Former Stripper Shares Powerful Testimony of Jesus! 🙌

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I was in social studies class and I sat next  to a young boy um who was very quiet he was   very different he did dress very differently he  dressed in all black and he had occultic jewelry   and he started to bring in books spell books books  on third eye I started to connect with these books   it's like the books wanted me to read it but this  weed felt very different everything started moving   in slow motion I started seeing my friends like  in triples my heart rate was really really going   fast like boom boom boom boom and I can hear it  and then I could hear my heart be go boom boom   boom boom boom and I collapsed it's like God was  extending his love his Mercy his grace over me   and said daughter I hear you I've been trying to  get your attention but you haven't listened to me   now are you ready I am real and I said God yes  I'm ready I'm ready help me growing up um I can   remember from a very young age that we grew up  in a Christian household um both my parents are   Christian um they migrated from Bogota Colombia  here to Washington DC um they had me and my sister   um so it's just my sister and I and we grew up in  the state of Maryland and my whole life I could   just remember just Jesus my whole childhood was  just Jesus um my parents would take us to church   every Sunday and I remember my mom would dress Us  in these beautiful church dresses my sister and   I in these matching church dresses with the hats  and the cute little shoes and I remember uh just   loving to go to the children's ministry to learn  about Jesus and we had arts and crafts and they   would have rigging time and they would sing to us  the Christian hymns then and that was my favorite   part and I believe that that's where uh music  evolved in my life that way as my father also was   a musician and a singer at church and um music was  very big in my household and Jesus was everything   in our household that's all I can remember is just  being around church family uh church friends them   coming over our house we going over their house  going to Retreats Jesus was everything our main   focus in our household I Grew Older I ended  up going to middle school and um I believe   that this is where the enemy had set up traps for  me um unknowingly I was in social studies class   and I sat next to a young boy um who was very  quiet he was very different he did dress very   differently he dressed in all black and he had a  cultic jewelry you know but again I didn't know   what that was and at at that moment uh I I could  could tell that he was alone and to himself and   many people started bullying him in the classroom  and it was bothering me I remember I would defend   him and I would say leave him alone you know just  leave him alone and he he looked at that and he   drew close to me because of that cuz you know  he wasn't sticking up for himself I had empathy   for him and I was like you know I'm going to say  something leave him alone and so I did and then   he drew closer to me and he started to open up we  became good friends he started telling me about   his family he started telling me about his hobbies  and the more he felt comfortable with me the   darker the conversations became then suddenly he  confessed to me that he was a a practicing warlock   I didn't know what that was you know all I knew  was Jesus and so I asked him what is that and he   said well I practice witchcraft now I had heard of  Witchcraft but then I had I became more interested   so what does that mean what do you do and so he  started answering my questions and I noticed that   I started to become curious and because of this  he knew I was becoming curious and he started   to bring in books pretty dark books um spell books  books on third eye books about necromancy speaking   to the dead horoscopes I never forget he said this  is the Bible and it was a satanic bible he brought   in from Anton I'll never forget and it looked  pretty it looked dark I couldn't believe it you   know this is all brand new to my ears I'd never  seen this before you know this was the Trap of the   enemy you know to confuse me to divert me from God  because of the Curiosity um and the questions that   I had I I was to begin with very curious I wanted  to know more and so he said here keep the books so   I'll never forget I put them in my backpack I went  home and I started reading them deep down inside I   knew it was bad because I was hiding them I was  hiding them from my parents I started to get a   little upset at my parents because I felt that my  parents kept me in this bubble they didn't want us   to know about anything else but about Jesus and so  you know I I was I was angry like why didn't they   ever tell me about witchcraft why didn't they ever  tell me about you know sorcery and all this stuff   you know why am I just finding out about this  stuff in school you know it it made me feel like   stupid you know kind of dumb he was even he even  laughed at me my my friend in Social stud is like   what do you mean you don't know what that is I  didn't and so I started reading the books at home   and I noticed a fear began I started to feel fear  and I would close up the books but the more fear   I don't know for some reason I started to connect  with these books it's like the books wanted me to   read it and then the more I read them the darker  they became and the more interested I became I   became almost like obsessed with knowing what  this occult knowing about spells knowing about   horoscopes knowing about astrop projection all  this stuff and so you know this was a huge huge   trap from the enemy shortly after that there's  this movie that came out that summer I'll never   forget it was called The Craft and it was about  four teenage girls they were like in Catholic   school and um they were dabbling in Witchcraft  and so this was like the hot movie then and so   after that by watching that I didn't know that our  eyes are a Gateway you know and because I watched   that movie that got me more into horror movies it  got me more into wanting to read more and dive in   oh it it looks so cool they they projected to  look so cool and um I watched it and it just it   it drew me more Curious more obsessed and so then  I started asking my friend more questions and he   always had the answers after this I believe  that by opening this door I opened doors of   fear by reading these books doors of um like an  addiction a curiosity and um shortly after this   you know we're in lunchroom and my friend brings  in this like cardboard and it's a Ouija board but   he made it and so then he starts showing it to me  he's and all the kids come around and he's showing   us how to use it and I'm like this is crazy you  know this guy you know he's making this up you   know and he he had a pencil that and the pencil  would move and and I was like this this is weird   you know and again I became more Curious like what  is this then he starts telling me well this is not   the real thing I made it but the real board is a  toys of R Us and you know then toys of R Us was   super popular wow and we had all the board games  you know growing up I had twister Uh Hungry Hippo   operation TW uh all sorts of like the toys that  come with the board games and we had them all my   sister and I and so I told my parents I was like  Mom Dad I want to get another board game oh okay   so they took me you know they they didn't know  they're just thinking we're adding another board   game to the collection and I'm thinking the same  thing you know I didn't see maybe anything bad   with the board so I remember getting to toys There  was I bought the board we brought it back home and   and really quick Andrea when when you're when you  were buying this board your parents may not have   known what they were taking you for but did they  get an opportunity to see it did they know what   they was considering that they were all Christians  and you guys grew in a Christian environment no   unfortunately they did not know you know again we  had so many board games um the latest board games   the lest games they always got us like the best  games you know and is oh this is just another game   to to their collection and no unknowingly you know  this board game looks like the regular board game   and it's in the kids section wow you know and so  you they they didn't see anything uh they didn't   make anything of it and um you know I don't think  our our church was teaching us that you know um   and you know they innocently you know bought me  this game I took it home and I didn't play with   right away but I invited some friends to play  to come over and play with it we played with it   I remember that my sister wanted no part of it  it's like my sister had discernment my sister   was like yeah I don't know about that this this  doesn't look right doesn't sound right doesn't   feel right and then I was like oh whatever you  know I I just ignored her and she's my youngest   sister she doesn't know what she's talking about  so but then we played with it and then I became   really fascinated with it but I didn't want to  play with it alone until after playing with it   the first time with friends that night I had a  dream that I was playing it by myself it's like   the dream was telling me play with it just play  you can play with it by yourself you don't need   friends to play with it the next day I come home  from school and I took the board and I started   playing with it ever since I did that I became  obsessed with it it was like I drew a connection   with it and it was like connected with me I was  connected with it I couldn't stop thinking about   the board even at school and it was crazy because  I was serving in the church choir and all I could   think about while I was singing was this board  it was like it was calling me I was becoming   possessed by the board game and I would come home  and play with it and I didn't know that by playing   this board game I was releasing portals I was  opening portals demonic portals I was opening   doors of spirit of addiction of fear of of you  know um anxiety and panic attacks and so many   more things you know that led down a a rabbit hole  that leted me down a dark path you know after this   now Andrea before you move on into even the  effects of of of this um you know obviously   you looking back now you can see the open doors  you can see the the harm that it caused and and   people will get to hear that here in a second of  the harm that came but when when you were when   you were playing as a child and and obviously I  want to be careful with the information that we   give but yes but genuinely can you share with us  innocently or what were you doing with this board   what were the questions that you were asking what  were you doing cuz in your mind it was you were   just playing right what did that look like for  you personally sure so you know it started it   started telling me to ask it certain questions  I can remember that it was also speaking in a   different language I would write down the the the  words and it was like Latin it was like different   like weird um languages and then it would start  telling me about oh help this dead person he   wants to come out of his or his soul he needs  help cuz his soul is trapped or something like   that you know weird things it just yeah it became  really really um dark it was strange shortly after   this I started having sleep paralysis um I felt a  hand covering my mouth and my nose and I couldn't   breathe I started seeing Dark Shadows I started  hearing voices I started having nightmares then   I saw Footprints coming over my bed my bed being  shaken I mean I was in fear and I would tell my   mom it's like my mom believed me and she would  say mommy whenever you feel scared just say God   help me okay Jesus help me and so then I remember  that and I said Mom but you don't understand Mom   I'm really scared I need your help can I sleep  with you okay come sleep with me but I couldn't   sleep with her all the time you know so then one  night it got really bad the sleep paralysis um   and I felt like they were like choking me and I  couldn't breathe and I said Jesus help me and then   all of a sudden I felt like a relief like it got  quiet and I said and I put two and two together I   said oh my God this worked when if I say Jesus  it it it worked but it just progressively got   worse and then one day when I said enough is  enough with this board I was playing with it   and it said it said to me I want you to kill your  mother your father and your sister and then come   with us and I said oh heck no I took the board I  broke it I started cursing at it my sister came   in the room cuz I was all loud and she's like man  what's wrong with you I'm going to tell Mom you're   possessed you need to stop playing that game what  happened I I said forget this I took it myself to   the trash I didn't tell my parents I didn't tell  my sister I took it to the trash and I came back   I went to school the next day I come back home  and that board is sitting on my bed in one piece   someone or something put it back in the room that  point I thought I was going crazy I thought I was   hallucinating it was playing tricks on me I told  my mom she didn't believe me no one believed me   I became so fearful I took the board and then I  knew that the board and the books were connected   in some way somehow they were evil and so I took  them and I burned them I said I'm burning this   stuff as I was burning them I felt a relief I felt  a peace but I didn't know that I was going to be   um attacked that night my bed was shaken they  choked me and again I screamed I screamed again   God help me save me again they they released  they they came off of me after this I started   having the sleep paralysis but it became less  and less because I knew that every time I said   Jesus it would stop shortly after this I became  rebellious I started skipping school I started   drinking they I was introduced to drugs alcohol  I was starting to talk back to my parents a lot   there was a lot of arguments in the house between  me and my parents and my sister I started fighting   with my sister a lot you know it was just it was  it became chaotic you know it wasn't normal and   it came to a point where I didn't care about  anything like like you became like almost like   like powerful like you know you felt like you were  a gangster like whatever you know I then I started   fighting in in in school I got kicked out of two  two schools because I started fighting after this   I was introduced to a boy who would change my life  he became my first boyfriend and my parents found   out about the relationship and they said you have  to break that up up because you are way too young   young lady to have a boyfriend and so I didn't you  know I was rebellious and I kept a relationship   and they thought I broke up with him after this my  parents were planning to already move us somewhere   else to kind of start fresh start new after after  all that was happening in the house we ended up   moving I remember it was my freshman year and it  was pretty far away from where um you know we had   lived and my sister and I we we ha at the place  we hat at the new place it was a very nice area   and I get it my parents wanted the best for us  um we started a new school and you know I had no   friends we were the minority it was so different  I remember heading to school all you could see   was cows and roosters and and llamas and it was  just completely different you know still keeping   us away I still kept my relationship with my  boyfriend and shortly after this a few months   later one of my girlfriends from my old school  that goes to the same school as my boyfriend calls   me and tells me that my boyfriend had um CH on me  so I confronted him he denied it and um I broke it   off with him you know I was completely devastated  I was heartbroken it was my first boyfriend and so   I thought it was love but it was puppy love I try  to keep my mind off of the situation and I went   to the mall with my girlfriends and we would go  to parties um and one night I ended up going to   a party and I was drinking my friends were passing  around a blunt we were smoking but this weed felt   very different like everything started moving in  slow motion I started seeing my friends like in   triples and i've smoked weed before and it never  felt like that and then I started slurring my   words my heart rate was really really going fast  like boom boom bom boom and I can hear it and I   started seeing like black Shadows I went to the  bathroom to go put some water in my face you know   thinking maybe it was just me I come back out and  suddenly I start feeling my heart rate even like   slowing down and I told my friend I said girl  please call in ambulance I feel like I'm about   to pass out and then I could hear my heartbeat  go boom boom boom boom boom and I collapsed   I fell to the ground I don't remember what  happened after that if I got I ended up in the hospital sorry I woke up the next day and um I had IVs  on my arms and I said you know what happened and   then the doctor said young lady you are one lucky  girl to be alive when you consumed last night you   overdosed and um you overdosed on PCP and I didn't  know that the weed that we smoked was laced it was   really high levels of it and how old were you at  this time I was I was 16 at the time after this   when I wake when I woke up I said God why did you  save me I just wanted to die my boyfriend had just   cheen on me I felt like everything I was doing  was bad I kept making my parents suffer my mom   would always cry all that I was ping her through  I was so rebellious I felt like I had no purpose   I felt like at this point I had no control of my  life like something was controlling me like I was   cursed everything that I was doing it was like I  was sinking in a hole and I just I couldn't pick   myself up you know everything that I was doing  was just was bad so I get home and you know I'm   I'm still depressed I didn't want to go to school  I I was suicidal at this point it's like I didn't   want to live you know I was embarrassed of what  happened shortly after this my ex-boyfriend starts   to come around and wait for me at the bus stop  he's like hey you know let's work things out so I   ignored him and he did this he was very persistent  he kept doing this over and over until I gave in I   decided to give him another chance and this was  a very very bad decision I made after I decided   to get back with him he started getting into  drugs alcohol he became verbally abusive uh   we were getting into a lot of fights it was very  toxic the relationship and I almost became very   afraid of him I I started to become really scared  of him because he would call me and tell me that   he was watching me and he was telling me what  I was wearing or where I was and you know and I   was like this is this is not normal this is weird  after this uh I was scared to leave him I found   out that I was pregnant I didn't know what to do  I knew I had to tell my parents I told my parents   and of course you know they're not happy you know  I'm very young so what happened was that I told   my parents and they said that they would help  me that they would support me and um I told my   boyfriend then and he became a different person  with me as if like he felt like he had so much   control over me and um he started drinking more  and he started like sinking in a in a hole in a   in an addiction alcohol addiction one day we're  at a birthday party I'm now 7 months pregnant   at this birthday party and I began to talk to  one of my girlfriends that he did not like and   he confronts me outside he's like hey let's let's  go outside I want to talk to you I go outside and   out of nowhere he just hits me just punches me in  the face he just these crazy anger Outburst out of   nowhere then he started um accusing me of things  and I just fell to the ground and all I could do   was just hold my my belly and hope that pray that  he wouldn't hurt the baby I remember I was just   in shock I came home and I had a black eye I had  bruises all over my body and I started covering up   the bruising with makeup and it was really bad  because I would get to school and people would   ask me Andrea what happened to are you okay I said  oh I just fell I had to lie you know and I started   covering up for him a lot and it just became worse  and worse I wasn't getting along with my parents   at home and I moved in with my boyfriend that  was a bad mistake like I moved in with him and   um again because he was like an alcoholic I was  witnessing him just going downhill there was one   particular evening that I put the I put the baby  to sleep and I um this I already had had the baby   and I went to sleep myself and I could hear him  come in and so I would play off like I'm sleeping   cuz I I I was scared of him and he comes in and  he's messing around with Ro's opening up drawers   and then I could watch him but I'm playing it off  and I'm I'm trying to sleep you know playing off   like I'm sleeping and then he grabs a gun I could  see a gun in his hand and then I started to pray   mentally God help me help me Lord help me Lord  and he comes over and he shakes me and he's like   hey wake up and he goes he puts the gun on my head  he goes if you ever leave me I'm going to kill you   you I I I I I was in fear I didn't know what to  do and because he was so drunk you know I didn't   say anything I didn't want to start any arguments  cuz he had a gun I said I'm I'm going to die here   tonight and then I just started praying I went  in the other room with my baby I just started   praying said Lord help me get me out of this  relationship or I'm going to die either it's   going to be me or my daughter or we're both going  to die God help me get me out of this nightmare   Lord after that I decided to leave him for good I  called my parents said Mom Dad please I need your   help please come pick me up they picked me up and  I put a restraining order on him and I didn't see   him for several months I cut off all contact with  him and he was not allowed to see the baby as well   several months went by and um we heard that he was  ging his act together that he went to go seek some   help he was uh supposedly going to church and he  was going to AA meetings and um he wanted to talk   to me deep inside at that time I didn't know that  that was called discernment something was telling   me don't don't talk to him but I didn't listen  to that voice and I know that that was the Holy   Spirit already speaking to me even the the little  bit of times that I called on God and I was only   calling him when I was in need of help that I  regret so much he listened and he was preparing   me and he was like daughter don't talk to him  don't talk to him anymore but I didn't listen   and so he called me and he said Andrea I'd like  to see the baby again I want to see if we can   maybe co-parent why don't we go out to eat and  maybe we could discuss something I thought about   it and I said all right you know he hasn't seen  the baby in a few months so okay I said yeah no   problem he's like uh do you think I can pick you  up tonight and I said yeah sure okay we'll go out   and we'll we'll talk so he picks me up baby stayed  home with my parents and on our way you know we're   on our way to the restaurant and I know the way  but he takes a different route and you know I   didn't say anything at first you know but then  all of a sudden we're in a a different route where   it's just a one-way Road and it's pitch dark and  all you could see is just his headlights and for   some reason I begin to feel fear and I said hey  what way are you taking he's silent he doesn't   say anything I said hey where are you taking me  and all of a sudden he locks the doors and he   goes in this like deserted like field like a dark  huge field is pitch dark and then I'm scared I'm   trying to open the door and then he he comes over  he grabs me he just punches me I'm laid out cold   I'm trying to regain Consciousness cuz I could  hear him and he's he keeps he keeps um punching   me all I can remember was that he comes around out  of the car he grabs my my body he takes my my body   out in the middle of a field and it's muddy I can  remember it was muddy and it was cold and then he   just lays me right there and I'm weak I can't I  can't regain my strength I'm I'm I'm really weak   and then he continues to hit me all of a sudden  I began to pray and I'll never forget Psalm 991   that my father taught my sister and I when you  are in trouble pray this prayer and I began to   pray it and then I begin to say God I do not want  to die like this I do not want to die like this   God I have my daughter waiting for me at home Lord  help me God Save Me Lord help me I can't cannot I   cannot um get up myself God help me and then all  I could see was him getting back into the car and   he's reversing he's reversing and I'm trying  to regain my strength and all of a sudden he's   coming towards me the car is coming towards me  and I said Jesus help me and then all of a sudden   out of nowhere three men come they grabbed my body  and they pull me out of the way I should have been   dead that night but God saved me the Lord saved  me how can three men out of nowhere just be in   the middle of a field like that how that's God and  I never forget I um when they when they dragged my   body the guys they let me go they grabbed him they  started punching him they they put him like um on   a lock like his hands behind his um his back until  the cops came the cops came they arrested him and   we had several um court dates and I told the judge  I said your honor if you let this man out of jail   he's going to kill me he's going to kill me or my  daughter I fear for my life please your honor do   something and you know he looked at me with with  fear in his eyes like he believed me and then um I   found out that he was going to be deported to his  country he got deported he was he served one year   in jail and they deported him back to his country  it was really rough you know I lived in um a lot   of fear I was very paranoid I remember always  coming out of my house just looking behind my   back to see if he was around for some reason  I didn't believe that he was in jail I still   believed that he was going to come out and out of  nowhere and just kill me or I lived with a lot of   anxiety a lot of panic attacks I remember calling  the ambulance like every week first time I called   them they said honey you're not having a heart  attack you're having a panic attack no no you   don't understand my heart my if I die it's going  to be from a heart attack it's not a panic attack   and they did this two three times and they already  knew like it was me honey you are having a panic   attack I was just I lived in so much fear I felt  like I had no purpose in life like I just my world   you know ended after this you know I had to see  how I could maintain financially my daughter and   um I went back to school and I worked a job but  it wasn't enough I was introduced to a girlfriend   she asked me if I ever needed any extra money you  know that I could come and work with her I said   you know I called her and I said hey girl you know  I'm actually interested and making some extra cash   and so then she said yeah come with me girl let's  let's go and then we ended up going this is where   I got introduced to the strip club industry um  I remember the first time I walked in I was like   yeah there's no way that I could do this no no  no there's no way um and I said you know do maybe   they have a cocktail waitress position they're  like no no no we're we're need of dancers and   and I was like oh my God all right well I remember  I had a few shots and out of nowhere they asked me   to start and and I did I got sucked in very  quickly because the money was so good what I   was making in one night you know and my other job  was making every two weeks three you know and so   I got sucked in into the the fast money um I got  sucked into the this fast life you know of drugs   alcohol you know actually many of the girls I saw  many dark things in the strip club business where   there was a lot of men that would come that were  lonely that were just wanted love and some of my   customers they just wanted someone to sit down  and talk to you know most of my customers were   old men married men single men who just yes some  some of them were perverted others wanted to talk   others wanted you to drink with them and they  would tip you for this and you know this became   like an addiction because you knew that oh I can  make x amount of money in one night and with this   I was able to buy a new car I was able to pay off  my school I was able to get my daughter all that   she needed I was able to travel save again it just  became very addictive you know it's like you had   this like power oh I can make this money you know  in one night but but deep still inside I was still   depressed I still felt alone I still had anxiety I  still went home with issues with problems I had no   peace in this industry I got deeper into drugs  I got into ecstasy I got into cocaine and you   know there were times I wasn't even sleeping  you know cuz you were working doubles so you   you had to be on Coke or or you had to drink to  stay up you know it was a very dark environment   you know um first It Looks So Glamorous from  the outside but but it's not you know many of   the girls that work there are doing it because  they're either just doing it for the money or   they're addicted to to sex or they're addicted  to the power that it brings you know or they're   addicted to drugs alcohol you know and they just  feel like they have no purpose in life now I did   meet some other girls that they were full-time  students some of them were very smart they would   save their money and they would go but many of  the women there that I saw were from years of   doing this of just that they felt like they had  no purpose in life you know so one day we go out   drinking as a group and um we're drinking and  after the night is over I'm on my way home and   I get pulled over by the cops I get charged with  DUI and second deegree assault the officers were   pretty I felt that they were abusive with me but  you know when you're intoxicated you don't know   what you're doing so I ended up fighting them and  um they arrested me I remember that I was in the   back of the car and I I was a mess I was crying  I said God why why is my life so bad I had this   flashback of just everything that was happening in  my life one thing after another and then I Heard   a Voice say when are you going to stop fighting  me when are you going to surrender your life to   me I started weeping and I said now Lord help me  because I don't know how to change and I remember   I was just crying I get to the the the jail they  put me in a jail cell by myself and I remember   it was cold it was a cold concrete floor and I  was just like this and I was just holding myself   and I was crying and I said God I don't know how I  could change I want to change and I don't know how to I felt like I I I have no control of my life God how are you going to change me everything  that in my that I do in my life is just goes bad   God help me because if you're real I do want to  change I want to get out of this life if you're   real God get me out of stripping and I promise  to serve you God and then all of a sudden second   I'm like this and I look up and I was sober like  supernaturally I said this is so weird this is so   weird you know and I look up and then I begin  to just cry even more and as I'm crying I can   feel the presence of the holy spirit in the room  I felt a a tangible presence like electricity from   the top of my head all the way to the SS of my  feet and I'm weeping of him even more be I knew   this was the holy spirit because it was such  a peace it was like a holy presence it was a   tangible presence like I never experienced this  and I said I've been waiting for this my whole life I knew what fear felt like I knew what  anxiety felt like I knew what panic attacks   felt like I knew what worry felt like but this  was different it's like God was extending his   love his Mercy his grace over me and said daughter  I hear you I've been trying to get your attention   but you haven't listened to me now are you ready  I am real and I'm touching you right here and I   said God yes I'm ready I'm ready help me I want  to get out of this lifestyle Lord help me and so   I get out of jail the next day look at God and  I had just started talking to this boy who is   my husband today his mother-in-law asked him hey  tell Andrea that there is a that there is a allw   woman's um Retreat coming up next week and I was  like wow God heard me so quickly that he wants me   to go to this Retreat and I said tell your mom  yes I'm going to go I'm going to go and I told   him about my my my experience and I was actually  so excited then right then and there I made the   decision to to stop I stopped drinking I stopped  smoking I stopped going to the club I stopped that   that lifestyle I'll never forget I packed up my  bags and I was so excited to experience that I   was so excited to feel what I felt in the Gil  sale again and I remember it was like 2 hours   away and it was in all girls I didn't know any of  the girls and we get there and the first night the   worship was so powerful and all I could do was  just lift up my hands and say thank you Jesus   thank you Lord for saving a Wretch like Me for  saving me someone who was in darkness someone   who I thought you couldn't save and look at me in  your presence God and that night I experienced his   Redemption he saved me he he gave me a new name  he gave me hope he gave me my purpose his back he   said daughter I do have a plan for you I do have  plans to prosper you and not to harm you but to   give you hope and a future but just trust me and  I did and I wept and I remember I got delivered I   started throwing up I started coughing you know  I started weeping and it was the most amazing   experience ever of my life was giving my life to  Christ it was such a transformation you know um   yeah that is my my story My Testimony Andrea how  long have you been Faithfully Walking With Jesus   now about 13 years um yeah Eric in the last uh  13 years like you mentioned you know all of the   darkness that you were in talk to us about uh the  last 13 years and how the Lord has helped you has   redeemed you you know redeem that time and um  even using you now you know to continue to share   the gospel what what has these last 13 years been  like for you so yes um when you give your life to   to the Lord not everything becomes perfect right  you must read the word fast pray to develop a   relationship with him and that's what I started  doing and along the the the path with the Lord I   went through trials I went through tribulations  there moment that I even questioned him you know   father where are you there were moments that he  was very quiet and I went through some things and   many times that I felt like I I wanted to give up  but I knew that he was real because I would never   forget that experience that I had with him and  so I kept pushing and along those years I lost   my marriage you know even as a Christian we got  divorced and by the Lord's Grace you know he put   us back together and we got remarried so the  Lord still he makes things easier because when   when his word says give me your burdens and I  will give you rest you know you have something   and someone to look forward to your daddy to help  you that you don't have to do it by yourself that   we have a heavenly father who's helps us uh along  the way through our our tribulations and trials I   became a worship leader I love singing for the  Lord and um I play the guitar for the Lord as   well and he also gave me a a voice uh Studio to  voice coach people to voice coach worshipers and   worship leaders and worship teams and I go around  in different churches and I go and I serve the   Lord in that that area and um yeah that's that's  what I'm I'm I'm doing today yeah now Andrea you   you mentioned uh you know all of these open doors  that came through uh the Witchcraft you practice   as a child when you look did you have a moment  in your life after you know now walking with   Jesus where you had that moment of realization  of what had happened what was that like to look   back and realize whoa you know as as far as the  Witchcraft and and how did God help close those   doors even that ones were opened oh yes um  after I gave my life to Christ I looked back   and I couldn't believe that I went through that  when you draw closer to to the Lord you begin to   want to hate what is evil I started you know  educating myself of what is it that the Lord   dislikes you know and he says to expose it you  know I started educating myself I started reading   about you know being delivered and I myself went  through a Deliverance process through through my   um through my encounter with with the Lord when  I first gave my life to the Lord I got delivered   there and I also felt like it was a process so it  would just s didn't happen right away I also was I   felt like I was self-d delivered along the way and  it took a lot of fasting for me you know several   months of fasting and just um renouncing things  from my life you know and I would buy books of   of how to you know renounce certain spirits that  I had allowed in my life and it really did help   you know and by faith many times I would drink a  bottle of water and I would tell the Lord father   this is your blood I'm going to drink this and  you're going to deliver me from this and that's   that's how I would um that was my my process um  but slowly but surely the Lord helped me along   the way with that Andrea who is Jesus to you H  Jesus is my ABA father Jesus is my Lord he is my   savior he is my rock he is my redeemer he is the  perfect Son of God that's who Jesus is to me Andre   what is a word of advice that you would give to  those people who are currently watching right now   and are involved uh with some of the darkness that  you were involved in specifically with witchcraft   you know maybe playing with the Ouija board or  maybe they've played with the Ouija board before   and didn't even realize the damage that it was  doing what is a word of encouragement that you   would give them as they're watching right now I  would say to please pleas stay away from those   things because they can cause you a lot of damage  as it caused me you know it it is very serious   it is very real it's very dark and it's demonic  and um just keep it away do not mess with these   things because once you open these doors only  Jesus can free you only Jesus can save you so   it is not worth it it is not worth it so I would  say stay away from that and what would you say   to the parents right because I think from Yes um  before in the time in your testimony even to now   we've seen an increase and uh more stores having  this type of content Barnes & Noble and different   toy stores Target all of these different places  so for parents what would be your advice now from   a motherly perspective yes definitely um just  be aware what you are buying your kids you know   check in on them check go in their room see what  they're doing listen they don't pay the phone bill   check their phone see what's going on with them  you know um it's not about being overprotective   it's just listen you know we live in a in a  dark world and we need to be on top of our   kids um and talk to them a lot don't hide things  from your kids just talk to them tell them what's   good what's bad you know and uh always encourage  them um through the word and um yeah I I that that   that's my advice just yeah yeah and lastly Andrea  what would you say uh what word of encouragement   can you give to that person who is right now going  through uh abuse you know you found yourself in a   place where um you experienced this in your life  personally so for that person who's watching and   is currently experiencing that in their life what  is a word of encouragement that you can offer to   them sure you're not alone the Lord knows what  you're going through the Lord knows your pain   and he wants you to seek help don't keep it in  don't cover up for him or her ask the Lord to   free you from that relationship and um the Lord is  going to heal you through those wounds it didn't   happen overnight for me but it was a process of  even forgiving the person who abused me make sure   that you do tell somebody tell somebody before  God forbid something bad were to happen so that   is my my words for for the people I also wanted to  share that after the abuse after he was deported   I wanted to share with everyone what happened  after that after his deportation many years down   he contacted me through Facebook and um he asked  me to forgive him he told me that he gave his life   to the Lord he got married and he has two kids  and you know when I heard that I became so happy   for him wow and you know right then and there  you want to say no I don't want to forgive but   you have to forgive and I had to forgive in order  to heal to close that chapter in my life I praise   God that today I've forgiven him and I'm so happy  that he's changed his life he also serves the Lord   so I thought I i' share that with you amen yeah  Andrea do you have any last words for people who   are watching your testimony right now yes today  is the day of salvation don't wait to give your   life to Christ giving your life to Christ is the  best decision you could ever make and I wish that   I hadn't gone through everything that I gone  through but you know we all share a story and   the Lord can use you as well of what you're going  through you're not alone the Lord loves you he has   a perfect will for your life a perfect plan for  your life but surrender it to him surrender it   all humble yourself and ask the Lord father help  me in this situation father reveal yourself to   me and he will reveal himself to you if he can  do it for me he can do it for you if if I was   that I felt like I was was a no one let me tell  you something we are we are daughters and sons   of the most high God and he has a amazing plan  for your life so call on him Jesus is the dopest   decision you could ever make in Jesus name Andrea  can you pray for those who are watching right now   and are saying you know what I want to know Jesus  you know I want to encounter him for for myself I   want him to reveal him to uh himself to me can you  just pray for them as they're listening right now   yes Father God we come before you today my Lord  and I thank you for all those who are watching   father and I ask God that you would remove the  veil off the eyes of your children God and soften   their hearts heavenly father father I pray Lord  that they would turn to you that all of a sudden   they would just grow a hunger and a thirst father  to know you father God make yourself real to them   Father and take this testimony my Lord father to  the ends of the Earth to those who are hurting   God those who are lost father those who have lost  all hope Heavenly Father those who are battling   addiction father those who are going through  witchcraft father God those father God who are   just who are just in need of you my lord father I  ask God that they would humble themselves father   and turn to you God father in Jesus mighty name  I pray amen and amen hey everybody I hope the new   testimony has blessed you has encouraged you just  wanted to let you know that if you are in need of   help that we have people that are ready to speak  with you so down in the description box below in   the comment section uh if you're watching from  YouTube if you're listening from our podcast   just look for the link that says talk to someone  who cares click on that fill out the form and   somebody will get in contact with you locally  now this is only available to people in the US   right now but we are working to get resources  for our International viewers and listeners but   for right now if you are in the US and you need  help you need to talk with somebody please fill   out that form and somebody will reach out to  you God bless you and we'll see you on the next testimony
Channel: Delafé Testimonies
Views: 700,543
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Id: X9nZMit7P44
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Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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