no fruy Frappuccinos or anything I've only got like 10 bucks okay you're ruining our weekend okay I'm sorry you had to cancel dinner with your dad date I had a date hey if Jake says the guy did it that usually means the guy did it thank you everyone listen to Rosa NOP I'm still furious at you okay no one listen to Rosa she's clearly an accomplice to this crime I'm going to go take another crack At Whitman you been in there like five times what are you going to do annoy him into talking haha two three four Wall Street Journal on the doormat top floor apartment 20 bucks says this guy's like a hot eligible bachelor I'll take that action police open up hello hello sir how are you today I am detective right all the time and this is my partner detective terrible detective we can't ask him any more questions till we find his lawyer and we can't find his lawyer anywhere I'm sorry oh come on why is there pie here that's not good I think the world of you as a colleague and friend shut up Peralta yep hey Peralta when you're done could you help me wrap up this massive cocaine bust I just pulled off thanks oh Deputy Commissioner didn't see you there sorry for interrupting Amy Santiago sounds like someone's in a little bit of a slump I'm not a slump you're not scoreboard I don't slump people you're real talkative now that you want our help all right it is possible that I should have brought you guys in sooner but I just get so excited wrapped up in wanting to solve stuff you know I get it you want to be the best we all do you just don't have to be such a butthead about it okay I want in but I only want to stab you fine that's right oh no oh no you don't seem worried why aren't you worried bring in the Johns I ran a prostitution stink through Vice and arrested 30 guys for soliciting that's not a felony it is when it's your second offense which is the case for 10 of these gentlemen fun fact four of them are actually named John ironic anywh who 10 more for Peralta accept your fate never 5 4 3 two one Jake wins Amy loses [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look Amy Santiago you have made me the happiest man on Earth I spent one whole dollar on this ring will you go on the worst date ever with me you have to say yes yes she said yes she said yes this is for youo Sago Su yes uh excuse me everyone Santiago and I will be performing the steerage jig from the film Titanic which we have prepared for in no way shape or form romantic no embarrassing my lady do this Min I hate your guts channel that passion into the dance check it out nice you got it framed of course it commemorates our victory over the vulture the greatest day in human history sorry the tear gas made you look like a demon dog at the end of Ghostbusters I guess that's your new best friend now Santiago emphasis on Iago backstabber I'm surprised you've read aell what the hell is aell I'm calling you the parrot from Aladdin why do you even care if I leave because the vulture is the worst that whole division is the worst they steal cases it's the lowest of the low so if I transfer somewhere else wouldn't care at all no of course not do whatever you want you know your life that guard by the door will not move uh-oh just made eye contact with me play cool dance dance dance dance you don't have to say dance every time you make a step good call hey do you want me to actually show you how to do this so you don't hurt yourself and possibly others yes ready mhm [Music] it's kind of fun yeah maybe Teddy and I should take a class yeah maybe pregnant nice means you had sex damn right I did and I forgot my birth control yeah yeah you're out I'm in the finals and all I have to do to get Katie's number is beat Amy that's nothing hey don't you dare touch Amy junor that's right it's your baby are you saying I knocked you up you sure did Jake when I beat you which victory dance should I do this one or this one oh wow okay both are examples of victory dances no comeback after I burned you with those moves you must be pretty nervous yep I don't want to be a jerk I know you're dating Teddy and it's going really well it's just what's going on I don't know what's going to happen on this assignment and if something bad goes down I think I'd be pissed at myself if I didn't say this I kind of wish something could happen between us romantic Styles and I know it can't cuz you're with Teddy and I'm going undercover and that's just how it is but anyway we're not supposed to have any contact so I should go America needs me bye oh hey I hope this is cool with you but since we're not technically on duty till tomorrow morning I invited Sophia to join me Upstate the B&B we're staying at looks really nice it's almost like it's haunted by fancy ghosts I don't mind at all it's actually really cute of you Teddy's never done anything that spontaneous or romantic that's not fair he did Brew me a rose infused pillner once but it tasted like hand lotion and the bubbles didn't happen sounds bad you're boring no that's too harsh this is why I wanted to write it down can I maybe just have two hours alone with my laptop so I can type up a draft great idea in the meantime we can just chat you know what we should go no actually I think you should stay so we can all talk about the real reason there's a problem in my relationship with Amy which is you Jake but what now huh about how you told her that you liked her before you went undercover you liked Amy um I did but that was many moons ago was it cuz I know for a fact you also told her when you got back and every time you would she would get confused and then our relationship would get out of sink and if you ask me I think it's because Amy liked you back did you maybe yes a little you're really okay with me and Jenny gild horn huh totally Stu with us is in the past we talked about that I know but that was before you saw me in this dope ass tux I mean you must be freaking out oh I am I'm really into rented clothes I love how many butts have been in them I know you're making fun of me but that sexy voice is kind of getting me going that's not a big deal she's just a girl that I've been obsessed with since I learned what love was well we got the bad guy today thank you for helping me and I know it's not Jenny gildenhorn but if you wanted to slow dance tonight I know somebody could be into that okay perfect this is Gina's great aunt Susan she's been asking about you all night she thinks you're very handsome says you have a dancer's frame well you have a good eye my lady shall we you she's very handsy hey can I talk to you for a second privately uh sure oh wait this isn't going to be that thing where you pretend you got important text from Holton it's just that video of screaming sheep I promise you it's not but I do stand by that prank so what's up okay um I almost feel weird saying this but I wanted to ask you wow those pictures are not helping oh my God they're really going to have to regout oh finding a contractor you are so consistent anyways the question I wanted to ask you is so I got the results on that feces it's human but it's not all human you're not Dr gastner we are not can you give us a sec sure real quick what was the other it's dog and bear ow how you really be into that feces puzzle normally yes but I want to talk to you about something else right now more specifically guys dispatch just C great Dave's here now the check cashing baby's just struck on Flatbush we got to go lead the way what do you want to tell me oh um Captain hul sent a very important text oh [Applause] why I have to solve the case why couldn't I just let those guys continue to terrorize Brooklyn until I built up the Nerf to ask out a girl you're a good cop do not beat yourself up about that I'm not a good cop I'm an amazing cop and I'll never forgive myself the case is over Amy and majors are on their way to the keychain right now it's too late has she done the double tuck yet when Amy really likes a guy she gets nervous and Tucks her hair behind both ears at the same [Laughter] time well I can never unsee that but no she has not done that yet then there's still time what happened well I thought we were getting a drink to celebrate closing the case but apparently he thought it was a date right and you were not into that because he's so muscular and in command of his finances he's great but after everything that happened with Teddy and all the cops I know who go out and break up and then still have to work together it's just too messy I got a new rule I don't date cops cool cool yeah actually that's funny I have the same rule no more cops from this point on it's strictly dating criminals if you break up with them you can always send them to jail forever exactly nice and clean so hey I got an email from the commissioner's office about her case what' they [Applause] say you got me with my thing great oh all right let's go no wait we look like cops we're never going to blend in dress like this um okay there how's how's that uh I don't know all I see is clothes hanging off of a genderless blob you look fine here we this Jake you need a jacket or [Music] something look like an idiot I didn't even have time to lotion my forearms it's so weird wearing Rose's jacket there's a piece of barb wire in the pocket cool all right you have a visual one the hostess stand table for two please I'm so sorry there's nothing available we're totally booked up oh no that's horrible tonight's a really important night for us Johnny and I just got engaged and this is where our first date was oh yeah it would mean so much to Dora and me I would have made a reservation but I didn't know if she was going to say yes oh I love how nervous you were you little Goose you were just so sweet together you know I'm sure I can find room for two young lovers yeah we are lovers together in beds okay so how did you know she was the one I'd love to answer that um you know just whenever I look at her face and the attached physique and you uh he makes me laugh and you know there's really no one else's opinion who I care about more than hers so okay so enough chitchat let's see the ring I don't have it on me she has gigantic fingers hey hey thought I might find you in here I just needed to process the captain's news feels so bad for him so how you holding up I don't know I'm still in shock you uh I'm basically handling it the way I dealt with my dad leaving just repressing the hell out of it so a lot of change around here huh Hey Jake the new Captain's here I know you said you don't want to day cops but I really like you I like you too good but what if we start dating and it makes things weird at work so let's just keep it light and Breezy see where it goes so we broke a rule yeah I hope it wasn't a mistake hope it wasn't a mistake title of your sex tape title of our sex tape this is totally working and no one knows I know it's the best and you know what I'm glad we broke the rule and had sex on the first date me too cuz we like really good at it so good right stupid good it makes no sense so everybody knows about us now which means all the rules rules have been broken and nothing bad happened nothing bad happened Terry yelled at us and we killed our captain Jake is this a bad idea seems like the universe is sending us a lot of signs that we should hit the brakes hasn't exactly been late and Breezy yeah it's been a little more stressful and deathy you have to admit it hasn't started out great what do you want to do then go back to being colleagues yeah maybe that's what it needs to be right now okay sorry sorry that's okay I was home and I really wanted to talk to someone about us and Dozer men and about hope being gone and then I realized that the only person I want to talk about that stuff with is you so screw just being colleagues and screw light and Breezy right definitely Captain Holt is here today yes genius he loves us and he's got T of sway in the department he'll tell the vulture to back down yeah he'll be all vulture I must insist that you desist I really think this is going to work also if you ever want to bust out that Holt impression at home I'd be okay with that oh okay duly noted super disturbing but I'm definitely going to do it so I marked all the corners where taxi has been spotted on this map you'll probably notice right away that it makes the shape of a boob this looks great confirms Devon's story he says his dealer hangs out here in the the underbob he said he'll Point him out to us so you approach on foot from the south and me and Deon will be in an onmar car here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa me and Devon didn't you mean Devon and I oh God I corrected your grammar are you so proud of me are you horrified are you super horny I'm just really tired leave me alone don't you mean leave I alone no that one felt wrong I guess we're equally bad at grammar I'm not bad at grammar I'm exhausted because you refuse to get a new mattress all right why don't you just get a new back I didn't mean that we're not fighting we can totally work together we're fine yeah that wasn't a fight that was just sexy workplace banter exactly I mean mattresses are also sexy cuz that's where you do it yeah and grammar is a system of language involving syntax and semantics also sexy okay okay okay okay point is we're good yeah I got you with a I know you would let your best friend die I'm still going to arrest you I just can't do that if you're dead whatever you got to tell yourself baby steps it's hard get him out of his shell tell me about it every time we get emotional he's like nice smart okay can we focus up here if you like col and getting caught in the rain you two are looking good really kind of feel like I'm Jimmy Buffett's tennis coach no it's working you know I had a major crush on Magnum PI major oh should I grow a mustache yeah you should thank you for doing this I love you nice [Music] smart I love you [Music] too all right what I am about to say will make you very horny but you have to try and remember that we're still at work do you want me to quiz you oh God yes wow okay great H hasn't seen Kevin in like months and I was just thinking if that was me and you it would make make me really sad oh that's actually super sweet plus there's this big fat binder full of instructions and rules there's a binder why didn't you lead with that you idiot I'm going to just leave you two alone okay youne if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you why did you stop I'm down you win what what I love you I want to move into your apartment really I love you too oh my God what a beautiful moment and you guys am is ovulating as we speak Charles all right head to the back you're going to jail hey I don't get it why did you decide to let me win I don't know when we were back there racing through the Miranda rites I just looked over at you and thought you're awesome and you're good at doing things I mean sure I'll miss towel but your happiness is worth way more than winning some stupid bet are you sure about this oh yeah yeah your apartment is better than mine in every way imaginable you want to know what my first thought was when we dropped into the sewer smells like home oh he's lying Amy his first thought was about the Ninja Turtles come on Terry we were in a sewer he's guns to think about the turtles yeah I'm gun to Terry quit being such a Malfoy yeah Terry this is where we came the night I won our bet and you fell in love with me Jake the night that you flirted with me for 20 seconds and I became obsessed with you forever ready I'm sorry I freaked out and ran away things are so good right now I don't want to screw that up by getting transferred or becoming your boss ases I've always known you were going to be my boss I mean this is your dream from before we were dating and yeah things might change a little but for the better right can finally get premium cable check out all those shows on epics look you can't be afraid to be successful you're too good for that I love you love you too look there are three tramps the only way we're going to win us if we team up good point I guess my response is rotten hell Crap Face also I love you and I treasure you and you Bor me God you're being so mean do it more I hope you die bye you're just plain boring again weird take on a very loving relationship and it's midnight so I guess I'm an amazing human SL genius yeah although you might want to read the inscription on that there belill why oh no what does it say Amy Santiago will you marry me surprise all right there are 7 days until the wedding so we are officially transitioning from the month of binder to week of binder my goodness they're getting bigger you should see the honeymoon binder ooh is there a t for sex stuff several and they're cascading yeah they are today has been a crazy day but but I shouldn't be surprised because we've had a lot of crazy days there was our first date our first kiss the first time you told me you loved me and the day you told me you would marry me also yesterday and the day before that and the day before that because every single day that I get to be with someone as amazing as you is crazy to me I've been planning this wedding for the last 6 months and if you told me yesterday everything that was going to go wrong I would have had a panic attack that sent me into the ER but I'm here and I've never been happier life is unpredictable not everything's in our control but as long as you're with the right people you can handle anything and you Jake Peralta are the right person for me but I do have some bad news there is a bomb at this wedding as well what your butt your butt is the bomb there will be no survivors well we did it Ames we made the world's hottest baby say cute Jake no this kid is Liquid Fire crazy to think in just 17 short years he's going to be 6'7 in the number one draft pick for the Knicks and then he's going to pass up that opportunity to pursue his true passion Library Sciences well the important thing is we'll support him no matter what even if he's a huge huge huge nerd oh especially then I'm proud for her son to have you as a dad me too for you to be the mom I wasn't just agreeing with the nice thing you said about me I love you love you too oh my God he's beautiful oh Jake he's got your face Charles meet Mac short for mlan as in Shirley I love it no as in John from die hard but you love love being a detective I know it's all I ever wanted to be until now now all I care about is what's best for our family and Ames this is it I mean you've earned this incredible opportunity you can't do it halfway it's too important and Max's my little buddy I want to be at home with him are you sure because we I could figure something else out you know I would do anything for you I would do anything for you too will you run that half marathon I'm never running the half marathon Amy you got to stop asking the perfect goodbye is back on and we have a new teammate really what even is our team because I know you gave me a dummy tuo and did you find what was inside of it yeah an egg and do you know why I gave you an egg cuz eggs suck and you're still mad about that one time I beat you at Mario Kart it was beginner's luck just open it a necklace with a little binder on it it has three tiny tabs one for me one for you and one for Mac a it really bothers me that they're not alphabetical but I assume that it's functional and I can correct them it is and you can then I love it and I'll treasure it forever that must have been a hard decision honestly it wasn't [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 139,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, brooklyn 99, b99, Stephanie Beatriz, Rosa Diaz, Jake Peralta, Andy Samberg, Detective Charles Boyle, Melissa Fumero, Detective Amy Santiago, Detective Jake Peralta, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiago, Chelsea Peretti, Andre Braugher, Gina Linetti, Terry Crews, Joe Lo Truglio, brooklyn 99 i want it that way, brooklyn 99 bloopers, brooklyn 99 backstreet boys, brooklyn 99 funny moments, brooklyn 99 captain holt, brooklyn 99 cold open, brooklyn 99 full episode
Id: 4TiTNbOxxos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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