Ahzek Ahriman - Understanding 40K Lore (Thousand Sons)

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wow [Music] two boys sat gazing up at the stars one holding a silver half of a pendant the other a gold half they wondered what secrets they held they looked at them with the excitement and wonder only children could one brother told the other it'll be alright as he told him he should be excited for what is to come he told him to stop worrying his dreams aren't always real the brother responded fate is for us to choose to make our own if we are destined for a particular future it is because we have chosen that end his brother responded anyway we will be all right i'll make sure it is all right as and as ireman wished he had been the road to hell is paved with good intentions this reflects the story of the former chief librarian of the thousand sons a man enslaved to fate or one who battles to defy it wherever the name azek ariman emerges in the 40k timeline death destruction and madness follow a name that inspires dread and fear a figure in azure and gold armor with a silhouette of horns but his story begins on the homeworld of humanity terror it is the early 30th millennium humanity's golden age has come and gone and life on terror is a backwater compared to its previous heights over millennia society regressed leading to planets ruled by warring tyrants and petty warlords but everything changed in the himalayan mountains a figure emerged during this dark period the emperor of mankind a figure of immense power who was set to reunite humanity under one banner the imperium of man it was during this war of unification that two boys the twins azek and almost ariman were born to royalty within the tribes of the acamenid empire who were located in the remnants of central asia seeing the wisdom of a united humanity they chose to ally with the emperor during the early days of the unification wars this allowed the academic empire to flourish for over a century under the peace of the imperium it was in this peace that these boys grew in a life full of comfort and lavishness as members of royalty it's easy to imagine that these young boys had it very easy apart from the expectations of nobility following the emperor's victory and terror's alliance with mars plans were laid out under the imperial palace to create the 15th legionese astartes parallel to this time period is when the twin boys grew into men they were lucky and had a very comfortable early life and would have had access to an impressive education compared to the other warring states of terror the twin boys were schooled in a culture under the early imperium the imperial truth being an absolute there are no gods no mysticism there is only us in this cold universe but most importantly the imperium has a great destiny to unite all the scattered colonies of man under one banner and this war needed soldiers it needed warriors that went beyond human as a result of the reflective peaceful nature of the region and the protection enjoyed by the early adoption of imperial allegiance the akamenian spotted few of the genetic defects or abnormalities seen amongst the humans on terror during this time they were an ideal recruiting source it would be those two boys asak and almost that will be offered almost the brave one and azak the boy who's dreamed of future events the fear of leaving their home was overtaken by the immense promise of adventure the twins underwent the trials and were worthy they were chosen to be inducted into the ranks of the legiones astartes they had to leave it all behind friends their family and their home their fate awaited them they were cut open flooded with chemicals the pain must have been excruciating as new organs and automatics were placed within their bodies unexpectedly during the gene seed implementation a brief resurgence of warp storms within the boundaries of the solar system flared this brief warp storm was said to have generated psychic flash points all across terra's globe resulting in outbreaks of madness death and displays of cruelty there were rumors some had concerns that the storm affected the 15th legion's gene seed implementation something wasn't right but there was no immediate concern having survived the implementation the aramin brothers were trained rigorously martial combat battlefield experience and constant simulations it was decades of brutal training together alongside thousands of other aspirants for azek in particular his transformation was greater he was a psycho his mind was linked to the great ocean that is the wall a being capable of drawing on the energy directly from the warp and channeling that raw power from a boy who had visions in his dreams to a man fully capable of even reading minds they were ready as fully fledged members of the 15th legion the brothers would travel to the stars alongside the emperor as part of the great crusade to reunite humanity the two boys now men were going on that journey that they had dreamed of long ago at this time the legion only seen small skirmish action with some rebel elements on terror but now they would be set loose upon the stars but only five years into the expedition disasters strung despite a high level of compatibility with the gene seed large numbers of the legion began to slowly devolve a marine would be sold in stature one day then the necks collapsing into a ball of mutated flesh screaming and begging for death the brothers saw their friends and companions start to drop like flies nothing was helping all of the combined knowledge and power of the legion's librarians meant nothing as astartes burst from their armor and turned into monsters then the worst of all came azak saw his twin brother start to mutate there was nothing he could do his twin was turning into a brain dead blubbering mess and he was powerless to stop it he loved him more than anyone in this galaxy so he gave him mercy the most heart-wrenching grief struck azek not just his brother but his twin his other half the brave one the one who had promised to protect him but azek couldn't save him the problem with the 15th became so severe that many voices throughout the imperium began suggesting that the thousand suns be disbanded on the verge of failing the legion was saved by the rediscovery of the thousand sun's primark magnus the red the primark had brought them salvation and presented a miraculous cure to the 15th legion for the affliction although only a fraction of the marines had survived the mysterious disease iron and the survivors pledged their undying allegiance to their savior their father in remembrance of his brother azach had orders silver pendant worked into the shoulder guard of his armor he would carry his brother with him a grim reminder of promises and failures the thousand suns were on the brink of failure but they had found salvation and the rebuilding of the legion began with a new aspirant from prospero the planet of magnus is the reds discovery the cure had seemed like a miracle and the survivors were in ore of their primark with the legion at full strength and stable they set out to rejoin the great crusade countless battlefields felt the might of araman and his fellow astartes who learned to utilize their psychic abilities to new untold heights with the legion reunited with their primark like many of his brothers magnus began to transform the legion to become more of a reflection of him and the culture of his homeworld the legion was brought to tisca on prospero immersing themselves in the teachings of magnus constructing libraries and temples dedicated to different psychic abilities it was during those early years where the legion adopted their iconic red and gold armor that ireman rose through the ranks perhaps coming from the failure of not saving his own brother from the flesh change iron took to study and self-improvement ferociously it was magnus who'd noticed him and seeing the talent in his librarian he took to tutoring iron man personally their love of exploration knowledge and wisdom created a friendship between them one of a mentor and a student rather than a commander and soldier ironman also confided in his fellow astartes such as aemon one of the first non-terrans inducted into the thousand suns legion the previous tutor of magnus and a fellow psycho aemon was a master of deception and subterfuge having served as the master of the hidden ones on prospero it was said that amongst the members of the thousands sons even the powerful psychic might of ariman was useless in detecting aemon's presence a man he truly respected ironman also found fellowship with the space wolf's rune priest other weirdmake during which he happily shared information on the thousand sons psychic disciplines in what he thought was a sharing between brother astartes over a century of warfare and study followed harryman had become the best and when the time came no one questioned it when magnus granted ahriman the title of chief librarian of the thousand sons legion ironman had become a respected legionary powerful but perhaps his climb of the ranks was a search of power power to fill the whole from his previous failures as humans we are often motivated by grief it can light a fire within us as we try to honor those who have passed by improving our future with his immersion and teachings of psychic abilities he'd begun to see them in the same light as his gene father one sorcerer was the equal of a thousand men the 15th legion were educated and wise scholars not just soldiers it becomes something of a personal mission environment to spread the laurels of psychic abilities throughout the galaxy although even amongst the imperium there were those who feared psyches and believed their abilities were too dangerous and unstable many worlds had burned during the age of strife due to unchecked psyches but ironman believed in the ideals of the imperium a better future for humanity it was his fate to realize that dream but as it is often said the road to hell is paved with good intentions and near two centuries of constant battle iron and the thousand suns were a complex society of sorcerers and warriors who had battled the worst the galaxy had to offer from nightmarish xenos to technologically advanced human colonies who refused the imperial truth and compliance despite this reputation of scholarly warriors there were those in the imperium that despised them despise what they were and how they waged war leaving rus primark of the space wolf's legion often decried the danger of psychic powers as well as the cowardly way in which a thousand suns waged a war but this intense dislike would bubble into a full-on confrontation during the latter days of the great crusade on the world of arc regis secundus a joint compliant action between the wolves the thousand suns and the word bearers ended in disaster as iron strode through the last remnants of the defeated enemy city he heard the warp wrenching howl of lehman russ rushing over he saw magnus and the other sorcerers using their psychic gifts on the space wolves in defense of the world's library defying russ's order of destruction ironman begged for them to cease but they only stopped when one of their brothers began to convulse his body exploded into a ball of mutant flesh the flesh change had come back the marine begged for death only for it to be granted by lehman russ the two legions stood on the edge of all-out war until the intervention of lorca who managed to prevent more blood from being spilled it was arrogance magnus thought he could just take the library and the wolves would cower in fact iron man had begun to notice a creeping level of arrogance in his primark sometimes it's hard to reconcile someone you look up to having false but resentment was building alongside the re-emergence of the flesh change magnus had promised it was gone iron saw his own brother burst into a monster and to see it again must have been haunting was magnus really a savior were more of the thousand sons going to suffer just like his brother did ironman questioned his primark and magnus flew into a rage focusing his one eye upon him with seething hate even after two centuries he had never seen this side of his friend he wondered if he really knew him at all in magnus's anger ironman felt the echoes of her memory slit from his primark he knew he was lying about how he saved the legion he was lying about the wall he has struck some kind of deal and he was hiding it in the echoes of that memory he saw his twin brother's pendant leaving him to question what his brother had to do with the deal things would only go from bad to worse the council of nikea was called members from all of the legions came forth to decide whether psychic abilities could continue within the imperium to ireman the council of nikea felt like a trial of a thousand sons how could they not see that their psychic abilities were a benefit to the imperium how could they let fear overrule them far worse with the fact that the first person to step forth and accuse a thousand sons was a rune priest other weird make his friend betrayal struck iron from every side his trust in his primark was waning his friend betrayed his confidence his imperium who he had served for nearly two centuries in hope of an enlightened future had thrown that away the emperor outlawed the use of psychic abilities within the space marine legions and all sorcery across the imperium was banned [Music] aaron is jaded distrustful of his primark his imperium in the wake of the council of nikea a thousand sons remained on prospero for a time uncertain of their future and keeping their psychic practices secret but this isolation came to an end when magnus next attempted to warn the emperor of an impending betrayal by his son horus however in his arrogance magnus shattered the psychic defenses of the imperial palace on terror destroying the psychic wards the emperor had placed the emperor's salvation for humanity was destroyed he was enraged and ordered the primark lehman russ magnus's greatest rival to mobilize his spacewall of legions the sisters of silence and the custodies to take magnus into custody he was to be returned to terror to stand trial for violating the council of nikea with horus's betrayal still a secret the war master altered the orders russ who had always been repulsed by magnus's reliance on psychic powers was all too eager for horace's words of execution magnus panicked he even murdered his own captain to keep this incoming threat a secret in an effort to sacrifice his legion to spare the imperium in the upcoming betrayal the world the 15th legion and ariman had no idea what was heading towards them magnus took this sacrifice as penance for his action and though the legion had been judged and condemned often by the imperium they would know the truth in their hearts the space wars fleet entered the system and proceeded to destroy prospero's orbital defenses the world of prospero was a place of learning and knowledge home with a thousand sons and millions of people and now it burned overrun with wolves iron man the legion must have been completely caught by surprise as they stared into the sky only to see their supposed allies were attempting to destroy them why were they under attack why did the emperor betray them like this where is magnus would they die like this iron man and his friend aemon rallied their brothers and the 15th took up arms against these loyalist invaders and managed to hold tiska fighting tooth and nail for every meter it was their home where they had trained the place where the legion kept its vast libraries and collective knowledge and so the 15th legion gave their blood in defense of it sensing other weird makes presence in the horde of space wars iron man made psychic contact with him dragging him into the etheric plane for answers the two psyches jeweled for a time till ironman finally linked minds with weirdmake and showed the truth to the space wolf weirdmakes saw it all horus betrayal the setting up with a thousand suns and the space wolves and the mistake that had led them to this point he returned both himself and the stunned way it makes of their bodies but kept their minds linked ironman looked around and saw his friends being butchered turning into monsters at the flesh change became rampant the place he called home was burning there was too much iron and spitefully cast weird makes soul to the wall leaving him to a slow death it was all falling apart the legion prepared their last stand speaking to aemon ariman was gifted with the book of magnus the personal tome of his primark perhaps a farewell as finally magnus joined the battle leaving the legion to ariman he strode off to meet his brother the wolf king [Music] ahriman looked past the approaching monsters to see magnus and russ locked in battle high above the causeway the furious horror of their struggle obscured by ethereal fire and burst of lightning a flare of black light erupted and ross cried out in agony his blade lashed out blindly and struck a fateful blow against his foe's most dreaded weapon his eye in an instant the pyrotechnic cascade of light and fire was extinguished and a stunning silence swept outwards all motions ceased and the titans battling on the causeway were no more each primark now restored to his customary stature ironman cried out as he saw magnus reel back from the wolf king one hand clutched to his eye as his shattered arm crackled with genitive energies as broken and bloodied as lehman russ was he was a brawler enough to seize his opportunity he barrelled into magnus and gripped him around the waist like a wrestler roaring as he lifted his brother's body high above his head all eyes turned to rust as he brought magnus down across his knee and the sound of the crimson king's back breaking tore through every warrior of a thousand sons heart iron fell to his knees dropping the book of magnus as a sympathetic pain like a white hot spear stabbed through him no pain in the world was worse for this blow could unmake a primark and such wounds were a death strike a hundred times over to any mortal warrior he knelt against the closing gateway as a wolf and pax reached the shoreline alongside the warriors led by a bloody fanged captain with burned hair and an icebladed axe the wolf king howled his triumph to the blackened heavens and a reign of blood replaced the oil black downpour as prospero wept for her fallen son ironman's tears were bloody as lehmann rust dropped magnus to the mud and brought the frostblade miana around to take the head of his defeated foe but before its lethal edge struck magnus whispered unnatural syllables unknown to man since he had first raised his guttural chance to the nameless gods of the sky magnus's body underwent an instantaneous disillusion its entire structure unmade with a word and iron gasped as vast and depthless power surge into his body it was too much for any mortal man to contain but as it swept through him he knew he had to do it iron clapped his hands upon the jade scarab set in his breastplate filling his mind with its every curve and nuance its imperfections the intricacies of its golden mounting and the exact dimensions of the black scarab worked into its substance he knew everything about that gem and pictured the identical artifact on the chest of each warrior of the thousand sunned even as he visualized them the power in him spread to the entire legion as magnus gave the last of his strength to save his sons a terrific groaning shattered the stillness like the spine of the world shearing out of true the sound of madness tore through the mundane substance of reality as the dying breath of a god unleashed power of impossible magnitude the surface of prospero twisted and ironman felt a dreadful lurch of sickening vertigo it felt like the bottom was falling out of the world or like he was plunging down an endless shaft the world vanished replaced with the utter blackness as the end the universe when all living things would have been dust for billions [Music] they were gone all the surviving thousand sons had vanished ironman found himself awakening upon a world that reflected the broken ruin of prospero he knew he was not in the material plane he was inside the great ocean the warp magnus had given ariman a precious gift a portion of his power and his most prized possession the book of magnus a massive tome that contained the collected knowledge of sorcery of magnus but it was also used as a conduit for a psychic spell that transported the legion into the domain of the warp only one-tenth of the legion had survived what were they supposed to do where did they stand how could they stop the flesh change what were these dark warp gods worse still ironyman and the survivors found that magnus had been psychically shattered pieces of his soul was scattered across the galaxy and the wall their relationship was strained but he was still their primark ironman and the other survivors set out and for much of the heresy they were spread across the galaxy in search of the shards of magnus in hope of unifying them with his body saving his brothers comes first it always had and it always will ariman and his fellow sorcerers scoured recovering the shards piece by piece unsure of where they belonged with the traitors who had orchestrated their destruction or the imperium who saw them as now corrupted their fate would be decided in the imperium's weakest moment the siege of terror harriman and magnus came for the last shard located on terror and saw what had become of the traitors and their embrace of chaos especially the sight of mortarion was ironic for ahriman for he knew how he'd spied psyches and their gifts only for him to be a hypocrite and embrace the war maybe the irony was on him he had left terror two centuries ago with a brother a legion and a great mission now he had returned a fool surrounded by monsters the journey for the last shard took magnus and a contingent of thousand sons through a secret entrance into the imperial palace they weren't really there to conquer they hadn't really taken a side the contingent made it all the way to the golden throne clearly unhassled and there he was the emperor on the golden throne iron stood at the base of the ascending stairs seeing the emperor and the primark vulcan beg magnus to return to them but with one catch he had to sacrifice his legion they were a lost cause magnus with tears in his eyes rejected his father and battle ensued in the throne room vulcan began beating magnus to a bloody pole and as he lay there defeated physically and spiritually magnus gave himself to chaos the contingent were cast back to the war with their newly ascended demon primark it almost seems like too much iron's dream of a psychic tolerant future for humanity died but worst of all his legion his brothers were doomed the magnus that would have died for his sons in that throne room seems to have gone this new demon primark embraced the flesh change as the will of their new patron god zinge iron's love and admiration for his gene sire had turned to hatred and contempt his father was now doing nothing to save the legion from the very fate his brother had suffered whose death scarred him iron was angry the legion is all he had left in this universe and if his father won't save them then he will fate is for us to choose to make our own if we are destined for a particular future it is because we have chosen that end in his own arrogance ahriman thought that he could use the very energy of change to stop change where did it come from perhaps in his two centuries of study ideas of excellence and wisdom had gone to his head or perhaps it's something inherited the sins of the father or fear using the sorcerous knowledge held in the book of magnus ironman designed the plans for a mighty arcane spell that would ultimately undo all the suffering that his brothers were enduring and thus protect them from the flesh change for all eternity preliminary testing of the spell he called the rubric showed promise but he soon found that he lacked the raw power to complete the spell the legion had been immersed in the powers of the war entities of this realm were not to be shunned but understood as they were scholars before warriors but a future with the flesh change was a burden too great for many to bear iron found many amongst the legion disgusted with their so-called new overlord and fate even amon previous tutor and friend of magnus was truly disheartened to see what lion weight for many of their brothers it was in secret that iron assembled this cabal of sorcerers they knew they were about to betray their primark but the ends justified the means gathering in a fell circle around arimon this cabal of sorcerers lent their power to him they started their ritual of salvation the spell was cast etheric power roared from the fell circle of sorcerers their minds connecting to the emotion tied at the wall the power of changed washed over the entire legion weaving through every one of them iron and those of the legion with the psychic gift felt the rush of power flow through them the power of raw change but something started to go wrong their brothers who lacked the psychic gift could not deal with the cataclysmic amount of sorceress energy which poured into them their flesh started to burn thousands of ironman's friends and brothers burst into flame inside their own armor they were burning alive flames so hot they screamed the flames burned into the thousands of men were nothing but ash the etheric energies twisted sealing all the joints in their power armor when their souls attempted to depart their ruined bodies they found themselves prisoners inside their armor dead yet still alive hollow and without a body the warriors were still in there echoes of memory bounced around inside recognition they could see the sorceress as a shining light then the sensation of burning to then nothing a hazy cycle of pain and forgotten memories a never-ending torture it was hubris for iron to believe he could cure change with change he had arguably done more damage to the legion than anyone the wolves had called them the emperor had condemned them but ariman had killed them he killed the only thing he had left in the universe only a few thousand remained they're psychically gifted spared the fury of magnus only by the direct intervention of siege ironman was banished from the planet of the sorcerers and so ironman left broken alone and with no purpose a failure ireman was exiled he had served the emperor and the imperium for over two centuries with complete loyalty he and his brother astartes had fought on countless battlefields against the worst the galaxy had to offer after fully awakening his psychic abilities he truly saw it as an invaluable tool for humanity as instead of wasting scores of human life campaigns could be concluded with the ability of a select few and then it all came tumbling down the council of nikea the burning of prospero the condemning by the emperor the broken friendship with magnus the rubric his loyalty belonged to his legion his brothers and in his arrogance he killed them and turned them into slaves the once incredibly powerful chief librarian became a husk of a man broken iron became a weak pitiful creature almost completely closed off from his abilities just drifting through life as time within the warp became almost meaningless centuries all millennia passed we rejoined ireman who've been hiding amongst a renegade warband dedicated to corn known as the harrowing masquerading as a lowly sorcerer initiate named hawkovs a psycho amongst coronate worshippers is seen as less than dirt and they treated him like a dog too foul to even lick their boots it was a sort of penance for his crimes all this time as a renegade fighting small fry of the imperium would end when the warband was greeted by the thousand-son sorcerer tolbeck a friend once ironman kept his mind and identity hidden fearful of discovery tolbeck spoke to the harrowing's leadership he and the cabal known as the brotherhood of dust were looking for a traitor aruman they linked minds tolbeck filled with sorrow and anger told him to come with him and when ireman refused battle ensued he was a shell of his former self having spent so long almost shut off from his powers but he was still ironman and in a duel tolbeck pulled his mind apart to stop himself from divulging any secrets in a way he killed his friend all that was left was a melted corpse and two silent rubric marines who would accompany tolbeck guilt and regret washed over ahriman as he pushed his mind inside one of them ahriman his name echoed and he felt the sensation of drowning in darkness broken memories and disjointed feelings he felt the hate and sorrow in the marine helio issadoras was his name once harry man had not just reduced his brothers to spirit and dust he had shattered their identities he would not bind the rubric to him they were his brothers once and they would not be his slaves harry man had been in exile for a long time often reflecting on past events in his mental mind palace opening the doors to his betrayals and sins fate the word bounced around in his mind often he would have visions of a raven telling him his fate had come someone was hunting him why now he had to know and who with the help of captain renegades ironman began his journey battling renegade forces demons and even inquisitors and then finally ahriman had a name aemon his friend the teacher of magnus someone who was there through it all the burning of prospero and the cast of the rubric aemon was the one who was hunting him and it wouldn't end till he confronted him it was the first time in centuries ahriman had some semblance of purpose and he slowly began to delve back into the powers he had neglected for so long the journey to aemon and the brotherhood of dust had left him battered and bruised but finally he and his renegade allies managed to infiltrate the gathering fleet of the brotherhood of dust but he was betrayed and his location was alerted to aemon in secret the injured ironman was no match for aemon and his sorcerers and he was hauled off in chains amon i thought you might come to me in the end i even goaded you to do it if you survived my hunters i knew you would have to know why they had come for you there was sorrow in his eyes hariman realized sorrow and pity broken as you are you are still iriman master of the corvade chief librarian of the thousand sons your pride is still strong enough to allow you to believe you can somehow change what will happen that your knowledge and insight is greater that you can divert the course of fate you say that you were wrong that the rubric was your mistake but your arrogance still burns under the lies you tell yourself you are unchanged brother amon harriman shook his head even as his thoughts tumbled why did you not use the rubricate asked aemon suddenly you could have tried to turn them against us when we came for you why didn't you ironman thought of the plane of dust of magnus pulling apart the walking statue that had been our taxes he remembered the ghost cries as the armor had come apart and then reknitted they are my brothers not my slaves they are the slaves you made them aimon turned away and looked up to the gloom that hid the chamber ceiling you should have used them that would have been honest at least my friend it would have shown that you understand what you are the word seemed to prise off scabs that had formed in ironman's mind aemon was right iron had allowed himself to believe lies that destroyed him once already he was nothing a fading echo of failure help me give me what you know of the rubric said aemon give your brothers peace you will see it end and then you may have your own peace fate thought iron fate come round at last come iron felt aemon's hand on his shoulder i forgive you help me end what you began brother give it to me iron thought of the towers on the planet of sorceress of the hulking shapes walking out on the settling dust of the dead light in their eyes i am sorry my brothers he had said iron lifted his head his eyes met aemons sky blue meeting night black he nodded once haman opened his mouth and words came out long strings of syllables that seemed to resonate through the room iron felt his mind connected again to the great and secret power of the universe aemon held his gaze iron felt his brother's mind hovering all around him waiting he closed his eyes reaching back unlocking rooms that he had long kept sealed in the corridors of his mind the rubric spilled out unfolding in precise detail every ritual every source every modification and moment of insight it formed in his mind a focused crystal of memory he held it for an instant he could resist aemon had undone the wards his power was his again he could fight he could he opened his eyes aemon was looking at him his face impassive let our legion die at last [Music] two boys sat gazing up at the stars one holding a silver half of a pendant the other a gold half they wondered what secrets they held one brother told the other it'll be all right as he told him he should be excited for what is to come he told him to stop worrying his dreams aren't always real the brother responded fate is for us to choose to make our own if we are destined for a particular future it is because we have chosen that end harriman relived the memory of he and his brother in his mind palace a last comfort to a miserable end aemon was going to destroy the rubric perhaps that was right iron snapped out of his haze when his renegade allies managed to infiltrate the brotherhood of dust's flagship and cut him from his chains they ran pursued by chasing rubik marines but ironman stopped he was running again we'd all times have felt the darkness that guilt cast it's melancholic and crushing iron would not run not again he had done everything to save his brothers once because he had hope and he had let guilt and despair rule him for too long he was going to stand against fate even if it destroyed him iriman had purpose again and so he allowed himself to fully tap into the great ocean once again power roared through ironman pushing him to the level of his brime the chief librarian the disciple of magnus the greatest psycho amongst all the legionese astartes he had an end goal and he would achieve it no matter the cost iriman strode forth and silenced the chasing rubric and moved to confront aemon when they met aemon scolded him and his arrogance it was that which had led him to cast a rubric and now in his delusion he thought he could still save the legion the words didn't reach arimon's heart he was going to save them and he wouldn't let anyone get in the way even a friend a jewel broke out and it was then that ironman told the last secret the rubric was a part of all of a thousand sons and it was his power aemon's horror did not last long as ahriman burst him into flame and dust iron lifted into the air the separate pieces of aemon armor overlaying his body amon's horned helm slipped over arimon's skull the brotherhood of dust just stood witnessing this horrifying rebirth as the dead rubricae simply waited raising his hands ireman summoned magical flames from the floor which seared the red from the armor of every rupert cayenne sorcerer then the flames flickered blue and the silver armor became polished sapphire ironman looked across the sea of blue slowly he knelt and bowed his head the transformed and empowered sorcerer assumed control of the brotherhood of dust including its massive fleet and the army of followers we all look for purpose to give our existence meaning but what defines us is how we achieve those goals ironman's goal of reverse in the rubric is noble but the cost to the galaxy will be an ocean of blood and tears iron and his warband began a war a war for knowledge betrayals genocides and consortium with demons became part of the arsenal of a thousand sons iron man resorted to sacrificing friends delving into forbidden knowledge and power and even toying with the greater demon such as bellacor whose audience required putting a comrade on the edge of death without his consent mountains of bodies began to pile up as a sorcerer prepared for his next great plan the second rubric of ahriman as if the first casting was not a monumental mistake of arrogance iron believed that he could still save his legion it would be on the planet of sorcerers in the warp where iron intended to sacrifice his own life as a conduit for the spell however the ritual was derailed by several of the shards of magnus and in the confusion the sorcerer kaneku seized control of the incredible energies iron had unleashed and used them to restore the shattered mind of magnus the second rubric ended in complete failure and ahriman fled once again broken weeks would pass by but it all changed with an amazing discovery [Music] the rubric stood in perfect silence and stillness some still showed the marks of battle on their armor others were pristine their blue lacquer gleaming under the stave lines ignis did not look at them his eyes and the eyes of all the others were focused on the figure who stood at the center of the circle that had formed in their ranks the lone figure's armor was the same as the others it placed etched with prospering runes and edged in silver and gold only the chains leading from its wrist to cleats in the deck marked it apart the chains and the high-crusted helm that sat on the deck beside it ignis found that he could not look away ever since they had followed gal mata into the hold he had been able to do nothing else but stare at the figure what else was there to do in the face of the impossible in the face of a miracle he is the only one asked iriman yes replied gal mata i do not know how i did not sense it before but every other rubric on our ship has been examined this his thought voice trailed off an ignis could feel gal mata's reaching and failing to find a concept this is the only one he must have been brought up with the rest of the rubric we recovered from the surface i did not know how i missed the difference iron did not answer but step towards the chained figure ignis felt a pulse of will and the chains crumbled the lone figure flinched eyes flickering to the vanished chains and then up to ariman it is all right sent arriman and then spoke with his true voice there is nothing to fear he extended a hand and the lone figure flinched again i am your brother said ariman and then nodded to where ignist cestus and gaomata stood behind him we are your brothers the lone figure's eyes moved across ignis and the others and then back to ariman my brothers said the figure yes said ironman do you not remember i remember frowning eyes darted across the empty air i remember light bright light jaw and lips mood for a second but no more words came when i discovered him that was all he would say sent gal mata i touched his mind it is blank no memories besides that of a bright light it is though nothing existed for him before before the rubric ironman shook his head slowly and reached out and grasped the figure's shoulder armored fingers clapped on ceramide no you remember one other thing don't you brother i can see it in you deep down just beyond the light you remember something else the figure glass down at ironman's hand on his shoulder muscles moved smoothly beneath unscarred skin ignis could see the slow beat of blood in his neck impossible the thought echoed in his head impossible who are you my brother asked ironman the figure looked up into ironman's shining eyes i i am helio isadorus iron breathed out slowly yes you are the road to hell is paved with good intentions ironman's journey feels like a noble one from transferring his dream of an enlightened humanity to just saving his brothers and undoing the harm he caused ultimately what tarnishes that goal is his arrogance and methods ironman is the favorite champion of zinch for a reason he is a monumental fool the chaos god of manipulation and sorcery has been there in the shadows from the very beginning the warped storms that flared during the early legion's gene seed implementation resulting in the flesh change the deal struck with magnus to save the legion was with zinch who in the echoes of his primark's memory iron saw that his twin may have been part of the deal the architect of the rubric the raven who iriman saw in his mind telling him fate had come at last zinch has been manipulating iron his whole life and in his arrogance fostered by magnus and the great crusade and the overwhelming amount of guilt that has come from failing his twin brother and his legion he still thinks his fate is his own the casting of the rubric challenging aemon delving into forbidden knowledge and power to save his legion he really can't see how far he has fallen iron has killed friends broken bonds and taken part in countless atrocities in the name of his great mission it is said that iron still believes he is as a whole as he was during the great crusade but is unaware of the fact that his face is a yawning void of warp magics this is why zinc has such a love for this arrogant sorcerer he is so delusional that he cannot see how he dances on the strings of a dark god ironman has been corrupted by chaos humanity and the imperium often suffer at his hands if only he could see the bigger picture he would see how far he has fallen the second cast in the rubric was a failure but with the return of helio isadoras once again that spark of hope is lit it is likely the second rubric never truly worked for one marine that perhaps behind it all it was zinge planting that seed so that iron would continue on his destructive path after an unknown time period iron was summoned back to the planet of the sorceress by magnus the red himself a part of the demon primark hated aaron magnus had given up his redemption to save his sons only for arymen to turn them all to dust but this resentment was returned by ironman whose betrayals by magnus were equally painful though definitely not pleased to see each other magnus agreed to once again work with ironman towards a common goal revenge on the space wolves they knew that the burning of prospero was architected by horus but he was gone and the memories of the burnt libraries and massacre of their brothers still lingered the wolves had a debt to be claimed and it will be paid in blood during the subsequent siege of the fenris system the two fought together in mutual vengeance against the space wolves summoning demons and great silver towers of siege leaving the fenris system almost decimated and left with scars cut by a fully reunited thousand suns legion iriman and magnus took part in a ritual that sacrificed billions of innocent people from the fenris system and channeled the energies into a cataclysmic spell the planet of the sorceress vanished from the wall only to burst violently into real space appearing near the burnt husk of true prospero a new face with a thousand sons had begun with revenge taken for the burning of prospero 10 000 years prior it would be the 13th black crusade that caught ironman's attention he had no intention of bowing down to abaddon but he would certainly use the opportunity his eyes were drawn to the inari a new faction in service to the eldar god of the dead yanid rumors had spread of the birth of this faction that members have been brought back to life the power of resurrection is something arimon must have his brothers must have he watched the events of the 13th black crusade waiting for the right chance to strike and seeing an opportunity he led a contingent of the thousand suns into the webway in an effort to ambush the inari forces attempting to make it to kadir iron sacrificed 990 innocent people to zinch to shift him his warriors and his demon thralls to the inari's location his methods and allies to show you how far he has fallen what fire and mystic bolts filled the enclosed tunnels of the webway as the armies clashed demonstrating his immense psychic power iron created a void-like pocket reality outside the walls of the web way and dragged yevrain and the other leaders of the inari inn ahriman does not care who stands in his way the knowledge is all that matters as aaron was about to forcefully extract what he needed from euvrain she showed him the power that he so desperately craved and restored to life a dozen rubik marines the dust-filled husks burst with life and men who had died to the rubric returned not knowing where they were who they were fighting let alone what armor they were wearing they only recognized azek harriman they had spent over 10 000 years at least as an automaton filled with broken memories and pain but blood once again flowed within them they were alive ironman had found it his redemption there was a way to bring them back without using the rubric or relying on zinch this power is everything he'd ever dreamed of it would make all of the atrocities and broken promises worth it but before he could truly take in the moment your khan the avatar of unit threw the reanimated thousand suns into the void of the webway ironman screamed in horror and rage as a thousand suns forces were scattered tearing his re-rawn brothers from his grasp iron had lost them but this time despair did not grip him all this time arabin had been driven forward by his own arrogance blindly thinking he could change him and his legion's fate because he believed it so but now he knew there was a way the belief was fact having witnessed the abilities of gibran to restore the thousand sons afflicted by the rubric iron has begun gathering his forces after the formation of the great rift he needs to explore and understand this new sect of eldar and where better than the epicenter of its beginning this journey will take him to the site of the birth of the yanari the cursed rukari city of kamura iron once again believes he can change his fate and that of the legion but we all know better somewhere in the foul-twisted labyrinth of the warp zinc sits there laughing as his favorite tool begins another journey that will leave disaster and ruin in its wake and there is no greater fall in the universe than one who believes he can defy a god you
Channel: The Amber King
Views: 129,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, 40k, 40k Lore, Lore, Satire, The Amber King, Amber King, Amberking, horus heresy, Horus heresy, Chaos, 40k daemons, the warp, warhammer 40000, total war warhammer, Primarch, The emperor, siege of terra, 30k, Magnus, Siege of terra, audiobook, Horror, corruption, meme, Games Workshop, GW, animation, Ahzek Ahriman, Ahriman, Thousand sons, Tzeentch, Leman Russ, Lorgar, Rubric, Rubric Marine, Amon, Sorceror, Cadia, Yvraine, Space Wolves, Shards, Darktide, total war, sleep, calm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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