JAGO SEVATARION - Prince of Crows | Warhammer 40k Lore

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Ave Dominus Nox. My favourite character from the Heresy.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JustANewLeader 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2022 🗫︎ replies
this is a gang tradition from our home world the hand of traitors and fools were tattooed red by their families to show them as death marked a sign that no gang or family would tolerate grave failure but that the condemned still had labour to perform before they were allowed to die so which are you traitor or fool both there are many battle cries rallying calls and spiteful remarks uttered by the enemies of his imperium spoutings of mad men contemptuous warlords and renegades of the emperor's light though there is one mantra repeated by heretics and pawns of chaos which shall live in infamy forevermore in the annals of human history attributed to an astartes of immense martial prowess from a damned legion of criminals and murderers death to the false emperor the cursed utterance of jago cevitarian first captain of the eighth legion of adeptus astartes the night lords jago cevitarian was born on the homeworld of primark conrad curse nostromo living within nostromo quintus on the city's edge as a child jago harboured psychic powers with the ascension of the planet's nighthaunter the nightlord's legion would recruit severtarian into the eighth legion rising quickly within the legion's ranks jago would become a swift and deadly warrior elevated to the first captain of the legion and officer of the inner circle of the legion's captains the chiroptera severtarian also known as sevitar would be regarded throughout the legions of the adeptus astartes as one of its single most deadly combatants wielding the chain glaive knight's whisper savitar would be regarded alike in marshall prowess to senecane of the dark angels and first captains abaddon of the lunar wolves raudron of the blood angels and sigismund of the imperial fists suppressing his psychic powers his secret would not remain concealed from his primark curse would not reveal jago's secret to his legion possibly due to savitarian's calming influence over him which proved invaluable during his moments of heated exchange with his brother primarks including kurz's clash with the primark of the raven guard corvus corax during the carinae retribution the relationship between cevitarian and his gene father would be laced with tensions regarding their innate psychic abilities for his primark had seen a vision of the death of jago though would not divulge the details of his demise siding with his primarchus's closest counsel jago would endorse the destruction of their homeworld of nostromo for the eighth legion had left for the great crusade and on their return found their homeworld to be overrun with crime and corruptions once more that had once been quelled by the night haunter despite the protestations of other legionaries within the nightlords such as lord commander sheng the nightlord's fleet would bombard nostromo fracturing the legion and causing mutinies across multiple ships of the eighth legion's fleet mutinies which jago and his elite terminator first company the atra mentor would brutally and mercilessly exterminate the treachery of the nightlords would continue with their involvement in the horus heresy their alliances with the traitorous iron warriors word bearers and alpha legion beginning with their deployment during the east van 5 dropside massacre amongst other notable legionaries such as argeltal of the galvorback jago would be present during the speech or rated by primark of the word bearers logar aurelian such was the prowess of the eurizon's words cevitar would utter his infamous remark death to the false emperor setting in motion the war cry that would resound for millennia amongst the cursed voices of untold millions of heretics throughout the stars prior to the night lord's intervention at the battle of eastvan sevitab would treat his now allied cousin astartes with respect yet as the battles waged on the surface of east van 5 the nightlords would observe the corruption of the galvorback and argel tal first hand recoiling at the demon host transformations sevitar would become openly hostile to his new allies viewing them rightly as abominations to life itself and giving credence to his renegade legion's aversion and transformative degenerations of the ruinous powers with the nightlord slaughter of the loyalist legions of the salamanders iron hands and ravenguard they would seek a new foe to bring to heal the proud and stern disciples of primark lionel johnson the dark angels instigating the framas crusade the nightlords would crush several industrial forge worlds and ill-equipped human forces within the eastern fringes of space with the arrival of the dark angels many bloody engagements would be fought savitar would injure the dark angels chapter master alejos during battle mockingly promising to one day kill him and use his head as a trophy of war before they would both retreat the fields in light of the stalemate of battles the nightlords would offer a parlay to the primark of the first legion the lion and nighthaunter would travel with two bodyguards and meet on the surface of the planet saguaza the lion accompanied by master alohos and paladin corswain whilst kers would bring savitar and his huskarl sheng the bodyguards would trade insults corswain insinuating that cevitar's mother had laid with nastram and pigs not rising to the bait sevitar and corswain would converse on his newly painted sinner's red gauntlets the death mark savidar had been given since his involvement at the massacre of istvan five the palais would ultimately be broken as conrad kurz would call into question the lion's loyalty to the imperium both primarks and their astarte's champions would battle savitar yet his dark angels battle brother corswain would save the life of the lion impaling the primark of the nightlords through the spine with his sword reinforcements of both legions would rush to their respective primarks aid dragging both from the engagement bloodied but alive with time conrad curse would heal from his injuries on saguelza re-engaging the dark angels forces across the remainder of the framas crusade ambushed at sheol the nightlords would be undone by a final push from the first legion organizing the nightlord's flagship nightfall to cover his legion's retreat savitar would command the nightfall to aid in his legion's evacuation with his primark injured and in a dormant state savitar would form a new chiroptera guard and divide the remnants of the nightlord's legion into five great companies allowing the eighth legion to organize and execute independent campaigns across the stars without the intervention of legion command or their primark's permission harnessing his own psychic powers cevitar would attempt to reawaken the night haunter entering conrad kurz's mind savitar would be violently expelled from his gene father's psyche realizing upon his attempt to awaken his primark that his forces had been discovered by the dark angels legion savitar would muster his remaining forces to combat the first legion during the slaughter kurz would awaken and order sevitar to accompany him with his new atromenta to board the dark angels flagship the invincible reason and face primark lionel johnson directly yet zevitar's now unlocked psychic abilities would adversely affect the captain of the first company losing consciousness during this skirmish with the dark angels the atromentar would be captured imprisoned and suffering from his psychic whiplash savitar would languish within the bowels of the invincible reason believing himself to be dying savitar would be aided by the compassionate astropath aboard the dark angel's flagship al-thani easing his burden the astropath would prevent his psychic powers from killing him an act of kindness that would lead to her spine being broken by the dark angels master of the choir an act which would enrage the caged savitar escaping during the prisoner transfer to the transport ship the remnant of brotherhood savitar would escape and murder the master of the choir reveling in a mad tirade i am justice i am judgment i am punishment his fate thereafter has been lost to history his stature is first captain of the night lords succeeded by sahal a terenborn astartes of the eighth legion the atra mentor would dissolve with his absence with no astartes of the legion able to live up to his reputation or skill in battle the nightlords would acknowledge his death despite no record of his ultimate fate like many aspects of the prince of crow's life even his end would be shrouded in mystery yet in hushed murmurs across the bleakest corners of the imperium some mad men and heretics believe the man known as cevita to still live though such a prospect is unlikely much to the relief of the imperium the wolves kill cleanly and we do not they also kill quickly and we have neither done that either they fight they win and they stalk back to their ships with their tails held high if they were ever ordered to destroy another legion they would do it by hurling warrior against warrior seeking to grind their enemies down with the admiral delusions of the noble savage if we were ever ordered to assault another legion we would virus bomb their recruitment worlds slaughter their serfs and slaves poison their gene seed repositories and spend the next dozen decades watching them die slow humiliating deaths night after night raid after raid we'd overwhelm stragglers from their fleets and bleach their skulls to hang from our armor until none remained but that isn't the quick execution the emperor needs is it the wolves go for the throat we go for the eyes then the tongue then the hands then the feet then we skin the crippled remains and offer it as an example to any still bearing witness the wolves were warriors before they became soldiers we were murderers first last and always this has been a tale of the great imperium of man read by the remembrancer this transmission was chosen by the members of the imperial chroniclers should you wish to cast your vote on future transmissions join us using the link in this transmission's description for their voice and yours is integral to the continuation of the imperium's history [Music] you
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 110,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, remembrancer, horus heresy, primarchs, 40k timeline, emperor of mankind, sevatar, sevetar, jago sevatation, jago sevetarion, night lords, conrad kurze, night haunter, nostromo, nostramo, prince of crows, kurze, night lords 40k, night lords lore, night lords painting, night lords tribute, night lords battle report, night lords horus heresy, night lords 30k
Id: dxqSYUvIN90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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