Jack Whitehall reads a letter from the creator of South Park to the MPAA

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[Applause] foreign here is our new cut of the South Park movie to submit to the MPAA I wanted to tell you exactly what notes we did and did not address one we left in both the fisting and the rim job references in the councilor's office scene we did however cut the word whole from as per our conversation two we took out the entire goddess me in the ass so many times it has gone you can kind of see why they got me to read this one out not xiaomi chakrabarti um three although it is not anime animated yet we put a new storyboard in for clarification in the scene with Saddam Hussein's penis the intent now is that you never see saddam's real penis he is in fact both times using dildos four oh we have the shot animated that reveals the fact that Winona Ryder is not shooting ping pong balls from her vagina she is in fact hitting the balls with a ping-pong paddle five we took out the only reference to come sucking ass in the film 's office and we've taken it out six we've left in the scenes with Cartman's mum and the horse as per our conversation this is the one joke we really want to fight for please call with any questions Matt P.S this is my favorite memo ever [Applause]
Channel: Letters Live
Views: 314,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hERu-7BNgcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 8sec (128 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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