Jack and the Beanstalk Full Story | 75 min | Bedtime Stories | Orgre Story l Little Fox

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[Music] little fox Jack and the beanock episode 1 no more milk once upon a time there was a clever [Music] [Applause] boy his name was Jack [Music] he lived with his mother Jack and his mother were poor long ago an evil ogre stole their gold then Jack's father [Music] died but they still had a garden and wheat field they also had an old cow named milky white every morning Jack milked milky white every afternoon he went to the market fresh milk for sale Jack called Fresh butter too every night Jack took the money home to mother one year terrible rainstorms [Music] came rain washed away their vegetable garden it washed away the wheat field too mother looked around and shook her head what will we do she said don't worry mother Jack said said cheerfully in the spring we'll make a new Garden we'll plant more wheat and we still have milky white mother nodded you're right jack we still have milky white then one day Jack went to Milk The Cow but milky white had no milk I hope milky white is okay Jack thought the next day Jack tried to Milk The Cow again oh no he said the cow had no milk again jack sighed how will I tell [Music] mother Jack and the beanock episode two a grand [Music] plan that evening Jack told Mother about milky white this is terrible mother said how will we make money she put her head on the table and sobbed there was one thing Jack hated that was watching mother [Music] cry please don't cry mother he said I have a plan mother lifted her head we have a big problem Jack she said it's not time for one of your grand plans Jack smiled it's not a grand plan this time it's a simple one what is it mother asked slowly I will look for a job Jack said then I can earn money a job mother said where will you look for a job I will look in town Jack said you tried that last year mother said remember Jack nobody needed [Music] help that was a year ago Jack said maybe someone needs help now he Shrugged it never hurts to try just then something outside caught Jack's eye in the night sky a star twinkled brightly hope filled Jack's heart Jack looked back at mother I have a good feeling about this mother something magical is going to happen mother sighed fine go and look for a job maybe something good will happen [Music] Happ Jack and the beanock episode 3 Jack goes to [Music] [Applause] town Jack woke up early and walked to town first he went to the Shoemaker [Music] shop good morning sir Jack said I need a job do you have any work for me the shoe maker shook his head I'm sorry Jack he said I don't need any [Music] help next Jack went to the bakery he greeted the baker do you have any work for me he asked the baker shook her head not right now Jack my daughters are helping [Music] me Jack went from shop to [Music] shop but he had no luck Jack side this is terrible no one needs any help Jack began to walk home how would he tell mother the bad [Music] news he kicked a rock hard it bounced down the dirt road ouch a voice called stop kicking rocks Jack looked up a young woman stood outside a Shabby house she was gathering herbs I'm sorry Jack said I didn't mean to hurt you I was just mad about [Music] something it's okay the young woman smiled at Jack Jack smiled back shyly my name is Jack I'm Eliza the young woman said tell me jack what are you so mad [Music] about Jack and the beanock episode 4 mother [Music] plan Jack told Eliza about milky [Music] white my father was an Explorer he [Music] said he found treasure and gold on his trips Eliza eyes lit up treasure Jack nodded and told Eliza about the treasure in [Music] Gold but a mean ogre stole everything from [Music] us and then my father died he said now we're poor my family is poor too Eliza said my parents died several years ago so I take care of my brothers and sisters oh Jack said that sounds [Music] hard Eliza [Music] nodded you don't have any money but you still have your mother and that's a [Music] treasure Jack nodded you're right I'll try to remember [Music] that soon Jack started walking again mother ran outside as Jack got closer did you find a job she called Jack shook his head nobody in town needs help he said mother [Music] frowned we must sell milky white Jack gasped oh no mother we can't sell milky white we need her milk milky white is not giving milk mother said firmly so we must sell her Jack started to speak again milky is still but mother folded her arms you must sell milky white tomorrow she said we need the money for food Jack hung his head mother was [Music] right Jack and the beanock episode 5 the funny looking man [Music] the next morning Jack got milky [Music] [Applause] [Music] white slowly he began walking her toward the [Music] market [Applause] when he was close to town a voice rang out good morning Jack Jack looked [Music] around a funny looking man was waving at him his blue eyes twinkled like stars how does he know my name Jack thought the strange Man Came [Music] closer he danced around the [Music] cow milky white is a very fine cow the man said where are you taking her I am taking her to the market Jack said she is a fine cow but I must sell her what the man's face lit up you're selling her he asked Jack nodded the man did another little dance this is my lucky day he said and yours [Music] too the man held out his hand Jack blinked five tiny white things lay in the man's hand are those beans Jack asked the man grinned at Jack of course they're beans special beans Jack looked at the beans again they don't look special he thought they just look like plain beans Let's Make a Deal the man said I'll give you these five bead for milky [Music] white Jack and the beant stock episode 6 five beans for one [Music] cow Jack laughed loudly at the man five little beans for one big [Music] cow the man nodded and grinned how about it Jack he [Music] asked Jack shook his head that's not a good deal I won't trade my cow for five little beans the man Shrugged oh well these beans are little but they are magic he began to walk [Music] away wait Jack [Music] called did you say magic beans uh yes the man came back he held out the beans again I Don't Know Jack said slowly he stared at the beans then he looked at milky white we need to sell milky white for money Jack said if I trade her for beans mother will be you can plant these beans the man said they will grow through the clouds up to the sky H Jack thought a beant stock is high as the sky that sounds interesting [Applause] here the man put the beans in Jack's hand just take the beans and plant them if nothing happens I'll give back your [Music] cow it's a deal Jack said [Music] soon the man headed off with milky [Music] white and Jack headed home with five tiny [Music] beans Jack and the beanock episode 7 news for [Music] mother [Music] mother ran outside when Jack came home she was happy to see Jack without the cow wonderful mother cried you sold milky white how much money did you get 10 gold coins 20 gold [Music] coins um Jack gulped uh he put on his brightest smile I got something better than money [Music] mother Jack reached into his pocket I traded milky white for for Five magic beans he opened his hand and showed mother the beans what mother gasped and turned pale for a moment she said nothing then she dropped to the ground beans mother's hand was on her heart you traded milky white for beans don't cry mother Jack begged please don't cry but tears were streaming from Mother's Eyes they are magic beans Jack said again we can plant them a giant beant stock will grow as high as the sky oh Jack mother sobbed you're a clever boy but sometimes you do silly things we need money not [Music] beans Jack tried again didn't you hear me mother he said the beans are magic mother shook her head in Anger Jack listen to me beans are beans they are not [Music] Magic Jack and the beanock episode 8 a strange [Music] Shadow Jack tried again to tell mother about the beans but mother leaped to her [Music] feet she grabbed the beans out of Jack's hand mother squeezed her fist hard then she threw the beans across the [Music] yard there mother spun back to Jack stop talking about those silly beans now go straight to bed no supper for you jack hung his head yes Mother he mumbled I'm [Music] sorry slowly he climbed the steps to the [Music] Attic mother's right jack thought I was foolish to believe in magic now we have no milk no cow and no [Music] money he climbed into bed and stared out the window no star twinkled brightly that night the sky looked as black as ink I need a grand plan Jack [Music] thought one idea came to him I'll find the funny looking man tomorrow Jack thought I'll ask him to return milky [Music] white [Music] the next morning Jack woke up early he looked around the attic the sun Shone brightly in one spot but a shadow covered the rest of the floor that's strange he thought why is it so dark in here Jack jumped out of bed he rushed to the window wow Jack gasped a giant beanock stretched up toward the [Music] sky jack and the beanock episode 9 up up [Music] up Jack stared at the beanock it went up up up into the sky clouds hid the top of it that man was telling the truth Jack thought those beans were magic carefully Jack climbed onto the [Applause] beanock he climbed and climbed soon his house was Far Below wa Jack said this beanock is tall Jack climbed higher and higher he passed through clouds and then he saw a Strange [Music] Land Jack stepped off the beanock where am I he [Music] thought Jack walked along a road he grew tired and hungry Jack spotted a tall [Music] house a woman stood in the doorway maybe she'll give me food Jack thought good morning Jack called politely he rubbed his belly I'm very hungry can you please give me some breakfast um the woman looked nervous she glanced all around and then back at Jack you want something to eat Jack stepped closer yes please I missed supper last night and I had no breakfast this morning the woman bit her lip you should leave now why Jack asked my husband the woman whispered he's an ogre Jack and the beanock episode 10 the ogre's [Music] wife Jack stared at the woman your husband is an ogre he said is he the mean ogre who steals gold [Music] yes the woman said he steals gold and treasure from people and do you know what his favorite food [Music] is Jack shook his head [Music] no it's baked Boys on bread the ogre's wife [Music] said Jack [Music] gulped you must get out of here the woman went on my husband is out hunting now but he will return soon and he will eat you jack knew he should leave at once mother told him stories about the mean ogre the ogre stole from [Music] people and worse the terrible ogre ate boys but Jack's belly was growling his knees felt [Music] weak Jack rubbed his belly again please ma'am I know the ogre could eat me but I could die from Hunger first please can you give me some breakfast the woman shook her head I'm sorry she said but I don't think that's a good idea I will eat fast and leave Jack begged I promise he crossed his heart please the woman stared at Jack for another second [Music] finally she let out a loud sigh fine come in she [Music] said Jack and the beanock episode 11 Thump Thump [Music] Thump [Music] here the ogre's wife said she put a bowl of porridge in front of [Music] Jack Jack gulped down the food it was hot and [Music] delicious [Music] thank you Jack said he got to his feet I'll go now before Thump Thump Thump footsteps shook the house like thunder oh no the woman began to shake with fear my husband is coming she cried quick boy hide Jack froze Thump Thump Thump the ogre was coming closer where can I hide Jack asked there the ogre's wife said she pointed to the oven hide in there quick Thump Thump Thump just as the ogre entered Jack jumped into the oven he peaked out through a crack in the [Music] door the ogre is huge Jack thought the ogre had sharp teeth and a nasty smile a large pouch hung from his belt good morning wife the ogre said I'm back from my hunt the ogre tossed the pouch on the table cook these for my breakfast he growled this ogre is rude too Jack thought sniff sniff Jack's heart beat fast as the ogre sniffed the air sniff sniff [Music] sniff the ogre Roar what's that [Music] smell Jack and the beanock episode 12 fif F fo [Music] fum the ogre stomped around the room he sniffed every [Music] corner suddenly he stopped three five four five the ogre yelled I smell an Englishman if he's alive or if he's dead I'll eat him on a slice of [Music] bread inside the oven Jack shook with fear this is awful he thought the ogre is going to find me then he'll put me on bread and eat me Jack bit his hand so he wouldn't cry I'll Never See mother again he thought why did I take those beans Fe f f f the angry ogre yelled [Music] again no smell is not an Englishman it's an English [Music] boy now now dear his wife said I don't smell a thing she gave a little laugh you must be dreaming I'm not dreaming the ogre said I smell a boy his wife patted his arm breakfast will be ready soon why don't you go and wash up the ogre growled still [Music] sniffing I'll make pancakes too his wife said sweetly the ogre turned his huge head with blueberries he asked his wife nodded yes of course dear the ogre's shoulders dropped his frown melted away okay he said I'll wash [Music] up Jack and the beanock episode 13 the ogre's [Music] breakfast Jack waited until the ogre left the [Music] room wo then he threw open the oven door he started to jump out but the ogre's wife stopped him no she whispered it's not safe yet you must wait my husband always takes a nap after breakfast with a sigh Jack closed the door soon the ogre came back from inside the oven Jack [Music] watched the ogre ate his big breakfast delicious he [Music] said soon the ogre's plate was empty yeah that was fast Jack [Music] thought wife the ogre shouted make me some more pancakes sure dear the ogre's wife said Jack thought this will take forever I'll never escape from this this oven Jack waited while the ogre ate more [Music] pancakes at last the ogre got to his feet finally Jack thought now he will take his nap but the ogre didn't go to sleep instead he went over to a big wooden chest what's he doing now Jack thought the ogre lifted the lid on the chest he pulled out two bags Jack's eyes opened wide that chest is filled with golden treasure Jack thought and some of it belongs to mother and me Jack and the beanock episode 14 shiny gold [Music] coins the ogre dropped the bags onto the table gold coin spilled from one bag smiling the ogre began to count 1 2 [Music] three he made tall stacks of shiny gold coins Jack watched the stacks grow taller and taller on and on the ogre counted 26 31 at last the ogre began counting more slowly 52 50 a [Music] 66 the house shook as the ogre snored now Jack thought it was time to escape he jumped out of the oven Jack didn't see the ogre's wife anywhere he tiptoed across the [Music] floor the ogre continued to snore Jack stepped silent ly toward the [Music] [Applause] table with one Smooth Move Jack grabbed a bag of gold then he dashed outside he ran with the bag I hope the ogre doesn't wake up soon Jack thought every few steps he looked back but he didn't see the [Music] ogre soon Jack came to the beanock he looked down and saw clouds it's a long way down he thought Jack's heart thumped clutching the bag tightly he stepped onto the beam stock he began to climb down carefully toward [Music] home Jack and the beanock episode 15 up the beanock [Music] again jack climbed down the beanock he climbed and climbed and climbed [Music] at last Jack stepped onto the ground pH I made it he thought quickly he ran [Music] inside mother Jack cried look mother gasped is that gold real gold yes it's gold the ogre stole from us Jack said he took her outside to see the [Music] beanock I told you those were magic beans Jack said we got some of our gold back mother hugged Jack you were right she said oh how [Applause] wonderful that night Jack and mother ate a big dinner and for a long time they felt rich and [Music] happy but Jack knew there was a problem each month the bag became a little less full one day the coins will be gone Jack thought so Jack made a new grand plan one morning he woke up [Music] early he jumped onto the bean do up up up he climbed at last Jack reached the land above the clouds he walked following the road soon he came to the ogre's tall house once more he saw the ogre's wife she was standing outside the house jack took a deep breath [Music] H good morning he called [Music] boldly I'm very hungry can you please give me something to [Music] eat Jack and the beanock episode 16 another hot breakfast [Music] Jack smiled and waved at the ogre's wife go away boy she said as Jack walked closer the woman [Music] blinked I remember you she cried I fed you breakfast one one morning that was the day my husband lost a bag of gold the ogre's wife glared at Jack the gold didn't just disappear she said somebody stole it h Jack said slightly I might be able to tell you something about that but he rubbed his belly I can't say another word until I eat something hu the ogre's wife glared at Jack but Jack could see that she was [Music] curious with a sigh she invited Jack [Music] inside the woman brought Jack some hot porridge here she snapped eat your breakfast then tell me about the missing gold Jack picked up a spoon and tasted some [Music] porridge [Music] very very slowly he sipped some [Music] tea then he patted his mouth with a [Music] napkin so what's new Jack asked the ogre's wife has the ogre caught any Thump Thump Thump the house shook like thunder perfect Jack thought he looked down to hide his smile the ogre was coming Jack and the beanock episode 17 team the golden [Music] hen Thump Thump Thump the ogre's footsteps shook the house the footsteps grew louder the ogre's wife looked worried quick she whispered to Jack hide just as as before Jack jumped into the [Music] oven Thump Thump Thump the ogre stomped into the room instantly he began sniffing [Music] around five the ogre shouted I smell an it's nothing dear his wife cut him off here eat your breakfast the ogre's wife set down some pancakes fine the ogre snapped but I can't smelling the ogre's wife sprinkled some blueberries on the pancakes the ogre looked down at his plate oo he cried [Music] blueberries Jack peaked out as the ogre ate the [Music] pancakes after breakfast the ogre patted his belly then he slapped the table wife he shouted bring me my golden hen his wife nodded and ran off soon she was back with a large hen she put it in front of the ogre the ogre grinned his nasty grin H I want an egg the ogre cried [Music] lay [Music] Jack's eyes opened wide the hen laid a golden [Music] egg I must have that hen Jack thought Jack and the beanock episode8 Jack [Music] escapes soon the ogre's wife left the room Jack stayed hidden in the oven he watched the [Music] ogre Jack knew what was about to happen first the ogre's head began to nod [Music] then the whole house shook from the snoring Jack slipped out of the oven moving quickly he grabbed the hen then he raced for the door Jack stayed very quiet but the hen didn't stay quiet instead it made a lot of noise cackle cackle cackle the ogre woke up he wiped his eyes Jack darted behind the [Applause] door the ogre stared at the empty table in Surprise wife he roared get in here at once she ran into the room what's wrong dear my golden head the ogre cried it's gone who took my golden hen your golden hen his wife said the ogre's wife glanced nervously at the oven Jack dashed outside holding the hen [Music] tightly stop thief the ogre yelled the ogre and his wife ran after Jack but he was too fast for [Music] them Jack raced down the road toward the beanock with a flying leap he jumped on and then down down down he climbed Jack and the beam stock episode 19 a new grand [Music] plan at last Jack reached the bottom of the beam [Music] stock he ran into into his house he was still carrying the golden hen mother he called come quickly I want to show you something mother ran into the [Music] room Jack placed the golden hen on the table Le he said [Music] mother clapped as the hen laid an egg a golden egg she said [Music] amazing Jack smiled happily mother will never cry again he thought time passed mother and Jack were very happy they had each other and they had plenty of golden [Music] eggs but after a while Jack began to worry what if the hen stops laying eggs he thought what will we do when that [Music] happens that night Jack gazed up at the twinkling star he remembered the ogre's big wooden chest that chest is filled with treasure Jack thought what treasure that the ogre stole from us h i [Music] wonder the next morning Jack woke up early he jumped onto the beant stock and started climbing up up up he climbed [Music] at last Jack reached the top he smiled I'm going back to the ogre's house he said and I've got a new grand [Music] plan Jack and the beamto episode 20 Jack hides [Music] again Jack walked along the [Music] road near the ogre's house he ducked behind a bush he waited until the ogre's wife came [Music] out she carried a [Music] pale she's going to the well for water Jack thought what he waited another [Music] minute [Music] now he slipped into the house he spotted a large copper tub it was filled with laundry Jack climbed under the clothes soon he heard a sound Thump Thump [Music] Thump the ogre sniffed the air he stomped around the room t fall i f fall the ogre cried I smell an English boy the ogre sniffed all [Music] around his wife hurried into the house what are you doing she asked I smell him I know I do the ogre shouted the ogre's wife stared at him you smell that boy she asked the one who stole your gold yes the ogre growled his eyes burned with anger he stole my golden hand too I know where the boy is the ogre's wife said she ran to the oven and threw open the door but Jack wasn't there the ogre stamped his foot I smell him he shouted that boy is around here somewhere Jack and the beanock episode 21 the Golden [Music] Harp the ogre's wife shook her head at the ogre that's not the boy she said you probably smell last night's dinner the ogre stomped around the room forget about it his wife said I'll make some pancakes for you pancakes with blueberries Jack peaked out from his hiding spot the ogre nodded and sat down but he did not look happy while his wife cooked the ogre sniffed the air I smell a boy the ogre grumbled it's the thief I know it is Jack frowned the ogre was the real thief the ogre got up and checked the [Music] pantry [Music] he checked all the cupboards his wife side forget about the boy here your breakfast is [Music] ready after breakfast the ogre slapped the table wife he yelled bring me my Golden Harp father had a Golden Harp Jack thought he watched the woman put something on the table it was a harp made of shiny gold the ogre touched it gently how I love my golden har he said harp sing [Music] the Golden Heart began to [Music] sing the ogre closed his eyes and hummed along what beautiful music Jack thought I could make lots of money with that harp I need to get that harp [Music] back Jack and the beanock episode 22 the ogre chases [Music] Jack [Music] the Golden Harp played on and on Jack peaked at the ogre he was listening with his eyes [Music] closed soon the ogre snores shook the [Music] house [Music] his wife side he's finally [Music] asleep now Jack thought as the woman left the room he jumped from the tub creeping like a mouse he reached the table then he grabbed the Golden Harp but Jack wasn't ready for what happened next master master the harp sang loudly help there's a th oh no Jack thought clutching the harp tightly he ran for the door help the harp sang again wake up master a boy is stealing me the ogre's eyes popped [Music] open with a furious growl he jumped to his feet stop sa the ogre yelled he rushed at Jack but Jack was already at the door he raced outside and ran down the road the ogre took off after him you rotten boy he [Music] shouted you won't get away from me the ogre grabbed Jack's [Music] shirt no but Jack pulled away and ran faster help Master the Golden Harp sang Jack had to reach the beanock but the ogre was right behind him Jack and the beanock episode 23 three down the beanock [Music] again I need a grand plan Jack thought all at once one came to him before he reached the beanock he made a sharp [Music] turn Jack dashed across a field the ogre's footsteps pounded behind him jack leaped over bushes he ran as fast as he could the ogre was huffing and puffing he's slowing down Jack thought he ran toward the beanock clutching the heart he leaped onto the beam stock quickly Jack started going down he heard the ogre panting above him the ogre was getting closer to the beanock suddenly the Golden Harp let out a sharp cry master [Music] master the ogre looked down with his nasty eyes he SP spotted Jack aha the ogre cried there you are the ogre threw himself onto the beanock the beanock bent from the heavy Giants weight whoa Jack gripped it tightly the ogre gave a loud roar Jack moved as fast as he could but so did the ogre the beanock swayed back and forth Jack raced down through the clouds he went down down down soon he was Far Below the [Music] ogre at last Jack's feet touched the ground mother he yelled come quickly and bring an axe Jack and the beanock episode 24 happily ever [Music] after Jack's mother raced outside with an axe what's wrong jack she looked up and froze a pair of legs hung below the clouds they were in ogre's legs Jack grabbed the axe and swung hard Chop Chop the ogre growled loudly here I come Jack chopped [Music] harder [Music] a splitting sound filled the air the giant beanock began to fall the ogre flew off the beam stock boom he landed hard on the ground then the beam stop crashed [Music] down under it the ogre lay [Music] still music came from the Golden Harp you are my new master it [Music] sang Mother hugged Jack thank goodness you're safe no more magic beans or grand plans Jack grinned just one more grand plan mother looked worried Jack laughed don't worry you'll like this plan I [Music] promise everyone loved the golden [Music] heart Jack had concerts and made money he gave food to the poor and he built a big new house jack built something else too one day he knocked on a ela's door please come with me Jack said he led her to the field next to his house another new house sat there it's for your family Jack [Music] said that night a star twinkled brightly [Music] and everyone lived happily ever [Music] after little fox
Channel: Little Fox - Kids Stories and Songs
Views: 1,302,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: littlefox, kids, english, stories, animation, children, for kids, for children, educational, kindergarten learning videos, kids story, fairy tales, fairy tales audiobook, audiobook english, story for kids, story for kindergarten
Id: eGto1OgnSUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 50sec (4550 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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