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I'm looking at my sister she's praying for me with her eyes closed and it's just this kind of awkward scene and then I start getting angry and I don't want to be there anymore and I want to leave and I I kind of try to get up and go and I I can't move but my sister is still praying you know like like she knows something else is going to happen and and as she's praying I start to smell this awful smell and and I still have my eyes closed but sort of in my spirit I can begin to see there's these these people coming but this this one in particular was very very tall and he comes slowly into the room and he's sort of standing in the doorway you know he's wearing dark covered robes if you can call them that but but I see him there and it's this funny feeling of like I should be afraid of you but I'm not afraid of you and not not only that but I know who you are 4th of July weekend 2010 is when my whole life changed I'm going to show share that story with you so I was uh born in Portland Oregon uh raised in Washington state in the US I was raised in a a Christian home we were a Lutheran Family we we went to church on a regular basis Wednesdays Sundays evenings You Name It We were we were in the church building it was very much a part of our Lives culturally but there was only one problem and that was that I had never actually met Jesus I was religious by culture not because I had met him my process of coming to know the Lord um is is a long one and it actually starts with my sister denying the faith I have an older sister she's 2 years older than me in high school she begins to question her faith and the faith of our family chooses to uh not identify as a Christian and instead pursue other things pursuing Buddhism pursuing the occult spirituality all all different things and she begins to practice these other faiths in our house and when that happened stuff started happening in the house that no one could explain I remember actually some very keen memories of waking up in the middle of the night and you're thirsty and you go to the kitchen and you're trying to go get a glass of milk or something and then feeling like someone was following me around the house and I would turn around to see who was there and there wouldn't be anyone there but I would have this this feeling of of fear that someone was right there behind me and was going to get me I wouldn't know till many years later why that that was the case but the more my sister practiced these things the more strange things happened in our home she ends up uh being diagnosed with some mental illness chooses to go to university goes to University you know for for me and my family it was sort of like oh that funny sister is uh is finally out of the house so what ends up happening is several years later I'm pursuing a life just like anyone else so I rejected the faith when I was in high school went off to college and I lived a life just to gratify all my desires anything that that I wanted any that I took pleasure and I I just pursued after it so for me it was relationships with with women it was pornography it was drinking and partying it was Pride wanting to be successful I was a a college uh track athlete and so that was my whole life and I really had no no desire to find anything else and so I felt like I really I really had everything but then at the same time I didn't and the more I pursued this lifestyle the the the more I was pulled down the the more I felt uh empty in my my heart and and uh wanting to to fill myself up and to get the things that I wanted thinking it would make it all better and it was actually at the lowest point of my life what I would say just in my relationships and the choices that I was making I I got a phone call from my sister this is the same sister that everyone thought kind of went crazy and she calls me and says Greg I've I've met Jesus and and I was taken back like what do you mean you you met Jesus I I know the struggles in your life the things that you have pursued you were adamant against the the the church you pursued all these other faiths you struggled with mental illness all all these things and what do you mean you met Jesus so she told me her story she told me the story of of pursuing the things she was pursuing meeting a friend who introduced her to a local church and there at the local church entering into a somewhat of a counseling relationship with one of the pastors there and that Pastor was able to explain the gospel was able to talk to her and help her process things in her life and and what ended up happening is they that Pastor identified that there were Spirits at work inside of my sister that that was not the Lord and over the course of of several meetings and several months and through prayer and and all these things she ends up being delivered from all these Spirits I believe it was six Spirits were cast out of her and when they were cast out she came back into her right mind a lot of the things that she had struggled with with depression or or really radical mood swings whatever it was it it all just sort of left and she's explaining this to me and she she's explaining that the pastor told her the gospel and and after she was delivered the pastor explained that it was Jesus who set her free from all these things it was Jesus who transformed her life delivered her and has now provided a way for her to be saved to be forgiven to be new and uh I'm just sitting there on the phone and confused I would say was the emotion I felt confused by the story I was hearing frustrated that my sister who I once thought was kind of crazy is now acting very still kind of crazy but in a different way right now about the gospel and and I just didn't know what to do with it and then she said Jesus wants to introduce himself to you uh for me that was a line that was crossed I didn't want to meet Jesus I I wanted to continue running after women I wanted to continue doing the things that I was doing I didn't want to give up my life I led my life and so when she said said that Jesus wants to meet me that that was not good news for me but my sister actually continued to pursue me she loved me she sent me messages on my phone she would call me she would encourage me she would tell me that Jesus is real the gospel is real that he really does want to meet you and whenever you're ready Jesus will come and he'll introduce himself to you and you can meet him and have an opportunity to come into his kingdom again this this language is weird to me at the time but she was very consistent at it about a year goes by and we're coming up to Fourth of July weekend this was the year was 2010 and my family was doing you know a typical celebration that you know we Americans do on the board and then my sister shows up that was crazy because she lived in California so she drove over 10 hours to come to this family holiday and when she gets there she says I came because God told me to come because I think that he wants me to pray with you and that he wants to introduce himself to you now and I was like I don't know what to do I mean this is a year a year of her pursuing me a year of her telling me all these things and and now and now she's here and I kind of felt cornered and it was funny actually the way that she did it I was actually had a plate of food and I was going through the food line and she comes up and says oh Greg I'm I'm supposed to pray with you and I was kind of mad at her like what do you mean do you want to take time to pray like we're here to celebrate the 4th of July I just want to eat my cheeseburger and eat my chips and watch watch fireworks later tonight and just be left alone and and she said no Jesus wants to meet you and and he's sent me here so that that could happen and you know I actually told her yes and and I I sort of did it I think just to get her to leave me alone cuz I didn't believe that God was real or that if he was real that he obviously didn't care about me and so I thought you know okay what's what's 2 minutes she'll pray for 2 minutes nothing will happen and then I'll move on with my life and so I agreed to it and we we went down to a quiet place and and we we sat down and my sister says okay I'm going to I'm going to start praying so I said okay and just kind of sat there quietly and you know I didn't really know what to expect now I was raised in the Lutheran Church and so praying to me was you know a written prayer maybe the Lord's Prayer maybe maybe something else so I was kind of waiting for her to to pull it out and start reading and she didn't she she laid hands on me and and she closed her eyes and she just started praying and I was so confused because I didn't understand anything that she was saying and the more that I listen to her the more that I realize she's not speaking any she's not speaking English she she's speaking something else and it doesn't sound like really anything that I've ever heard before she's just sort of speaking gibberish but she's very she's very serious about it and if you could see the picture I'm looking at my sister she's praying for me with her eyes closed and it's just this kind of awkward scene and then I start getting angry and I don't want to be there anymore and I want to leave and I I kind of try to get up and go and I I can't move I'm just sort of stuck but it doesn't make any sense why why would I be stuck no one was touching me other than my sister's hand on me and you know I'm I'm I'm a big guy I'm I'm over 6'4 you know 220 lbs you know and yet I I can't move and and so I just sit there and my sister's praying and so I close my eyes and then I begin to realize that I can understand what she's praying now I can't understand what she's saying but I knew the languages she was speaking I mean it was the same sensation like if you're sitting in the airport and the person next to you is speaking Russian on the phone you don't speak Russian but when you hear it you know what it is that was my experience so now I'm beginning to hear her and I'm beginning to hear that she's speaking a real language and then I begin to realize that it's a language I've heard before and then I know what language it is she's speaking Hebrew modern Hebrew and and I was so shocked because I I mean I know my sister I know that she's she's never studied Hebrew before she she can't speak this language how is she praying in a language that she has never learned before that that does not make sense and I I begin to kind of feel afraid and then as I feel afraid I begin to feel a presence in the room that I had never felt before in my life and it was this mix of of like Beauty and perfection and yet at the same time I felt fear I felt sort of naked sort of unclean sort of like I shouldn't be in this presence that that's that's how I felt and and it was funny at that moment that I'm having this experience my sister stops praying looks at me and says oh Jesus has come it's like what she's like Jesus is here he's here in the room and and you are encountering his presence and and you don't know what to do and you feel afraid she was actually describing the way that I was feeling and I hadn't communicated the way I was feeling and she says Greg it's okay he's here because he is the Lord he loves you he died for your sin he is here because he wants to get to know you he wants to offer you life he wants to know you he wants you to believe him he wants you to surrender everything to him and follow him that's why he is showing himself to you and and I just kind of sat there and I said okay uh well what do you want to do next you know and she said I think we're supposed to keep praying and so this time you know she closed her eyes and laid her hands onto me and I close my eyes and I just begin now what I know is praying God is this real is this really you are you actually real and so I am praying these questions these seeking questions and my sister is praying she's praying again in tongues she's praying again in Hebrew I'm seeking now what's real and again the presence of God comes and again I feel this weird blend of like Perfection and righteousness and yet Justice and uncleanliness and unrighteousness dirty is how I felt all at the same time and then I just was like immediately start start weeping and I start saying out loud I know you're here but I'm too dirty for you I I'm too dirty to be in your presence and my sister's just continuing to pray and I'm encountering the spirit and in my spirit I hear him say I am Jesus I I am here for you I died for you I get to determine what is clean and unclean and because of what I have done because of my sacrifice I will make you clean you are clean clean to me if you surrender your life to me and like I I heard him I heard him in my heart I heard the gospel in my heart and I remember just saying out loud okay okay and I'm in tears and I'm just I'm saying okay okay God just just just take my life and I I felt his peace come I mean immediately I felt his peace and I I felt joy and I knew that he was there and but my sister is still praying you know like like she knows something else is going to happen and and as she's praying I start to smell this this smell that's just it's just a bad smell you know it's sort of like rotten eggs or like um even like methane gas like uh like the the stuff they put into into gas like you use a cooking stove in your house and they they put a smell into it so that when there's a leak you know that there's a leak that that's kind of what it smelled like it was just this awful smell and and I still have my eyes closed but sort of in my spirit I can begin to see there's these these people coming I I I know now that they're Fallen they were Fallen Angels but but this this one in particular was very very tall and he comes slowly into the room and he's sort of standing in the doorway it wasn't a normal doorway it was It was kind of one of those wider taller doorways that separates a kitchen to a living room and he is so tall the back of his shoulders is higher than than the Cross Beam of the top of the door and I can see his shape and you know he's wearing dark covered robes if you can call them that but but I see him there and it's this funny feeling of like I should be afraid of you but I'm not afraid of you and not not only that but I know who you are like I'm familiar with this this Fallen Angel and at first I didn't feel any fear but then he begins to like approach me and he's he's sticking out his his hands sort of and and he grabs me and he starts shaking me and I can hear him speak speaking he's angry and he's saying Greg Is Mine He's Mine he has served me he has followed me he loves me you cannot take him you cannot have him he is he is mine and at that point I I felt fear I I felt like he was going to take me away and and that you know what happened with Jesus wasn't you know wasn't done yet that that I wasn't really Jesus's that that somehow this this demon this Fallen Angel is going to be able to take me away and I grab my sister's hand and I yell out and say don't let him have me don't let him take me away and my my sister without without taking a moment just turned opened her eyes and I I have my eyes open at this point and she rebukes this this demon and says I rebuke you in the name of Jesus get out you cannot have him he is the Lord he is bought by the blood of the Lamb you have no rights to him leave now in Jesus name and then he left and it was like this this this crazy moment where I encountered now for the first time in my life that battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness and it and it was like not a battle it was like the enemy had no more power and as soon as the name of Jesus was spoken that fallen angel that demon knew that there's nothing that he could do that he was he was powerless his his power was made empty by the cross is what we read in the scripture and I hadn't even read that scripture yet but I encountered it I encountered this demon fleeing at the name of Jesus and I I still kind of had this fear in me and my my sister just perceiving what was happening just turned and said you need more of the Lord's presence and didn't even give me a moment to ask questions I she didn't quote scripture to me she didn't explain theology to me she said you need God's power she laid her hands on me said receive the Holy Spirit In The Name of Jesus and then it was just like boom the Holy Spirit came upon me like fire on top and all that fear remember I had that fear that was in my heart as the Holy Spirit comes upon me the fear is like draining out through my feet the holy spirit is coming in and I go from being afraid like I'm going to be snatched out of Jesus's hand to being a secure child of God and the transformation from Fear to peace anxiety to Stillness in his presence to Joy was immediate and I still remember to this day what it felt to be consumed with the love of God to be consumed with his joy that I knew now that I'm his and I knew that because of what he did for me that I was Secure in him that he would guard me he would protect me he would mature me he would help me he was there with me I had his presence in me and you know my sisters took a little time to explain what had what had happened and and I started asking questions like what what do you do now what do I do now now that my life is changing what what do I do and and she said you know you need to read your Bible go find your Bible start reading it um you need to start praying start talking to to to Jesus start having conversations with him and and then take time to listen he'll speak back to you and and then get yourself plugged into a a Bible believing Community a community of Believers that are following Jesus who can help you who can help you grow who can disciple you that's that's what you need to do and and she said you know I want to pray one more time and I think God wants to speak to you about what he wants to do in your life later I would you know I would read Paul Paul's letter to Timothy and I would I would read how Paul is telling Timothy like to remember and stir up the gifts um that were given to him at the lane of hands of Prophecy and this is exactly what happened my sister lays hands on me begins praying in the spirit again begins singing in the spirit and then begins prophesy to my heart and saying you know in the name of Jesus God is going to use your story he is going to move you around to different places he's going to lead you to different people and you're going to be able to share this story God's going to use your story to strengthen the church and he's going to use your story to bring people to bring Seekers who don't know Jesus into his kingdom but you have to trust him you have to follow him he's going to help you he's going to equip you and then it ended you know we got up and left we went back to our fourth of July celebration in this whole time I'm now watching fireworks processing how I just met the Living God right like I will never forget that day and that evening and and and the time following and you know I went back to normal life I was I was working as a groundskeeper uh with a local city municipality you know doing upkeep at local parks I was just a normal guy doing a normal job but now I knew Jesus I knew God I just pray all the time and after about a week I I started kind of wondering I'd heard stories about people being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in other languages you know I don't know if it was from my past or if the Lord just planted in me or I don't know how it got in there but it was just something I started to pray about and I remember asked God why hasn't this happened to me like I met you I Met Your Grace you transformed my life you you banished this demon you filled me with this Spirit why why don't I have a a prayer language and and I I'll remember this to this day I was sitting in the in the truck this work truck and the main guy driving was not not a Believer and I'm in the pastor's seat just praying and I I feel like the Lord tell me my heart I've given you my spirit I have filled you with the Holy Spirit everything is already there just listen to the Holy Spirit and speak so I say okay Lord and I was just quiet for a moment and then as I'm listening for the spirit I begin hearing him and I begin hearing this language in my heart and I could hear it and then I had the urge to speak it and you know I'm in this truck with this guy who doesn't know Jesus and I don't know what to do should I there should I not right I just coming to the faith this I'd only been a Christian for a week and so I asked him to pull the truck over and you know I told him I saw some stuff that needed to be cleaned up and so he pulled over I got this leaf blower on start up the leaf blower start blowing leaves and just open my mouth and I just began praying in the spirit and I would pray and then I would laugh and then I would pray and then I would cry and then I would pray and then I would laugh and it was this just the the overwhelming presence of God's peace God's joy God being there God's Delight in my life that I had surrendered to him um you know he says in Zephaniah I believe I the Lord rejoices over you with singing and like and that is what I encountered I encountered the Lord's presence his rejoicing overflowing in the spirit through my praise and my prayer in the spirit and I just I just worked in and used the leaf blower and so no one could hear me right because I I was just a new believer and just just praying and pray praying and praying and you know thank God for the baptism of the Holy Spirit praise God for being able to pray in tongues it is such an amazing experience an amazing connection with the Lord and and you know now I've been following him you know for 13 years now you know I'm a pastor and I've been able to serve him and use my story all through the United States and even other countries abroad Asia and now in Europe and you know I have seen God's faithfulness and I am just so incredibly grateful for him he did this in my life and I wasn't even really seeking him at the time it was just like he just chose to reveal himself to me and in that moment of encountering him he brought me to the place of repentance he filled me with his Spirit he gave me gifts to use to serve to love him and love the body of Believers and to be a witness uh to other people that don't know him yet and you know I am just so grateful uh for what he has done done
Channel: Kerysso Film Testimonies
Views: 1,246,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vSFeI_s6ass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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