Jack Hanna David Letterman December 1988

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Oh man touches is this one one of the Tigers it was a little baby did you have this one here once before remember the one I had here about three years ago this is the baby of that one Wow one ate my wife's diamond ring one of these eight though remember my wife got the other one eat the ring and then now this one had anything it oh well that's that's good and what exactly is this this is a white Bengal tiger they're about 90 in the world and have an Orangeman here I want to show you that was this born at the Columbus Zoo right born to Columbus Zoo we have an orange one I want to show you they bring it out how old is this animal about five months now and how much is a way I just weighed about 50 pounds and and it will eventually get much much much greater like 500 pounds and what you bottle feed this one well this one's much bigger than the one you have all right Citadel to say Mela desk oh my god now let Dave whole debacle does this one what are you putting all the bottle boy this is this is amazing okay now what's he won what's you keep on there so this is this is also oh this comes from a white father in an orange mother it's got a beautiful copper color to it and how old is this one that one there now he's got the little Talon job the other tail long as you give him a mile maybe five he'll are the bubbles somebody strips wait turn on the plum you turn off the bubble machine here I'm sorry we don't want to frighten the cats you know the cats are all deathly afraid of bubbles they don't see them Warrenton out Betty you know wow these are amazing animals eventually they grow up to eat meat right yeah the Cali cows and buffalo and everything it's probably it's the largest cat in the world of Siberian the bingham Tigers five or six hundred pounds and they'll weigh that in less than 20 months you here sucking on the bottle now I do hear that yeah you see look at the club y'all if you can see this tape see a lot of people think that these animals some people try and think they're friendly and they're not because well I don't see I don't think they're friends you don't have to explain that to me Oh to me they're wild animal that's exactly what they are there you go that's beautiful Anna okay what's this one's name oh that's Buckeye that's great yep nice to see you bye-bye put this one down here well let this please sincere might get her hot Allah what does that smell Jack I've smelled something all day let's rather unpleasant that's uh is that the cat not to my beaver hey babe director of the zoo ladies and gentlemen send your send your letters of complaint right to Columbus to shut that place down overnight no have you ever seen a real beaver okay of your I'm not trying to be funny over this whole thing what was that we heard backstage oldest what is that there's a letter power cell God they never got to cut the logs up just take it back here he brought up yes Jack I don't know your you ever seen a beaver swim why is there a guy walking around with a power saw a chainsaw you got all screwed up he knew to cut the wood before you bought the beaver he's good I see okay look Nick's up there right I want to show you this so this is this beaver here well good soup no beavers wait here Wow yeah look at that look I want you to proof anyway what's happening keys under I don't know what happens yeah those are pretty powerful carrots know what Melanie I want to try to show something Oh God anyway going to do that around Halloween go to a party and Bob for beavers like there you go the little commercials back yeah we better I was the guy here with a chainsaw I don't know maybe nothing to do with anything get it it I did but it's too late now yeah it is all right we'll be right back all right we're back Jack Hanna the director of the Columbus Zoo it's Columbus Ohio Schlemmer so hi that's right right just testing not going allergy and then what do we have here all right now I don't think you've ever seen one of these probably this is an electric eel electric eels can put off 500 to 800 volts I don't believe it actually I don't believe that they generate five to eight hundred volts of electricity to come right around here and all you do is put on these gloves are you not I won't make you put on rubber shoes just the gloves well should I be grounded for this no you ought to be grounded because I'm the one who has to do the work as you can see from so far yeah that's work a day in your life so what do you do you just stand out front of the zoo in a little Safari outfit I'll take tickets or what uh help with the parking there is that what happens yeah I hope with the parking alright here we go now what you do is take just hold this one right here let me turn this on what exactly will you put the thing in just don't now this this will not put a charge into the tank will it no no the eels are always charging see the detail just water eels are saltwater Rachel our good point from South America these are from South America yeah these would be swimming in the rivers down there then oh yeah yeah stick your rod in that water to stick your you know yeah please stop doing that please it's it started with the beaver and then you know I thought maybe we'll just let that go we're adults here just don't is this the kind of joke you have with little school Joanne come through this if you stick one rod in there though we'll see what can happen how your turn all nail alright but don't you don't hit the jumpy okay why don't you be I mean the electric eel oh there's a tiny there's a little minnow in there that's okay easy this is food okay good right there I'll aim it because I'm gonna get closer to this one know what you think guys joking around I do think it's joking or no all right let's see what else you got Jack wait what are you want to try it Jack what do you want to do next guess my weight yeah becoming your buddy this has nothing to do with the eels does it this little thing here it does I said seaman there are no rods in there now it's just a little trick you are supposed to do this like the guy with the biggest to complete hoax
Channel: Tim Clausz
Views: 157,565
Rating: 4.7857141 out of 5
Keywords: beaver, electric eel, David Letterman, beaver bite
Id: RL6RmtrtkFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2016
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