My Painful Pokemon Unite Experience

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okay so i haven't had the best experience with mobas in the past but even so i was still very excited to try out the new moba pokemon unite i mean sure there is a possibility that i'm going to get flamed by my teammates because my pikachu skills are absolute garbage but man the possibilities of the pokemon that could be added here just gets me hyped plus how hard can it be i mean not to my own horn or anything but i am a renowned bug pokemon league champion after all just saying now i know what some of you guys are thinking pokemon unite as waiting for a legends arceus nuzlocke pokemon united is paid to win but i think the only reason you say that is because you suck at pokemon unite and you're also shirtless but well we shirtless so let's fix your indecency with today's sponsor chimera chimera is a clothing brand that prints amazing designs with only high quality materials using manufacturing practices that are both ethical and better for the environment do you like dragons do you like space well their design's got a whole lot of dragons and a whole lot of space i may not know what this astronaut is pointing at but it looks like just an absolute blast here's a thought dragons in space game changer my personal favorite was this anglerfish design i mean it's got vivid colors feels really comfy and look how nicely it fits me it's perfect they also have regular shirts hoodies jackets and more and in the small chance that you have a sizing problem or issue with your item you can even get a full refund be sure to check out and get yourself some neat comfy and affordable clothes and use the code young at checkout to receive 10 off your purchase and huge thank you to chimera for sponsoring this video alright with that out of the way let's talk about my first run with pokemon league of legends so there i was on eos island ready to make my unite debut with my very first pokemon talonflame the objective of the match is very simple there are three lanes top center aka jungle and bottom the team that scores the most points within the time allotted wins easy breezy coverage the teams were lined up the crowd was cheering it was time normally this is the part where i just absolutely embarrass myself completely due to overwhelming complexity but i'm telling you when that whistle blew i surprised everyone myself included because me and talonflame were popping off we were winning fights scoring and before i knew it we won our first match wow jon how do you explain your amazing performance just now alright i got three possible explanations one it was much easier to get a hang of because the rules were very simple two all those league skills i was supposed to have learned finally kicked in and gave me a huge advantage or three i have a gift again it could be any of those things i mean yeah there's also a good chance that my opponents were complete moba noobs and eight-year-old kids but i mean if you ask me then maybe they just needed to uh oh i don't know get good because i destroyed them and i will continue to wipe the floor with their precious charmander [Music] [Applause] as you can see my initial experience on eos island has been in absolute blissey lots of great things i obtain more pokemon that i can use in the arena i even got jerry back and look at this skin i got for him holy crap that crustle was really strong can't believe we actually got away but it's okay i think we're safe now yippee kay yeah nutter cracker oh if sniping far away enemies as decidueye galio ulting across the map as dragonite or swooping into a fight and totally annihilating everyone with a guard chop in the detective costume nicknamed some cool guy isn't awesome then i don't think you know what awesome even really means you know what's also really cool you don't even have to worry about being flamed by your teammates because there's no text chat just simple commands and pre-made messages to send to your team no room for toxicity whatsoever you know i think all moba games should adopt the same method solves all our problems so yeah things have been going very well so far but soon i would be one shot smacked into a wall of humility by mr mime because soon after those very same moba noobs that were my opponents would soon be my teammates and before i knew it i had many matches where this would happen uh hey guys uh anyone want to help me with this we kind of need it i just need someone to either help me take this objective or fend off the opponents before they get oh never mind alright so who wants to take the jungle i wish that was the extent of my suffering but no no it gets worse because if you know anything about a game that involves the cooperation of others you know that eventually you will run into those kind of trainers specifically the kind where the words teamwork cooperation and just common sportsmanship decency is just not in the vocabulary and unfortunately it seemed eos island was just filled with them like i don't know if this is some quote unquote i will carry mentality or wide-eyed innocent newbie that didn't know any better but please stop taking the jungler camp if you're not the jungler at the beginning of the game whoa whoa wait what the heck man what are you doing i need that ugh man i really wish there was a way i could like ping them or call them out and tell them specifically to stop oh now i see that everyone we need to talk about this i know we all want to be the star of the team the one that makes the biggest impact in the game but if someone already called dibs on the jungle roll it's fine just let them have it you can get it next game champ but taking their stuff just puts them and your whole team at a disadvantage and they will most likely not like you i know i don't so let's all do our part and hashtag support your friendly neighborhood jungler don't take their camps and respect the dibs yeah screw dibs i'm gonna do whatever i want screw dibs you you thing oh the humanity another kind is what i call the glass trainers they're like any other trainer but a bit more uh fragile as in one bad outcome equals game over and they just want to give up like okay i get that it's not fun to be stuck in a match where you are losing but don't just get disheartened after like one bad fight and then constantly start pressing the surrender button you only need to suck it up for 10 minutes maximum like just be glad we're not on the summoner's rift right now we would have to suffer for hours before they finally put us out of our misery the reason i say don't be so quick to surrender is as many season trainers would say it's not over until that legendary bird becomes glorious fried chicken and it's very true like i've had many games where we are just straight up losing the entire time and of course someone is spamming for us to surrender but then the rest of us somehow managed to pull together win the fight for zapdos score a bunch of points and ultimately win the match excuse me but i think you and your losing mentality belong with that team over there but to give them credit most of the time they're at least participating to some degree unlike these i wouldn't even call them trainers because they don't do anything that's right either they just sit at base doing nothing or even worse just farm wild pokemon jungle buffs too and that's it [Music] why are you like this like does this intrinsically fulfill you somehow do you like being disgusting ugh seriously and i know i should be promoting more positivity instead of being so judgmental even though sometimes they deserve it but i feel like i'm allowed to be at least a little frustrated at some of the realities that i guess some people just find purpose in doing nothing and that others just don't respect the dibs and that you can try your dang darnest best but in the end your team will just surrender anyway all i can say is is i feel sorry for all those poor pokemon that have to take orders from these bean curds i guess whenever i'm frustrated or tilted because of my teammates or myself i'm not a perfect player either i always ask myself this question to take my mind off things and cheer me up and that is what pokemon would you like added i know it doesn't sound like something that should make me feel better but i mean it just gives me hope of what could be like for example it is super depressing and honestly a huge crime against humanity that jerry is the only bug pokemon in this game but then i keep imagining how amazing now how tofu-tastic it would be to have these fine specimens of the bug boys added to the island centiscorch volcarana kha'zix i mean scyther golisapot drapion i know he isn't technically a bug type but he really is a bug on the inside and i think that's what really matters i don't think i'm that far off when i say it's really what the whole world wants and i would mean any of these pokemon in an instant if given the chance step aside jerry grievous is here see feel so much better already in conclusion for my experience on eos island i've had a lot of bad matches some a lot more infuriating than others and i'm sure i will continue to get my hopes up for the next pokemon release only to be disappointed but i've also had a lot of good matches and even though they aren't bugs i still have fun using the other pokemon too i still believe pokemon unite has a lot of potential and as long as i continue to enjoy the experience it's enough for me to stay and if not i guess i could always give league of legends another shot i wonder if my skills will transfer okay there's a good chance that people might start thinking that i'm switching over to become some kind of pokemon youtuber no it just happened to be a topic that i was like oh yeah that could be fun i mean don't get me wrong i do like drawing pokemon and making videos about them it's just i don't want that being the main thing i got a bunch of other things that i have planned that i want to do not related to pokemon so let's just get that out there anyways thank you so much for watching this video and a huge thank you to those that joined my website over at the we got a lot more exciting stuff coming over there soon i promise but uh yeah that'll be it for this end card i will see you in the next video but until then continue to stay safe and stay young also sorry my allergies are kind of kicking up so that's why i might be sounding a little nasally right now yeah okay bye
Channel: Young Yong Tales
Views: 1,698,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My Pokemon Unite experience, playing pokemon unite, pokemon unite, young yong tales pokemon unite, young yong tales pokemon
Id: hP-o_driRRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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