Jack Hanna and His Friends on David Letterman

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the program I'll bet you over 100 times not to be I bet she's been on this show more than any other single guest and provided more entertainment than any other guests or maybe even a dozen other guests convey some ladies and gentlemen from the Columbus Zoo it's our friend jungle jack Anna thank you for being here Wow look at those lemurs and did that last time yeah I know I'm always doing the lemurs those are beautiful those are wild cats what are they why do you do the lemurs huh forget the lemurs anyway uh Theater beautiful aren't they I heard by the way that the lemurs are endangered yeah so are these what are those let's talk about these okay now I forgot what your reserve their servos serve them yeah and in the cat family how many different cats are in the cat family we have the domestic felines and then how many others in the wild cat your series well I don't know like I'm young at Diane's there's Tigers there's leopards there's a bird's I'd say heaters let's just say over hundred I don't have any idea over here yeah these are beautiful and these are little babies outer circles about seven weeks old this is one a few cats the Royal could actually catch a bird in free flight six feet near go think money they can get legally it's amazing what interior African animals yes Africa and also see you studied again see mm-hmm oh yeah you still never know where they're at you where Africa is anyway but I can find it on a map yeah anyway look at the back of the years there you what do you see there I see the little black marks those are called eye spots so they I know what it is from the sky birds of prey would think oh there's something staring at me I'm not going anywhere near that she know man that's unbelievable that is un-freakin'-believable is that am i right yes because yes and I get that I know that from you but the server the server the threatened cap +60 peculiar diner insects they follow herds of elephants to get about six times as big they follow herds of elephants herds of zebra why do you think they followed them you'll never know this one because they're kicking up bugs and insects all time on the ground it's like a bulldozer say pick them all up in that amazing you know that's a symbiotic relationship and the same is true with a herd of wild buffalo and herd of antelope antelope are always falling wild buffalo because the wild buffalo crush a seed that the antelope feed on and can't crush their own to open it up same thing come here bitch Gilligan cats that's great if they can coming at the cat please symbiotic it means like symbolism or I guess it does yes here we go those are beautiful thank you very much will those animals get oh how big yeah well they get about four or five but about 25 30 pounds not big cat this animal here Dave you'll never see one of these ever again all right no did is that's it out about oh yeah look at that now let me think I ought to be holy no career day I'm really there easy on that one no no no no no no that's a poor you find a handsome porcupine yeah that's a free man it looked at you I was like ready it's already see everybody this this is albano porcupine it was born in Africa see there the albino why why it goes nuts eh in nature very rare I'm tell you I've never seen one I've only seen one in the wild normally and we've had one on before but remember something this animal would not even live this long wouldn't even live probably a month you know that right right it just gives away the camouflage ever also it's very vulnerable act in the wilt I just want you see that's the very few in the world ever see al mano especially I've ever seen al but I've only seen one or two porcupines and I've seen them out in Montana exactly but not the albino never I just want to show you this animal here wow it goes it is we're gonna take good care of it and again it's you can see by the eyes or they can't see out a lot of sunlight is is it its favorite food bananas yes yes yeah yeah yeah they don't eat everything Devon wild eat like roots and things of the scavengers yes they don't eat meat or anything that this is by the way people eat the porcupine oh you know there no no no yes they do - no no no yes they do I'm not saying I never ate the porcupine I never heard a porcupine I almost kill a porcupine with carb didn't hit him no but I'm just saying they write the poor huh well that's a pretty story no I'm just I didn't hit the porcupine I didn't I wouldn't think that there would be I mean how do you get to the meat because of these little deals the I guess you I don't know I'm just telling you that the animals underneath there is very soft and even people in this country in other parts of the world eat the porcupine now I'll tell you a story about my dog Sully went after a porcupine and got these pills ester his up his nose that Tara got him in his lip got him here is it not lives if it did it's very lucky lip because this porcupine oh I was going to show you something this porcupines quills I was going to show you something if there was a North American porcupine they have a bar but it's taking my hand say yeah we're sick that's why this tent head Barb's that's why the lines Hanes mean they don't die but dolls Cody's my wolves Montana they do Cougars yeah thank you they do thank you very much yeah oh yeah Wow now final point you Pines yep sorry in a day it's what these arts you'll never guess in a million years but these are but these aren't right yes oh shoot darn it just no way Dave you what these are these are brown footed boobies round footed oh yes have you ever seen one nope never seen a movie now shoot you give babe I'm not being funny I knew it was gonna happen I knew was gonna happen everybody got some different animals on here have different means their names are different means but now there's a brown footed booby I've seen a lot for Gossage how'd you know I said blue foot in reps the blue-footed booby in red footed boobies so but they're all from the Galapagos no no these are from you don't believe that Caesar in Florida Bush sanctuary and those retaining e-cat that porcupine by the way but they're these are from Florida and these like Florida California the red and red and blue footed boobies live out there now do we have them in the wild in this country there's a lot of boobies in a wild there's a lot of boobies in a while because here feed him a fish No j-just look at look at look at this they're nice by the way guess what Dave are they in there in the duck family aren't they the you're losing family other we're doing a birthday they have they have a webbed feet and they quack you know why they call movies have you asked this question for everybody they don't know this cuz I don't know what nobody else there I've asked they're ready to work this in for it nobody knows what I call boobies cuz and they have a term like the Sailor said oh they're just boobies like your boo-boo phone jerk or something they walk like this all the time yeah and they also y'all sort that's interesting there they're asking for food yes but day when the waiter little queers are rescued that fishing line all around is terrible the bushes oh really Florida but they do exist in nature in certain parts of this country oh yes yeah in California are they protected in this country no no they do pretty good they're doing all right but Dave their people wouldn't their plunger this movie these movies all they dives how'd you know we would have said them yeah twelve twelve feet underwater Dave yep you see the pelican leaders go right now maybe a foot or two these go key imagine l's feet under look how they built there they're beautiful animals they're built for our beautiful animals I don't know well I know why how can you explain the difference between this and the blue footed variety what causes the blue blue is a color we see in nature or often in bird yes because probably the late the booth will be made in spend more time the ocean with her blue water is in her feet turn bluer anyway nothing the days well I think this is something because out a male boom you're a female boobie that's one thing I don't know yeah I don't why are you asking me but but this is something people this is rare to see these young probably never gonna see no this is my channel about 20-something years - eight years here I've never had a boobie on the show I've never I've never had one on the show seriously so we never have them again trust me all right well it's a special night Jack's first boobies we'll be right back ladies got a little jungle Jack Hannah Oh the nature that's amazing because they look like they might be here related to the double yeah put the oh I'm sorry okay the hurry you got a hurry well we'd like to see every six months we could Jack no no Dave you know that way I'm sorry wait wait wait house I'm wrong you're right I'm so you getting all screwed up take take it on get off yeah I'm sorry because it was a fit got touch it first you won't believe this you won't leave this touch it just touch this just go like this can you put her up here hi don't you got touching though can you bleep let's head I'll induce your fingers ears head inject please so if it's okay have an argument can we put them yes all right all right then I'll touch it that's all oh and I saw this is prehistoric Dave feel this you will not believe it is that amazing or what it's it's actually has it's a layer of slime it's almost like KY jelly feel it that like KY jelly it was it some like a one of those mutant New York City rafts no Dave Dave this is serious stuff here this air by hellbenders called it or not it's called a snot otter snuff a snuff out of here why yeah why because it feels like slot right yeah it also it'll drown your hands and look like they say it we've got a little booger balls with balls often jack but the day it doesn't really work how large does this thing get but just just it looks like he's slow okay he is just put your hand back here alright anyway why because God the zoo losses tip of his finger to what you earlier told me to touch it but that's back here go back here I guess yeah all right no no look at this prehistoric URI but this doesn't dinosaur here have you ever seen a nugget you can run it on balls canyon no I can't see it he needs it no look at that kimchi table Oh Dave this there are they so we don't get into them are they we have these a wild finish north are kind of like the Mid Ohio Delta they find one of these in your pool you just you buddy you call the the hellbenders not other people so she do but david this animal david it's right that this animal dave when they breed he digs a little hole the rocks he attracts the female she lays her eggs by herself he comes and fertilizes the eggs and he'll kill any guards them until they hatch and he'll kill anything comes around and hellbender what does that suggest what you'll do did call it they call it a creature from hell the settlers in 1800s they saw that thing what would you call it if you were settling huh yeah that's that's what it is this goddamn day this is three a story I understand that they can't walk really but it's interesting in the grand scheme of things yes all creatures serve a purpose right what purpose does this animal because believe me this is not the first guest to leave a trail of slime ladies go you know what I'm saying Dave Dave I just I've never had one knees on either thank you very much you see that snot otters why they call it the iconic inspires others others I don't actually eat the hellbenders when they're younger are there a lot of hellbender yes the here's the key here holding it you touch you didn't I forgot all about this see I should have you not touching me there that's an otter right here just watch it like that smell cuz these eat are either you eat or what about all of this here that's good no no no no you know you should help me to zoom yeah I'm gonna come in and help with the zoo okay that's it okay that's another honor then a sea otter no no this is a freshwater run ripping runner yeah I need cute are they are they Jack are those related to beaver uh the otters Bobby not really um but they feel beautiful I already good am I so to be near that animal yeah you got the smell off of you well yeah I think so good touch z-g touch that one yeah touch it you touch it go ahead you touching no new killer feelers I love this thing hello it's Jack plays hide the otter they otters are very social creature social creature we have in Montana all of it did the settlers used to trap otter oh yeah he did yeah for their fur you feel it feel that yeah do it they don't trap them anymore will it bite me just met Peyton Becker up Madden back here I don't want him lunging on me I don't that beat all it's gorgeous gorgeous beautiful a beautiful animal eat see how well you see the relationship I did here but this eats to help and I just had a relationship symbiotic that did you know yes in back that would have eaten the hellbender oh gosh yeah what did I mean why did you bring it out right that's that's what I forgot that's why that's why the rubber gloves see the rubber gloves rubber rubber look at the obviously the hellbenders I supposed to have you feel then yeah you said this did I put these on now no too late here that is a beautiful beautiful animal daughter I don't think you've ever brought an otter on this is the first for everything like otters hellbenders boobies everything at first everything's at first watch this day hey Dave you already gave away some money not you got money on you leave it hold on it have anymore its way MIT should give her like beautiful oh here here's $30 okay yeah watch this Dave know what I got put your arms straight out straight out this I'd get a lot of money like this what do I do you're staying like that just like it right for tortilla whoa Wow whoa what wait wait hold the bird is that Jack it's a black bird it's just no no just a black bird I already got fifties now it's not I'm getting ready to go film it African that's why if you okay giving me day you got a whole your country all right all right I got it take your head off try it again come on yeah is that cool yeah ugly now will when they bring me some change I'll be right back with Jack I reckon catch they Monday with his guests zach braff former Army sergeant Brendan Morocco and dr. Andrew Leigh and future Islands if you plan to leave the room where your television is located be sure to get your hand stamped and that was just a crow mr. crow but he had a patch of white on the back of his head I'm PI a white head crow I don't know the guy was amazing but then they're all over the country they're yeah a lot of crows but they're very bright rivers you don't leave your beach towel on beach and Doug take your watch off and your jewelry thought stuff and you crow clothes to come get it they found like fifty thousand dollars worth of jewelry and nesting Naples everybody loss of Judah had big policemen out there looking pair of the robbers there's a crow oh my god two years the big nest of jewelry $50,000 Wow go get yourself a crew you know I think I will now what you hungry no okay the reason he's bananas here I wasn't gonna do this but I was filming in Gabon Africa West Africa okay is this fellow 201 or I think it's one oh yeah come on JB om yeah I think yeah most I go yeah okay I was filming the mandrill big eight to the bridge of Angelo's mandrels yeah mandrels the big eight for the pretty face and a big red and white blue but is of gorgeous big things for those are manners yeah I didn't know that I thought those are orangutangs no they don't have a big butt I mean have a big ring it's a long-haired long-haired you know red here is it isn't one of the great apes man yeah no no it's not no it's not anyway I was watching these things eat bananas how fast me because cuz they're going through the thumb okay like this open them they open just one side you said most like lots of chimps that go like this and like this this this anal did he did like seven bananas less than 60 seconds and it kept all his mouth I was just fascinated by this sauce watching them do this that's it I was filming a show over there and I'll do my stand-up so I just took my break because I was hungry and I said look you gotta be like this ape and they were filming it I'm gonna just try a little bit of it okay cuz they keeping the cheeks to watch you gotta hit me that banana real quick would fit in it this way the fun the problem buddies bananas I should've noticed I'm sorry if you don't eat five the problem is there to burst of green they weren't rotten anyway yeah Jack I'm not gonna be funny Jack are are your shops up-to-date see how fast you need but I know I know I don't I don't know that's not why you're here it's not Jack Hannah let's see how fast we can even bananas if they show the clip they might show the clip once they add this saying someday or whatever they show this thing that they might they might they might show this monkey eat them you'll see why I did it can you have a napkin please all right Jack are you calling dunya I'm not done are you out of animals is that no I don't know that's good maybe I should have done it after the end well you're right I should have done it last yeah where's the next animal please these are beautiful day you'll love these I know you love cats oh my goodness here comes another cat family oh is it edgy Leopard oh that's a letter e is that a letter to leopard yet beautiful my goodness no write the fielding gorgeous now may I touch this Adam yes oh how old is this leopard six months six months they're all my day they're gorgeous everybody just saw this animal it might Tom Dave's almost impossible when you go to after me some day I'll kick ass animals yeah why does this animal let me touch it because in the wild I the last thing I could do would be to touch a leopard yeah you'd never do that wild it yeah well so why does why does the animal let me call me that these are the Rays it grants beautiful place there and we educate folks is leopard because the role most endangered cats the world my people you've seen this animal Dave and touching this fur you understand how beautiful this creature is God put this creature on earth for a good reason and right now the animal is very very endangered in Africa and very very endangered yeah and and still people are interested in the fur is out Dom yep Oh now remember something phone genus the leopard can maybe wave 120 and 100 he can think up a 400-pound antelope in a tree like it's a marshmallow it's amazing to watch take take it right up the rubber tree and they're nocturnal they're solitary cat that's why these cats have a difficult time sometimes locating their mates when when she cycles but is that that coat Celsius I've never seen anything like oh just this lamp here Bob this is part part of a black leopard I think this one here too on this guy oh do you have a name for him spot I can't name Dave can you imagine had any merry animal I'm you know it's way too much less if you you're busy with your bananas yep I just had to bring this I know you love cats I just had you see this glance that's love tails use from ballots yeah there's not little cat male movies all the time what I was talking about earlier we have the leopards and we have the Lions we have the Tigers we have the cheetahs and we have the so honey depression I don't care how many cat 6 36 and and I'm being serious yeah when you like them and like mountain lions would be included is your ice yeah why you telling upfront came out here I was Baxter you're done oh thank you very much oh that's just amazing wow what a cat what it isn't yeah he's marking the territory yo look at the tail on me look at how long leg Dave's good thing eat it like bananas yeah oh alright jack and travel safely but always a pleasure to see you thank you very much they beautiful that's right Jack Hanna ladies gentlemen right back to Jake Johansson
Channel: Christian Merce
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Id: 2jgjWv9p6k8
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Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 02 2014
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