Is Elon Musk a Christian Now? Listen to His Answer

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when i saw elon musk being interviewed on the babylon b i had a stack of questions i thought what is this is this a parody is this a joke is he a christian does he know this is a christian organization and when i saw it was real i couldn't wait for them to share the gospel so i fast forwarded and man you could feel the tension in the air the mouths were dry i know that feeling well we're always at peak rolling stones seems like um heyday yeah yeah nitpick all right final question to close our timeout here yeah i mean we're here you know the babylon b is a christian organization you know and uh we're a ministry let me take a minute to say i empathize with these guys look at who they were talking to his interest in mars spawned spacex rockets that can come and go heralding a future of interplanetary travel and then there is tesla his vision for electric transportation that's turning the gas-fueled car industry into a battery-powered future the first of the year is elon musk okay he is reshaping life on earth and possibly life off earth as well and and this is someone also who in becoming the richest person in the history of the world this year really speaks to the moment we're into this very complex moment in the world just before we look at what they said to them let me share with you three keys that have helped me get rid of intimidation when it comes to someone's wealth their fame or their intellect the first key is the knowledge this person is not a beast as evolution says but is a human being made in the image of god with a god-given conscience society shaped but god-given i'm not going to address his intellect i'm going to address his conscience that inner knowledge of right and wrong and that'll echo the truth of the commandments that puts him on a level playing field the second key is that he's been given a will to live something in him says i don't want to die the young man that led me to christ 50 years ago his name was graham reid the whole weekend kept repeating the same thing he kept saying ray comfort a christian i don't believe it and this is because he wrongly surmised that because i was happy as a non-christian i wouldn't be interested in everlasting life how crazy is that because i was happy i wanted to hold on to this precious life so when i heard the gospel for the first time i grabbed it with both hands he had no idea that despite my success and life i didn't even know why i was alive listen to elon musk as he cries out for reality do you pray i don't i didn't even pray when i when i almost died of valeria wow that's really not praying right [Music] and i'm not very religious but i prayed for this one um i had this like existential crisis when i was a kid and and try to figure out what's it all about and none of the books i read seemed to actually have a good answer you know so i said i read all the religious texts and i read a bunch of philosophy books and they're all quite depressing we don't really know what the meaning of the of life is trying to figure out the meaning of life and well like what does it all mean because it starts seeming quite meaningless i was trying to figure out what's the meaning of life um and there didn't seem to be any good answer i was just very curious about the world and um how do we come to be here what's the meaning of life and all that and uh um i always had a really intense desire to understand things and learn um yeah i mean i had sort of an existential crisis where i guess when i was 11 or 12 or something trying to figure out what it's all about you know and uh ultimately occasionally came to the conclusion that um we don't really know the answer but uh but if we increase the scope and scale of civilization then we we have a much better chance of understanding the meaning of life and why we're here or even what are the right questions to ask do you even got i believe i believe there's some there's some explanation for this universe which you might call god the third key is my moral obligation i'm like a firefighter i've trained i'm ready any firefighter who shows up at a fire untrained shouldn't be called a firefighter and the bible says study to show yourself approved a workman needs not be ashamed if you don't know what to say to the ungodly it's obvious you've never studied it everything you wanted to achieve in life you studied you studied how to ride a bike as a kid how to drive a car you studied the things that you wanted to do and of all the things you should want to do it's the will of god to seek and to say that which is lost so be ready the bible says always be ready to give an answer to those who ask of you the hope that's within you and so i've studied it i've studied what jesus did i've studied the scriptures i've read the learned men of god that have gone before me so when i meet an unsafe person i get to know them i say do you think there's an afterlife and i learn to take him through the commandments to bring the knowledge of sin because there's no point in preaching the cross if someone doesn't realize they're a sinner and we open up the commandments as jesus did to bring the knowledge of sin so they'll see their need of a savior so they see their danger preach judgment day talk about the reality of hell unashamedly tell them that god is rich in mercy provided a savior who suffered and died on the cross oh we live to preach christ and am crucified the most incredible news this world could ever hope to hear and then we tell them that jesus destroyed death through the resurrection we're talking about somebody's eternal salvation so make sure you avoid the methods of modern evangelism i'm talking about the unbiblical traditions of asking jesus into your heart asking someone if they want to accept christ or to pray a sinner's prayer with them these modern traditions have filled the church with false converts and they've filled america with what we call bitter backsliders there's no greater disservice that we can do to another human being than to lead them in a false profession of faith it's to give them a parachute filled with holes and then pat them on the back as they're waiting to jump i know because i once did that if you'd like to see the tragic statistics of what this unbiblical evangelism has done please take the time to read this free book evangelist bill fay said while reading this book my heart went into atrial fibrillation it's that good there's nothing like it it's truly from god todd freel of wretched radio wretched tv said this book is explosive eye-opening jaw-dropping staggeringly helpful it's short it's easy reading and it's completely free you can read the book freely online at free wonderful now let's see where this amazing opportunity went all right final question to close our timeout here yeah i mean we're here you know the babylon b is a christian organization you know and uh we're a ministry we're wondering if you could do us a quick solid and accept jesus as your lord and savior on the show um personal awards you know it's a quick prayer [Music] i mean let's just say like i agree with the principles that jesus advocated um and that the you know there are some some there's great wisdom in what in the teachings of of jesus uh and i agree with those teachings um and things like tone the other cheek are very important because as opposed to an eye for an eye an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind so forgiveness you know is important and um treating people as you would wish to be treated love that neighbor as myself very important so it's like a 60 70 as yes as einstein would say [Music] i believe in the god of spinoza [Music] um so um but hey if um you know if if jesus is saving people i mean i i wouldn't stand in his way you know like i'll be sure i'll be safe why not sweet we did it yeah i think he just said yes we got it all right now watch this what's your thoughts on the afterlife i think that our souls really do go somewhere else into this dimension that we possibly may have explored i think through psychedelics and other forms of that type of activity talking about taking lsd to find out what's on the other side yeah i'm not sure before i go but i know it's going to be somewhere incredible and amazing because this our souls are too complex to only be stuck in this dimension i know that i have faith in where i want to go and being a good person here and the way i i fulfill my life and my soul on this earth is going to really transcend where i go afterwards so you are a good person i like to think so absolutely are you an educated person yes well read well-read what's the biggest selling book of all time i don't know that's the bible oh that would make sense yeah you believe the bible uh i believe the bible has been rewritten so many times that at this point i'm not sure if we even know it was written to begin with now you're sure of that um yeah yeah it's a game of telephone we're constantly rewriting it and trying to translate it and i grew up very religious and as a christian yes in a very catholic home my dad is a deacon actually uh were you born again was i born again um do you know what that is no jesus said in john chapter three unless you're born again you're not gonna end to heaven it's very very clear so it's important to be born again when you become born again you become a christian whether you're catholic or protestant by being born again you become a christian are you going to make it to heaven you're a good person if you kept the ten commandments i don't think i need to keep the ten commandments in order to get into heaven honestly really i've gotten way past that with my religion and my faith in god where i truth truly believe that i don't need to i can't live with my husband my boyfriend before i marry him and that's i'm not gonna get into heaven if i do that so truthfully i don't i believe in the ten commandments but i think it takes a lot more for you to get into heaven all right test me okay ready are you ready how many lies have you told in your life many what do you call someone who's told many lies a liar so what are you a liar you still think you're a good person i am you have a stolen something yes what do you call someone who steals a robber so what are you still a good person no what are you if you steal a thief thief have you ever used god's name in vain yes would you use your mother's name as a cuss word probably not no of course not that would dishonor her if you want to express disgust hit your thumb with a hammer and want to say the s word you wouldn't substitute her name in its place that's a horrible thing to do and you've done that with the name of god the god that gave you life when his name is holy it's called blasphemy so serious it's punishable by death in the old testament appreciate your patience with me this is very awkward for you and for me you can handle it i honestly i really enjoy that people still talk about god and have such a strong faith and come out here and talk about it so that's great you've made me feel more relaxed so here we go we're bringing the cannons out now jesus said if you look with lust you commit adultery in your heart have you ever looked with lust absolutely have you had sex before marriage of course so so i'm not going to heaven it sounds like that heaven just doesn't want me and that's a real big shame that because i had sex before marriage that my chances of getting into heaven are limited and i think that's a really crazy way to look at how god looks at us because overall you should be judged by your life on this earth not because i told a liar and i took god's name or i had sex before marriage there's so much more that goes into your life and what you should be judged on and if that's the way heaven's going to judge then i don't really need to go there they had a whole stack of stuff and that's really interesting so let me let me let me address the first one and i think it's the basis of everything do you know what the first of the ten commandments is oh my gosh yes i do oh not you will not have other gods before me yes it is you nailed it yeah and that means don't make up a god in your own image a god that has no sense of justice or righteousness or truth i did before i was a christian i had a god that i snuggled up to and used to pray to every night but it was a figment of my imagination the shame the place of imagery i had an image of god that was erroneous and from there i said well god doesn't care about right or wrong or fornication or blasphemy or lying or stealing it you we do we'll chase a man to the end of the earth if he's violated the law if he's seriously done something wrong that's because we're made in god's image so the god of the bible does care about right and wrong and so back to the question on judgment day saying you're a self-admitted lying thieving blasphemous fornicating adulterer at heart will you be innocent or guilty if he judges you by the ten commandments totally guilty heaven or hell i'm going to hell now does that concern you you know it used to when i was younger and as i got older and like really just sat with myself and was able to make my own choices about god i learned that i don't have to do everything that the ten commandments say i grew up super religious and i try i question my parents now too and hearing a lot of the things that my parents follow and the way how close-minded they are it really just pushes me further away from well dorothy i'm not a catholic i'm i'm telling you something a little different from catholicism so if you be patient with me it horrifies me the thought of you ending up in hell i've just met you but i care about you and the thought of you ending up in hell breaks my heart now do you know what the bible says death actually is there's a bible yeah it says death as wages did you know that is what wages wages yeah god is paying you in death for your sins it's like a judge court of law sees a heinous criminal that's murdered three young ladies he says we're going to pay you in the death centers this is your wages this is what's due to you this is what you've earned and we think lightly of sin who didn't lie and steal and fornicate and all that but god says because he's holy that sin is so serious he's given you capital punishment death is evidence that god is serious about sin and you said before the bible's changed you know i've been reading it every day without fail for about 48 years and i've never found a mistake in it i came back i can go back the original greek and hebrew there's no changes they've been very diligent and this whole phone conversation of that phone game that's okay if the person who said the message follows the phone all the way through so it doesn't change and that's what god has done with this word he's honored his word he's kept his word it hasn't changed so tell me brought up a catholic see if you know what god did for guilty sinners so we wouldn't have to go to hell do you know he died he suffered and died on the cross now most people know that but it doesn't mean much to them because they don't understand one important thought let me share it with you and get your thoughts the ten commandments are called the moral law you and i broke the law jesus paid the fine that's what happened on that cross that's why he said it is finished just before he died deroda that's a weird thing to say before you die it is finished but he was saying the debt has been paid we broke god's law jesus paid the fine if you're in court and someone pays you fine a judge can legally let you go you can say look there's a stake a speeding fight is here serious but someone's paid him you're out of here and you do that and he can do that which is legal and god can legally dismiss your case take the death sentence off you let you walk guilty though you are and grant you everlasting life as a free gift not because you're good but because he's good rich in mercy and he provided a save you've paid our fine and now stead and then jesus rose from the dead at the feet of death and if you'll simply repent of your sins don't confess them to a priest go straight to god and say i've done things i know are abhorrent to you that are worthy of the death sentence i ask you to forgive me cleanse me that's genuine repentance and then trust in jesus like you trust a parachute if you're on a plane 10 000 feet up and you didn't put a parachute on you're going to perish but the parachute will be put on because you know you're in danger that's why people put parachutes on because they know they're going to hit the ground 120 miles an hour and what i've tried to do with you today is put the fear of god in you because i know the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom and fear in that sense that makes you put on a parachute is actually good it's doing you a favor and fear in this sense realizing your salvation is at stake will cause fear to cause you to get right with god and say i have sinned against you so please don't throw the baby out with a bath water i know there's a lot of bath water with catholicism and all religion but underneath it there's a real baby everlasting life is a free gift of god and you've been so patient with me here's me rattling on and you didn't butt in but you listen and i really appreciate that you're going to think about what we talked about i always do i always like to listen and take it all in because you can only become a wiser and stronger person if you listen to others others who do the research and others who read the bible down the line so i appreciate your time too and i'm honored that you have listened and you're going to think about it seriously let's rock and roll yeah yeah you know why i say the word seriously it's because you don't know when you're going to die it could be the night in your sleep could be on the way home 150 000 people die over 24 hours so think about it and think about the words of jesus watching a prophet a man and that means a woman too if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul your life is so precious and so think about it with that sense of urgency i'd like to give you a book that i've written is that okay sure thanks let me grab her [Music] okay do you think you'll read it cool um i will read it what did you say about it being interesting um it's interesting that you come out and you have you have conversations with people with people who actually want to listen and you enjoyed it i do and i appreciate that you feel so strongly about your belief and you want to come out here and you want to let everybody know so thanks for being here don't forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell and make sure you don't miss the living waters podcast the evidence study bible will give you everything you've ever wanted to know about subjects such as the theory of evolution as well as valuable information about cults and different religions 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Channel: Living Waters
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Id: cU4fkswSJhk
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Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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