Johnny Carson Animal Hi Jinks

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congratulations on adding Johnny's favorite moments to your home video library if you'd like to order additional copies of this video or other great videos from the Johnny Carson collection now you can simply by going online to Johnny Carson comm this is it but one and only official premiere website for fans of Johnny Carson and The Tonight Show at Johnny Carson calm you'll find all your favorites plus great shopping opportunities special offers the history of The Tonight Show fun facts punchlines a backstage pass and the Johnny Carson e-newsletter for 30 years he was the king of late-night on TV and now he's online into the next millennium here's Johnny and a whole lot more [Music] ah now that is a very big rat this is a bush doc a bush dog she was sent to us from the West Berlin Zoo and they received her from South America and they're an endangered specie New York any hurt hunt and Pat hey you good oh she loves people dog they're not too commonly found in zoos we've raised about 12 of them you want to hold her she likes you to hold her on her back of rubber belly so do I [Applause] I'm in room 607 look at this going to sleep [Music] one day [Applause] [Music] is he dead what is it why do they hit he was laughing dumb name for high in anyway see the whole thing is they're very weird in relation to the for example the wolf but the yeah in fact you can't even tell the difference between male females at about a year old and nobody knows why they say they're just they're born of the same sexual organs both have a penis in fact the female has a penis until she's about a year old very interesting a little bit of trivia no that's interesting must be a better reason for that jungle question as a jungle or question I nobody really knows what what are the changes that occur but the it's a cuz we kind of depressing when the guy thinks he's a male all that time [Applause] all the time he thought he was virile and now you know it's a communication device I want to make sure he gets the meet here to he if he's hungry he may not be but anyway I think hyenas well there goes the out poll commercial and they also extremely powerful with their jaws they eat the bade bones frankly that is a strange looking animal sure well Jim I thank you for bringing these here tonight really it's fascinating every time you show up the said well this is by the way raised by placed in Virginia call the pet a pet farm and it's worth like I say one of the cue tame ones in the United States yeah yeah well if your penis fell off you'd be on your knees Oh heartbeat I'm sorry about I ain't got it see they're also a very sensitive animal [Applause] all their cats and we wanted to bring them out for a comparison so we need one of you two to volunteer to hold this one this is one of our Siberians we now have have had 20 we got close [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes this is a this is a tiger there's another one of our very rare animals and Cody is the Cougar that was on as a baby with all of his spots that won't make him angry well that's it this one does have claws I want to tell you now I know what a gilding is this is a tarantula why are you doing that to show you that they're not really as farm food as most people think there we go these are not insects spiders have eight legs [Applause] I think I'm going to cry what is that animal doing on my wrist I know how it moves what that is a tarantula now they're not as poisonous as most people think [Applause] poisonous are they what is he doing there preparing to strike isn't it better if they keep moving don't anger what am I gonna say you're ugly or something like that I'm gonna get him angry how do you get a tarantula angry why would I blow on a tarantula give me one good reason I won't do that either no I wouldn't blow on it or grab it or do anything I like him I wouldn't make it he's a good looking tarantula why didn't they walk up he's he's going up my arm it's whoa whoa whoa boy whoa over here a female spider over here very team now she got a little bit older do they become a little more well venture some surprisingly enough a wolf is in some ways much more shy than a dog and I don't know yeah I don't want to encourage people have them as pets because you really can't let me show you what happens when you give some wolves a okay piece of meat yeah all right see we lose one open up is over here right here maybe I could hand you this and I'll get let me go get that oh he's right back here yeah yeah come on around he's exploring [Applause] [Music] bring the piece of meat over here and I'll see you back yeah give it to this one do we go New Year's that's a raw chicken leg now wait just a minute here come on boy that's all right that's all right there you go let me get a bigger hole just two and a half months of age we'll see maybe now there's got to give up one more if you don't mind just the chickens couldn't you know chicken minute got those fellas guys yeah she can get an idea is there that competitive these are competitive just like [Laughter] we've done several stories with this I mean yeah we're going crazy done several stories on YouTube ok one of them one of the things you don't want to do is to try to take me to I'm not going now I think I can get these into the okay alright ed you want to get the money eating the meat over there that is an aardvark right no - hold up there a minute alrighty you will very seldom ever see a thing like this that is a weird-looking animus yeah it's the only team aardvark in the world that I know of and you don't need to have that angle to the camera aardvark this is is this a member of the pig family no it's a member of the anteater family oddly enough it's really in a family by itself but it eats termites each twice yesterday the termites and it's extremely powerful as you can see he's had a meal Murphy it's uh well it's very hard to tell I think when you're that ugly doesn't make any difference female who cares I love you these are nocturnal they live in burrows they breed at night they also Holly as my coffee got they breed they breed underground - yeah it's a different thing altogether well you wouldn't want to see them in the daylight let me show you a couple don't listen he's very powerful I was one of the worst times the most dangerous situations ever that in was I was chasing an aardvark one night you know were you lonely Jim or what it gets lonely in the jungle we ran into a group of lions instead but these are like bulldozers and they actually disappear in the ground faster than you can pull them out I think you can feel the strength there let's walk over to the sandbox over here it's got a name I think it's called after the zoo it was born in mr. Cole my mr. Alma become why I don't want to see the runner-up of this is the winner in case you can't fulfill your duties let me give it a little bite to eat and then we'll take it over to the right what does that looks like a little libero Charlie now uh on you sir Owen was walking we've had quite a few stories about these and I think he looks like he's gonna take a while he let me leave him over there with this are you bringing over the leash all right over to Sam you'll come of you come on pretty face I'm a good solid roller right off a little problem here Johnny yeah caller say look look here's the way we can do it if you'll pull this out push and I think we'll see we here we go I want to show you what he does he should do something there you go now there are so powerful well they want you let me get that leaves off of it he might get tangled up in this they're so powerful that they actually can disappear faster you can catch [Applause] yes I just found out [Music] [Applause] not a bitchin they really have some sharp claws yeah they do they also can bite but this one is a young I'll show you how if you're fact if you'll bring that tree up there first and put it on the back seat okay just in case you have to get this is a young one if you hold it I think I can figure what if you'll notice the sloths jab is very slow-moving they're extremely slow like this let him just and let him hug you as if you're his mother uh-huh by the way that jacket is not as expensive as the one you had on the other time it's all arrested you ruin a jacket appearance here Jim usually I just let him hold on to you that's right it's going right through my coat right oh Michael oh you mean the claws are going right through the coat to the skin [Applause] all right if you be kind of quiet here that is an ugly looking bird that's strange of birds you'll ever see in fact no I think everybody probably knows what that word is it's a vulture right it's a vulture and it's called the lappet-faced vulture it's the largest soaring vulture in Africa and just take a look at that face huh credible that's not a pretty sight you better take that glove because if you don't mind just put that on your left arm right on my left arm now Johnny if you'll come over here he's eating me while he's in the mood for feeding I want you to call me you hold that to again why Marlins in the home now I'm here I know he will put that on your glove yeah now walk come over a little closer lightning lightning don't be don't be ashamed to walk over all right hold it higher hold your meat don't come back come on watch [Applause] he will come to your fist and you just hold your fists steady and high hold it like out in front like this like this I come back a bit what he missed will be the first time what do you 10 look here this will be the first time ever that the vultures ever flown to you like that [Music] hi Jim are you Jim's for monsoon are you Jim he was the biggest gorilla ever born in captivity I know it's a drag isn't it Jim weighed six pounds when he was born yeah Jim it's strong a little rascal isn't hi there now he's four months old now he's four months old and it takes them about eight to 10 years to reach their full maturity and his father weighs 400 pounds and they can get up to 500 pounds yeah all right so he's gonna be a big yeah just a little off the top yeah all right not many gorillas are morning cap today are they my first gorilla was born in 1956 and there there have been two born at the zoo he's the second one the first one in our Wild Animal Park we had one at the zoo eight years ago and I think a total of 35 born in captivity look at that face would you really quite advanced for his age you know he's very coordinated very alert some of the other young Apes you know like the orangutan that we've had on at this same age aren't is strong or advanced as he is you have to give him a lot of attention I mean yes he has attention around the clock he gets feedings every few hours it's milk and cereal jim-jim little milk this is the first [Applause] I don't think he's hungry Jim [Applause] right fictional devil isn't it he's really got a hold of my hater you think you scared it off I don't think so I think he just wants to feel security and he wants to hold on to you he he likes having somebody could care for a minute this age he would still be with his mother very close and she'd be holding him most of the time so he has to feel [Applause] [Applause] it's a beer of some kind this is a very unusual bear this is called a sloth bear and it's from India and you very seldom see these handle in the United States he's doing the Jane Fonda workout this eat more people in India than Tigers do these eat people in the food what's what food what food you got to put that in the plate what hungry give him anything he wants go over a little bit there we go now watch the way he uses his mouth here usual he's snorting it he has a mouth like a vacuum sweeper and be careful not to get too close to him while he's eating boy he stinks whoo Johnny there are more and more zoos where's your take it easy where's this one come from well they're more and more zoos using these and educational programs usually [Applause] born he stinks and he's messy this is a first I think there's a towel there's some towels around here somewhere look at a raw fish that's pretty good-looking coach yeah I've got open this this is the most incredible male sea lion I think you ever seen circus act where's our good behaviors okay when I open the door if you'll just call him out to him his name is Kai inna Kaena Kaena Kai in here why didn't you tell me the bats Manor well here we are at the zoo the main thing about a big sea lion like this he weighs about 500 pounds you have to act in control in other words give him a signal make it positive right now this is the first time I've actually seen this sehun I've never done this before [Applause] very well done now back up stately back up Johnny stand okay now throw him a fish join the fish fish that's right now what's it run a little more do them a little faster like that you'll see amazing these have such an incredible catching ability there you go boy do another one now if you'll give me that bucket what are they well they're just a just a regular fish hey come back here no Johnny I'll show you another trick statement what I'm trying to show you is the ability of these stay now the ability of the sea lion because when they're swimming underwater and fish move by very rapidly they have this incredible catching now I'm gonna get his attention you throw that to him pretty hard now Willy squadala go ahead Hey hi once again let me try one of these and I'm gonna he's got [Music] [Applause] what put the meat down he won't do anything with my arm out well the meats there you want to play no I can't put him on my arm [Applause] right up here right out of aces if you tend to do a cat sometimes I do Howard hell yes you hear that's the role he said hello nice way to start [Applause] where were you during the monologue well 23 skidoo Howard Howard do a cat do a cat do a cat do a cat Howard I'm talking chill business folks alright it can't laugh that's all haha my name is Howard my name is that's always kind of freaky isn't it what a bird or an animal I guess we're all most animals don't say anything do they things that they're going to say in their first year so they learn when they're young I have to give him a grape for that he loves grapes they like various types of fruit ha okay we made Howard made up for last time he was really nothing about looking at the boom that he wasn't thinking about tacos I'll put this my desk microphone art Howard my name is Howard [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Retro Tube
Views: 551,335
Rating: 4.7903228 out of 5
Keywords: Johnny Carson Animal Hi Jinks, Johnny Carson, Ed McMahon, The Tonight Show, NBC, Jack Hanna, Classic Television, Episodes, Free, Full Length, Bloopers, Funny, Retro Tube, Interview, Classic Movies
Id: ndWx0-4A518
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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