Scariest Hell Testimony EVER 2024

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I believe it was a Friday I was at home and we are no Fridays when fighters come ace party time we go get dress we're getting ready to go out party hang out with the friends but that Friday just seemed a little different that Friday was was just something about that Friday I just didn't feel like going out I didn't want to go out I felt that if I was gonna go out that night I was not gonna come back home that was very very heavy in me our fear came over me I fear I never felt before but you know there goes friends knocking in the door pom pom pom pom Mario come outside let's go this party I wouldn't I couldn't answer the door I couldn't speak something had my mouth shut something happened me held down that there was no way I was going to answer that door and the more they knocked in the doors are more heavier I felt I was not gonna come home I was just not gonna come back home them there and I started getting scared so maybe half an hour an hour later finally my Stuber friend stopped they finally got the hint I'm not coming out or I was in there they did couldn't understand anything what was going on but I stood home I laid in my couch it's the way later my couch in my back I fell asleep on with her deep sleep when I fell asleep I remember closing my eyes when I remember it's about 9 o'clock that night I opened my eyes as I fell asleep I open my eyes again that quick just it's almost like a blink closed open and when I open my eyes what I noticed was that my face was stuck in the ceiling my face was literally stuck up in the ceiling so I'm trying to catch myself here like questioning myself what was going on here and as I look sideways I can see my body laying in the couch so I'm questioning myself how come I could see my body so I guess everybody knows how a balloon is birthday balloons and whatnot it has to healing in the air and he cried with the string and you let it go and it bounces up and down in the ceiling well it was my soul was almost that way I pushed myself down grab my hand on the wall and I pushed myself down and I'll come back up to the wall and bounce my face I did that two times at the third time when I'm trying to push myself down I can see my body again and it was like it was just like in a peaceful restful manner so I start spinning around the ceiling slowly start going around in circles and I'm going little faster and faster you know there's nothing in the ceiling so I'm trying to get it hold on to something grab on to something and I just can't get a hold of anything and I'm going faster and faster and faster and it's the fastest I'm going now I'm starting to hear these wicked laughs like demons they're laughing I can hear him clearly go just wicked as I'm going faster I don't know if you guys ever seen movies about a time machine I just what when the time machine disappears and it comes back Oh was I was going faster that's what I heard and I find myself in this big big dark place dark dark there's trees dead trees the ground the sand was like grade dirty gray whatever was behind me I was able to see these things because and there there was a time where there's it's so pitch black you can't even see your hand in front of your face it's so dark in there you can't see anything but whatever was behind me I couldn't look back but I can see in front of me everything was dead trees and it was just trying there's no love there's nothing just dead and I'm moving forward slowly and I remember not remember but what I seen in my spirit when I was out of my body there was five demons I ran around me and they were covered in black almost like witches and warlocks cover themselves some of them were different some of them have face of like rats some look like bats you guys see these movies these Hollywood movies that the demons how demons they describe demons see Hollywood is based on the Antichrist bushes and warlocks work for Hollywood so they see demons it's why they come out with these movies because that's exactly how they look so they make them as as as as a mask in models and they make movies like that that's exactly how demons look but these things are more ten times stronger ten times bigger some of them have real yellow eyes green eyes red like eyes not beautiful little green red light like Christmas lights these eyes were evil wicked you can feel the hate how they look at you you can sense that hate that hate is so overwhelming that not even a human being and this earth has that much that that kind of hate it will be overwhelming for us it would automatically explode your heart with such an ugly overwhelming hate as I'm going forward something caught my attention my arms were straight out and anything that caught my attention was that I wasn't walking I was gliding and as I'm gliding I had these chains on me chained him with the ball in the end they were so heavy I wanted to put my hands down but I just couldn't I was taking that pain and I remember seeing these demons and I kept saying were were a mine let me go they wouldn't say nothing to me but they look at me and they're laughs they were giggling that's all they were there and I can see them they had really long long fingernails real powerful sharp nails like razors but they wouldn't respond to me they were just giggling at me laughing at me so as I'm moving forward I start seeing this big big black tunnel this tunnel was huge and I can hear the sound of this tunnel and I'm starting in through this tunnel and my hands I saw over heavy I can I need to put them down and I'm in pain already I just can't but I'm still gliding in and to this tunnel as I'm beginning to go into the tunnel half ways into this tunnel this terrible smell starts to come out of this tunnel I smell that I wanted to die this smell was it was just horrible horrible if this smell was on the earth we would die because that's a terrible smell yes there's no air in there there's nothing so I had to pass this smell and I see a tiny little light at the end of this tunnel and I said to myself oh okay well as soon as I get to that end of that turn that little light I'm gonna be safe but I wanted to die I felt ugly death and the being a word of God says this is the second death it's just the beginning of your second death because I'm going into an eternal I finally went to the end of the tunnel I didn't see that little light no more everything was just I didn't see the demons no more so I'm just standing there okay and in the Sun of these flames just rose from the ground up real hard that's the sound did I heard you know I we open our curtains in the morning so that's the way the frame split when the flames split a voice told me walk forward going there so I walk forward when I went forward there was a lot of screams there was a lot of fire I seen a lot of people there was a lot of people screaming before I go forward I'm not saying this to scare you guys I must kick here to scare anybody I'm just telling you this is the true what happens after death I seen all this I've seen rivers a fire people are burning there's been people burning there for many many many years hundreds of years people are their flesh burns they burn they burn they burn in the flesh Falls and your bones get nice and toasty and black and gray and when this is done then the flame that your skin your flesh starts growing back on you and then the flames start again and I also seen maggots crawling through your flesh through your and your bones and they're eating you they eating your flesh it makes no difference picture yourself now in the earth if you have bugs or maggots eating your flesh how would I feel but you're in Hell ready there's nothing you can do you have to that's the torture that's that's the thus your everlasting torture life in there I seen teenagers for the disobedient of their parents I seen pastors because I said in the word before they have robbed me of my tithing I've seen Christians because they didn't want to get up and do anything for God and then Christians doing things at home thinking that nobody will see them I keep repenting repenting but they just never got out of doing what they kept doing in plain paint playing with God they were either warm or you were cold but they're lukewarm they just kept playing and praying and praying but the flames their rise higher on Christians demons torture you and different way even sexually they can tear your head they can sexually attack you that can cut you they can stab you that will tear your pieces and you're still alive you can feel everything that's going on I seen witches I seen warlocks because Satan told them that he was gonna promise them their kingdom if they serve them which it was a lie all he wanted was your soul once so it's a million soul to the Lord that's available your so is as I'm walking through these dirt road that's fire and they're screaming they're shouting and people saying that let me out let me out I want to do right I want to do right this time I promise to do right let me go on and tell the world and let them know that this is a real place hell is real but it's too late because once we have our portunity and our chances guys so merciful you so lovable he gives you chance after chance after chance and then we don't take that chance that's what we're gonna go there is also people in there because they had no love and no no forgiveness for their others I say pray for your enemies I say is in the Word of God if you have no love you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven if you have no forgiveness you cannot enter the kingdom I have been because God is pure love every one of these people that were being tortured and burned there's no sleep there's no rest there's no food there's no water you know how I feel sometimes we don't go without water for a while man we need water even though we don't like water but man we need water I want some water the food breath you've been when night falls you're tired you need to sleep there's no sleep there these demons go in there day and night and they torture you and every which way there's never no rest for you burning fire I mean that's the least your promise of you sleeping out drinking or it's the torture that you're going through with these demons and as I begin to walk down this trail there was rivers but rivers of fire and as I can see inside the rivers I can see these little eyes looking up at me and it almost appeared that s they were going up and down there was little that they were chained up together and they were walking going up and down as they wanted to get out but you could hear their screams screams and you can see them breach it now with their hands you can see the skeleton and then God knows the thoughts before we think of so this is the worst day I would receive those were the lesbians those were the homosexuals these are the gay men that were chained up together walking in the and these rivers of fire but some of them wanted out but it was too late and as we going and it's I'm going I'm walking through these through this road and I can call this fire and all these are these rivers and I start seeing a lot of crosses and fire all over the place and you see demons poking their privates the privates butts with these swords poking the privates all the way in and coming out through the chest and a different direction but they start in through their privates and the word to say is that masturbation is a no-no it's a sin it says cut up your hand I'm throwing it to the fire is better than your hand or burned in your whole body those were the people that had that that were changed up that there were in that curse that they could not get out of pornography masturbation sexual desires that DNA will bring to them and that means it's something that that demons were Ted will tell them was speak in their team his collars were stupid humans that's the way they talk that's the way they think of us that were stupid because we're so dumb to listen to every little line that the enemy says and I seen a lot of these Christians and therefore that they say well a lot of Christians say hey I heard the devil tell me this I heard the devil well why can't we hear God but because the bondage that were in the same that we're in and also for not loving each other not loving each other because I went back to that we were not enter the kingdom of heaven if there's no love in no repentance or forgiveness there's Christians in there because they cannot forgive they just would not forgive God says if I have forgiven your sins and remember them no more why can you forgive but now it was too late they wanted to forgive they're screaming then there I forgive you I forgive you get me out of here I want to be set free I want to do what's right I want to go speak the word I want to go I just want to live my life for you but it says it's too late but it's too late and I could continue to walk you through this I wanted to be out I was so afraid already I didn't want to see no more I did not want to see no more I just wanted to bow down in the corner there or wherever and drop and I wanted to close my eyes and I didn't want to see nothing no more but whatever it was it controls you I was control to see and to move forward in our carnal minds we think that Oh walk and fight them off I can run from them no there's nowhere to run there's nowhere to hide and you cannot fight these things there are 10 times bigger than you 10 times stronger than you and there's nowhere no way you would ever get out of business you would always burn which is in cells there cells in there just like in prison and everybody that was in these cells are the ones that created more crime more sin in their lives I also seen warlocks and witches where they were biting their flesh they were trying to drink their blood because there's no water in there they figured if I bite my flesh off too I can drink blood so that's what I thought but these are the words that came to me when I seen Washington warlocks biting their flesh and these are the words is because when they were on the earth they sacrifice humans they sacrifice animals and they drank blood and the eighth of flesh of the sacrifice they did so that's why they were in the burning and torching trying to eat their own flesh as I continued to go forward I passed that and every cell that's in there there's different witches and warlocks for the sin and you can see the so little there's little old lady there and she looked towards the door out of the cell and her face was changing different people and that's what she did in the world she would try and form herself into different people and she was using was Satan's power to destroy Christians to destroy the churches but the cells are almost like backup and they and the earth prisons well there's a lot of stuff because you also commit a crime up there there's no difference on there that you commit a crime and demons going there the same way and they torture you and they burn and they do whatever they want with you and there's no way out no way out and I kept going this as I kept walking I came to this room this one big ugly dark gray room but you can hear you could still hear are these screams all these screams and there was a coffin in the middle there's a big coffin a big black coffin and there was demons dancing around this coffin and there was a hole in the middle of the coffin and the center of the hole almost towards the heart and as they were dancing they were keep singing we worship you Satan we worship You Satan and I can hear almost rock-and-roll music just as us that I used to listen to Pink Floyd and let's a plan and all this rock and roll music because that's also satanic rock and roll was created by Satan and I couldn't hear this music but instead the words were different they were worshipping Satan they were saying Satan is our Lord Satan isn't Lord and as a kid going around the circle in this box they kept poking the hole poked in the hole poking a hole day and night and I could hear somebody screaming and screaming and screaming and screaming and there was a pastor in there a pastor because he was robbing God before they robbed me of my tithing even not just the pastor's but there's a lot of Christians like rob god of their tithing they don't give god what needs to be given God is not a waitress he's a king and we and when he love God we get what belongs to God but this pastor reserved because he had a big house he had big Rolex he had cars and because he was robbing God so that was a sternal life they're being tortured by these demons as I keep going by and the in the crosses that I seen there was a lot of people being tortured not only and their private parts because of masturbation and pornography and their sexual desires but there was also people in the crosses being tortured and these were the Christians what they call the hypocrites and God doesn't like hypocrites they were doing things out of not because of their heart they were doing things to look good in front of people but deep down their hearts they hated they hated each other as Christians that get up in the morning said God please don't let this person be there today really God's gonna out here that prayer right God is love and for us Christians we need remember we're not perfect but we have to do the right thing we have to love we have to have that that love of God in our hearts in order to do to move forward that you listen to what God wants us to do love is the key love is powerful lovers were breaks the enemy chains even men and women in there because of their marriage the lusting the fornication the adultery the pornography the sexual desires that they had which is vanity its bondage with the enemy God created our marriage to be clean and pure for him a lot of Christians that they were getting cup was involved in their marriage and then repent a lot of people in their network screaming his shot and they had it worse I mean they they were really being tortured in a lot of ways because of the disgusting things they were doing in their bedroom sexually with animals and whatnot and that kept going and coin I finally seen this stuff here that I'm coming up to this hill I seen all these crosses and the thing where got me was the screams and the demons that were so humongous and they see you the way they want to terrorize you the way they want to just destroy your life and even I seen parents that we need to discipline their kids to be the priests of your house the woman praying of your house and to lead our children to Christ and they didn't do their job because that was our job so it's basically you're telling your son and your daughter go to hell I'm going to heaven so where did you end up going for not doing God's will so I'm climbing up this hill already I can't stand it I can't see no more I just I wanted water I wanted I just wanted some water because my mouth was so dry and I can feel the heat now can feel the fire as I coming up to this bring big big hill I finally came to the end of this hill and everything closed from behind and I'm staying and I'm there standing already with this I'm on my mind is trauma traumatize already I'm already I don't know what's going to happen anymore all I know is that I was glad not that I was not seen anything anymore and then a big angel 7 foot angel beautiful angel with big blond hair no wings just a white garment the danger had a big sword in his hand and he called my name he said Mario Mario he has to call me two or three times because I was so afraid I didn't want to move one hand because I didn't know what was gonna grab me and I looked up to him he said Mario do you know where you're at and I looked at him and I said no he said if today was your time this will be your portion this is where you will spend internal life this is hell he said this is hell he says who's your God and I said I don't know and I remember these two people by the name of Ronnie and Mike there was the two Christians that will come out of the bus and go and pick up the little kids and pick us up for church when he came out to me with the Bible and say look Mario Jesus loves you this is what they will tell me so little window opened up and I seen both of them coming at me look Mario Jesus loves you when they said Jesus the window closed oh and the angel spoke to me again and said who is your God I said Jesus he says scream the name of your God and I screamed it real loud Jesus and it echo through the tunnels Jesus Jesus Jesus oh that's when I came back into my body and I opened my eyes and I couldn't breathe let's catch my breath and I was so afraid I didn't want to sit up I didn't wanna do anything because I didn't know if these things were gonna get me I was just afraid the lights were right there I could just turn the lights on and I couldn't move I stood there I set up finally I had my head down I was bowed up and the first that came to me was Lord forgive me and I got in my knees and I remember that and I said and I picked up my hands and I said Jesus please forgive me of all of my sins I repent I repent for everything god I said I don't want to go I don't want to go to this place please forgive me I said and then that night I remember I lit a buzz like a buzzing noise or from the bottom of my feet inside my feet [Music] by the way up to my zoo came out and from that point on 19 years from now they'll let deliver me from drugs from alcohol from tobacco from sin we're not perfect we fall short but once we love God we become to hate sin just as God hates sin he loves you is the sin that he hates just have you ever seen your dog gone back to his throw up you ever seen a dog when he throws up and he licks his vomit doesn't that look gross that's the way God sees our sin the sin that's what he hates but from that point on God deliver me and that's when I started walking with the Lord that's when I knew he yeah I had a call from him
Channel: 2031 Truth ChanneL
Views: 1,485,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MY HELL TESTIMONY 2017, MY HELL TESTIMONY 2018, THIS MAN WENT TO HELL FOR 23 MINUTES (INCREDIBLE TESTIMONY), Man Sees Unthinkable Horrors in Hell – Christians Being Tortured! (Mario Martinez), Testimony of Hell : Pastors and Deacons in Hell, Hell Experience, trip to hell and back, I went to hell a warning you must hear, Scariest Hell Testimony 2018, TERRIFYING HELL TESTIMONY 2017, TERRIFYING HELL TESTIMONY 2018
Id: 18Os663dF0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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