Jack Hanna part 1

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I'm told now Jack Hanna's coming out here and he's a Sioux director and he brings on the wild vicious rare animals and I'm told now that his first animal is bringing out here tonight what are the chances a monkey on a rock what is this what's going on here what are you a guy from a company called vetpro sent me my own jungle jack animal Hanna Azula arm so envious of you I'm ready to go now yeah protection our first guest is the director emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and the host of a very popular television series entitled Jack Hanna's into the wild here he is ladies gentlemen the one the only jungle jack Hannah have a seat buddy good to see a Happy New Year Jack yeah a little upset though what's the matter thank God who's a guy I'm a serious ax he's got a snake all ug Sudhir no what are you talking about he killed my snake or somebody he's wearing a snake that man he just put that blown that whore harm on Stephen Tyler who Steven Tyler Aerosmith Steven Tyler Aerosmith yeah yeah he killed a snake back look what he's wearing if you ever look back at it okay hey speaking animals dropping dead what about all of these birds falling out of the sky what that's biblical what's that mean we're in trouble huh what's going on well I didn't thought of it that way but um um what happens Dave there been mass extinctions going on for a long time Jack I'd have that looked at I'm gonna be serious yeah well good good no but no they've been mass extinction just with all the every interconnected it's just one of those deals you know where we know about it now where's 50 years I thought we might be alone 400 we've had in the last seven months we've had over a hundred mass extinctions throughout this country alone you just don't hear about it and and and what is the cause or does it matter when those birds get fireworks in Arkansas that's a wonder no no no you think it was lightning devar you know that it was a tornado that week never been a tornado that tell me your history I've been wrong for you too we got pollution those elephants died in the in those birds died in Vietnam that's because it coldest weather their ever had and I can go on and on it's always some form of trauma or toxic exactly isn't it that the answer right yeah okay yeah now I heard that in a hundred years yeah fifty percent of the species of animals I'm gonna send you to a specialist because I'm right now we just can't handle this kind of problem right now is this animals back claws right oh my breasts there is hurting so I'd like to know are we in a hundred years 50% of the species on the planet now will be gone that's years fifty percent of this piece I'm not that negative but it could happen I gotta be positive all right jack let me I understand you have something in your shirt yeah this Dave is something you won't believe I know it's the only one United States only what do you think it is you'd never guess in a hundred years X it's the last letter of the alphabet it's the last letter letter of the alphabet it's a Oh buzzy it's a Z it's as a zan zoella zoella there's a real never heard of those around praça say it well you could say I've been working with write get into your shirt this way here Dave is it is it a marsupial no is it a lil is it in the skunk family yes get in this country everybody what you're seeing everyone is it a rodent no it's like a ferret but this is everyone listen well isn't a favorable reassured up though it likes to be inside of a shirt this is this some kind of it's oregano like a rainbow okay no no no serious now let me let me ask I don't want my wife don't nobody it up Dave Dave let me talk to you now Davey I understand they're in the next hundred years ago be in extinction you like to tell me about it now you'll see what it's like we're not sitting here that thing inside my shirt what's wrong nothing you looked in there right now gorilla yell it this has to be this has to be this this this is the smelliest this is the smelliest animal in the world debut this one this animal you look it up to get on get on your blackberry get on your black brain look up the word Zorilla you'll see it says the smelling of white ways there's only one in the world only one in the world I guess because people put in their shirts I don't know though it's the only one the world Dave really seriously it's been like this for about eight months done here lately and start jumping around Dave if you said if you sit for he'd go around your home waist there he'll just explore your right now myself under my arm bad tickles this has stopped yet and it likes you and now we we talked about this before the show no oh yeah the only one in the country day the only one in country you haven't shut your shirt alright that's great we'll be right back with Jack can everybody that Canada that's a that's a what they call a Joey exactly yeah it's a little baby kangaroo kangaroo yeah but you know you don't know Australia are the only indigenous only to Australia are they yes the kangaroo tasmanian da straight yeah i'll be saying no why is it what one continent and that's all we got why wouldn't it be elsewhere but why I mean David that's how the world why are elephants in Africa that's what he got dude right but I would I would think that kangaroos might survive on the plains of the United States might they they might have been depressed or kangaroos probably 15 feet tall I don't know anyway the kangaroo David that day the kangaroo is a marsupial it can have three babies at one time when the only end of the world have a baby coming out of the pouch got six months like this was get ready do another one being born that looks like a line of being this big Dave and it doesn't have any idea where the nipple is yeah it knows right where to go well I'm not amazing yeah it comes down the birth canal and goes up on an island you guys right up into the pouch and then it can breathe the same day three different stages life oh that's something right and and so what happened did they get kicked out the pouch if the ones coming up out of the end a little anything comes out their mother pushes it out on the ground and also in Australia I've been told I've not seen this that they also use the pouch to carry their EZ Pass the hands that a joke is that really a joke or what hey is that a joke you telling me that's a joke right Dave this I didn't I didn't get the I didn't get to hold that 100 check please whoa oh my god they're just that's a Wolverine that's a no that's okay that's it don't know what is it I'm having dogs out hey I got him on what is it this this Dave career this is a bit too wrong or Bearcat you've never seen what he said oh I never had I went to Malaysia tried to film him I couldn't find everybody you know smell just take a smell I was just not on it saw four days think about it it's popcorn smell it get this yes a little like popcorn now this every color version from this relation all right this young find him in movie theaters in Malaysia they they I've never seen an animal like this I thought it was a Wolverine or something no Dave this is some people think that this is it this is like the Wolverine Iliff are they dangerous they're deadly dangerous aren't they he's got my definite they don't know oh look out Dave Dave state the sorry but he begin to wrap his leg around that tiger tail around his leg that's a very good point you know why I lag yeah you know why this is the strongest creates a tale of am in the world Dave any animal the world I haven't even seen a sec just hold that no what what are they related to Jack there's a mongoose family my own this thing is like a Wolverine right takes down a tougher than a mongoose uh are they tougher than a Wolverine that's that'd be a good thing to know right well I tell you what one of them good days we're gonna get a guy on here who knows that sort of thing they've nobody knows I've never seen that are they rare are they in trouble they're not in trouble really they live in the forest over there and eat cobras you know eat a cobra come down the ground the Cobra flares up right this animal walks around the Cobra real slowly the carbon goes like this and all of a sudden that the the this thing here the better run Bearcat starts running real fast and the Cobra gets so dizzy he falls over he bites his head off wow I'm not making out about how is that how is that different from the a mongoose because the mongooses ain't they so this is really a form of a monk it's in the Mongoose family in the Mongoose family it did not say that did you see the hello Dave are they great yeah hey those are good gloves for something like this all right yeah but this is Lucy law whisker thinking almost hunting total darkness in it beautiful lovely animal now hurry animal does this animal here - about 312 oh wow nut toilet but that's a look at this day that's natural behavior right there look at that this is easy those teeth can I touch the animal or you get you can feed your banana or I don't want him smelling my head thanks did you get are you out of the audience or you were you with Givaudan give me banana I will be right back with Jack Hanna ladies and gentlemen wow that's unbelievable that's crazy I've never seen anything like that yeah join us again tomorrow brother Ken please like Joe the day of guessed Betty White Kim and Kourtney Kardashian and the script and now conspiracy-theory corner Rico duties by the sea government expedite supermarket checkout go nobody go nowhere
Channel: danakahebi
Views: 388,036
Rating: 4.8645473 out of 5
Keywords: animal, guy, part
Id: -Cb0yrGJqQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2012
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